#'total eclipse of the heart' by Bonnie tYLER incoming
chirpsythismorning · 7 months
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oldguy56-world · 2 months
Total Eclipse of the Heart
Lest you think I am a Bonnie Tyler fan due to using 2 of her song titles in the past 8 months, well I am sort of but today is such an epic day how could this blog be called anything else. All you have to do is watch the news to see this is possibly the most important day in our lifetime (not counting the other Eclipses we had the most recent being four years ago) and the consequences of today could be life changing. (wow that was a mouthful)
They say an eclipse can cause people to lose their minds and if the pre-hype is any indication I have to believe them (They?) CNN has an all afternoon coverage planned, and remember these are the same people who just last week during the slight shake they had in New York told viewers that you can't feel earthquakes in the air so they must have important information to pass on to us.
While I am not completely buying into the hype I have altered my personal conduct. Usually I have sent in my income tax by now but I am holding off just in case anarchy ensues and there is no government to collect from me. If nothing happens along those lines I still have 3 weeks to submit (dammit).
The entire process of the eclipse is to last 4 minutes and 18 seconds so naturally biblical scholars have looked it up and Luke 4:18 says 'the Spirit of the Lord is upon me...' There is more but that is all they need to terrify their congregations into giving more money.
Experts are also giving great advice like how to look at the eclipse without looking at it. They say there is a way to hear the eclipse but I imagine that would be as exciting as watching an orchestra with no sound. They offer many ways to do it but it appears that politicians can avoid direct viewing because their heads are up their collective butts all the time so there is no danger of them seeing anything but their own colons.
Back to the scientific, observations of animals in captivity show changes in their habits. Last eclipse baboons and giraffes galloped around in circles. Tortoises looked up to the sky and Gorillas, well they went to take a nap because it was dark. Are these activities caused by the eclipse or do the animals do this every night and we just don't bother to watch them? In any case the gorillas are my heroes now and I might take a chapter from their book.
So what should you do during an eclipse? Here are some plausible pass times.
Play speed hide and seek. Whoever is it only has 4:18 to find you. (The time not the biblical quote)
Some couples are involved in a group marriage ceremony. This might be a good time to slip that sheep you have been eyeing into the mix.
Looting seems to be catching on. This seems like a good opportunity to hone your skills.
Put on a devil costume, carry a spooky looking lamp and terrify people. The minutes of fun for you will give people years of therapy.
Hold the world Marco Polo championships.
Wear that outfit in public your wife hates.
Mimic the gorillas and take a nap at work.
Wherever you are remember that the big ball of fire in the sky will be back shortly.
THOUGHT OF THE WEEK: We can't always control what happens in the world but we do have the ability to control ourselves no matter what comes our way.
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