#🔑 : hunter speaks.
wolfp-ck · 1 year
guess who couldn't a bird out of his head and got a headmate from it? THIS DUDE HERE /lh say hi to waffles everyone!
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ask-the-achs · 1 year
🔑 Kruschevka Makai'tai
Report 'Male Samus. (I'm sorry I don't know many space bounty hunters outside of her and the Fetts)
He is a tall, very muscular mostly humanoid alien man that is 8'6" tall at the shoulder. He has a rather long, muscular torso, four long muscular arms, two long digitigrade legs, a long flexible tail and two large wings that are below his lower shoulders. His wings are each made of ten long, thin, blunt-tipped tendrils that are connected by webbing(dont think ive seen any wings like those before). Both of his wings are 12 feet long at their longest and 10 feet long at their shortest. His arms are rather human-like, with five fingers on each hand. His fingers are tipped with sharp blade-like claws, with the largest claws being on his middle fingers(lethal flip-off!-Paradox) (no-Moontear). His lower arms are slightly longer than his upper arms. His thighs and calves have human-like proportions, and he has four fairly long toes on each foot, with two toes on the front of the foot and one toe on each side of the foot. His toes are tipped with sharp claws that are somewhat hook-like. His tail is 5'6" long, and it is tipped with a 5 inch long, slightly curved spike that is smooth and ends in a sharp point. His tail is covered in short, slightly overlapping ridges of tough armor, and the ridges of armor near the end of his tail have sharp spikes on the edges. The end of his tail is slightly bulbous, and the upper half of his tail is rather thick. His pelvis is wide like an alligator pelvis. His neck is slightly elongated and quite muscular. His head is somewhat lizard-like in shape, and he has eighteen (I double checked) very small bright yellow eyes. Ten of his eyes face forward, while his other eight eyes are closer to the sides of his head. He has six small holes on the side of his neck that function as both nostrils and gills. He has four sharp fang-like canine teeth in each jaw, and his incisor teeth are also sharp and pointed. His premolars are built for shearing flesh, and his molars are built for chewing. His teeth are covered by mobile lips. He has three long, thin tongues. He has four long, thin ears that resemble elf ears. His skin is mostly a dark blueish-purple color, but the armor on his tail is a dark purplish-grey. His wing membranes are mostly black and dark grey. He can fold his wings flat against his back.
He's 39 years old. He is very intelligent and speaks English and multiple alien language(i know 3 right now, but im getting there). His native language sounds like a mixture of clicks, grunts and hisses(ive heard him the only words i made out were pie and sweet.) He is a very fast runner, an excellent climber and a very fast flier. He is also an excellent swimmer. He is a very powerful fighter, and he is extremely agile and very flexible(considering his line of work). Kruschevka currently works as a bounty hunter, and he has killed almost 100 intergalactic criminals over the years. His primary weapon is a very powerful 6 foot long spear made of multiple very strong extraplanetary metals. This spear has two 5-inch long deltoid-shaped blades, one on each end(I'd prefer a sheild.). Along with his spear, he has four very high-tech personal combat drones. These drones can turn into powerful blasters that somewhat resemble pistols. These blasters can shoot multiple different types of ammunition, including superheated plasma, tiny explosive missiles, and energy beams that can pass through walls(where'd you get them?-Basil). He has a very strong military-grade armor suit that covers his entire body. His suit is designed for both strength and flexibility. The visor on his suit allows him to see in infrared, see in x-ray, see the weak points in enemy defenses, and scan objects. His suit has two thrusters on the back, below the lower shoulders(so..an I'm an iron man suit? I think he has something like that.). Kruschevka has the ability to make himself invisible, and he can also turn his suit and weapons invisible. He also does not appear on infrared sensors, similar to some species of tree frog(his gear must have been made with this in mind). He can use the end of his tail as both a club and as a stabbing weapon.
Threat level:UNKNOWN (I don't think he'd hurt an innocent so...Harmless?)
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iamthekaijuking · 6 years
Literally all of those emojis
characters- Uuuuh… Godzilla and… I’m not sure.🕹 Video game you are currently playing- Monster Hunter World 🌡 Fave season- Winter because you get an excuse to stay inside and there’s plenty of ice everywhere that I can eat. Also I overheat easily but in winter I don’t need to worry about that.🏫 Are you in school, what grade- Ugh fine… I guess it’s about time you guys know. After summer break, I’ll be a junior in high school. 🎒 Are you in college, major area of study- No but I hope I make it.🏢 Your job (You don’t have to be specific) or dream job if you don’t work- Creature design, but almost everyone tells me that it’s nearly impossible to get into and that my chances are about the same as someone trying to become a professional football player. It bums me out so my back up plan is either zoology or taxonomy.📅 Your birthday- November 3. I was born on national Godzilla day. 🎂 How old are you- *sigh* I’m 16.📏 How tall are you- Almost 6ft 1.🔑 Key to your heart- Looks, compatibility, and affection.📖 Fave book- Uuuh… Every Project Nemesis book.📝 Fave quote- “Anything is a dildo if you’re brave enough” -Abraham Lincoln. 🌐 Languages you can speak and/or are learning. Which are you fluent in- Just English. 💻 Desktop/Laptop/iPad/other- IPhone (it sucks).📔 Do you keep a traditional diary- No.☠ Something that angers you- The American government, and The System.🐷 Junk food you can never get enough of- Ice cream.🌼 Fave flower- That one corpse flower.📺 Fave anime- Uuuhh… I wanna say Monster Hunter Ride On but I haven’t seen it.🎥 Fave film- Shin Godzilla.📻 Fave song currently- https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9Zj0JOHJR-s🎙 Can you sing- Not really.🎁 Best gift you ever received and why- Sour Skittles because I was hungry.👾 Do you believe in aliens- It’s statistically impossible that there aren’t aliens. We’re not alone. 👻 Do you believe in ghosts- No.⛪ What is your religion- Fuck that.🌎 What country do you live in- A neo nazi redneck capitalistic hell hole with lots of corn and golf courses… I live in Indiana.
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wolfp-ck · 1 year
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3000 berichten!
Uhhh ik hou echt totaal niet van deze app, echt ni- /s
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wolfp-ck · 1 year
oooohh i should create a rentry just like some others :) i already have a carrd so i cant make that anymore so a rentry it is !!
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wolfp-ck · 1 year
oh OH YEAH i love this shit (hunter how dare you) so much wow-
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wolfp-ck · 1 year
GUYS, I am legally not allowed to move anymore. but whatever I'll wait for a bit for pretzel to go away if it means I get to pet him :3
UPDATE: he moved :( but now I can get on the computer again so yay!
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wolfp-ck · 1 year
yo whats the plural code and where can i find it i saw it in ur pinned
oh, it's kinda like multiple code b with emojis & it's easier + conveys lots of info abt ur system in a tiny bit of space (skbfksbfjf I feel like I didn't word that correctly, I hope you know what I mean-) . Here's the carrd if you want it :)
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wolfp-ck · 1 year
Me, about to go to sleep: "mm mmm perfect time to consume 3 cups of cola zero!"
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wolfp-ck · 1 year
Huh?? Ok wow ik verwachtte ni da mense m'n post zouden leuk vinden -- uh ik hou ook van jullie o3o !! <3/p
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wolfp-ck · 1 year
Ough imma snooze
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wolfp-ck · 1 year
I doubt we'll get anything but it's worth posting ig
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wolfp-ck · 1 year
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wolfp-ck · 1 year
@cxzyfires regress blog pls follow! /nf
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wolfp-ck · 1 year
i think I'm just going to queue some genders for my hoard on my blog @huntleynoceda and then going to sleep because I am honestly pretty tired .. good night friends!
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wolfp-ck · 1 year
" gus doesn't use they/them pronouns " to YOU. i know them personally and they said to me they're an ignostiboy menoverique gaydox acething who uses they/them pronouns myself. so THERE. /lh
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