#'you're the reason i like laughingstock' ask or whatever
Laughingstock Lives in My Head Rent Free because Of You (/pos)
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skaruresonic · 14 days
"crowd cherrypicks isolated moments, misconstrues them, and neglects the larger contextual framework in which those moments are nestled"
This applies to the entire sonic fandom at this point. All they care about is having fuel for their nonsensical headcanons and projections.
Honestly hard-pressed to think of another fandom that acts this disdainful toward the source material. While "fuck canon" has always been a common attitude, it just feels like some folks really have to refrain from outright sneering at the games.
I guess I've seen hints of similar attitudes crop up here and there whenever game remakes drop, mostly because folks seem to think old games = bad games. But for some reason, Sonic has it particularly bad.
Maybe... virulent HLVRAI fans when they're screeching about how Freemance is pedophilia, but everybody knew those guys were bad-faith actors to begin with. They weren't given the microphone. They were gently reminded to keep canon and common sense in mind, and when that failed, laughed at.
Well, until they started reporting people and caused the old guard to disperse elsewhere, because antis ruin everything.
And hell, at least some HLVRAI uber-stans are open about their hatred of the source material. Sonic fans hide behind a pseudo-intellectual veneer and moral superiority. Sonic has always been inconsistent, they say, as if that even means anything. Shadow is horrible now because of Sega mandates. You are not a good person if you disagree with IDW!Sonic's principles. These things are irrefutable fact even though I refuse to supply sources for my claims.
You see how insufferable that attitude gets when you're marinating in it? It's absolutely draining. It's like they've internalized the public's overall sentiments of "Sonic isn't cool" and are now trying to ingratiate themselves to the mainstream by turning Sonic into something they hope won't make the fandom into a laughingstock.
The harsh truth is, the series always has and always will be a laughingstock in the eyes of the public, simply because this is Sonic we're talking about. There are always gonna be non-fan asshats going "lol you like talking about a cartoon blue hedgehog? #cringe." You're playing a losing game by giving their views any consideration to begin with. You have got to stop playing respectability politics if you want peace of mind in this place. Be cringe, be free.
With the games, the nature of the mockery is subtly insidious. You don't really notice it at first, but it lies in the things people keep saying as though they're self-evident. Even the most basic tenets of storytelling get mocked simply on the basis of Sonic games using them. Sonic is a static character who does not change, but instead inspires others to change for the better? Bad, somehow. Eggman is the main villain? Yawn. The heroes reacting to the threat instead of being "proactive," whatever that means? A mark of poor storytelling.
But then you ask why, precisely, it's bad, and it all dissolves into white noise, which tells you that folks kind of haven't thought it through beyond some nebulous notion of "Sonic Bad."
I'm not going to sit here and pretend the series is exempt from criticism. Nothing is perfect, after all. By the same token, however, I'm not going to engage with you if the entire linchpin of your worldview rests on Sonic Bad. We're just not going to see eye-to-eye no matter what. It's as though folks take the series for granted, quite frankly. Social media is really sensitive about treating the spinoffs as though they're glass-delicate, saying "Sonic is Sonic" up until the moment we talk about the games or vtuber Sonic. All of a sudden, you don't see people walking on eggshells anymore. Instead, they take every chance they get to slag off the games, sometimes to the point of xenophobia against ST. And I can't help but think familiarity breeds contempt. Spinoffs only last a little while and become immortalized through the lens of nostalgia. The games, on the other hand, are the series' only constant. Quotidian, almost. It's easy to take them for granted. (That is, when the games aren't being used as a tool of convenience in "you can't criticize IDW / Prime because they're canon to the games, shut up"-tier arguments. The games only matter inasmuch as the validity they confer on other media.)
This behavior is enabled in part by Sega's lack of backbone. Fans say jump, Sega says how high. The problem with that is ST are going to eventually hit a wall where they literally cannot make Sonic into what the fans want because that would be tantamount to making Sonic something it's not.
I think we're already seeing it now with Shadow, actually. SxS Gens strikes me as ST throwing up their hands like "Fuck it, we don't know what you want from us, have more of this thing you used to like back when you didn't hate Shadow and us."
Anyway, my point is we know the games are going strong. Like it or not, they've always been popular, and because they take it for granted, folks feel freer to tear them to shreds than other media. When they say "Sonic is a multimedia franchise," it comes across like the blogger doth protest too much.
The really sad part is that ingratiation will fail too. Turning Sonic into something decidedly "less Japanese," less game-y, less ST-flavored, less whatever discourse buzzword du jour is not going to change the public's mind, either.
People who think Sonic is cringe won't care if Archie Sonic is "deeper" than Games!Sonic. They give exactly zero damns that IDW Sonic shows his enemies mercy or that Prime!Sonic is your funny little blorbo. To them, all Sonics are worth mocking.
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sirthisisa-wendys · 3 years
Prom Queen Part 1: Ran Haitani x Fem!Reader
synopsis: a bet turns into a dare, which turns into a mess.
wc: 700
tw: plot
song recommendation:
"Vote for Kyoko!"
"Vote for Hisoka!"
"Vote for..."
Prom Queen.
You stare wistfully at the display case full of previous prom kings and queens, their eyes full of excitement, arms full of flowers, and faces full of beauty. You sigh wistfully, wondering if it could be you one day, one day soon.
"What are you staring at?"
Your eyes snap to the figure in the glass reflection, and you instantly notice Rindou Haitani, his bored purple eyes staring back at yours.
"Uh, I..." You'd never really spoken to one of the infamous campus flirts, but for some reason - here he is. "Just the prom queens."
"Why?" Why is he speaking to you of all people?
"Just wondering what it felt like. to be so well-liked, you know?"
"Hmm. Can't imagine it's any fun."
"But you're well-liked," you begin, but Rindou rolls his eyes and holds out his hand.
"Yeah, yeah. I need the notes for History class; Ran didn't study for the test." You consider denying him your notes, but when you see Ran approaching, you fork over your notebook immediately.
"Need it back by Monday," you murmur, ducking off to avoid another run-in with his equally infamous brother, shaking off the thought of the boy trying to corner you in the crevices of the hallways or by the restrooms with his piercing purple eyes and devilish smirk.
You knew he was trying to make a fool out of you with his advances - you weren't cool enough or pretty enough to even warrant a second glance around here. But Ran persisted, trying his best to get you in his clutches so he could make you a laughingstock of the school right before you graduated. And it would have hurt even more if he'd tried to make you his prom date - which you avoided smoothly by telling your friend group that you wanted to go as a collective and not in pairs.
Ran even made you his target in math and history class, either leaning back or forward, his tow-toned braids dangling dangerously close to you as he passed you notes that asked about your life outside of school or if you owned a game he could "borrow". You never replied to these notes in-depth, usually just saying "no" or "ew". Not even the time he asked you for a pen... even though he wrote the note... in pen.
You loathe that you're the butt of his jokes, but today in math class, he passes you one of his scribbled notes, his eyes full of excitement.
Going to prom?
Today, you're feeling a little less strict, but still trying to get the message that you're not to be fucked around with.
Yeah. But not with you.
When you pass the note back, you register the disappointment on Ran's face, but then he bites his lip and scribbles away, passing it back to you.
Fine. That's fair. You gonna vote for me for Prom King?
Why do you need my vote? I really don't matter.
You pass the note, and Ran rolls his eyes, then writes furiously.
"I hope you're passing notes about the equations, Mr. Haitani," your teacher grumbles from the front of the room.
"Trying to get y/n to vote for me as Prom King," Ran quips back. "Not really worried about five plus nine, or whatever."
The math teacher sighs, and you put your head back into the book, feeling all eyes course over to your figure at the desk. The note lands back on your desk with a soft thwack.
If you vote for me, I'll vote for you.
You scoff, write your reply, then focus on your work.
Just as the bell rings, the note is deposited on your desk, and Ran waits for you to answer, packing up his things.
Me? Prom Queen? No, thanks. You had written.
If you win Prom Queen, and I win Prom King, you owe me a kiss. In front of the whole school.
"You're on," you laugh as you pass by Ran, shaking your head. Prom Queen?
Ran couldn't pull that off even if he tried. Not a chance.
Not a fat chance in hell.
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angrelysimpping · 3 years
So I guess tumblr ate the ask while I had it sitting in my drafts???? Good thing I usually copy-paste asks verbatim into google docs but still???? It was only there for a day or two??? Anyway
Hhhh if you’re ok with requests I wanted to know how the LI’s would react to a m!PC crossdressing 24/7 because of how feminine they are and how would they react if they found out when trying to non-con pc for whatever reason (Im love your writing and seeing dol blogs makes me 🥰🥰🥰🥰)
Oh crossdressing m!pc anon I forgot to specify the genders of li’s as male or nb
(DoL relationships, noncon, reader gets called things like ‘good girl’)
Alex admits that he's probably had too much to drink. It's just so very nice, sitting with you, not having to worry about his responsibilities for a few minutes.
You don't push him away when rests his arm over your shoulder. He thinks you even spread your legs a little when he puts his hand on your thigh.
It's when he starts to kiss your neck that things turn sour. You start to push him away.
But maybe you're just playing? He's heard a lot of things about the townspeople. How they'll say "no" and keep going.
So, Alex keeps going.
He pushes you into your back, running a hand up under your skirt.
Your skin is so warm, so soft. He has to feel more, see more.
You're squirming on the ground, but it's easy for Alex to overpower you.
He lifts your skirt,
And freezes.
There's a distinctively dick-shaped bulge in your underwear.
"The hell?"
Alex ruins your underwear as he pulls them off you, ripping them.
Yeah. You have a dick.
Is this a joke? Have you been messing with him this whole time? Do you even like him?
Why were you lying about being a girl? He thought you guys were close. Why would you keep this from him?
Alex climbs off you and goes back to work.
Alex won't talk to you for the rest of the day, but he won't run you off the farm either. He needs the help too badly.
He wants you to apologize. Even with the way he found out, Alex thinks he deserves an apology.
He’s not bringing it up until you do. He also won’t initiate anything, won’t ask you to sit in the field with him, will avoid doing farm work with you.
If you explain why you hadn’t told him, he relaxes a little. Starts talking to you again, offering you the occasional drink.
You’ll have to tell him what pronouns to use for you, he keeps flip-flopping between calling you his man and his woman.
This wouldn't have happened if you had just been a good girl and gotten in the car.
But no, you had ignored him.
You've done that too often lately, ignoring him. Avery needs to remind you of your place.
He’d dragged you into the back of his car. Drives to a secluded area before joining you in the back and climbing on top of you.
You’ve stopped fighting him, but you’re still crying. It’s starting to get on his nerves.
He's not paying attention to the words that spill out of your mouth as he strips you. Maybe if he had, he would hear you apologizing for not "telling him."
So it's a complete surprise for Avery when he pulls off your panties and finds out you have a dick.
And his rage swells.
He's been taking you to high society events and this whole time one wardrobe malfunction could have ruined everything.
What would the others have thought if they found out Avery's date was crossdressing? Nothing good, he can guarantee that. He would have been a laughingstock.
Avery starts to press his cock into you with no warning. He'd planned to do this, anyway. Fuck you in the back of his car with as much force as possible. Make you limp home as a reminder of who you belong to, dripping his cum.
It's not his fault if there's no lube in the car. Maybe if someone hadn't been a lying whore, there would have been.
Sure, it doesn't feel great for Avery, the friction almost unbearable, but the discomfort doesn't last long.
He doesn't last long, either.
It helps that you're crying under him, clinging to him as he fucks you, gasping out his name between pleas to be more gentle, that you’re sorry.
It drives him to orgasm at an embarrassingly fast rate.
Shoves you out of the car, throwing your ruined clothes out after you.
Drives up next to you the next morning, offering to give you a ride to school. It's not really an offer you can refuse.
Demands you keep crossdressing at events. He can't explain why he's changed partners at this point, too many people have seen him with you. He'd get too many invasive questions. It's easier if you keep presenting as a girl.
He's been following you for a while now, watching you foraging in the forest. Every time you bend over, it gets a little harder not to relieve himself. Push you to the ground and have his way with you.
You're such a pretty girl, and it's been such a long time since he's fucked anyone.
A gust of wind picks up the hem of your skirt and Eden gets treated to a glimpse of your ass. Soft flesh and smooth curve.
Fuck it, he'd been thinking about getting a partner anyway. This would be a lot easier than setting something up with Bailey.
You don’t hear the hunter creep up behind you, unaware of his presence until he has you pressed face-first into the dirt.
You scream and struggle, but Eden had expected that. He’s prepared, pressing his chest against your back, using his size to his advantage.
"Don’t resist, and I won't have to hurt you."
It's an empty promise. He's going to ruin you, split you open on his cock regardless of if you struggle or not.
You seem to believe him, going still and quiet. It’s not until you hear Eden undoing his pants, feel his hands tugging at your skirt, that you start squirming again.
"P-please, stop."
You sound so meek that Eden can't even be that upset. Maybe it's your first time?
Eden doesn't carry lube on him, but he should be able to get you wet enough. It's really not his problem if you can't get wet. He's going to enjoy himself regardless.
He’ll try his best to get you wet though, a reward for not putting up a fight.
And then he's staring at your cock and balls. And your asshole.
Oh, he's going to ruin you.
Keeps you pressed into the ground as he positions himself, spitting on your hole and his dick to provide some lube.
He ignores how you scream. You can't overpower him, and no one can hear you out here.
You go still as he forces the head of his cock past your tight rim, silent as all the air seems to leave you.
He meant to be gentle, he really did. Only, once he feels how warm and tight you are around his cock, Eden loses himself and starts pounding into you.
It's been far too long since Eden has had a good fuck and, as a result, he cums far quicker than he would have liked.
But it doesn't matter.
You don't move from your spot on the ground, shaking and crying as Eden rolls off you to grab the rope out of his bag.
He makes a mental note to get more lube the next time he's in town.
"W-wake up, my love."
You twitch at Kylar’s words, seeming to come out of a deep sleep. Maybe he gave you too many sedatives? But he doesn’t think so, he was very careful in measuring out the right dose and - Oh!
You’ve opened your eyes!
Kylar's face is the first thing you see, the only thing you see. He's leaning over you, eyes bright.
You flinch back only to realize you're bound to a chair.
He makes cooing sounds, cupping your face in his hands.
"I l-love you"
He leans forward, pressing a kiss to your forehead before sitting in your lap.
"I love you s-so much, we're going to get married. D-do this every day. F-forever."
Kylars hands slip under your skirt and pauses, frowning at what he feels.
"Oh," he can't keep the disappointment out of his voice as he feels your dick for the first time. The moment is over quick as Kylar flashes you a crooked grin. He's trying to be calming, but he just comes off as unhinged.
"Th-that's okay, we can always adopt.”
It’s fine. He still loves you. He’ll always love you. You’re still perfect to him.
It hurts a little to know that he'll never see you, heavy with his child.
But that doesn't matter now.
Not when he finally has you under him, when you’re finally letting him touch you.
You were always so shy, flinching back from his caresses, running off with your friends instead of staying with him. But it’s fine, Kylar understands! You wanted to wait until after you married, that’s all!
But you’re getting married now, soon, tonight!
The vicar is already on their way, will be here any minute.
“You d-don’t mind, right? If we get started on the honeymoon?”
Kylar doesn’t wait for an answer, kissing you to keep you quiet as he starts to pump your dick.
He’s good at it, even if it's a bit awkward. Kylar has never touched someone else’s cock before. But he’s touched his own enough to have a good idea of what to do. Everyone’s body is different, but Kylar’s an expert in yours. Knows from the twitch of your lip that you like when he strokes you a certain way. From the sound of your breathing if he’s being a bit too rough.
When Kylar makes you cum, spilling into his hand, he can’t help the swell of pride in his chest. He got you to cum! He brought you pleasure! There’s physical proof right here, on his hand.
Kylar would go on. Would lift your skirt and slide to the ground to take you in his mouth. Would keep your hands bound while freeing you from the chair, push you into the bare mattress in the corner. Force your knees to your chest and make love to you, give his virginity to you. He would do so much if the vicar didn’t choose that moment to show up.
The police arrive shortly after.
Kylar doesn’t fight the police. He knows it wouldn't do him any good. He can’t keep from sobbing as he’s dragged away from you. He knows it's over, he's never going to see you again. He’d only just got you and now-
“I stole it.”
It’s the first time you’ve spoken since you woke up, your voice sounds rough, hoarse. It makes Kylar’s heart race all the same.
You’re taking the blame for him. You’re protecting him.
The next day at school you avoid him. He understands, you must be disappointed, maybe even mad with him, that he didn’t marry you. It’s okay. He’ll talk to you later, in private. In your room. You always leave your window open for him, after all.
Kylar doesn't understand why you're crossdressing, but he also doesn't care. He's not going to tell anyone. He thinks of it as a special secret the two of you share.
Nothing changes with Kylar. You might have to go out of your way to tell him what pronouns to use for you, though.
Robin shifts as you sit in his lap.
You’re so focused on the video game that Robin’s not sure if you can feel how he’s starting to get hard.
He hopes you don’t. That he can just will away his erection.
You cut the swear off, biting your lip as the character on-screen dies. Again.
You move on Robin’s lap, grinding on him.
“Stupid game!”
“I could beat the level for you?”
You shake your head, leaning closer to the screen, inadvertently pressing your ass back into him.
You have to know. You have to be doing this on purpose. There’s no way this is an accident.
You have to want this.
Robin wraps his arms around you, pulling you back to be fully flush with him.
He doesn't answer, burying his face in your shoulder. Slipping a hand under your skirt, he ghosts it over up your thigh
You gasp, squirming on his lap. He can’t keep in a moan as you press on his cock.
His hand trails up, grazing the hem of your underwear.
“C-can I?”
You’re silent, trembling in his lap.
But you don’t leave, either.
His hand slides further up, pressing lightly on your...cock?
He jerks away from you.
You don't answer, scrambling to leave Robin's room as fast as possible.
He doesn't know what to do. He's known you for so long. You've had fights before, disagreements that crop up in any relationship. But nothing like this.
Robin will give you space. The moment you approach him again, he's apologizing.
He won't ask why you're crossdressing, just accepts the fact you are and asks you what pronouns you want him to use.
It's not the first time Whitney has dragged you into a bathroom stall, it won't be the last.
It is the first time Whitney has pushed you onto your back instead of your knees.
He's fucked your mouth enough, now he wants your cunt. And you're his slut, so why are you fighting so hard?
He doesn't care about your struggles. It's actually making him more excited, more determined to fuck you.
“Better stop fighting before I rip your clothes to shreds. You really want to go to that perv Leighton to get a new uniform?”
His words have the desired effect as you go still under him.
“There’s a good girl.”
That’s when he pulls off your skirt.
The fuck?
He’s not completely surprised. He’d always known something was a little off with you. From that first time he shoved you into the lockers and ground his knee into your groin, he knew something was up.
Still, he’s a bit angry. Why the fuck were you hiding the fact you were a boy from him?
“Keeping secrets, slut? Your fucking lucky I carry lube on me.”
Whitney fishes the small bottle out of his pocket, pouring some of the clear, slimy fluid directly onto your hole. But probably not as much as he should. Punishment, you see.
He still plans to fuck you. You’re still his slut, after all, dick or no.
And you don't want anyone to know, right? Then you better spread your legs and let Whitney fuck you. Be a good slut and let him do whatever he wants without a fuss. Or he'll tell the whole school.
Pushes your knees to your chest, sinking his cock into you.
Has no regard for your comfort. Cums and leaves you on the floor.
Acts as if nothing has changed. Will still call you his girlfriend when in a relationship.
Holds it over your head. Any time you don’t want to do something, he will threaten to strip you. He will do it, as well. Don't test him.
He probably has pictures.
He definitely has pictures.
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helioleti · 3 years
I've been rewatching ATLA several times lately and this time I especially ended up wondering a lot about Iroh and Ozai's past and characters in general. I just can't help but think it weird that Ozai is the ultimate trashbag of a humanbeing while Iroh ended up preaching harmony and peace. It just doesn't make any sense. These guys are brothers. They were brought up by the same parents, in the same fascist imperialistic nation, they were taught the same values growing up. You're trying to tell me the difference is that Iroh was destined to be the person he eventually came to be, but Ozai was just born evil? No, I don't think so.
I have two hot takes that I'm gonna elaborate:
1. Iroh had a guidance Ozai lacked
2. Ozai was the less favored son
(Disclaimer: I haven't read the comics yet so I don't know how deep they've already gone into this subject at some point. I'm trying to interpret and analyze the stuff that I got from the animated series only. If anything I say contradicts what has already been confirmed in the comics, feel free to correct me.)
Hear me out. Iroh wasn't born a saint. Everyone is aware of this, especially Iroh himself. He laid siege to Ba Sing Se for 2 years, costing the Fire Nation and Earth Kingdom thousands of lives. Everyone knew that if the Fire Nation took over the capital, it meant almost ultimate victory for the Fire Nation. He even went as far as making a offhand sadistic jokes about burning the city to the ground in that letter to Zuko and Azula.
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Iroh acknowledges it himself; He was a different man.
So what changed?
Yes, his son died. It broke and shattered him from the inside, making him drop all efforts to continue fighting in the war. To continue what had been his lifelong ambition, what he believed to be his destiny. He had a literal vision about taking over Ba Sing Se when he was a child, and that had been what he'd been pursuing ever since. But the death of his son managed to crumble all of that into nothingness. How is that possible?
Don't get me wrong. I think it's completely valid. I just don't understand how Lu Ten and Iroh could've had such a loving and caring relationship in the first place, when that's clearly something unusual among the royal family. Ozai burned and banished Zuko without a second thought, not to mention all the other shit he did to him growing up. Ozai didn't give two shits about Azula either, he only ever intended to use her as his weapon. Doesn't seem too surprising, if you ask me. Azulon didn't hesitate to demand that Ozai kill his own son if he wanted the throne. That's the man that raised Ozai, so it's just logical that Ozai learned that behavior and those values from his own father.
Even 9 year old Azula thinks it laughable that Iroh would fall apart at the death of his son. She is a child and this is how she thinks. The reason Zuko doesn't think like this is because he's had the guidance of his mother, unlike Azula. This is the kind of mentality these kids grow up with. They grew up with war and so did Iroh and Ozai.
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So why was Iroh's relationship with Lu Ten so different? Where did Iroh experience the kind of compassion and love he passed on to his own son, that Ozai definitely didn't? People act on how they've come to learn, so where did Iroh learn to care about his son to a point that it made him give up on his lifelong ambition?
Let's review a very crucial information we have on Iroh and Ozai as siblings: They have a huge age gap.
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Frankly, I'm guessing about 10-20 years. Looks more like 20 to me, but that could also be Iroh's greater amount of endured pain and war making him look older than he actually is. But no one can deny that an age gap is definitely there. Which can also indicate they had different upbringings, despite having grown up in the same family as brothers.
What does this mean? Well, that's just me theorizing now, but I can definitely imagine that Iroh had someone, a family member maybe, there for him who wasn't around or didn't care to be when Ozai grew up. There must've been someone there who gave Iroh emotional security and guidance throughout his upbringing. Who? That's up to imagination. A friend of the family? A friendly uncle? His own mother ((or father))? (The last two things worked out for Zuko in the end, didn't they?) Otherwise I can't really explain myself why Iroh had enough values to love the way he loved Lu Ten, while Ozai clearly didn't give two fucks about his children at any point in his life.
Iroh was the firstborn son, the one who had a vision very early in his life that his destiny was to take over Ba Sing Se. Probably the one who got to have a family member care about him enough to show him how to love.
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(I like to point this out a lot because I find it very interesting, and very significant. Please A:TLA give us more info on Iroh's past!!)
Which brings me to my second take: Ozai was the less favored son.
Iroh was clearly a son to be proud of. He was a master firebender, the "Dragon of the West", if you will. He apparently had a vision as a boy that he'd conquer the most "impenetrable city" in the world. He probably lived up to his parent's expectations for his whole life, especially having no sibling to be compared to for a significant part of his life. He broke through the outter wall of Ba Sing Se during his siege. Yada yada yada, you get my point. He's the best son they could've wished for.
And Ozai? As far as I know, he barely even has any military achievements. Taking over Ba Sing Se was Azula's doing. While Iroh laid siege to the capital, he was at home chilling in the palace. He's the younger brother to an established hero and was never meant to be firelord. Now, I haven't read the comics for more info on Ozai's biography, but this man barely had a chance to live up to his parent's standards with Iroh as an older brother. If my theory is correct, Ozai also didn't have any person to provide him emotional guidance throughout his life. (*cough* like Azula)
The logical outcome is: infinite jealousy.
And when Ozai suggests to Azulon that he revoke Iroh's birthright to become firelord, this is Azulon's answer:
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Azulon doesn't even hesitate to call Ozai out on his bullshit. He doesn't hesitate to take offense at the suggestion of betraying Iroh, and he even seems to care about Iroh's suffering. Not to mention that Azulon is overall annoyed with Ozai's request for an audience and sends the rest of Ozai's family away as soon as he can, to get whatever it is Ozai wants over with.
I could also mention the fact that Ozai tried to impress Azulon with his daughter's skills (Azula, even named after him) and the overall strained relationship these two seem to exhibit. It's obviously very different from Azulon's relationship with Iroh, if the way he talks about said man is anything to show for.
What if Azulon treated Ozai the same way Ozai treated Zuko? (Probably without the physical abuse, but you get my point.) What if this is where Ozai learned to treat a "useless" kid like shit, maybe also in a way to cope with how he was treated himself?
Getting deeper into the fact that Ozai is rather a loser compared to Iroh, without any big military achievements and without value for anything beyond that, this also explains a lot about Ozai's constant need to establish his dominance.
First; Becoming Firelord through radical manners (you know, killing his own son or killing his own father)
Second; Publicly burning and banishing his own son whom he considers a weakling, who dared to speak up in his war room. Doing this to have everyone know that he doesn't associate himself with weakness and that he will not ever tolerate any form of disrespect.
Third; The whole Phoenix King act. No one can tell me this isn't a madman's doing. This is literally to show off that he is the most powerful person in the world.
Ozai is so obsessed with proving himself and his superiority to everyone, including himself and probably Iroh too. This makes most sense if we consider that he probably lived in his brother's shadow for his whole life, ignored by probably every guiding figure he's ever had in his life, maybe even considered a laughingstock by his own father.
Perhaps this is also the reason Ozai didn't have any problem with Iroh accompanying Zuko in banishment. His brother, the hero in whose shadow he grew up, and his son, the failure he'd wanted out of the way for a long time already. It would erase Iroh's image that made him superior to him, once and for all. For himself and the world. I believe that branding him a traitor was the biggest satisfaction Ozai had ever experienced in his life.
I absolutely despise Ozai with every fibre of my heart, but it amazes me how ATLA continues to leave so much room for interpretation and explanation for a character as despicable as him. Writing this, even had me feel sympathy for him at some point. Feel free to disagree with me or add anything, I'm eager to hear everyone's thoughts about Ozai and Iroh's backstories because I'm geniuinely very curious.
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feynites · 6 years
If you're still taking prompts, Maibrit and Lela? I miss our space lesbians.
You got it! Have a snippet for a new AU, inspired by the LoL K/DA music video that’s been going the rounds! ^_~
Maibrit slams a hand down on the table in front of her.
“Neon darkspawn!” she exclaims. “Neon blacklight darkspawn!”
“No,” Kel immediately replies, not even looking up from her phone. “That’s tasteless.”
“It’s cheeky,” Maibrit refutes, climbing up to sit on the table.
“I like it,” Lela loyally defends, even though, in all honesty, she doesn’t actually know for certain what Maibrit’s talking about. Still, her girlfriend has good ideas. The best ones for the videos, most of the time - unless Olwyn comes up with something. Olwyn begged off to go sleep an hour ago, though, giving Kel her veto rights, which means they’ve been constantly coming down to draws over everything because Kel and Maibrit have entirely opposed definitions of ‘tasteful’.
Hashing this stuff out themselves is still better than risking another disaster like the Ice-Cream Video, though. Lela swears her horns still smell like that godawful plastic from the costumes, and the video had been a laughingstock, had run the very high risk of turning their group into an actual joke.
“We need something edgy,” Maibrit emphasizes, for the third time.
Kel puts down her phone, and folds her arms. She tilts her head back in her ‘thinking’ pose. Lela wishes Olwyn hadn’t left for the night; she’s good at getting compromises to happen. Not that Kel or Maibrit are actually unreasonable people, but it’s a little like oil and water sometimes.
“You shot down the Dread Wolf idea, and I agreed,” Maibrit reminds her.
“Isn’t this kind of similar?” Kel replies.
“No. Darkspawn fuck things up for everyone. Universally. We all have as much right to turn them into spooky ambient effects for a music video,” Maibrit reasons. Kel’s resolute expression wavers. Seeing that, Maibrit pounces. “Okay, okay, but what about if it’s just me? We can do cool neon effects across the board, but I’ll be the neon darkspawn. Culturally speaking, they’re the historic enemies of Orzammar anyway…”
“Oh!” Lela says. “What if we do that?”
The other two look at her curiously.
“What if we each do something dark, that’s from our own cultural backgrounds?” she expands. Maibrit looks intrigued. Kel looks wary.
“We already agreed no Dread Wolf…”
“Ooh, what about light vs dark?” Maibrit suggests, jostling the table as she bounces in sudden excitement. “I’ve got it! We’ll do night and day. Day costumes, heroes - I can be a Paragon, Lela can be a Fog Warrior, you can be an Emerald Knight, Olwyn can be a champion from the Mage Rebellion. Then, switch off, nighttime scenes. Everything lights up with neon accessories and paint, boom, monsters. I’ll be the darkspawn, and you guys can pick whatever bad guys you want for yourselves! We can make it look cool, I guarantee it!”
Lela nods excitedly, already liking the idea.
It takes Kel a minute.
But after that minute’s gone by, she seems to actually be in favour of it!
“We’ll need costumes,” she decides.
Maibrit dramatically rolls off of the table, and into Lela’s lap.
“Thank fuck,” she exclaims. Lela helps keep her eyepatch straight, and notices some of the telltale signs of a building tension headache.
“Okay. We’ve decided; let’s call it a night,” she suggests.
Maibrit smooshes her face into her stomach.
“Sleep here,” she decides, fully willing to show her exhaustion now that they’re no longer debating. Kel gets up and stretches, and offers to let them stay the night. They’re at her apartment, anyways. Olwyn’s already passed out in the guest room, but Kel just waves it off and gives them her own bed, grabbing some clean sheets and the prescription out of Maibrit’s purse.
Lela thanks her and shuts the door behind her, and listens as Kel goes into the guest room.
“Are she and Olwyn sleeping together or not?” she murmurs.
Maibrit huffs from the end of the bed.
“I don’t know,” she says, exasperated. “If they have sex they do it quietly, I’ve tried to listen in like sixteen times now.”
Lela gives her girlfriend a look.
“For science!” Maibrit insists, popping a couple of pills, and taking off her eyepatch. Her actual eye she took out a few hours ago, which Lela should have seen as a sign. She hums as she makes her way over, kicking aside some stray cushions - they look more like Olwyn’s style than Kel’s, come to that - and dropping onto the other side of the bed.
“C’mere,” she says.
“I know it’s cliche, but I actually have a headache…” Maibrit says, sounding genuinely remorseful about it. She scooches closer anyway, though, already knowing what kind of thing to expect. Lela sinks her fingers into her curls. They’re a little sweaty from the long day, but she doesn’t actually mind, as her fingers press towards familiar spots on her girlfriend’s skull. She massages carefully, listening for sounds of pain. Maibrit just sighs, though, and leans into the touch. Curling up against her front, and then stretching out even more as one of Lela’s hands starts to press carefully at the base of her neck.
“Mm,” she hums. The sound deepens into a throaty moan as Lela summons up a little bit of electrical magic, and some of the very minimal healing craft she’s managed to scrape together. It’s a combination that works especially well on Maibrit’s chronic pain, though it only lasts while she does it.
“We could have picked things up again tomorrow,” she mentions.
“Was taking too long,” Maibrit murmurs.
Lela kisses the top of her head. Mostly it gets her a mouthful of hair, but the sentiment is there.
“You don’t always have to try so hard to get things done. Another day wouldn’t have hurt,” she opines. “I like your idea, though.”
“Your idea,” Maibrit counters.
“I only had one part of it.”
“Still counts.”
The conversation trails off. Lela can tell when Maibrit’s painkillers have kicked in by the way the tension eases in her neck. A minute later she scooches even closer, and presses her face up towards Lela’s breasts. Settling a hand on her hip, and rubbing her thumb slowly back and forth.
“You have a headache,” Lela reminds her.
“Feeling better now, though…” Maibrit says, wriggling a little as Lela brushes some curls away from her face.
“Well, in that case, let’s keep the good feelings going…”
Before Maibrit can counter, she rolls her short, dwarven girlfriend over onto her back, and moves down to press a kiss to her lips. Maibrit’s store of mischief seems to be depleted, though, so she just sighs and leans up into it. Chasing her lips as Lela peppers her with a few more. The heat rises up in her own cheeks, and she feels the telltale flicker of excitement bringing her magic to the surface.
But it’s easy, right now, to subsume it in affection instead. She brushes a thumb over her girlfriend’s cheekbone, and then rubs slow circles over the temple next to her bad eye. Maibrit gets her hands onto her shoulders. As Lela’s kisses trail down to her neck, and chest, those hands move to rub at the sensitive skin along the base of her horns.
“Sparkplug,” she sighs. “You’re an angel. A goddess.”
Lela responds by sucking one of her breasts into her mouth, and watching the blush in Maibrit’s cheeks spread down past her collarbones. She whirls her tongue over a hardening nipple, and teases the other with her fingers. Indulging a while before she finally moves down to kiss her bellybutton instead.
“Should I keep going?” she checks, just in case.
Maibrit spreads her legs invitingly, and tugs at one of her curls in mock reproach.
“If you stop now I’ll never recover,” she declares.
“Dental dam?” Lela asks.
“Back pocket, where are my jeans…?”
The jeans are beside the bed, so as it happens, it only takes a minute for Lela to fish out what they need. She unwraps the little latex square, and then sets it between her mouth and the inviting heat of Maibrit’s sex. Brushing her fingers over it first, gently teasing, before she sets about forgetting the little barrier is even there, as her tongue moves over the smooth surface, and she tastes the scent of her girlfriend’s arousal.
It’s not the fervent, passionate, grinding-and-demanding kind of sex they sometimes have, but she wouldn’t want it to be right now anyway. She keeps a steady pace, holding Maibrit’s thighs while Maibrit’s fingers rub at the base of her horns, and send pleasant little sensations down her spine in return. Her hips twist a bit as her own arousal grows, spiking with every encouraging move her girlfriend makes. Maibrit arches into her mouth, and pants a few times as Lela reads the cues and picks up the pace, licking and sucking and pressing her tongue more firmly to her clit. Until finally her girlfriend shudders and comes, slippery enough that the latex nearly slides out of place.
Lela stops it, of course, and then kisses her fluttering entrance for good measure, before pulling it away and crumpling it back into the wrapper.
Maibrit tugs her insistently back up for another kiss.
“Your turn,” she says.
“I’ve got it,” Lela counters. She kisses her nose, after, and winds an arm around her. “You can pay me back tomorrow.”
“Baby I’m going to pay you back a hundred times tomorrow…”
Maibrit’s voice is sleepy, though. Finally relaxed and sated. She slides one leg between Lela’s and keeps close, as Lela moves a hand to take care of herself. Relishing the heat of their skin against skin, the soft feeling of her rumpled nightshirt, and the way Maibrit’s hands keep rubbing across whatever part of her they can reach, as she finishes off. Then she lets out a deep sigh of her own, and just tangles them more thoroughly together.
“It’s gonna be so awesome,” Maibrit murmurs sleepily. “I’ll get you shades. Glowy lightning shades. We’ll make you a giant succubus. So sexy.”
Lela has no idea what she’s talking about. Again.
But as usual, she still thinks she likes the sound of it.
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