#‘and also fuck the tremere’
marrowcrunch · 2 months
The VTM subreddit had some discussion of Nosferatu/Toreador romance the other day but the peak inter-clan pairing for me will always be Salubri/Tzimisce.
It’s the rich contrast between “I was created to be a healer. My touch erases pain and casts out evil. I can’t even feed if it would cause suffering, even if I am on the edge of starvation. My clan’s progenitor described his childer as lambs made to be sacrificed,” versus “Other clans know me by a word that means ‘demon.’ My hands are tools of torture and mutilation and even acts that are attempts at reconstruction rather than ripping apart are agonizing. My blood ties me to the land and the land is poison. The power that is my greatest strength is also a disease that is eating me from the inside out.“
It’s “Your abilities indelibly mark you as an enlightened savior while mine mark me as a horrifying monster.” It’s “I worship you because you’re everything I could never be.” It’s “I was doomed from the start but maybe if I take on the burden of violence so you can stay pure, I can find some kind of redemption.” It’s “I adore you but I’m terrified to touch you.” It’s “We couldn’t be more different, but we are both united in the horror of knowing we have no choice but to be exactly what we are.”
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raindropsonwhiskers · 30 days
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48 x 48 (ish) pixel art icons of the VtM clans! I'm planning to maybe cross-stitch them all, and I figured I'd put them out here in case people have some use for them
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mountainashfae · 4 months
the problem with my very specific VtM fixation right now is that I can't just start rambling on Tumblr about my thoughts on the differences between Camarilla, Sabbat, and Anarch Tremere antitribu because no one will understand that I'm saying all Tremere within those three Sects are considered antitribu because it's all part of my group's homebrewed V20 modern nights timeline and it's far, far away from the canon timeline in V5.
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melestopheles-art · 10 months
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everyone's favourite berlin tremere babygirl NPC Andrzej Iwanowski in his natural habitat, offering a nice cold glass of coke to any weary travellers (and stressed chess novices)
s/o to our lovely story teller @affinno and their menagerie of baller ass NPCs
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moinsbienquekaworu · 1 year
Got past the Ocean House Hotel (finally!!) and yeah that game really is so good I forgot how fun it is to play
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paarthursass · 7 months
also "silent protagonists aren't immersive" my "immersion" in a game has been broken so much more by voiced protagonists saying The Wrong Fucking Thing than it has been by me having to use my brain to read dialogue options.
vtmb may be buggy as hell. it may have textures that load incorrectly sometimes so you've got doors that are half a stop sign. but i still get so drawn into the story that the ocean house hotel level manages to scare me every time. it's still so so tragic to watch how heather descends into her obsession with you if you make her your ghoul. it's satisfying to be able to have 5 different ways to tell lacroix to go fuck himself. and it's fascinating how, depending on which clan you pick, you have an entirely different experience - not just playstyle-wise, but interaction-wise as well! there's certain dialogue with maximillian strauss you only get if you're a tremere. your opinion of gary golden is going to change MASSIVELY depending on whether you play a nosferatu or a toreador.
voiced protagonists don't create immersion. fancy bells and whistles don't create immersion. good writing does.
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gorbalsvampire · 8 days
VTMB Clan Tier List
Brujah: Stack Brawl, right click all Disciplines, go nuts. Sometimes you'll wish you could just shoot a guy but enough Presence will get you where you need to go. C.
Gangrel: Do you like the game to play itself? That's how it feels to play a Gangrel. You will frenzy during every fight and after that the outcome's not up to you. D.
Malkavian: The dialogue isn't as hard to parse as everyone says it is, I played one on my first go and it was fine. Granted, I am a mentally ill Literature graduate and a colossal dork, so maybe I have an edge there... Good at gunplay, hacking, sneaking, finding pickups and a fun utility/control Discipline. S tier.
Nosferatu: If you didn't take Obfuscate 2 at character generation, F. Tutorial hates you. If you did, enjoy efficient feeding in the gnarliest bits of the game, decent control and combat Discipline powers, and stacking Obfuscate to make some of the trickier bits trivial. Also, the best unique responses from NPCs, and you're in bondage gear. S tier.
Toreador: Like Brujah but more utility. Auspex helps place shots and avoid hits, Presence is just as good... you'll have to go wide on Melee and Firearms but these cuties do work. B. Unless you're me, and have shit aim, and struggle to control super fast movement, and basically I suck at Toreador.
Tremere: If you're playing the Basic game where there's no cool down on Blood Strike, OP as fuck. Two strong attack/control Disciplines and the defensive/utility aspect of Auspex. BUT you get no help at all with stealth sections so there's some areas it's really easy to fuck up, so A.
Ventrue: You'll hate yourself the first time you run out of blood money, you're halfway through the sewers and there's nothing to eat but rats. Decent control/tanking Disciplines but nothing offensive besides an expensive Dominate power that doesn't always work. Using Dominate in conversation is the boring option. D tier, honestly.
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hyffae · 5 days
the best thing about the vampire the masquerade campaign that i am in is that we just kept fucking up so bad that the original goal is gone now. we were supposed to figure out why bloodless and woundless bodies were washing up in Salt Lake and we fucked everything up so badly that now the main goal is to kill the Tremere Primogen of Salt Lake City because one of our friends violated the sheriff's territory during a frenzy by killing a mormon child. plus there have been 3 instances of one of us killing a child to the point that the mortals thought there was a serial killer killing mormon children. we might have also unleashed 2 demons on Utah in the span of a month in world but its fine it was by two different groups because we had to split the party. we also kinda fucked shit up with the Anarchs and had to join the Camerilla.
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melonbear51 · 1 year
i love your vtm concepts!!! would you happen to have any more gangrel ideas from any angle? i think that a good argument could be made for gangrel anarchism/independence/savagery being the 'truest' expression of vampirism in a way, they get looked down on a lot by other clans unfairly i think </3
FRIEND I LOVE THE GANGREL SO MUCH YOU HAVE NO IDEA! They are so damn underrated and it KILLS me how so many players, old and new, overlook them or think of them as Brujah with werewolf powers. And they TOTALLY get looked down on by other clans, but that's part of what makes them interesting; much like the other "low clans," they're underestimated, and that makes them DANGEROUS. But enough of my fangirling. Let's get to business: 1. A Gangrel who formed a coterie with a Salubri, Cappodocian-Hecata, and Tzimisce SPECIFICALLY as a giant fuck-you to the Tremere. Whether or not they make a good team is up to you, but regardless, the local anarchs find the whole thing HILARIOUS and make it a point to send this motley crew in whenever the Tremere are involved. 2. A writer and narrator of a podcast noted for their distinct storytelling style who was turned into a Gangrel because of this. They are currently being groomed by their sire and elders to become a lorekeeper and storyteller of the clan, and while some aspects are enjoyable, the weight of expectations and the pressure is beginning to get to them. 3. A college kid with a very controlling family who put extreme pressure on them to succeed who was embraced coming home from a student government meeting. Faced with a new reality and tasting true, wild freedom for the first time, they've kindly told their parents to suck a fat one and have begun to carve their own path. They are also searching for their sire, who they wish to thank for granting them a way out. Whether or not they stay grateful is up to you and the events of the chronicle. 4. A highly-educated Gangrel who purposefully conceals their intelligence and expertise by leaning into the whole "Gangrel are wild savages" stereotype. Their clothes are ripped or the least fancy items you've ever seen, they motel-hop or live out of a trailer, the whole shebang. Many Camarilla scoff at them and even some Anarchs look down on them. The Gangrel doesn't care: do the others have hundreds of thousands of dollars from smart investments and an animalism-driven information network that spans the entire state? No? Fuck em'! 5. A Gangrel who either fakes being a caitiff or fledgling to gain the trust and pity of other kindred. After weaseling their way into their target's unlives, they either steal their valuables and hit the road, or straight up murder those that gave them charity. For extra symbolism, make it so that they have two protean beast forms: a sheep, which they show to others, and a wolf, which only comes out when they strike. 6. A Gangrel DJ who stalks the rave and club scene for prey, gathering a herd from their dedicated and ever-growing fanbase. Some of the more traditional Gangrel look down on them but hey, a party animal is still an animal! 7. A Gangrel doomsday/Gehenna prepper. They could be the traditional survivalist/resource gathering prepper, or they could go to another extreme: attempting to gather animals à la Noah, waiting for some great ecological disaster. 8. A young anarch Gangrel with a Camarilla sire. Mistrusted because of their sire's loyalties, they are desperately trying to prove themselves to the other anarchs and their clanmates, all the while trying to resist the tempting bait their sire offers them to try and get them to come back home.
I hope you enjoy these! I also hope this gives other players some inspiration to look at the Gangrel a bit differently! As always, feel free to use any of these ideas for pcs/npcs, and don't hesitate to shoot me a message to chat about VTM!
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blood-bound · 9 months
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first off - click the middle image for it to show. i couldnt get it to not cut off. second, alt text included in image description!
top row: @harbingerofskulls 's very own mattia giovanni! :D easy 2 doodle due to mask. sorry i couldnt draw the Skeleton hand. What a cool twice dead dude.
middle row: @dykeferatu's magpie!! :D :D easy 2 doodle due to being very Shaped. love this Creature. the rightmost image is when she was Falling from a window like a Cat. its silly.
bottom row: mark on the left because of course, being a little judging Guy. and then on the right CASSIDY! gay tremere psychologist. doing weird things. loves old movies. and i love him. he is wearing the assigned tremere chantry robes. one day him and mark will date. right now i think he thinks mark needs therapy. also i fucked up his torso :(
anyway thank u for perceiving them all!
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marrowcrunch · 1 month
What are your top 3 favorite vtm clans (or bloodlines)?
Bonus: which clan do you think you'd fit in with? :3c
Oh boy, this is going to be long lol
Favorite: Tzimisce 
Gosh, what a surprise :O
But yeah. I mean, firstly, the cool factor is undeniable. It's always such a joy designing Tzimisce characters because even toeing the strictest borderlines of canon they're allowed to get real weird with it in a way that most other clans aren't. I don't mean this as hate at all so I hope it doesn't come across like that, all clans are beautiful <3 but if you're playing Ventrue, Brujah, Tremere etc to some degree you'll always just be playing as Some Guy. With a Tzim it’s like…Do you want some sick-ass bone blades on your arms? No problem! Another pair of arms to put more bone blades on? Sounds good! Do you want to be bioluminescent like a squid? Great! Go crazy! 
Second: Full disclosure, I am the “My fursona is my TWOO SELF” flavor of furry. And the idea of having near total freedom of form— to be able to give myself a tail, claws, fangs, horns, [long censor beep], whatever I want, to abandon my human shape, fills me with Yearning. 
In the complete opposite direction, I also find personal meaning in the clan as someone who suffers from chronic pain. Shamelessly copy-pasting a reply to another post: 
The flavoring of Vicissitude as a creeping infection, as the actual body of the Eldest spread from generation to generation, able to rise up and consume its bearers at any moment, resonates with me very deeply as someone whose pain is caused by congenital tissue defects and which will inevitably get worse over time.
The idea that…there’s something horrible lurking inside your body. It can’t be cured. It can’t be removed. It is part of the very fabric of your being. And it is going to eat you alive, it is going to eat and eat until there’s nothing left. That no matter how you struggle, eventually it’s going to win. But you struggle anyways, because what the hell else is there to do?
The clan also has its revenant families, who are all collectively my most Specialist Little Guy in the world. I am a huge sucker for ye old trope of Special Family Bloodline Technique, and they scratch that itch for me in a really fun and interesting way. 
Second favorite: Giovanni. I actually don't have any deep reasons for this one, I just think that “fucked up necromancer vampire crime family” is such a fun concept lol. I like organized crime stories. It's also another one for the “bloodline technique” category— in v20, they even have their own associated revenant family, the Rossellinis! 
Third favorite: Salubri. The vibe I get is that they’re deeply underappreciated because people feel like their designation in both fluff and crunch as “the nice ones” means that they’re boring and clash with Masquerade’s overall tone. But I STRONGLY disagree— I think that's exactly what gives them so much potential for the sort of personal, existential horror that is supposed to be at the heart of Masquerade. I actually want to write a much longer post sometime that really gets into why, but part of it is this— being a magical pacifist unicorn prancing in a sunny flower field isn't “horrifying,” but being a magical pacifist unicorn in a dark forest where the only other animals are wolves that want to eat your face sure is. I also think the contrast between mainline (healer) Salubri and Salubri antitribu is a really rich thematic vein— again, I want to write more on this later. 
Bloodline lightning round:
Ahrimanes: Cat-themed woman power. I like the concept of Gangrel in tune with the spiritual elements of nature. Spirits in World of Darkness are fun because they can be anything. 
Ventrue antitribu: Knights in modern settings are cool.
However, if the question was “Which clan are you most like?” instead of “What's your favorite”, the answer is far and away Toreador. I love making art, and while I mostly just write now because my body has kind of fallen apart, I used to dabble in a bunch of different mediums and loved them all. That and I already do the “oh that flower/painting/ random pattern of light on the wall is really pretty *zones out and stares at it*” thing in real life lol so that would just be business as usual. If I couldn't be a Meat Criminal this is actually the clan I'd choose to be embraced into. 
Thanks for giving me a chance to talk :)
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sapphim · 3 months
Finally made it to a desktop!
Here's the links to those playlists. They're largely a mix of goth/post-punk bands and horror film scores. There are almost certainly songs on there that aren't meant to be in some of the playlists and were accidentally added when I tried to add them to a different playlist and slipped. Ignore those, lol
These are also still WIPs and are centered around the different grops as they were written like seven years ago; I'm not confidently up to date on the more recent editions and Bloodline alliances and groupings.
Enjoy, and please let me know if some of the links don't work! You're also okay sharing this/my spotify account since it's all public1
Antitribu Baali Banu Haqim Brujah True Brujah Camarilla Cappadocian Gangrel Giovanni Kiasyd Lamia Lasombra Lhiannan Malkavian Ministry/Setites Nagaraja Nosferatu Ravnos Sabbat Salubri Samedi Thin Bloods Toreador Tremere Tzimisze Ventrue
holy fuck
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humantea · 7 months
[crashes into your inbox] FINALLY A CORRECT SAULOT OPINION
listen…I love him…like yes I know vtm is supposed to be dark and vampires are dark creatures of hunger but the idea of one of them just constantly striving against his nature, trying so hard to be GOOD, is so so tasty
all the later stuff added to his background to try and make him the typical “evil” Antediluvian bores me. Yeah of course he’s going to be complex but I love the idea of turning the “all ancient vampires are irredeemably Evil who only things about themselves” trope on its head. also vampire healers? a concept that would seem to go against their nature and that he conceived of? aaa
Saulot is my favorite vtm character and I think about him constantly. absolute brainrot. there’s so little art and writing of him and I am dying out here but i’ll do it myself I guess
SORRY FOR THE RANT I search his name a lot bc he’s my fave and saw your post fjsjdjsk
Exactlyyy!! Like, sure, the whole 'Saulot is just as bad as the other Antediluvians and Golconda isn't actually a good thing and-' mindset fits the sort of grimdark lore of vtm, but its sooooo boring in comparison to Saulot actually trying to do good. Like, we already have 12 fucked up evil Antediluvians, in what world is it more interesting storytelling to have a 13th rather than one who tries to do good?
I choose to believe that all of the anti-Saulot takes are actually just Tremere propaganda
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Neil being so awkward and avoiding Britta at all cost while talking about Pendragon.
Neil immediately asking if Nara is there and okay. Take notes, Nara!!! <.<
It's interesting that Miles and Neil now say camarilllllla instead of camarilla. (I'm a camarilllllla girl myself)
Wowowow Neil you're coming in with biiiiiig snitch energy, buddy!
Miles chasing Neil away with an uncomfortable question for Britta. 😂 So sweet.
"If you can convince him to do that." No Britta, if YOU can convince him to do that.
"I don't think I can talk to him again."😂😂 with all the fighting I would almost forget that this is the same night as that phone call.
Lmaoooo Neil!! Such snitch energy. Classic little brother! I saw Britta with a Boy!
Miles giving Neil shit. 🥰
Dad: I told you not to do this!!
Son: But dad! Britta did it much worse!
Wow and after all this Britta learns that Elsa wanted her to stay away from Pendragon. Damn, as if her feelings weren't already complicated enough.
"we'll see???" Neil!! You can't just casually drop that shit! That is creepy! Do you want to force her not to??
Ohhh Neil's memory loss, he has that quite a lot. With the dog tagging and his time in Baghdad, with his sire and all this. That must be very scary especially if you alrwady have anxiety because memory loss makes you feel even less in control.
Aww Johnny, that is sweet, and also very reasonable.
Okay Johnny thinking you can just defeat the sabat and all might be a tad unreasonable. But on the other hand this coterie needs some positivity.
There are lots of similarities between Neil and Britta that are really floating up to the surface right now, the memory loss, not in control of their own actions.
Sorry, Britta we will never be able not to laugh at you hitting Pendragon with a coffeemaker.
Wynn and Miles being forced on the same side because they're little shitheads laughing at pendragon. 😂
An fucking utter shitshow, really apt description of the past few days, Johnny.
You sure did try the apology thing, it did work out. 😏😏
Neil, buddy, what's going on. You're very probing with Britta and Pendragon??
Miles is just hoping Vitell is the mole so he could kill him.
Oh no Neil thinking Miles was serious about giving an ordeal. Poor Neil and poor Miles. They often like to think the worst of him.
Neil, what is going on, why would Miles not have you in the new haven???
Uhoh.... Neil insane laughter. Oh thank god that it was some weird shit and not Neil actually being so creepy.
Wait what why are they fighting in new York all of a sudden? A fucking dragon again???
Yes! Wynn and Miles talk! 👀
If he had known how upset Wynn would be he might not have gone through with it. 🥺
The Marcos reference. 😭
This talk is really good! I like it when mom and dad argue a little, but a fight like this isn't good. I'm glad they're communicating.
Miles just wanting to protect the people he has left. 😭
At least they can bond about hating tremere.
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cannibalcaprine · 7 months
Hi what the fuck are the Tzimisce from? They look so cool and i must know more immediately
Vampire: the Masquerade! tabletop game where you're in a coven of vampires in the modern day, all gothic-punk and stuff
the Tzimisce is one of 13 clans, which give you different vampire abilities
specifically for the Tzimisce, it's Fleshcrafting :3
there's also Clan Heceta for Necromancy, Clan Tremere for Wizard Stuff, Clan Gangrel for Animal Transformation, Clan Nosferatu for Invisibility, it's all rad
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cruddyart · 1 year
An out there Tremere headcanon I have and will try to articulate despite being bad at it:
Each tremere (that has been introduced proper inside the chantry but sometimes also in the Sabbat when they want to be cheeky) have scarification of magical symbols on their skin. This is to symbolize their ‘role’ inside the chantry and what their sire wanted from them. This is usually made during the embrace. Usually the more elaborate the drawing is the more it shows how much effort you put into this. Being both a testament to the sires skill and the childes importance. If you have a simple symbol it could probably mean that your sire didn’t really much care for you, thinks you’re simple or can’t fucking draw.
I think since the tremere are not ‘real’ vampires (as in they were made by a magical ritual) I would like to keep that aspect and say that there is a whole process involved in making a tremere. Rather than just making one like every other vampire. You cannot make them accidentally, every one of them is a deliberate and planned act.
As such I have one vamp who has the ‘magnum opus’ and ‘hand of the philosopher’ carved into them. And one with ‘the crucified serpent‘ on their back.
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