#avatar ozai
sukiluvvs · 7 months
getting into fights with my siblings so I wanna know:
reblog for better reach
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dyingroses · 1 year
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Avatar: The Last Airbender + text posts
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crybabylulu · 4 months
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It’s the way I love this picture so much 😭 I hate myself! It just looks like a dad with his little precious baby daughter but we all know the truth 😭 I hate it here!
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1v31182m5 · 6 months
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Dec 5: Unplanned
So basically uh they both received a letter from "eachother" for a date. But neither wrote that so there's a matchmaker who's obviously obvious who it is, I'm not even gonna name.
They somehow never mentioned it again so they both think it was the other side who planned it till this day
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xxbimboboyxx · 2 months
Last night i had a strange dream, the only thing i remember was ozai being there in this outift, it looked very elaborate in my dream. He demanded respect.
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gardenlollipop · 3 months
Why Ozai is not a bad character
This seems like an outrageous take but hear me out.
My first topic of discussion is how horrible ozai's childhood must have been. His father was Azulon and the way he treated Zuko and Azura was probably has a direct correlation to how his own childhood must have been. Like that scene where his dad slapped for spilling a cup of water. He also has burns all over his body from his father, you just don't see them in the show. Or the comics. Trust me. Because there's evidence that clearly points to this.
Second, about Zuko's whole scar. 13 year old Zuko is a known deceptive, manipulative, evil worm. Think about how quickly he switched sides from the "evil" side to team avatar (suspicious). Also, it's so obvious that his scar is fake and that he reapplies it every morning and night. You can even see cosmetics in the background, and there's one scene where it's not even on his face. like could they have made it any more obvious, yet all you LOVE manipulative and lying Zuko.
Next let's talk about URSA. OH MY GOD URSA. When firebird ozai threatened to mistreat Zuko to Ursa, he was just trying to defend himself from his evil manipulative child to his equally manipulative wife. She mistreated her children and him and escaped the second she saw the chance, without a second thought towards her family. Also, the thing that's most ignored by this ignorant fandom, is how she threatened his parents that she would release fire nation noble secrets unless she could marry their son, Ozai, who was terrified of her. Also, the way he proved his love by sacrificing his own parents for her in the comic "North and South".
For Azula, I think it goes without saying how insane Azula is, not to mention how ungrateful she is towards her father in the last episode after she's made firelord even though she's not even that talented, Ozai's words not mine. Ozai also had a good reason to mistreat Azula, seeing how much she mistreated the one he loved, Mai. Even in Azula's childhood she would lie to her parents, even her father even though he clearly cared about her and was a very good parent.
Not much can be said about Iron, considering we don't see much of their relationship. Consider how negligent and uncaring Iron was towards his brother after he lost his nephew, Lu Ten. Iron instead used this to bring attention to himself. He also betrayed Ozai, putting his manipulative nephew Zuko over his own brother.
Next is Mai, she lied to the firelord to get on his good side, and in the end just betrayed him to go with Zuko and avatar. Mai might be the worst character in the show, seeing as she betrayed not only one of her closest friends, but also Ozai, the man who truly loved her. Not to mention, the only reason she liked Zuko was because he joined the avatar and she believed his side would win in the end. Because all she ever cared about was making herself look good.
AANG!! Despite the fact that he had unresolved feelings for the firelord, he still took down his love and deep down should feel ultimately guilty.
Finally, Ozai is extremely attractive. Let's start with his lovely, clear skin and his high sculpted cheekbones and beautiful glossy olive skin. Not to mention his beautiful golden shining eyes, sculpted into the perfect almond shape. He was especially attractive in the New live action. Considering his beautiful ribbed abs, his long Lucious, black locks, and even in the final battle how he still looks put together and attractive and HOT.
We need to talk about one final point, how he just wanted his kingdom and his people to be the best it could possibly. All of his actions were just him looking out for his people. He mistreated some people but he could have been a lot worse. And he was a good king. He's just very patriotic in his love for Agni kai, his people, and the color red. and bonfires. and birds. He especially loved the beautiful sight of grey smoke falling over the beautiful, white, melting snow whenever he attacked the southern water tribe.
Also he is a good king.
Thank you for coming to my ted talk
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I know most people will immediately go "Yes, he fcking was!" without the slightest hesitation. And I agree. Ozai was certainly an abusive father, not surprising considering the fact that he is a total narcissist (Some people say he is a psychopath, but this isn't true). Narcissistic parents are very likely to be abusive towards children even if it goes unnoticed by others, even by the children.
However, there are also many people out there who claims Ozai never abused Azula. I also sort of agree with this. Yeah, he didn't abuse her physically or verbally like he did with Zuko. But let's not forget psychological and emotional abuse are still abuse. And Ozai totally takes the cake!
When we take a look at their family roles, we clearly see that Ozai was the narcissistic father, Azula was the golden child and Zuko was obviously the scapegoat (also the invisible child at times). And this dynamic makes a ton of sense. So, let's start with the definitions!
-Golden child, as you can understand from its name, is the child who is being favored by their narcissistic parent. They're often lauded for having something special that the narcissistic parent values; such as academic performance, athletics, good-looks... It can be anything. And for Azula, it's because she was a firebending prodigy and an extremely bright strategist, also clearly inherited her father's ruthless nature. And not surprisingly, golden children often have more privileges that the other children don't. And we clearly saw that Azula was given a huge and majestic Fire Nation ship only for her.
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Azula was obviously spoiled rotten by her father. But spoiling a child isn't exactly the same thing with showing affection. But still, I can totally imagine Ozai giving Azula anything she wants in a materialistic way, doesn't matter how expensive it is. It's no surprise that Ozai poisoned his daughter's mind with a false sense of superiority instead of teaching her empathy and compassion... However, while he was giving her anything in a materialistic way, he wouldn't give a damn about giving her something to satisfy her emotional needs.
-As a contrast to the golden child, the scapegoat is the least favorite/disliked child of the narcissistic parent. Doesn't matter how hard they try, doesn't matter how much they make a progress, doesn't matter how good they actually are, they will never be good enough for the narcissistic parent. They remain as a constant failure and a disappointment. Zuko is literally the embodiment of a scapegoat!
-And lastly, the invisible child is the child who goes unnoticed in the house. They're not recognized and often ignored by their narcissistic parent. Zuko was also ghosted by Ozai in the past. Like...
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So now that we are certain about the family roles, we can get deeper into the relationship dynamic between Ozai and Azula.
Narcissistic fathers in real life also tend to favor their daughters over their sons (it's also the same case for narcissistic mothers, they often favor their sons and are rather harsh towards their daughters). Because in the deep down, they fear that son threatens his authority over the family, so he is a potential compitetion in the narcissistic father's eyes. And since Zuko looks nearly identical to his father, this only the encouraged the deep fear in Ozai about his authority being shaken by his son.
But a daughter on the other hand, admires her father, just like how Azula admired and idolized Ozai. Narcissistic supply here everyone! So in other words, Azula was the "flying monkey" in their relationship too. For those who don't know it, let me explain it shortly:
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If you want to learn more about it, you can check the link here, https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/women-autism-spectrum-disorder/202010/are-you-narcissist-s-flying-monkey%3Famp&ved=2ahUKEwjCtO7iwJD8AhVsX_EDHQzyB-kQFnoECAcQBQ&usg=AOvVaw1ck3Gk4T-LS0zOmbrijSff
So, why do I think that Azula was the flying monkey? It's because;
-She totally worshipped her father,
-She was obeying his commands,
-She was doing all the dirty works for him...
Think about it, Zuko in Legend of Korra went back to Fire Nation in order to protect his daughter (who was already an adult) from Red Lotus. And Ozai sent his 14 year old child after Avatar, literally the most powerful person in the world.
Yes, you can say that Ozai sent Azula because Zhao failed, Zuko was useless and Iroh was a traitor... And at age of 14, Azula was already a crazy powerful firebender. So, according to Ozai, if someone really could take down the Avatar, it would be his own golden daughter (which she technically did in season 2 finale)
So strangely, Ozai definitely believed in Azula and considered her a strong warrior who would bring glory to Fire Nation, but it wouldn't stop him from using her as his personal weapon. But I'm pretty sure that was Ozai's way of "love" his daughter.
For narcissistic people, love is a complicated case. They only love their children as extensions of themselves. Their supposed love for their children is there, because the children are their parts, their flesh and blood. And Ozai is no exception, of course. Ozai's "love" for Azula was ultimately toxic and conditional.
As a contrast to this, we get a healthy relationship between Ursa and Zuko. They loved each other dearly. Ursa's love for Zuko was genuine and unconditional. Now, that's how you show love!
But because Ozai's approval was hard to earn, Azula had to work for her entire life. She had to do everything perfectly, because Ozai isn't exactly a type of father who would tolerate anything less than perfect. So Azula didn't really have another choice other than being perfect as it befits the Fire Lord's model heir. But of course, Ozai's extremely high expectations forced Azula to become obsessively perfectionistic. It's also a common case in real life. The children of the narcissistic parents often come across as perfectionists in order to please their parents, and Azula is no exception. So, it's no wonder why she cracks at some point due to the all the pressure she lived through for her entire life... And yes, putting so much pressure on a child is definitely a psychological form of abuse.
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So in a sense, Azula had to "walk on eggshells" for her entire life in order to be seem as the ideal princess for the Fire Nation. Oh, and for those who don't know what "walking on eggshells" means,
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(Here is a simple definition. You can check its details)
And why do I say all this? Because Azula was extremely cautious around Ozai in order to not offend or disrespect him. Otherwise, she would become a failure in his eyes, just like Zuko. And we all know how Ozai treats failures... Not nicely
So at the end of the day, Azula was psychologically abused by her father. And she was emotionally abused as well, because not caring/ignoring a child's emotional needs is definitely neglect, and neglect is definitely a form of emotional abuse. Which is, again, not surprising since narcissistic parents only care about their golden child when they perform something good. Other than this, they don't give a shit about the child's emotional needs and mental health.
And let's not forget, the golden children are very likely to become narcissistic when they grow up too. So, Azula became just like her daddy. While some of her antisocial traits were innate, they're definitely encouraged by Ozai. So Azula didn't only inherit her father's cruelty in nature, but was also influenced by his cruelty in nurture. Which makes their relationship very interesting. Because Ozai created a monster just like himself
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But strangely... Ozai is a son of a narcissistic father too, but he wasn't a golden child. Just the opposite, he was the scapegoat of his family! Azulon notably favored Iroh and didn't give a shit about Ozai. Worse, he was seen to be cold and harsh towards his own son, just like how Ozai was cold and harsh towards Zuko. That means Azulon definitely Zuko-ed Ozai. And the abuse that he suffered his father's hand turned him into the megalomaniac asshole he is today.
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(Not exactly the stare of a loving father, is it?)
Which means Ozai projected his own insecurities on Zuko (and it gets worse since he remarkably looks like him and becomes a constant reminder of his weaknesses), and he also projected his grandiosity on Azula, that's why he doted on her skills. Think about it, he truly shows a certain respect towards Zuko when he was told that he slaved the Avatar. In fact, it was the only time that Ozai felt proud of his son.
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At the end of the day, abuse was an endless cycle in the Fire Nation royal family. From Sozin to Azulon, from Azulon to Ozai and Iroh, and from Ozai to Zuko and Azula... They were all circles of the chain, only to Zuko with Iroh's help to break it and ending this toxic cycle for good. Which is a fascinating story in my opinion. And if the cycle continued, Azula could very well become an abuser as well, copying her father. After all, being a victim doesn't prevent someone from becoming an abuser too, which is exactly what happened with Ozai.
Long story short, Ozai indeed abused Azula. But it's a complex situation, not as simple as some people like to dismiss. But their relationship is definitely very interesting in my opinion, and it really stands out as a realistic portrayal of narcissistic father-daughter relationship in the series.
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pseudosis · 3 months
ozai towards the camera after the agni kai : ain’t no way i would let my son get better looking than me, fuck i look like???
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What if Ozai won the spiritual struggle and, instead of losing his bending, took the Avatar force?
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azulablue-19 · 1 year
Azula being the badass she is ⚡💙🔥
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zukosfate · 7 months
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This wasn’t meant to be a thirst trap..
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wtf was the Agni Kai 😭
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thisentertaining · 1 year
Do we ever see Ozai actually care about stopping Aang?
Honestly, other than Zuko, does he ever send out ANYONE to find the Avatar??
Zhao stumbles across him and kinda sorta adds 'get the Avatar' to his 'to do' list, as like a potential hobby he can pick up during his actual job of harassing Zuko and killing the moon. The siege of the North is a much bigger deal to him, and it seems that Aang being there is a convenient happenstance, not the main reason for the invasion.
Then, Azula is sent to capture Zuko and Iroh, runs into Aang and decides to switch targets. She is never told to go after him by the Firelord.
The Fire Nation soldiers in the Earth Kingdom don't really look for him, they just kinda react when he shows up but no one is proactively seeking him out.
Even the Rough Rhinos, they are sent after Iroh and Zuko I think, and just decide to throw hands when they happen across the GAang.
Like... do we ever see this man actually assign someone to capture the Avatar? (Zuko doesn't count) Even Zuko hires an assassin after Aang, which is move than Ozai ever does.
Intentional or not, this shows just how over-confident and egotistical Ozai was, to not even really feel threatened by the Avatar's return.
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crybabylulu · 4 months
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Man, if I had a nickel for every time there was a teenager with a scar over their eye caused (directly or indirectly) by their angry abusive fire dad obsessed with power, who also had fire power, and also had an evil nutcase sibling who has tried to kill them with blue fire and was showed kindness and friendship by some overpowered dude shorter than them that they didn't originally like... I'd have two nickels
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