#[ooc: i don’t remember my tagging system lmao]
angelxxreaper · 2 years
ooc: Updates just cause I know me reblogging posts over and over will get annoying but here’s the main things.
-Please don’t send me tons of asks asking Phil for food. These are really repetitive and get kind of boring to answer. He feeds the crows stop asking for more food.
-Once again, don’t send asks unrelated to this blog. Don’t send asks about axxr to other blogs that are unrelated to what’s going on with them.
- Don’t use my askbox to update me ooc on other blogs lore. I read a lot of rp blogs lol I’m probably more up to date than you think
- My background has made it so I am just not aware of a lot of pop cultural memes, references, slang, etc etc. If I don’t understand you I most likely won’t answer your ask. On that note, if I don’t catch your reference, please don’t give me shit for it no matter how popular the ref is. It really sucks to get chided about that.
-Don’t be ableist. In any regard. I’ve had to delete a lot of asks that were kind of shit regarding axxr’s psychosis and dyschronometria in times where symptoms were more prevalent. Don’t be an asshole.
-On that note, I will block anyone from this blog that sends ableist shit. Don’t infantilize goofygoop, suggest that he is Quackity’s kid etc etc etc.
On more Lighter note :D
-Some information on the colorzas has been updated. Not very much. Here’s the main points.
-s2t said this but here is your written confirmation. Red doesn’t like being called Benihime by folks he didn’t trust with his name. It’s like assuming a closeness you don’t have. I’m not upset about this, but don’t be shocked if that makes him uncomfy
-Purple also gets really annoyed at the idea of being seen as a kid or just less than who he is. Purple’s a pretty cool guy! You should learn about him lol
-At this point I’m kind of leaving the colorzas up to interpretation if they are a system or not. My intent was not to portray them as a system, but with a lot of systems telling me that even in canon c!Phil is very system coded and the axxr colors feel that way too, I’m kind of just gonna say they’re whatever you want them to be. I’m not gonna change how I’ve been writing them, and axxr is allergic to thinking too hard about anything. However, keep in mind that I am not (I don’t think) I am a system myself, and I’m not attempting to portray a system. If you choose to interpret axxr’s colors as a system, remember that my writing isn’t necessarily reflecting how systems actually work and will never be 100% accurate to the experience, and it’s not my intent to be. But I mean I’m not gonna get upset with you for using system language with him too lmao
-Oh and I updated the memorybooks links to be latenightmining since lnm is the bedrockverse cranboo. I’m going in and adding links to the other blogs soon :)
- Reminder that you can always send dms to this blog if you wanna chat about axxr or plan lore
- Feel free at any time to tag axxr in posts, send songs suggestions to him, ask him random questions and stuff like that.
That’s it :) Please like this post when you’ve read it
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90s-html-lesbians · 1 year
get to know me!
Tagged by: @the-darkness-does-not-bargain (thanks for the tag!)
Three ships: Pearl/Rose Quartz (Steven Universe), Ava Silva/Beatrice No-Last-Name (Warrior Nun), Data Soong/Geordi La Forge (Star Trek) - these are just the immediate ones that came to mind that i also like, not necessarily my favorite ships
First ever ship: this embarrassing 💀, but either Ezra Bridger/Sabine Wren (Star Wars), or Damian Wayne/Raven (N52 esque animated Teen Titans movies), i don’t ship either anymore, so don’t @me about em 😔😔😔. they’re the first ships (and technically some of the only ones so far) that i wrote fic for, and 2/3 of the only ones that i actually have posted the aforementioned fics for
Last song: Where The Streets Have No Name by U2, a banger and always a very calming song imo
Last movie: thought it was Nope (2022), but apparently it’s Birds of Prey (and the Fantabulous Emancipation of Harley Quinn). Banger of a movie (as is Nope) and all around a very fun one, cept the incredible oocness of Cassandra Cain in it has me so upset 😔😔😔.
Pretended it was just some random kid that happens to share the same name or going by the alias because of the street cred it gives her or something,however, and then that aspect was bearable. Excellent movie if you want to just have a fun time watching comic booky stuff without having to either read the comics or watch 10000 MCU movies to have context
Currently reading: uh, hold on, lemme check, All Systems Red from the Murderbot Diaries series by Martha Wells, just started this morning and i’m hyped as hell because robots that can kick ass fighting for their personhood is my absolute jam
Currently consuming: nothing, though i had a couple of bread slices like half an hour or so ago, and I’m gonna be having ginisang munggo in a short bit. speaking of, that food is literally one of the best foods ever, so you should definitely try it if you ever have the chance to do so
Currently craving: croissant with jam/jelly (still can’t remember the difference lmao) on it, especially since i was gonna have it earlier but then someone stole my croissant 😡😡😡
Tagging: @dumpsterfireofsubtext @slightlyburnttoast10 @estherthenormal @book-and-music-lover @deathclassic @estherthenormal @explosionshark @cvald and psychically tagging any other mutuals who wanna join in
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I'm sorry for this but I'm new to the OCtober thing and I just wanna know how it works? Like, how...? I'm sorry if it's a stupid question, I'm just lost. (´・_・`)
Hi anon! Basically OCtober is a challenge that takes place every October where creators make one new thing relating to their OCs every day of the month (Check out my longer definition here). It’s not a competition and you don’t have to share your work to participate, but it does make things more fun! 
Usually blogs that run OCtober have their own rules, but in general they’re pretty straightforward. I’ll be talking about participating in those that have a day-by-day prompt list (like mine!)
General Rules/Etiquette:
Starts on October 1st (many blogs will post their prompt lists early to give people a head start, but won’t take submissions or reblog content earlier than the specified day)
Each prompt is associated with a specific day, and creators will post their response to prompts on the assigned day (example: my day 1 prompt is “Sunrise”, so creators should use this prompt on October 1st. Day 2 is “Mercy” and should be for October 2nd, etc)
You can take prompts as literally or figuratively as you’d like. They’re meant to be jumping off points more than themes
You choose the medium! Some past examples: Fics, sketches, comics, moodboards, role play, OOC contemplation, quick character notes. So long as it contains your OC, it’s fair game
Posts should include:
The day and the prompt (ex: “Day 1: Sunrise”)
The response to the prompt
The blog url from which you got the prompt in the body of the post 
the tag #oc-tober
To share your responses:
Separate posts only please! Don’t reblog with your response under the prompt list itself or another post (including your own). I guarantee it will get lost in the notes and it makes it tough to reblog your work!
Post on your own blog. OCtober blogs get a LOT of notifications around this time, so only do submissions if they say it’s okay (I’m fine with submissions, but I prefer reblogging from the source. Absolutely no submitting prompt responses in the asks tho!)
Follow the formatting rules above to have a higher chance of getting noticed
Make sure you follow any specific content rules relating to the host blog and their list. For me, that would just to keep things close to sfw and to not be a dick lmao
Remember we can’t feasibly reblog every single tagged post! OCtober blogs get a lot of content around this time and not posting one is never personal. I never pass up a post based on skill, but here are some common reasons why I personally didn’t reblog something:
Tumblr mishap (the tagging system is pretty jank)
NSFW or homophobic/racist/transphobic/etc content (if I’m not sure, I usually play it safe)
Not tagged properly (I couldn’t find it!)
I already reblogged a lot of content from you and I need to give other people a chance
Can’t tell how the prompt inspired the post (I’m usually very lenient on this, but sometimes I get some preeetty far out responses)
Not OCs (more here)
I just missed the notification somehow (Like I previously stated, I get SO many notes around this time)
I hope this answers your question! If you’re still not sure, take a look at the #oc-tober tag on my blog for more answered questions and what posts are acceptable. 
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things a new rp partner should know about me !
fun new meme here ! write 3-5 things a rp partner (or those who want to be) should know about you and tag 3-5 people! it should be related to rp and not to other interests.
tagged by: vishus tagging: do the thing
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Seems a big duh given my activity here, but I’m slow af at replying. For a number of reasons. A) I’m a uni student about 8 months away from graduating into the medical profession. So the amount of hours they require (even in quarantine haha) of study this year severely cuts into my writing time - or uses up so much brain juice that I lose all capability to remember how to write English anymore lmao. Sentences??? We don’t know her!!! I also don’t see that changing too much when I re-enter the workforce.  B) Additionally, it took a while after a rough patch of addiction, perfectionism, and realising I had robbed all the fun out of it, but rp is now back in a sphere of ‘this is my hobby not my obsession’ for me. Thank god, even if I think I’ve written a big pile of meh, that’ll do, these days I’m more likely to post than hoard it and it no longer affects my mental health. Having said that, there is a small C factor:
While not necessary! I do prefer ooc communication. I’m defs 1000% happy to reply to people anyway if a partner isn’t a fan of chatting or just doesn’t want to ooc, but it’s a hell of a lot easier to spark ideas and keep motivated and moving thread-wise when we chat ooc. I love plotting, I love hearing about your character, I love hearing about headcanons, and just building up a creative sphere with someone. It also helps keep things alive when me or both of us are going through a rough or dead patch of writing - or no writing at all. I’ve just noticed, it’s not intentional, but the people who I chat to on the reg with both people obvs excited for threads just tend to be who I’m motivated to reply to most. 
About ooc communication. I can ramble excitedly for days, but I’ve been surrounded by spoonie people my whole life - and after a severe neck injury 3 years back, I’m one of them. I’m also gettin old guys, and I’m patient, without drama, and tend to see things as ‘you do you friend-o’. If u need a break from answering for days, weeks at a time, don’t feel bad! I respect that, no question, and while I may still link share sporadically things I think u might enjoy while ur gone, there is no obligation to answer me till u want to or have ur spoons back. I may be concerned if we were chatting a lot and then you vanish for ages without a raincheck, but it’s not judgement. I also sometimes vanish for long periods of time; sometimes the msging system hasn’t notified me, but I also forget to reply a lot.
This is guaranteed to happen: I will write a reply that’s too long for u short para peeps. And ye Norns I wholeheartedly encourage you to be like yo, girl, y u like this 😂 My first instinct is to write a LOT. I’ve been too many years since graduating yr 12 English, and I’m bad at cutting down and being succinct (working on it! but my yr 12 English teacher would be very disappointed HAHA).
This one is MUSE SPECIFIC. Bold! Underlined!! Very important!!  I have lots of OCs who are way more chill and easy to get along with, and good lord a hell of a lot more randy and driven that way. But Hætta is, by nature and nurture reasons, even in his mortal verses and aus, one big DO NOT TOUCH ME sign. So I cannot write smut without muse chemistry first. By gods that doesn’t mean pre-existing relos can’t be written and discussed, it’s just impossible to write smut when he doesn’t want it, hasn’t developed a relationship with your muse, or hasn’t come to trust your muse (through a pre-discussed backstory that makes sense for his character and yours to have come to know and like each other/get together), or if they’re straight-up antagonistic to each other - and not in a fun ‘enemies to lovers’ way. He’s really quite demisexual on the spectrum. I will write smut, and it’s not judgement towards your muse, heck if they wanna flirt with him overtly go for it! But on this note, this is often why smut-driven ALONE/ONLY plots with no surrounding plot, work poorly for my boy here. It’s just him. -huge shrug-
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cnlightncd · 7 years
•  NAME: persée (aka “per”)  •  PRONOUNS: they/them •  SEXUALITY: pansexual •  TAKEN OR SINGLE: single ass 
1. i have never touched 1v1, i hate 3v3 and i have played exactly fourty five minutes of competitive only to accomodate my friends because i fucking hate the kind of anxiety that goes with comp (might actually start playing there more though, i’m a bit less self-conscious of my skills)
2. since i’ve been doing voice asks lately let me just say that i’ve recently reached my voice goal of getting into adam mcnab’s range (singer for le cassette, which is one of my favourite synthwave bands) (ask me to sing something and post it i dare you)
3. i have 100% accurate colour vision and score a 13/10 on my left eye and 12/10 on my right 
•   HOW LONG (MONTHS / YEARS?): i believe i’ve started rping when i was in sixième in the french school system (that translates to sixth grade apparently), and that was eleven years ago holy fuck  •   PLATFORMS YOU’VE USED: what’s popular in france in fact, in a non-chronological order that’d be 90% of the time forums, i’ve done a very small amount of skype/discord/instant messaging, pesterchum when i was still into homestuck, little bit of facebook, and then yeah tumblr ! •   BEST EXPERIENCE: one of my best experiences was on a french forum that i’ve stayed on for two years and a half actually, it was a “big but small” kind of forum with around a hundred members at its peak with around twenty being very very active, it did decay and die off eventually and i left with some tensions but looking back at it now with a broader view it was excellent
•   FEMALE OR MALE: it fluctuates a little. i used to write females predominantly, nowadays it seems i write more masculine characters, some of them are nonbinary as well.  •   FLUFF, ANGST OR SMUT: i have no outright preference actually ! but i seem to naturally gravitate more towards angst, i feel conflict is very interesting to analyze and write out.  •   PLOTS OR MEMES: two different things for two different types of threads i feel ! both are good tools. i do enjoy ooc communication though, so plotting is a nice way to start on that.  •   LONG OR SHORT REPLIES: my average length seems to be around two to three short paragraphs. i can absolutely write more but it takes a lot of spoons, and i find it difficult to write actual one-liners in an actual thread, but for some weird reason that’s all i manage to do on instant messaging platforms lmao •   BEST TIME TO WRITE: as much as i try to get to it whenever i get some free time, in practice it appears i can only start writing at around 9pm lmao  •   ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S): not necessarily. i do like to incorporate some aspects of myself into my muses, like a lot of muns might do actually, but most of the time i treat my muses more like some sort of ideal (i have roleplayed villains before and i’m not saying i aspire to be a murderer or whatever, but some aspects and characteristics and developments through struggle might be some things of interest to me)
Tagged by: @gazeintotheiris
Tagging: once more all of you who haven’t done it since i’ve seen it on my dash quite a few times, @futuresaw, @wiithoutform, @bodhxsattva, i can’t remEMBER 
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occasionallygrovyle · 7 years
Blog organization: A guide
Mama bird here, gonna give ya a rundown on how to make ur bloggos 👍👍 so y’all can gain more traffic and love for all ya lovely blogs and mons.
Been doing this pokemon blogging business for 4 years, been here and back, so lemme give ya the 411 on how to make them blogs sparkle n shine
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Pokeask/daily blogs should be focused on exactly that: interactions and the such. OOC should be limited to munday memes and the such. I know some folks prefer to keep ooc meme prompts to weekends and munday, I’m more neutral on that. Do what you like, just tag it accordingly so people can blacklist if they don’t want to see meme content. Use a meme tag. I myself have a personal tumblr where I reblog all sorts of stuff, cuz tbh when I look at a blog I want to see stuff relating to the theme of the blog, not random ooc reblogs (been seeing a blog reblogging animals relating to their muse under a specific tag, I’d say that’s perf fine since it’s related, and there’s a tag that can be blacklisted if folks don’t wanna see it!).
But Yonder I want to talk to other people and jab about the stuff I like! How do I talk to others if I’m gonna clog up daily/ask content here? Fam I feel you. I talk bout myself all the time lmao. On my twitter, and in discord chats! Got twitter a year ago, It’s a perfect platform to get to know others better, and you can do memes there too! Nowadays when people talk to me via IM I redirect them to my twitter cuz it’s just easier for me. The formatting of twitter just makes it easier to start convos b/c everyone’s pretty much constantly making new convo starters you can respond to whenever. This is more of a personal note but I don’t really show my personality much here on my blogs so by looking through my twitter peeps’ll be able to better judge if we’ll get along!
Speaking of tagging: Abuse the tagging system! Got an ooc post? Tag it ooc! Got an art post? Use an art tag (you don’t have to, that’s getting fairly specific, but I do)! For example: I use the tag #out of park for my ooc posts. And specific mons are tagged as is too! So if someone wants to dig up a specific response they can via a species tag like #pangoro or w/e.
As a side note when people search up tags on tumblr, only the first 5 tags of any given post are put into those tumblr searches. If you want people to find your art tagged under #pkmnart or w/e, be sure it’s one of the first 5 tags in your post! This’ll make sure your content will be seen by more people who otherwise wouldn’t have seen it.
Have all info on a muse easily accessible (aka, a ref)! If I can’t find it within 5 clicks or so (this is relating to user interfaces in general on the web), I’m probably not gonna bother to dig around for it. Got other things to do fam, job, college, commissions, adult life n all that jazz. And we all know social media gives us terribly short attention spans lmao.
Clean up outdated material. Done with that meme you did a few days ago? Delete the prompt so it’s not cluttering your content. If you really wanna save those meme responses, make them into a private post, or compile them all in a draft and delete the original posts. It breaks my heart when I see a lovely blog, but I gotta dig through 10 meme prompts to see any actual content. I usually don’t follow a blog back if I see that.
This is a huge pet peeve of mine but Trim Ya Posts!! See this?
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I’ll instantly unfollow if I see this. If you’re going to reblog something like this please, I implore you to 1) use ya personal blog homie, this really shouldn’t be on an ask/daily blog. 2) tag as #long post so that blacklist extension can do it’s magic. This extends to untrimmed rps. Xkit has extensions that allow for deleting the older replies in threads, so when you reblog something your followers aren’t seeing the same starter post for the 20th time.
What if I can’t get Xkit? Well, usually in that case the best alternative is to draw/make the reply and put a [previous post] link either above or below your reply! Trust me, your followers will thank you for it.
Some other tips:
Don’t use super bright colors for blog headers and themes. If them colors make my eyes hurt I’m avoiding it like the plague.  https://coolors.co/ is a great color palette generating site! How we perceive color varies from person to person but generally super saturated colors should be avoided for blog headers.
Don’t reblog 4 memes at once. It’s a bit much, at least to me;;
If someone’s taking requests and is asking for a reblogged ref, reply to the original post instead of making a giant thread of ref pics
People might be tearing into each other for w/e reason on your dash but honestly even if the people involved made it public don’t get mixed into it if it doesn’t involve you. Be mature and know when to mind your own business. 
Adding to this: talk about issues privately. Not everyone needs to know your beef with so-and-so unless they’re a threat to minors or they’re doing something undeniably nasty, ect.
Don’t gossip. Dude. You may not think so but we can tell who you’re vauging about. Just. Stop. Vent to a friend in private or something. 
Dumb anon bugging you? Just. Block em hun. Take a breather, they have no power over you. Just reply with  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ and move on. 
Communicate. If something someone does bugs you, talk to them privately. Vauging and gossiping does nothing to solve the problem except make it incredibly hard to discern what’s truth and what’s not in a situation.
Don’t force a friendship by saying “can we be friends?” It makes things incredibly awkward. You don’t become a friend with someone via request. The best friends I’ve made on here? I don’t even remember when or how we started talking, it just happened naturally.
Generally, peeps have an internet alias that isn’t their muse’s name. For example, my name is not Grovyle. My name is Yonder, and I don’t wish to be addressed as Grovyle as she is one of many fictional fabrications I have. She’s not my identity, not by a long-shot. I’ll only resort to using the muse/url I know them by to address someone if I literally have no other way to distinguish them in a chat.
Oneliners and incoherent sentence structure (not on part of the muse’s personalty but rather the person’s writing) on a regular basis in a response tend to make it very hard for people to reply or maintain interest. Though generally this applies more to text-based blogs where text is what people are coming to the blog for.
Ur all wonderful n I know many of you are new to this and I want you all to enjoy blogging and avoid the mistakes I made when I was a wee blogger back in 2013. Feel free to ask for clarification, I write this in an attempt to help things be more streamlined and easier for everyone in this community! And of course, I’m sure plenty of this is subjective on my part. 
Love y’all!
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