#【✧crown off】: ooc
sunfyred · 10 months
either filthy s.mut or gutwrenching angst i can post nothing else on this blog
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summerkng · 11 months
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here's a new meme call because i need a fresh start leave a lil ♡ for an ask from the fun king
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sunfyred-a · 2 years
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indie, selective, private, book & show & headcanon based AEGON II TARGARYEN from FIRE & BLOOD / HOUSE OF THE DRAGON. crossover ( similar fandoms ) & oc friendly. tw : possible dark / mature content. crowned by RAMSES. template credit X. side-blog to @rexaestate !
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northsballad · 1 month
i am Once Again thinking about how impactful robb & sansa as twins is to the narrative. opposite sides of the coin. the eldest son is forced to take his father’s place, to go as far as bearing a crown, in the name of duty and family. and on the other side, the eldest daughter is forced to play little bird, to hide her teeth behind courteous smiles, to be an unwilling bride in the name of duty and family and keeping herself alive because that is what this world forces women into. a part of sansa cracks when she loses lady, but when robb dies, she loses it. a fragment of something that she’ll never know again. ( they used to share wolf dreams and now that they are both gone, sansa will never dream again. )
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windupsun · 7 months
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I drew little Kingdom Hearts-style portraits for my FFXIV character to use with this kingdom hearts HP bar plugin and I love how it looks in game
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moonspower · 9 months
have had vi for almost 7 years so im thinking of making a follow forever. which seems to be a deaded concept, but im bringing it back for myself cuz theyre fun
' but diren what about the people that feel bad about not being included '
their low self-esteem dont got nothin to do w. me and they should seek a therapist for being so deeply affected so clink clink bitch, im celebrating the people i love the most!
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seymour wearing a flower crown. that is all.
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khalesci · 2 months
I don’t think we talk about enough how Dany gets fetishized by the people around her for being a Targaryen and more importantly *looking* like one. Like she is constantly called the most beautiful woman in the world which is innocent at a surface level, but it becomes a lot more sinister when you realize how often these “compliments” come from men who desire power or possession over her, as if she is some exotic creature they crave to own.
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fancifulflora · 1 year
ATOC ROs at a Theme Park: Modern!AU Headcanons
I just came back from Universal since I was celebrating my baby cousin's birthday and my legs hurt and I hurt and I regret not having shoes that aren't heeled. So while I nurse my wounds I'm going to slap down some headcanons about the LIs at a theme park since it popped into my head mid-wait for a ride
Enjoys people-watching a little too much while waiting in line. They might look a little distant and in thought, but don't let those hazel eyes fool you- they're judging the unfortunate beach bottle blonde Karen cut on one of the others in the line.
Will ignore most of the side vendors and booths for the most part, until they pass by the carnival-style games where you can earn your selection of over-priced, mass-produced plushies you could probably order online.
That's when A backs it the fuck up and makes it their mission to win.
I mean.
They want to win one for you, of course. That's why they're doing it. It has nothing to do with the self-satisfied smirk on the vendor's face when some teenagers walked away with a measly consolation prize.
And it has nothing to do with the fact that they dared to boast that it was unbeatable. No, no no no. Nothing as silly as that.
After a few failed tries, curses, and a small snack break, you end up with the biggest prize in your arms, resting on top of a tiny mountain of small keychains and prizes that A won while trying to beat the damned game. But hey, at least you have something to remember the day by? Well, a lot of somethings but you get the idea.
When the heat starts getting to the two of you, A is the most likely to go get one of those water bottles that mists you while a fan blasts a cool breeze into your face- without you needing to ask too.
If there's a cool water ride or, even better, one of the crazy ones that flip you upside down and drag you so close to the water's surface but not quite. A's going. Period.
They will have their hands in the air the entire time and enjoy the adrenaline rush and laugh internally at everyone looking like a wet rat by the time the ride's over.
And if there's a water park???
To be honest, A might try a few cool water rides in a water park but have you seen the pools? They might enjoy swimming and the water more than your average joe but they aren't a fool.
Would be a little more than curious to try out one of those artificial wave machines though, probably faring well on their own board.
They come prepared with a complete battle plan. The tickets are expensive and so to make the most of their time there's a perfect route for everyone to take that will let the group hit all the best rides before they have to leave or simply loose the will to continue on
Too bad everything goes out the window the moment they get through the gates and everyone starts splitting into their own groups
Still, is dedicated to not letting their work go to waste and will trek on anyways. One second, you see them on one side of the park, but the next time you get off a ride D is now on the exact opposite side of the damn place, halfway through the line already. How did they even make that much distance so fast? And how are they already that far up the line? Isn't that ride supposed to be popular?
The world may never know
If the two of you are together though, then you'll know that D has one of those sites on their phone that keeps you updated on the amount of traffic on each attraction and has already committed the map to vague memory. No need to shuffle awkwardly to the side of the path in a sea of people and "Sorry!"s and "Excuse me!"s as you fumble through your bags to find some flimsy piece of paper.
With D around, your trip is made much less socially awkward. And with their large size, it makes it easier to carve through the swarms of tourists and regular parkgoers. After all, no one wants to be flattened by someone so large with that serious look in their eyes, all part ways for the two of you, if just by a little bit.
Will scrunch their nose at most of the cheesy lines on the t-shirts and hats but will most likely cave by the end of the day and at least get one thing to remind them of their little outing. Avoids all eye contact when they leave a gift shop with a cap on that says "I had an un-bee-lievable time!" with a cartoon bee winking at you as if they too were enjoying the embarrassment.
Though slightly flustered at first, would probably wear a matching outfit or a couples t-shirt with you for the day. It's cute, okay?! And if done tastefully, isn't nearly as bad as it sounds.
Will probably wind down and relax by going on slow rides, the kind that takes you on a tour throughout the park just so they can see the sights and rest their legs from all that standing and walking around.
But the moment they get off the break's over and D's already on the move, only slowing down fully if you show signs of getting tired yourself.
If it wasn't going to catch the stares of everyone within a 20 feet radius, D would most certainly be down for carting you around in their arms when you get tired. If you ask them too they won't hesitate, though it might make them a little more than embarrassed to do so.
Why are they even here? Couldn't you all have chosen something more relaxing? It's hot. Too hot. There are so many people. Sweaty people. People who need a bar or two of deodorant or some sense of personal space knocked into them. R is the unfortunate one that's dragged along for the day but still finds a way to enjoy it themselves
Admires the way all the employees stay in character as they put on shows throughout the park. The costumes are wonderfully designed, the atmosphere, even when it changes just when you round the corner, is rather immersive if you linger.
Wouldn't want to go on any crazy rides that throw you haphazardly around. However, they would enjoy those cool 3D rides with a simple storyline and cute effects like a fog machine or a water mister.
Finds the fact that all the rides drop you off at an appropriately themed gift shop the second after the ride's over to be distasteful.
Then, they see the cutest animal plush in the world and forgets all about that for a second. You might want to stop them before they have the mind to get you one too because these plushies are gonna quickly become your new faux children. And whoops, they have names now too. How did that happen?
Will don the biggest sunhat you've ever seen and dramatic sunglasses for the day and no, they aren't taking it off. Would be willing to replace the big shades they have if you buy them a replacement. No matter how silly it looks, it's still a gift from you after all.
If there's some kind of petting zoo available they're already b-lining for it. You can certainly join as well... if you catch up with them. But unless there are other cool sights to see this may be where they spend a great many hours of the day.
I'll give it a solid 6/10 chance that R ends up babysitting everyone else's stuff while they go on rides. Bumping it to a 9/10 if X is allowed to go crazy with their purchases. I mean, someone's gonna have to watch all your stuff and it's not like they're all too interested in whatever the "Shark Tornado" that you're all going on is.
With enough convincing and maybe a little smile from you they're willing to go on one or two of the more intense rides, although the caveat is that they're gonna be riding next to you no matter what.
If the ride's especially scary they'd hold and squeeze your hand tight before moving to the safety rails before they cut off circulation or something.
And afterward, with the wind having blown through their long hair and their face flushed from the pumping of adrenaline and blood in their heart, R manages to come out still looking pretty.
A messy pretty, but pretty nonetheless.
Buys a ridiculous amount of souvenirs. Like. A silly amount.
Will start off at a gift store absentmindedly looking through the selections and then they see something Heval would like. Oh shoot, you would love this. They just have to get it! Damn, they should probably get this too while they're at it. Ohhhh, now D would hate this... which is the perfect reason why they need to buy it for them.
Will shrug off any attempts to get them to stop with a small "it's a special occasion!", as if that argument really holds when they're trying to buy a snow globe in mid-July.
Honestly, the mental image of X clad from head to toe in theme park merchandise is more than amusing, until you realize that they're going to rope you into the same thing.
Would die waiting in line, so they make it a point to buy into the dumb fast pass system and will reserve the right to still complain a little if the line wait is too long.
I could see it being really cute being in line with X though, due to how physically affectionate they are. They wouldn't go over the line with PDA if it made you uncomfortable, but would most likely burn the time away with their arms wrapped around you, their chin resting on your head if you're short enough or against your shoulder. Might sneak a lil smooch in there if there aren't too many people in line.
Feel free to give them a little shove when the sun rises too high and everything gets too overwhelmingly hot though, X is practically a furnace so they understand even if they pout a little.
Same as D in the sense that they enjoy the more extreme rides more, but instead of putting their hands in the air and taking it in like a normal person they make it their mission to scout out the exact timing in which the ride takes your photo and comes in prepared
They'll do the usual, raise their arms up, screaming much louder than those around them, but by the time the ride is up and everyone's disheveled and their legs are all wobbly X is practically bouncing on their feet.
Heading down to the gift shop you can see why, with everyone looking like a mess they're the only photogenic one in these "candid" photos. It's even better if you aren't nearly as graceful on rollercoasters, X determined to collect all the images of the two of you on every ride you go on with claims of finding the contrast "endearing". And if you do happen to look pretty put together despite the hellish twists and turns of the ride, X makes it their mission to get the two of you to do poses for the camera on the rest of the rides. Collecting the images and then lining them up by the end of the trip in a makeshift photobooth reel of the day.
Kulîlk Teyran
Will not eat the entire day prior in preparation for the big outing. But don't worry too much about her, she's already planning to make up for it in spades when she gets the chance.
She's super excited the moment that the trip is even brought up, never having really gotten the chance to go out much before. And to spend one of those outings at a theme park? With friends? With you?? What more could she want?
Does research in her own way. Mainly by looking through social media of other people going to the same park and studying their reviews and pictures. Will go to YouTube for videos of people eating through the menus there or taking POV footage of rides so she can mentally prepare herself and plan accordingly. Oh? The turkey legs are overrated? Well she won't bother with trying that then...
However, it's due to her excitement that she can't sleep by the end of the day. And when she can't sleep she begins to be anxious about missing the set time you guys meet up and being late. And when she thinks about being late she gets physically ill with anxiety and the fear of irritating her friends and you. And since she's anxious now, she can't sleep.
The cycle continues and before she knows it she barely gets 3 hours of sleep and her alarm is already ringing while she stares wide-eyed at the ceiling. Great. Lovely. What a start to the big trip to the theme park.
Still shows up before anyone else does, the most bitter cup of coffee in hand and her stomach dying. Only brightens up when she sees you or the rest approaching.
Finds the most endearing thing about theme parks to be the cute way they style and theme their food. Whether it's a cupcake with a little unicorn horn on it or a burger with the character stamped across the top of the bun Kulîlk is taking photos and sampling anything that doesn't seem too sweet.
Will offer to share what she eats with you as well, though it's partially so that she has more room to eat other things.
If you're eager to ride the attractions then she will be as well! Although you might have to help her walk a little after an especially fast and loopy one.
Not going to lie, she's the most likely to get sick after an especially intense attraction. Anxiety, a full stomach, caffeine, none of it is especially helpful to the poor woman dying on the park bench.
Will probably buy some souvenirs, but in this case, has her phone out comparing the prices online with what she sees in the stores. So unless it's an item that you get to customize or has a big show about it, Kulîlk will wait till after you all leave the park in order to order you whatever you want.
Could cave with a light breeze or kiss though, so go nuts lol.
Is the annoying one with a camera, wanting to take pictures of everything that seems cool and will ask for group photos on occasion. She prefers the more candid shots anyhow.
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viridianwins · 4 months
//I'm living my dream and adding Xiao ( low priority/test muse ) !
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royalreef · 4 months
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(( Working on merfolk mythology and theology again (it's very fun).
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sunfyred · 1 year
hi this is my weekly 'sorry i couldn't be around this week but i'm not dead & please don't forget about me ily all' post
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summerkng · 1 year
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indie, selective, private, book / headcanon based RENLY BARATHEON from A SONG OF ICE AND FIRE / GAME OF THRONES. crossover ( similar fandoms ) & oc friendly. tw : dark / mature content. crowned by RAMSES. template credit x.
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sunfyred-a · 2 years
talk me out of giving a.egon his own acc ..
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decimatlas · 1 year
eden and brock are constantly throwing hands for the title of my favorite emerson
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divine-reflection · 11 months
Sorry for the lack of responses, I have been going through a lot….thank you for your patience.
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