#❅‌ ‌[ Gal Alvarez ] dark knight. BRIGHT SOUL.
voidfcllen · 1 year
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OC Master Post
Below the cut is a comprehensive list of my Oc’s available on this blog. You will find their primary face claims, their fandoms, and bullet points listing relevant information in their history and personalities, and in some cases links to their playlists. I’m going to make this post accessible from my Pinned Post so you can reference it later!
Superhero Oc’s
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Felix Damery - Miraculous Ladybug / Fandomless
Previous Chat Noir. Very much retired.
Repressed Rich kid with a strict upbringing who never wanted to be a superhero but the god who gave him his magic ring cursed it to his hand until he could get true loves kiss. So he didn’t get a choice.
His father ran a weapons distribution company and was a magical terrorist on the side. He’s in prison now thanks directly to Felix’s involvement as Chat Noir.
Very Rich between his inheritance and liquidating his father’s company. His long-term girlfriend (only because he keeps getting cold feet on proposing) sells wedding dresses and he’s given her a significant investment cause he’s a simp.
He believes his mother is dead and vice versa, this is not the case, and neither of them know this. It’s another one of the ways Raphael Damery sucks.
Lives in New York with his girlfriend and goes back and forth between New York and Paris when convenient.
Link to his Playlist
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Marcus Haprele - Miraculous Ladybug / Fandomless
Fae ancestry that gives him Mime Powers. Can mime things into existence but he physically cannot shut up. Only one item at a time and he has to actually have intimate knowledge of said item.
His father is a retired assassin.
Conspiracy nut, like red string bulletin board conspiracy nut. This is how he discovered his dad was a retired assassin. Fred Haprele was not retired at the time of this discovery.
His superhero name is Kid Mime (just The Mime now, he’s in his 30′s)
Has a little sister he would murder for.
Lives in Italy and operates an acting troupe there. He has a degree in engineering, but this has no relevance to his career.
Has a younger cousin named Claude living in london.
Still an Active Hero
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Gal Alvarez - Dudepow / Fandomless
Gal is a spanish-american girl who lives with her older brother Kelly, her stay at home artist father, and police commissioner mother. Her best friend Maizey is her most loyal and trusted sidekick.
When Gal was twelve her family moved into her deceased uncle's home, and she discovered the magic ring that had been passed down their family line from man to man. Upon putting it on, Gal became bound to the ring until her death-- specific conditions notwithstanding. Now she is the first Dudepow in history to ever be a woman!
Gal is arrogant, rebellious, prideful, and feels emotions very deeply. She cares a lot for her friends and family, but never thinks before she acts. While on the surface she thinks very highly of herself and hardly ever takes criticism, Gal is very insecure in her identity as herself, verses her identity as a Superhero, where she can fit the expected 'mold' of Dudepow.
Gal has been keeping this secret from her parents for years and is an accomplished hero in her own right now. Dudepow is a magical girl style transformation using the phrase “sock it to me broseph.”
Downsides to being a Macho Man Superhero as a Teenage Girl are insane. Dudepow as a hero represents a lot of toxic masculinity that Gal is slowly trying to change as she modernizes the role of Dudepow.
As Gal her Pronouns are She / Her, as Dudepow they are He / Him.
Link to Her Playlist
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Evelyn Clavell - Dudewhap / Fandomless
Gal’s alter ego’s Evil Clone
Ev was born from when Gal broke off a press on nail in a fight as Dudepow. Gal found her clone, and decided to take him home because what else were you gonna do with a whole ass duplicate?
Ev and Gal were best friends, they dated! They were inseparable for years to the jealousy of Gal's best friend. They even fought crime together. But, the more Ev fought evil, the more he began to like it. Evil looked like fun! You could do so many things that the stuffy "he-roic handbook" Gal had to follow didn't let you!
Eventually, Ev became bored of fighting evil, and bored of Gal, and it all went downhill from there.
Ev is solely motivated by his own enjoyment. He only cares about having fun and will throw aside anyone and anything that starts to get boring.
He is manipulative, and petulant, and hides it behind a veil of bubbly personality, gifts, and kind gestures that make it difficult to realize the toxic layer underneath.
Pronouns are he / they.
Being Gal’s clone, he can take on her civilian form a well, but he just doesn’t like too and almost never does unless he was forced too.
Employed by and somewhat mentored by Gal’s inherited archenemy Andrea Clavell, hence where he got the last name.
Link to His Playlist
Pokemon Oc’s
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Millie Bolton - Pokemon
From Galar, her Pokemon partner is a Kantonian Meowth named Whiskers.
The extremely excitable wild child born to wooloo shepard parents. They live on a farm just outside of a town, and they sell wool to a popular textile company in Wyndon. Millie is an only child.
Whiskers is her partner, but the Pokemon that is her ace is the Wooloo who she grew up beside on the farm.
Millie’s dream is to become a champion level trainer, and to see all of Galar (and maybe even beyond) due to growing up in such a small hometown. Always looking for new adventures.
Will turn everything into a competition.
Can cook but spends hours gathering berries only to fall asleep right after.
Team: Whiskers, Wooloo, Impidimp, Grookey, Munchlax
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Aedan Cavanaugh - Pokemon
From Galar, his Pokemon Partner is a Polteageist named Chamomile
The son of tea merchants. His family lives above his late grandmother’s tea shop, though his mother has long since expanded the business into a small chain of cafes and commercially sold tea blends.
Met Polteageist as a Sinistea after his grandmother’s funeral, and it evolved when he accidentally chipped his grandmother’s favorite antique tea pot.
Aedan is participating in the Gym Challenges to test himself to see how far he and his team can really go.
He’s still figuring out what kind of Pokemon Trainer he wants to be.
He spends a lot of time in battle cafes and expanding his currydex.
Very much wants to evolve a Matcha Cream Alcremie
Team: Chamomile, Vanillish, Swovet, Darumaka, Sobble
Fandomless Oc’s
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Liz Ruin / Fandomless
Has verses for Yugioh, Pokemon, and BNHA.
Liz lived in japan with her parents, before they were promoted, and their jobs took them away from home.
She spent a few years in america with her grandfather on her mother’s side and her cousin in their game shop. Eventually Liz would move back to japan, but she visits her grandfather every summer.
Liz has the psychic ability to view the future in her dreams, usually in confusing, sporadic bursts that she can’t quite make any sense of when she wakes up. While awake, she gets bursts of what she calls her “shitty spidey sense” where she’ll know when something is about to happen near her, but not what.
It could be anything from ‘life threatening accident’ to ‘someone is goanna burn their mouth on their coffee’ and she has no way of telling these feelings apart. In her BNHA verse, this is also her quirk, and its official name would be “Precognition”.
Liz is the biggest bi to ever bi, with a strong lean towards cute girls, and seems almost exclusively attracted to boys who are lowkey dumbasses.
If you’ve earned her loyalty, you’ve earned it for life. Also, perhaps a touch more violent than you expect a four foot eight inches tall cute girl to be at first glance.
Link to her Playlist
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Eeriee McLaughlin / Fandomless
Her older brother went missing a year ago, and she’s the only one who hasn’t given up searching for him.
She took a jacket from his room that turned out to be a wolf pelt, now she’s a werewolf and will use her supernatural powers to find her brother. Somehow. She isn’t sure how that will work yet.
Her mom is the mayor of the town.
There’s a lot of weird stuff in Angel Hollow (the town) that she hadn’t noticed before becoming one of the weird things herself.
Her new friend Florance is the son of the investigator her mom hired to find her brother, and they’re both incorrigible snoops.
Convinced the weird stuff in town will lead her to her brother.
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voidfcllen · 2 years
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First Row: Dudepow & Shezow / Bottom Row: Dudewhap & Shezap
Not me using Picrew’s to explore the aesthetic parallels between Gal, Guy, and their Evil Clones. PLEASE DO NOT REBLOG <3
Picrew Link
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voidfcllen · 2 years
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Lore Pt3: Dudepow’s Enemies:
The Pyrokinetic Grilla, a young woman who weaponizes magic spicy peppers to obtain her powers. Grilla wants to speed up global warming and eliminate winter, and maybe take over the world if she can get Dudepow out of the way.
Artie Paisley, her uncle’s former partner (coughcough) and rival. Artie has the ability to control and grow plants, jealous of Dudepow’s popularity overshadowing his, Artie walks the line between enemy and mentor, and was the first person to realize Gal wasn’t Angus. Artie get’s very angry at the insinuation that he was ever Dudepow’s sidekick.
Mecha Maiden / Andrea Clavel is a steampunk cyborg and collector of magical artifacts who has been trying to take the Dudepow ring for centuries, and has a history of killing Dudepow’s. She’s the Lex Luthor to Gal’s Superman, and Gal’s most dangerous enemy.
Honey Cruller is an elderly woman who owns a snack company, a witch who uses her hypnotizing baked goods to mind control others into doing her bidding. She’s one of the enemies that Gal didn’t inherit from her uncle, being someone that Dudepow accidentally messed with then he dissed her cooking, not being a huge fan of Honey’s particular brand of snacks.
The Beauty Guru Gang, a gang of women thieves who seem to particularly hate Dudepow for what he represents, and Gal can’t blame them. They largely attack corrupt cosmetics companies-- but sometimes can be found just comitting crimes for fun, or to draw out Dudepow, and have no trouble putting innocent people in the line of danger to make their points.
Miss Nomer is a shapeshifter / bootleg power copier. She can take the form of anyone she wishes, and copy their powers for a short period of time after making physical contact with them. This makes her very difficult to track down or to keep in prison, and even more difficult to fight as Dudepow has to avoid touching her or risk fighting a somewhat weaker version of herself. As the copied powers are never as strong as the original.
Agatha Fearal is an emotion eater, she feeds on fear and grows stronger the more of it, and the more potent that fear is. She’s a scarecrow type villain who uses a special insense to heighten her victim’s fears, and Gal has a particular dislike for her as a result of their first encounter being one Dudepow only escaped because of her brother and sidekick’s help.
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voidfcllen · 2 years
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Dudepow takes a Mountain Dew Voltage sponsorship and Gal’s probably not supposed to do that, but because Dudepow recieved no super-backlash or magic concequences from it, she figures it’ll be fine. Gal got money, and all the Blue Dew she could drink. It was already her favorite flavor so this works out great. Dudepow has a sponsorship debit card set up, so Gal basically always has money on her, she’s taken other sponsorships but Mountain Dew was the first.
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voidfcllen · 2 years
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Lore Pt2: Dudepow’s Powers:
The Dudepow Ring operates on a set of magic rules and breaking them comes with a different concequence for each rule. Usually that rule being something weird and sexist, perpetuating toxic or hyper-mascunility.
Along with the Legacy Identity Gal inherited the Legacy Powers, such as flight, super strength, super speed, invulnerability, a spider sense style ability that causes Gal to transform against her will when she’s in the proximity of danger. Dudepow also has a sonic scream, and a utility belt full of gadgets to go with them.
Dudepow’s weakness is a rock called Destructionite, a purple and yellow eradiated magic stone that upon contact with his skin, will cause him to disintigrate on the spot. Poof, Thanos’d!
The Dudecave, Dudepow’s secret hideout, is located several miles underneath Gal’s family home and contains a number of trophies, momentos, and rooms inside for various activities such as training, lounging, a game room, a malt shop from a previous Dudepow, and the Super-Computer Dudely, who has been training and watching over Dudepow’s since the Ring’s creation.
Dudepow’s car, the Dudemobile, can shapeshift into a Jet, a Boat and into a Submarine, as well as Gal later unlocking the power to travel dimensions, to contrast Shezow’s Shehicle’s ability to travel in time.
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voidfcllen · 2 years
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Okay, Okay, Okay. Y’all aren’t ready for this Loredump, it’s not even a Headcanon dump there’s zero canon information on Gal it’s my city now.
Lore Pt1: Gal Herself:
Gal Alvarez became the unwitting successor to her families super-legacy when she put on her dead Uncle Angus’s ring, thinking it to be a replica of the hero’s actual ring-- and surprise! It was real, and now it won’t come off her finger until the day she dies. Specific super-conditions not withstanding. Now Gal is Dudepow, the super macho superhero-- who until her had always been passed down in the family from man to man.
Gal struggles with her identity over the years, having the legacy and identity of an already established hero thrust on her at 12 years old caused her to struggle with her sense of self. Gal eventually sorts herself out, but there was definitely a period where it was easier to be Dudepow then it was to be Gal-- she had a better grasp on who Dudepow was and the kind of Dudepow she wanted to be.
Gal in her teenage years is Non-Binary. Pefering He/Him while presenting as Dudepow and She/Her when presenting as Gal.
Gal has a twin brother, Kelli, and her mom is a cop. Her dad is a stay at home parent who owns a felting and wire-art business on etsy.
She can be arrogant, stubborn, bullheaded, and downright rude at times, as well as being a hothead with a bit of a temper.
Gal is not immune to the Bisexual Panic of everyone in the superhero community being attractive.
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