#£0.30 individually
julesart04 · 1 month
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americanbrightside · 8 months
Some historical inflation facts, for comparing prices and memories. We're coming out of a period of really high inflation, so it's good to recalibrate. Based on Consumer Price Index data, the following all have the same purchasing power:
$10 today (2023)
$8.30 in 2019 (the dollar has lost 17% of its purchasing power since the pandemic)
$7.50 in 2012 (has lost 1/4 its purchasing power since the London Olympics)
$6.77 in 2007 (to do the tricky math, the dollar lost 10% of its purchasing power across the Recession)
$5.00 in 1995 (half-life of the dollar's purchasing power is 28 years)
$1.00 in 1963 (when you read prices and wages from the early 1960s, add a 0 to the end to get a rough translation to today)
$0.49 in 1941 (so the dollar lost about half its value in 20 years, 10 years faster than the most recent half-life)
Idk, I think it's interesting because, for example, the federal minimum and median individual wages in 1963 were $1.25 and $5,362, gas cost $0.30, University of Texas tuition cost $100.00, and a house cost $19k. Adjusting to today, we can see that minimum wage was way higher than today, and median income was about the same (in 2022 it was $48k for individuals). Gas was cheaper, though $3 for gas is only slightly lower than we expect today. Houses and tuition, though, were incredibly cheap to get.
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bao3bei4 · 9 months
zine finance and fulfillment
hi everyone. now that i’ve completed the “spending money” part of “yaoi zine 2” (for the most part. i hope nothing gets lost in the mail, although i’ve resigned myself to it), i thought i would make a long boring post about zine finance and fulfillment. this is because people talk about it less than other parts of zine making online. so i hope this will be of interest or use to at least one person.
none of this should be new to anyone who’s ran a zine before, but my hope is to give people who are interested in it some food for thought so that we have more cool zines that i can buy. 
before we begin. a brief disclaimer: i am kind of half-assed about good zine finance hygiene. that is to say, i keep the money in my personal checking account, i don’t have a llc, etc. i do declare zine income on my taxes (i write it almost all of it off, since i only make not-for-profit zines). this is because i am twenty three years old and i have a small scale operation. i recognize and acknowledge that i do not follow best practices, and someone else should write a long boring post about what all best practices entails. 
this post is about how i price my zines, and my workflow for fulfillment. that’s all it is. i hope that it is useful for anyone else trying to cheaply and quickly make and sell maybe 150 zines or so to their friends and followers. 
so i do a sort of stupid model for my zines, which is that i charge a flat rate to send a zine anywhere in the world. this is a stupid model because, in the case of “yaoi zine 2,” the “real cost” of sending one zine to the united states is $11.58. the “real cost” to send a zine to, say, the united kingdom is $24.20. you may notice that this means it actually costs me five dollars and twenty cents every time someone in the united kingdom buys a zine, as i priced the zines at $19 each. this is generally a horrible business model. as i write this now, i am realizing that i really should have made the zines $24, steep as it is. just because yikes. -$5.20. 
but i like doing it this way because it feels fairer. and also because i’m the sole proprietor of “tshirt zines” and i can do whatever i want. i just am commenting that i cannot ethically tell you to adopt this model, since i’ve signed the hippocratic oath. this is because you need to be okay with using your personal funds to cover any losses that you take as a result of this model. this is true for all zines, but like. especially here. 
back to the matter at hand. how did i arrive at that $19 number, knowing that i would lose money on at least some sales? 
there are basically four components i keep in mind: shipping materials (think envelopes, labels, toner for my printer), printing cost (i just call up printers and ask for estimates), shipping cost (i’ll talk more about this in a sec), and stripe fees (.029 * price + 0.30 atm). use a spreadsheet to keep them straight. 
i went over budget on shipping materials because i last minute decided to make little freebie one page zines and burned through a bunch of toner in the process, so we won’t talk about that. this one is simple, anyway. you know how to figure out the price of mailing envelopes.
printing cost. i like working with local printers, if i can. if the zine is too big for me to print at home, but small enough it can be saddle stitched, i’ve worked with lightning press here in the bay area, and keith has never let me down. great guy. for perfect bound zines, like “yaoi zine 2,” i used mixam.com. i wasn’t the biggest fan, quite a few zines came a little bent or warped (this is why you order extra. that and in case they get lost in the mail). keith would NEVER do that to me. i’ve also heard good things about bookmobile, but i was keeping it simple for this printing. dm me if you’ve used them. 
anyway, all told, the price of an individual zine shipped to me, taxes and everything was $6.14. i estimated that it would cost $6.
shipping cost. so since i do aforementioned stupid model, i have to arrive at a number. PERSONALLY. the number i PERSONALLY have arrived at. based on my particular following. after doing five internationally shipped zines, is that i can usually expect 70% domestic orders, 30% international. i guesstimate the weight of the zine by stacking and weighing other zines i have until i get a decent facsimile (NB you should probably just weigh your proof but i wanted to expedite the timeline), and then i check these charts. peep the “large envelope” numbers. 
domestic: https://pe.usps.com/text/dmm300/Notice123.htm#_c037 
international: https://pe.usps.com/text/dmm300/Notice123.htm#_c341
i actually used media mail for my domestic orders, this time, because of the size. so it cost $3.92 to mail one zine domestically, and rounding between all the zones, i guessed that it would cost $16 for most international zines. 
i then did the following equation (0.7 * 3.92) + (0.3 *16) = $7.24
actually i’m lying. i did (0.7 * 3) + (0.3 *12) = $5.70 because i underestimated the weight of the zine so that’s on me. i rounded that number to $6. 
“what about canada” shipping to canada is actually basically the same cost as that mean zine shipping cost. so they don’t actually affect my calculations at all. 
stripe fees. self explanatory. remember them, though. 
anyway. zine price = shipping materials + printing cost times two + averaged shipping cost + stripe fees. 
now, you may notice that i underestimated a lot of things. how did i break even? three reasons. 
first, LUCK! that’s right. my ratio this time was skewed more in the favor of us zines than international zines, about 80-20. who knows why. probably the strong us dollar atm made it cost prohibitive for many people. geopolitics strikes again.
and second, actually i made about $580 profit, that i had to disburse. i was never actually in danger of losing money, because of that “printing cost times two” i skipped over really fast. the purpose of that is to cover printing and shipping free copies for all contributors. i arrived at the number two because 1) according to oomf that’s apparently standard, 2) it’s a nice round number, and 3) if i sold 50 copies (my original lowball estimate of how many i would sell) that was my break even number to print contributor copies.
$580/$12.88 (my actual raw cost of a zine, without stripe fees) = about 45. i had 21 contributors, so after mailing them out zines, i had around $300 profit, or 24 zines worth of it, left. this is where the money for the giveaway zines came from!
third. i also had some profit from selling “yaoi zine 1” again which HADN’T gone over my estimate. because i’d shipped them before. this helped pay me back for all the extra expenses. 
let’s talk about more logistics. i use bigcartel for my storefront because it’s free. that’s literally the only reason why. i use stripe instead of paypal because to make it a business account (and not expose my legal name to everyone) i would have needed to update my account with an id and that would reveal to them that i created my paypal account when i was 13. stripe has no such problem for me. 
i fulfilled orders this time using “pirate ship” because, again, free. in the past i’ve used shipstation + stamps dot com combo, because that afaik is the only bigcartel integrated service that allows you to buy letter mail postage (i want to send them as letters, not packages, because it’s cheaper). but that you have to pay money for, or use the free trial. since i was using media mail this time, pirate ship was good enough for me. 
when all of the zines arrived at my house i began stuffing envelopes and printing labels with the help of a lovely friend. don’t do this alone you EITHER get really bored or you slip into that sports manga ass trance that anyone who’s ever done repetitive labor has experienced and the day blips by. instead i had fun with a friend.
now. there is no way. as far as i know. to buy international letter mail stamps online. this is because you are not supposed to use it for your online store because you can only send things with a value of $0. and they have to be documents. so using them for zines is really skirting legality here unforch. 
WHAT I DO INSTEAD. i go to the closest post office with that pitney bowes machine, and i monopolize it printing postage. yeah. go at an off time. BE PREPARED to annoy everyone else at the post office. let them take turns with you obviously, but there will be some mean old lady who will make a snarky comment about you so stay fucking safe. 
 i think that’s everything i have to explain about my process. go make a zine. and consider selling it. 
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o-craven-canto · 1 year
I wonder if there are more free bacteria or mitochondria. Hmm.
Bar-On & al 2018 estimate that the biosphere contains about 80 Gton (billion tons) of carbon belonging to Bacteria and Archaea in any given moment. If we take Escherichia coli as a typical bacterium, it seems its dry weight is about 50% carbon, and the cell is 70% water, so 80 Gton of carbon imply 80/0.50/0.30 = about 500 Gton (= 500*10^15 g) of living bacteria. Since a single E. coli has a mass of about 1 pg (10^-12 g), that implies about 500*10^27 or 0.5*10^30 E. coli-sized bacteria on all Earth.
Pelagibacter communis, probably the most numerous living species on Earth, is estimated to 2*10^28 individuals (but I don’t see that number in the linked source!) and “may exceed 50% of the cells in the surface waters of temperate oceans”. Prochlorococcus, the smallest photosynthetic organism, is about an order of magnitude smaller than E. coli by volume, and may count 3*10^27 individuals at any given time. There may be millions of species of bacteria, but I would bet Pelagibacter and Prochlorococcus make up a good fraction of their total population.
Whitman & al’s estimate from 1998 claims 350-550 Gton of prokaryotic carbon (5-7x Bar-On’s estimate) and 4-6*10^30 individual cells. Bar-On & al specifically say that this is an overestimate, so, taking for good their own 70 Gtons of bacterial carbon (we’re excluding Archaea), that suggests about 900*10^27 individual bacterial cells. Still just a bit less than 1*10^30.
Let’s take 10^30 bacteria on Earth as working estimate.
To be continued.
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knobmarketing · 11 months
Cumplimiento y tarifas de Amazon
Ya sabes lo que dicen. "Si no puedes vencerlos, únete a ellos". Si es una marca de comercio electrónico, "ellos" es Amazon. El gigante del comercio electrónico captura el 38 por ciento de todas las ventas minoristas en línea en los EE. UU. No solo eso, sino que en la batalla entre Google y Amazon, Amazon ganó. El 54% de todas las búsquedas de productos se realizan en Amazon. Si le intriga vender en Amazon, no está solo. Amazon ofrece muchas ventajas a las marcas de comercio electrónico, pero hay algunos "errores" a considerar, en particular, cómo Amazon toma su parte. Continúe leyendo para obtener detalles sobre cómo funciona el mercado de Amazon, las tarifas que puede esperar pagar y si Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) es adecuado para usted. Secciones Planes de Amazon Marketplace: ¿individual o profesional? En realidad, es muy fácil comenzar a vender en Amazon. Puede usar su cuenta de cliente existente o crear una nueva cuenta con su correo electrónico comercial. Luego, Amazon lo guiará a través de una breve serie de pasos aquí. Necesitará una tarjeta de crédito, una identificación gubernamental, información fiscal, un número de teléfono y una cuenta bancaria donde desea que se envíen sus ganancias. Una vez que haya configurado su cuenta, podrá elegir entre dos planes: Amazon cobra una tarifa de reembolso con ambos planes: el 20 % de la tarifa de recomendación o una tarifa fija de $5, la que sea menor. ¿A cuánto ascienden las tarifas de recomendación de Amazon? Independientemente del plan que elija, Amazon le cobra una tarifa de referencia por cada producto que vende. La tarifa de referencia es un porcentaje del precio de venta total, incluida la entrega y/o el envoltorio de regalo, pero no incluye impuestos. Las tarifas de referencia de Amazon dependen de la categoría del producto. Normalmente oscilan entre el 8% y el 15%, aunque pueden ser superiores o inferiores. Como mínimo, se le cobrará $0.30 por venta. Estos son algunos ejemplos: Algunas tarifas también cambian en el precio de venta total. Por ejemplo, la tarifa de referencia de Amazon para productos para bebés es del 8% si el precio de venta es inferior a $10 y del 15% si es superior a $10. Las tarifas de Amazon están sujetas a cambios en cualquier momento, así que siempre consulte sus precios aquí para obtener la información más actualizada. ¿Se pregunta qué beneficio puede obtener vendiendo en Amazon? Tienen una calculadora práctica que puedes usar para averiguarlo: ¿Vale la pena el cumplimiento de Amazon? Más allá de su plan y categoría de producto, hay una última cosa que los vendedores de Amazon deben considerar: ¿cumplirán sus propios pedidos o dejarán que Amazon lo haga bajo su programa Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA)? Los vendedores que optan por Logística de Amazon se benefician de los centros logísticos rápidos y ultraeficientes de Amazon que gestionan todo por ellos. Con Logística de Amazon, envías tus productos a un almacén de Amazon y ellos los toman desde allí: gestionan la selección, el embalaje, el envío y el servicio al cliente para cada pedido que recibes en la plataforma. Esto le permite convertir instantáneamente su tienda de un solo hombre en una operación que puede rivalizar con la de Amazon (¡al menos desde una perspectiva de eficiencia!). Sin embargo, Logística de Amazon no es gratis. Cuando venda a través de Logística de Amazon, también pagará por: Hablando de envío, con Amazon FBA, puede ofrecer el envío rápido y gratuito que Amazon hizo famoso, incluido el envío Prime en dos días cuando sea elegible. No paga nada adicional por el envío, ya que los costos ya están integrados en las tarifas de cumplimiento y almacenamiento de Logística de Amazon. Si elige cumplir con sus propios pedidos, Amazon lo ayudará a cubrir el costo de su envío aplicando créditos de envío a cada pedido (como se ve en la calculadora anterior), pero estos créditos rara vez cubren el costo total del envío. Al igual que con las tarifas de referencia de Amazon, sus tarifas de Logística de Amazon también están sujetas a cambios. Le recomendamos que visite la página FBA de Amazon para obtener los precios más actualizados. Desarrolle su estrategia de Amazon Vender en Amazon es una opción inteligente para muchas marcas de comercio electrónico y hay muchas cosas que puede hacer para que sea aún más rentable. Puede optimizar sus listados para Amazon SEO, realizar investigaciones de productos y ofrecer precios competitivos. ¿Quiere ayuda para encontrar la mejor estrategia de Amazon para su marca? Póngase en contacto con Knob Marketing hoy para su evaluación gratuita. Centro de Espectro Dr, Tel: (222) 8879251 [email protected] Somos una agencia de marketing digital de embudo completo en Puebla que ofrece marketing entrante, SEO, búsqueda pagada/pago por clic, contenido creativo y video marketing. Orgullosamente ubicados en Cholula, Pue, servimos a medianas empresas en todo México. © Agencia de Marketing Digital en Puebla | Perilla de Marketing.
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dencyemily · 4 months
XRP's Price Rollercoaster: The Quest for $1.4 and Beyond
XRP, a significant player in the cryptocurrency space, is currently valued at $0.512291, reflecting a modest uptick of 0.30% within the last 24 hours, coupled with a trading volume of $794 million. Despite the optimistic forecast and the anticipation of achieving a noteworthy milestone at $1.4, investors are urged to exercise caution due to potential retracement and existing uncertainties in the market.
EGRAG CRYPTO, an analytical platform, foresees a substantial upswing for XRP, with projections extending to $5 and beyond. However, the present market dynamics imply a typical retracement, highlighting the importance of managing expectations in alignment with the independent performance of the cryptocurrency market.
Successfully navigating the XRP market necessitates a strategic and disciplined approach, detached from individual desires or short-term expectations. Achieving success in this landscape demands a mentally resilient investing perspective, acknowledging the inherent volatility of the cryptocurrency market.
Technical analysis yields a mixed sentiment for XRP. The 4-hour Relative Strength Index (RSI) stands at 39.29, signaling a bearish sentiment and the potential for downward pressure on XRP's price. Although the Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) hints at a slight bullish momentum, the bearish RSI suggests limitations to this upward trend.
The moving averages corroborate this bearish outlook, with the 50 Exponential Moving Average (EMA) positioned below the 100 EMA and the 200 EMA, indicating a downtrend. Despite optimism about XRP's growth potential, prevailing market indicators advocate for a cautious approach among investors and traders.
Understanding XRP market trends entails navigating through technical indicators and embracing a balanced perspective. Strategic planning and a measured approach are critical for success in the cryptocurrency market, especially when faced with uncertainties. While the anticipation of XRP's milestone is present, exercising caution remains a guiding principle in the current market landscape.
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loan-clark · 6 months
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loanclark · 6 months
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velentinaluca · 7 months
Top Crypto Ads Platform and Monetization Network In 2024
 The cryptocurrency market is expanding quickly, and along with it, so has the need for cryptocurrency advertising. There is an increasing demand for trustworthy crypto ad platform
as more companies enter the cryptocurrency market.
The cryptocurrency market is expanding quickly, and the advertising sector has also experienced notable expansion. With more companies and individuals venturing into the cryptocurrency space, there is an increasing need for efficient advertising solutions.
Crypto ad networks have become a potent tool for companies and initiatives in the area to advertise their goods and services.
Table of Content 
What is a Crypto Ad Network
 How to Become Publishers and Earn Crypto Currency
Top Crypto Advertising Networks
7Search PPC - Best Cryptocurrency Monetization Platform & Advertising networks
What is Crypto Ad Network?
An online network called a Crypto Ad Network links sponsors with websites and other digital properties that are ready to run their adverts.
These networks offer a range of advertising alternatives, including display advertisements, pop-ups, native ads, and more, and they usually concentrate on the Web3, blockchain, and cryptocurrency industries.
These networks can be used by advertisers to target particular crypto community segments, like people who are enthusiastic about a particular coin or blockchain project.
Different targeting options, including area, language, websites, and devices, are also provided by Crypto PPC. By giving advertisers access to a vast array of websites and digital properties with an audience interested in cryptocurrencies, they assist them in reaching their target audience and accomplishing their marketing objectives.
How to Become Publishers and Earn Crypto Currency
Following Google's decision to prohibit companies involved with cryptocurrency from running ads, the advertising sector quickly adjusted and expanded. Due to this, the number of cryptocurrency ad networks that may assist businesses with their advertising needs has grown, and networks of cryptocurrency publishers have been established where advertisers can place their banners.  
Joining a Bitcoin ad network and becoming a publisher can have a lot of benefits and be one of the many safe ways to make cryptocurrency.   
You need a website, but not for e-commerce, to become a publisher. Once you have displayed a few ads on the 1000-impression model, you will receive payment.  
Regardless of where you live, becoming a publisher entails making money from 99% of your traffic. You have the ability to withdraw your money via Ethereum, Bitcoin, or bank transfer at any time. 
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Top Crypto Advertising Networks
One of the best cryptocurrency ad networks for Web3 brands is Coinzilla. Founded in 2016, this Estonian startup has assisted cryptocurrency advertisers in distributing their adverts across hundreds of cryptocurrency-related websites.
The more than 1000 publishers in CoinZilla's cryptocurrency ad network include both well-known and lesser-known publications.
A premier cryptocurrency PR distribution network, Coinscribble makes it incredibly quick, simple, and reasonably priced to secure coverage from leading Web3 media outlets.
Because Coinscribble's platform lets users design custom packages and select individual media or choose from pre-selected PR packages, it is very well-liked among Web3 marketers.
Another well-known  PPC Cryptocurrency that has been operating for almost five years is Cointraffic. CPM and CPC are just two of the many campaign payment options that Cointraffic provides.
Marketers may assess the effectiveness of their initiatives with Cointraffic's user-friendly reporting dashboard.
Another powerful cryptocurrency advertising network that Web3 marketing teams should take into account is Coinad.
With prices for display advertising campaigns starting at just $0.10 CPC or $0.30 CPM, Coinad is a very affordable option. But in the area of cryptocurrency marketing, we think you get what you pay for, so you're probably going to receive low-quality traffic from these low-payment models.
Nevertheless, because more than 100 crypto marketing teams have employed them, they deserve to be mentioned on this list.
7Search PPC - Best Cryptocurrency Monetization Platform & Advertising networks
7Search PPC offers advertising linked to cryptocurrencies, so you can monetise your website or promote your cryptocurrency project. With the help of the platform's sophisticated targeting features, advertisers can precisely target the people they want to reach and maximize their return on investment. By placing pertinent and interesting adverts on their websites, publishers can simultaneously benefit from increased revenue streams. 7Search PPC stands out as a dependable and trustworthy solution for anyone wishing to get into the burgeoning cryptocurrency advertising market because of its transparent reporting tools and simple compensation options in well-known cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum. Bid farewell to conventional advertising strategies and discover the fascinating opportunities that 7Search PPC presents!
These networks include a range of advertising choices, such as native ads, pop-ups, display ads, and press release distribution, in addition to targeting options for various crypto community segments.
When choosing a network, take into account its distribution level, how well it aligns with your business goals, the amount of money required to conduct a campaign, and how well integrating with each network would fit into your workflow.
In any case, we are convinced that every cryptocurrency ad network on this list will wow.
The ideal crypto ad Platform for you will ultimately rely on your advertising objectives, target market, and budget. It's crucial to investigate and try out many choices.
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cryptoadnetwork · 8 months
Top 7 Crypto Advertising Agency In 2023
The cryptocurrency business is one that is expanding swiftly, and the crypto advertising market has followed suit. The need for trustworthy crypto ad networks increases as more companies continue to enter the cryptocurrency market.
The cryptocurrency sector is expanding quickly, and along with it, so is the advertising market. The need for efficient advertising solutions grows as more companies and individuals enter the cryptocurrency industry. In this thorough tutorial, we introduce you to 7Search PPC, one of your best options for bitcoin advertising. To increase the impact of your bitcoin advertising, learn how it operates, what services it offers, and obtain the answers to commonly asked questions.
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What is a Crypto Advertising Agency?
A network known as a crypto advertising agency links marketers with websites and other online properties that are eager to run their adverts.
These networks primarily concentrate on the blockchain, Web3, and cryptocurrency industries and provide a range of advertising alternatives, including display advertisements, pop-ups, native ads, and more.
These networks allow marketers to reach out to specific subsets of the cryptocurrency community, such as those who are interested in a certain coin or blockchain project.
Other targeting choices provided by Crypto Ads include those based on area, language, websites, and devices. By giving advertisers access to a huge number of websites and digital properties with a readership interested in cryptocurrencies, they assist marketers in reaching their target audience and achieving their marketing objectives.
Additionally, these networks give marketers the resources they need to monitor the effectiveness of their ads and make changes as needed to improve the outcomes.
Top Crypto Advertising Agency
7Search PPC
7Search PPC is the greatest platform for bringing in completely legitimate and conversion-ready visitors. You may boost your sales and return on investment with our cutting-edge ad kinds, which include text advertising, native advertising, picture advertising, popunder advertising, and more. For visitors to your website or blog, our platform also seeks to offer straightforward monetization options.Advertisers and publishers may be able to accomplish their marketing or monetization objectives with the aid of the well-known bitcoin or cryptocurrency advertising network 7Search PPC. Publishers receive payment at a comparatively high rate while delivering highly converted traffic to advertising.
Another well-known cryptocurrency ad network that has been operational for about five years is Cointraffic. CPM and CPC are just two of the campaign payment options offered by Cointraffic.
With the use of Cointraffic's user-friendly reporting dashboard, advertisers may assess the success of their advertising campaigns.
Another solid cryptocurrency advertising network that Web3 marketing companies can take into account is Coinad.
Display advertising campaigns from Coinad can be purchased for as little as $0.10 CPC or $0.30 CPM. In the field of cryptocurrency marketing, we do, however, think that you get what you pay for, and with these low-payment models, you are probably going to get low-quality traffic.
Nevertheless, they have been employed by more than 100 crypto marketing groups, making them deserving of inclusion on our list.
One of the earliest cryptocurrency marketing networks, A-ads, debuted in 2011.
The adaptability of A-Ads' CPM and CPC pricing methods will appeal to marketers.
Additionally, A-Ads' transparency in predicting daily impression and click totals based on campaign costs may appeal to advertisers.
Having said that, A-Ads appears to rely heavily on bot traffic to achieve these assurances.
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One of the top platforms for crypto ad networks is AdToken. Token advertising come in a variety of ad types, including native, popup, standard, and banner. It is incredibly easy to use and only allows posting of anything that is linked to cryptocurrencies.
AdToken works directly with publishers, assisting them in promoting certain GEOs, gaining readership, and enhancing their content. Brazil, Poland, Mexico, and Ukraine account for the majority of its traffic. Both fiat money and cryptocurrencies can be used to pay for AdToken. AdToken's interfaces and advertising are available in 25 different languages.
In 2017, a website named BitraffiC was created. On any of their more than 2700 websites, they are able to upload content from an advertising. They have established a reputation through time because they are not new to the sector. Advertisers are allowed to promote their Dapps, fiat, cryptocurrency, and blockchain-based projects. 
The firm employs a pay-per-click advertising strategy and takes payments in BTC, ETH, LTC, and a number of other cryptocurrencies. BitraffiC's payment system is rather simple. BitraffiC makes sure that advertisers only get legitimate impressions and not fake traffic by employing an antibot technology. You always have access to help with everything you need.
AdEx was created to monetise Stremio, the company's media center, and its traffic. This project has required a significant amount of effort and study, which has led the team to choose blockchain as its most useful technology to address a number of problems. 
They are now focusing on a brand-new item called the Ambire wallet.
It was about time for a new product to be produced because the AdEx networking system was too outdated for this age of quick upgrades.
Ambire AdEx will serve as the AdEx network; no features, current products, business models, etc. will change.
Conclusion: Picking the Best Crypto Advertising Agency for You
Choosing the best advertising agency, such as 7Search PPC, may have a big impact on your attempts to sell your bitcoin. Take advantage of the chance, think about your options, and use 7Search PPC to help you promote bitcoin!
To sum up, there are a ton of crypto advertising networks available, each with its own advantages and disadvantages.
These networks include a selection of ad alternatives, such as native advertisements, pop-ups, press release distribution, display ads, and pop-ups, as well as targeting options for various crypto community subgroups.
What are crypto advertising networks, first of all?
The distribution of cryptocurrency-related adverts is made possible by specialized platforms known as "crypto advertising networks," which link cryptocurrency advertisers with publishers and websites.
How do cryptocurrency ad networks operate?
These networks serve as middlemen, connecting advertisers with qualified publications to guarantee that advertising are seen by the relevant crypto audience.
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ailtrahq · 8 months
Cardano’s scaling solutions and proof-of-stake approach serve as a model for projects aiming for long-term stability and success. The crypto market, which has been moving sideways for the better part of August and September, is now recovering and Cardano’s ADA seems to be riding this wave.  Similarly, Domini.art (DOMI), a project focused on the art market, aims to decentralize access and open up the industry to millions. DOMI is gaining traction with an increasing number of investors in its ongoing presale. While ADA might be available at bargain prices, considering what Domini.art offers, DOMI can be considered by investors in September. Domini.art opens the art market Domini.art is a new project that’s making a notable impact in the art market – long considered a challenging field to break into. Since launching, Domini.art has been on a mission to democratize the industry, connecting premium art with ordinary retail enthusiasts. The art world has a timeless allure that’s thrived for centuries. Domini.art has recognized this and established a pathway that bridges the gap between art sellers and buyers.  Serving as an intermediary, Domini.art sources artwork from renowned artists and makes it accessible to anyone who wants to own a piece of art. Their goal is to break away from the tradition of art being monopolized by wealthy individuals. Domini.art has built a system that leverages blockchain technology and its native token, DOMI, to facilitate art trading. The process begins with acquiring artwork from iconic artists. These treasures are then added to Domini.art’s extensive collection. In many cases, Domini.art takes full control of the art pieces, fractionalizing them, and securing them on the blockchain before listing them for users to purchase. Being at the intersection of finance and art, Domini.art also offers staking opportunities through DOMI for holders to diversify their revenue streams. Their approach links the blockchain with the traditional art world, effectively opening up a multi-trillion-dollar industry using popular NFTs technology. Participants in this project can easily engage with, trade, and own art that resonates with them, all in a swift and efficient manner. Domini.art places equal importance on serving both investors and blue-chip art creators. For investors, it can be an opportunity to diversify their portfolios by offering a straightforward path to potentially valuable art ownership. Similarly, for blue-chip art creators, the project exposes their art to a broader audience, creating more opportunities for passive income. The crypto market appears to be thawing after the extended bear market from early 2022. On the other hand, the art market remains vibrant, creating a positive convergence that propels Domini.art forward, starting with its presale that many analysts are convinced is already a top startup. Currently, DOMI is available for $0.0021 in the presale.  ADA is resilient as Cardano expands ADA remains resilient despite a recent draw-down that saw the token plunge below the psychological $0.30 level.  Cardano, on the other hand, despite losing momentum in the crypto winter, aims to be one of the most scalable platforms, hosting some of the top defi projects.  IOG, the development wing of Cardano, continues to enhance its infrastructure in the current Basho stage with the goal of rivaling Ethereum.  Closing note In the dynamic and highly competitive crypto scene, Domini.art stands tall, redefining the art scene, and unshackling the industry from centralization. Its mission proves that art ownership is not a preserve of the few but that anyone can be a collector. In the months ahead, and as the markets recover, DOMI and ADA can be explored and even added to diversify crypto portfolios. | Source
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josiemapp-blog-blog · 10 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Old Navy Intimates Red Split in front Strapless size M.
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falguni27 · 1 year
KoobinoFX is a premier forex investment firm
KoobinoFX is a premier forex investment firm that offers advanced financial solutions to individual and institutional clients. Our core mission is to help our clients achieve their financial objectives through personalized investment strategies and expert guidance.
At KoobinoFX, we are at the forefront of financial innovation, leveraging cutting-edge technology to provide our clients with innovative investment solutions. Our proprietary AI trading software employs advanced machine learning algorithms and predictive analytics to identify and execute profitable trades in real-time, giving our clients a competitive edge in the fast-paced forex markets. Moreover, our AI trading software is seamlessly integrated into a custom bot on Telegram, providing our clients with real-time updates on market conditions and trading activity. This integration offers a convenient way for our clients to stay informed about their investments, anytime and anywhere.
Our team comprises of seasoned professionals who possess extensive experience and expertise in the forex markets. We are dedicated to delivering unparalleled investment advice and support to our clients.
At KoobinoFX, we prioritize transparency, ethics, and exceptional customer service in all our dealings.In addition to our AI trading software, we offer a diverse range of investment products and services tailored to the unique needs and objectives of our clients.
We work closely with our clients to develop customized investment strategies that align with their specific goals, whether they are seeking long-term growth or short-term.
How does KoobinoFX AI Trading Software works?
KoobinoFX AI Trading Software takes data analysis to a whole new level utilizing algorithms and mathematical models to identify patterns and predict future market movements. The software uses machine learning to adapt to changes in the market and execute trades with precision, without the need for human intervention.
What does KoobinoFX offer?
A. KoobinoFX offers three different plans - Basic, Advanced and Pro - each with corresponding daily returns of 2%, 3.5%, and 5%.
All plans have a duration of 90 days, after which investors receive their Capital + Profit.
B. KoobinoFX utilizes three different cryptocurrencies - Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin - in our operations.
C. Minimum investment; $500 ~
BTC - 0.02
ETH - 0.30
LTC - 6.50
D. 1 Level referral program - 3% (Optional)
E. Withdrawals - Withdrawals are limited to ONCE every 30 days.
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5starprousa · 1 year
What Are the Benefits of Paypal Merchant Account Fees?
PayPal merchant account fees are low and flexible, making it easy to set up and operate your store. With no monthly minimums or setup fees, you can start accepting payments in minutes. Additionally, PayPal does not charge any cancellation fees for canceling an account or for the first 30 days after opening your account. Keep reading to learn more about PayPal's merchant fee structure!
A low fee structure
One of the biggest benefits of PayPal merchant accounts is their low fee structure. They have one of the lowest fees among all payment processors and this helps your bottom line in a big way.
If you're considering signing up with another processor, make sure that they offer competitive rates before making any decisions.
No monthly minimums
No monthly minimums. You won't have to worry about a large, unpredictable amount coming out of your account each month. The only fees that will be charged are those associated with individual transactions, which can be as low as 2.9% plus 30 cents per sale if you're using PayPal's standard rate and processing less than $3,000 per month in sales volume.
No transaction volume requirements. You don't need to process a certain amount of transactions each month or make any specific number of sales through your account (though if you do reach either one, it may lower your overall costs).
No setup fees or cancellation fees
No setup fees or cancellation fees
No monthly minimums
No annual fee (if you don't want to pay one)
PayPal Merchant Account Fees: Benefits of a merchant account
Instant approval
PayPal is a trusted and secure way to accept payments online. It's also one of the most popular payment platforms, with over 100 million active users in more than 200 countries. The company provides a variety of services that make it easy for businesses to accept payments through their website or mobile app, including PayPal Payments Standard, PayPal Payments Pro and PayPal Working Capital (formerly known as Bill Me Later).
All three plans allow you to accept credit cards directly on your site or app via Stripe's API integration platform; however the difference lies in how much you pay per transaction:
Payments Standard costs 2.7 percent plus $0.30 per sale made via credit card; this rate applies only if you process less than $10 million annually in gross merchandise volume (GMV). If you're processing more than $10 million GMV annually then there will be no additional fee on top of this base charge from Stripe.*
Payments Pro costs 1% plus $0%, which includes all fees charged by Stripe.*
PayPal offers great benefits for merchants, including flexible fee structures and quick approval.
PayPal offers great benefits for merchants, including flexible fee structures and quick approval. PayPal Merchant Account Fees are low compared to other payment processors. They don't charge setup fees or cancellation fees, and you can get started with your account within minutes of applying.
PayPal is a great option for merchants who want to accept payments online. It offers low fees, quick approval and no setup costs. If you're looking for an alternative to traditional credit card processing services, PayPal can help you get started today!
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deodiamonds · 1 year
Effortless Elegance: DEO Diamonds' Classic Diamond Pieces
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Welcome to DEO Diamonds, your go-to destination for exquisite diamond jewelry. Our company was founded in Israel and we have now expanded our business to the USA. We specialize in both lab-grown and natural diamonds, offering our clients a wide range of options to choose from.
At DEO Diamonds, we believe that every piece of jewelry should be as unique as the person wearing it. That's why we offer a variety of diamond shapes, cuts, colors, and clarities, to cater to your individual preferences. Our collection includes beautiful diamond rings, earrings, necklaces, and bracelets, perfect for any occasion.
One of our most popular products is the Mindel natural diamond eternity ring. This stunning piece features seven emerald-shaped diamonds in color E/F and clarity VS, set on a shank with a width of 2.8 mm. The Mindel is a classic choice that will never go out of style and is sure to turn heads.
Another popular option is the Emi natural diamond eternity ring, set with seven oval cut diamonds with a total weight of 1.50 carats in clarity VS and color E/F. The Emi is an elegant and sophisticated choice, perfect for those who appreciate the finer things in life.
For those looking for a more sustainable option, we also offer lab-grown diamond jewelry. Our Benos lab-grown diamond eternity ring is set with nine oval cut diamonds with a total weight of 2.70 carats in clarity VS and color E/F. The Benos is a stunning piece that is both environmentally friendly and affordable.
If you're looking for something simple and understated, our Dex lab-grown diamond eternity ring is the perfect choice. This beautiful piece is set with round cut diamonds with a total weight of 0.30 carats in clarity VS and color E/F. The shank width of 2.8 mm makes it perfect for everyday wear.
At DEO Diamonds, we pride ourselves on our commitment to quality and customer satisfaction. We source our diamonds from ethical and sustainable suppliers, ensuring that every piece of jewelry we sell meets our high standards. Our team of expert jewelers and designers work tirelessly to create beautiful and unique pieces that are sure to exceed your expectations.
Whether you're looking for a special gift for a loved one or something to treat yourself, DEO Diamonds has something for everyone. With our wide range of diamond jewelry options and our commitment to quality and customer satisfaction, we're confident that you'll find something you love.
Thank you for considering DEO Diamonds for your diamond jewelry needs. We look forward to helping you find the perfect piece to add to your collection.
Main office in Israel:
Address: 21 Tuval St. Tel Aviv Yahalom Building Diamond Exchange Floor 16/90
Tel: +97237510914
US Offices:
Address: 22 NE 1st street Miami, FL 33132
Tel: (866) 439-2252
DEO Fine Jewelry Ltd, 21 Tuval St. Tel Aviv Yahalom Building Diamond Exchange Floor 16/90
USA: 1(866) 439-2252
Israel: +97237510914
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uptik · 1 year
Which Wealth Management Platform is Right for You? A Comprehensive Comparison Guide
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Wealth management platforms are digital platforms designed to help individuals manage their finances and investments. With so many platforms available in the market, it can be overwhelming to choose the right one for you. In this comprehensive comparison guide, we will help you evaluate and compare the features of some of the most popular wealth management platforms, so you can make an informed decision about which platform is right for you.
Wealthfront is an automated investment service that offers a low-cost, passive investment strategy. The platform uses a robo-advisor to allocate your funds into diversified ETFs based on your risk tolerance and financial goals. Wealthfront charges a management fee of 0.25% and requires a minimum investment of $500.
Low-cost investment strategy
Tax-loss harvesting for taxable accounts
Free financial planning tools
Limited investment options
No access to human financial advisors
Higher minimum investment compared to some other platforms
Betterment is another robo-advisor that uses algorithms to invest your money into a diversified portfolio of ETFs. The platform charges a management fee of 0.25% and requires a minimum investment of $0.
Low-cost investment strategy
Tax-loss harvesting for taxable accounts
Free financial planning tools
Socially responsible investing options
Limited investment options
No access to human financial advisors
The higher management fee for premium features
Personal Capital
Personal Capital is a hybrid best wealth management platform that offers both robo-advisory and human financial advisor services. The platform charges a management fee of 0.89% for its wealth management service, which includes access to human financial advisors, tax optimization, and a personalized investment strategy.
Access to human financial advisors
Holistic financial planning
Tax optimization for taxable accounts
Investment management and financial planning all in one platform
Higher management fee compared to other robo-advisors
Requires a minimum investment of $100,000 for wealth management services
Limited investment options
Vanguard Personal Advisor Services
Vanguard Personal Advisor Services is a hybrid platform that offers both robo-advisory and human financial advisor services. The platform charges a management fee of 0.30% for its digital advisory service and 0.50% for its hybrid advisory service, which includes access to human financial advisors.
Access to human financial advisors
Low-cost investment strategy
Personalized investment strategy
Tax optimization for taxable accounts
The higher management fee for hybrid advisory service
Limited investment options
Higher minimum investment compared to some other platforms
Schwab Intelligent Portfolios
Schwab Intelligent Portfolios is a robo-advisor that uses algorithms to invest your money into a diversified portfolio of ETFs. The platform charges no management fee and requires a minimum investment of $5,000.
No management fee
Diversified investment strategy
Tax-loss harvesting for taxable accounts
Limited investment options
No access to human financial advisors
No customization options
In conclusion, choosing the right wealth management platform can be a daunting task, but with the right information, it can be a straightforward process. This comprehensive comparison guide has provided an overview of some of the top wealth management platforms available, including their features, fees, and benefits. When deciding on the right platform for you, it's important to consider your financial goals, investment preferences, and risk tolerance. With this information, you can make an informed decision and select a wealth management platform that best suits your needs. Whether you choose a traditional brokerage firm or a robo-advisor, the key is to stay informed and make decisions that align with your long-term financial goals.
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