myscrap · 1 year
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(1) ひざか@skeb受付中さんはTwitterを使っています: 「伊26 #艦これ版深夜の真剣お絵描き60分一本勝負 #艦これ版真剣お絵描き60分一本勝負_20230113 https://t.co/JxuxPocdgK」 / Twitter
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heliospherecollection · 11 months
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彼女達に割り当てられた艦番号をバーコードの形でデザインしたふたつきのショルダートートです。 CODE128規格準拠のバーコードで制作しています(読み取りを保証しているわけではありません)。
Image:艦隊これくしょん-艦これ-  伊8、伊13、伊14、伊19、伊26、伊47、伊58、伊168、伊203、Scamp、伊400、伊401、呂500、伊504 (ルイージ・トレッリ) First distribution:神戸かわさき造船これくしょん10 (2023.6.4) Event   Price:¥2,200-  
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luzhair · 4 days
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【〝ICE FRESH〟Debut !! 】
皆さんこんにちは。Luz hairの伊藤です☆
その名もICE FRESH(アイスフレッシュ)🐠
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amiens2014 · 1 year
ロイヤルナンハウス宮田店とは ロイヤルナンハウス宮田店は���長野県上伊那郡宮田村(ながのけんかみいなぐんみやだむら)にあるインド、ネパール料理店だ。 単品メニューも豊富にご用意しておりますが、カレーはセットでご注文いただくとお得に♪豊富な種類のスパイスを使用して煮込んだインドカレーや色々な種類のナンが楽しめる多彩なセットをご用意しておりますのでシーンにあわせてご利用ください。 ロイヤルナンハウス 宮田店 – インド・ネパール料理 から引用 ロイヤルナンハウス宮田店 長野県上伊那郡宮田村103-7 050-5493-2814 (more…) “”
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tomokomisu · 1 year
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天城自然ガイドクラブの修善寺エコツアーでした 風が強くて寒かったーーーー 麦わら細工や修善寺和紙など またご紹介しますね 27日bsフジテレビのTime trip北条政子 復元された政子像のこちらをご覧ください    ⬇️ https://www.fnn.jp/articles/-/458585?display=full #伊豆修善寺温泉 #北条政子  #bsフジテレビ #タイムトリップ #26日 #27日 #観てね (Shuzenji, Shizuoka) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmjL1yLSQwI/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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guangyaw · 2 years
Diablo3 死靈法師 伊納瑞斯的恩澤 套裝實測
Diablo3 死靈法師 伊納瑞斯的恩澤 套裝實測
正值暗黑破壞神3 第 26 賽季的期間, 之前也介紹了死靈法師惡疫之王的裹屍布, 今天則是要來介紹俗稱聖套的 Diablo3 死靈法師 伊納瑞斯的恩澤 套裝實測 套裝整體的外觀預設就是白色底, 讓死靈法師看上去沒有這麼陰暗的氣氛, 接著就來看下套裝的特效 伊納瑞斯的恩澤最重要的技能就是骸骨護甲, 所有的裝備加成都圍繞在此技能上, 而 4件套的特效更讓死靈法師擁有額外的減傷, 周圍敵人越多減傷越高, 前提是骸骨護甲要擊中這些敵人 在技能的搭配上, 除了骸骨護甲以外, 此處範例選用了屍爆作為主要攻擊技能的搭配, 使用血肉模糊符文還可擴大傷害的範圍 除了屍爆之外, 就是搭配傑瑟斯武裝作為輔助的攻擊技能, 讓統御骷髏指定的攻擊目標死亡之後, 骷髏們會自動轉為攻擊其他敵人, 同時造成傷害還能提高…
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sanadaryoma · 2 years
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Thank you all. My Birthday. 繰り返す日々に誕生日に何の意味があるのか。 待つときの楽しさも今では空っぽで、悩みはいつも絶えない。やけに色のない夢が続いていた。 でも間違うことでしか人生の針を正しくは使えないから。争いよ止まれって祈ったところで未来なんていつだって不確かで強がらなきゃやってられなくて、頼りのない僕もいつか何者かになれたならって。でも彼も言うように、他の誰かになんてなれやしないよそんなのわかってるんだ。って。 25歳はいろいろなものを失った日々だった。でも様々な事を知ることができた日々でもあっ���。消せぬ過去さえもあなたで満ちれば後悔はない。でも、僕らはどうして鼓動の数に限りがあるってのを知っててムダにしちゃうんだろう。本当に少しずつでもいいから開けようとしないと、わかろうとしないとすべてのドアの中は開けようとしないから知らなかっただけ。 でも誰かを求めることは即ち傷つくことだった。 でも、これは事実。私の心の中にあなたがいる。いついかなる時も。今、あなたに聞きたいことが��っぱい。教えてほしい。今日私は一人じゃないし、この前も生まれも育ちも違うのに赤い血で明日明後日のことなんて知らんって最高のやつらに祝ってもらったし、それなりに幸せでこれでいいんだと言い聞かせてる。もし今の私を見れたならどう思うでしょう。 でも、気づいたこともある。 くだらない雑な日も争いに負ける日も辿っていけばどこかでそう仕向けた自分がいる。 だから変えていかなきゃいけない。毎年誕生日一曲目に聞く"new world".四半世紀の終わり。新しく目覚める時。 I'm awaking in the new world. 期待に飛び乗ってこの大空を飛びたくて命生まれ、 清濁を併せ呑んで命揺らす。 だから、あなたに全然会えなくなっても本当にわからなくなってもちっとも寂しくなんないよ。これからの僕は。 次の時代のページを捲って僕が新しい僕を纏えばこのくだらない自分語りも抜け殻になる。 この体は先も視えぬ熱を持て余してる。 Feeling good. のびしろしかないわ。 #ストーリーに載せた歌詞で #コラージュ #所信表明 #birthday #26 #thankyouall #sony #linkbudss #伊香保 #kappa #thingfabrics #what? #るんご #love https://www.instagram.com/p/Cf1P1jwBy7l/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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koch-snowflake-blog · 17 days
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小日向 ゆかは、日本のグラビアアイドル、ファッションモデル、女優。群馬県伊勢崎市出身。CONPASS所属。 ウィキペディア
生年月日: 1997年8月26日 (年齢 26歳)
出生地: 群馬県
身長: 160 cm
カップサイズ: F
スリーサイズ: 87 - 60 - 90 cm
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asiaphotobook · 12 days
[My Spa!] Iori Sagara 相楽伊織 – Seasonal Girl 旬撮ガール #002
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Iori Sagara 相楽伊織 生年月日 1997年11月26日(26歳) 出身地 日本 埼玉県 身長 164 cm 血液型 O型 乃木坂46元メンバー (2014年 - 2018年)
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gradol-cuties · 2 months
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Iori Sagara 相楽伊織 1997年11月26日 T164cm Eカップ
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nyeigneous · 1 year
Garth Igneous 加什·伊格尼斯
Age:45 年龄:四十五岁
Birth: 20/05/1893 生日:一八九三年五月二十日
Height:188cm 身高:一百八十八厘米
Build:Emaciation 体型:消瘦
Sexuality:Homosexuality 性取向:同性��
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He has short blond hair, light blue eyes, and an aggressive pointed nose.
There is a huge scar on the right forehead. A tattoo on the inside of his left forearm but is damaged by a scar. Both forearms were covered with scars made by knife. In addition, there are countless scars on his body, some of which are left by knife, some of which are left by wolves.
Garth is a neurotic, selfish, arrogant, and cunning man. His good family background and rich knowledge make him have the arrogance to master everything, so once the development of things is not expected, he will lose his temper like a child.
His mind is not complicated, but it is this straightforward way of thinking that makes it easier for him to do impulsive and reckless things.
He often overreacts to others.
Because of bipolar disorder, almost all his shortcomings are magnified, making him a completely uncontrollable madman.
Weapons and skills:
Shotgun, hunting knife, poison bait; Good at tracking, anti-reconnaissance, setting traps, and piss his partner off.
Important people: Andre Berekov Precious things: Longines hunter's watch (Andre gave it to him)
Fear: aurora; riding
吸烟很多;Smoking a lot;
情绪激动时会过度呼吸;Excessive breathing when excited;
酒量很差;Poor drinking capacity;
画画很好;Good at painting;
写日记;Keeping a diary;
喜欢用口哨吹肖邦的降E大调夜曲九号第二首;He likes to whistle Chopin nocturnes op.9. no2;
小时候被父母逼迫学过钢琴,虽然很痛恨钢琴,但是弹得不错;When he was a child, he was forced by my parents to learn the piano. Although he hates the piano, he plays it well
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北方口音Northern accent
加什的父母是是来自伯明翰的地质学家和生物学家,他们是典型的守旧并且固执的知识分子。 受到父母的影响,加什有着丰富的博物学知识,以及英格兰北方口音。 
Garth's parents are geologists and biologists from Birmingham, UK, they are typically old-fashioned and stubborn intellectuals. Influenced by his parents, Garth has rich natural knowledge and a northern English accent.
During the gold rush around 1900, Mr. Igneous and his wife come to Alaska with their 18-year-old son Hull, 16-year-old daughter Liz and 10-year-old Garth for research. Along with them is Jason Stamford, 26, a tutor for the children. The young Garth is in need of his parents, but the couple's work is very busy, they entrust Jason with the task of taking care of Garth and teaching him to read and write.
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温柔的人 A mild person
Jason is a talented young man with a major in paleontology. He was once a student of Garth's father. Because of polio, his left leg muscles atrophy and he can only walk with a walking stick. Various complications lead to his weakness and emaciation. But this does not kill his tenderness and love of life. These beautiful virtues also deeply influenced Garth.
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As a sickly child, Garth does not like the outdoors, so he spends a lot of time with Jason in addition to attending classes. The two talk like father and son, read books and learn the piano, and their bond grows.
When Garth turns 18, he boldly confesses his hot, confused admiration to Jason. Jason also likes the studious and enthusiastic boy, but the work ethic makes him turn him down. Jason, who is also gay, does not criticize Garth's unusual sexuality, but encourages him to be himself and not go against his will.
But Garth's parents see all this, and they fire Jason. Garth has a big fight with his parents.
Jason returns home to Manchester in poor health, but keeps up a close correspondence with Garth, offering gentle advice on the young man's troubles and doubts. Jensen died three years later, when Garth is 22.
逃婚 To escape a marriage
In 1919, when Garth is 25 years old, he has a very heated argument with his parents about his professional planning. His parents have arranged work and marriage for him in detail and ask him to marry the daughter of a local investor in order to obtain academic financial support. Garth impulsively tells them his sexual orientation and desire for freedom. His parents are very angry, abuse Jason for instilling bad illusion into his son. In a rage, Garth packs up and leaves home.
Half of year ago, Garth's parents meet Anderson Hastings (27) from the south of the US. This handsome and wealthy young man is looking for the assistance of experts in geology and biology for his career. He is gorgeous in clothes and spokes appropriately and is soon recognized by the Ignoneus family. The two young people meet and become intimate.
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Garth runs away from home and goes to Anderson. Anderson soon takes Garth on a cruise ship to the Soviet Union for a business trip.
Anderson never hides his sexual orientation and introduces Garth as his boyfriend which makes Garth feel safe. But what Garth doesn't expect is that Anderson just takes him as a property could show off.
In addition, Anderson is a control freak playboy. He believes that love is only a trade. He provides his boyfriends with luxurious living conditions, and the only thing the boys need to do is following his arrangement. He thinks that Garth's idea of finding a spiritual partner is very boring and meaningless.
白月光Bright moonlight
In that time, the phenomenon of money-laundering through academic research projects becoming popular among the rich. Most of the people Anderson takes Garth to see are such dandies. The days on the cruise ship are extravagant and chaotic. Garth feels helpless and disgusted at the atmosphere. Andrei Berekov (23) appears during this time.
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Andrei is the quietest member of the group of Soviet scholars. While everyone drinks and socialize, he would sit in a quiet corner and write alone. Garth finds out that Andre, like himself, is also the one who has false expectations for this so-called academic trip. Moreover, Garth is shocked by his knowledge of botany (although Andre's accent makes it difficult for them to communicate).
Contrary to Anderson, the gentle Andre can always see the flash in Garth's soul. He respects every inspiration and idea of Garth and can turn every chat into a friendly and meaningful academic discussion. This is the kind of relationship state that Garth has been pursuing.
At the same time, the relationship between Garth and Anderson is disintegrating. Anderson arranges cocktail party bender to introduce Garth to celebrities in the academic circle. He buys ways for Garth to publish his unfinished paper and plans everything for him without authorization. The only thing Garth needs to do is being a good boy to flatter Anderson. All this violates Garth's principles. They row again and again and break up.
Then Andre and Garth fall in love. He introduces Garth to his family and live together in his hometown in Belarus for some time. Later, the two decide to go to the University of Edinburgh for master's degree in plant taxonomy.
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A year and a half later, they graduate. Andre proposes to Garth at the graduation ceremony. After secretly exchanging rings, the two men embark on a trip to the Arctic Circle.
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极光中的骑行 Riding under the aurora
In 1923, the two men come to Yukon, Canada, and have a dispute with another group of fur hunters and they are maliciously retaliated. Andre is beaten to death. After being cut off his genitals, his body is hung in a tree and displayed with an "I'm a sodomite" sign around his neck. Garth is imprisoned and forced to watch his lover's body being eaten by crows in the aurora of the polar night. A few days later, with his last breath, he escapes, rides all the way south, and is finally saved.
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育空疯狗The mad dog of Yukon
This nightmare experience is a great blow to him, and the cruel torture leaves a huge ugly scar on his right scalp and countless scars on his body. He suffers from serious bipolar disorder, self-mutilation, and suicidal tendencies. He used to be a very gentle and humorous man, but now he has become an infamous one and gets the nickname of Yukon mad dog.
It is rumored that Garth finds the hunting team that hurt him years ago and retaliated against them with extremely cruel methods, but, the police let him stay in prison for only a short time because of his mental problems.
 It's just a rumor. No one knows what Garth does to them. People just never see those people again in the Yukon.
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危险游戏 Dangerous game
Although Garth's mental problems are very serious and his behavior is very uncontrollable, it is indisputable that he is the most outstanding wolf hunting expert in this area. In 1932, he is invited to join a hunting team. They plan to go south to hunt large prey for fur.
In early winter, Garth meets Hart, a forest ranger. Hart's merciless attack drives the team out of the forest, while the gloomy and fierce ranger attracts Garth's attention. He thinks it is all good to kill him or be killed by him.
Garth soon finds that although the ranger's attack is fierce and threatening, he doesn't seem to really want to kill them. Garth leaves the team, returns to the cabin alone, and begins to test Hart's patience by taking the initiative to attack. Hart responds to his attack almost immediately.
As Garth thought, Hart does not intend to kill him - each shot wipes his cheek and flies over, only a few centimeters away.
Garth almost immediately indulges in this dangerous game.
Hart's reaction satisfies him - his counterattack would not only really pose a threat to himself, but also could excite Garth. Although Garth himself knows that this morbid emotion originates from the psychological shadow leaves in his heart when he faces death, which makes him afraid, manic, want to cry, want to laugh, it is the only time that he could feel alive.
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怪人组合Freak couple
However, this absurd and dangerous duel does not end with the death of one party. On a snowy day, Hart forces Garth to a dead end, but he doesn't pull the trigger, just askes him why he does it. Garth cries and laughs, says he wants to die.
Hart turns and leaves.
Garth couldn't figure out why Hart has so many chances to kill him but doesn't do it. Hatred and fear have been burning in his heart for too long, burning the grassland of his inner world to black. However, from that day on, he could feel that a beam of light comes in through the black smoke, and something is slowly sprouting again.
The process of rebuilding trust is very long.
They do not have any detailed communication and exchange and do not mention the inexplicable gun battle. The two freaks just share a bonfire, say a few words, and then naturally act together.
Garth knows that nature also has many strange partners, such as raven and jackal, Greater Honeyguide and honey badger. Some partners can even act together all their lives. Even if one party dies, the other will not find a new one. Maybe they are such animals, too.
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Image:艦隊これくしょん-艦これ-  伊8、伊13、伊14、伊19、伊26、伊47、伊58、伊168、伊203、Scamp、伊400、伊401、呂500、伊504 (ルイージ・トレッリ) First distribution:はじめまして!司令官!2nd (2022.11.20) Price:¥3,500-
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luzhair · 1 year
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皆さんこんにちは。Luz hairの伊藤です❄️
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【 Shining Nikki CN+TW 】
Time Corridor “Land of Plenty, The legend of courage and protection”
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【 Shining Nikki CN+TW 】
Time Corridor “Land of Plenty, The legend of courage and protection”
On the sacred mountain, the legends of the past are like golden poems left in the wind.
Beginning with iron, gold and turquoise, the gods of power were born.
He asked the young warriors: "Why do you desire strength?"
In order to open up the land, to fight against the cold, scorching heat and natural disasters, to become the strongest warrior, and to protect everything you want to protect.
As time passes, when desires begin to expand and the struggle becomes more intense,
Gold and jewelry bound the falcon that once roamed freely, and the "true faith" was buried in the rapid flow of time.
But there is still some kind of original power called "guarding", rushing through the blood of the gods.
"It doesn't matter.
A protective heart is enough to resist any destructive power."
Suit Display ::
Original :: Rich Gold as Yoke (繁金为枷)
Recolor :: Sanskrit as Prelude (梵音为预)
Collection :: View of Wasteland
Designer :: Yisu (伊飒)
Attribute :: Cool
Rarity :: UR
Type ::
5th Time Corridor “Land of Plenty”
(Lifetime Hell Suit) (Workshop Design)
Date :: 26/10/2023…..
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tomokomisu · 1 year
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放送が近づいてきました! 12/27bsフジテレビ  ジオカフェGAIAは何を協力しているでしょうか?  わかったら教えてね(^^) 名前って凄いものなんだなぁと、改めて思います。  今は当たり前に、名乗っているけれど女の私は何て呼ばれていたのかなぁー? #伊豆修善寺温泉 #カフェ #ジオカフェgaia #bsフジテレビ #タイムトリップ #撮影協力 #北条政子 #鎌倉時代 #源頼家は26日に再放送 #観てね  @kamikirichiharu #ちはるちゃんの紙切り #凄いよ (Shuzenji, Shizuoka) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmScLLqSKzk/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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neigesucre · 4 months
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