#🧚✨ fairy prince baddie jimin ✨🧚
yoongsisbae · 2 years
Guess who is in your inbox again 😎
(At this point ppl are wishing my tumbr hiatus was longer...)
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So since I wasnt kidnapped into a land with fae!jimin in it, Imma use this for shameless advertising. CUZ I LOVED THE STORY OKAY!?
I actually missed you so fucking much don’t ever leave me again
whoa that’s so cool!!! 😭😭😭 are there little baby mushrooms coming out of that tree stump? 😭 it’s so beautiful there, faerie vibes forreal 💛💛
ps don’t let fairies kidnap you or you’ll miss out on human jimin 😏
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yoongsisbae · 2 years
Okay I am AWFULLY late to the party, but please enlighten me;
Is about "You Asked for Help, He Asked Your Name"
I understand what he gained from knowing her name (btw I love that part, I could ramble on for hours.) but what does she gain from knowing his name now?
Also why did you cryyyyy for herrrrr 😢🥺
JJ!!! 💕💕💕 from what I gathered from fae lore, you're never supposed to tell a fairy your name because then they will have "power" over you, so now that y/n knows Jimin's real name, it takes away his power to "control" her the way he wanted to. Even though they are still linked together because he did save her life and she accepted so many of his gifts, she gains a "freedom" she didn't have before. There is no more haze clouding her judgement, she can straight up refuse Jimin's requests, where as before he could easily persuade and manipulate her...no more world domination for fae Jimin 😂😂 I try to see a happier ending where he now follows her around salty she won't listen to him 😅 now she knows what a trickster fae Jimin is she'll figure out how to deal with him, I have faith in y/n 😉
Everything she went through hurts me 😢 I've never personally had to deal with arranged marriage, but growing up I had friends who were dreading it, when you think about a woman having to marry their abuser or face being disowned by their family, you think something so horrible can't be actually still happening, but it does. All the time it still happens to women...to girls! I know what it feels like to disassociate from a traumatic experience like that...to be married to him...I would rather die. Yes, I was very angry writing this story, I cry when I'm angry (well I cry all the time tbh 😭)
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yoongsisbae · 1 year
i have successfully fulfilled my need to read a faery!jimin fanfiction after finishing "you asked for help, he asked for your name"
the descriptions of how yn felt lost and missing her memory in bits, teleporting to other areas without memory of getting there felt so real???? (the ending tho 💀)
it was a lovely story can't wait to read more 💗
thank you so much 💕💕 I am happy you enjoyed yourself 🥰 I tried my best to make the glamour surreal feeling, when I was writing I thought about dizziness and that feeling when you’re lucid dreaming, like that 😋. I feel like I’m really bad at endings most of the time, but this one I felt was…. deserved 😈😈🥲
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yoongsisbae · 2 years
it’s so good 😭😭😭 first of all I’m too dumb to be reading amazing and smart plot like this second of all my poor baby y/n 😭 I understand and relate to her a lot and what happened to her still happens to many women in my culture 🥺💔
I loved your writing so much it was so well written but as I said I’m legit too dumb to be reading such a good fic , what happened at the end ? I’m still confused 😭 but omg I did not expect her to carve his name on her arm that was sooo smarttttt and badass
You know I wish this wasn’t relatable 💔 but I also relate to her in ways it’s hard to express (guess that’s why this story exists huh lol). I’ve had friends who have had to deal with their parents pressuring them to marry a certain type of man for religious reasons when they don’t want to, so even though it’s not my personal experience, my heart hurts for those who have to go through such things even in this day and age.
I’m happy to talk more about this world! 💗 I learned a bunch about fae lore to be able to write this, what I gathered is names are very powerful to fairies, you should never give your name up to a fairy basically or they will have a certain kind of power over your life. My interpretation was that if you learn the fairy’s name too it doesn’t really cancel out their power over you per-say but you too have a certain influence over them now.
So basically, y/n is not going to be clouded by fairy!jimin’s glamour anymore. Which..now that she’s in the human realm really screws over jimin because his power won’t be as lethal (unless she wants it to be). He was basically using y/n’s rage and hurt as a lightning rod for his fae magic, but now that she is not as easily influenced, she’s going to make it very difficult for him in the human realm…now she’s stronger and can get him to do things for her! I imagine her deciding to visit her hometown with a very annoyed fae in tow while he tries to convince her to let him take over the human world instead (fairy!jimin is a hypocrite 🥲) lol.
But, as I also learned, time runs differently in the fairy realm, so a lot of time has passed since she was back in the human realm, her parents are old or dead and all her friends are grannies, so now that she’s back and basically has nothing left…and still can’t really do much without a man (step in fairy!jimin) does she use him now or decide to go back to the fae world where she doesn’t have all these societal rules she has to follow that she now dislikes after living in the care free fairy realm…how will the dynamic change with her and the fairy prince if she does decide to go back? (will fairy!tae end up having a bigger role in her life 👀) I think it would be kind of fun to see her rebel in the fairy realm. These are all questions I asked myself while writing the ending, but it’s safe to say y/n now has finally gained her own agency which is all I wanted for her in the end. 💕
Thank you again for the enjoying my story, all I wanted for this story was to reach readers like you who might see themselves in this y/n. YOU are a badass 💗
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