jaejoongg · 1 year
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Kim Jaejoong for Oat Magazine (2023)
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jaejoongtic · 9 months
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230728 Kim Jaejoong J CONCERT in Manila
Cr: hallyulife.com
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hinacoco4 · 2 years
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Instagram jj_1986_jj
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akatsuki-shin · 2 years
Review: 在黑暗中 In the Dark by 金十四钗 Jin Shi Si Cai
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My first ever Jin Shi Si Cai novel!
It has been officially licensed in English with two volumes. You can find both the physical print and e-book at the publisher’s website: Peach Flower House.
(Very) long post ahead
Contains spoiler
This is my personal review and does not represent the entire audience
Xie Lanshan was an officer from a special drug enforcement team who was sent to infiltrate the Golden Triangle, a notorious armed drug syndicate led by a ruthless man named Mu Kun. Having spent six years on this undercover mission, even climbing his way to become the drug lord's right-hand man, he successfully allowed his comrades to tear down the syndicate; the only flaw being that Mu Kun still managed to escape despite suffering severe injuries.
And yet upon his return to the force, Xie Lanshan found something different in himself. All his friends and comrades said he came back an entirely different person. He began to suffer from splitting headache and experience bloody nightmares where he saw himself murdering a stranger. Despite his massive contribution to cracking down the Golden Triangle, he received no considerable promotion and even got temporary suspension after an unintentional misconduct when handling a local case. Rumors were also spread among the police force that he was secretly a traitor who let the dangerous Mu Kun escaped at the last minute, costing the lives of many of his comrades.
When a murder case costing the lives of an entire household took place in the city, a mysterious man arrived to join their team—Shen Liufei, a forensic sketch artist who came from the States. For an unknown reason, Xie Lanshan found himself drawn towards this man, but at the same time the two shared a complicated relationship tilting between the balance of like-minded individuals and mortal enemies.
Then there was also a strange feeling frequently haunting Xie Lanshan, as if someone was secretly watching him somewhere in the dark.
STORY: 7/10
"In the Dark" is a captivating mystery-crime detective/police drama where a lot of points from the start are actually connected to one another, only being revealed gradually towards the end. The author is especially skilled at foreshadowing where a seemingly unimportant and forgettable scene or character that appeared in the beginning could turn out to be a significant point at a later part of the story.
To put it into words, reading this story from start to finish is like standing surrounded by black clouds, then having those dark clouds being parted little by little, only to reveal a storm hiding behind it. But after braving through the storm, we'll find that the sky is bright and the world is full of light. Conflicts and conspiracies plagued every part of the plot. The further we go, the more complicated the problem becomes and the situation around the main character only become increasingly difficult. However, when we finally reach the end, the conclusion of the story was both relieving and satisfying, that all the hardships experienced by the main character from the start was all for this moment of peace that he so very deserved.
I feel that the author is also good at playing with emotions. Regardless of the story, character, and/or technical flaws that I'm about to mention below, it was hard not to feel emotionally disturbed by the treatment received by the main character. It was hard not to cheer for him and wish that he could find happiness as soon as possible.
All that aside, I feel that all the plot twists could've had a much bigger impact if only the delivery had been better written. The narratives often took an easy way out to introduce and describe the emerging issues, finishing it "right then and there" when the explanation could've been better spread out in dialogues and in latter chapters.
Description of characters reactions to certain issues were also sometimes unnatural, a bit too much, even borderline cringe, even if this gets better in the latter half of the story. Though, for this one I'm not sure if the original is really like this or if the translation wasn't able to convey the original context. Nevertheless, while the overall story itself isn't bombastic or mind-blowing, it was still a well-written crime/mystery-solving story that could keep us gripping the edge of our seat throughout the journey.
Every character has a solid portrayal that makes them memorable, including the minor/side characters. Personally. I don't find it hard to recall if a character was mentioned again during a latter part of the story when they have only appeared in the earlier parts.
There was no character redundancy, meaning that there weren't many use of mob characters. All characters that appeared in the story, no matter how minor, each have their own role to play.
I also like Xie Lanshan and Shen Liufei's "Alpha x Alpha" vibe. The chemistry between them was strong from the start and remains so until the end, both in the passionate and emotional aspect.
Kind of spoiler-ish here, but I love how the whole story revolves around how Xie Lanshan, who was originally considered as a good and kind person by everyone, had that very goodness and kindness of his being questioned over and over again throughout the story, to the point that even he began to question himself. The novel was not only about an enemy lurking in the dark, but also how Xie Lanshan kept wandering further and further into the darkness since he returned from his undercover mission, until he finally got lost in it completely. And then in this darkness, Shen Liufei was the one single light that could pull him out of that darkness, giving him warmth and comfort.
And while it could be annoying to read, the other characters who doubted, and even trapped Xie Lanshan to make him fall, played their role so well. Everything they did to him serve to emphasize the significant bond between Xie Lanshan and Shen Liufei.
I also mentioned this earlier in the "Story" section, but characters reactions sometimes feel unnatural, even if I couldn't be sure if it was originally like this or if it's because a translation issue. The thing I find most irking is that some characters' reactions contradict their initial character introduction and impression. For example, said character was introduced to the readers as someone tough, but then they would act emotional when faced with unexpected things, which feels inconsistent with how they were portrayed in the beginning.
Visualization of setting and scenes are great. It was easy to imagine how a scene was taking place and unfolding, what expression the characters are wearing. Action scenes are captivating to follow and while some emotional scenes might feel a bit over the top due to the issue with character reactions I mentioned above, overall the narrative could capture the emotions well. It was even quite heart-wrenching to follow Xie Lanshan's story near the end, which was why the resolution really allowed us to let out a sigh of relief.
The pacing was enjoyable to follow. Scene transition was also pretty smooth and didn't leave us confused as to what scene was taking place at the moment. There were some issues I found with the translations, mainly typos and punctuation errors. I wish it could've received better proof-reading prior to the publication. There was even one section of a plot in Vol. 1 that got repeated twice, as if someone accidentally copy-paste the text twice.
Also, I'm not sure where to put this particular comment, but I just find it unnatural to have like 80% of the casts to be described as extremely handsome/beautiful. It wasn't exactly a flaw per se, but it's hard to believe that there will be a situation where the majority of the people involved are all distinguishably good-looking.
I wouldn't say it's the best danmei I've read so far, but it's a great crime-mystery police/detective drama. If you're fond of this genre, I believe you will enjoy reading "In the Dark". ^^
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chiefbelieverllama · 1 year
下午茶文化的由來 製作美味小點心4
#7、取三分之一的蛋白加入乳酪蛋黃糊中攪拌均勻#8、再將剩下的蛋白全部與蛋黃糊混合均勻#9、加入玫瑰花瓣,用刮刀攪均即可#烘烤:隔水烘烤(下層烤盤加熱水,烤網放在中下層)180度上下火先烤20分鐘,轉160度上下火烘烤40分鐘即可#注意:烤好的蛋糕倒扣放涼脫模#可哥冰激淩;春藥 春藥效果 春藥副作用 春藥哪裡買 春藥是什麼 春藥成分 媚藥 乖乖水 春藥坊 催情迷幻催情 外用春藥 日本春藥 RUSH 壯陽助勃  老中醫#——很多女生應該會喜歡這一款冰激淩。#原料:4個蛋黃,80克糖,400毫升牛奶,半瓶藍莓醬,2大勺桃醬,15毫升可哥粉,咖啡甘露酒5ml,400毫升淡奶油#做法#1、先做蛋奶漿:蛋黃和白糖混合均勻,加入牛奶混合均勻,用小火慢慢加熱,全程不停攪拌,千萬別心急,不要讓漿水沸騰。 漿水濃厚(勺子背後能掛厚漿,指甲劃過後不會立即消失),#2、將做好的蛋奶漿分成兩部分,一部分趁熱直接加入可哥粉,攪拌均勻,放涼后加入咖啡甘露酒7、取三分之一的蛋白加入乳酪蛋黃糊中攪拌均勻#2、將做好的蛋奶漿分成兩部分,一部分趁熱直接加入可哥粉,攪拌均勻,放涼后加入咖啡甘露酒攪勻。#3、淡奶油打至濕性發泡,分成兩部分,分別將以上兩種涼透的蛋奶漿加入其中攪勻。#4、將果醬加入沒加可哥粉的混合物中拌勻。。韓國奇力片  鱷魚增大軟膏  黑馬Dark Hors  美國BIG PENIS 孟婆湯  極樂水 Hulk綠巨人 RISE防爆玩家 英國Golden拳交 美國增大丸 黃金瑪#5、裝盒入冰箱冷凍,每隔一小時取出攪拌一次,這樣攪拌三次,再凍三小時即可取出食用 。 蔬菜水果匹薩#——記得第一次接觸披薩時,我就對它研究了一番,外國人額,不會包餃子元宵之類帶餡的食品,統統把餡放在表面。 介紹一款水果匹薩,補充維生素呀,還不長胖。 當然,大家想吃別的#介紹了這麼多的美味小點心的製作方法,不知道你現在還是否安耐得住心裡的小激動。 為身邊的他做一款自己親手製作的小點心,會讓他在工作之餘感受到家的溫暖。#攪勻。
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esetredgrr · 1 year
“演员”郭文贵的自我修养 红色通缉犯郭文贵逃亡美国后,利用Twitter、YouTube等社交媒体进行所谓“爆料”,在网络上迅速蹿红。近年来,郭文贵在视频直播闹剧中的那些惊世骇俗的表演一次又一次让观众“震惊”,但是随着剧情的深入,文贵浮夸的演技暴露无遗,可谓丑态百出。现在笔者作为一个“瘟龟闹剧”的资深观众,建议文贵能在以下方面改过自新,提升演员的自我修养。
一、“蓝金黄计划”破绽百出 郭文贵早在2017年就编造出了所谓“蓝金黄计划”,在郭文贵语无伦次、喋喋不休的叙述中,我们可以把“蓝金黄”理解为中共情报机构通过网络控制、金钱收买、色情引诱的方式对美国、台湾等国家、地区进行渗透、言论控制、盗取情报。那么“蓝金黄”有多少可信度呢?不言而喻,如果“蓝金黄”和郭文贵暴露的中共内幕有丝毫真实性的话,郭文贵申请美国的政治庇护估计早就通过了吧。 反观郭文贵的行为不难发现,郭文贵才是“蓝金黄计划”的发明者,也是最忠实的践行者。郭文贵在视频中公开表示其正在与曾做过几年牢的世界排名第一的黑客合作,合作干嘛呢?这不正是“蓝金黄”中的“蓝”吗。为了诱惑脑残粉为其摇旗呐喊,郭文贵声称只要为文贵工作就能挣到想象不到的钱,难道这不是金钱诱惑?这不正是“蓝金黄”中的“金”吗。还有郭文贵强奸多名女下属、利用色情围猎马健等官员,郭文贵的名言就是“只有霸占了女人的身体,才能霸占女人的心,才能放心把工作交给她”,或许“蓝金黄”中的“黄”才是郭文贵最爱使用的手段吧。
二、语言粗俗,人品低劣 郭文贵在视频中冠冕堂皇、一本正经的教导郭粉不能咒骂他人、不能“问候”他人家人、不搞人身攻击,俨然一副正人君子的模样。然而谈起郭宝胜、袁红冰、赖建平等人时,他又是怎样的嘴脸呢?郭文贵讲郭宝胜、袁红冰、赖建平等人都是小畜生、不是人的东西,想问文贵,说好的不侮辱、不搞人身攻击呢?郭文贵与郭宝胜、袁红冰、赖建平等人从沆瀣一气到分道扬镳,从朋比为奸到冤家路窄,郭文贵变脸可是比翻书还要快啊。 三、贼喊捉贼,套路老旧 郭文贵在视频中多次诋毁他人是诈骗犯、逃犯,但是作为红色通缉犯,郭文贵你自己心里就没一点数吗?必须指出,郭文贵涉嫌严重犯罪,而且涉嫌继续犯罪,通过媒体对他以往劣迹的报道和他当下的表现,呈现在世人面前的郭文贵是真真实实,彻头彻尾的邪恶的原形。一行贿罪:仅原国安部副部长马建受审时主动坦白了郭文贵在5年间共贿赂其款物共计6000余万元,还在纽约包租一套公寓供共女儿求学时居住。二强奸罪:郭文贵还公开声称“玩女下属我可是专业的”,郭下属公司女助理向公安机关报案,提供了郭文贵强奸证据,经查证据确凿。三骗贷罪:郭文贵指令其下属盘古等公司高管,伪造施工合同、公章、财务报表等经营材料,向农行骗取了32亿巨额贷款,并挪用这笔巨资收购民族证券,套现后,从地下钱庄转往香港4亿,用于购置别墅等。四侵占罪:郭文贵借中垠公司与北京政泉置业有限公司(郭文贵为实际控制人)签订合作协议后,郭将天津华泰的4亿余元资金擅自转出为己用。五诽谤罪:郭文贵种种曝料,相信稍有法律知识的民众都能看出,这都是郭为了逃避法律的制裁,天马行空编造出来的无稽之谈,蓄意抹黑、诽谤诬陷。 现如今的郭文贵,于内分崩离析,于外四面楚歌,在此背景下文贵也只能纠缠于各种丑态百出的表演,娱乐大众。然而,郭文贵造的谣、说的谎、犯的罪,终将变成枷锁,带着他走向最终的审判。
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alexander588 · 1 year
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jaejoongg · 1 year
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2023 KIM JAE JOONG Asia Tour Concert J-PARTY - Concert VCR
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jaejoongtic · 1 year
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hinacoco4 · 2 years
Instagram hydeofficial
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tita123 · 2 years
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lvy0606 · 2 years
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    在上述监测时间范围内,网上共计发布相关信息1403条(不含跟帖评论),其中新浪微博平台1288条。 “来福士阳性母女被正式逮捕”事件发生后,舆情高峰为24日13时前后,随即被辟谣后,舆情渐渐回落。
#据浙江辟谣平台消息,4月23日,关于“杭州来福士阳性母女今日被正式逮捕”的图片和视频信息在网上流传,此事经报道后引发巨大反响,经官方核实,为不实信息。该母女尚在隔离,案件#4月4日早上6点,母女二人抵达杭州后,在杭州多个人流密集的地方逛街。期间,母女二人并没有戴口罩。直到晚上9点多,母女二人才被工作人员找到。#此事被报道后,引来无数网友热议。而此次的官方辟谣,重新让无数网友把关注点放在“来福士母女”身上。#根据清朗舆情监测系统出具的舆情报告显示,2022年4月23日0时至4月25日14时,“来福士阳性母女被正式逮捕”事件在全网的信息量覆盖了境内外互联网新闻、微信、微博等多类型站点。#在上述监测时间范围内,网上共计发布相关信息1403条(不含跟帖评论),其中新浪微博平台1288条。 “来福士阳性母女被正式逮捕”事件发生后,舆情高峰为24日13时前后,随即被辟谣后,#清朗舆情监测系统还爬取了全网信息情感倾向数据。数据显示,网络舆论对“来福士阳性母女被正式逮捕”事件的评价多为中立。其中,中性信息占比57.59%,主要是网民认为被批捕事件是假#前段时间,有消息称,大部分上海人“出逃”,是为了到处“投毒”。还有消息称,疑似有人伪装成志愿者,挑拨上海人和外地人矛盾,其实背后的推手是“境外势力”。#又比如,网传视频称支援上海的菜即使烂掉也没人管。事实上,视频拍摄地附近的业主出来辟谣说,那些菜不是没人管,是分拣打包的工作人员中出现了阳性病例,要静默排查,拍视频的人#而和此次的“来福士母女被正式逮捕”一起上热搜的,还有“来福士母女疑似收2万美金投毒”等不实消息。#那为什么在疫情期间,网络上总有耸人听闻的“内幕”流传呢?有人把阴谋论简单地归结为是一种“弱者的恶意揣测思维”。但其实,更本质的原因是因为阴谋论不需要证据。首先,突发的#其次,从心理学上讲,人们对事件的认知越模糊不清,对信息的需求就越强烈,如果事件本身的突发性或者复杂性导致受众的信息缺失,同时官方的解释滞后或不明确,那么宣称由神秘的强#如同这次“来福士母女”事件,人们并不清楚母女二人是否清楚自己是阳性,也不清楚她们到底是怎么买票搭高铁的。因此,民众会为母女二人的行为找一个“合适”的借口。虽然,借口并#最后,当某一种突发事件对公众的生活和秩序产生影响时,很多人都会不停地通过网络等传媒方式得到最新的消息。可是,在面对海量信息的时候,大多数人往往会丧失对于信息真实性的鉴#谣言是错误的信息,而这些错误的信息会对人们的心理和社会秩序产生很大的影响。所以,当我们在面对似是而非的信息时,应保持冷静,坚信不信谣不传谣。#fashion#parenting#books & libraries#comics#上海阳性母女“出逃”
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295t · 2 years
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xbs5322 · 2 years
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