#₊˚ʚ ᗢ₊˚✧ ꒱ — dust.
haithamuse · 1 year
I just read this tag game thing you just reblogged and had to pause as soon as I read who your favorite author is because OMG sjaksksjn
This is my shelf 😂
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I've been reading his books for years already!!
UGHH i haven't been reading as much lately but i've got so many of fitzek's books on my tbr list! i vividly remember "Das Kind" being the first book i read from him!
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softsick · 2 years
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can we pls nap now im getting seepy and and and ya pls blanky mode time now??
ଘ(੭◌ˊᵕˋ)੭₊˚ʚ ᗢ₊˚✧.* ੈ♡‧₊˚ఌ︎ <- sleep fairy w sleepy dust pour vous
YES !! i am joining u as we speak.. ( ˘⌣˘)♡(˘⌣˘ ) night night nd sweet dreams my twin flame ❦
je ressens les effets en ce moment tbh.. > <
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haithamuse · 11 months
Sooooo, here I am! Ready to ramble about my OC(s).
Technically I have two but I haven't gotten around to draw both their character sheets because I didn't have the time to do so yet and procrastinated 💀 I'll give you the TL;DR of their backstories because otherwise, I'll write an essay here (I will already anyway skdfjksdj).
Setting: Futuristic/Cyberpunk universe Names: Dust & Aiden
Aiden is a gifted and former rich kid/corpo. He graduated with a masters degree in engineering and human augmentations. He founded a company for such augmentations and soon became a leader in the market with them at the young age of 21. A few years later his company faced a major setback due to a critical business deal, causing a decline in revenue and leaving him in debt. Despite his efforts to make amends, he was unable to pay back the debt and his brother was taken hostage. Long story short, he was faced with the impossible task of stealing an important blueprint for a new weapon from one of the wealthiest families in the city or risking losing his brother. He succeeded stealing the blueprint but was caught while doing so, leading to his brother being killed by the kidnappers. Aiden was arrested, his reputation tarnished, and his company was taken away, forcing him to live on the streets where he was met with mistrust and disdain due to being a well-known figure throughout the city and people in the slums of the city dislike "corporate people". He soon met a bounty hunter and helped him with one of his faulty augmentations and soon found himself following in his footsteps. The bounty hunter taught him the basics of the profession and Aiden began to make a name for himself. The word of his work including the reputation of his technical skills in augmentations and cybernetic enhancements quickly spread, and he became one of the most sought-after bounty hunters in the city.
Dust was born and raised in the slums. She never knew her parents and was raised by an older woman who took her in as a child. She considers her her grandma although they're technically not blood-related. Her "grandma" had a shop for salvaged parts for augmentations where she buys old/used parts and refurbishes them to resell them again afterwards. Dust followed suit and ever since her grandma has grown older she has since taken over the shop and leads it now. The bounty hunter that took Aiden in is friends with her grandma and therefore also knows her. He often goes to their shop to sell old parts to them. Which is also how Aiden and Dust eventually meet. She is overall a very sunshiny and bubbly character despite already having to face the hardships of life in the slums. But she's making the best out of it and tries to maintain a positive outlook on life.
Yeah that's about it in short. I'd also attack a picture but I don't really have any I've drawn myself yet but I'll eventually get to that soon. This has become quite long, I'm sorry!! 💀
And I also never intended for them to meet originally but I kiiiiinda started shipping my OCs because they're basically the perfect grumpy vs. sunshine dynamic. So... I want to go for the painful pining, slow-burn type of route with them now skdjskdj.
GASPPPP I ABSOLUTELY ADORE YOUR OCs DUST !!! i swear i know i talked to u abt OCs right before making my own, just for me to dip onto my rp blog for her KLDSJFGSDFKLJH
pls there's absolutely nothing i love more than to talk with people about their OCs and their lore and just ??? I AM SO HERE FOR IT. in these past 4 months i found out myself what a struggle it is to come up w OCs and flesh out their backstories, but GOD it is so much fun and i admire everyone and their OCs !!!!! i could literally talk about OCs all day. especially about my milou.
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haithamuse · 1 year
Helloooo <3
Sliding into the ask box to send you Ice and Sand for the ask game!
Sand: What’s the softest scene you’ve ever written?
answered here
Ice: What do you always get stuck on when writing?
scene transitions or wrapping up a fic TT i was working on two wips last night and the scene transitions have been giving me SUCH a hard time ughh
elemental writer asks
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haithamuse · 1 year
I stumbled across this fanart earlier and drooled over it, so I thought you might want to see it as well 👀
Alhaitham simps assemble 🤝🏻
NAHH BUT THE WAY @spood3r SENT THAT ART TO ME AS WELL AND I ABSOLUTELY LOST MY MARBLES !!!! my whole twitter acc is just reblogs of alhaitham art it's insane. i'm so in love with that man no one talk to me.
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haithamuse · 1 year
Hello, dear! Just wanted to wish you a Happy New Year and I hope 2023 will be a great year for you 💕😊
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THANK YOU LOVE i definitely hope the same for you <3
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