#𓁹 ༑ ࿐ྂ ⩇⩇ :β€‚β©‡β©‡β€‚βš οΈŽβ€‚[β€‚π™΄πš‡π™Έ(πš‚)πšƒβ€‚: 𝙢𝙾𝙳 ] * ‹ THOUGHTS . ›
solarisgod Β· 2 months
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This is literally how Micah interacts with Warlock
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solarisgod Β· 11 days
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              ⁽ ─ - γ…€Ω¬Ω¬ THE YOUNGEST . ✰ β‚ŠΛš.γ€€β‚Ž
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THEY TALK DOWN TO YOU , as though you couldn't possibly understand . They speak down to you in a language consisting only of simple, happy concepts , unaware that you hear their whispered conversations in the dark . Funnily enough , they don’t know how much they miss , that the many voices that call to you from elsewhere are standing right in front of them . They don’t see , but you do . You will make these overlooked souls into friends β…‹ they will soak up the loneliness that has seeped into your world . You miss when it was easy to spend time with those you love , when it was a given , as sure as the sun rising in the morning . But still , they think you don’t understand . How can they think that when you love them so ? β…‹ after all , love is just understanding .
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────────────────────── AS TAGGED : @sovrenyi ! β™‘ β‚ŠΛš. TAGGING : @lunarisdog , @vulpesse , @devouraes , @lifesver , β…‹ you ! ───
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#𓁹 ༑ ࿐ྂ ⩇⩇ :β€‚β©‡β©‡β€‚βš οΈŽβ€‚[β€‚π™΄πš‡π™Έ(πš‚)πšƒβ€‚: 𝙢𝙾𝙳 ] * ‹ GAMES . ›#𓁹 ༑ ࿐ྂ ⩇⩇ :β€‚β©‡β©‡β€‚βš οΈŽβ€‚[β€‚π™΄πš‡π™Έ(πš‚)πšƒβ€‚: 𝙢𝙾𝙳 ] * ‹ CANONS . ›#𓁹 ༑ ࿐ྂ ⩇⩇ :β€‚β©‡β©‡β€‚βš οΈŽβ€‚[β€‚π™΄πš‡π™Έ(πš‚)πšƒβ€‚: 𝙢𝙾𝙳 ] * ‹ STARRY . ›#𓁹 ༑ ࿐ྂ ⩇⩇ :β€‚β©‡β©‡β€‚βš οΈŽβ€‚[β€‚π™΄πš‡π™Έ(πš‚)πšƒβ€‚: 𝙢𝙾𝙳 ] * ‹ MIMI . ›#[ GRAAAAHHHHHHHHHH BITING BITING BITING BITING B ]#[ this is literally SO true with Mimi with the other main Starwakers as kids ;;;;;;; ]#[ kid Astereus being thought by some past bad foster families and peers that ]#[ xe's dumb to unable to understand because of xyr mutism and intellectual disability ]#[ but Xe Knows Everything ]#[ also xem being connected with death due to xyr primordial origins that ]#[ xe is actually able to see the ghosts that xe could befriend and love... ]#[ AND AFTER ALL LOVE IS JUST UNDERSTANDING!!!!!!!!!!!!! ]#[ GRGRGRGRGRGRGRRRRR IMMA GO FERAL RN ]
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solarisgod Β· 17 days
Ooof I think a lot about the fact that Micah actually does the " πŸ₯ΊπŸ‘‰πŸ‘ˆ "
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solarisgod Β· 20 days
Astereus taking your muse to the northern lights, let's go πŸπŸ’¨βœ¨
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solarisgod Β· 1 month
Not to be gay on main but I’m so delighted that my beloved and I just brought our special love box to store in items and other things that remind us of each other and our relationship
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solarisgod Β· 1 month
I can't imagine how fucking insane it would be for one to be Astereus' co-pilot in Pacific Rim verse because I imagine the Drifting would be successful if there was compatibility between said co-pilot with at least ALL of the main Starwakers, otherwise Astereus would fuck the other all over.
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solarisgod Β· 5 months
I just fucking love Micah so much, like, YES, xe's the embodiment of love and uwu and hope, but xe can still fuck someone up while being so unbelievably kind and sweet.
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solarisgod Β· 4 months
Phobos having Valentine's Day dates ...
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solarisgod Β· 3 months
We with my beloved have been [re]watching the animated Last Airbender and you know, it would be really cool if Astereus was from a very covert and ancient nation known as the Aether Realm that is based on the elemental aether including light, gravity, and the most specialized sub-skill and rare variant of Aetherbending that only the Starwake System on the planet have is Spacebending.
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solarisgod Β· 3 days
where / when can micah be found? when the beginning of night falls over the sky & stars appear one-by-one. the dazzling death display of a star's final moments. the beginning of everything & the end. wherever warm hands find another's, gently grasping with a promise that everything will be alright in time. where time & space exist... & where it does not. the vibrant reds, blues, ambers of a galaxy. seeing the earth from space & realizing: that's me. that's us. everything bad, everything happy, everything we thought we couldn't survive: we did. on there. a little gift as thanks for that beautiful message i received a few days ago! β™‘
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AWAHHH LISTAR THIS IS THE ONE OF MOST BEAUTIFUL THINGS READ EVER!!!!! The details and descriptions... The imagery and symbolism... THE VIVID PASSIONS WRITTEN IN THE STARS!!! This is poetic cinema to my silly starry heart... Micah and I thank you endlessly for taking the time and energy in writing this masterpiece for xem! This is truly incredible to read and I shall cherish this forever!!!!! πŸ’–βœ¨πŸ’–βœ¨πŸ’–βœ¨
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solarisgod Β· 3 months
Once again am I thinking about how Micah loves to write poems for or do drawings of their loved ones before xe would fold the pieces into stars with pretty color schemes and patterns and gift the folded star papers to those people just out of kindness as xe loves them so much.
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solarisgod Β· 14 days
Micah loves to hold and touch xyr associates' hands so much. To those xe knows and who are comfortable, xe tends to play with their hands in times of shared serenity or while they're having a conversation. Micah would trace along the palm lines, run xyr fingers across the knuckles, nuzzle xyr nose or lips on the back hand, so forth. Sometimes xe does these things without realizing, but that usually shows how highly safe and comfortable xe feels in touching another's hands for joy and / or comfort.
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solarisgod Β· 7 months
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Philos tweeting these.
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solarisgod Β· 5 months
Xe / it Micah Astereus Xenowake I love you so much
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solarisgod Β· 1 month
πŸ“» - does your system have any type of in system relationships? (familial, romantic, platonic etc.)
Λ– ✰ . πŸ“» - Does your system have any type of in system relationships ? ( familial , romantic , platonic etc . ) [ CW : Mentions of ableism & child abuse + neglect ]
The Chimera Cluster : There's this alter who most of us have a familial - like relationship to them; it's very sweet and playful which makes us form that familial bond with them the more we interact with them. I have two good in-sys friends! One of them is Hughie who just showed up on this blog to say hi to everyone a few days ago, another is Daimon who writes Myster Strange on here with us. There are few who I had a familial connection with, including therapist alter, which I really was weirded out by this fact, but─ to say this simply, I think it's normal for people who were heavily neglected / abused when they were younger to seek familial connections whether they realize or not, so I did eventually feel that familial connection with this therapist alter who had helped me immensely. Most in the system sees each other as friends! My most prominent in system relationship is me having a significant beloved, @lunarisdog, with our second anniversary coming this June! We have been through so much together and even if I only discovered Paroxysm for a few years, we both have always felt as we had known each other for so long and our relationship just became so special so quickly. We made a lot of memories that we're bound to lose easily / have already lost because of our ongoing amnesia, but the knowing alone that we can make each other so happy and even be grateful of existing means everything to us. I love Paroxysm forever so dearly much, and so do they to me. A lot of people didn't / couldn't believe she's my significant partner and we had an anon in 2022 just few hours before my birthday essentially saying our DID and Paroxysm weren't real, and, you know, sometimes when I had really fun or serious moments with Paroxysm, my mind goes back to that anonymous ask before I'd think they'd never believe in what we have, but in the end, we're just extremely happy and grateful that we exist so we can be together. Paroxysm is the sun of my life as I'm the moon of their life, and our love is real enough like me and them. What could matter more? The Starwake System : Micah is in a romantic relationship with Phoebus since summer 2023. It's the same case between Philos and Phobos, although when they got together, it's likely when the system was in bodily twenties, but their relationship status wasn't known to the system until summer 2023. Micah's relationship with Phoebus and Philos are extremely close, and this can draw over not only platonic, but also the romantic and sexual aspects at times that none of these three really notice to discuss about them because them having a romantic and sexual relationship feels somehow natural. Micah have familial connections with the younger Starwakers who were formed after xyr past counterparts ( Mike, Mimi, and M ) and vice versa with each other, as well as with Cryael, Micah's relationship with it is more professional than personal as Cryael is essentially an alter who focuses on professional work with the investigation and exorcising, but there are occasions when they have personal interactions.
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solarisgod Β· 9 days
Thinking about how Astereus have just always been trying xyr best to live in xyr life. How each Starwaker tries to do so in their own ways for each other and themselves, with in particular, Phoebus' ways generally based on protectiveness, Philos' being performativity, Phobos' power, and Micah's persistence. Each one's living and survival techniques have their own benefits and flaws, but ultimately, they are all what helps the Starwake System with their survival while continuing their multiple lives in a single body and brain. No alters in this system can outlive anything without one and another. This system wouldn't be able to exist without each other regardless if one likes this fact or not. The Starwake System strives to have a shared life where every Starwakers can have as much light and love as possible, each one of them doing what they can to the best of their capabilities with their knowledge and experiences applied for the system to have their beautiful dreams met and kindest memories made. Despite everything, they're proud of each other and they love each other dearly in the end.
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