#❅ [ Liz Ruin ] like a KING she’ll take the CROWN.
voidfcllen · 1 year
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OC Master Post
Below the cut is a comprehensive list of my Oc’s available on this blog. You will find their primary face claims, their fandoms, and bullet points listing relevant information in their history and personalities, and in some cases links to their playlists. I’m going to make this post accessible from my Pinned Post so you can reference it later!
Superhero Oc’s
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Felix Damery - Miraculous Ladybug / Fandomless
Previous Chat Noir. Very much retired.
Repressed Rich kid with a strict upbringing who never wanted to be a superhero but the god who gave him his magic ring cursed it to his hand until he could get true loves kiss. So he didn’t get a choice.
His father ran a weapons distribution company and was a magical terrorist on the side. He’s in prison now thanks directly to Felix’s involvement as Chat Noir.
Very Rich between his inheritance and liquidating his father’s company. His long-term girlfriend (only because he keeps getting cold feet on proposing) sells wedding dresses and he’s given her a significant investment cause he’s a simp.
He believes his mother is dead and vice versa, this is not the case, and neither of them know this. It’s another one of the ways Raphael Damery sucks.
Lives in New York with his girlfriend and goes back and forth between New York and Paris when convenient.
Link to his Playlist
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Marcus Haprele - Miraculous Ladybug / Fandomless
Fae ancestry that gives him Mime Powers. Can mime things into existence but he physically cannot shut up. Only one item at a time and he has to actually have intimate knowledge of said item.
His father is a retired assassin.
Conspiracy nut, like red string bulletin board conspiracy nut. This is how he discovered his dad was a retired assassin. Fred Haprele was not retired at the time of this discovery.
His superhero name is Kid Mime (just The Mime now, he’s in his 30′s)
Has a little sister he would murder for.
Lives in Italy and operates an acting troupe there. He has a degree in engineering, but this has no relevance to his career.
Has a younger cousin named Claude living in london.
Still an Active Hero
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Gal Alvarez - Dudepow / Fandomless
Gal is a spanish-american girl who lives with her older brother Kelly, her stay at home artist father, and police commissioner mother. Her best friend Maizey is her most loyal and trusted sidekick.
When Gal was twelve her family moved into her deceased uncle's home, and she discovered the magic ring that had been passed down their family line from man to man. Upon putting it on, Gal became bound to the ring until her death-- specific conditions notwithstanding. Now she is the first Dudepow in history to ever be a woman!
Gal is arrogant, rebellious, prideful, and feels emotions very deeply. She cares a lot for her friends and family, but never thinks before she acts. While on the surface she thinks very highly of herself and hardly ever takes criticism, Gal is very insecure in her identity as herself, verses her identity as a Superhero, where she can fit the expected 'mold' of Dudepow.
Gal has been keeping this secret from her parents for years and is an accomplished hero in her own right now. Dudepow is a magical girl style transformation using the phrase “sock it to me broseph.”
Downsides to being a Macho Man Superhero as a Teenage Girl are insane. Dudepow as a hero represents a lot of toxic masculinity that Gal is slowly trying to change as she modernizes the role of Dudepow.
As Gal her Pronouns are She / Her, as Dudepow they are He / Him.
Link to Her Playlist
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Evelyn Clavell - Dudewhap / Fandomless
Gal’s alter ego’s Evil Clone
Ev was born from when Gal broke off a press on nail in a fight as Dudepow. Gal found her clone, and decided to take him home because what else were you gonna do with a whole ass duplicate?
Ev and Gal were best friends, they dated! They were inseparable for years to the jealousy of Gal's best friend. They even fought crime together. But, the more Ev fought evil, the more he began to like it. Evil looked like fun! You could do so many things that the stuffy "he-roic handbook" Gal had to follow didn't let you!
Eventually, Ev became bored of fighting evil, and bored of Gal, and it all went downhill from there.
Ev is solely motivated by his own enjoyment. He only cares about having fun and will throw aside anyone and anything that starts to get boring.
He is manipulative, and petulant, and hides it behind a veil of bubbly personality, gifts, and kind gestures that make it difficult to realize the toxic layer underneath.
Pronouns are he / they.
Being Gal’s clone, he can take on her civilian form a well, but he just doesn’t like too and almost never does unless he was forced too.
Employed by and somewhat mentored by Gal’s inherited archenemy Andrea Clavell, hence where he got the last name.
Link to His Playlist
Pokemon Oc’s
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Millie Bolton - Pokemon
From Galar, her Pokemon partner is a Kantonian Meowth named Whiskers.
The extremely excitable wild child born to wooloo shepard parents. They live on a farm just outside of a town, and they sell wool to a popular textile company in Wyndon. Millie is an only child.
Whiskers is her partner, but the Pokemon that is her ace is the Wooloo who she grew up beside on the farm.
Millie’s dream is to become a champion level trainer, and to see all of Galar (and maybe even beyond) due to growing up in such a small hometown. Always looking for new adventures.
Will turn everything into a competition.
Can cook but spends hours gathering berries only to fall asleep right after.
Team: Whiskers, Wooloo, Impidimp, Grookey, Munchlax
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Aedan Cavanaugh - Pokemon
From Galar, his Pokemon Partner is a Polteageist named Chamomile
The son of tea merchants. His family lives above his late grandmother’s tea shop, though his mother has long since expanded the business into a small chain of cafes and commercially sold tea blends.
Met Polteageist as a Sinistea after his grandmother’s funeral, and it evolved when he accidentally chipped his grandmother’s favorite antique tea pot.
Aedan is participating in the Gym Challenges to test himself to see how far he and his team can really go.
He’s still figuring out what kind of Pokemon Trainer he wants to be.
He spends a lot of time in battle cafes and expanding his currydex.
Very much wants to evolve a Matcha Cream Alcremie
Team: Chamomile, Vanillish, Swovet, Darumaka, Sobble
Fandomless Oc’s
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Liz Ruin / Fandomless
Has verses for Yugioh, Pokemon, and BNHA.
Liz lived in japan with her parents, before they were promoted, and their jobs took them away from home.
She spent a few years in america with her grandfather on her mother’s side and her cousin in their game shop. Eventually Liz would move back to japan, but she visits her grandfather every summer.
Liz has the psychic ability to view the future in her dreams, usually in confusing, sporadic bursts that she can’t quite make any sense of when she wakes up. While awake, she gets bursts of what she calls her “shitty spidey sense” where she’ll know when something is about to happen near her, but not what.
It could be anything from ‘life threatening accident’ to ‘someone is goanna burn their mouth on their coffee’ and she has no way of telling these feelings apart. In her BNHA verse, this is also her quirk, and its official name would be “Precognition”.
Liz is the biggest bi to ever bi, with a strong lean towards cute girls, and seems almost exclusively attracted to boys who are lowkey dumbasses.
If you’ve earned her loyalty, you’ve earned it for life. Also, perhaps a touch more violent than you expect a four foot eight inches tall cute girl to be at first glance.
Link to her Playlist
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Eeriee McLaughlin / Fandomless
Her older brother went missing a year ago, and she’s the only one who hasn’t given up searching for him.
She took a jacket from his room that turned out to be a wolf pelt, now she’s a werewolf and will use her supernatural powers to find her brother. Somehow. She isn’t sure how that will work yet.
Her mom is the mayor of the town.
There’s a lot of weird stuff in Angel Hollow (the town) that she hadn’t noticed before becoming one of the weird things herself.
Her new friend Florance is the son of the investigator her mom hired to find her brother, and they’re both incorrigible snoops.
Convinced the weird stuff in town will lead her to her brother.
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voidfell · 7 months
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FROM THE INBOX: Besides your face/voiceclaim, who do you think would be cast as your character? and If your character had a breakout show/film/comic, what would the plot be? Who would be in their supporting cast? (for liz!) / @ Anonymous
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Oh man, I haven't thought of a live action cast for Liz, since I've always seen her as an anime character. But initially, I thought of her VA as being selena gomez cause the first song I ever associated with Liz was 'Tell Me Something I Don't Know'.
If Liz had a breakout show, it'd be a surrealist anime set in a wacky world where anything and everything could happen. Liz and her psychic powers would be the most normal person in the group, with some of my other OC's like Tia, the Pyrokinetic, and Mia and Cryokinetic, and their robot triplet they built named Nia, and Liz's best friend in the whole world Danni, who I always envisioned as a magical girl. Each character is kind of living through their own anime, but Liz would be the main focus so she'd jump genre's a lot. Other members of Liz's direct supporting cast would be her grandfather and her cousin, and much of the time Liz is just using her psychic visions to interfere with and protect her friends during their plots.
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The Oracle Prince, Chapter 9
Pairing: Viggo/Liz
Summary: We’ve found the gems of the Dragonkin, but now Hawkeye has their eye on the treasures of the noble families. The Foundation Day royal ball seems like the perfect time. Luckily, we have the help of the crown prince- Viggo?!
First: Chapter One
Previous: Chapter Eight
"Your Majesty!" Daniel went pale as a ghost.
“Silence!” The king turned to his guards at once. “Inspect the passage. See if what he said is true. As for the rest of you, come to the throne room.”
I wasn't sure how long it was, waiting in the throne room, before the guard slipped in again. The king paced anxiously, and Daniel stood behind him.
“It is just as His Highness said. Many of the men we found were recognized criminals- members of the organization Hawkeye. And..” The king's guard paused, before he said, “And many have been recognized as Daniel's guards.”
“What?! How could this be? Hawkeye within our castle.”
"It's because they've had a man of the inside all of this time,” Viggo snarled. “Daniel's been working with them from the start!”
Your Majesty,” I said, “didn't you think it was weird that Daniel kept Viggo training so much? He must've known this would be the opportune moment to strike, when he would be at his most exhausted.”
Daniel went pale as a ghost. “Y-Your Majesty-”
“His desire was to bring destruction to Gedonelune,” Viggo cried, “using the six gems to tear us apart!”
"Y-Your Majesty!" Daniel cried.
"Enough!" He looked between us. "Tell me everything. From the start."
Finally, the truth came out. The king listened in silence as we told him about Cordelia, about the Dragonkin Ruins, about the attack in Queensblade, about the search for the gems within the court. Daniel stood silent behind him, his usually unshakeable confidence gone.
"To think that they would be lurking in this castle the whole time.."
"I-I had no idea about any of this," he said. "They must have been acting on their own!"
"Even if that is true," Viggo said, "why should we keep you around? Your men are traitors, and they're all you have." He grinned. "I'd be better off with another guardian that I can trust. And who is strong enough."
"Y-Your Majesty!"
"Unless, of course, you want to prove your strength for yourself?"
The king looked at him in alarm. "..What are you proposing?"
"I want him punished for what he put me through. Heck, I want to punch him myself," Viggo growled. "So I say we have one final match in three days. A fitting final to the tournament that he pushed so hard. Me versus him. If he wins, he can do as he likes. But if I win, I get full freedom. No more Oxford guards- and Daniel gets what's coming to him."
Viggo sighed as we left the throne room, slumping against the wall. “That was nervewracking..”
"I'm proud of you," I said honestly as I sat down beside him. "That was really amazing. You seemed so cool and confident, taking charge of yourself." I found myself gushing, but it didn't seem to matter, when I was with him.
After everything we'd been through, he'd changed. He'd found his moment- and struck. That was something worth the praise.
"Heh." His expression softened. "..I couldn't have done it without you. I probably would have just kept fighting them in that clearing. You gave me the idea.”
“I was only helping you. But..” Something was still bugging me. “Why did they attack you? You didn't have the gem.” I remembered the gem of fire on my belt. Luckily, Caesar still carried his.
“They were after this.” He pulled on something around his neck. “Remember when I said the treasures of the royal family are in one place? This is the key.”
“How strange.” I had seen it so many times, but I'd never realized it was a key.
“And.. that includes the key to awakening the Dragon of Time,” he said.
My heart caught in my throat. “What is it?”
“A belt. All of the gems are placed on it. Then they bring it to the Tower and.. well.”
I felt strange hearing his voice. 'I don't know what this is, but I want to stay with him.'
"They won't get ahold of it,” I assured him. “The battle's almost over. Freedom's not far behind."
"Just a little while longer. Just one more battle to go."
We had three days till the final battle. It wouldn't feel long at all.
That night, Viggo called for us to meet on the rooftop.
“It seems like a lot of the members of Hawkeye were captured,” he said, “but Jaden wasn't among them.”
My heart sank. “She must have fled..”
“And there's no doubt that she'll be helping Daniel in the match.” He took out his telescope. “I've been searching the stars for answers.”
"What did you see?"
"I saw shadows lurking in the dark. More than I could count. And I saw Jaden slipping something into his hand." Viggo folded his arms. "Though I couldn't make out what it was."
That's right. This wasn't just Viggo's burden to carry alone. We had to do our best for him too. "We can be searching through the tournament hall while you're fighting!" I said.
"That's right! We'll help you!"
"I've been waiting to get my hands on those of Hawkeye," Felix muttered.
"We'll sniff them out," Elias said.
I saw Viggo relax a little. And seeing him before us, I couldn't help but laugh a little.
"..What is it?"
"I think you're starting to look like a proper leader, Viggo."
The next morning, to my surprise, I found Viggo and Luca in the library.
“I thought that you'd be preparing for the battle,” I said lightly as I sat next to him.
“Something is still bugging me. We were searching for the records on the Orian family,” he said. “I wanted to see if Jaden might possess the gem of wind after all.”
“What did you find?”
He sighed. “Seems pretty likely to me.”
“The records don't go into specifics,” Luca said with a sigh, “but everything said they have a gem going back to the first king.”
My heart sank. “So it's possible that Jaden has the gem.”
“Or Dahlia,” Viggo said idly.
“What are you talking about? Dahlia died.”
“You mean, you didn't notice?” Viggo looked up in surprise. “That woman that we captured.. Jaden called her Dahlia back there.”
“Are you talking about Cordelia?”
“Yes. The resemblance was unmistakable too.” Trust Viggo to be the one to notice that.
My heart dropped. But suddenly a lot of things were making sense. “..Viggo, where is she now?”
As I pushed open the cell doors, I saw her. Her wrists were bound, but she was sitting against the wall. "I didn't think we'd see each other again so soon, dragon girl.” Her voice was cold as ice. "Are you happy to see me like this?"
"I just wanted to talk to you," I said. Truth be told, I felt nervous- but I couldn't show it.
I felt Viggo take my hand. He met my eyes, and it was like my worry faded. I couldn't be worried when he was by my side. I knew he'd protect me.
I took a deep breath.  "Randolph told me about you. A promising student at the academy, who gave everything up when Jaden brought you into Hawkeye. Why did you go with her? What could she have promised you?"
"That's none of your business."
"Give it up. Jaden already told us," Viggo said. "She's your sister, isn't she?"
That did it. "Shut up!" she snarled, lunging forward. "Shut up!"
"They told us the two of you were separated when your parents died. You had lost so much. But Jaden found you at the academy. She promised you the family that you never had. You gave everything up to follow her."
"Shut up!" she snarled, lashing out against her chains. Viggo stepped between us, shielding me. "You have no idea what it was like! An orphan, all alone in this world, without anybody to care, without so much as a name! All I had left was.." I saw her hand press against her collar, reaching for something that wasn't there. "All I had was..!"
My heart hurt for her, and I stepped forward without thinking. "Why do you think I don't understand? I know what it was like," I said gently. "I was an orphan too. I wished for someone to find me. I know how scared you must have been, how alone that you felt." I felt Viggo's hand tighten in mine. Cordelia stopped- and I could see that she was trembling. "I understand why you followed her into the dark. But she is not who you think she is,” I said. "She abandoned you-"
"She had to!" she snarled. "She had to leave me for the good of Hawkeye! I failed her! I knew this was the price that I paid! Leave me be!" she cried. "Leave me be!"
I could see it. No matter what I said here, nothing would reach her.
"Come on." Viggo guided my shoulder. "Let's go."
Finally, the last day of the tournament dawned.
Viggo was waiting outside the tournament hall. Despite his usual confidence, he seemed to waver. "You're here."
"I wanted to wish you good luck before the match."
This would be the most important battle of Viggo's life. His freedom was riding on this- as well as so much else. What could I possibly say to calm him?
"Viggo! If you win this match, I'll give you a kiss!"
What possessed me to say that? Was I wanting to kiss him?
He smiled, and his nerves seemed to steady. But that smile sent my heart racing. "That's reason enough for me."
Alfonse and I walked together through the tournament hall; I kept my wand at the ready.
'Whatever shadows are out there, I'm ready.'
We walked through the area, but Alfonse idly looked up. "Look. The match is about to start."
Daniel stood at one end of the hall. Despite his usual evidence, he seemed to be shaking. And Viggo stood at the other end, his pipe at the ready.
'He looks like his usual self now,' I thought.
"Begin!" And suddenly I couldn't tear my eyes away. Daniel leaped forward- and punched Viggo in the face!
Viggo stumbled back clutching his jaw, but I saw his eyes light up. "You punk." He smiled. "That's more like it. Pugnus Tempestus!"
His fist came down on Daniel over and over; the man was barely able to stagger to his feet, just barely able to dodge some of his hits.
The audience roared with cheers. Even I couldn't keep the smile off on my lips. 'Not so tough now! Daniel's probably not used to a fair fight.'
But I noticed Viggo drawing closer to him. "What is he doing?" Alfonse asked. "His magic should be enough to keep him at bay."
"It looks like I have no choice." I could just make out him reaching into his pocket-
"Viggo, watch out!"
Daniel threw something at the ground- and a huge cloud of smoke billowed out, consuming the battlefield.
"Stay back!" Alfonse grabbed me, pulling me back. I quickly covered my mouth to block out the smoke, but I still found myself looking desperately for Viggo. "I recognize this scent! This is..!"
'Viggo, please, be all right-'
"You're not getting away!" Viggo's voice boomed through the smoke. Mist seeped through the smoke, and I saw Viggo leaping towards him- until I could no longer see them in the smoke.
"We need to get him out of there now!"
Luca: Well, that was quite an exciting fight.
Albert: It's certainly more fun seeing Viggo fight than being the one to fight him.
Luca: And fun to see Daniel getting beat up too.
Albert: It would have been more fun to see his brother be the one in the fight. I would've paid to see that.
Luca: What happened to Lord Oxford anyway?
Albert: I.. don't know. Perhaps he's back at his mansion, fighting Hipogriffs?
Luca: That sounds a little scary.
Albert: Next time, Freedom.
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voidfell · 7 months
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FROM THE INBOX: What feelings does your character most often instill in their fans? Affection? A desire to protect? Open lust? A love/hate dynamic? Why do you think their fans feel this way? - liz / @ Anonymous
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Liz is by my own creation, a lover her or hate her character. Her fans will love her, but anyone who doesn't might really find her grating. She very much embodies the 'lol random rawr XD' kind of humor sometimes, and she can be very selfish, which gets a lot of flack when you're a female character.
I think those who like her would defend her very fiercely because she is generally very kind and kind of an airhead, even if she can be a little self-centered she always means well.
She's a cute girl with a very low sense of responsibility or accountability, but she loves her friends fiercely and is ride or die for anyone who makes it to friend status! I think she's the wacky character who would get very flanderized but not in an intentionally malicious way.
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voidfell · 11 months
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Tempted to add Liz's DnD verse cause I did make her as a DnD character. She's a warforged with a magical girl aesthetic and in the first campaign I used her in she punched a zombie clear through the face and really carried the team through the encounter ngl. It was a homebrew game so she had this homebrew class originally that let her do a summon and it was literally just a giant i-dog that she rode into battle and I don't remember what she named it. I'd probably rework her for a proper campaign someday as a warforged barbarian-- unless she could be a magic user in which case I would go back to my original idea of a wild magic sorcerer. My life as a teenage robot-style magical girl aesthetics with a gal who's just in the party to party she's here to have fun. Wasn't made that long ago and wants to see the whole wide world and she'll protect it with her life!
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voidfell · 1 year
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I wish polls let you do multiple replies. I realized the problem with doing a poll on OC interest was that you could only pick one, so like I did get an idea of which OC's had the most interest. But that left some of them with no votes, and I'm sure that's not accurate. Anyway, I love my OC's.
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voidfcllen · 5 years
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This is LIZ she’s the first OC I’ve ever made and the one I’ve put the most time and effort into developing over the past 11 YEARS! So here’s a rough HEADCANON DUMP!
Liz spent her formative years in JAPAN with her parents and her father’s family, before her parents were promoted and their jobs began taking them away from home MORE and MORE. Then she was moved to AMERICA to live with her grandfather on her mother’s side and her cousin in their game shop.
Across the FIRE ESCAPE, she would make a LIFELONG FRIEND in a Scottish american girl whose parents owned a bookstore. Eventually Liz would move back to japan, but she would FREQUENTLY visit her grandfather there.
In MOST VERSES, Liz has the psychic ability to view the future in her dreams, usually in confusing, sporadic bursts that she can’t quite make ANY SENSE of when she wakes up the next morning. While awake, she get’s bursts of what she calls her “SHITTY SPIDEY SENSE” where she’ll know when something is about to happen near her, but not what.
It could be anything from ‘life threatening accident’ to ‘someone is gonna burn their mouth on their coffee’ and she has NO REAL WAY of telling these feelings apart. In her BNHA VERSE, this is also her quirk and it’s official name would be “Precognition”.
Liz is the BIGGEST BI to ever bi, with a strong lean towards cute girls, and seems almost exclusively attracted to boys who are lowkey DUMBASS DORKS.
She’s excitable, and bouncy, and CHAOTIC, and takes no shit from anyone. She get’s into trouble CONSTANTLY, and if you’ve earned her loyalty you’ve earned it for LIFE. Also perhaps a touch more violent than you expect a four foot eight inches tall CUTE GIRL to be at first glance.
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voidfcllen · 5 years
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Nobody’s even met her yet but MY GIRL LIZ is my favorite OC ever because she started out as a self insert and was my first OC I ever made and I love her very much but she has a YUGIOH VERSE where she plays a MADOLCHE deck and since she’s a psychic in her mainverse she can see Duel Spirits and if you ask her to pick JUST ONE spirit partner from her sugary sweet desert themed royal buddies she’ll ACTUALLY CRY.
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voidfcllen · 5 years
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                         ~ SHE’S A ONE WOMAN ARMY ~
              Fandomless OC with BNHA, Pokemon, & Yugioh verses available
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voidfcllen · 5 years
"You can have some of mine if you'd like, I don't have that big of an appetite." -Jun for Liz. (sho, off in the distance: SINCE WHEN!?
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Oh, JACKPOT! Free food, and from the grumpy gus himself. That was so SWEET of him! Maybe the EMO PRINCE had a heart after all. She beamed, clapping and bouncing in her seat before reaching over to swipe some of his food, offering her box of POCKY in return.
“Thanks so much Manjoume-kun! Here, we can trade!”
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voidfcllen · 5 years
"Did you see me coming or did I just get lucky enough to see you smile?" - Denki
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“I had a FEELING someone would be coming by. Personally I thought it’d be that cranky explosion guy who I’m pretty sure if I address BY NAME will appear just to yell some more. But this is a MUCH better outcome”
She’d actually been playing CANDY CRUSH on her phone when he’d come over, but she could put the addicting game down just to talk to a cute guy, right?
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voidfcllen · 5 years
"Look at these! Their special cutters for fruit! I bought a complete set but my favorites are these two. Just look at how cute this bunny looks!" - Makaira
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“Oh my gosh, those are ADORABLE! Where’d you find them?”
Not that Liz could cook, she could be TRUSTED to cut fruit but any actual cooking should be left WELL OUT of her hands. Before the dorm system had been implemented, her best friend would come over when her GRANDFATHER couldn’t be home to watch her and they’d cook together.
Without Danni, she was pretty much HOPELESS.
“I bet you’re gonna make all kinds of cool things with these!”
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voidfcllen · 5 years
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TAG DUMP: Liz Ruin! Generally FANDOMLESS OC but her 3 Verses as of RIGHT NOW are bnha, yugioh gx, and pokemon!
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