#‘joe you’re so BIG’ and yes this is because joey v comes back fucking RIPPED every summer & he’s a slutty lil italian boy who likes to show
crossbackpoke-check · 9 months
Dude Mo seider was so turned on by those big dudes and loving feeling like a tiny delicate princess next to them.
i like to call it fridge on (emotionally mini)fridge action wherein moritz seider, noted six four two hundred pound man, once described by roman josi as a “big guy”, frequently said to be giant and huge and etc etc etc by mickey redmond, is the Babiest Girl Alive. flirting and laughingly saying “oh nooo don’t get me ahaha stop” while being manhandled by several men!!! giggling uncontrollably comparing his legs to the size of other men’s arms!! making sure everybody knows how much bigger than him joe is!!! if the common theme of all these things just so happens to be making him feel small and delicate that’s just a coincidence he can’t be blamed for that, YOU’RE the one treating him like a perfect princess
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