#‘love love is gonna lead you by the hand into a white and soundless place now we see things as in a mirror dimly
geturasstomars · 7 months
hey u guys ever think about how some things you'll do for money and some you'll do for fun but the things you do for love are gonna come back to you one by one
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hhawkeye · 1 year
like. obviously i hope you die i hope we both die but also the things you do for love are gonna come back to you one by one, yknow
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chemicaljacketslut · 1 year
this has cemented itself as my current number one track im so fucking obsessed this song is too fucking good AUGH some moments last forever but some flare out with love love love
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catboyarg · 1 year
"And way out in Seattle, young Kurt Cobain Snuck out to the greenhouse, put a bullet in his brain Snakes in the grass beneath our feet, rain in the clouds above Some moments last forever, but some flare out with love love love"
-- Love Love Love by The Mountain Goats I think you will enjoy this song.
You're right, I do. Everything I do is for love, even if it doesn't always seem like it at first
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plounce · 1 year
one thing about thancred and ryne is that i think they BOTH project onto the other to some extent. thancred's treatment of ryne is obviously very impacted by how he relates her to minfilia. but as evidenced by fatebreaker - "dread hope" - ryne's perception of thancred is also colored by her other father figure / protector. ryne had already grown up knowing about the other minfilias before her and being told she would never measure up and the best she could do was stay in her cell in the cavernous jail under eulmore. by the time thancred rescues her, she already fully believes she is an inferior version of the girls/women before her, and thancred's close relationship with the PEAK minfilia makes it very easy for her to perceive their relationship as thancred begrudgingly taking care of her because she's the closest thing to HIS minfilia. and while that's a little bit true, it isn't anywhere near the whole truth, i don't think. (and obviously none of this is "her fault" - she's an abused and traumatized child with an unimaginable burden on her tiny little shoulders. of course that's gonna effect how she sees the world and the people close to her)
i really wish we got to see/know more of ryne's "before" wrt her character arc - what was her life of captivity in eulmore like (thank you e11 for the crumbs)? what did she know how to do when thancred first got her out - how actually "helpless" was she, what skills did she lack, what basic knowledge of the world was she ignorant of? and (my favorite): what was her and thancred's relationship like before the WoL arrived on the first? because the WoL arriving on the first was the cause of her running away to go find them in an effort to Be The Original Minfilia, and i do think that that incident affected how thancred behaved for a lot of shadowbringers. the fear from her getting captured again by her abusers! the turmoil over that being a clanging alarm that she is getting close to Her Big Existential Choice!
and in the end, both of them meet with who the other saw in them. ryne chooses to continue to live, even if she doesn't totally feel like she deserves to, even if she isn't the strongest minfilia, even if it's difficult and painful. and the original minfilia embraces her and gives her a bottle of hairdye and is finally able to rest. and thancred basically dies to keep ran'jit from having control over ryne, and is reborn as A Better Dad. and then (because while ran'jit is thancred's foil, thancred also operates as one for emet-selch) he accepts and embraces ryne as an individual person who of COURSE deserves to live. who, while not his first sisterdaughter, is regardless beloved family to him. who he is glad did not sacrifice herself to bring back his mostly-dead glory-days loved one. and then he gives her a name that has nothing to do with their relative traumatic pasts - just their shared time together as a family unit (with urianger. but i don't need to go into That subtext with you)
literally mountaingoats_lovelovelove.mp3 love is gonna lead you by the hand into a white and soundless place. now we see things as in a mirror dimly. now we see each other face to face
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samanthamulder · 1 year
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love love is gonna lead you by the hand into a white and soundless place
TVARCHIVE'S TV APPRECIATION WEEK 2023 | DAY 1: drama —Jimmy/Saul + "Love Love Love" by The Mountain Goats
credit: [insp: lyrics / 4th gif ] — [film overlays: x x] — [graphics: 👑 ⚔️ 💵]
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fragbot · 4 months
Love, love is gonna lead you by the hand into a white and soundless place Now we see things as in a mirror, dimly Then we shall see each other face to face
- from "Love, Love, Love," the Mountain Goats (x)
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itnerlude · 1 year
love love is gonna lead you by the hand into a white and soundless place now we see things as in a mirror dimly then we shall see each other face to face
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hey, don’t cry. love is gonna lead you by the hand to a white and soundless place, okay?
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half-deadmagicperson · 10 months
Angstfest Day 2:
Title: I'll be in Denial
Rating: Teen
Words: 748
Summary: Danny is loosing his grip on humanity
Warnings: mild blood and tooth loss
Also not all of this fits as 'Nobody Knows AU', but most of it is.
    Another case of beakers shattered. Danny sighed as he walked over to get the lab broom. It's been a few days since he died, and he's already having issues. He randomly goes intangibile. Sometimes he'll find himself sinking through the floor or having stuff drop through his hands, like a case of lab beakers for example. 
    Two weeks later, and it only got worse. He almost got exposed when his eyes started glowing after Dash had shoved him into a locker. Thankfully he noticed and calmed down before Sam or Tucker saw. He wanted to tell them, but he thought against it. They didn't need the weight of their friend's death on their conscience.
    One month later, it was getting harder to hide. His ghostliness leaked out at any given chance. It was harder to walk without floating. His eyes glow in the dark like a dog's. He woke up one day to blood on his pillow and a pile of teeth. His regular human teeth were replaced with unnaturally sharp fangs. 
    So he did what any person would do and tried to ignore his problems. He put on make-up and filed his teeth. Looking in the mirror, he tried everything to look human, to be in control.
    It wasn't enough.
    He threw on sweatshirts to cover how cold he was. Hair dye was used by the boxes to cover the strands of white that were leaking through. Sam and Tucker had asked him if he was okay when the changes first started happening, but now they don't pay him much mind.
     His aura causes people to pass him by. Their minds are too horrified to look. His parents, even his sister, don't notice his coming and going. Hell, they might not even remember he exists. 
    Danny packed his bags. He looked over at the pictures of before. Sam and Tucker are smiling with him at Nasty Burger. Jazz is teaching him how to bake a pie. His dad is teaching him how to fish. He sighs. His old life is dead.
    Soundless steps walk down the stairs. Make-up and dye have been long since forgotten. They don't notice him anyways. Danny places five pieces of paper on the coffee table, each adorned with the names of loved ones.
     Tired legs lead him to the kitchen. Jazz is sitting with Mom talking about her AP class. Danny smiles solemnly. He watches as Jack bursts through the door and shows them his newest invention. They looked happy. Danny sighed and turned towards the lab door. He could only hope to have happiness like that again.
     Green light greeted him from the other end of the lab. The portal's imposing structure dared him to go in. He grabbed his backpack and breathed a heavy sigh. He can't remain on Earth any longer. He needs to gain control. He needs to move on. The young boy took a weightless step into the abyss.
   Maddie Fenton was cleaning the house when she noticed something on the coffee table. There were five notes each adorned with five different names. Maddie picked up the folded paper that read 'Mom'. Gently, she peeled the edges of the page and opened it to read.
   "Dear Mom,
   If you're reading this, I am dead. I've actually been dead for a while now, but I didn't want to accept it. It's been hard, not gonna lie. At first it was just little things like dropping beakers, but now -some scribbles- now I can't. I haven't been able to control it. It's been so hard, Mom. I've tried to pretend that I was still human, same old Danny, but I'm not. I've been so lonely, Mom. Seeing you, Dad and Jazz enjoying life while I was stuck watching. It's been hard. All this to say I've decided to move on with my life, or I guess afterlife. And maybe one day I'll be able to see you again, and maybe you'll be able to see me. Don't be sad for me, Mom, I'm trying my best. I'll come back when I'm in control!
    Maddie sobbed. Danny, her little boy, was dead! She didn't even notice. She ran up to his room. He's just messing with her, Right? She opened the door to find the bed was made and unoccupied. The woman flung herself onto the sheets.
  "Oh Danny, my precious boy," her voice croaked into his blankets.
   Maddie spent her night grieving the loss of her child.
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ansu-gurleht · 1 year
love, love is gonna lead you by the hand into a white and soundless place now we see things as in a mirror dimly then we shall see each other face to face
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elijah-terry · 2 years
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mountain goats songs that keep me from giving up part 2/?
wild sage // black pear tree // old college try // love love love // hast thou considered the tetrapod // if you see light // going to georgia // high hawk season // until i am whole
image description: nine screenshots of lyrics to songs by the mountain goats.
1. lyrics from Wild Sage on a green background reading "Wild sage growing in the weeds / and some days I don't miss my family / and some days I do / some days I think I'd feel better if I tried harder / Most days I know it's not true"
2. lyrics from Black Pear Tree on a white background reading "I saw the future flowering like a ruptured vessel / somebodys gonna get screwed / it won't be me / someday I am going to walk out of here free"
3. lyrics from Old College Try on a blue background that read "But I will walk / down to the end with you / if you will come / all the way down with me"
4. lyrics from Love Love Love on a white background that read "Love love is going to lead you by the hand / into a white and soundless place / Now we see things as in a mirror dimly / then we shall see each other face to face"
5. Lyrics from Hast Thou Considered the Tetrapod on an orange background that read "But one of these days I'm going to wriggle up on dry land"
6. Lyrics from If You See Light on a blue background that read "And no one knows how to keep secrets 'round here / they tell everyone everything soon as they know / and then where is there left for poor sinners to go? / Waiting for the front door to splinter / waiting all winter"
7. Lyrics on a white background from Going to Georgia that read "The most remarkable thing about you standing in the doorway / is that it's you and that you are standing in the doorway / and you smile as you ease the gun from my hand / I am frozen with joy right where I stand"
8. Lyrics from High Hawk Season on a blue background that read "Rise if you're sleeping, stay awake / we are young supernovas and the heat's about to break / Who will rise and who will sink? / Who's going to stand his ground and who's going to blink?"
9. Lyrics from Until I Am Whole on a blue background that read "Dig my nails into my hands / hope it leaves a mark. / I think I'll stay here, til I feel whole again / I don't know when"
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quasistarjudgement · 2 years
love, love is gonna lead you by the hand
into a white and soundless place
now we see things, as in a mirror, dimly
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chemicaljacketslut · 1 year
okay the emotion im getting from love love love by the mountain goats is making me literally have heart palpitations so i think i’m gonna have to call it and bump it up to my current favorite song. tied with or quite possibly ranked above i know the end by phoebe bridgers
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prettyputrified · 2 years
Playlist for the Town of Oceanberry/Chiffany Kid Buddy Ray
for @rainbowdelicsunshine ‘s Oceanberry AU
Everything Stays- Olivia Olson 
“Go down to the ocean
The crystal tide is raising
Waters' gotten higher as the shore washes out
Keep your eyes wide open, even when the sun is blazin'
The moon controls the tide, it can cause you to drown
Everything stays, right where you've left it
Everything stays, but it still changes
Ever so slightly, daily and nightly
In little ways
When everything stays”
Love Love Love - The Mountain Goats
“Some things you'll do for money and some you'll do for fun
But the things you do for love are going to come back to you one by one
Love, love is going to lead you by the hand
Into a white and soundless place
Now we see things as in a mirror, dimly
Then we shall see each other face to face”
The Moss- Cosmo Sheldrake 
“Legend has it that the moss grows on
The north side of the trees
Well, legend has it when the rain comes down
All the worms come up to breathe
Well, legend has it when the sunbeams come
All the plants, they eat them with their leaves
Well, legend has it that the world spins 'round
On an axis of 23 degrees”
Space Oddity- David Bowie
“Ground Control to Major Tom
Your circuit's dead, there's something wrong
Can you hear me, Major Tom?
Can you hear me, Major Tom?
Can you hear me, Major Tom?
Can you hear me, Major Tom?
Can you-
Here am I floating 'round my tin can
Far above the Moon
Planet Earth is blue
And there's nothing I can do”
Saint Bernard- Lincoln 
“When I am dead, I won't join their ranks
Because they are both holy and free
And I'm in Ohio, satanic and chained up
And until the end, that's how it'll be
I said make me love myself, so that I might love you
Don't make me a liar, because I swear to God
When I said it, I thought it was true”
Baby You’re A Haunted House- Gerard Way
“I'll be the only one who likes the things you do
I'll be the ghost inside your head when we are through
Sometimes you scare me, but I come around to you
I'll say hello hello hello hello
And I'll find a way to scare you too
Baby, you're a haunted house
Better find another superstition
We're gonna stay in love somehow
'Cause, baby, you're a haunted house now”
Suburbia Overture / Greetings from Mary Bell Township! / (Vampire) Culture / Love Me, Normally (yes this is all one song) - Will Wood
“Meyers-Briggs, OK-ULTRA
Takes a village to fake a whole culture
Your ear to the playground, your eye on the ball
Your head in the gutter, your brains on the wall
Home is where the heart is
You ain't homeless, but you're heartless
It's the safest on the market
But you still gotta watch where you park it”
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radiyostatic · 28 days
john darnielle wasnt kidding when he said "love love is gonna lead you by the hand into a white and soundless place"
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