#⚜ i’m a special vampire ▬ in character
deceptivemorals · 5 months
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cont. from here || @malka-lisitsa
           it wasn’t the first time he had felt niklaus' teeth. most of the time, however, his brother graciously offered his blood to cure him of the poison that his bite had set free. not so this time. elijah is aware that it was a way to punish him.
           this time it had caught him on the shoulder – in their heated argument that soon turned into a scuffle the bite had been quickly placed. it wasn’t a very big spot, but it was terribly inflamed and hot. something that didn’t want to heal; at least not while it was still so fresh. fortunately, he had still been able to change his tattered and bloody suit, rinse the wound as best he could, and treat it reasonably so that his new shirt would not be soiled.
           the poison had already spread well in his body and caused the first bouts of fever while his body tried to fight it. his skin was glistening with the thin layer of sweat and he felt awful. sick. inflamed. tired but at the same time wide awake. thankfully, he knew he would survive it. others were less fortunate. he knew he needed rest. he mustn't fight it as it would only delay the recovery. nonetheless, there was still one thing he needed to do.
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           "please, katerina. leave. i'll be fine but you need to leave!" he was still in control now but the fever will rise and he could not guarantee for anything. in deep down, she knew it was the truth.
           he knew it was a great deal that she trusted him so much, but at that point trust was inappropriate, she wasn’t safe. not if she stayed within reach.
           "go, katerina."
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deceptivemorals · 2 months
cont. from here || @malka-lisitsa
          it is very rare that elijah went to bed early - usually, he did not sleep until well after midnight. and when he finally went to sleep, he usually slept tight enough. however, not tight enough not to relatively quickly notice that katherine had left the bed. he waited a few moments to see if katherine returned to bed, giving her the necessary space in case it wasn't a situation that needed attention. but when she failed to return, elijah decided it was best if he went looking for her.
          he gave an unusual sight. the hair already slightly ruffled by sleep on one side, without a suit, but only in his sleeping outfit, and barefoot. fortunately, it didn't take him long to locate her, and fortunately, she was still in the building. upon stepping into the room she had chosen, elijah immediately checked for signs: increased pulse, rapid breathing, restlessness... signs that typically indicate that she has had a nightmare or a panic attack. but everything seems quiet. 
          she seemed to take some time until she gave him a reaction following his words that were mainly meant to make his presence known so as to not startle her in case her mind wandered off. and considering that she seemed to need some time to react, her thoughts were probably not entirely here in the presence.
          her questions caused him to frown, not having expected that whatever troubled her went in that specific direction. he knew he was far from being perfect and he knew that he certainly was not everything that she was looking for and needed. elijah was not blind to the fact that his divided loyalties didn't please her and he knew that he had hurt her immensely in the past. he also knew that he often could not match her fiery spirit (the famous stick in his ass) and isn't as open in his feelings. flaws a perfection option would not have. nonetheless (or rather precisely because), he was trying his hardest to show her what she meant to him. her doubts regarding their relationship made him question whether he was trying enough. whether he had done anything that made her feel neglected or misplaced or not good enough.
          elijah stepped carefully closer until he reached the chair she was sitting in. then, he squatted down so that he wasn't towering over her. "of course i am happy with you, katerina. you are important to me and you mean a lot to me." his hand reached out to lay above her free hand, his thumb gently stroking the back of her hand. "i love you."
          of course, there are big 'whys' in his head. why is she filled with doubts? why was she so unsure of his feelings for her? but he decided to not ask so as to not push her if she didn't feel like sharing. perhaps being simply here with her already helps her.
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deceptivemorals · 1 month
cont. from here || @apex-royalty
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          "see, that's where you're gravely mistaken." elijah stepped closer, his tone and attitude dangerously cool & indifferent. "that's always the problem with you pesky salvatores. you always try to pull your head out of the noose you created and hope to evade the consequences of your actions." 
          "i thought i made myself clear when i said that if anything whatsoever happens to katherine, i will descend upon you. it is easy to switch elena’s name with yours in this equation. i do not care for the reasons, stefan. i see the result. and the result is that she is dead." the last words were almost hissed.
          "so explain why you deserve to keep your heart?"
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deceptivemorals · 5 months
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"We could always go to the actual grocery mart-"
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"both a good and a bad idea." he cannot go to a grocery store to buy what is needed for that to happen.
"i'll send someone."
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deceptivemorals · 7 months
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cont. from here || @malka-lisitsa
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        elijah was already relieved that katerina now seemed to accept help. something that was already a difficult step, because he was well aware that she did not like to admit weaknesses – even if it was already obvious to an outsider that she needed help because she was struggling.
        "i would like to, katerina. what is the best way to help you? what do you need the most?" he was no mind reader, after all, and he didn't want to insult her by assuming she needed something which may not even be the main problem.
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deceptivemorals · 10 months
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@sonxofxansel liked the starter call (no longer accepting)
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         "i harbor absolutely no desire to start a conversation with you. so whatever it is that you think of gaining or requesting by hoping to have this conversation with me, you won't achieve it." elijah knows who this person opposite of him is. and he also knows what this person is. elijah doesn't share many things with his father but if there's one thing that he does share with mikael, it's his aversion against this specific pack. one of them did kill his youngest brother. the loss of henrik was the reason vampirism was forced upon them. this pack was the reason that his village lived in fear on every full moon.
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deceptivemorals · 10 months
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@ladicsa liked the starter call (no longer accepting)
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          "i heard you talked to my brother. i'm surprised you didn't come to me for this matter as i thought we had reached a good understanding until now. should i take this as a cause for concern that our cooperation is no longer working?"
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deceptivemorals · 10 months
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@fidelissimi liked the starter call (no longer accepting)
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        "i was told that you're a witch," elijah started the conversation quite directly after he had stepped closer to her. "i'm in need of a gifted witch and i would be interested in a deal – your efforts will not go unrewarded."
        those who possessed magic were rarely on good terms with his kind which is why he intended to make sure that he didn't envisage exploration hence why he mentioned it in the beginning.
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deceptivemorals · 5 months
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         "is something bothering you?"
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deceptivemorals · 5 months
"I'm very surprised you haven't checked in on why I was asking about your books and quotes the other day."
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"You're usually very persistent about my suspicious behavior."
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          "because, my darling katerina, i do not want to be suspicious of your every question or potential ulterior moves. i liked your interest in the literature and my view of it, even if i could only answer your questions inaccurately."
          "and to be honest, only a few people are interested in discussing it…" a pause followed before he tilted his head.
          "but now that you raised my attention, i am wondering what the reason for this behavior had been."
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deceptivemorals · 1 year
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plotted starter for @savagevillain (& including survivingpierce)
      there was not much that pointed to the eventful full moon night in this clearing. the scorched earth, perhaps, which left scarring marks in the remains of the grass and alluded to the circles used to trap the sacrifices. the ashes still swirling in small pieces over the clearing and laid a light grey blanket over the parts that were still green.
      at the edge of the clearing, where the deep forest of bulgaria continued, were three elevations in the ground. unmarked graves that elijah had dug himself. it was left to elijah to clean the mess that was left behind while klaus was off pursuing his newfound wolf side. a task he followed very thoroughly. not only because he wanted to remove all traces of the broken curse, but also because he had something to hide: only two of the three graves were occupied.
      the third sacrifice, however, wasn't buried. in fact, she was very much alive – at least he hopes that's what she'll be when she finally awakes.
      elijah had cleaned her neck and had given her some blood to help against the scarring – preventive if the elixir did not heal it. then, he had carried her to a safe location, away from the clearing. her unconscious body was guarded during his absence because he will make sure that nothing else is going to happen to her. she did her duty, she shall be free…
      steps across the ground indicated that someone was coming back and elijah didn't even have to look to tell who it was.
      "you're back sooner than expected, brother", elijah called out and grabbed the clothes that had been already prepared for his brother's arrival to hand them over to him.
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deceptivemorals · 1 year
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noticing. || @hellsurvivr
“That’s not your usual order.”
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       elijah’s fingertips brushed over the edges of the already worn menu before he raised his gaze to look at the bartender that was so much more than just a simple employee.
       "i did not recognize i have a certain pattern?" he's genuinely interested although it's probably quite comprehensible why his order may stand out: he usually orders the least worse on the menu but this time, they seemed to have taken off the option of his usual choice.
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deceptivemorals · 1 year
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@storywolfywolf sent:
may i suggest a drink? bourbon perhaps?
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         "before we get to this question, let’s look at a more important issue: care to explain what you are doing in my home? i do not recall having invited a stranger with a- " elijah's gaze looked the other man up and down "-questionable sense of style."
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deceptivemorals · 10 months
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@wehowl liked the starter call (no longer accepting)
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          elijah squinted when he noticed a slightly familiar face. the memory is not really clear, but rather blurry. a side note of a complete symphony which is why he's not certain. chances should be impossible; but what is impossible in a world that goes beyond an ordinary person's imagination? if this is the person he thought she is, then he knew her parents. he had business with them in … the late 1800s. he recalled that their daughter vanished for some reason.
         his eyes followed the woman until he decided to address her. "you must be new here. can i help with anything?"
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deceptivemorals · 10 months
"What is the one true thing you would hate to say to me the most?"
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For the next five questions my muse can not tell a lie. || @lordofthestrix || accepting
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        eljah squinted his eyes slightly, already annoyed that tristan dared to use this hour of truth.
       "oh, any sort of compliment will very hard pass over my lips." because tristan is admittedly an intelligent strategist although he is as unnecessary and inconvenient as a solenopsis invicta. elijah will certainly not caress tristan's ego.
       "i would really hate to say that i'm sorry about the troubled connection between you and your sister that was partly caused by me. and i say partly because your sister has been … incomprehensible before we even met. nonetheless, as someone with many siblings i care about" – although elijah also had to admit that some were closer to his heart than others – "i do understand what it feels like to worry about them and sometimes not being capable of helping them. these are rather unpleasant moments."
       aurora was an unstable, misguided child and she did exploit rebekah by stealing immortality from her. nonetheless, she wasn't malicious and didn't completely deserve the treatment elijah had given her – unlike tristan who would deserve far worse.
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deceptivemorals · 9 months
It would appear that today 'Katerina' might actually be the correct name to address her with... soft and sweet, well behaved... for now.
head tilts up just a little as his fingers trace her jaw and a slight smirk slides over her features as he speaks.
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"mmmm." She hummed her approval before her brow rose, voice gaining just a slightly more husky tone. "Do tell~"
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of course, katherine would demand further explanations on this subject, and dirty talk always seemed to give her great pleasure. perhaps she also enjoyed the fact that he doesn't really like to answer some things, even if this was quite different in his private rooms.
he let his hand rest on her jaw whereas his thumb now brushed over her bottom lip.
"it includes bringing you to my bed–", not his desk that is currently filled with papers that he will need later, "–and have you sprawled out for me so that i can devour you. and when you're finally squirming and you continue to be a good girl for me, i'll reward you greatly – until you won't manage to form a straight thought."
the tone in his voice had deepened and his eyes were settled on @malka-lisitsa the entire time.
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