#♡ ⸺ shuumako.
peachmusesa · 1 year
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peachmuses · 11 months
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birthday kisses 1/5.
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peachmuses · 1 year
sociieties asked: 5 times touched shuumako
I. the first time they touch, they're in elementary three. makoto is nine, and shuuzou is eight. makoto is new and shuuzou scares off the other kids and maybe this is a friend he can make that doesn't run off. he's watched hanamiya - makoto - his brain pushes forth for a few weeks now and the other kids are mean to him. shuuzou doesn't understand why. makoto is quiet, and nice. ( makoto gave him his pudding cup once when the school was out. shuuzou had blinked and he was gone. ) today, they're on the playground and shuuzou is messing with on the swings, seeing just how high he can go until a teacher yells at him / when he spots kids gathering around makoto. he frowns -- and jumps off the swing still in motion and makes his way over to the crowd, whose starting to push at makoto. shuuzou worms his way in between the classmates and makoto, and snarls. " leave him alone. " " it's you and him against half the class, nijimura. what do you think can happen ? " shuuzou shrugs, " i'll take you all on. leave him alone. " the kids glance at one another, " you're weird, he's weird. no wonder you're protecting him. " shuuzou tosses himself at them, fists swinging and mouth snarling. " he's not weird. he's not. shut up. shup up shut up. " it takes a teacher to pull him off as the other kids scatter, and once finished, shuuzou wipes his face, and holds out his fist to makoto. " hi, i'm shuuzou, and you're my friend now. " makoto looks down at his fist, and shuuzou frowns. " you're suppose to bump it. with your own. " makoto does, and shuuzou grins as bright as the sun. this is the start of shuuzou's lifelong love. not that he would know.
II. they get married on the playground. shuuzou drags him behind him, and makoto trips / loses his book, and shuuzou stops long enough for makoto to pick it up, before he's dragging him back. shuuzou, casually touches makoto a lot. this is different though. shuuzou is going to kiss makoto on the playground. the other kids laugh, but shuuzou has it planned. ( his parents had told him that only married people kiss. thus, shuuzou has to marry makoto. ) he's gotten the other kids set up ( and started a whole thing with the other students as they picked who they were going to marry. ) the teachers, nervous, stand and watch -- and shuuzou finally gets makoto to the make-believe alter that he's set up. ( it's technically the tubes / but it works as an arch. ) shuuzou declares, with makoto's hand in his, that they're married, and then he's kissing makoto smack dab on the lips, and the teachers are letting out horrified noises and one is even crying. shuuzou doesn't mind though, he finally got to kiss makoto. III. fuck. that's the first thing that registers after he's been punched squarely in the face by makoto. ( okay, sure, he deserved it after disappearing for damn near two years, but still. ) the second thing that registers is the fact that makoto has learned how to properly throw a punch and his nose throbs. it isn't broken -- but it hurts like a bitch. he glances up at makoto, and whatever complaint he was going to make dies on his lips. ( makoto is bandaged and bruised. ) he eyes them -- and makoto says something but shuuzou doesn't catch it. nothing but anger swells inside of his stomach / and shuuzou had been better about recklessly going off to fight but makoto is hurt and shuuzou can tell by the way he moves that he's more hurt than he's willing to show. makoto finally shows him the video and shuuzou nearly cracks the phone in his hand. he's told he can't do anything, and shuuzou pouts - listens, but pouts anyways. spoilsport. IV. shuuzou asks if he can kiss him / it's stupid and quick, and he wasn't really thinking when he asked but the urge from when he was nine is still strong, and he still wants to kiss makoto. he's older / wiser / knows that you don't have to be married to kiss anyone now or to fuck them -- but he's content enough with just a kiss. ( makoto had at some point gotten a tongue ring. shuuzou wants it in his mouth. he wants to taste makoto too. ) shuuzou is surprised when makoto agrees / and he ignores the way that his organs shake / and kisses his best friend. ( and it's nothing like when he first kissed makoto. that first kiss was quick, innocent as an nine year old can be; this one is hesitant and questioning, unsure of what / how makoto wants to be kissed / unsure if this was a good idea or a bad idea, and then he's pulling away. makoto tells him to kiss him again, and shuuzou does / harder, wanting more and more, and swallows whatever noises he can get from his best friend. he wants them for himself. he wants makoto, for himself. he wants. makoto tells him to fuck him, and shuuzou processes it -- before he's flipping makoto on his back, and tracing muscles with tongue and fingers and memorizing the layout of makoto's body against his; and cataloguing every sound that makoto makes. ( he wants to make makoto feel good. he takes his time, pulling out every trick that he knows. shuuzou keeps makoto busy the rest of the night. ) it's a bad idea / but shuuzou has always been good at bad ideas. he doesn't know it then / but he falls more in love with makoto there.
V. i love you i love you i love you i love you. it beats inside of shuuzou's chest on repeat every time he sees makoto. it nearly slips out when shuuzou's got makoto underneath him, and he's pressing kisses into spine. it nearly slips out when makoto is reading some book , or building some lego set, or cooking or coaching. ( it nearly slips out during the winter cup. ) shuuzou is content enough to ignore it. makoto isn't in love with him / and he's in love with makoto / and everything is fine and dandy. it turns out everything that shuuzou has ever thought was always wrong. it takes tatsuya and kazuya to pull out the confessions from both of them - like they're dentists and shuuzou and makoto are two stubborn wisdom teeth that refuse to come out. they take their pilers and yank and prod until shuuzou gives first / and he's opening himself up. he finds himself confessing - he's in love with makoto / that no one is like makoto - no matter how much he tried to find someone else to fill that void, that no one compared to his first love / best friend / lover. they're on the playground where shuuzou first protected makoto scaring away the kids ( the school has long since been closed. ) makoto tells him that he's in love with him too / and shuuzou's brain all but shuts down and he kisses makoto and feels like he's coming home from war. he's in love / he is loved back. and it's by the person he loves most in the world. he kisses him harder, needier, before he pulls away and stands. he's taking makoto home with him - to recreate their first time together, this time knowing that they both love each other. and if shuuzou cries during it, then that's no one's business but makoto's.
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peachmuses · 1 year
knb, ship edition tags.
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