#💀she kept firing hits after hits
yashley · 5 months
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Ashley in 4-Sided Dive | Episode 20
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joeys-babe · 6 months
Joey B Imagines: Don’t Give up on Me
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Summary: When being the girlfriend of an NFL heartthrob starts to feel suffocating, and you feel like running, Joe tries to convince you to stay with him.
Warnings: Angst, Fluff
Pairing: Joe Burrow x Reader
*no specific date for this fic!*
You couldn't take it anymore. It was just that simple.
Getting together with Joe back in September of 2022 felt like a fever dream. He gave you everything you could want or need in a boyfriend and you seriously loved him.
At one point you might've even said he was the one.
Joe himself hadn't done anything to change that idea, it was the fans and the attention that came with him.
After dating for a year, Joe finally proposed the idea of going public. You guys weren't necessarily hiding your relationship since you went to games and such, but it hadn't been openly proclaimed.
You were excited and giddy, sitting on the couch next to Joe as you both curated Instagram posts of pictures of you two. After tagging one another and hitting the post button, you and Joe turned your phones off and spent the evening just with each other.
Joe was ecstatic that his relationship with you was out in the open, everyone finally knew he was taken and he was taken by the girl he thought he was going to marry.
Later that night when Joe was fast asleep next to you in bed, you turned your phone back on and went through the comments.
“Not cute…”
“He could totally do better…”
“Sad that he's choosing to settle.”
“She has to be fire in bed or smt 💀.”
“She doesn't even have a body.”
“Obviously he went for personality.”
“He def cheats on her every day.”
“Gold Digger!”
“Using him for status Fs.”
“He could have a model but chose that?”
It seemed like the comments had turned into an endless stream of hate, all against you.
The words made you start to think things that you never would have thought before tonight. You felt secure in your relationship with Joe, but now? Now it felt like at any moment he was able to walk out on you and find someone better.
Sitting in bed staring at your phone as a waterfall-like flow of tears streaming down your face, it suddenly felt like you couldn't breathe.
You jumped out of bed and ran out of the room. Hearing Joe yelling behind you, you kept running. You ran till you were down the stairs, through the kitchen, and out of the back door.
Everything was a blur from how hard you were crying but you could barely make out the porch swing and fell into it.
Sobbing into your hands, you had never felt so small, useless, ugly, and so much more.
“y/n? Are you okay? What happened?” - Joe
Flinching when you felt a hand on the top of your head, you pulled away from your own hands to look up at Joe.
He stood there looking scared for what you were going to say, fearing the worst.
“The fans, Joe… they hate me.” - you
Joe almost felt his own heart shatter when he heard those words leave your lips. You were the woman he was in love with and this was all because of the people who call themselves his fans?
“Baby… don't pay attention to what they say. Any person who says negative things about you is no fan of mine. Look at me.” - Joe
Looking up at Joe, he cupped your jaw with his hand and rubbed over your cheek with his thumb.
“Don't read those comments and if you do, don't listen to what they say. They don't know you, they don’t know me, and they don't know us. I love you with every fiber of my being, please don't feel wary because of something someone else said...” - Joe
At that moment a little bit of security came back, but you still felt like total shit that was unworthy of how good of a man Joe was.
Joe had made a statement during a press conference the following day, addressing the hate and how much he detested it and resented anyone who spoke such words to be a fan of his.
He had promised you that things would change in a week, but a week later they hadn't. In fact, it got worse.
That's why you made the hardest decision of your life and decided to part ways from him.
It was the best for you and your well-being, as much as you loved Joe. You pondered and pondered this decision but knew it was the right one. There didn't seem to be a life that you could picture without Joe in it, but for now, you needed to be away.
Joe was at practice when you started packing your things up. You planned to be gone by the time he was home because you knew saying goodbye to him face-to-face would just make things harder.
That's why you froze in place when you heard the garage door open.
How was he home an hour before practice was supposed to even end?
You were finishing the goodbye letter when Joe walked into the kitchen through the door from the garage.
“Hey baby, the practice was so good that Zac cut it short.” - Joe
It broke your heart when you looked up to see his smiling face, knowing it was probably the last time you would see it.
“Hey…” - you moved your suitcases from out behind the kitchen counter
Joe’s smile dropped and he looked at you confused. His heart rate was getting increasingly fast and he was internally freaking out.
“What's that for?” - Joe
You couldn't choke out an answer and Joe asked another question.
“Going on a surprise trip?” - Joe nervously laughed
“No uhm… I'm going home.” - you
“Home? What do you mean? You are home.” - Joe
“I’m moving back in with my friend in Columbus. I can't take it anymore Joe. The backlash is too much… and I hate myself because of what they say.” - you
He stared blankly as he felt his stomach drop. This couldn't be happening.
“You're leav- leaving m-me?” - Joe
“I’m so sorry Joe. It wasn't you at all, you showed me what it was like to truly be loved. I just can't find myself staying in a relationship where I get constantly hated on just because I like a boy. Don't take it personally.” - you
“y/n… please don't leave. I love you. I love you more than anyone else that has ever been in my life. You mean more to me than anything in this world… I- I can't go on without you.” - Joe
By this point, you guys were both crying your eyes out.
“You have to learn how to Joe.” - you cried
“I don't want to learn! I want you!” - Joe
“Maybe there's a life where we work out… but it's not this one.” - you
Joe walked towards you, he thought you were going to reject him but you opened your arms. He cried into your neck and held you so tight, like if he let go you were going to disappear. Which in a way, was true.
“Don’t go. Please don't go. I can't live without you. I’m so sorry that being with me hurt you so much, but as much as I try to I can't control it.” - Joe
He was hiccuping and so close to hyperventilating that it scared you. You knew the breakup would hurt but you didn't think it would affect him this much.
“Breath, Joe. You're gonna hyperventilate.” - you
You held him and rubbed his back until his breathing slowed down, but his crying hadn't. Something about what he said resonated with you. He couldn't control what they said, as much as he tried to prevent it. It wasn't his fault. You knew that, but did you know it? Was leaving him really the best option?
Joe pulled away from my neck and looked at me with red puffy eyes.
“y/n… please don't give up on me.” - Joe
His eyes looked pleading. He was begging you.
“I’ll do anything. Tell me something and I’ll do it… please. Tell me something.” - Joe
“You don’t have to do anything.” - you
“Wh-what?” - Joe
“I change my mind. Leaving you isn't the best option. I can't run away from my problems, I have to face them.” - you
“And I'll face them with you. I'll always be right by your side y/n. You're it for me.” - Joe
“You’re it for me.” - you
He hugged me tight again before pulling away and taking hold of my suitcases.
“Fuck I don't think I've ever been so scared in my life. I thought I was going to pass out.” - Joe
“Sorry.” - you
“No, it's okay. But can you make it clear that you're staying because you want to, not just for my sake?” - Joe
“I’m staying because I want to. With you is where I want to be. I'm sorry I almost threw everything away over some stupid hate comments.” - you
“Baby they aren't stupid. Your feelings are important and I’m proud of you for putting your well-being first.” - Joe
You didn't know what to say so you just nodded.
Joe led you upstairs and put your suitcases back in the bedroom.
“Let's just take a warm bath and relax, sound okay?” - Joe
“Mhm.” - you
5 minutes later you both were submerged in warm water, you were sitting between Joe’s legs with your back to his chest as you laid your head on his shoulder.
Joe spread soft kisses on your shoulder blades, collarbones, and neck. This moment felt more intimate than it normally would since it felt like Joe was proving to you he was worth it.
“You are the strongest, loyal, beautiful, smart, humble, courageous, amazing woman. I'm so lucky to be your boyfriend.” - Joe
You hummed and nuzzled yourself into his neck.
“I love you, Joe.” - you
Joe was like a screwdriver. Unscrewing and uninstalling every negative word that had been drilled into your mind within the past week, one at a time. You were so lucky to have him in your tool belt.
Authors note: first angsty imagine and I loved writing it! Shout out to the anons coming in clutch with the fun requests!!!
Request for this fic;
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kittyamore0 · 1 year
Slashers find out their S/O has killed:
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[Part 2]
CW: Murders, Sexual themes and GN! Reader.
Little note: I was going to add Lester and Bo to part 2 but I was busy while making this so I have to add them in part 3
Billy Lenz 🎄🎅📞
He’s more excited at the fact that you’re just like him, crazy!
He instantly got aroused 😃
Definitely stole some of your underwear’s (or bras) and returned them all sticky, and damp…
the way he found out was when you helped him kill Jess
”Jess, [Name], the caller is in the house,”
but you knew that
you’ve always known
so when Jess started panicking, you found it a good time to surprise her and Billy
It frightened you when she had a weapon, she could’ve killed your Billy!
So, you took the other fire poker
you stabbed Jess in the shoulder when she got dragged by Billy
I cackled when Billy yanked her hair through the stairs railing 💀
And before she could react, you slit her throat
“it’s okay, Billy,”
damn, you were always hot, but with blood on you? 😍
“[Name] saved filthy Billy…?”
you’re smart ass pinned it on Peters and he got arrested
you sneaking back to the sorority house to see Billy - 🏡 ⬅️ 🏃‍♀️💨
Tiffany Valentines 👰‍♀️❤️🧸
[this goes for her human body and doll body]
She honestly wouldn’t care, you kill, she kills, you’re even hotter when you kill.
wait, wha-
she finds it adorable and hot of you when you kill
will literally pull up a soft chair, some snacks and a face mask and sit there watching you take your anger out
“Go baby!”
”You got this, hun’!”
“They went that way!”
“Good job, woo!”
Very supportive
you were a killer when you met her
That’s how she fell in love with you!
“How many people have you killed?”
“Hey, you know, you’re kinda cute…”
”I know,”
fell in love with you instantly.
Carrie White 🔥👩‍🎓🩸
You never kept it a secret from her, but instead of telling her that it’s innocent people, you told her that it was people that use to mock and taunt you
she doesn’t think it’s okay, but because it’s you and because they were ‘awful’ people, she pushed it away
also doesn’t judge because she did kill people with her powers, but in her defense, she was so pissed
Also accepts you because you helped her run away from her abusive mom.
every time you come home from committing mass murder, she already sets up a bath and tries to cook
her mom didn’t care about her, so she’s only learning how to cook just now
hey, at least she’s trying 🥰
you end up cooking, but she repays you with nice cuddles after !
Jennifer Check ☆💉🩸
how you met was…interesting…
you always had a crush on her
and would always get pissed whenever some boy or girl hit on her
so when someone flirting with her actually kissed her cheek
you lost it.
let’s say that they didn’t have their happily ever after
when she found out, she became infatuated with you
a really devoted, smart, and pretty/handsome person? Sign her up
she definitely confessed first
like Tiff, she also doesn’t care
you kill anyone, she kills boys, no exception
and if you’re a boy, you’re an exception
will cheer you on as well
just more lazily than Tiff
After your killings, she’ll invite you to a lake
you obviously say yes, not thinking too much of it
until you see her naked in the murky waters
definitely pushes you in
mocks you for how flustered you get
yall definitely had a good time 😏
Vincent Sinclair 🕯️🔪🔥
Vinny just finished working and he was looking for you.
a bit worried when he couldn’t find you
then he heard footsteps, your foot steps.
don’t ask me how he knows your specific footsteps
and Jesus, you were a literal bloody mess
you had about 4 limp, lifeless victims
you were awfully happy
blushed a little when you happily sung out the syllables to his nickname
pointed to the 4 bodies
“well, I’d thought I’d help you with work and it’s a thank you, for um, uh, everything…”
the silence was loud
really loud
but he nodded and huffed
making you plaster a grin on your face
he’s definitely blushing under hat mask
big bear hugs after work ! ❦
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loveyazy · 1 month
Hi! So I haven't read acotar (well a little bit but it didn't hook me) but I've been reading your posts about the upcoming book and I'm so curious, I don't know these characters but the second hand gossip is fun and I'm rooting for them lol when does the book come out? when will it be announced who the protagonists are?
JSHDKAKJSD I had written so much on my phone but then I closed all the apps and I lost it so hopefully I can remember most of it still.
The thing is it's OBVIOUS it's going to be Elain. She has even said in this interview x at 25:00. I don't know why people genuinely think GWYN is going to be the next book 🫠. Her purpose was to help Nesta. Outside of that, there is not much left to tell of her story. It's done. TBH, I completely forgot she even existed after I finished reading ACOSF. Like I kept seeing posts about her on my insta discover, and I was like who tf is Gwyn? 💀
Also just... ELAIN IS THE THIRD ARCHERON SISTER. How can it NOT be about her when Feyre had the first three and then Nesta had the fourth? Like it's so painfully obvious. Anyone who thinks otherwise is just delusional.
Even if it's not Elain and it happens to be Mor, it's NOT going to be Gwyn before Elain LMFAO.
But this is why I think it's going to be Elriel and not Elucien.
Firstly, Koschei the Deathless. The story follows Ivan marries his THREE SISTERS to THREE WIZARDS.
Ivan saw his three sisters wed to the first suitors who came across them—wizards in the form of birds.
Eventually Ivan goes on to defeat Koschei with the help of his sisters and their husbands.
And then we have another Koschei retelling. The FOX and the FIREBIRD. Listen Sarah was not subtle with the names. Vasalisa >> Vassa. Lucien had a fox mask in ACOTAR, making him the obvious fox. You can read more on it here but I'm going to do a quick summary.
A king has a garden that produces one gold apple a day, but it was stolen every night. He promised half his kingdom to whichever son could catch the thief. He has three sons, and they all tried to catch it. The third son saw the firebird and shot at it, and hit the bird in the wing, but it escaped and left behind a golden feather. The king wants the fire bird and promises whoever brings the fire bird alive would get half the kingdom and be the heir. So they all go out to find the Fire Bird, and they all encounter a Red Fox.
The fox approaches each prince, and asks for something to eat, but the first two shoot at it. The third prince shares his food. So the Red Fox takes him to the palace where the fire bird is and tells him how to grab the fire bird by putting it in the wooden cage, not the golden. Well, the prince says how can a lovely bird be in a wooden cage and proceeds to put it back in the golden, but then basically sounds an alarm and he gets arrested. The King tells him to bring him back a golden man.
The fox says he'll help the prince, but of course the prince is a dumbass and goes I'm gonna choose the pretty one instead of the one the fox told me to choose and he gets arrested and this king says bring back Princess Goldilocks from the Golden Palace in the Black Sea.
Anyways it goes on and the third brother is betrayed by his other two, and the fox brings him back to life. In the end he gets the kingdom, the firebird, Goldilocks, etc. The fox is very instrumental in this story.
We have hints that Lucien and Vassa are very close. They talk to each other. Plus they live together along with Jurian.
Plus if it was going to be Elucien there would be hints that Elain even had romantic feelings for him. Even a little attraction. She doesn't. She literally stares at a boiling tea kettle until he leaves because she doesn't want to spend any time with him.
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She wants nothing to do with him. And yes sure she says she doesn't want a male, but remember that she is still dealing with the traumatic events of being forced into the cauldron and being changed.
This though, happens a year later with Azriel...
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Imagine seeing this in the most recent book, and thinking they're like siblings. Sounds like the antis have some sort of incesty weird freaky ass sibling relationships. 😬
This also happens in the book, which I believe is during the same time? But Az's was a bonus chapter and this was available to everyone.
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Elain is not herself around Lucien. I don't understand how anyone can see their relationship and think that's going to be endgame. This was the most recent book.
Even before ACOSF, Nesta and Cassian had this in the previous book that alluded to their romance.
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But there is absolutely nothing to allude to any sort of Elucien romance. Elain wants NOTHING to do with Lucien. And honestly, I don't blame her. Who would? He was a part of the most traumatic thing that ever happened to her.
I'll never understand Elucien shippers. If you like Lucien, why would you ship him with someone who wants nothing to do with him? If you like Elain why would you ship her with someone she wants nothing to do with?
I'm 10000000% convinced the Elucien shippers are just Gwynriels who ship them so they can have their ship justified, but most of their evidence is just their headcanons, and them not being able to read between the lines and interpreting things very wrong.
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l0nesome-dreams · 7 days
I don’t write all too often, but here is a finished fic I’ve been working on for a while now. I probably won’t write any full fics after this one just because I’d rather draw, and I kinda suck at writing if I’m being completely honest 😂💀
Pairing: Captain Voorpret (OC) x Commander Lee (OC)
Warnings: gore and some smut
Word count: 5085
Summary: Captain Voorpret has been captured by Seperatist forces. Commander Lee, Captain Vance, and Sergeant Voss have been sent on a rescue mission. Little do they know, things aren’t going to go according to plan…
Tags: @whiskygoldwings
Writers note: I don’t write spice/smut often so beware 😂 This was mainly for character development and uhhhh because I wanted to. That is all.
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The Republic forces were moving forward, making slow progress on the Separatists. 
“Captain! We’ve got a bit of a problem! They’ve called in reinforcements!” Jester shouted to Voorpret who was hunkered down behind some fallen debris.
His spines, which had been laid against his back, rose standing nearly straight up. He flicked his tail angrily. He wasn’t like most of his brothers, he was one of the experimental clones. A drake hybrid. His appearance was that of a human, but two deep red horns protruded from his forehead and he had spines like a dragon would that followed his back bones to the tip of his tail. 
“Well we’d better figure something out quickly!” He countered, jumping out from his cover to move up towards the enemy. 
Jester was close behind him hauling himself over the fallen wall Voorpret had easily vaulted. 
“You hybrids are something else captain!” Jester said ducking down beside Voorpret.
The captain chuckled.
“I’d be much quicker without this,” He practically ripped the top half of his armor off leaving him bare chested and quite frankly exposed to blaster fire.
Jester looked at him rather concerned, raising an eyebrow.
“Don’t worry, the perks of being one of the hybrids is I don’t have to worry about blaster fire.” Voorpret said, grinning.
Before Jester could say another word Voorpret leaped out straight into battle firing at the closest droid knocking it to the ground. All he could do was follow. Shaking his head Jester motioned for the other men behind him to follow their captain. A blaster round hit Voorpret in the chest, like he said it was of no concern to him. The second it hit his skin it dissipated into smoke leaving blaster residue on his chest. 
“What the-“ the droid began before Voorpret shot its head off.
The Separatists were starting to catch on. Voorpret was one of the few hybrids the Republic approved as battle ready. The others were placed in special operations whereas Voorpret, being the only one who’d been ‘normal’ before his transition, kept his role as captain. So this was a completely new sight in the eyes of the Separatists. 
“What kind of crazy lab experiments are those cloners coming up with?” The Separatist commander said looking out of the windows of the walker he was standing in, “someone catch that thing before one of those stupid droids blows it up!” He shouted.
The Separatist soldiers present sprang up, bolting out of the bridge to arm the weapons with nets. 
Voorpret shot away at the incoming clankers and droids, hitting every target he aimed at. He was a force to be reckoned with. Commander Lee came sliding in next to him shooting at a droid to the left of her. 
“Voorpret wait up for the rest of our troops the General is still behind me along with half of the men.” Lee said, hooking her blaster around her waist before grabbing her twin sabers igniting them. 
She deflected blaster shots, playing defense, while Voorpret shot at the enemy. 
“We need to get rid of that walker. It’s causing too much damage and our air support can’t get through to take it out.” He says to her, crouching down beside her.
“I’d say if you can get in there our problem is solved, but you sure aren’t getting in there without some help.” The woman said with a grin. 
Voorpret nodded. 
“Alright meshla, what’s your plan?” He said, readying his blasters.
“I’ll gather a few men to help me draw their fire while you work your way up to the walker and plant some bombs.” She said, handing him a bomb strap. 
“I’ll do my best.” He said with a nod, “how will I know when to go?”
“Oh you’ll know.” Lee said as she turned to where the others were hunkered down.
Lee motioned for Jester and a few of the shinies to follow her as she slinked away, keeping out of sight of the droids. Voorpret kept an eye on the small group as they moved, waiting for Lee’s signal. Voorpret saw Lee throw the other bomb strap through the air while Jester shot at it causing the bombs to detonate. Voorpret took that as Lee’s signal, jumping out from behind the rubble sprinting across the opening to where the walker was. There was no sense in going through the entire machine on the inside to have to fight off anyone that was in there. Easiest access to the bridge was through the outside. Voorpret sighed looking down at his hands which were gloved. He promptly tore off his top half of his blacks and removed the armor covering his feet. Another perk of being a hybrid, you had claws. Voorpret’s claws easily sunk into the metal of the leg of the walker, scaling its side to the top. Midway however Lee’s voice came through his comm link.
“Voor you need to get out of there asap, they’re targeting you!” She said frantically, the sound of blaster fire all around her. 
Voorpret went to answer, but a flash of blue light struck him, knocking him off the walker. He hit the ground, an audible crack and searing pain in his ribs as he made contact with the ground. He fought against the net, clawing and biting like a wild animal. The Separatist soldiers that had shot him down approached. Voorpret had managed to claw his way through part of the net, desperate to escape.
“Get the transport over here now.” One of the soldiers said through his comm, “chain him down before he gets out.” He snapped. 
Voorpret practically growled at the other men as they approached him, tossing the guided chains at him as they snaked around his limbs. Neon red and hot. Voorpret fought against the men standing to his feet now, nearly dragging a few of the men to the ground as they tried to stop him. A chain was thrown around his neck, yanking him backward, nearly choking him as he struggled. Fear started seeping into his veins as the men managed to control him, he couldn’t move even if he wanted to. The clone snarled as someone behind him shoved their knee into his back forcing him to the ground, the chains never letting up on him.
The Separatist troops were retreating, they’d gotten what they wanted. Lee went to charge after them, but Taleed grabbed her arm to stop her.
“It’s no use going after them Lee. It is unwise.” He looked at her sympathetically, “we’ll get him back don’t worry.” 
Lee could only watch as they chained Voorpret up, shoving him to the ground as he fought desperately against them, fear visible in his eyes. Once he was on his knees one of the soldiers grabbed hold of his hair, yanking his head back as they muzzled him, buckling it tightly to his head. 
Voorpret fought against the men again crying out in pain as the chains burnt his flesh. He looked up making eye contact with Lee from her hiding place, tears trickled down her features, Taleed holding her back. Her comm came to life, buzzing lightly before Voorpret spoke.
“Don’t cry for me mesh’la. Be brave.” Voorpret choked out as the transport pulled up to take him away. 
He was dragged into the cage that sat on the back of the transport, claws scraping at the dirt beneath him until his back slammed into the metal confinement behind him. He was too overpowered to fight back as they threw him into the cage. The chains retracted through the holes in the cage, his muzzle still strapped to his face. He clawed at it, pulled at it, trying to get it off in some sort of manner. It was of no use; it was locked in place. The transport lifted off the ground and made its way up into the atmosphere to join the Separatist ships above.
Taleed rallied the troops together to head out and make a plan to retrieve their captain. Lee stood in the clearing where the recent battle had taken place, tears rolling down her face. It was all her fault he was being taken away. It was all her fault he was going to be tortured and experimented on. This whole ordeal was all her fault, a pointless battle. She’d been tricked, they all had. And now the Separatists had one of the most lethal weapons the Republic had. 
Voorpret had clawed away at the inside of the cage, the adrenaline flowing through his body only spurring him on. He was panting heavily, sitting on his heels, hands splayed on the cool surface of the metal of the cage. He didn’t know if it had been an hour or more; it was too dark to see anything, even for him. He could hear the engines shut off and after a moment or so voices were heard outside. Then pure silence. He crouched down again listening for anything, but the only thing he could hear was the sound of his breathing and the beating of his heart. He was pressed against the front of the cage when light suddenly flooded in through the holes in the cage. He braced himself for combat, his claws digging into the floor of the cage.
“Let it out.” A voice said from the outside.
“But sir it’ll kill you the instant we let it out.”  A slightly younger voice said frantically.
“I said let it out.” The man said again, his voice like poison. 
A second passed and the front of the cage opened and the instant it did Voorpret was out. His pupils slit, teeth bared beneath the muzzle, muscles tense, and his tail flicking back and forth. Voorpret registered his situation. What appeared to be a medical officer stood next to a tall thinner man, his hair slicked back neatly against the top of his head. Voorpret lunged at him and the medical officer ducked behind the taller man who whipped out an oddly shaped blaster firing a round at Voorpret. The bullet penetrated Voorprets shoulder and he hit the floor skidding across the slick surface. He went to stand again, wincing at the pain, but a needle was placed in his neck and everything went black. 
“Not as aggressive as I thought he’d be.” The tall man said as the officer that had sedated Voorpret walked up to him. 
“That shouldn’t be too hard to correct.” The woman said, handing him the needle.
They looked at the limp body as blood trickled from his shoulder. 
“Get him patched up and remove his armor. And for Force sake keep him tied down. 
(Time skip bitches)
Voss gave Lee a leg up into the ceiling.
“Okay next.” Voss motioned for Vance to come over to him, helping him up into the ceiling with Lee, “Jeez vod what have you been eating?” 
Vance poked his head out from the missing panel in the ceiling.
“Do you want help up here or do you want to stay in the hall so the science freaks can come do experiments on you too?” He said resting his chin on his hand.
There was the sound of a door opening down the hall which alerted Voss still standing in the hall.
“Okay okay I take it back! Just get me up there!” Voss whispered loudly. 
He backed up a bit getting a running start before jumping into the air grabbing hold of his batch mates arm. Vance dragged him up, closing the panel before anyone could see them.
“You’re one to talk vod’ika. You weigh a ton.” Vance said a grin forming on his face as his brother looked up at him. 
Though his face was covered Vance knew Voss was deadpanning. 
“Come on you two we can sort this out later. Right now we’re trying to find Voor.” Lee said, crawling further down the vent system. 
The two clones followed suit crawling after her. 
“Hold up a sec.” Lee checked her vambrace the location of where Voorpret was being held blinking softly, “we may need to get into the halls again the vents don’t seem to go that far, or at least this system of vents.” Lee sighed, continuing to crawl forwards.
They could still travel a bit further until they reached the end of the vents before they’d have to move around in the halls. This compromised their plan, but whatever shape Voorpret was in was what would determine their plan of escape. 
“How much further we-“ Vance was cut off by an agonizing scream.
They all stopped in their tracks. 
“What the hell was that?” Voss whispered.
Lee looked down at her vambrace again.
“I don’t know, but let’s keep moving so we don’t find out.” Lee said, her voice laced with fear. 
When they did reach the end of the vents Lee slid the panel aside and Vance lowered Voss down into the hall.
“Where is everyone? I haven’t seen a soul in this facility since we’ve been here. You sure this is the correct location?” Voss said, catching Lee as she hopped out of the vents. 
“Positive.” Lee said while removing her blasters.
Vance hopped out of the vents into his brother’s arms.
They moved against the walls keeping quiet. The trio was starting to feel uneasy at the idea that no one was here. This was a Separatist facility, they were typically crawling with people.
“This is the room.” Lee whispered, pressing the panel to open the door. 
When it slid open the trio was greeted by a massacre. Blood was splattered across parts of the walls and what looked to be a trail of blood that had been dragged from the door panel to behind an examination table. Bodies were laying around, some unrecognizable, limbs torn off, faces nothing but blood. 
“What the hell happened here?” Vance said, flicking on his light that was attached to his helmet.
“Whatever it was isn’t here anymore which means.” Lee began.
“It’s still here.” Voss said.
“We need to find Voorpret quick before whatever did this gets a hold of.” Vance was cut off by a creaking sound.
The hall whipped around, nothing was there. 
“I don’t like this guys.” Lee said backing up from where the noise had come from.
She felt a drop of something cool hit the back of her neck. She looked up and nearly screamed. 
A mangled body lay over the pipes above her head Voorpret staring down at her, his eyes not that of a human, but a beast. Blood covered his face and arms.
Lee backed away from him slowly as he climbed down from the ceiling a low growl emitting from him. 
“Voor? What’s gotten into you?” Lee said, putting her blaster away and holding her hands up, “Voorpret please stop. You’re scaring me.” 
He continued stalking towards her, Vance and Voss armed and ready to engage their threat. 
Voorpret lunged at Vance who proceeded to fire stun shots at him. Voorpret easily slid right past them, scaling the wall again. 
“Run!” Lee shouted, pushing the other two troopers out of the door.
They bolted down the halls of the facility splitting up. Voorpret went after Lee without any hesitation ignoring the blaster fire from his brothers. 
“LEE!!” Voss yelled as she bolted down the hall, Voorpret in tow.
Lee rounded a corner not daring to look back. Voorpret slipped skidding into the wall clamoring back up to his feet in a desperate attempt to catch his prey. Lee slammed her fist into the control panel, closing the door between them in hopes Voorpret wouldn’t be able to get to her. He obviously had no interest in either of his brothers, but Lee had no idea why he was after her specially. 
A loud scraping sound echoed through the halls and Voorpret grabbed hold of the door. Lee staggered backward as the clone began prying the door open. She took off again reaching a dead end in a large examination room. She scrambled around finding a medical cabinet to hide in breathing heavily as she heard Voorpret’s claws tapping against the cool durasteel floor. She clasped her hands over her mouth praying he wouldn’t find her.
“Oh mesh’la where’d you run off to with that pretty face of yours?” He purred, sounding awfully close to Lee’s hiding place, “You smell so good, I promise I won’t hurt you love. I just want to breed you.” He clicked his tongue to the roof of his mouth. 
Lee panicked, he said what!? She stopped breathing when he sniffed the outside of the cabinet, tracing the outside of it. 
“Where are you hiding lil one?” He cooed, walking off again to Force knows where in the room.
Everything went silent for what seemed like forever then Lee nearly screamed when Voorpret was staring at her through a crack in the cabinet. 
“Hey mesh’la.” He opened the cabinet grinning wildly at her. 
"Voorpret, please no. This isn’t a good idea we’ve only just-“ Her words caught in her throat, face heating up at the way he was looking at her, “you know what I’ll just come out there.”
Lee carefully stepped out of the cabinet instantly Voorpret’s hands went to the wall on either side of her head caging her in. 
 “So compliant for me.” He said, his hot breath fanning across his face.
He no longer had blood on his face, but the wild look in his eyes still shown through. 
“Lee!” Voss came charging into the room, Vance right on his heels, “We thought he surely killed you but, oh.” Voss shut up the instant he laid eyes on the situation.
Voorpret was licking a stripe up the column of Lee’s neck, one thigh between her legs. 
“I’ll handle this, just get back to the ship and I’ll meet you two back there.” Lee said, grabbing hold of one of Voorpret’s horns and tugging his face away from her skin, “Just please leave before he changes his mind and kills the both of you.” Lee said, shoving Voorpret off of her.
The two troopers reluctantly left Lee to fend for herself closing the door behind them. Lee grabbed her blaster, switching it over to stun. 
“Voorpret you need to snap out of it. You’re not thinking straight,” Lee said, pointing the blaster at the hybrid as he stalked over towards Lee again, “Stay back Voorpret, or I’m going to have to stun you.” She hissed, backing away from him.
Voorpret grinned wildly, tail flicking back and forth, amber eyes locked on Lee’s.
“You know that has little to no effect on me Lee,” he said, voice sweet as honey, “I’ll just hunt you down all over again. Just put it down and let me have you.” He said, his hands twitching towards Lee ever so slightly.
Lee refused to lower the weapon and when he took another step towards her she fired a stun bolt at his chest. Like he’d said it had absolutely no effect on him. Lee let out a shaky breath when Voorpret returned to his original place directly in front of Lee.
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“Voorpret you and I are going to regret doing this,” Lee said, accepting defeat and putting the blaster back in her hip holster, “we both agreed this relationship wouldn’t get intimate yet.” She grabbed his hands when he reached for her waist.
She grumbled when he ignored her comments, grabbing hold of her waist and bringing her into a searing kiss. She knew she had to do this to get him to calm down though she was scared to go into a deep relationship again considering what happened to Fives nearly a year ago. Lee kissed him back with just as much passion as he was giving to her, her hands settling on his chest. Voorpret’s tail wrapped around Lee’s hips just like he’d done many times before this when he wanted to be close to her. She gasped breaking the kiss when his tail made its way down to her upper thigh giving it an almost possessive squeeze. 
“For someone who was denying me moments ago you seem pretty aincy.” Voorpret tutted.
“I will admit I’ve wanted this for a while now, so you’d better hurry up before I change my mind.” Lee slipped her hand around his tail earning a delightful moan from him.
He scooped her up into his strong arms brining his lips back to hers, his teeth and tongue working alongside hers. He opted to settle Lee onto the operation table before climbing on top of her bringing his lips to her neck. 
“Voorpret!” Lee shouted when he bit down roughly leaving a red mark, “people are going to see that!” She hissed.
He just grinned against her neck licking and sucking at her skin leaving dark bruises all over her exposed skin.
“Well now they’ll know who you belong to~” he said, slipping Lee’s pants down her legs tossing the offensive garment aside. 
“How did you get your,” she ran her hands over his bare chest, “part of your armor back?” She inhaled sharply when he pinned her arms to the table.
“Are you trying to side track me mesh’la?” Voorpret said moving to hold Lee’s wrists in one hand while using the other to remove his codpiece. 
“No. I was just wondering concerning you’ve been kept up in here for nearly three weeks.” She countered, shifting in his hold.
Voorpret chuckled low in his throat, grabbing one of Lee’s legs and putting it on his shoulder.
“Don’t lie mesh’la.” He said, placing an open mouthed kiss on her neck. 
A strangled noise escaped Lee’s lips as Voorpret bit down hard on her neck before slipping her shirt off. 
“You know mesh’la,” he practically purred, his warm breath fanning over Lee’s face, “Every moment is was trapped here, sitting in my cell, muzzle on my face, and chain wrapped around me, I was thinking about how good I was going to make you feel the second I got ahold of you. No matter where we were, or who was watching, I would take you on the spot, just like I’m about to do right now.” He grinned almost wickedly down at Lee, and teasingly slow, removed the rest of her garments. He sat back a moment to admire the newly exposed skin before him.
“So beautiful,” He whispered, before bringing his mouth to her collar bone to suck a dark bruise there, “mine.” He purred. 
Lee could still feel his heart racing through his hand as it pinned her to the table. His pupils were blown wide with lust, but he wasn’t himself still. He pulled his blacks down just enough to free his leaking length. Lee looked between their body’s at it, swallowing thickly. He was much larger than she’d anticipated, and the nagging feeling of worry started to creep into her mind.
“My eyes are up here mesh’la.” Voorpret said, tilting her face up with his forefinger.
Lee’s own pupils were dilated, the brown of her iris nearly taken over by the blackness. She felt suddenly vulnerable trying to curl into herself to hide her body, but Voorpret’s hips were keeping her legs spread wide for him. He lined himself up with her entrance barely pushing into her.
“Just breath for me ner cyare’ika,” he sank in slowly, both emitting a soft moan, “that’s it, taking me so well already.”
Lee’s eyes fluttered closed at the feeling of his cock slipping into her wet heat. The feeling was so intense she nearly came on the spot. When he finally did bottom out, he let out a deep breath. 
“I bet you’re gonna look so gorgeous stuffed full of my seed,” Voorpret nuzzled his face against the side of Lee’s head moving to kiss her neck softly, “I’m gonna make you mine. Ruin you for anyone else. How’s that sound?” 
Lee whimpered softly, bucking her hips up to seek the friction she was desperately craving. Voorpret took that as a yes and started a devastatingly slow pace, bringing his hips back to where just the head sat inside her, and then slowly pushed his hips flush to hers once more. He nipped lightly at Lee’s neck earning a lovely moan from her. He hummed in approval, tracing patterns in her skin with his tongue, leaving marks here and there where everyone would be able to see. 
“Voorpret faster please.” Lee begged canting her hips to drive him deeper.
Voorpret let out a low chuckle using his free hand to grasp one of her breasts, punching her nipple between his fingers. 
“Since you asked so nicely.” He grinned smugly before pulling out abruptly and flipping Lee over onto her hands and knees.
He shoved his cock in with little resistance, causing Lee crying out in ecstasy. The new angle had his cock deeper than it had been previously, hitting spots within Lee she didn’t know were reachable. He started a brutal pace, his armor causing light discomfort as it came into contact with Lee’s rear over and over again. The discomfort quickly morphed into pleasure as the coil in Lee’s core began tightening once more. Voorpret’s tail wrapped around Lee’s leg possessively, the warmth of it only adding to the excitement. 
Lee could feel Voorpret’s kama brushing against her thighs with every wild thrust. She couldn’t deny that she hadn’t been extremely turned on by the idea of him taking her in almost full armor. Never in all her days did she think she’d have an armor kink, but here she was getting pounded into from behind by an armored trooper. 
Voorpret’s hands moved from Lee’s hips to snake around her front, he circled her clit with one, and continued playing with her chest with the other. His bare back now pressed flush against hers he angled his hips to hit that spot inside her that made her see stars. 
“I- gonna.” She was cut off my her own moan, her climax rising by the second.
Voorpret’s own climax was rapidly approaching, and he wasn’t about to stop now. 
“I know. I know,” He said through breaths, “cum for me mesh’la.” 
With that Lee fell apart with a cry of Voorpret’s name, clenching around him, her body twitching from overstimulation. 
“Oh kriff.” Voorpret panted in Lee’s ear.
With a few erratic and desperate thrusts he came hard, hips pressed flush against Lee, body trembling as he came down from his high. Voorpret collapsed over Lee, trying his best to keep himself from crushing her.
“That was hot.” Lee said, still supporting Voorpret’s weight on her back.
Voorpret flipped the two over onto their sides, somehow managing to keep himself within Lee. He peppered kisses all over her back, eventually resting his head against the back of her neck. 
“I was right,” He began massaging her lower abdomen where she was still stuffed full of him, “you do look gorgeous like this.”
Lee giggled.
“You know. I was half expecting you to kill me earlier, but this. I could do this more often.” She said resting her hand over his.
“Says the one who said this was a bad idea.” Was her lover’s response. 
“I was just trying to get you back. Whatever those scientists did to you messed with your brain. You looked more like a beast than my love,” she said quietly, “you really scared me there for a sec.” 
His hold on her tightened. He didn’t remember much from what she was speaking of, only bits and pieces. He didn’t even remember getting into this room, or even part of their love making session. Everything between the battle and seeing Lee here was blank.
“I’m sorry.” Was all he could manage. 
“No need to apologize, it’s not your fault love. There was nothing you could have done,” she sighed heavily, reaching back and running her fingers over his horns, “besides I have you back now, that’s all that matters to me. I was more scared that I’d lost you than anything.” 
He reluctantly removed himself from her warmth reaching in his belt to grab a cloth to clean Lee up before returning to his awaiting brothers. He cleaned her off gently, much different from how he’d been handling her moments before, before tossing the cloth aside. He slipped his cod piece back into place and re adjusted himself to look somewhat presentable.
He looked down at her, his breathing slowing down now and a small satisfied smile rested on his features. Lee reached up and cupped his jaw, her thumb running gently over his kiss bruised lips. 
“I love you.” She said quietly.
His features, if possible, softened more and he rested his forehead to hers their eyes fluttering closed.
“Ner cyare’ika I promise I’ll stick by your side forever. No one will harm you, and no one will take you from me.” He said, his lips brushing against hers as he spoke. 
Lee smiled, running her fingers through his curls.
“There’s my Voorpret.” She knew he was going to be alright in the long run, it might take him a few rotations to get his mind back to normal, but he was going to be fine.
She stood on shaky legs with the assistance of her captain as he helped her redress.
“Voss and Vance are probably going to kill us both.” Voorpret said after a moment of silence.
Lee laughed fully now.
“Most definitely. You will say nothing about this to anyone for both our sakes. I don’t the General, or any of your brothers want to know what just happened in here.” She said, chuckling. 
Voorpret grinned.
“Oh I don’t think I have to say anything. All people have to do is look at you and see who you belong to.” He had a look of triumph on his face.
“Possessive.” Lee said, picking up her blaster and hooking it onto her hip.
“Only with you,” Voorpret purred, wrapping his tail around Lee’s arm, “my marks look so good on you though. I might just keep adding them so they never wear away.”
Lee swatted at his arm lightly, earning a quiet “ow” from the clone. They made their way back to the ship discussing how they were going to play it off with Voss and Vance.
The second the ramp hit the floor the two were snickering at the couple, Voss more than Vance.
“I’d better not hear a single peep from either of you or I’m putting you on fresher duty for the rest of the war.” Lee said when she walked past them. 
A rumor about the Captain and the Commander of 469th battalion somehow managed to spread throughout the barracks that exact rotation. Captain Vance and Sergeant Voss were not seen at 79s that night, having been reported as cleaning the refreshers on base…
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The spicy part felt a bit rushed, I apologize 💀
On a brighter note,
I made a divider for Mr. V man because I couldn’t help myself. I definitely didn’t use the sexy CX clone for it… 🫣✨
(also I didn’t really spell/grammar check this, so excuse any mistakes)
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redrum-alice · 10 months
...some long ass timebomb prompt based on a music video I watched before
The video in question is "Dreamgirl - Teenage Blues" which features the movie "Postma blues" where I loosely based this stupid prompt...
This is like...a super looooooong read, so ignore if you're not into it lol. I dont know how to write a fic, only prompts 💀🔫
Ok so like this written a long time ago in the server but no one rlly got it nor paid attention to it 😭 It's set in modern au, but it's more dreary and polluted bc of the factories
Ekko is an upcoming college student and a part time postman for more income bc his parents arent making a lot from working at the factory.
One day while he was on duty, he came across an unnamed package dropped by a man in black coat. Out of curiosity and suspicion, he opened it and found a pound of shimmer dust that can be dissolved, and a small business card own by Silco. He panicked and tried to diapose of it but got enforcers' attention when he was under the bridge.
While being interrogated at the station, several strange men came in and one of them was the man in black coat. He sees that they are in kahoots with the police, so he made an escape and ran as fast as he could until he was in the outskirts of town. He ended up in an old hospital that is barely abundant of patients. Assuming theres no one residing in one of the rooms, he got inside from the window and hid there...until his head got smacked from the back
It wasnt long until he was conscious again and found himself lying perpendicularly at the edge of the bed with someone sitting from his side where the pillow is. He was greeted by a blue haired girl dressed in a hospital gown and introduced herself as "Jinx". Jinx has been a patient ever since she and her sister got separated after a house fire then eventually got adopted. Ekko recognizes her as his classmate back in early middle school but stopped going to classes and no one noticed.
When he told her why he was hiding from something, Jinx made a deal with him that after she helps him hide from the police, he gets to take her outside for funsies. Having no other choice, he accepts. After barely escaping the hospital once the police got there, they headed to Piltover for sightseeing. Ekko toured her in the city and had fun as promised.
According to Ekko, she's a menace but is nice when shown kindness.
They eventually initiated a truth or dare game while looking down at the city from the sky tower, but got disappointed when Ekko kept choosing truth. When she asked what he wanted to do in the future, he said he wanted to graduate college so he can help the city of its pollution problem and air quality that keeps affecting his mother's lungs.
Jinx was moved by Ekko's answer and eventually confessed that she rarely got to go outside because of her heart condition and that she was deliberately putting traces of drugs in her food and medicine so her father would pay more attention to her whenever she's in need. He asked who is her father and she answered "someone who runs a drug cartel. His name is Silco." Ekko, shock at her answer, questions why she didnt try to escape.
Jinx: "I don't want to be alone. I had no one."
Ekko: "...do you feel alone right now?"
Jinx: "not as I used to be...and I'm glad."
Just before they can head back down, Jinx lost her balance bc of her weak health but Ekko caught her in time before she could hit the floor. Not wanting to upset her, Ekko joked that the floor underneath them was probably loose and they were being clumsy. He held her and began swaying with her in his arms, pretending they were dancing. Jinx cries knowing that her time would end soon and Ekko is only trying to cheer her up, brushing that worry away. She kissed him as thanks. He wrapped his scarf around her to protect her from cold as they head out
On their way back they were spotted several enforcers that were looking for them, presumably bribed by Silco. Ekko suggested it's probably best to stay at his apartment until the road is clear. Jinx enjoyed her stay and his company, entertained by his stories and his future plans on science and engineering which is something they have in common. She felt envy, but more pain from the thought of never being able to see him accomplish those dreams of his. Ekko told her he'll check up on her whenever he can after all of this is over.
Jinx confessed again that she was the one who accidentally caught their house on fire before, and that's why she called herself 'jinx'. Ekko realizes her real name was Powder and remembers that he had a crush on her back then, but never got a chance to confess. He said that she didnt do it on purpose and she shouldnt bare that burden for so long.
Before they can kiss again, Ekko's mom entered. She warmly welcomed her before Ekko could explain the situation (she wanted his son to find a partner so he wouldn't be alone lmao, plus she's sweet towards Jinx)
The next day, Ekko saw the cops entering the building of their apartment. Him and Jinx hurried again to escape, but they barely got away when they were cornered at the bridge. Jinx suggested they'd jump, but Ekko refused saying it was too dangerous for her. She hugged him and eventually pushed Ekko off before the police got to him, letting him escape while having Silco's men escort her back to the hospital for her treatment. The police couldnt find his body and assumed he was dead
4years later, Ekko was found to be residing at a different location far from the two cities. He eventually got himself another part time job that was enough to sustain him and for his college funds. Being an assistant to a professor allowed him to start plans to improve his old hometown.
When he got back and assumed no one was looking for him anymore now that Silco was pronounced dead, he returned to his parent's apartment. Turns out, Jinx told him to hold his breath before she could push him while hugging on the bridge. His mom told him he had several letters from his old friend waiting for him. Her letters consists of longing, greeting, concerns, and wishes of seeing him again and his stupid postman hat as she calls it. She wrote that she knows he's going to come back...and he did
Ekko decides to visit the old hospital and asked the remaining staff about Jinx, but it turns out that she died two years ago. He also heard that her 'father' supposedly died a year after Ekko escaped the city, supposedly at the hands of opposing party.
He reads the last letter from the parcel signed by her that was left at the hospital and it said she wanted to help him one day but at the rate of her condition, she can't stay to even see him achieve his dreams. He also found a small handmade monkey plush and bundle cash in the box with a note saying:
"I wont be needing this to where I'll go, so won't you be sweet enough to use this for good? It aint exactly a clean money given it's from my dad, but it's a start. You're too good boy savior, I wish I could see you again but that's a dream I won't be able to reach.
I love you so much. Thank you for everything. You made my life worthwhile."
Few years forward, Ekko enters a company with blueprints at hand containing plans for improved water filtration system for the city. He wore the monkey plush on his waist saying "its for good luck".
This is for you @starry-nights12 because you make fanfics for me and I havent given you anything...not that this is on par but like I tried outside of art HAHAHAHAHAHHA. Anyway enjoy 😭💝🔫
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razorblade180 · 11 months
Shiva/Snowflake ramblings
It’s been like 6 months since snowflakes finished. Talked a little bit about certain things but now I’ll blurt out more and probably end up repeating myself a little.
I made a post theorizing the origin of dust a long time ago as well as spoke about the topic briefly in a V6 review post. Nobody seemed to notice that luckily because it had the answer to what Diamond Dust was. I lived in fear for many years….
In the OC Test where everyone wore Halloween costumes, I had Summer dressed as Frisk with a knife because there was soul shenanigans happening with Dust.
In all my posts about Shiva, I never gave her a separate hashtag. They’re all under Summer’s name because all her actions and feelings were Summer’s.
I made a list of all my characters about they would survive Summer’s situation with Diamond Dust. I never eliminated before but their results were based off of how authentic they are to themselves as well as their self love/respect.
This was something I did for myself but I took every opportunity in questions for Shiva among other prompts to write her making ice daggers because I knew I was gonna write Nick getting stabbed with one.
In the first chapter I had Nick hug Shiva with his heated and use a fire glyph under their feet. The final battle outside ends with a bigger version of that and Vee.
The Wolf faunus they fought is obviously inspired by the big bad wolf, but her aesthetic and hair is just me having Roxanne Wolf brain rot after playing fnaf.
I spent a lot of time thinking of ways to get Veronica free falling so causally before her depressing monologue. My favorite one is in that same chapter where she jumps off the balcony to catch Val; because she gets to see what that looks like from an outsiders perspective. It’s also the only time Vee can’t bail, and actually hits the floor.
Originally I was gonna have Summer and Nick finally do their combo summoning to beat Shiva but I thought the discredited Summer’s ability to best Shiva.
Shiva was gonna make a ice “hell hound” of Dolt, their former dog, in the final fight. The chapter was already incredibly long though and my hands were cramping. It also meant dropping all pretense of what Shiva was because she wasn’t actually around when they had the dog.
If i were to make a sequel I’d know what it’d be about and kinda planted seeds with harsh weather and revitalized Dust being linked. It could be real problem if other people found Dust that are similar to Diamond Dust
Originally this story wasn’t this complex. It was a simple case of “you’re simply at odds with yourself” but everyone guessed that in an hour and I took that personally. 💀 which ballooned into me fleshing out the dust theory and adding a fragmented soul to it.
During the tournament fight Summer had with her channeling Shiva, I kept having her reach for her hip in confusion. The soul of who would’ve been known as Shiva was a pirate and her gun was on that side. I wanted to play with the idea of muscle memory or old habits in the same way I did with Oscar and Oz
Not really a fact but I’m happy that I found ways to slip in Penny making that bomb multiple times. As well as Nick getting in between Summer and a threat before the fatal moment.
Ruth was a one off character before I decided to not be a monster and expand upon Ruby wanting a family.
Summer’s white guitar with a black paw print in honor of Dolt was me being a little cheeky because by then I had decided her therapy puppy in the end, Dunce, was a Dalmatian.
Originally I wanted some of Val’s eternal struggle to come from the idea she might be Trans. I didn’t fucking trust myself to write that well enough so I scrapped it. I tried for like a year or two but I didn’t think it was any good,
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achillean-knight · 4 months
Late night thoughts and theories that make me wonder why I'm not making it into a FNAF theory video for YouTube lmao
(sorry if this is a mess, I'm just getting thoughts out of my brain asap before I forget them lmfao)
I'm watching MatPat play Help Wanted 2, and I keep getting ideas for fall fest. It seems to happen when I watch ppl play HW2 LMAO like with my Carnie thoughts thanks to Markipliers playthrough- anyways
This can be taken as a theory but I think I might add it to my AU BC it's really getting me thinking...
Now this is a goofy lil thing I thought about as it kept hitting me and hitting me- could Mike have been at the fall fest along with Bonnie bro?
Mat brings up an interesting thought- why would we as the player, see flames and fire and reoccuring fall fest imagery? We're also collecting memories, surely this'd be something core to the player. This is also fall fest 1983(?), so whatever happened that event had to be so detrimental that Glitchtrap is reminding him and making him remember.
"what makes you so special?" Is uttered constantly, so the characters saying this must know who the player is. Moon/Jack-o-moon says it, making me think that he knows the player from wayyy back when,,, and I also believe he's an old animatronic seeing as folks say the Mimic is, and that MF shares the moon's chompers 😭 also he just really doesn't look much like a glamrock BSBSBSVSV (also Jack-o-Moon is very fall fest)
Baby says it, making me think she recognises him- maybe from when he was younger (Bonnie bro), BC she'd know Mike's friends if he hung out alot.
And I think Mystic Hippo also says it- which I could be wrong or miss remembering, but she seems like she could fit with fall fest. She is a very carnival thing, soooooo--
What I'm getting at, is our player is detrimental to fall fest 83' or atleast witnessed it. If he was friends with Mike, I wonder what happened that day that was so important- was Crying Child alive by then and he was tormenting him so much? Does fall fest take AFTER the death of him resulting in William doing something horrible out of spite and anger?
Or... "A wound first inflicted on me" from Henry could mean that out of revenge, William could have set fire to the event, hence why there's so much fire and flame represented in Help Wanted and Help Wanted 2- and to further back this up, Carnie might of possibly been Henry's creation, and he was set up in flame-
Oh shit and after the fire, you see Springtraps cutout (that you gotta shoot but shh)
THOUGHTS ARE BREWING AND BUBBLING MY FRIENDS I'm so using this plot point in my AU. I can't believe I created an AU from bloody mask Bot, and now I'm making my own timeline for it 💀
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ghastlybin · 1 year
My skz concert experience that nobody asked for.
I just want a place to detail my memories while some are still fresh in my mind. Lol.
March 27, 2023.
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First off, it was raining when we were going inside, hella stairs, was about to (and tempted) to water slide down the steps to our seats.
The girl next to me was kinda rude and kept giving me dirty looks but it’s okay because I’m on my way to her mom’s house as I type this ;)
Tour is titled Maniac. Of course they were gonna play Maniac. It was secured on the setlist. It was so fcking epic though.
-okay the notes are out of order from this point on lol-
Felix basically taught us about the water cycle after Muddy water. Science class 101
Chan: “Let’s give a round of applause to the kids for how good their english was!” (He said Something similar to this)
My mom: “this mf did not call them kids knowing they are around the same age”
It’s in their name, lol
So for context, skz played a game team vs team (who can get louder screams) and Changbin’s team lost- (btw it was team muddy water and I couldn’t hear the name of the other team because ppl screaming lol but for the sake of this, I’m gonna say Changbin’s team lol)
Changbin: I took my shirt off and still lost. I’m never taking my shirt off again.
Chan: We already take everything off
[Either before or after, fever dream goin crazy rn]
Seungmin: LOSERS 😆
Seungmin said the crowd barking makes him feel tough.
I forgot to press record for Easy and gave my phone to my brother and noticed it wasn’t recording until after the song 💀 It’s okay, it’s in my core memories.
A piece of confetti fell on me during haven and I fcking screamed as if it had Changbin’s number on it or smth 😭😭😭 my most down bad moment of the year thus far. Lmao.
I saw Changbin smile and was done for the night.
Felix kept winking, mf made me forget who I belonged to. (Joking, joking haha)
Minho is so fcking fine. Dude was GLOWING. I’m so close to blocking them on everything since he wants to be THAT fine.
Minho & Chan performed Drive. My mom knows btw so it’s not like she was gonna scold me as if I wrote the song. She caught on when Chan was like “the city is pretty big and open”. Not necessarily mom-friendly but we’re gonna let that slide.
Chan said Red lights was an adorable song. Everyone and their families SAW the ribbons, honey bee.
Phone gave up when I tried getting one last picture lol. Pfft. She went on a strike but it’s okay, that lil bitch. (Talking to my phone)
Idc I was showing out for Seungmin. The whole fcking crowd was. We do not play when it comes to Seungmin. And I will continue to show out for Seungmin.
Hyunjin sang Ice cream and I did not deserve to hear it, the mf is so pretty and I love Ice cream and I am unworthy but it’s chill, we ball.
Still kinda upset Minho dropped the ps4 controller in the little movie thingy. I’m sorry but those are expensive, I know y’all are rich but that hurt my soul ily still though.
Btw if I’m wrong & it wasn’t Minho, I will take the L. But PLEASE let me know. Like I said, fever dream is going crazy rn and I’m only writing these notes as I remember them. PLEASE let me know if I’m wrong.
I miss Jeongin already. His English (as is the others) is hella good and you could tell he and the others took the time to learn it so I hope they know they did great. The crowd chanted ‘I.N’ and he smiled and I think y’all should continue to do that.
The effects were so fcking cool and Jisung- I could feel his energy from where I sat. He never comes to play, and I hope he (and the others) sleep well tonight and that the sleep hits good.
Felix is the rizzly bear. Count rizz-ula. The rizz-ologist. Dude has W rizz. How the hell did he pull everyone in the venue in 2 seconds?
Felix also said he wanted to live here… honey, ily, but I can guarantee you that you do not. Respectfully. It’s a dumpster fire. Respectfully.
Felix also said “I didn’t even say anything yet” when the crowd screamed before he could speak just because he came on the big screens. Lmao.
Changbin was standing infront of one of the big screens while Seungmin was talking and my dumb ass saw Seungmin’s face zoomed in and tiny Changbin in the corner beside Seungmin’s face and I thought they had editors that shrinked Changbin. No one said I was smart okay LMAO
Idk how to explain it but seeing Changbin felt like drinking water after waking up at 3am. And before y’all (whoever decides to read this) are like “is that good or bad?” It’s good. Don’t lie. I know y’all like quenching your thirst.
BITCH THEY PLAYED HAVEN AND LIKE IDK IF YALL KNOW THIS BUT THATS THE SONG THAT CHEERED ME UP THROUGH A BAD TIME IN MY LIFE AND HEARING IT LIVE???? AND HEARING CHANGBIN’S VERSE (don’t get me wrong, I am ot8 as fck but Changbin is my ult-) I was about to cry. Like I’m about to rn actually. Literally I would’ve loved to hear ANY skz song live but this is the one song I hoped for and they supplied. So yeah.
I even avoided ‘setlist spoilers’. If that’s a thing.
They made us bark (respectfully, I refused to bark 😤), they made us meow (I also refused to meow 😤), but I did NOT pass up Haw’ing to Chan’s Yee. I will never pass up a yeehaw, as a certfied yeehaw. However, Chan has yee’d his last haw. (Joking)
Oh yeah Chan asked if any of us rode a horse before and if it was for fun. I know we are yeehaws but bruh, that’s yeehaw to another level. (There were a good chunk of ppl that said yes. Respect.)
I COULD SEE CHANGBIN FROM WHERE I WAS SAT AND THATS ALL I COULD EVER WANT. HE LOOKED SO HAPPY AND HANDSOME. I’m about to get really down bad so I will pause and suppress it.
I collected some of the confetti because skz were shooting it out of cannons. That’s like the closest thing to merch I was able to afford.
Skz (multiple members) were like “hey, if we come back, will y’all come back too??” And ofc my broke ass said yes. Chan’s buying my ticket though so it’s secured. Sorry y’all.
FAM goes hard live. I also loved the backgrounds for each song. Production team was NOT lacking.
The band that played behind them, they are so talented too. Miroh is already a hype song but this band, we let them cook and they SERVED.
My ear drums are still vibrating but I will not complain. I knew what I signed up for the second I put myself through ticketmaster hell <3
My throat also took a nosedive off a cliff. I was about to pass out just to make Seungmin happy. When he says make noise, I’m using my voicebox until it’s begging to rest.
My arms are tired. Like FATIGUED but the lightstick stays up when they say “put your hands in the air” bye.
Also happy birthday to the stay two rows in front of me :) (I saw your sign) 💜🫶
Seeing skz always feels like hanging with friends. I know that’s very delulu of me, but yeah, the past two shows I’ve seen them in, they were always very crowd inclusive and like, idk, I felt safe and like nothing bad would happen.
I have hella PCD now though. Goodnight. I will add things as I remember them lol
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