#[ /shakes bars of my cage. ]
catmask · 9 months
i hate starbucks and not in the “oh coffee shouldnt be so froufrou ill just have a black coffee” way in the “workplace abuse and union busting do not go away no matter how hard you advertise the pink drink or PSL and actual cafes have espresso shots that dont die literally as they are being pulled and they arent charging 6-10$ per drink”
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sketchy-tour · 7 months
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Blame eechytooru for Beta Wally taking up so much free real estate in my mind. And blame work for as to why I am posting...MORE sketches. But! These were some Wally practice cause I'm never happy with how I draw him but also just...ya know. *Gestures to the art
Anyway. Beta Wally am I right? Yea??? Yea....
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electricpurrs · 10 months
[flashing lights warning]
good news everybody! the full video of Summer, from Vivaldi's Four Seasons, on an analog synthesizer
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yashley · 4 months
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imogen & fearne in c3e83
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crunchy-rocc · 7 months
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hand, hair, face
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poppy-metal · 8 months
The idea of Jordan being able to fuck you with their cock but they'd rather put on the strap I'm their girl form and fuck you like that, make you suck that silicon cock making you beg them to fuck you with their real cock, I'm feral for them
im feeding into the delusion that the strap is real when they're in their fem form and im feeding into it hard. it's affirming to them i feel, like they're taking back the power from those who wouldn't accept their girl form along with their guy form. they like feeling like your girlfriend when they're a girl and yes, they still want to fuck you, and the fact that you're so eager for it, for the silicone cock strapped around their hips just as much as their flesh one when they're a guy, fills them with a kind of euphoria that makes them dizzy.
its why they're almost always more dominant in their fem form, and soft and tender in the other. a kind of fuck you to gender stereotypes, if you will. when they're a guy, its all praise and "you're so fuckin' pretty's" with "i need to be inside you, please" desperate sweet kisses and interlocked fingers while they press in and out of you.
but when they're a girl. its all, "get on your fucking knees and suck me off." while they grip your head and force you up and down over the silicone cock. rough hands shoving you on the bed and yanking your thighs apart and laughing at how wet you are, "you're a slut, huh? you want it?" as they bully your cunt with their strap. punishing thrusts that make the bed shake and your toes curl. and when you gush around that fake dick, its them straddling your face with a hand between their legs, quickly working their throbbing clit that makes you want to cum all over again. gasping when they demand, "open your mouth, gonna - fuck. gonna cum all over you-" drinking up their release when they feed it to you, a wet gush over your lips. and if they turn back into a guy just so they can rub their release into your puffy lips with the tip of their dick? that's just because you look so beautiful fucked out like that.
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aberfaeth · 1 year
literally cant wait for cinderella and snow white to fail miserably and as a result have to contend with the fact that what happened to them can’t be unwritten or scratched out but instead has to be lived with—they have to choose to live because there is no other option, no easy do-over, no martyrdom to be found in death. and so they live.
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essektheylyss · 6 months
You know what I think about every so often? How many souls were in the beacons that Essek handed to the Empire. It's possible that there weren't any, but it seems unlikely, especially considering the elven population is pretty high in the Dynasty and elves do not tend to have children that often. And it's been ten years in game, so surely there are some kids in Rexxentrum or Zadash and the surrounding areas who are starting to have some weird ass dreams. If those kids show up in the Dynasty in another five to ten years, what does Leylas do? That sure as hell would confirm that someone in the Empire was lying out of their ass about not having actually stolen the beacons. Does the Empire throw Ludinus (who, we can hope, will be an oil stain on the moon by then) under the bus to get out of another war? This is also presuming that Bertrand Dwendal is still alive and the Assembly hasn't eaten itself alive, which would introduce an entirely new element of "no one in this entire government knows what you're fucking talking about" in the face of Leylas Kryn, Exandria's Grudge-Holding World Champion. We all talk about consequences for actions but when do I get to hear about the fallout of that.
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4doorssys · 8 months
Vibrating out of my skin every time I see Matt Murdock put his unreasonably big hands on his slutty little waist like a bratty bottom who doesn't get his way.
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This is completely unfair he knows exactly what he's doing
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loboazul16 · 5 months
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Normal man and his even more normal cat.
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lackeyhenchman · 11 days
Okay genuinely. Larian is so smart most of the time, which is clearly why they had to balance it out by making the dye system so bad. But the multiclass restriction makes no sense. Why am I allowed to respec my entire character at any time with Withers, and why am I allowed to change my difficulty level at any time in the game menu, but I am not allowed to multiclass in easy mode "because I might make a mistake". IT'S VERY EASY TO UNDO THE MISTAKE. YOU PUT THE METHOD RIGHT THERE AND HE CHARGES A PITTANCE
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oneofthosenightbees · 6 months
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New oc based off the new update preview (Ignores the 5 new ocs I made this week for this silly bee)
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steveshairychest · 11 months
I have one fear and it's that in season 5 the duffers will make Jonathan's story revolve around his relationship with Nancy or some sort of love triangle with Steve, and in the process of it all he ends up distancing himself from Argyle.
Like, don't get me wrong, I love Jonathan and Nancy together but the show needs more platonic love, I need it. I need to see more of Jonathan and Argyle's friendship, I need Jonathan to give Argyle a tour of his hometown even though it's crumbling to pieces.
"This is where i fought that guy steve i was telling you about. It's ok we're friends now."
"This is the creepy lab my sister came from."
"That's where a monster destroyed the entire mall."
"And this is the cabin where we tortured a monster out of my brother."
I need less focus on the characters' love lives and more focus on them doing dumb shit with their friends and idk beating up demogorgans together. I NEED IT PLEASE
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shycorvid · 5 days
Imagine having a dream and you're studying for it, working for it, maybe both, and circumstances beyond your control forced you into a position where you had to stand up for yourself and everything around you. You succeed, and you get a prize for it- 'power'. But is it really power when you have to keep using it for the greater good? When you can't ever be selfish anymore, or be considered just as bad as the one before you, the one you stood up against.
When you can't work for your dream anymore, because this thing you never asked for is more important now.
And in the end, your friends and family are able to wander off and pursue their own lives and you're stuck with this hell of your own making, but it's expected, and you're doing such a good job! Accept your destiny, grin and bear it! Isn't it grand to have all this power, that all these people depend on you to keep doing good?
And you can't complain, because you're basically living in the lap of luxury, right?
A bird trapped in a golden cage.
Yeah, anyway, Ghost King Danny should be considered the tragic ending.
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butched-job · 5 months
The way Gideon and Harrow were only able to show affection with each other through fighting. Like, instead of hugging or anything normal they'd rip each other to shreds due to how badly they wanted to feel loved. And that was probably the only way they got their physical touch needs met.
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somegrumpynerd · 8 months
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More doodles of the new chapter of How Nightmare Became Dadmare by @topazshadowwolf please go read it
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