#( he gift wraps self sacrifice and calls it love | feliks )
bvggcds · 3 years
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Feliks knew he needed to make a bigger effort with the new High Lady. He had been so busy cleaning up the mess from the wedding, that he hadn’t taken time to welcome her. He figured the holidays were as good a time as any. He had a necklace made, with some of his mother’s diamonds included and had it delivered to her rooms with this note. 
( @ahqstart | @nymphcts )
Dearest High Lady Sophia,
I hope you are finding yourself at home in the Night Court. In an effort to welcome you and to wish you a Happy Christmas, I had this necklace made. I hope you like it. My mother, Duchess Ida Dyatlov, had one similar and I told the jeweler to use some of her diamonds. All of this is to say that this necklace has much Night Court history but is also something new, I hope that you will embody that for us a well. A new era for the Night Court with our long held sense of tradition. 
Sincerely, Lord Feliks Dyatlov P.S. If you are available, I would love it if you would join me for dinner. We could get better aquatinted. 
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bvggcds · 4 years
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"You're right! What I'm about to do, it doesn't make sense, it's not logical, it is a gut feeling! I have no idea what I'm supposed to do. I only know what I can do. The Enterprise and her crew needs someone in that chair who knows what he's doing. And it's not me. It's you, Spock." -James T. Kirk
Jim Kirk is loyal, intrepid, brilliant, and charming. He works to serve his crew and the Federation with honor and strength. For all his great compassion, he can be reckless and stubborn. When Jim loves he loves deeply and he is not a man to make an enemy out of. Feliks is much the same way. He lives to serve his Court and when he loves, he loves forever and without exception. Feliks is moodier than Jim but makes up for it with the same boyish charm. Both have strong values of equality, peace, and empathy. However, Feliks does not live in a world that prioritizes those values. 
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bvggcds · 4 years
@sangue-e-luce​ | Feliks & Brayden | The Jeweled City, a cafe near the White Orchid
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To say that Feliks hated Brayden Barlow would be an understatement. Even more infuriating, Brayden seemed to take great pleasure in Feliks’ hatred. Honestly, it was maddening and if they both took some perverse sexual pleasure from that mutual hatred, that was their business and no one needed to know. Certainly, no one needed to act on it. Feliks certainly wasn’t going to. 
Feliks had let the palace purely to get some fresh air and stretch his legs. Since the wedding, the atmosphere had been tense and he wasn’t sure it could all be blamed on the attack. Arrange marriages weren’t a comfortable situation to be in. Feliks knew that first hand. He’s stopped into the cafe for a cup of coffee, something to occupy his hands and perhaps his mind for a few hours. 
If he had known that he would encounter Brayden Barlow, Feliks would have walked a couple extra miles. He considered just turning around and leaving but he’d already been spotted. “Fuck,” he muttered and bit the inside of his cheek before he approached the other and said, “Hello Barlow.”
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bvggcds · 4 years
&&. cauldron above, ( feliks dyatlov ) was just spotted in the fae lands — word has it ( he ) is affiliated with ( the night court ). ( he ) is a ( 304 / appears 38 ) year old ( high fae ). it’s been said that ( he ) resembles ( chris pine ). ( he ) has been said to be ( adaptable & fair ) but also quite ( mercurial & escapist ). ( he ) is currently serving as ( a diplomat ).
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I love one (1) boy.
tw: death, parental death, murder
Okay Feliks, your local bisexual disaster, was born to a Night Court Duke, the second son of a cruel but very wealthy fae. His mother, Ida, was kind and Feliks clung to her throughout his childhood, a soft boy in a land of nightmares. His mother mysteriously died just after Feliks turned 100 and Feliks felt adrift and alone in the darkness of the Night Court.
However, has Feliks got older he learned to lean into the Night Court. He loved art and music and books. The Night Court ended up suiting him very well. It suited him even more when Gabriel came into power. Feliks would follow Gabriel to the ends of the earth and while he’d never dream of having the High Lord’s affections the way Kael does Feliks doesn’t need it. Being of service is the highest form of love that Feliks can think of.
It was after Gabriel’s accession that Feliks really came into his own and like his mother’s mysterious death, Nikolai Dyaltov died 49 years ago under mysterious circumstances. If anyone asked, Feliks would say he was saddened by the lose of both his parents but Feliks didn’t seem surprise when his brother informed him of their father’s death upon his return to the Night Court after a trip to the Winter Court and some say they saw him smiling at the funeral. The Night Court is full of treachery, the Dyaltov family is no exception.
Feliks doesn’t like to stay in one place, he needs to get out of the oppressive darkness of the Night Court. While the rest of the Night Court is distrusting and isolated, Feliks actually likes people and he’s very good at being charming. Gabriel needed someone to represent the Night Court’s interests to the rest of the courts and Feliks became that person. He’s very good at it. While it was not his natural affinity, Feliks learned how to do astromancy and create starlight to be used as a party trick. 
Feliks does all this in service of the Night Court, in service of Gabriel. But he’s attached to many of his friends in the other courts. He still feels weighed down by the darkness of the Night Court at times. His father’s legacy and the death of his mother have yet to leave him. Even so, Feliks is happy. 
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bvggcds · 3 years
@covrtofnightmares​ | Feliks & Gabriel | The Night Court, Library
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Feliks was easy to find on most days. He only went a few places on any given day, his rooms in the palace, his townhouse in the city, Jacqueline’s office, Gabriel’s office, or the library. Usually just the library. Given the choice, Feliks would have set up a bed in the library and just lived there, surrounded by a large fireplace and books in every language one could think of. There were even a few he was still learning. 
No one was looking for Feliks today however, he was looking for Gabriel. And like Feliks, he could generally be found a few select places. Feliks knew them all, of course. He’d made it his life’s mission to know Gabriel inside and out. The man certainly didn’t make it easier but Feliks was nothing is not devoted. Devoted to Gabriel first and the Night Court second. 
Feliks always check the library first, partly because he always hoped to find Gabriel there. Then he’d have an excuse to spend the rest of the day reading Twelfth Night and Whitman. He saw the fire burning before anything else and smiled just slightly. Feliks pulled a book on the shelf first and then went to sit in the chair opposite Gabriel, quiet as a mouse as he settled into the chair and crossed his ankle over his knee. He waited a good twenty minutes before speaking.
“I’d say you’ve been quiet lately but you’re always quiet.” It could have been a joke but Feliks didn’t say it like one. It was filled with a great deal of fondness though. He was quiet again. Feliks wanted to ask about Sophia. About what Gabriel wanted to do now. If they shouldn’t just take the time now to crush the resistance. Instead, he said something he was fairly sure Gabriel would actually agree to. “Can I interest you in a game of chess?” 
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bvggcds · 3 years
@lupusrcx​ @nymphcts​
Ares & Jane
who spends hours putting up lights only to get tangled in them and storm off?
Ares. He refuses to try it again but then Jane bats her eyelashes at him and by the end of the day, the outside of the house would be all lit up.
who accidentally eats a whole box of christmas chocolates in one sitting?
Jane. She loves chocolate and frankly would do this even if it’s not Christmas.
who insists on watching the cheesey hallmark christmas movies?
Jane but Ares is secretly okay with it. They always end up having sex on the couch.
who insists on playing nothing but michael buble in the few days running up to christmas?
Ares because he knows it pisses off Jane who has opinions about music. 
who gets their presents wrapped at the mall so the other cant go snooping
Ares because Jane will do anything to get a sneak peak. 
who insists on making snow angels?
who put christmas outfits on all the pets?
Both of them team up to do it. 
Do they go to family’s or have a quiet day in?
Family all the way. Family is so important to both of them. 
who insists on wearing matching ugly christmas jumpers?
Jane makes them all put on matching jumpers and take a family photo.
Who waits up until midnight to give the other their present?
Jane. They end up having sex. 
Who insists on hand-made presents only one year?
Arielle and they have to go along with it. 
Who puts mistletoe on every door frame?
Ares put it one place and then Jane puts it on all the other doorways because she needs the attention.
Who gets too drunk at the work christmas party and has to be picked up at 9:15pm?
Ares probably.
who gets angry and almost tells kids that santa isnt real?
Ares! He gets frustrated and tells the kids (Arielle) and Jane spends the rest of the day comforting her and glaring at him. Then that night dresses up in a sexy Santa lingerie and “punishes” him. 
Feliks & Arielle
who spends hours putting up lights only to get tangled in them and storm off?
Feliks. But he doesn’t go far. He just calls someone to put them up for him. 
who accidentally eats a whole box of christmas chocolates in one sitting?
Arielle but Feliks helps.
who insists on watching the cheesey hallmark christmas movies?
Arielle all the way. November 1 starts the Christmas movie marathon and Feliks just uses it as an excuse to cuddle.
who insists on playing nothing but michael buble in the few days running up to christmas?
Feliks ‘ironically’ 
who gets their presents wrapped at the mall so the other cant go snooping
Feliks because he knows Arielle snoops.
who insists on making snow angels?
who put christmas outfits on all the pets?
Arielle for the pets but Feliks likes to put santa hats on the bats.
Do they go to family’s or have a quiet day in?
Family. But just Arielle’s family. 
who insists on wearing matching ugly christmas jumpers?
Arielle but Feliks gets to help pick them out
Who waits up until midnight to give the other their present?
Feliks because he can’t wait
Who insists on hand-made presents only one year?
Arielle and Feliks is stressed about it
Who puts mistletoe on every door frame?
Who gets too drunk at the work christmas party and has to be picked up at 9:15pm?
who gets angry and almost tells kids that santa isnt real?
Neither. More likely on kid comes home crying because he got told at school that Santa wasn’t real and Feliks gets really mad and calls the school to complain. 
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bvggcds · 3 years
Feliks - what is your greatest hope at the moment?
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“I take great solace in the strength of the Night Court’s leadership. Not just Gabriel but also Kael, Diana, and Jacqueline. I know we can make it through any crisis.”  @voxdaemonica @covrtofnightmares @thenxghtwemet @whispxrofnight
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bvggcds · 3 years
Felix, if you had to switch courts, which one would you pick and why?
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The idea of leaving Gabriel was anathema to him but he supposed it didn’t hurt to ask. “Probably the Winter Court. I grew up with Russian as a second language and I prefer the cold. I would probably get along there alright.” 
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bvggcds · 4 years
@thenxghtwemet​​ | Feliks & Jacqueline | The Night Court
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“I think we’re going to need to spend sometime reassuring the Garden and the Wild Hunt. I don’t want either of them thinking we’re a bad investment.” He said, sitting down in a leather wingback chair, sinking into the comfortable, well-worn seat. If he was honest, he sought this chair out often. It was one of his favorites and seemed to actually show the wear of time while much of the other furniture was forever young, like the Fae themselves. Feliks was a creature of comfort and liked to be able to return to things that were familiar. Jacqueline was one such familiar entity in his life. She’d always been there, a comfort in chaos if only because he could always count on her presence. Even when they were engaged by their fathers, Feliks didn’t find the idea completely unacceptable, at least he’d never loose her. 
He’s been watching Jacqueline since the night of the wedding and wondered if he had reason to be concerned about her. But of course, Feliks could never just come out and ask so he had to be more circuitous about it. “I can leave as early as the day after tomorrow once I get a meeting with the Queen. You shouldn’t have to worry about this.” He was quiet for a while, his fingers straying to fiddle with his gold cufflinks. “And of course, we need to work on finding the Resistance members who did this. I’ve no doubt we have people on it but the attack was an insult to the Night Court. We can’t let it stand. No one will let us live it down.” 
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bvggcds · 4 years
@nymphcts​ | Feliks & Arielle | The Spring Court
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Feliks landed gently on his feet in Avalon City, approaching the palace on foot. The Spring Court knew he was coming but they were undoubtable as on edge as the Night Court. He passed the guards with a quick check of his identity and a smile. Genial. No one could accuse him of being anything else. A servant led him through the palace and Feliks noticed all the looks he was getting as he moved through the palace. He hadn’t exactly tried to blend in, he was dressed all in black, a long black cloak that was just a little too heavy for the Spring Court but very much needed for flying and living in the Night Court.
He suspected it had less to do with his dress and more to do with the High Lord’s condition and the Night Court’s, albeit, passive part in it. He knew that once the Garden and Wild Hunt sided with the Night Court, the Spring Court would grow even colder to their northern neighbor but he hoped to at least calm the rumble of war with this. A good will trip.
Plus he wanted to check on one of his favorite people. “Princess Arielle,” he said once he was deposited in one of the large reception rooms and his presence announced. Feliks beamed at her. “I’m so glad to see you, my dear. How are you doing?” 
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bvggcds · 3 years
@chaoticdrkness​ | Feliks & Clara, The Cloverwood Forest near the Widowed Oak
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Feliks had chosen to walk once he’d gotten within a few miles of the the Widowed Oak. He’d visited the Queen of Roses and thought he ought to check in with the Wild Hunt while he was out here. Then he could return to the dark comfort of the Night Court. He was trudging through the forest, assuming he would come upon the Wild Hunt or they would come upon him sooner or later. They fact that he might encounter anyone else was certainly in the back of his mind but Feliks was certain he could handle it.
Still, when a twig snapped some paces away he stopped, freezing in place. When nothing immediately happened, he took another step forward. “I’m from the Night Court. Feliks Dyatlov.” He peered around a few trees and caught a glimpse of a face. Feliks smiled broadly, “Clara.” He liked Clara because she had little patience for him and Feliks always found that strangely charming. He approached her, “I was on my way to you. I thought I would check in while I was in this area. Though I may have gotten turned around.” The last bit was a lie but he now had an excuse to talk to her, to get the girl to walk him back to the Wild Hunt and perhaps get her to tell him how people were feeling about the Night Court and the alliance. 
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bvggcds · 4 years
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Feliks Dyatlov Wings and Affinity
Wings: Feliks inherited his wingers from his mother. Ida Dyatlov had beautiful black and blue butterfly wings. Feliks’ are much darker, they look completely black unless you catch them in the right light when they appear to be a shimmering dark, stormy blue. His wings are very light but quite large, spanning past the tips of his fingers when he holds his arms out and down almost the floor when he walks. Feliks often keeps them folded up or glamoured so they are smaller and less unwieldy when he’s indoors. 
Affinity: Feliks affinity is light absorption. He can make it completely dark in a room, building, or even outdoors though it gets weaker the further from him the darkness gets. He often uses this to his advantage as he can see in the darkness but no one else can unless you lets them. As a child, Feliks used it often to hide things from his father, making the underneath of his bed or a corner completely dark so he couldn’t catch him with anything he wasn’t supposed to have. They say that after Ida Dyatlov passed, the entire estate was plunged into darkness for nearly a week. 
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bvggcds · 4 years
tag dump
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