#𓁹 ༑ ࿐ྂ ⩇⩇ :β€‚β©‡β©‡β€‚βš οΈŽβ€‚[β€‚π™΄πš‡π™Έ(πš‚)πšƒβ€‚: 𝙢𝙾𝙳 ] * ‹ WARLOCK . ›
solarisgod Β· 2 months
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This is literally how Micah interacts with Warlock
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solarisgod Β· 6 days
Micah generally does not do very well with possessiveness. In most cases, xe doesn't like being referred as " my [ noun ] " or being told essentially that xe would belong to another ( i.e. " mine " ). Xe doesn't like being marked with tools or body parts as a purpose of possession instead of to build positive emotions / sensations from them. Micah had nine romantic relationships and many friendships across xyr life where most were toxic, and there were a lot of experiences where xe felt as xe didn't have much of a genuine place in a relationship while the other would use xem rather than just respect xem. Even as a child, Micah would be forced to be part of something or be with someone xe didn't want as xe had no choices or control for / with xemself, so xe developed this mindset that xe is always xyr own individual and never will be another's. Even if xe does end up feeling comfortable with another's possessiveness, albeit extremely rarely, xe will always believe that everything of xem is xyr own only in the very end. Although as much as Micah can see the appeal of possessiveness, xe often doesn't like to feel as xe is belonged to another. It's just something that requires a lot of trust and open communication and patience for this to be accepted, but even then, xe is most selective and cautious having to experience this sort of nature with another.
#ASK TO TAG CW#///#//#/#𓁹 ༑ ࿐ྂ ⩇⩇ :β€‚β©‡β©‡β€‚βš οΈŽβ€‚[β€‚π™΄πš‡π™Έ(πš‚)πšƒβ€‚: 𝙢𝙾𝙳 ] * ‹ CANONS . ›#𓁹 ༑ ࿐ྂ ⩇⩇ :β€‚β©‡β©‡β€‚βš οΈŽβ€‚[β€‚π™΄πš‡π™Έ(πš‚)πšƒβ€‚: 𝙢𝙾𝙳 ] * ‹ STUDY . ›#𓁹 ༑ ࿐ྂ ⩇⩇ :β€‚β©‡β©‡β€‚βš οΈŽβ€‚[β€‚π™΄πš‡π™Έ(πš‚)πšƒβ€‚: 𝙢𝙾𝙳 ] * ‹  MICAH . ›#[ Warlock Philos and Phobos are the only ones ever in Micah's canon who xe will accept them to be possessive with xem ]#[ Philos and Phobos well that's xyr starmates xe trusts them more than enough while xe understands why they'd be like that ]#[ I can write a whole essay how extremely unique Micah's and Warlock's relationship ( in general ) is that no others can match ]#[ like Warlock is the only one who Micah is okay kissing it with blood in its mouth or it having its finger stick into xyr wounds etc etc ]#[ that extremeness out of trust and devotion that no other relationships in canon and roleplay can have even some of it ]#[ Lissi's Darkling is on thin ice with his possessiveness to Micah ksjhfBJKMFSKSMFLSM in terms of the roleplay realm ]#[ her Darkling is by far the only muse who Micah can tolerate this form of behaviour as xe can Just Get Why he's like that ]#[ and that's an extremely rare case ]
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solarisgod Β· 7 months
It aren’t about anyone here, but while it's already been stated on guideline, to make a personal psa in depth, if we notice the Starwake System and especially Micah are being infantilized / overly sexualized / excessively underestimated, it's a hardblock. A prominent pattern we notice is when most prompts we're given from a mun involves Micah being comforted / assisted, which we personally find it demeaning. Especially as an Asian individual who experiences all of these three aspects in the rpc / on the internet and especially in real life, I'm really not in the mood to let our muses, especially my most beloved Asian OCs, be subjected to such treatments.
With Micah in this case when it comes to infantilization and the underestimating, they are extremely emotional and sensitive as they can be childish and dependent, just as I am too, but no muses should be always babying and underestimating them. Micah is quite powerful and skilled, and they were quite known to be highly aggressive and wrathful when they were younger--- they CAN be so as wrath is actually their biggest vice, believe it or not, it's just they actively choose not to / try not to due to experiences and mindsets while they had gone through sessions with both their personal therapist and alter therapist with Phoebus who helped them find ways to manage their anger issues and intrusive thoughts. There's just so many layers and factors to their "childlike" traits that I can write essays on, but basically, their traumas and lack of certain experiences and treatments and having certain needs make them the way they are. I'd never write characters as silly or childish to poke fun or coddle and people shouldn't either nor narrow characters into one trait because they happen to have foolish or childish traits.
Being small and petite or emotional and gentle, what have you, should not make one a weak person and I really wish more folks can understand that, truly, speaking out for both characters and people.
#𓁹 ༑ ࿐ྂ ⩇⩇ :β€‚β©‡β©‡β€‚βš οΈŽβ€‚[β€‚π™΄πš‡π™Έ(πš‚)πšƒβ€‚: 𝙢𝙾𝙳 ] * ‹ PSA . ›#[ once more not about any of our current mutuals but it is based on past roleplay experiences with recent irl ones ]#[ got a white man few days ago looking at me funny with a ' you ordered this? ' when I was getting UberEats order from him few days ago ]#[ and was like ' hahah these are heavy be careful ' and pretended to drop the bags of food by quickly lowering 'em down ]#[ when I was going to reach out to take 'em from him ]#[ and my Asian placement colleague on Halloween told me I got ' baby hands ' which is just... well alright ]#[ I punched my phy. and emot. abusive and toxic mom as a self defense in few cases with these hands when she tried to hurt me ]#[ so... ain't so baby ]#[ I'm just exhausted being treated this way and the same with our OCs ; knowing being Asian is a factor to these mindsets and treatments ]#[ my significant beloved is the only person who can baby me as even I wouldn't want our other starmates to treat me that way ]#[ same with Micah being okay with Adoniram and Warlock and their starmates doing so ]#[ when it comes with a lot of build over time on the trust and confidence ]#[ that we're not being taken advantage of and being judged on and being underestimated all at once ]#[ just please be mindful how you're treating and thinking about someone ]#[ anyways yeah I'm just. yeah! this needs to be said. we extremely appreciate the read ; thank you so much β™‘ ]
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solarisgod Β· 29 days
I still think it’s so fucking hot and metal of Micah to make the tattoo out of Warlock’s first ever bite on xyr shoulder and calling it a sun like okay, you funky lil’ gay star.
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solarisgod Β· 1 month
Micah having so much hope and love in humanity, even while certain parts of it are cruel and horrible and terrifying. Even in the world that hates and angers so much, Micah will always want to believe in the goodness of humanity despite the dark and painful times. Micah seeing it's ultimately the flaws of authorities and systems and even the people who are supposed to be role models and caretakers that would make an individual be the way they are, so much wanting to know and understand the individual better so that xe can try to guide them on a better path that can give them a brighter future for themself. If they don't want to change in any ways, Micah won't judge and can accept them as they are but xe will still try to find ways that can give them less pain and / or trouble along the way. Otherwise if there's nothing that can be done for them or they lost all of Micah's chances of forgiveness, then xe will only wish them best while grasping the notion that certain things can or can not be done much in the end due to certain factors that xe can see and understand. Xe didn't fail themβ€” xe did xyr best and that will always be more than good enough, this being what Micah will always try to tell xemself that. No one will ever change xyr mindset on humanity. Humanity can hate so much, but it can love just as much, and Micah will be the one to love it entirely and poetically and viciously because, as Micah would say in xyr series, xe is not afraid to live a life where love will always be the answer. LOVE WILL ALWAYS BE THE ANSWER DESPITE IT ALL!!!
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solarisgod Β· 8 months
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solarisgod Β· 5 months
 Hours later at the amusement park with Evangel β…‹ Warlock , as Micah told the former that they would for their birthdays , with the sun gently falling behind the trio , they have been exploring the corner of the park . Micah β…‹ Evangel are eating their cotton candies while Warlock looks ahead , its body tensed since their arrival . Evangel keeps giving it concerned looks β…‹ at few points asked Micah if it's okay . Micah can detect Warlock's emotions β…‹ thoughts from the special link that was established between them . Assuring their sibling it wasn't used to being in an environment like here , Micah senses it is on high alert for Lux's β…‹ Nox's ambush . Along with Angelparadox's warning , the pair lingers at the back of their own mind , too , but they try not to let them ruin the plan . Evangel have Warlock β…‹ themself .
#SELFSHOWNOWPLAYING#DEVEILS#HOPEBORN#///#//#𓁹 ༑ ࿐ྂ ⩇⩇ :β€‚β©‡β©‡β€‚βš οΈŽβ€‚[β€‚π™΄πš‡π™Έ(πš‚)πšƒβ€‚: 𝙢𝙾𝙳 ] * ‹ HOPEBORN . ›#𓁹 ༑ ࿐ྂ ⩇⩇ :β€‚β©‡β©‡β€‚βš οΈŽβ€‚[β€‚π™΄πš‡π™Έ(πš‚)πšƒβ€‚: 𝙢𝙾𝙳 ] * ‹ EVANGEL . ›#𓁹 ༑ ࿐ྂ ⩇⩇ :β€‚β©‡β©‡β€‚βš οΈŽβ€‚[β€‚π™΄πš‡π™Έ(πš‚)πšƒβ€‚: 𝙢𝙾𝙳 ] * ‹ DEVEILS . ›#𓁹 ༑ ࿐ྂ ⩇⩇ :β€‚β©‡β©‡β€‚βš οΈŽβ€‚[β€‚π™΄πš‡π™Έ(πš‚)πšƒβ€‚: 𝙢𝙾𝙳 ] * ‹ WARLOCK . ›#𓁹 ༑ ࿐ྂ ⩇⩇ :β€‚β©‡β©‡β€‚βš οΈŽβ€‚[β€‚π™΄πš‡π™Έ(πš‚)πšƒβ€‚: 𝙢𝙾𝙳 ] * ‹ IC . ›#𓁹 ༑ ࿐ྂ ⩇⩇ :β€‚β©‡β©‡β€‚βš οΈŽβ€‚[β€‚π™΄πš‡π™Έ(πš‚)πšƒβ€‚: 𝙢𝙾𝙳 ] * ‹ V : MAIN / ACT I.III. . ›#𓁹 ༑ ࿐ྂ ⩇⩇ :β€‚β©‡β©‡β€‚βš οΈŽβ€‚[β€‚π™΄πš‡π™Έ(πš‚)πšƒβ€‚: 𝙢𝙾𝙳 ] * ‹ CYOA MODE . ›#𓁹 ༑ ࿐ྂ ⩇⩇ :β€‚β©‡β©‡β€‚βš οΈŽβ€‚[β€‚π™΄πš‡π™Έ(πš‚)πšƒβ€‚: 𝙢𝙾𝙳 ] * ‹ MICAH . ›
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solarisgod Β· 4 months
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 It has been harsh for the past few weeks since xyr resurrection . The aftereffects of it still linger while Adoniram leaving everyone from Father Lucas' home adds the pain , although Micah tries to continue holding some light in xemself as time quickly β…‹ slowly passes into February , the month of love . The thoughts of Adoniram keep flickering in xyr mind . ( Micah misses him dearly , but xe can not force Adoniram to stay where he could mentally worsen by xyr presence that was emotionally hurting xem , so Micah can only most hope he'll find peace on his own . ) β…‹ then , there is Warlock . . .
 Strange asking xem to be xyr Valentine makes Micah remember that this month's holiday can be the first time spent with Warlock . Xe hoped to try to spending Valentine's Day with it β…‹ Adoniram together at once , but as the latter is absent , xe wonders if Warlock will accept xyr invitation to be xyr Valentine , especially given the latest events . . . ❝ Warlock ? ❞ Micah softly calls at the backyard , watching it inhale its cigarette . @lunarisdog quirks a brow at xem who stops by its side . Xe rubs xyr numb hand . ❝ I know this is a lot to ask , but . . . ❞ Micah takes a deep breath , ❝ I was wondering if , um . . . ❞
 Micah tries to focus on its hand , xyr own burning deeply to hold it close , ❝ We can spend Valentine's Day together ? I - I get things have been intense for a while , but I'd really like to spend this day with you for our first time . I don't want anything to hold me back from . . . ❞ xe considers xyr choice of phrasing , ❝ Having a special time with you . ❞ Silence takes over the atmosphere β…‹ Micah glances away , xyr whole body flushed .
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solarisgod Β· 3 months
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γ€€Micah still vividly recalls the thick paths of blood leaving xyr eyes , the burning more intense than xem bearing tears . It's a haunting experience of agony that xe will never forget . Fortunately , @lunarisdog have been able to accompany xem throughout the painful development in a week before xe gained the Eyes of God . Micah now understands what it's like for Warlock to share a similar experience when it developed its own . Devoured in the darkness for a few days now , Micah sits on the bed's edge , waiting for Warlock to clean xyr bloodshot eyes . ❝ Lovelock , ❞ xe whispers , ❝ When can I see again ? ❞ As one of the strongest Antigods , xyr blindness should be temporary , but the fact doesn't remove the anxiety that xe may no longer be able to see once more , forever trapped in where xe once feared . ❝ I miss looking at you . ❞ Xyr eyes begin to pulsate , ache , β…‹ xe wonders if xe's going to cry blood again . In the end , Micah doesn't want to know anymore .
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solarisgod Β· 1 month
β™‘ + MICAH , πšπ™΄ : WARLOCK .
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Micah frowns when they think about Warlock. A lot of Antigods fear him, but to them, he seems more lost than anything else, drowning it his rage. They can think so when they were in a similar position as a child. It's a good thing they only resorted to biting β…‹ scratching those they deemed as threats, rather than burning the entire places. Warlock, on the other hand, even with these murders, it's still possible he have his own reasons to commit them. He doesn't have to be alone anymore.
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❝ I don't want to assume anything worst in Warlock. I do hope to get to learn him better from his perspective instead of the others'. ❞ Everyone calls Warlock a monster, but if he really was one, why didn't he kill them by now? Their heart flutters at the lingering image of him with his muscular body, sharp canine teeth β…‹ steel cold gaze. They're embarrassed they find him attractive despite his dangerous demeanor, but there is something about him that they can connect with. Understand. It's the disconnection from humanity that they can both share.
πšπ™΄ : WARLOCK β™‘ ATTRACTION : β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… / AFFECTION : β˜†β˜†β˜†β˜†β˜† / INTEREST : β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… / LOYALTY : β˜†β˜†β˜†β˜†β˜† / TRUST : β˜…β˜†β˜†β˜†β˜† β€ƒβ˜‡β€ƒREL. STATUS : STRANGERS ; one sided enemy from Warlock
Micah first heard about Warlock in April 2023 when xe was assigned with a special case by Break Beyond Force, as directed from Vice Head Angelparadox's orders, to catch the wrongdoer who had been committing a series of murders since late 2022. It's suspected Warlock was responsible of these deaths at around the time it was exiled from the Force after Grand Council of the the Sanctus Society declared it was the one who committed a massacre of twenty nine Antigod Saints, itself being the only remaining Saint of the Twelfth Generation Saints. Despite the horror stories xe heard about Warlock from xyr peers and other Saints, Micah's natural high curiosity of it deepened the longer xe heard more about it, wanting to understand it better. It took a few weeks until xe found Warlock, blood stained as it made another brutal kill.
Micah wanted to believe there's a underlying motive to what Warlock had been doing. Rather than catching Warlock right away, xe investigated the murders to grasp Warlock's psyche more and found it killed only Antigod Saints, not innocent citizens. Xe also learnt a Metaeide spirit was constantly following it. Upon first interaction where Warlock attempted to kill Micah, xe was able to calm it assuring xe wouldn't hurt it and the Metaeide that's accompanying it, Warlock eventually leaving xem alone. Tension was high between Micah and Warlock who refused open anything of itself to xem, but Micah had excellent patience and could still learn details of it based on its behaviours. Micah noted its canine behaviors and finding its home in a secluded area, xe wondered if it was isolated from the societies of both Natural and Unnatural.
Even as unsettling Warlock acted and appeared, its attacks and abilities terrifying to be hit with, Micah did find xemself deeply attracted to Warlock's toned physique and enigmatic demeanor. Xe's not only drawn to its appearance, but also its distant psyche that xe could see xemself in when xe was young, unattached from the world. Already, could xe sense a connection building with Warlock. Xe didn't like to think of it as them being meant to meet, a sign of Fate, but the longer xe interacted Warlock more over time, sharing these moments with it, the more Micah found xemself believing that, perhaps, at least Life had something special on their paths for them together. Xe's grateful Angelparadox assigned this case for xem to have personal contact with Warlock, although xe knew xem not capturing it was a dangerous play of fire.
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Micah's body keeps burning deeply from the massacre occurred at the Break Beyond Festival. Xyr mental focus constantly flickers between the Metaeide─ the corpses─ then, there was Warlock who travelled from one side of the world to the end just to protect them. He wasn't supposed to be at the festival. He could've got into deep trouble with the Break Beyond Heads, yet, he didn't care about anyone but them. Micah flinches at the hot strings across their eyes.
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❝ He saved my life, ❞ Micah whispers, hiding their face in shaky hands. Warlock didn't have to do that for them at all. Not after the whole world would always hurt him despite his constant attempt to live all alone with sharp claws and sanguine teeth. Micah can never thank him enough for not only this, but even allowing them to stay over his home so they could recover from the injuries they got from the horrible event. Micah closes their eyes, tears falling over cheeks. They wish to hold his hand.
πšπ™΄ : WARLOCK β™‘ ATTRACTION : β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… / AFFECTION : β˜…β˜…β˜†β˜†β˜† / INTEREST : β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… / LOYALTY : β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜†β˜† / TRUST : β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜†β˜† β€ƒβ˜‡β€ƒREL. STATUS : FRIENDS ; somewhat one sided reluctant from Warlock
Warlock's callous and sharp attitude towards Micah had reduced by the end of Saga I Season I, and its intention of helping xem at the 2023 Break Beyond Festival after sensing a terrible event will occur proved his genuine approval in Micah that xe could appreciate. It's extremely surprising to Micah that Warlock encouraged ( or more so forced ) xem to stay over its home for temporary so xe could heal in peace while being away from the eyes of the Sanctus Society. Warlock never cared anyone before, but it tried its best to give Micah the most safe and comfortable space. Warlock was still awkward around Micah while Micah, becoming more emotionally sensitive than usual due to recent traumas, was more anxious around it, so there was a degree of tension that was at times overwhelming for either of them to bear, but across summer 2023, their connection grew stronger while their trust in each other built more. Warlock eventually shared that the 2022 massacre was done by the Infernal Infinity, placing the responsibility on it that resulted it being exiled. The Metaeide that followed Warlock was someone it was close to, not wanting any Saints to exorcise the Metaeide, hence the murder series. There was a point when Warlock gave Micah permission to use it / its pronouns for it, feeling comfortable enough to be perceived as inhuman by them.
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βŸ’β€‚βΏ»β€‚SAGA I, SEASON III // :
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A bright smile instantly appears on Micah's face, their eyes glinting. Warlock and them have been becoming close over time, especially from Micah staying over its home for few months before they had to return to Break Beyond Force and catch up with the Thirteenth Generation Neosaints with the nightly trainings. They smile wider when they think about it visiting them in their dreams, missing them deeply and they could share the same feeling. Now, after being given another special case to investigate on the growing population of sentient shadow and mirror reflections, Warlock decided to work by their side, wanting to be Micah's constant moonlight.
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❝ Lovelock means a lot to me, ❞ Micah blushes at the nickname and fiddles with their hands together. ❝ I am scared for it, though. I don't want anything bad to ever happen to it... It's not a terrible entity. ❞ Warlock insisted partnering them on this special mission, even though this would paint Micah's loyalty in Break Beyond Force as more ambiguous, although they've grown to adore Warlock deeply across the year. At this point, they would do anything for it. Micah is confident in believing that Warlock would do the same, bringing all of the stars for them. ❝ I just adore Warlock a lot. ❞ I love my moon.
πšπ™΄ : WARLOCK β™‘ ATTRACTION : β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… / AFFECTION : β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜† / INTEREST : β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… / LOYALTY : β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜† / TRUST : β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜† β€ƒβ˜‡β€ƒREL. STATUS : FRIENDS ; now mutual, becoming stronger across S1S3
They've become closer with them being together as they're on the investigation, travelling between different cities and countries. To Micah, it almost felt like they're only travelling across the world, having a special series of moments just for themselves. Micah deeply appreciates Warlock's infinite care for them. Although they do fear the consequences of it still keeping close touch with them, they do deeply appreciate and admire it for always following its own intentions. They share similar traits of haaving rebellious and wayward natures They did have their first ever argument in the middle of the season, Warlock wanting to leave Micah's life for good for it had harmed them during the full moon in its lycan form. Micah tried to reassure it that they're not scared of it, but this only terrified Warlock more. About a month later, the extreme emotions and thoughts they had for each other built a emotional link between them, making them Soulstars, a special bond between the pair who held an extraordinary connection. They eventually reconciled, promising each other that they would always be there for and with each other.
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βŸ’β€‚βΏ»β€‚SAGA I, SEASON IV // :
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Micah loves Warlock so dearly much, as the sun loves the moon and her infinite stars. Xe gently plays with the necklace, thinking about xyr beloved, the aforementioned celestial bodies connected to each other. Time is becoming darker and space is growing colder with more days passing by. There are many conflicts happening at once that can kill xem, the Starwake System, but xe knows Warlock would do anything in its power to protect xem. Its devotion is violent, like the thousand and more lights striking upon the shadows. Micah will always most adore Warlock with its sharp claws and sanguine teeth. The stars in xem will never flinch at its monstrosity.
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❝ At this point, I can be imprisoned for being with Warlock still, ❞ Micah states, xyr tone solemn. Xe doesn't feel afraid of this fact, however. The Sanctus Society could punish xem for this, but Micah wouldn't ever surrender xyr love for Warlock. They have gone through so much together, they've become a binary star in the sky, the brightest, all burning. ❝ I can be punished in any ways, but I will never regret having what's special to me. I love my beloved moon with my whole body and soul and stars. ❞ Micah will let this impossible love of light reign. The universe will never be able to see beyond it.
πšπ™΄ : WARLOCK β™‘ ATTRACTION : β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… / AFFECTION : β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… / INTEREST : β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… / LOYALTY : β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… / TRUST : β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… β€ƒβ˜‡β€ƒREL. STATUS : SOULSTARS ; each other's sun and moon
Micah and Warlock have been extremely close together, having to share and know about every little details of each other at this point. It terrifies them both at times over how significantly connected they are together, but Micah being with it is the most delightful and comforting thing to xem. Even at times of pain and confusion, Warlock has always been the one who Micah reaches out to for joys and comforts, knowing that it would do its best to give xem not only what xe needs but everything to have xem be safe and happy. Micah adores Warlock infinitely to the sky and beyond, and xe can't imagine living the rest of xyr life without it. Micah is ever most determined to keep Warlock away from the hands of those who are against its existence. Xe wants it to have the life where it can be just as content and comfortable with xem. Micah's devotion in Warlock is as striking and vast. They are both aware that the Sanctus Society could become afraid of them being paired, their strengthens together unmatched to anyone, but they promised they would never let each other fall back to the darkness. For Micah and Warlock, there will only be light, love.
#LUNARISDOG#///#//#/#𓁹 ༑ ࿐ྂ ⩇⩇ :β€‚β©‡β©‡β€‚βš οΈŽβ€‚[β€‚π™΄πš‡π™Έ(πš‚)πšƒβ€‚: 𝙢𝙾𝙳 ] * ‹ ANSWERS . ›#𓁹 ༑ ࿐ྂ ⩇⩇ :β€‚β©‡β©‡β€‚βš οΈŽβ€‚[β€‚π™΄πš‡π™Έ(πš‚)πšƒβ€‚: 𝙢𝙾𝙳 ] * ‹ WARLOCK . ›#𓁹 ༑ ࿐ྂ ⩇⩇ :β€‚β©‡β©‡β€‚βš οΈŽβ€‚[β€‚π™΄πš‡π™Έ(πš‚)πšƒβ€‚: 𝙢𝙾𝙳 ] * ‹ LUNARISDOG . ›#𓁹 ༑ ࿐ྂ ⩇⩇ :β€‚β©‡β©‡β€‚βš οΈŽβ€‚[β€‚π™΄πš‡π™Έ(πš‚)πšƒβ€‚: 𝙢𝙾𝙳 ] * ‹ STUDY . ›#𓁹 ༑ ࿐ྂ ⩇⩇ :β€‚β©‡β©‡β€‚βš οΈŽβ€‚[β€‚π™΄πš‡π™Έ(πš‚)πšƒβ€‚: 𝙢𝙾𝙳 ] * ‹ META . ›#𓁹 ༑ ࿐ྂ ⩇⩇ :β€‚β©‡β©‡β€‚βš οΈŽβ€‚[β€‚π™΄πš‡π™Έ(πš‚)πšƒβ€‚: 𝙢𝙾𝙳 ] * ‹ MICAH . ›#[ AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ]#[ AKA MY ULTIMATE OTP EVER!!! I LOVE THEMSTS <333 ]
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solarisgod Β· 4 months
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 Xyr head continues to spin as its word echo across celestial mind . Warlock isn't usually the one to call xem such affectionate names , more than its Moon β…‹ from Stardust to Starlight . Micah haven't stopped thinking about what it called xem earlier since then . How much tenderness that word holds from a being who is infinite sanguine teeth β…‹ claws . ❝ Babystar ? ❞ Micah softly asks Warlock when the gentle night falls , xyr warm body huddled close before to its coldest own on bed , firm arms around waist . A giggle slips xem at the nickname , xyr cheeks in pretty pinks . Micah squeaks out of joy , ❝ Is that what I am to you ? ❞ While lovingly held , Micah falls into the deep softness , xyr heart filled with endless adoration for only Warlock . Xe looks up , avoiding eye contact , β…‹ kisses its jawline . ❝ You're so cute , you know that ? ❞ A giggly tease given before xe leans against @lunarisdog , playing with the lines of its calloused palms , cherishing it all .
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solarisgod Β· 4 months
What the fuck do you mean I'm beautiful????? πŸ”ͺπŸ”ͺπŸ”ͺ I'm WARLOCK. πŸ”ͺπŸ”ͺπŸ”ͺπŸ”ͺπŸ”ͺπŸ”ͺ
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 Oh , yes , indeed , its name is Warlock Moonglade . It's beautiful AND badass . . . ( Micah doesn't dwell on its sharp sanguine blade against xyr neck as xe continues to admire it , back against the cold surface . Whatever it says . . . )
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#LUNARISDOG#///#//#/#𓁹 ༑ ࿐ྂ ⩇⩇ :β€‚β©‡β©‡β€‚βš οΈŽβ€‚[β€‚π™΄πš‡π™Έ(πš‚)πšƒβ€‚: 𝙢𝙾𝙳 ] * ‹ WARLOCK . ›#𓁹 ༑ ࿐ྂ ⩇⩇ :β€‚β©‡β©‡β€‚βš οΈŽβ€‚[β€‚π™΄πš‡π™Έ(πš‚)πšƒβ€‚: 𝙢𝙾𝙳 ] * ‹ LUNARISDOG . ›#𓁹 ༑ ࿐ྂ ⩇⩇ :β€‚β©‡β©‡β€‚βš οΈŽβ€‚[β€‚π™΄πš‡π™Έ(πš‚)πšƒβ€‚: 𝙢𝙾𝙳 ] * ‹ IC . ›#𓁹 ༑ ࿐ྂ ⩇⩇ :β€‚β©‡β©‡β€‚βš οΈŽβ€‚[β€‚π™΄πš‡π™Έ(πš‚)πšƒβ€‚: 𝙢𝙾𝙳 ] * ‹ ANSWERS . ›#𓁹 ༑ ࿐ྂ ⩇⩇ :β€‚β©‡β©‡β€‚βš οΈŽβ€‚[β€‚π™΄πš‡π™Έ(πš‚)πšƒβ€‚: 𝙢𝙾𝙳 ] * ‹ V : MAIN / ACT I.I. . ›#𓁹 ༑ ࿐ྂ ⩇⩇ :β€‚β©‡β©‡β€‚βš οΈŽβ€‚[β€‚π™΄πš‡π™Έ(πš‚)πšƒβ€‚: 𝙢𝙾𝙳 ] * ‹ MICAH . ›#[ love at first sight??? NAH. love at first BITE with this fucker ]#( Warlock would definitely bite xem in their first meeting and Micah wouldn't be too bothered as xe should )#[ nbhgjnskdgjskhdgns;mdgmskndjbnkl I love them I truly do ]
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solarisgod Β· 4 months
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WHEEEEEEE @lunarisdog and I are matching pinned header now :3
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solarisgod Β· 8 months
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I'm so <:3 !!! that 2023 Halloween is when Micah and Warlock ( @goreuroboros ) celebrates Halloween for the first time together in the Antineon Hieraeon series, so they're each other's Angel and Devil for this year !!! β™‘
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solarisgod Β· 7 months
xoxo :) β™‘
[ finale ]Β β€” my muse lets your muse cum
[ fill ]Β β€” my muse fills your muse with their cum until they’re bulging
[ plug ]Β β€” my muse keeps your muse plugged up with their cum
[ gentle ]Β β€” my muse feels your muse’s cum-filled belly
[ circle ]Β β€” my muse makes shapes with your muse’s cum on the floor/their belly/etc
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Hot series of pants and whimpers leave Micah trembling on bed as Warlock thrusts deep in them, motions rough and pace quick, its teeth pressed against their shoulder. With both Warlock's and their own libido being higher at this night, it is the fifth time when Warlock had come inside of them, now reaching for its sixth and final climax. Heaviness have been lingering in their core with the pleasure rushing through them. Each thrust made against them, Micah whines at the stretched feeling that reminds them their stomach being full, having to be filled with so much come from Warlock. Micah can't stop thinking about the idea of having a family with Warlock after this, even though they know very well that it's not their time yet. But Micah dreams of the kindest future where they are only safe and happy with those who they love most.
Micah whimpers at a cold hand touching their stomach with a growl behind them, the gesture done in a form of protection. Their body burns more when they think that Warlock is sharing the similar thoughts with them . "Love- Lovelock," Micah pants, wanting to touch themself. They haven't got to come once in any of their sessions. They can't, as ordered. They have to be a good star for their most beloved moon. "Please, le- let me come, ple- please," they beg, staring at their swelled cock, cheeks red and eyes watery. "Daddy." The cold hand leave their stomach so it can grip Micah on their chin, pulling closer towards Warlock who growls against their mouth and kisses them in desperate brutality, catching lips with sharp teeth. Warlock's hand still on their waist, another now around the twitching cock, slick with their precome.
"Fuck yourself, then, babystar."
Micah realizes what Warlock is doing to them and blushes, slightly thrusting into its fist out with shy hesitation. When a wave of greater pleasure hits them, consumed in desperation for release, their pace fastens. β€œFuck, thank you, thank you, thank you!” Micah rocks their hips back for Warlock to fuck them as much deeper as possible while they continue to chase after their orgasm, burning more and more andβ€” β€œLovelockβ€”β€œ Their body is pushed against the sheet with Warlock’s pace becoming brutal, its teeth piercing through the flesh. Pain and pleasure rushes through Micah, stars scattering across their eyes, tears running down on their cheeks. β€œAh, fuck, fuck, Lovelock, mhm, I’m gonna—” Their cock spurts come over Warlock's hand and the bedsheet, just as Warlock presses its body against their own, holding them tightly before it comes.
A choked sound escape from Micah when the knot of Warlock's cock enter them, letting themself fall on the bed from the weight of its presence, being filled with so much more hot come. While Warlock's cock is stuck deep inside of them, they notice the bulge within their stomach and whine loudly, unable to recall the time when they're this full. Overwhelmed with the pleasure, they don't notice their pussy has been gushing rows of liquid, squirting even as it is clenching around Warlock's pulsing cock. Fog forms in their mind, bringing them to lose their abilities to speak and think. They keep whimpering from overstimulation before there are licks across their bitten shoulder to their face, given in comfort by Warlock who tries to ground them. "Such a good star for me, so good," Micah hears a praise, nuzzling to the presence.
"I love you, my sun."
They try to return their words, but only a whine is given. Sensing a presence coming close to their mouth, they settle on kissing its cheek before they place their face in the crook of its neck. Their body is gently moved over to the gathered pile of blanket. When Micah is placed comfortably on the bed with Warlock deeply locked in them, a soft blanket and wolf plush from the side is given to them so they can stim with them. Pain still dwells across their stomach from the fullness, though, it's soon being eased with Warlock gently massaging the stomach. Micah groans softly at the thought of how Warlock had bred them so well. They're going to feel like nothing but a delightful burning memory for the longest of time because of their moon. Their pussy clenches around Warlock's cock a few more times, wanting every little drop of it in them.
A deep growl falls, a warning. Micah giggles at the reaction and lean their head back to kiss Warlock on its lips, lazily, tasting the salt and sweet it bears after it gave oral attention to both their cock and pussy in the beginning. Warlock's cold hand still rests on their stomach, and Micah holds its hand, all entirely and endlessly blissed with it. One day, a thought lingers at the corner of their mind. One day, we'll have a family. Something tickles their stomach, bringing them back to see Warlock lightly touching them with a finger, come stained. Micah realizes it's using the come that they left recently. They watch with warm curiosity, clinging onto it and their plush closely. Micah senses there are intentions in its tracings before they realize Warlock is making shapes out of their come on the stomach. Micah whimpers seeing it's creating stars.
Their stars.
More tears roll over Micah's cheeks in high emotions at the touching gesture. The bed shifts and Warlock presses its lips against them several times, kissing the tears away. Micah kisses it back before, without thinking, they take Warlock's finger into their mouth and suck their come off of it, cleaning after themself. Hearing a curse from it, they blush at the realization and shyly hide their heated face behind their soft blanket. Warlock pulls them closer to it and nuzzles their face, lifting the blanket with its nose. It leans forward to taste them on their mouth, touching their stomach once more out of instinct, their come made stars smeared across the stomach, ruined in infinite love. Micah returns more kisses to Warlock while they're held most closely and dearly, letting themself be devoured by its canine love, their home. "I love you too, my moon."
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#NSFT CW#LUNARISDOG#///#//#/#𓁹 ༑ ࿐ྂ ⩇⩇ :β€‚β©‡β©‡β€‚βš οΈŽβ€‚[β€‚π™΄πš‡π™Έ(πš‚)πšƒβ€‚: 𝙢𝙾𝙳 ] * ‹ WARLOCK . ›#𓁹 ༑ ࿐ྂ ⩇⩇ :β€‚β©‡β©‡β€‚βš οΈŽβ€‚[β€‚π™΄πš‡π™Έ(πš‚)πšƒβ€‚: 𝙢𝙾𝙳 ] * ‹ LUNARISDOG . ›#𓁹 ༑ ࿐ྂ ⩇⩇ :β€‚β©‡β©‡β€‚βš οΈŽβ€‚[β€‚π™΄πš‡π™Έ(πš‚)πšƒβ€‚: 𝙢𝙾𝙳 ] * ‹ IC . ›#𓁹 ༑ ࿐ྂ ⩇⩇ :β€‚β©‡β©‡β€‚βš οΈŽβ€‚[β€‚π™΄πš‡π™Έ(πš‚)πšƒβ€‚: 𝙢𝙾𝙳 ] * ‹ ANSWERS . ›#𓁹 ༑ ࿐ྂ ⩇⩇ :β€‚β©‡β©‡β€‚βš οΈŽβ€‚[β€‚π™΄πš‡π™Έ(πš‚)πšƒβ€‚: 𝙢𝙾𝙳 ] * ‹ V : MAIN / ACT I.III. . ›#𓁹 ༑ ࿐ྂ ⩇⩇ :β€‚β©‡β©‡β€‚βš οΈŽβ€‚[β€‚π™΄πš‡π™Έ(πš‚)πšƒβ€‚: 𝙢𝙾𝙳 ] * ‹ MICAH . ›#[ GOD IM CRYIGN SUN YOUR PROMPT COMBO IS KILLING ME THIS IS FOR SURE NOT WENDY'S HERE JKHBDSJKJNLDKS ]#[ I fitted so MANY extra kinks as well ; this is for real like... belated Halloween treat and early Christmas gift for us both kshfjHBKJ ]#[ BUT WOWOOWOWOWOWOWOWOOOWWW 1k of pure dripping hot smut with the sweetest aftercare in the end kjdkbfhjBKLIJSJBKFHK ]#[ I FUCKING LOVE THEM SO MUCH <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 ]
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solarisgod Β· 3 months
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