#❴ t ; ooc / answered ❵
txmehunting · 14 days
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◈ guys who have two lines of dialogue total😍😍 ◈ library hack! steal the books ◈ you wouldn't hit a guy with glasses, would you? ◈ constantly within killing range
basic info under the cut
to be frank, there's very little i need to write about him. sennō is a paralogue boss (paralogue 20: infinite power) who isn't even featured in the introduction cutscene. he has an initiating combat line and a death line. that's it. he likes tomes and he's a little freaky about them.
with that being said, i'm infatuated with him, so a lot of stuff will likely be from my own interpretations. i will be writing him based off of the crumbs that we DO get of him in game:
he is an apothecary but will reclass to merchant depending on level scaling
he "uses tomes for his nefarious deeds" despite being from a classline that cannot utilize tomes whatsoever (if he just sold them on the black market wouldn't they just say that he sells them?)
he has positive magic growth modifiers and negative strength growth modifiers
but of course since he only has two speaking lines i have to make do.
sennō is pulled from conquest and technically comes from post-game, but he was captured and stuck in the prison for a long time and hence missed some important parts of the storyline. after the war ended, he cut all ties with the army and left to be independent again (which led to his failed attempt to rob castle krakenburg). this means that some story deaths and events may not register in his mind, and it is perfectly acceptable if any fates muses do not know who he is.
i hope everyone enjoys writing with this little freak thing!
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piningpercussionist · 2 months
AAAA E RBDBBSvx xbdvdbdbdbbdnfnfb. A S. F FBFBB. i ate iridium
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... do you need me to start making funeral preparations, or something? Beause I am lacking all of the details.
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"Oh, I hope it wasn't vigi's cup..."
"Aw, Darn.."
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"Well- Oop!"
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"Oh. My goodness.."
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"Hi there little fella!!! Aren't you just the most adorable thing in the world!"
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"Oh dio mio..."
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askthecsau · 4 months
Ooc: Dumb question but was is the cs!au about?
there are like two posts that are semi-connected to this. i don't know if you've seen them or not, but here and here.
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What would you say is your favorite traditional meal?
Pirozhki with turkey filling.
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sonxflight · 3 months
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✧ Dynamics Meme ║ @nerdynanny ✧
💚 partners in crime 🧡 familial  💛 platonic 
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Just two himbos and their genius spouses, vibin'
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weepingclergy · 27 days
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✲ "yo mama?" what ABOUT my mama? ✲ voted most likely to cry self to death in priest school ✲ violin beastmoder ✲ YOU WANT A PIECE OF HIM? well come back tomorrow he's all sold out sorry :(
basic info under the cut!
brady comes from the timeline that all of the playable child units come from (grima & the ruined future). however, he has seen the events that occur in the future past dlc and is aware of the alternate timeline.
brady's father is currently undetermined and his hair color matches his mother's. this is subject to change as appropriate when a maribelle is present.
i see brady as someone who struggles with masculinity due to his hair-trigger crying fits, hobbies, and unathleticism. this may become present in threads; he'll work through it as time goes on/people show him different ways of life.
this guy is a chronic cusser. just know that if he starts slinging f-bombs everywhere, it's just because that's how he talks. unless you hit him over the head with a mallet. then it's because of that.
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pinkslenderman · 1 month
Oh Ye
You can talk normally again
Thank you.....I much prefer to speak like this and not.....like I'm constantly narrating myself.
*Pink has a sneezing fit*
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ovrtersballad · 2 months
.....so i ......
may have found the perfect vibes for a "witch of the woods" vibes...
So what if, the witch in the woods didn't steal children, what if she raised them till they were old enough to take care of themselves and they left to travel the world.
What if the "witch" was part elf and was the one who made the woods because she herself was an orphan and wanted a safe place for her siblings and as time went by her story became twisted by humans because they themselves hated magic -
what if in her grief and madness she started to hate humans with only a few exceptions-
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quartzhearted · 2 months
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⚔︎ it's everybody's FAVORITE FATHER!!!!! ⚔︎ strong of heart strong of ass. that's how it goes right ⚔︎ you'll hear him laughing a day before he arrives anywhere ⚔︎ Ask Me About The Cathedral! (don't)
basic info under the cut!
morion's existence treads lightly into engage spoiler territory, so i will likely be tagging a lot of things with engage spoilers/putting info under the cut. not EVERYTHING about him is spoilery, but contextualizing his existence at garreg mach certainly is.
as shown in his interview, morion has returned to life after being sacrificed to the fell dragon at destinea cathedral. he is not a corrupted in this state, but he does not have any memory of being stabbed by lyn / being sacrificed. he woke up after the war ended, so there are a lot of things he still does not know about (one of the bigger points being that diamant is now king of brodia).
more to be added as i see necessary!
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capucapo · 11 months
Brothers' Battle part 2/4
(( rp log continued from here !!! directly copied from Discord w minor editing for typos and formatting. yes, we played out an entire Duel. it's going to be a little bit of a read but I'm really, REALLY proud of this group effort to rewrite the VR World arc and there's so much good Character behind the card games.
Seto Kaiba @blueeyesking , me as Noa, Mokuba, and the Yugis. Wyatt @seashaper , Hika @nameless-brand , and Pyre @redeyesandchilifries coming in next installment ))
Seto takes a few precious seconds, after being hit by Red-Eyes's flames, to reflect on Mokuba's claims. He had to bankrupt an entirely different corporation in order to build the money necessary to get his shares of KaibaCorp. He hunted down every last Blue-Eyes White Dragon card using KaibaCorp's assets, and then ruined their owners' lives to get them… even causing one to kill himself. He's not proud of it. Not anymore. Maybe before his duels with Yugi… but not after. Before Yugi Mutou forced him to confront himself and his own pitfalls, his own venom, he had been obsessive, and dangerous, and hurt Mokuba for failing. But even a genius like him can be made to reconsider their path in life and make changes for the better.
He considers his words, and turn, carefully, before acting. After drawing Monster Reborn (and noting how few truly sacrificial monsters he has in his deck), he sets Cyber Jar face-down in defense mode, then casts Monster Reborn to bring Mokuba's Red-Eyes Archfiend back from the graveyard onto his side of the field, intending to use its Effect to destroy Mokuba's Red-Eyes Black Dragon before it can do any more harm.
"I don't believe your faux-brother will let me survive in any capacity once he's finished getting his so-called "revenge" for our adoptive father. He may be saccharine now, but I can see it in his eyes, Mokuba: this boy is even more dangerous than I was, back then, and will discard you once you've fulfilled your purpose in his scheme."
Mokuba gives his opponent a harsh glare as his monster reappears on the opposite field, though in his mind he's already prepared his next move. His eyes flicker down to his hand to read that card text one more time as his look turns to a smirk.
"yeah, probably not!! so since we agree it's inevitable, maybe you should just get it over with and take a swan dive!!" Mokuba giggles gleefully as he sends his Effect Veiler monster card from his hand to the graveyard, negating Archfiend's destructive effect.
"duh. but at least Big Brother can ADMIT he's dangerous, he knows what he's capable of and he's not going to WASTE his potential on games and toys!!! but you're wrong. I'm going to make him proud, and then we're going to stay a happy family forever, long after you're out of our lives!!"
Seto Kaiba
Seto takes a deep breath.
"I will never give up on saving my little brother, no matter how many times you're taken from me."
His Red-Eyes Archfiend attacks Mokuba's Red-Eyes.
Mokuba's eyes narrow again, his smirk persistent.
"I am NOT your little brother."
he ignores the weird way his stomach suddenly aches as he activates his set Enemy Controller, switching the Archfiend to defense mode before it can launch its attack
Mokuba draws for his turn, and he can't hide the way his smile grows. His second Return of the Red Eyes? Already? What luck !! He immediately sets the trap face down, then plays a magic card from his hand.
Red Eyes Fusion, the card he had selected from his deck with Insight, the card that had also sent Archfiend to the graveyard the first time.
His Red Eyes Black Dragon disappears, replaced by the more fearsome Red Eyes Slash dragon instead. the Crimson Ninja that the fusion card had allowed him to take from his deck skips over the graveyard, going instead to a magic/trap slot as an attachment to the metallic dragon, raising the dragon's attack from 2800 to 3000.
Mokuba declares his battle phase, attacking the Archfiend and returning it, again, to his own graveyard where it belongs.
Seto Kaiba
Seto smiles, despite himself, proud of how well Mokuba's deck synergizes. He then draws a card. Kaiser Sea Horse. Well, it's at least useful for when he wants to summon a Blue-Eyes… For now, he goes into his main phase, and flip-summons the Cyber Jar he set last turn. It destroys Slash Dragon and itself, then resolves its effect: Both players reveal the top five cards of their decks, and immediately Special Summon any 4 or lower monsters revealed; the rest of the cards go into their hands.
Seto reveals Crush Card Virus, Luster Dragon (6), Polymerization, Lord of D. (4), and Vampire Lord (5). Looks like he only gets his Lord of D. The rest are acceptable… Depending on what Mokuba draws, he will have to determine his next move carefully.
Mokuba's gleeful smile disappears, his slash dragon destroyed as quickly as it had been summoned. And without another Red Eyes monster on the field, his trap will be useless.
He can only hope for the best as he draws 5 cards from the top of his deck to reveal Dragon Nails, Pot of Greed, Red Eyes Retro Dragon(4☆) Monster Reborn, Blade Knight(4☆).
Retro dragon(1700/1600) would have been more useful in his hand, but at least it will work to trigger his Return trap once again. That and Blade Knight(1600/1000) are summoned to the field in attack mode, the three spells going into his hand.
Seto Kaiba
Seto looks at Mokuba's summoned monsters and feels yet more pride. Strong, themed cards with yet more excellent synergy. If he destroys Retro Dragon, Return will let him resummon it if he uses Blade Knight as a tribute for any other Red-Eyes. If he doesn't, he'll tribute it to play another Red-Eyes card from his hand, and then return it again… or worse. The only way to stop this is to destroy that second Return. It's an excellent strategy.
"I'm impressed, Mokuba," Seto admits, "Your combo promises to be extremely effective. The synergy you've created is hard to combat without a lot of controlling spells in one's deck."
Luckily for him, Lord of D. prevents Mokuba from altering his Retro Dragon in any way- say, with Dragon Nails- and so Seto uses his only Polymerization to Fusion Summon Twin-Headed Thunder Dragon (2800/2100), discarding the two Thunder Dragons in his hand. He'll have to prevent Mokuba from keeping a Red-Eyes card on the field to power Return!
As such, Seto moves into his Battle Phase, having Twin-Headed Thunder Dragon attack Red-Eyes Retro Dragon. Lord of D. can't hope to defeat Blade Knight, and so, does not attack, instead staying on the field to protect Thunder Dragon. Surely Mokuba will try something with that Monster Reborn…
Mokuba tries hard to hide his excitement, to keep himself from reaching for that set Return too soon. He wants to wait until the end of Seto's main phase, to give him as little chance to counter as possible.
He definitely does not see that fusion coming. His stomach turns again. His head pulses.
Thunder dragons? Ah. He used to play that deck, before he had gone all in on the new Red Eyes support. Why had he switched to using Joey Wheeler's ace monster again? He can't remember--
Mokuba shakes his head to clear his thoughts and squints at the powerful dragon on the field as it lobs an attack at his Retro Dragon. He can't stop the attack, but he can activate his Return of the Red Eyes to bring Red Eyes Archfiend back to the field just before the Retro dragon disappears. But that counter does little to soften the blow of losing 1100 life points. He flinches in pain, arms wrapping around his torso as he struggles to stay on his feet despite the attack. It takes him a second to steady himself before he can move.
"gee…" his voice cracks a little as he glares across the roof at his opponent. "you keep saying you care about me and you wont hurt me anymore… but you sure aren't hesitating to try and kill me, are you?" and with that, he takes his required 11 steps back, closer to the rooftop's edge
Seto Kaiba
Seto's jaw sets. "No, Mokuba, I'm not. I'd do anything to protect you. I've told you as much before," he states, matter-of-fact, as Mokuba takes his steps. "But that doesn't mean I'm not going down without a fight."
And he'll concede if it looks as though his victory is assured. Seto would never kill his little brother, though he's not above tit-for-tat duel damage. With Mokuba at 1550 LP, the duel could still resolve either way…
He moves to Main Phase 2 and sets Crush Card Virus, leaving only the two monsters he already revealed in his hand as well as Kaiser Sea Horse and Ring of Defense, then moves Lord of D. into Defense Position to finally end his turn. No matter what Mokuba returns from the graveyard next turn, Seto feels as though he'll be royally fucked in this duel.
"I know that you can handle yourself; I would be disrespecting your skill and intellect if I just laid down and conceded."
"then why do you keep on hurting me, seto?" Mokuba's voice drips with false innocence as he puts on his best puppydog face. But what Seto says as he ends his turn makes the teenager's stomach hurt again.
He draws for his turn. Summoned skull. With Red Eyes Fusion in his hand already, that card's no more useful here than it was in his deck. But it doesn't matter. He gives a nervous glance to Seto's face down card, contemplating whether or not he can bring this duel to an end this turn. He can't do anything about that potential trap, but he's feeling confident enough to give his plan a shot anyway.
He gives up his normal summon to activate Archfiend's effect once more. Lord of D's effect may shield dragons on the field, but it can't protect itself. and with that gone, he can equip to his own dragons once again.
He plays monster reborn, his Red Eyes Slash Dragon rising from the graveyard. he could activate Return, but that trap card gives him pause. Instead, he goes into his battle phase.
Slash Dragon's attack sits at 2800, tied with the Twin-Headed Thunder Dragon. But ordering it to attack allows him to take his Crimson Ninja from the grave, equipping it to the dragon to raise its attack to 3000. Mokuba watches the monster he'd played once upon a time disappear, taking 200 of Seto's life points with them.
And more importantly, leaving the older Kaiba wide open for a direct attack
Mokuba stares at that face down card. A Mirror Force of any kind would ruin everything. Leave him with nothing to activate Return again. He looks up to make eye contact with Seto.
"so. any last words before I bring this thing to an end??? anything you want to tell your stupid little rivals over there before I send you to hell and take back our company??" Mokuba hooks a thumb at the Yugis as he taunts, delaying while he contemplates his next call.
Seto Kaiba
Seto glances at them, briefly, locking eyes with Other Yugi. He nods with respect before focusing again on the duel at hand.
He can sense this duel is coming to an end. Drawing… he's not sure what he's hoping for, but what he gets is one of his Blue-Eyes. Under any other circumstances, this would be fantastic… but staring down the Slash Dragon and its matched ATK score, his stomach simply drops. He's lost. Even if they take each other out, Mokuba has his Archfiend and Return trap- which means Slash Dragon will be back on his turn. Seto's out of options.
He summons Kaiser Sea Horse and immediately Tributes it to summon Blue-Eyes, hoping facing down his signature monster in as close to reality as possible will jog something.
"This is it, Mokuba!"
He sounds like he has some way to win up his sleeve, all confidence and finality, as he commands Blue-Eyes to attack Slash Dragon.
Over on their tower, the Yugis have been quiet as they've watched this sick battle play out before them. Now, the gentler Yugi braces himself on one of the tower's parapets, his violet-red eyes wide, a look of pained concern on his face as he looks in Seto's direction. Begging him. Pleading with him to find a way to end this peacefully.
The Other Yugi stands beside him, only inches apart, his back straight and his arms crossed. Though his expression usually leans toward tension, there's something sympathetic in his own red-violet eyes. He returns the nod just as respectfully. This is a Duel that he can find no joy in, no honor, no Justice. But he's so proud of his rival, and he trusts in him too.
Mokuba deciding to end his turn without a direct attack results in the worst possible outcome. As the great and terrifying dragon of light materializes on the field, the youngest Kaiba can't help but take half a step backwards in awe. His eyes go wide, his grip tightening on the cards in his hand.
He can't breathe.
His stormy eyes meet sapphire as they watch the mascot of their company, his brother's favorite card-- come to life before him--
[ He loves that dragon more than you and you know it. ]
Mokuba stomps a foot in frustration as he snaps himself out of whatever had overcome him, just in time to hear the Imposter-- the fake-- the Man Who Stole Their Company-- his brother-- order an attack. He expects it to be Archfiend, a guaranteed hit. Then he expects that face down card to turn over and reveal something like Metalmorph, something to turn this Duel against him.
Instead, he watches as the two great dragons, evenly matched, go head to head. As they destroy each other and themselves, both falling to their own graves on opposite sides of the rooftop.
He feels himself shake
[ On his own tower, Noa Kaiba swells with arrogance, his once gentle mask long since fallen away. No, he wears an openly wicked smirk, one hand on his slender hips as he watches the show before him. He's been quiet, but what does he need to say? Mokuba is already doing such a good job speaking for him.
As he watches the great White Dragon finally take the stage, a wicked idea comes to mind. He'd already left the other parties to their own devices when this battle began, allowing their monstrous opponents and puzzles to run on autopilot in the background. But with a flick of his wrist and a few electrical pulses, that all changes in an instant.
Two more towers rise up from the ground below, forming corners around the rooftop. The sky above each turns briefly to shimmering cyan honeycombs that fall away, creating holes in the sky itself. And from those holes tumble the heroes deemeed uninteresting to this world's diety, now cast as spectators to this awful game.
On one tower land Madison Rook, Levant and Téa, on the other, Joey, Duke, and an odd robotic monkey named Tristan.
"Welcome, my esteemed guests, to the downfall of Seto Kaiba!!! Huh. I'm surprised to see that you've all made it," Noa purrs. But he doesn't give the newcomers more than a second to collect themselves.
"Look!! You're just in time!!"
As the two dragons destroy each other, he can't hold back his gleeful laughter any longer.
Noa claps in applause ]
Seto Kaiba
Heedless of Noa's displays, Seto Kaiba stands steadfast, head held high but arms resting by his side, white coat billowing from the rush of air the dragons caused before they dissipated into smoke. He gazes at Mokuba, warm pride in his eyes and a slight, rueful smile on his lips.
"I end my turn."
He'll be killed next turn, and he's so incredibly proud of his Little Brother.
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dragetunge · 3 months
How old is Hiccup!!!?!?!
He's 7!!!
Though for his verses that involve immortality he is 259
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solarisgod · 7 months
micah is a very “ x reader ” fanfic material would you think so 🎤
Micah is the most beloved and loving protagonist character, I’m very sure they would be T___T
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askthecsau · 3 months
He-lloo~! You all seem interesting :>
(-Sidera, @the-fox-and-the-shadow)
hm? oh thanks, i guess.
why thank you~☆
i do my best to of course~
um, thanks? i really do appreciate that.
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ravarui · 3 months
What’s something you enjoy? BOOKS EDITION, bc the librarian in me is nosy
Munday Accepting @intothewildsea
What is something you enjoy? Book edition
In general I like a lot of fantasy books. I am forever waiting for the last book of the Game of Thrones series. I read all of them when the first season came out and have been waiting for it ever since.
The last series I read was a german one called "Und täglich grüßt der Erzdämon." which tells the story of a witch who accidentally summons a high-ranked demon and binds himself to her. Lots of shenanigans happen, cause he is always summoned on accident when she feels a lot of stress or a lot of emotions in general. The series has a lot of humor, diversity and also romance. Plus there are already spinoffs and the worldbuilding continues.
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ladyseidr · 6 months
tell me why @trapton literally has me giggling and kicking my feet with these asks—
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