#║▌ ⧼ ⸢ ʚɞ ⸣︳m̲o̲d̲e̲r̲n̲. ⧽ ― ENTER THE MANLY HEROINE OF JUSTICE.
unladielike · 11 months
@badheart​​ — continued from here ;;
    Naturally, the Light Yagami reference doesn’t fail to slip her notice; in fact, Vivian would soon let out a soft snort upon seeing her devour a potato chip in such a highly exaggerated manner while shaking her head, as if saying ‘You are so silly’. “Now, you’re making me wanna re-watch Death Note again,” she then finally comments, amused beyond belief. When Fang mentions liking anything coconut flavored, however, her brows would shoot upwards in newfound interest.
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    “Oh... you don’t say? To tell you the truth, I only have manly bath products, so I don’t know what coconut shampoo smells like,” Vivian goes on to admit. Of course, by that, she means her personal bath products included manlyᵀᴹ Moisturizing Shampoo, manlyᵀᴹ Hair and Scalp Conditioner, Invigorating Seaweed Shampoo, Minnesota Wood Body Wash, and BANDED Masculine Body Wash: Blood Orange; therefore, Vivian made the mental note of entering a Bath & Bodyworks shop as soon as she came back to Vancouver again, if only to better understand why her friend liked coconut shampoo so much. Still, at Fang’s next words, she’s quick to sweat-drop.
    “Is that even a girls night out activity? Though, upon further reflection... I’m pretty sure if we ate only snacks for dinner, that would be deemed pretty ‘yeet hay’,” Vivian ponders aloud. Granted, she was no stranger to resorting to unhealthy dietary choices when home alone, to the point where there were admittedly times she only had salted seaweed for dinner, but still, she’s pretty sure they both deserved better than a ‘snack dinner’.
    “Besides, if I’m not eating alone, I’d rather make you dinner myself... but as for why I asked, I guess I was just curious. What, is it suddenly a crime for me to wanna get to know my friends a little bit better?” Sure enough, Vivian then proceeds to squint at her rather judgmentally.
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unladielike · 1 year
STARTER CALL ( @xamassed ​) — 𝕕𝕠𝕖𝕤 𝕒𝕟𝕚𝕥𝕒 𝕕𝕒𝕣𝕖 𝕥𝕠 𝕣𝕒𝕚𝕟 𝕠𝕟 𝕙𝕖𝕣 𝕡𝕒𝕣𝕒𝕕𝕖?
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    "Look, Nini! It's a double rainbow," she excitedly informs her while pointing towards the direction of the scenic view. A few moments later, however, she'll turn back around to stare directly ahead while flapping her arms. "This is truly a miracle from the heavens... and proof itself the great creator above has graced us with his divine blessing!"
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unladielike · 8 months
@fightingthetides — continued from here ;;
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    Fortunately, her smile doesn't waver even one bit even after registering his subsequent queries. Why, as a matter of fact, one could say Vivian enjoyed socializing so much, she hardly minded his Japanese accent had bled through his English a little. "Oh, most do actually call me Vivi. Still, if you'd rather shorten it to Bia instead, then that's fine too!" Vivian reassures Mizumachi with her hand flashing him a thumbs-up to signify she was cool with whatever he ended up deciding.
    "Anyways... how are you liking it here so far? Did you already manage to get used to your own room or have you not yet finished packing?" she'll go on to question while lowering her arm back down along her side. Naturally, Vivian was curious if he had somehow finished sorting out all his stuff, because the most troublesome part about moving to a new place was organizing everything. Even so, she wouldn't judge him for not exactly having everything all neatly put away; after all, it took her two weeks to tidy up her room.
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unladielike · 2 months
She doesn't have much energy right now, it's plain to see in the way her eyes stay half-lidded and her smile remains slight on her face. At the very least, she's cleaned herself up and made an effort to get herself out of her rut - it looks as though she's even cut her hair, just for this occasion.
"I- I know I haven't been... present, recently. And... I'm really sorry for that. And... and you've been so patient, and understanding, and I dunno where I'd be without the thought of your smile to keep me going. So... I wanna at least do something special for you today. I, uhm... the dog cafe I like to go to is doing matcha stuff this month. And... I figured you'd like that. And then maybe... we can go shopping after? I wanna treat you. So... what do you say? Are you... still willing to spend that time with me?"
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   VIVIAN'S BIRTHDAY BASH. always accepting no matter how late!
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    The moment she registers her voice, Vivian would immediately turn, beaming all the while. Honestly, in the event she happened to be angry with Alex, then it definitely didn't show on her face. Why, as if to further prove her jubilation, she'll even excitedly rush forward to greet her girlfriend. "Lexy! You look even prettier than I last remembered. Did you cut your hair?" Vivian then practically exclaims before proceeding to pause upon coming to the realization she seemed rather... guilty somehow. Ah, was it because they didn't spend much time together recently?
    Either way, it doesn't take long for her gaze to soften the more Alex speaks. Of course, rather than interject, she'll patiently listen until she finally finishes before nodding with yet another smile gracing her lips. This time around, though, it was a much more serene, affectionate one
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    "Of course, silly! There's never a day I won't wanna spend time with you; in fact, I was actually hoping you might invite me out for a date all along," VIvian admits... and she wasn't lying either, because from morning up until now, she had worried Alex might have forgotten her birthday. "But first... could I self-indulgently touch you to prove you're real and not some hallucination I conjured as a result of my own loneliness?"
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unladielike · 8 months
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    "...See, this is why I can't stand normies. They would constantly spout such brain-dead takes like this and make it seem as if there's something fundamentally wrong with those of us who fail to have sex or romantic relationships," Vivian mutters before shaking her head with a scowl. Honestly, she knew Twitter was a burning dumpster fire these days, but never once did she expect to actually be proven right about how unlikable normies were.
    "I mean, c'mon... 'you aren't really capable of attracting mates'? 'You don't have the appropriate psychological functioning to have normal, stable adult relationships?' Not only does that sound suspiciously similar to ableist and aphobic talking points, the fact she doesn't even realize how messed up that truly sounds is astonishing. Seriously, imagine equating your whole self worth to having sex and an actual love life... couldn't be me." The longer she spoke, the more bitterness would gradually seep it's way through her voice. Why, from how irritated Vivian sounded, there could be no denying the fact she was currently in quite the testy mood.
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unladielike · 5 months
"I'm starting to understand why there aren't a lot of people here this time of year. It's so cold!" She groans, looking at the mostly vacant parking lot for the amusement park she'd impulsively dragged Vivian to. What else was she supposed to do with the free tickets she'd procured? Let them waste away? No way! "...'mm well .. I guess the brightside is no line for rides or the arcade area, yeah?" Ryu laughs sheepishly and gestures to the entrance." Maybe I'll have to buy one of those overpriced novelty sweaters from here. But c'mon, lets go! "
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          UNPROMPTED ASKS. » always accepting!
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    "Huh... is it really that cold?" came Vivian's absentminded murmur while slow, owlish blinks rolled off her eyelids. Honestly, perhaps it was because she had grown accustomed to Vancouver, but the colder weather didn't bother her too much. Strangely enough, though, there had been no snow in Canada this year, to the point where skiing was rendered impossible for once... so aside from rain, Canadians did experience an uncharacteristically warmer winter during November and December compared to past years.
    Still, as she casts a lone glance at a white Kessler and a Red Volkswagon that occupied only two out of ten lots, there could be no denying the fact that Ryu did have a point. Why, judging from how desolate the whole area looked, hardly anybody seemed to pick today to go to Playland; then again, it had been raining all throughout the morning and early afternoon, meaning it was really no wonder people mostly decided to remain indoors... since when it came down to it, Vancouver, following it's usual downpour, was rife with puddles of water and mud; therefore, if one didn't wear the proper shoes, they could easily slip, slide, or worse - drench their socks.
    "I dunno, Ruru. The summer heat is like a scorching landscape to me, so this in comparison feels nicer somehow... but yeah, with nobody being around, at least we don't have to wait until we're both grandmas to get a turn at the Ferris Wheel," Vivian finally shrugs before prying off the black flannel jacket that had been wrapped around her waist and subsequently draping it around Ryu's shoulders. Once she does so, a nod would then be initiated her way. "Sure, we'll go find you a sweater that is so cozy, your arms will stop being icicles. Just be careful where you step, okay? 'Cause boots or no boots, you can easily trip and break your neck... unless, of course, I manage to valiantly swoop in to your rescue before your untimely demise."
    ...And upon uttering out those same words, Vivian would begin her leisurely trek towards the entrance to Playland, only to nearly trip over her own two feet due to the fact she was wearing loafers. Rather than acknowledge this, however, she'll simply pause to awkwardly cough into a fist before continuing onwards as if nothing had even happened. Needless to say, someone was certainly not practising what she preached.
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unladielike · 6 months
As much as he hoped to not run into anyone he knew while picking up a certain series his sister pre-ordered for herself, here he was at the very same book store Vivian liked to go to, holding a newly released shoujo manga series in his hand with the girl in question absolutely having caught him red handed here. It had been some time since he sorta blew up at her for his absolutely trivial insecurities, and he did owe her an apology for it. Even though the girl was likely doing her best to ignore him right now as she turned away to mind her own business, Keith cleared his throat and turned to her, tucking the manga volume he had into the bag he had brought for easier transportation of his sister's purchases, ❝ I'm sorry about last time, ❞ he began awkwardly, unable to really look her in the eyes as he said it, ❝ I'm not the best at keeping cool when people hit nerves. ❞ He paused, thinking that Vivian probably wouldn't want to hear any excuses out of him. It made sense that she didn't. Besides, she was clearly more compatible with people like Reanne anyhow in terms of friendship and whatnot, ❝ anyway, I'll leave you be. I just wanted to apologize for that. ❞
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          UNPROMPTED ASKS. » always accepting!
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    The moment Keith entered her peripheral, Vivian wasted no time whirling around, intent on re-browsing the shounen manga again; after all, his presence alone was enough to deter her from checking out the new updates. Before she could bring herself to trot forward, however, him clearing his throat has her immediately cease, and against her better judgment, she'll slowly peek back at him over her shoulder with a single brow arched upwards, as if saying, 'What in god's name do you want?'
    Truth be told, she didn't know what exactly to expect considering it wasn't as if she knew him particularly well yet; still, the subsequent apology Keith uttered was enough to make her jawline unclench, because when it came down it, she just couldn't find it in herself to stay mad at him.
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    "...Apology accepted, I guess," Vivian ends up sighing. "I mean... when you're clearly trying your best to be sincere, it's hard to really hold grudges, you know? Besides, I do lack the social aptitude to choose my words more carefully, so people already get mad at me a lot... in other words, I'm pretty much used to it. But yeah, consider our last altercation together water underneath the bridge." Sure enough, she then ambles over to survey the recent volumes released by Tamako Tamagoyama for the series, 'My Cat is Such a Weirdo' all while debating whether or not she should get it for Hayate's Christmas present. Of course, she still wasn't standing super close to Keith, but now that he apologized, the distance between them did at least shorten to half a meter.
    "Are you here for your younger sister?" Vivian finally goes on to question, making it rather apparent she pretty much paid no heed to his last words.
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unladielike · 8 months
❝ Are you the type that likes candy? ❞ Reanne asked her abruptly as they passed by the candy aisle in the store. Once again, they had run into each other while at the grocery store, and with Halloween coming up, of course that question would pop up sooner or later. Her dark brown eyes glanced over towards her shorter companion as she drastically shifted the conversation into a different direction before Vivian could truly get a word in, ❝ you wouldn't believe me if I said that I have a friend who despises chocolate with every fiber of his being, would you? But he does. I don't understand it. Even if you give him a treat that isn't chocolate, he'll glare at you and force you to take it back. ❞
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          UNPROMPTED ASKS. » always accepting!
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    Given how Reanne seemed to talk a mile per minute, preventing her from getting the chance to even speak, all Vivian could really manage in response was a single nod while she turns to regard the candy store. It was only after she finishes relaying the information about her friend, however, does she whip back around with evident shock painted across her bespectacled features.
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    "Wait, he despises chocolate?! That's absolutely blasphemous!" she then exclaims, allowing disbelief to punctuate her tone. "Seriously, I pity his taste buds if he doesn't have a refined enough palate to enjoy candy. Like, what an absolute waste that is... then again, there's no food I really hate unless it's made with expired ingredients, so maybe me being non-picky doesn't count for much, yet still... how can you even turn away free chocolate? Does he need a new tongue or something? Jesus..."
    Perhaps she was over exaggerating a bit, but at the same time, Vivian found it preposterous someone could have such a natural distaste for all sweets. Why, in her humble opinion, it was akin to saying you don't want salt in any of your meals.
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unladielike · 8 months
[ warmth ] sender pulling receiver into their arms to share body heat - from hayate !
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          CARING PROMPTS. » still accepting!
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    A blissful smile is quick to tug it's way up along her lips as Hayate pulls her into his arms, allowing her to bask in his warmth underneath their shared blanket. "Mm... are you cold, Hayupin?" Vivian soon brings herself to teasingly question while pressing herself further back against him. Honestly, she had tried to be as discreet as possible while slipping away for a quick bathroom break, but it seemed that unbeknownst to her, Hayate had been awake the whole entire time.
    "Sorry about my absence! I hope I hadn't made you too unbearably lonely," she then murmurs. Granted, going to the toilet would only really take someone five minutes, but the whole entire time she was on the toilet, Vivian had been distracted by her phone, to the point where it took her twenty minutes to officially get out and return back to her boyfriend. "...But if, for whatever reason, you still can't sleep, I wouldn't be opposed to having some late night fun together~" came her eventual, suggestive remark... and had they had properly been facing each other, she would have proceeded to playfully wink at him.
    As tempting as it was to grind her butt against his groin, however, Vivian would hold back for the time being, if only because he did make her cum three times earlier today.
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unladielike · 8 months
Noticing that a small girl in front of him was about to fall onto the ground thanks to tripping over an unexpected crack on the path, Xander instinctively reached his hand out to grab hold of her arm. His fingers gripped her tightly to ensure she didn't hit the ground, and he easily pulled the girl back up onto her feet. Though, he might have put a little too much force into that act as she had nearly fallen back onto him instead, ❝ Sorry, didn't want you to fall, ❞ he apologized as he used his other hand to hold her shoulder to prevent their bodies from colliding as he pulled her back. [@aeviterncl; hope this is alright!]
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          UNPROMPTED ASKS. » always accepting!
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    Considering she often had her head stuck up in the clouds, Vivian honestly didn't notice there was a crack in the sidewalk until it was too late and she sensed her feet tumbling forward. By that point, a startled gasp would then slip past her throat, but before she could even land face first against the stone cold pavement, a firm hand would yank her back, causing her bespectacled eyes to practically widen... and unconsciously, she shivers as the skin beneath her sleeve tingled from the newfound warmth, because she hadn't been held onto so tightly in what felt like ages, let alone register her head briefly colliding against a non-feminine chest, that it felt strangely alien yet not altogether unpleasant.
    Why, so unaccustomed was she to being manhandled, even if unintentionally, Vivian couldn't quite suppress the blush that plummeted over her cheeks as she risked a quick glance behind her... only to immediately peer straight ahead, for when it came down to it, the unsuspecting stranger proved so ridiculously photogenic, she's quick to suddenly grow self-conscious. Honestly, she was starting to believe all red-heads inherited the good looking gene from their parents or something, because not only was Reanne a pretty girl, whoever this was also seemed to be incredibly attractive.
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    "N-No, it's fine!" Vivian finally stammers out while his fingers shifted their grip to her shoulder. "Besides, I'm not the type to fall for every strapping young man I see," she later adds, making it rather apparent she had clearly misunderstood what he said during the heat of the moment. Had he not touched her, however, she would probably have behaved a bit less awkwardly.
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unladielike · 8 months
Big or small tits?
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          UNPROMPTED ASKS. » always accepting!
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    "...Must I truly answer?" Vivian questions in an exasperated tone. Honestly, though, the answer was 'small', just because she'd rather not feel insecure over her own breasts being on the smaller side, so when it came to three dimensional women, she preferred them being more flat-chested like her; however, that wasn't necessarily an absolute requirement, because at the end of the day, body parts wasn't what she found the most attractive about another girl.
Why, as corny as it sounds, it was truly their personality that ultimately mattered, meaning they could be very skrunkly looking, and depending on what they were like, she might still potentially find them hot.
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unladielike · 1 year
@spiritpyro​ — continued from here ;;
     Hayate insisted he wasn’t watching her like some creep, but at the same time, she could still sense his stare lingering on her as if seemingly boring holes through her body. Granted, it might have been only for five minutes, but to Vivian, it seemed far too long... far too intrusive. Meanwhile, she couldn’t even bring herself to spare even a single glance at his face from an irrational fear she would discover that same disgust, marring the features she once tenderly caressed. What sort of expression was Hayate wearing right now? And how did he look, perceiving her? She didn’t know... or rather, she was too terrified to find out.
     “...Liar,” came her eventual scoff. “Given how thoroughly you pay attention to me, you would make for a very excellent voyeur; in fact, had I not known any better, I’d think you were mentally undressing me with your own eyes.” Little by little, she then manages a weak, humourless laugh, but at the same time, her heart wasn’t quite in the joke as her eyes skimmed the bandages coating his fingers. By that point, her smile soon vanishes, replaced by a crestfallen frown as she gazes worriedly at them; after all, Hayate wasn’t the type to struggle while crocheting stuff, meaning he must have been hurting... somewhere deep down inside.
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     “Don’t be silly, Hayupin. There’s no way I could toss away something you botched your hands, making for me. That would be too cruel... like kicking away at a sad puppy,” Vivian finally insists. Why, in the end, she really couldn’t bring herself to stop caring about him... because that was how foolish she was. Honestly, if she was dumb and pathetic, then they might as well be a match made in heaven, considering the same thing could really be said about poor Hayate, who was doing a very bad job at convincing her he no longer cared.
     “Hey, tell me... do your fingers still hurt?” Vivian later questions, and the whole entire time, she could only hope her concern would manage to genuinely reach him, because it wasn’t pity she felt... but a soft tenderness she had been certain would never quite resurface again.
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unladielike · 10 months
"I was told, I look like a tomboy... do you think that's the reason guys don't like me?" Or rather one of many but she sure wondered at times if the haircut had been a mistake. Idachi had complained about it from the start, not that his opinion had ever truly mattered but it still had hurt. "Too boyish, well I kinda wanted that effect...but, I still look like a girl, right? I'm not ugly, just 'cause of shorter hair... in stories the female characters sure have mostly long hair, or your length," she mumbled and run her fingers through the shaved sides. "Have you ever thought about cutting your hair?"
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                UNPROMPTED ASKS. » always accepting!
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    "...But didn't that Kobato guy like you or whatever?" Vivian finally brings herself to question, for if nothing else, Fang seemed to not even be content one man at least seemed to find her attractive... which honestly irked her a little bit. Why, as much as she adored her friend, it was during times like these where she truly wished she wasn't so boy crazy.
    "If you ask me, Fanettie, I think you're being just a tad too greedy regarding the male populace... though, to answer your question, no, I don't believe that's the reason guys don't fancy you much." Sure enough, a sigh then manages to issue past her throat, because when it came down to it, Vivian doesn't think she was the best person to talk to about real boys; in fact, Fang might have been better off, finding someone else to spill her insecurities to.
    "As cheesy as it sounds, beauty is simply the eye of the beholder... and while I can keep telling you I personally consider you to be a very beautiful girl, something tells me my opinion doesn't matter much unless it's from a three dimensional man," came her bitter murmur. Honestly, with how pleasant Vivian normally was, this retort might have caused Fang to do a double take, yet regardless, she'll soon find herself glancing listlessly out the window.
    "Welp, of course; in fact, I don't actually like it this long... only, I keep forgetting to ask my mom to cut my hair, so it ended up getting very wild and unruly. Brushing it is also a pain... to the point where I usually don't bother doing much, besides washing it."
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unladielike · 11 months
what would fang think of you if she found out about your visits to a certain host club? is it something you'd willingly share with her?
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                UNPROMPTED ASKS. » always accepting!
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    "She'd probably think I'm a huge hypocrite..." Vivian sighs. Honestly, judging from her tone, it remains quite evident she did not look forward to telling Fang all about the fact she ended up becoming quite drawn towards a certain host. Granted, since falling in love was for normies, she did consider Mako to be more of a friend than anything else, but still, she didn't doubt Fang would demand to hear more details about her encounters with an actual man that wasn't made up of pixels.
    "But I do plan on eventually mustering the courage to tell Fanettie. I just... you know, haven't gotten around to it yet."
anonymous ( in regards to @badheart )
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unladielike · 11 months
"What do you think?" And she revealed a sketch page full of Ryuto, just drawn even more handsome, as pure realism wasn't her forte but stylization. There were even two headshots of a black haired guy, one looking rather embarrassed. While Ryuto remained mostly cold looking in all sketches. One even without shirt. "What you don't know yet, he actually exists... I just have no photos of him yet, but he's so arrogant and smart... and mean and stupid... I wanna kiss him," Fang confessed and buried her head into her sketchbook. "He's also so tall... but... do you think I'm stupid?" She suddenly asked. "Or sound stupid?" Was it that bad?
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                UNPROMPTED ASKS. » always accepting!
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    "You're way too hung up over this guy is what I think," Vivian finally sighs while adjusting her glasses; then again, it wasn't like she couldn't relate. Why, as much as she claimed to prefer 2D men, there were moments where she admittedly lusted after real men and masturbated over them depending on how attractive he was or how nice he was towards her. "But he looks really good in your style and gives off major mean dom vibes," she then reluctantly admits after lowering her hand back down along her side.
    Sure enough, though, Vivian proceeds to shake her head. "No, no, I believe he exists, Fanettie... you don't gotta worry about that!" she assures her, for when it came down to it, she didn't doubt Ryuto was a real, living breathing human, no matter how much Fang had blabbed about how cute he was... and sure enough, she'll continue letting her bespectacled gaze roam over the page.
    "Trust me, I know... and the way I see it, you can't exactly control who you're attracted to, regardless of whether or not it's rational, so in that sense, you aren't stupid for having a type," Vivian stresses. "Some men are just... way out of our league; therefore, it's best you don't chase them, unless you wanna end up becoming disappointed by reality." Despite her words, however, there could be no denying the fact Ryuto Tsukishima did at least sound attractive, to the point where she could understand where Fang was coming from; then again, as someone who had a degradation and humiliation kink, she may simply be a biased masochist.
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unladielike · 11 months
"Have you tried this Genshin Impact game? It's everywhere," Fang complained but fanart was popular. "The designs are so complicated, and their panties are like shorts... yes, I checked."
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                UNPROMPTED ASKS. » always accepting!
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    "I have... but I ended up losing interest in it pretty quickly since the boys weren't all that hot and the gacha rates pretty much sucked," Vivian admits while finally glancing up from her phone. Truth be told, she had been mindlessly scrolling through her Twitter feed until Fang spoke up once more, interrupting her train of thought.
    "Er... exactly how do you know their panties are like shorts, Fanettie?" she then questions. Why, in all honesty, Vivian couldn't recall if there was mod, where you could strip the Genshin characters until they were only in their underwear; after all, it had been a long while since she had last played the game. Still, she had no doubt in her mind that Fang could have designed beefier men than whoever was responsible for Genshin Impact's character designs.
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