#(also male authors. could you please include hot dudes in your work?
nieladasdenani · 3 years
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All right. Thanks to @Wolfsbane-illustrations for the prompt.
However, I’m going to take some liberties: I don’t think Lena would have the same “motivation” as James to be Guardian. She wouldn’t disregard her role as the CEO of one of the most influential and powerful companies in the country. I also believe she would do it after knowing Kara’s identity as Supergirl and only after knowing all the times she was so close to dying and how many dangerous people are after her with the right weapons. So, either this story will ignore the fallout between them after the reveal, or it will be set after they move past it.
I’m also picturing her Guardian suit as a mix between Lexo-Suit and the Iron Man suit. Practical, light and functional. And obviously very high tech. Also her bike would be something like Batman would have. 
And finally, I’ve decided to include the scene with Livewire from season 2 (I think?) when James was starting as Guardian and gets kidnapped with Man-hell trying to “save” Leslie. Because I miss her. So, she tried to sacrifice herself to save Kara, but they saved her somehow. I just love the idea of Livewire and Supergirl being sort of friends.
Anyway, here goes nothing. You can read it on AO3, if you rather.
Kara’s been having a month. The monster-of-the-week has become a monster-of-the-day kind of scenario, and she’s starting to feel like she can’t keep up, even with all her superpowers. Even with all the appreciated help: there’s Nia, Dreamer, who’s a fantastic mentee, both in the journalist way and in the hero way. Obviously, there’s Alex and the DEO, and J’onn and M’gann. She can always ask for the help of her other hero friends like Barry, Sara, Oliver, or Kate. And then there’s Guardian.
Kara frowns. She’s not sure how she feels about Guardian. The newest National City vigilante. She’s also not sure why she refers to them as “vigilante” and not hero. Maybe because she doesn’t know anything about them. Just that they seem to show up just in the nick of time to save the day if Kara finds herself overwhelmed. She’s suspicious of how they seem to be so evasive. Of course, she understands the need to privacy and keeping a secret identity. But they barely interact with her, or anyone, for that matter. Just the occasional witty or flirty comment before they leave. Don’t forget their suit is lead-lined, which makes Kara’s frown deepen. It seems a rather specific detail to conceal their identity from Supergirl.
So, imagine her surprise when she gets to the place where they have Leslie, sorry, Livewire strapped to a torture chair and finds not only Guardian incapacitated, but Brainy.
“What the heck!” She says, because, seriously? “Brainy!?”
“Ah. Supergirl. Greetings.” He says, and he’s smart enough to look apologetic.
“What are you doing here? Are you hurt?”
“No. I am at optimal performance. We just thought we could lend a hand and help miss Livewire here.” He nods towards the space behind Kara, from where she can hear a sardonic snort.
“Sure, champ. Good job” Leslie snarks. Kara turns to look at her over her shoulder because she sounds pained. She looks like she sounds, too. So Kara starts to make her way towards her, while she addresses Brainy again.
“We? As in, you and Guardian?” He looks at the mentioned vigilante sideways, straightens his spine, and then:
So Kara takes a deep, deep breath, holds it in for 10 seconds like Kelly showed her. And exhales slowly through her mouth, while she checks on Leslie’s injuries. She smirks at Kara, Leslie. They share a look. 
“Are you all right?” And she knows Leslie’s answer before she even finishes her, admittedly, silly question
“Peachy, blondie. Take your time.” And Kara sighs, again.
“Please, don’t zip away just yet. I’ll like for Alex to check you out before you leave.” She warns, begs? Leslie after releasing her.
“Hot older sister. Kinky.” And Kara can’t help but roll her eyes at her. Then she turns back to Brainy, who apparently is the sidekick for Guardian, which... Is Kara too old for this, already?
“Brainy, why are you working with Guardian?” She rubs her forehead as she can actually feel a headache starting right above her left eye.
“Well...” He clears his throat and then Guardian takes the chance to finally speak.
“How about you free us, Supergirl? Or are we under arrest?”
“I really don’t think you are in any position to talk to me like that... dude?” It comes out as a question, and Kara frowns, again. She actually has no idea if Guardian is a male or a female or something in between. They use a voice distorter, and it’s not like their suit has a reflection of their anatomical gender representation, like breasts, because what’s the functionality of that anyway?
... unless. Unless is like that old cartoon with Japanese robots and the female robot’s breasts are actual missiles? What was its name? Kenny used to nerd over it when she was a new kid on Earth.
“Yeah, you tell them, Sups!” Leslie is laughing, but it sounds a little breathless. And Kara is about to turn her attention back to her, but Guardian is not letting Livewire’s snark interrupt them from defending their case.
“Listen, we were just trying to help. We just did not expect them to be so prepared for a rescue mission.”
“Why wouldn’t they be prepared for a rescue mission? Livewire is a high profile metahuman, and they kidnapped her!” This was shaping as a useless discussion, but apparently, Leslie had enough of that.
“Awesome. Look, Sups, I am flattered that you think of me as a high profile metahuman and all. But what about that hot agent checking me out, huh?”
“Oh! Les... Livewire! Of course. Uh. I’m, I’m gonna pick you up, all right?”
“Yeah, yeah. You have my consent, babe.” And Kara can feel herself blushing deeply. So she picks her up and flies her fast to the DEO med bay. Leaving behind the outraged yell from Guardian. Which she promptly ignores.
“I could zap into their suit. You know. Sneak around a bit. If you want.” They’re almost at the DEO when Leslie breaks the silence.
“Guardian. I could get into their circuits or something.”
“No. No, that’s... nice of you? But no. It could be dangerous.”
“Come on, Sups! I’m a high profile metahuman.” And she has the audacity of grinning up at Kara.
“Shut up. I don’t want you to do it. It’s such a violation of their privacy. Thank you, though.”
“Whatever.” And then: “Are you ever going to let me see the tentacles?”
“Ooh! Is it teeth?”
“Do you have teeth down there?”
“I swear to Rao I’m going to drop you.”
When Kara gets back at the scene where Guardian and Brainy are still restrained at, it has been barely five minutes. She did not drop Leslie. But Guardian is grumbling and huffing, trying to break free. So she’s anticipating more snark, and she’s seriously just too tired for this.
“I’m taking you both to the DEO” She says, resolute, in her most authoritative voice, with her Supergirl hands-on-hips pose.
“With what charges? With what authority?” It’s like she was expecting the person behind the armor to agree, but she kinda wishes they were unconscious to avoid all this bickering.
“I just want to make sure you’re alright.”
“No. You just want to make sure you know who I am, so you can put a DEO lash on me.”
“Well, why are you so against working with us?”
“I work alone”
“Do you, now?” And Kara lifts an eyebrow pointedly looking at Brainy. And Guardian clears their throat.
“I mean, I don’t affiliate myself with shady government organizations.”
“He works for the shady government organization, though.”
“Not when he’s working with me.” There’s a distorted sigh. “Can you understand the need for keeping my identity secret? I would think you’d understand that, Supergirl.”
“I do. Look, I just want to make sure you’re not hurt.”
“I have people who can take care of that.”
“Fine,” Kara says after a tense stretch of silence. And proceeds to free them both. Guardian takes off immediately after a quiet thank you. So Kara is left with a sheepish looking Brainy.
“So.” He says, “uh. Could you not tell Nia about this.”
“Oh, I am definitely going to tell Nia about this. I’m going to tell her so hard.” She says while she’s starting to walk outside to take off.
“Are you not going to give me a lift?”
“No. Tell your new buddy to give you a lift. Oh, right! They left you here! Bye!”
She knows she’s being petty. But she really has had enough of people acting like dummies. She just wants to get home and eat pizza and potstickers and ice cream. So, she does. She did text Vazquez to pick up Brainy once she’s finished clearing the place, though. But he doesn’t need to know that. Let him squirm.
She was hoping for a few days of peace. But it’s only two days later when crap happens again.
“We’ve detected a powerful electric signal near the Central Bank, on Main.”
“On my way”
“Supergirl. It looks like Livewire’s signal. Please, be careful.”
“Of course”
When she arrives at the scene she’s prepared for powerful electric weapons. Criminals. Even hostages. But what she’s not expecting is to find herself in a partially empty parking lot with a couple of Livewire clones and an unconscious Guardian laying on the ground. Fortunately, the real Livewire shows up a couple of seconds after her.
“Did you fuckers thought I would let you torture my powers out of me and let you chill?”
And between them both, they manage to incapacitate the bad guys with minimal damage to themselves. So now Kara’s focus is on the unconscious vigilante. She shakes them a little at first.
“Guardian” No response. So she shakes harder. “Guardian, can you hear me?”
“I don’t think they can, babe. You’ve gotta get the helmet out.” And Kara knows Leslie is right. But, it kind of feels like breaking a promise. She sighs, really didn’t want this to go down like this.
With a deep breath and an encouraging nod from Leslie, Kara rips the helmet from Guardians head. Carefully, but resolutely. And... What the actual...
“Oh, shit! Is that your girlfriend, Sups?”
Kara is so angry she can’t even correct Leslie on the fact that no, Lena Luthor is not Kara’s girlfriend. And Kara is probably going to strangle her before she can be. She scoops Lena into her arms and takes off warning Leslie to get to the DEO to get checked.
Kara lands with a crack to the landing balcony and a shake to the DEO building. Alex is approaching with a reproach dying in her mouth when she realizes that Kara is furious and the reason why laying unconscious in her arms.:
“Follow me.” Is all she says. No one else dares make a peep. Kara lays Lena softly on the bed and stays there, crossing her arms over her chest. “No. Get out.” Alex's words leave no room for argument, but Kara takes a breath to try anyway. “Kara, out. Please. Wait outside. I need to work and I can’t with you fuming down my neck. I promise you will be the first person in when I’m done. Please.”
Kara huffs and floats out to avoid destroying the room by stomping. It’s less than an hour later when Alex steps into the hallway with her. Her arms up, like she’s trying to calm down a wild animal. Which, rude, but fair.
“She’s fine. Got a good shock from one of the clones. A mild concussion, too. But nothing’s broken. Just a little rest and she’ll be good as new.”
Kara takes a deep breath to steel herself for the confrontation. But a strong hand in the middle of her chest ask her to stop.
“Kar. You should get checked, too. I know you received a couple of zaps yourself.”
“Kara. You shouldn’t storm in like this. Maybe cool down a bit first.”
“Alex, let me through.” And she does.
Kara storms inside the room Lena’s lying in like a tornado before touching down.
“What were you thinking?” 
“I thought you were done doing stupid things”
“Aren’t you supposed to be a genius? What. Were. You Thinking, Lena?”
“Will you calm down, Supergirl?”
“Don’t you dare! I will not calm down, Lena. What do you think you’re doing?”
“You don’t get to monopolize the heroing in this city, Kara”
“What are you talking about? What does that mean?”
“It means how dare you to question my decision to use my resources to help.”
“I am not questioning you using your resources to help, Lena. I am questioning your mental health while throwing yourself at danger!”
“You do it all the time!”
“I am a superpowered alien!”
“You are not invincible!”
“I kind of am!”
“No. No, you are not! I’ve seen your records. I’ve seen the files. You’ve been on the edge of death several times! You’ve died Kara!”
And Kara pauses, because this, this is something she has not yet come around to talk about in therapy. And this is something she’s not expecting to have to counter-argue right now. Lena’s breathing hard. So is Kara.
“You... I... Yeah, yeah ok. So imagine what could happen to you, then.”
“I can’t lose you! I can’t. I can’t keep losing people, Lena, please!” And a sob escapes without her permission, so she covers her face with her trembling hands,
“Kara... Darling, please. Come closer.” She does. She does because that’s enough. She just really needs a break. Kara feels Lena’s hand tugging at her wrist, pulling her closer still. “Will you lay with me?”
“You’re hurt”
“Not enough to prevent you to lay with me”
She drapes herself over Lena, like a blanket. Resting her head right over Lena’s heart. And closes her eyes.
"Kara, my suit is very, very high tech. It’s very good at protecting me from external threats. I’m not doing this thoughtlessly.”
“Why did you hide it from me?”
“I’m not sure. I guess part of me knew you’d try to dissuade me. Maybe it was thrilling to have this secret. I certainly didn’t want you to worry so much, or distract you from your fights and put you in any more danger.”
“We could work together”
“I mean, I really wish you’d stop. But I know you. And I... You must let Alex train you, though. I know one of your arguments is going to be that I am ok with Alex putting herself in danger all the time when she’s as human as you. But Alex is an elite special agent, Lena. She doesn’t only rely on the weapons and tech the DEO provides. You need to train.”
“I really don’t want to get tied to the DEO.”
“I don’t think you have to.” At Lena’s skeptical murmur Kara insists: “Alex is the Director, she wouldn’t force you to work with them. You could have your own base with your... wait. Wait! You said you have people who can take care of you! What does that mean? What people?”
“Well, there’s Jess, of course.”
“Of course”
“Isn’t she in Metropolis?”
“Not for long”
“Ok, but how can she helo with your injuries?”
“She doesn’t.”
“Then who? Jess?”
“Not her, no.”
“Lena. Who?”
“All right, don’t get upset...”
“Oh, reassuring”
“You really have nothing to be worried about. I promise.”
“Lena. Who?”
... “Who?”
“My mother, Lilian”
“Oh, oh I think I should definitely go get checked out. Because I could have sworn I heard you say that Lilian Luthor, a notorious terrorist, not only knows about your stint as a vigilante, but you’re saying you’re trusting your safety, your health, to her!”
“Well, that’s a bit of a dramatic summary, darling.”
“Is it, though? Which part, exactly?”
“I know there’s no excuse for what she’s done. I’m not trying to make little of her crimes. But there’s also no excuse for what I’ve done, and you seem fine with giving me second chances. And, frankly, Kara, I don’t think it’s right of you to imply I’m dumb enough to put my health in the hands of someone without making sure I can trust them” Lena huffs, and when Kara keeps quiet, contemplating, she insists: “She has no access to the missions, or any information that can compromise you, or myself., or the DEO. I’m making sure of that. She just occasionally helps in the lab or patches me up.”
“I understand. She is one brilliant scientist, after all.”
“Oh, if she hears you praising her like this you might win her over. Not many people acknowledge her achievements as more than the Luthor Matriarch.”
“Well, many people are dumb. Besides. She is your mom. And she already knows my identity, my weaknesses my address, kidnapped my foster father, tried to recruit my sister, kidnapped me, harvested my powers...”
“All right, all right. I get it!”
“I will give a second chance to anyone who loves you.”
With that, they stay cuddle in silence for several seconds, minutes, even. Until:
“Maybe we should let Alex in to check you up, huh?” And Kara groans, while burying her face in Lena's chest, which makes her blush and swallows hard.
“She’ll make me lay in the sun-bed.”
“I could go with you?”
“No, you’ll get burned under the radiation. Plus you need to rest.”
“You smell like fried pork, Supergirl.”
“Wow! That’s so rude, Guardian”
“I’m not in the business of sugar-coating truths, darling.”
“No, you’re in the Supergirl business now!”
“Are you two done? I’m kind of scared to come in and find a murder-suicide scenario... or worse, a both-naked scenario” Alex does sound disgusted at the end. Why are people in her life so rude? Kara sighs, but it’s Lena’s smiling voice that becomes Alex inside.
She’s not forced to lay in the sun-bed, but she is forced to lay on a bed under a sun lamp. Next to Lena’s bed, at least.
“How do you feel about missile breasts for your Guardian suit?”
... “Excuse me?”
“You know, your suit. ou could make it with breasts. But they’re actually missiles! Imagine the bad guys checking you out and them, boom! Missile to the face!”
“I don’t know how to respond to this”
“Just think about it”
“Yes, love?”
“I love you”.
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2ndblogg · 4 years
Hey! Just read your hot take on novel!wangxian and I absolutely agree. I'm gonna have to say here that I believe it boils down to the fetishization of homosexual men in a lot of the fandom culture that surrounds mlm shipping, as you said it's a space for a lot of women to experiment with their desires and whatnot, but I think therein lies the breaking points between reading novel!wangxian as a good, healthy relationship vs. reading it as a very flawed and toxic one. As an LGBT person, reading the way the author dealt with their relationship made me extremely uncomfortable, it just really feels like something that is written by someone who is more invested in using her queer characters for satisfying her and her reader's own pleasure than a well-built, strong relationship between two characters. Not to take away from the novel in some other aspects, I believe that novel!wwx is a much better, much more nuanced character than what he is in cql, but when it comes to wangxian, I think the intentions are very different for each of them. To each their own, I guess, but I do find it very troubling that some people in the fandom have a really hard time admitting that novel wangxian is not even remotely healthy.
And can I just say how glad it makes me to see that not everyone is praising this book for it’s lgbt representation...
But I guess that’s also why I just occasionally feel the need to scream my frustrations into the void or try to make sense of the novel.
And why I try to be understanding and accepting of people’s opinion of the novel and not take it ‘personally’ (in the sense of sitting there thinking “holy shit this is how they view ME, this is what they think of ME” etc).
I was in fandoms back when they were really a place dominated by straight (homophobic) women and realism or lgbt representation wasn’t on anyone’s mind (and the occasional dude butting in to say that’s not how sex works or bottoming is experienced was ignored or told to get out). I experienced this change to fandoms being more of a lgbt space, of people becoming aware that media can shape your views of groups of people, of people becoming aware of their fetishizing of fictional gays vs. their prejudice against real life lgbt people etc.
And tbh MXTX just writes like one of those, she writes wangxian like everyone wrote their gay relationships around 2005 and earlier; clear power imbalance, clear roles and attributes that are divided into ‘manly’ and ‘feminine’, certain physical attributes (like the female self insert character aka the bottom being pretty and slight and weaker and shorter), men/the penetrating partner can’t really be raped so anything the woman/bottom tries isn’t really ‘bad’, the male love interest is forceful and self centered but ONLY because he’s so in love and since he’s emotionally stunted he has to express that through sex, men/tops NEED sex and it’s rude/mean to deny them that, the girl/bottom isn’t THAT horny or in charge of their own sexuality but wants to please their partner and what they really get out of it is the emotional aspect, decisions need to be made for them because the dude/top just knows better, the girl/bottom is childish and flirty and the guy/top suffers through it until he finally snaps and shows the girl/bottom who'sboss etc etc. (honestly homophobia and misogyny is so tightly knit in this kind of fiction, if it wasn’t so frustrating it would be very interesting).
Tbh I disagree with novel!wwx being more nuanced (despite a lot of ppl whose opinions I really respect also feeling this way), because I simply cannot seperate him from the wangxian relationship. All I see are tropes and stereotypes applied to make him ‘work’ in the context of the wangxian relationship instead of an actual personality...
To me, in CQL WWX is clearly the main character and you love his interactions with LWJ and want more of them and value them, wheras in the novel most of the time WWX plays second fiddle even when a scene should technically be about him and LWJ’s presence is incredibly suffocating, because he’s always being controlling or at the very least influencing WWX.
I also don’t feel like WWX has much of a character arc/growth. We’re essentially told he had one but the only thing that really actually changes is him hating himself a bit more and letting LWJ smash..., and I guess: he’s less independent than ever, he’s more isolated that ever...
I’ve called novel!wangxian a relationship between an abuser and his victim, because you can find evidence of that in the text. Not because I think the author wanted to portray an unhealthy gay relationship. Like you said, she was fetishizing and wrote for a similar crowd. But to me that ‘realization’ helped...I still don’t see how people can call it a masterpiece but I can at least understand hyping something you like up...
And like, badly written gay relationship or not; gay/straight,man/women, I see how people can find it hot. Exploring your sexuality through fictional characters isn’t necessarily a strictly straight girl phenomena. I probably have read fic that was exactly like this, I can’t judge anyone for it. But no one prints out the last PWP they read and goes, “this is ideal lgbt representation and nothing will ever be this good, the fact that it includes rape makes it so realistic” like????
(Is that part or an effect of the woke and purety culture? you can’t say ‘i like this book but it has flaws’ or ‘i’ve enjoyed this but it’s not up the feminism or lgbt acceptance that i preach/live’ so you have to pretend it’s flawless?)
And like, I do think novel!wangxian is a nightmare when it comes to lgbt representation and I do believe this is largely due to a cishet woman writing about gay men and fetishizing them (the fact that a lot of peoples arguments why novel!wangxian ‘is better’ boils down to ‘there’s kissing and sex’ is also pretty telling). And I am frightend and worried by some peoples response to it.
But is it really fair to see it as just that? It’s a problem sure, but that same thing happens in straight media (which I am admittedly not well versed in). Stephanie Meyer didn’t set out to write Edward Cullen to be a creep and non of the teenage girls that went crazy over him viewed it as such...Reylo fans (aside from some of them proclaiming Finn to be the real villain and saying it’s racist and misogynistic to not find Kylo Ren hot) found a way to view him threatening her as romantic and sexy, Loki fans that didn’t ship him with Thor usually fell into the camp of “he would be a perfect boyfriend” or “what if this OFC was his slave and he raped her everyday <3″... like ignoring/glorifying/romanticizing behaviours or exploring what kinks you might have through the safety of fictional characters and fictional settings isn’t JUST happening when it comes to ‘the gays’...
And not just specifically in fandom spaces either, a lot of ‘romantic’ movies include inappropriate touching, the boy/guy knowing better than the girl what she wants etc. And I absolutely do believe that that’s something that normalized these things for a lot of young girls and guys (I don’t want to get into this too much, I’ve really seen a change in the past few years, but before that it was pretty common for young boys to believe they need to keep pursuing and pressuring a girl that has said no, girls truly thought boys could die of blue balls, girls thought it was their duty as good girlfriends to let their boyfriends fuck them even when they weren’t in the mood, that they couldn’t talk about what they want in bed or what they don’t find enjoyable because ‘sex is for boys and girls get a relationship in exchange’ etc.).
And in much the same way movies have only relatively recently begun being called out for that, it’s also still pretty recently that they’re being called out for having their one queer coded character be a pedophile and a murder or whatever...Like, society as a whole becoming aware of these issues.
But do authors that publish their work with a specific target audience in mind have a responsibility to think about the effect it might have on them? (And I can already hear loud screams of ‘no way, it’s not your fault if your audience isn’t smart enough to understand that this bad thing is bad’, but I actually do believe in a way they do. That doesn’t mean you can’t or shouldn’t write whatever you want, just maybe take a look at HOW you bring your point across. (We do KNOW people are influenced by what propaganda they’re consistantly fed. I mean, you wouldn’t write a pro-drugs childrens book...) )
What if the author isn’t aware of their bias and prejudices? Or their target audience isn’t their actual audience?
And do we, society and media, judge female and male authors differently when it comes to romance and sex in fiction? (The answer is yes btw) But also, where do we draw the line at calling something ‘badly written’ and calling it toxic? Can it be both? As I’ve said before, a lot of people claim that only the physical intimacy scenes of novel!wangxian are bad, because they’re badly written and OOC, some say the book as amazingly written and only the wangxian relationship is bad because the author doesn’t know how to write gay men. In my ‘hot take’ I essentially said that’s not necessarily bad writing so much as it’s simply an (okay, unintentional) toxic relationship. And would this relationship still come across as toxic (or badly written, whichever you want) if we didn’t know the author to be a cishet woman? Or if a gay man had written it? (my personal, eloquent answer for this is: yes, but differently.)
Which was really all just a rambly way to get to my point of: it’s not just fetishizing of gay men, it’s also the homophobia and self-inserting in a safe situation.
You can literally replace WWX in the novel with a female character and it wouldn’t change a thing. The author takes such an effort into building up this power imbalance in every aspect of their life that if WWX were a heroine nothing would change in this (sexist/ancient society) setting.
(And clearly this is something that appeals to people if you look at the amount of female!WWX fics...)
Not even the sex scenes. There are maybe two allusions in all of them combined that WWX might also have a dick but like, you can’t be sure and it sure as hell doesn’t need stimulation.
(and again, that could be written as a kink...but it’s just not.)
CQL is a gay love story. MDZS at it’s core is none of that.
But I also very much agree with your ‘to each their own’, like here I am criticizing and trying to find explanations and whatever, but at the end of the day it doesn’t matter why someone might like (or write) a book like this, I vastly prefer CQL!wangxian but people have their own reasons for not doing so.
The ‘problem’ really only lies in, as you said, people not being able to accept that it’s not a healthy relationship. Or claiming it to be perfect lgbt rep.
And because my brain can’t shut up today:
I also can’t stop thinking that the way some people ‘glorify’ the book as due to their age and ‘inexperience’.
When I was a pretty young kid and got into fanfiction, there was nothing but completely OOC!whump to be found in the first two fandoms I was in. And I loved it. It was YEARS later that I thought I might like to read something with the characters being...in character. What I’m trying to say, in different stages and phases of your life you might enjoy different things, for different reasons...and obviously, in that moment, you won’t think about ‘what appeals to me here/should this appeal to me/etc’.
I don’t mean inexperience as ‘sexual inexperience’ here, though of course that could be part of it, but also like, inexperience with this genre (is this the first book like this you read, or did you just read 50 in a row that all had the same unhealthy vibes?), with lgbt people and issues (do you know any lgbt people or is your only image of them either the cute boy you can’t have and don’t want to see with another girl or grown men in full kink gear in front of children during CSD? and also: do you think ‘i like this’ and that’s the end of it or do you notice how many people idolize this objectively unhealthy relationship and won’t allow critique on it...)  
I...just wanted to say thanks really.
I just can’t stop rambling apparently and I know I mostly just repeated what you said or what I already said but in longer... I just really do feel very strongly about novel!wangxian and the perception of them and have actually at times felt very personally...worried/affected, by people’s acceptance and love of them and I just... have to try and make sense of it...
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crue-sixx · 5 years
The Lady In The Water
Title: The Lady In The Water
Author: tiddly-winx
Fandom: The Dirt
Summary:  The tortured soul of a murdered woman lingers above her watery tomb.  Her spirit resides in the apartment she once called home, her power growing stronger on rainy days. You are a medium-you can see hear and talk to ghosts.  You must help them find the light.
Note: Based on the Haunted Apartment HC.  The character of John Rimbauer and his house Rose Red are of the mind of Stephen King.
Warnings: Swearing, violence, paranormal and scary shit, implied rape murder and drowning, ghost sex.  If you are squeamish please don't read.
Late 1880's
Amelia Grace was a low level worker, who had joined the labor union in the strikes for better working conditions.  She soon went up the latter in the Union ranks and became the spokesperson for the cause.  Across the continent in New York, a horrible fire broke out in a textile factory that burned over 100 poor souls of women and girls alive.  The owners had locked the doors with heavy chains during working hours, so that their employees would be forced to work their entire shifts with no breaks.  One of the machines had caught fire and in a matter of minutes and only a handful of workers jumped to safety, though not entirely safe.  They sustained broken bones and horrible burns-scarring them for life. 
She was now speaking at a rally against a Seattle based businessman John Rimbauer.  He had built a factory in the city where he employed the cruelest of men to be his overseers.  She had been speaking with some of the women and girls in his employ and from what they relayed to her, John Rimbauer had an insatiable sexual appetite.  When he'd come and inspect the books, he'd call some ladies into his office and spend extended periods of time with them. afterward the ladies having expressions on their faces that looked as if they'd made a pact with the devil.
She was nabbed by his men that night at her residence and taken to a sewer.  She had been chained to the floor with little room for movement.  Before her, John Rimbauer himself stood before her and clucked his tongue "Little hens should know that it's the rooster who calls the world to arms" he reached down and brushed a thumb against her chin delicately.
Amelia spat in his face, to which he calmly wiped off the saliva.  With a wicked grin on his face, he took from her what all people value most-consent.  Over many weeks, he deprived her of nourishment and forced her into debauchery previously unknown to her.  When the flood waters came and filled the sewers, she met her fate, but not before she cursed his name, his family and wherever he'd reside.  But her spirit remains to this day tethered to her apartment unit, where the very thing that was her death became the source of her power-water.
Death was only the beginning.
Early 1980's
You had heard rumors of the missing woman named Amelia Grace, that she was still alive somewhere in a bog in Ireland for some shit like that.  You didn't believe a word of it, so you decided that she was long since dead and buried in an unmarked grave somewhere in the city. 
You see, you were a hunter of all things paranormal and your brother Mick had given you a hot tip that something was going down in his friends' apartment.  He said he'd hear a woman's whisper softly in his ear, then a cold chill would wash over him like he'd been splashed with ice water.  You didn't bother with all the high-tech equipment, you had a knack at attracting weird shit to you, which is why you were always secretly Mick's favorite sibling, from the day he found you playing with an imaginary friend.
You were rolling a ball and he thought it was hitting the wall and rolling back to you with momentum, but when he saw the ball stop in the middle of the room and roll back to you, he shit his pants.  He made sure to watch you so you didn't say anything to your parents and wind up in the loony bin, instructing you to shut the Hell up if you saw or heard anything out of the ordinary.
You had moved up here in his place with him to help him with his medical condition, paying him back for all the childhood memories he had shared with you.  He made you feel normal, while all the other kids (including your own brothers and sisters) called you a freak and rubbed your face in the mud.  He had warned you about his band mates, that they'd try to get in your pants.  You teased your brother "I might just need someone in my pants,  my hand does get lonely down there".
He chocked on his coffee and said "You're disgusting" with a furrowed brow.
You met his friends, they seemed really cool.  You knew better than to admit you could see, hear and communicate with ghosts right off the bat, but this place felt more powerful than others.  To your ears, a leaky faucet was the scream of a person in pure agony.  It sounded like someone dragging a rusty fork across a chalkboard. 
You only stayed five minutes until you had to leave.  You quickly apologized and told Mick to explain it to them later.  You knew they'd scoff in your face-just like everyone else did.  You elected to stay away a few days and do some research and you were giddy with glee when you saw Amelia Grace's name on the records of tenants, you had to go back almost 100 years worth of documents at the library, the building had changed hands so many times it was almost impossible to track the original owner.
While you were away, things started getting more noticeable around the unit, then going downright dangerous.  The landlord had said that nobody lived in this unit longer than a year, especially males, and they would soon see why. 
On the rare occasion that Vince actually did the dishes, something in the dishwater caught his eye.  Where should have been his reflection, the visage of a pretty woman took it's place.  She was smiling at him and laughing, then she raised her finger and curled it towards her.  He was completely captivated, him not knowing he was leaning over the sink and putting his face in the soapy water.  Her touch was like a ray of warmth, her hands caressing his face with the softness of a feather pillow.
When he opened his eyes, the woman had turned into a rotting shell of her former self. She let out a shrill scream and her leather, bony fingers clasped his head tightly and tried to drag him deeper.  He panicked and tried to pull away from her, but this only strengthened her resolve and almost had drowned him in the sink when Tommy pulled him up with "What the Hell Vinny?!  Why're trying to drown yourself dude?!"
Vince looked back to the dishwater, where the majority of it was splashed about the countertop and floor.  His eyes were wild like he'd taken a hit of a drug, but he hadn't even touched anything like that yet today.  "Th-the girl..." was all he could stammer while Tommy tried to console him. the drummer telling the singer that he was probably still either drunk or high from last night.  It took more convincing on Tommy's part to calm his friend down, but it was done.
A week later, Tommy was in the shower when he heard a bubbly voice from the drain calling his name.  I also sounded distant, like it was far away.  He bent down to listen, and as he was eye level with the drain, a thick clump of hair sprang up and wrapped itself around his neck.  It was slimy and stringy, and way too strong to be just normal hair.  He stumbled and fell, dragging up even more hair with him.
He watched in utter terror as he saw decaying flesh drag itself from the drain and assemble before him.  He looked into the dead eyes of the female, her hair wrapping him in a cocoon of mold, debris and the unholiest of foul smelling filth that not even the devil himself could concoct. Tommy was so horrified that he didn't even notice the temperature of the water was rising substantially-beyond what was normal or bearable to a human to withstand.
His skin began to sizzle, and chemical burns began to appear on the surface.  It was then the pain overtook his fear and began yowling for help.  Nikki was in the kitchen when he heard Tommy fall in the shower.  He got up to see if he was okay, but knew it was quite the opposite when he was screaming for assistance.  Nikki kicked down the door and had to look away only for a moment before helping his friend. 
He grabbed up a towel to wrap around Tommy, who was shaking from shock and fear.  Nikki then got on the phone for an ambulance and did as the dispatcher instructed him to.  Normally he would have told whoever was giving him orders to fuck off but he didn't want to hurt Tommy any further.  Vince came home to see Tommy be wheeled away on a stretcher and he looked to Nikki for answers.  "What the fuck happened?!"
"I don't know" Nikki was so mad he was shaking "Maybe the landlord fucked with the boiler or the damn thing's broken!"  he went and cussed out the landlord over the issue and the landlord insisted that he didn't touch the boiler, even going as far as to show them that the boiler was up to code, in working order and at a reasonable temperature for bathing.
Vince remembered what happened to him and relayed it to Nikki "Dude, there's something off about our unit man!  I saw some bloated chick in the water while I was washing dishes last week!"
"You're so full of shit Vince!" Nikki laughed sarcastically "I don't know what to believe, you saying we have a ghost or you saying you did the fuckin' dishes!"
"I'm serious!" he actually started bawling "Remember when Mick's sister Y/N could only stay a few minutes before she looked like she was gonna be sick?"
Nikki DID remember you, only because you were hot and he wanted to fuck you.  He did think it was strange that you focused on the water pipes in the unit, but he was naturally attracted to people who were somewhat odd.  "Vince, get it out of your head that our place is haunted!  If you don't like it you can move the fuck out!  I'm staying right here!"
The blonde stared in disbelief and said "You know what?  Fuck you, Sixx!  There's something wrong with this place!" he walked backward while flipping Nikki the bird with both hands "I'm staying with Mick and Y/N!"
With all the events of the day, Nikki opted to drink alone in the apartment and shoot up.  He was alone in his bed, in a drug induced sleep when he felt the soft wetness of your kisses on his cheek.  He jolted awake to see you naked straddling his hips.  He smirked as you gave a playful wave. and said "Surprise!"
"How'd you get in?" he asked in his slurred speech.
"The window" you giggled "Just like everyone else!" you leaned forward so your nipples grazed his and said "You know, I wanted you to fuck me since the day I saw you..." the rain outside made the light distort your features so he couldn't see what you actually were-the ghost taking your form, the thing he truly desired.
Now Nikki Sixx wasn't one to turn down sex when it was freely offered so he leaned forward and kissed your lips, then moving down to your breasts.  He was getting hard just by touching and kissing you.  He reached down to play with your pussy but you stopped him "I'm already so wet for you, baby" you groaned into his mouth "Just fuck me already" you pulled his cock up and you slid him into you with ease.
He moaned loudly, you being wetter for him than any other bitch before you.  "Jesus Fuckin' Christ Y/N you're so hot..." he slowly began thrusting into you, but you leaned forward and pinned his arms to the bed.
"No, no, no Nikki" you chastised "I'm callin' the shots tonight" he chuckled, him secretly liking a woman dominating him.  "You just stay still and I'll ride your cock like the Lone Ranger rides Silver..." he laid back, with your still pinning him down.
Soon, he was at his limit "Oh my god Y/N you're gonna melt my dick off!" he then shot his load into you and after a moment of bliss, he stared in silence as you began rotting right in front of him.  You were decaying rapidly, the stink of human waste oozed from the walls, dripping slowly like molasses.
He knew that Vince was right- their place was haunted.  He tried to get the ghost off of him, but her frame became heavier with each thrash.  He got some relief when she stopped only to be horrified when she began dry heaving.  He knew what was next, but he couldn't stop it.  She vomited sewer water onto him, the putrid potion going in his mouth and up his nose.  Thankfully he closed his eyes as the torrent of dirty water hit him. 
When he was finally able to get up, he noticed what felt like to be soft wet kisses was actually a dripping faucet right above his bed.  He looked around to try and find the mess the ghost had made of his room, but the only mess he could find was of his own doing in the crotch area of his sheets.  He cleaned himself up a little, got dressed and went over to Mick's where he told you all that he believed what Vince said was true.
"Told you, asshole!" the singer retorted.
"So what do you want to do now?" you asked both of them "With Tommy in the hospital and you two here, the unit's empty right?"
Mick looked at you and said "Oh no Missy!  You're not going over there alone!"
"Mick I HAVE to" you told him sincerely "I've been doing research on the building and I think I know who she is...all I have to do is speak her name and she'll be gone" you put a hand on his shoulder "I am not that scared little girl anymore Bobby" you called him by his real name, him reluctantly letting you go.
The unit definitely smelled like a sewer that was for sure.  You turned on all the faucets and opened the windows to let the rain in.  The howling wind and the metallic scream from the pipes became one-you seeing the ghost in front of your very eyes.  She was looking at you not in hatred but curiosity, like she was reading an interesting book.  You locked eyes with her and dared not break the stare.  "Amelia Grace!" you shouted.
The ghost hollered in pain, a look of surprise overtaking her.  You said her name again and she screamed louder.  You shouted her name a few more times, bringing her to her knees.  You knelt in front of her and grabbed both sides of her head, sending her images of the newspaper clippings you found in various libraries.  She stopped screaming, and tears of joy began rolling down her face.  Her skin was healing itself so she looked more alive than dead.  "John Rimbauer has paid dearly for his misdeeds" you gently told her.
"His house was cursed, claiming his beloved daughter" you went on "his family in ruin.  You have been avenged, Amelia.  You don't need to linger here anymore..." you gave a soft kiss on her forehead "Go in peace..." she smiled, a heavenly glow engulfed her as she made peace with her death.
The rain stopped, the whole unit soaked but it was warm again.  When you came back to Mick's place, you were exhausted and plopped down on your bed without a word.  While you were asleep, Mick took the time to tell them about you and your gifts.  They believed every word-even Tommy when he came back from the hospital.
They quickly moved their stuff from the unit to Mick's place and you all slept in the living room where there was more area to accommodate more bodies.  They didn't want to go back, and you didn't blame them.  You kept in touch over the years and you deepened your research to locate Amelia Grace's remains in the sewers.  You eventually did and arranged for a proper burial, her epitaph reading "A revolutionary, murdered before her time.  May she find comfort knowing her death was not in vain"  you felt a warm hand touch yours, you looked up to see Amelia Grace.
"Thank you" she said as she handed you an antique necklace "If I ever had any daughters, I'd want them to be as courageous as you..." she kissed your hand and vanished for the final time.
"Who you talkin' to babe?" your husband Nikki asked, your twin girls Amelia and Grace not far behind him.
"Just an old friend" you assured them, looking back at the grave and closing the book on the case of Amelia Grace for good.
36 notes · View notes
mojoflower · 6 years
Genderswap (&/or Rule 63) in my Various Fandoms:  fic recs
Teen Wolf
turn the tires toward the street by leahalexis E, 7k.
He’s got it really bad for Dara Hale. He knows this, okay?He wishes he could protect her, which is stupid, because she’s got an inch of height and twenty-five pounds of sheer muscle on him, not to mention the supernatural strength and speed and healing.“What do you want, Stiles?” she says, voice breaking. She finally opens her eyes, and they’re bright and wet, eyelashes spiky with tears.--Dara Hale, Stiles Stilinski, a dark alley, and a question of trust.
Huh, interesting. Usually I have trouble with Derek as a girl (and in this case, it was doubly weird, because my little sister's name is Dara, and while she's nearly 6-feet tall, she's also very skinny and pale and red-headed and so very not-sexy, eww) but I really enjoyed the dynamic of Stiles being - while still male - shorter, slighter, completely virginial, and looking to Derek (Dara) for experience and guidance. Author described it really well. (Also, when she was rimming Stiles, whew, holy wow.)
Switching Goals by betp E, 4k.
“You’re kind of cute,” Lydia says, changing the subject, “in a sort of… lost baby squirrel in a pixie cut sort of way.”  //  “Great,” he says, fumbling ineptly with the clasp on the bra. “Th… thanks, Lydia, that’s… quite the endorsement. I’m vermin.”  //  Lydia and Erica peaceably watch him fuck around with the hooks for a full five minutes, this look on their faces like justice is finally being delivered. Stiles refuses to lose his temper with the thing in front of them, so he just doggedly keeps at it. Eventually, Lydia says, “We might have to invest in a frontal clasp for you.”
Stiles can’t argue with him, because Derek is touching him and it’s distracting. “Have you touched yourself?”
“A little,” admits Stiles. He swallows, watches Derek’s wrist intently. “I mean, it was mostly exploratory—for science. It wasn’t really, uh. Sensual. I tried, but I haven’t, um.” He stops. Derek’s fingers glide right in, and Stiles’ mouth drops open. “God, that’s wet,” he exclaims, pinched. “Oh, jesus. Can you—put your dick in there, just—”
“Let’s not rush it,” says Derek absently. Pulls his fingers out and they’re soaked.
“B-but I wa, I want… Don’t put those in your mouth, oh my god.” He stares, outraged, as Derek deliberately disobeys him, eyes shut. Stiles darts a hand down where Derek’s fingers were, just to feel. He’s never produced his own lube before; he’s definitely gonna miss that. “What, um. What does it taste like.”
Derek smirks. “Like you,” he says, and then before Stiles can react, Derek’s mouth is on him.
don't carry it all by grimm E, 7k.
There had been, Stiles tells his father carefully, a mix-up at Deaton's. 'A mix-up,' his father says flatly, and Stiles says, 'yeah.'
Maybe 'mix-up' was the wrong word to use. 'A flub of extraordinary proportions,' maybe, or, 'a fuck-up the likes of which you've never seen,' or maybe even, 'a crazy stupid amount of magic that ricocheted off Deaton's ward, mutated, and turned me into a girl.' Scott hadn't stopped laughing until Stiles kneed him in the balls, which had been oddly satisfying. Allison had given him a high-five.
Very nice, and surprisingly angsty: Stiles was really breaking my heart for the first half, so worried about Derek being mad at him and upset because his dad can't look at him since he looks just like his mama. Emotional hurt/comfort and gorgeous sex.
They Say It Should Be Someone You Really Love by winter_rogue E, 2.3k.
"Derek, tell me you’re the frog who’s going to get us out of the frying pan"
Well, well. Genderswap AND sex pollen. This is more a little slice of time than a complete story, but it's hot!
Girl Trouble by sffan E, 9k.
“Dude. You have boobs,” Scott replies, staring at Stiles’ chest.  //  “What?” Stiles puts hands on his chest, pauses a moment, and then cups his breasts. He pulls the neck of shirt out, and looks inside. “What the fuck, I have boobs! And what the hell has happened to my voice?”  //  “It’s an octave lower?” Derek deadpans, raising an eyebrow.
Exactly what you want from a Stiles-is-suddenly-a-girl fic. Delicious.
wax all the floors and open the trap doors by leahalexis T, 25k.
“We had a good thing going here, Derek!" Stiles said, her voice high and a little hysterical. "Like a buddy cop movie! With the sniping, and the—no kissing! There is no kissing in buddy cop movies!”  //  Jackson’s no longer a kamina, but Erica and Boyd are still missing. There’s a whole month left of school. Scott and Allison aren’t talking. And Stiles is pretty positive that Derek is gay.  //  Or she was, anyway. Pre-kissing.
This Stiles is hilarious: oblivious and chirpy and socially inept and dangerously curious and independant. Her friendship with Scott and Lydia are perfect, and not-gay Derek is kind of hilarious in his understated way. No sex yet, but I'm looking forward to the sequel....
Nothing Like Real Life by nightanddaze E, 14k.
Derek fucks the fairies up, but they fuck him up too. Stiles tries pretty unsuccessfully to keep his eyes and hands to himself. 

Interesting. Kind of sharp and hard-edged. Derek becomes a girl, but he's still a dick, and he lets Stiles fuck him, but it's pretty cold. And yet. Stiles keeps hand-washing his bras, though.
Air on a G String by rufflefeather E, 21k.
A Maenad is after Lydia, and when she doesn't get what she wants, she takes it out on Stiles.  //  Or the one where Stiles suddenly has lady bits and he's not quite sure what to do with them.
Het!sex is hot. Who knew?
Sink Us to Swim by mklutz T, 37k.
“Stiles,” Laura says, gently, “When all of this is over, when the rogue is taken care of, I think – I hope that your dad will join our pack. He’s always treated Derek and me almost like family, and I’d like to return the favor if I can. It’s fine,” she asserts, then corrects, “I’m going to make sure it’s fine.”
Heh, girl Stiles is a cutie.
More Lovely and More Temperate by Saucery E, 10k.
Really, it was ridiculous to think that he couldn't handle a bit of drink, just because he was a woman. Arthur was getting sick and tired of attentive and semi-petrified knights trying to pry him away from his ale. He was Crown Prince, damn it - or Princess, for now - and he could celebrate his twenty-first birthday as he sodding well pleased.
"You're embarrassing yourself," hissed Merlin, after the good Sir Gawain caught himself staring down Arthur's bodice, went red in the face, and staggered away from the table like a man in fear for his sanity.  //  "I'm enjoying myself." Poor Gawain. He was such easy prey.  //  "You're flaunting your breasts."  //  "Isn't that what they're for? Morgana flaunts hers an awful lot."  //  Merlin's face contorted in an interesting way, and he glanced around the hall as if to check for Morgana's presence. "I can't believe you just said that," he whispered fiercely, "and also, I can't believe you're competing with Morgana over... over this!"  //  We've always competed, ever since we were children. Drove Father quite mad."  //  "I can imagine," Merlin muttered.  //  "And mine are bigger, anyway. They are, aren't they?"
Fuck. Me. That was so hot. Favorite.
Melinna by doomcanary M, 26k
Merlin learns the hard way that magic has a mind of its own. And sometimes, a body too...
Fun romp: Merlin gets stuck as a girl for a while, hijinks ensue (including a steamy one-off with Morgana). In the third one, Gwen is accidentally turned into a boy (which Lancelot finds very hot). In the fourth one, everyone is inexplicably in a sultan's palace (and harem) and Merlin keeps involuntarily switching between Merlin and Melinna. Melinna's funny, just like Merlin, really, irreverent and utterly unconcerned with how a woman is SUPPOSED to act.
Who Ever Desired by novemberlite E, 3k.
It was always meant to happen, but never this way.  //  or  //  Basic girl!Merlin/Arthur porn, really.
Whoa, Nellie. Hot!
Dewiniaeth by claire_debonair E, 31k.
Nimueh is set on destroying the Pendragons, yet again. They do say hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, after all, and this time it's Merlin who bears the brunt of her scheming. Fairy tale princess he is not.
So.... Nimeuh turns Merlin into a girl and says he has to fuck Arthur to turn back... but it'll kill Arthur. Be warned that Merlin tries it first with a sweet OC, Garath, but that doesn't work. Arthur doesn't really make it into the story until the second third, and the sexual tension between them is pretty hot. Story loses a little coherency after they do the deed, but that's alright.
Walks In Beauty by burkesl17 E, 9.7k.
They all stared at Arthur's chest and that was when Merlin's brain really registered the thinner face, the smooth throat and he said feelingly, “Oh shit.” Gender switch, crack, true love, duels of honour and someone who really, really doesn't want to wear a dress.
Great genderswitch story. Arthur really, REALLY doesn't like it, and poor Merlin is going crazy, since they've only been lovers for a couple of months, and although he prefers men, female Arthur is hot.
In Turning We Come Around Right by janne_d M, 13k.
Arthur wakes up changed - and that changes everything else.
Poor Arthur is mortified by his new female body, and not only that, if anyone finds out, he'll lose his position as heir, which is far more serious. So Merlin takes care of him while he's locked in his room, and desperately searches for a cure, and meanwhile, UST and the ST, and mixed signals and serious hotness. Lovely.
The Course of True Love by Puckling E, 44k.
After Nimueh's death Albion needs a High Priestess, but what it's got is Merlin. Fortunately he'll serve after a few...modifications. Unfortunately for Merlin, being turned into a woman would be enough of a shock even without becoming the High Priestess. As is, it's his duty to sleep with the king or doom all of Albion.
44k words. Great story: Merlin becomes female after killing Nemueh, and it turns it it's because the Old Religion needs a new High Priestess now that he killed the old one. Simple solution, huh? Arthur finds out at an awkward time, Merlin is freaked 'cause he thinks he's going to have to have sex with Uther (so much nope, you don't even). His magic likes Arthur, surrounds him in a misty golden cloud and connects the two with a purring golden bond. His magic feels rather differently about Uther, who's surrounded in a pulsing black hole of yuck. Story might have started a little slow (or I could just have been tired and distracted), but soon picks up speed. Funny, sexy and interesting. What's not to love? *** Puckling is actually here on AO3, but doesn't have this particular story up, sadly. Keep checking: maybe it'll happen. Meanwhile, the site linked is an easy format to read.
The Prince's Mistress by thegirl M, 98k.
When Uther declared war on the Old Religion after the death of his wife in childbirth, he was warned that there would be consequences to his crusade beyond his worst nightmares. But Uther ignored these warnings, and the purge continued. If he'd known the price his people would pay for his vendetta, perhaps he would have been more wary.  //  Twenty years have passed since the great purge began, and Uther's subjects have grown barren. Fewer children are born with each passing year, until the very future of the Kingdom was endangered. In a final attempt to save Camelot, Uther decreed that men of the noble class were allowed to take mistresses without fear of condemnation. The social class from which the mistress originated didn't matter, as long as she was able to bear an heir - an heir that would be recognised and legitimised by the court.  //  Merlin, having been raised outside Camelot, knew little of these problems. If she had, she'd have thought twice before she saved the prat of a prince's life and was made his mistress as a 'reward' by Uther.
A fill from a kinkmeme prompt, which focuses on an canon AU where Merlin is a girl, Arthur's mistress, and the only hope for a waning Camelot.
Interesting premise. Merlin is a little frustrating, the way she just accepts, without angst, being a broodmare right away (there's no smexy times, really, this could easily be T), but other then that it's fast-paced and engaging. I'll keep an eye out for the series.
a tree and a bee and a flea, fiddle-dee-dee by Signe (oxoniensis) M, 8k.
Arthur is a princess. And other things he doesn't appreciate.
Love it. Hee, hee.
Just The Tip by Kateri E, 4k.
"Just the tip" Arthur asks of his now female manservant. "Please, just the tip"
Charlotte Francine Xavier by Blind_Author E, 72k.
Written for a prompt. A look at how the events of the movie would have changed if Charles was a woman. Very dark subject matter - past child abuse, past rape, mentions of the Holocaust.
Wow, this was very intense and very good. I LOVE how incredibly powerful Charlotte is, and how Erik slowly learns and accepts that, and how peaceful it makes HIM, to know that.
Dust on a Butterfly's Wings by cakeisnotpie M, 37k.
Miss Claire Francis Clinton Barton has a problem; calling in a favor from an old family friend seems like the best answer. Little does she know the events set in motion by one simple visit to the Coulson town home will lead her into a dangerous world. Lord Phillip Coulson, the Duke of Argyll is in need of a wife; all of his careful planning doesn't foresee Claire showing up on his doorstep and turning his life upside down. A steampunk Victorian alternate world with vampires, werewolves, magic, and mysticism and right in the middle of it all, Phil Coulson and a female Clint Barton. Oh, and a female Tony Stark, but that makes infinite sense, all things considered.
This was interesting: it took me a while to put all the strands together, but things moved fast once I did. I really love the ending.
Heart of Iron & Ice by darkseraphina E, 20k.
Antonia Stark was born a girl...and changed the world by not having a dick. Who knew? Also, she's a Guide. Tony still ends up in a cave in Afghanistan with iron in her heart and a box of scraps, and she still escapes. With style. And explosions - lots of explosions. Meeting a viking god from another realm - who's also a Sentinel - in the desert? Not part of her life plan. Good thing she's an engineer - and that he's very pretty. Tony likes pretty things.
Delightful little romp.
Amateur Theatrics by galaxysoup T, 27k.
In which Thor’s primary problem-solving method (a mighty blow from Mjolnir) fails to have the desired effect on a magical artifact, and his secondary method (a mightier blow from Mjolnir) proves to be actively disastrous.
Clint makes the absolute best Loki Daddy-uncle-brother-guardian-whatever. And kid!Loki is sweet as a pie. More or less.  [The genderswap here, Tony turns female, is brief and incidental.]
The Hobbit (always a girl!bilbo is very popular for some reason)
Durin's League by hobbitgrl E, 73k.
When the mysterious Durin's League takes the national spotlight in the battle against the super-powered villains of the Smaug Corporation Bilbo Baggins doesn't think much of it. At least not until Thorin Oakenshield crashes through her living room wall and Gandalf tells her she's their only hope.
Oh, good story. Much more intense than I'd expected, things are BAD, and there is violence and misunderstandings and hot het sex. Original! ***** But now she stood before an army, each hand coated in a glowing blue light that reflected and sparkled off the silvery material of her shirt. Perhaps, if she could have seen herself, she would have felt better knowing she stood tall—a warrior who gave hope to everyone around her, a beacon of courage and power that outshone even Kili. She was Bilbo Baggins: the dragonslayer.But Bilbo couldn’t see herself and she only knew she was choking on her heart, adrenaline making the world sharp and slow as she faced down overwhelming odds. So Bilbo did what she always did—she took a deep breath, braced herself, and met it head on.
Distances Both Physical and Emotional by The Feels Whale (miscellea) T, 32k.
There are no words adequate to describe the Last Homely House or the wonders of Lord Elrond’s hospitality, which seems impossible to strain even under the burden of thirteen empty dwarfish stomachs and their even more trying attitudes.  //  Having played hostess to those same stomachs in her time, Briar is duly impressed and endeavors to add to the burden as little as possible. This is made somewhat more difficult by the fact that elves, apparently, are better able to differentiate between hobbit gentlemen and hobbit ladies that dwarves seem to be. A fact Briar learned when Lord Elrond pulled her to one side after their meal and put her into the hands of his daughter and her women with a gentle smile.  //  Briar feels that she probably owes him a swift kick in the shins for that.
Huh, this is my first fem!Bilbo (Briar) story, and I really enjoyed it. The dwarves mistaking her for a him is pretty funny, and it's easy to see how it snowballs until it's easier for her to just let it go. Part 1 is Briar's POV (includes a little snogging etc.... might be a gentle T). Part 2 is Thorin's of the same events, but none of the same details, so it's not like reading the whole thing twice. Thorin notes that Hobbits as a species have a native magic to remain hidden, which explains the success of their burglar as well as the fact that when in Hobbiton, you can only go in circles going nowhere until guided by a Hobbit. And there are some cultural things during the visit with the elves that are very interesting. (I'd call Part 2 a G.)
The Tale of the Birds by pagination  G, 75k, WIP.
Four little hobbits went Adventuring. Bilba Baggins, sent to bring them back, found four little hobbit birds instead. Transformed along with a pair of dwarves by a batty wizard, their only hope is a spell that hasn't been performed in an Age. Bilba is a Baggins, which means Responsibility--and if traveling across Middle-Earth, dealing with ridiculously overprotective elves, and outsmarting a nutty king is what it takes, then that is simply what she'll have to do.  //  But goodness, she really could have done without this irritating dwarf prince!
This. Was SO DELIGHTFUL. Even if it ends before Thorin and Bilba ever meet face to face. Bilba is a HOOT, arching her way across half of Middle Earth to help her little hobbit (and dwarf) bird-friends. Everyone she meets along the way falls in love, she's such a unique, fiery, precious little thing. I dearly hope the author continues [19/?] someday, 'cause I can't wait to see what she and Thorin think of each other. (Even though everyone but Gandalf, Beorn and the hobbit-birds thinks she's a he.) Delightful.
Of Dwobbits, Dragons and Dwarves by ISeeFire T, 322k.
Bilba has been a slave her entire life. All she knows of the outside world is what she sees from time to time outside the gates of Moria and the stories her mother used to tell her. Stories of a place called the Shire where her mother once lived and a placed called Erebor where, as far as she knows, her father still lives. Stories of dragons a thousand times larger, and more intelligent, than the beasts the orcs rode and of a strange concept called freedom where one was allowed to live as they wished with no one to tell them what they could, or could not do.  //  The stories meant little to Bilba. The only future she had was to live, and die, as a slave as countless number had before her.  //  And then the orcs dragged an injured female firedrake through the gates, her rider screaming obscenities behind her as he fought to reach her side...and everything changed.
OH. Fuck. Me.
This was intense... and lovely, and dense and fast-paced and never ever lagged. I very nearly didn't read it, because it's not a pairing I follow, but dragons.... I thought it'd wallow in the slave thing, but it didn't at all, and Bilba, in spite of what's happened to her (and terrible terrible things have happened, don't doubt it -- although none of them were sexual, which was a relief) is STRONG, in spite of (and because of) being fucked up.
Each race of Middle Earth has an associated species of dragon, and certain people can form bonds with them, able to communicate telepathically w/the dragon and also with other riders. This is important, since Bilba's tongue was cut out some indeterminate time ago (she was born into slavery in the mines of Moria). When she finally stumbles free with the infant dragon, she winds up in the Shire for a couple of years... it's a loooong time, many years, before she meets Fili. She spends the interim being fucking badass and slaughtering Orcs left and right and basically being a thorn in the side of Azog, who used to own her.
But when you think that arc is done, there's another, and then another, and holy hell it gets intense, and shit keeps raining down. POV skips around a lot, and everyone is involved, all the races, and the author has their own plot, only borrowing loosely from canon. This was amazing, and is less about the pairing than it is about Bilba learning that there's another world out there, aside from rage and pain, and learns what's worth fighting for, and is able to direct and use her anger.
I loved this.  (Dragon AU.)
Hurricanes in Hertford, Hereford, and Hampshire by 61Below M, 126k.
Bilbo was banished. That's it, the end. She wants nothing more to do with dwarves. Now all she needs to do is get back home, but there may be some complications along the way.
Oh, fuck ME, this was fantastic, and moved so quickly, I just devoured it today, and I'm still kind of gasping. You think it's just going to be pregnant Bilbo going home and misunderstanding and resolution with a cute baby, but no, nope, that's just the beginning, and then the real journey starts. Author melds this with LOTR, so that it's Bilbo making the journey to Mordor, Thorin by her side, and the cast is so RICH and nuanced and the interactions between dwarves, elves, hobbits, men and wizards is lovely with a lot of background (and also RADAGAST, can I just say RADAGAST, he's such a fucking spacey cutie and he takes Gandalf's place in some ways that make a lot of sense, although Gandalf is around, too). Just, this is a great story, read it, author has definitely done her reading. (Also, I love the way author writes sex, it's an interesting style to choose, but it definitely works.)
Dear Mr. Oakenshield by Ridel No Rating, 1.2k.
Lobelia Sackville-Baggins is exactly the sort of person who thinks all problems can be solved with a good scolding and a clip around the ear hole.  //  But the Dwarf who'd taken advantage of her cousins affections and sent her home in disgrace is hundreds of miles away. Oh well, an angry letter will have to suffice.
Omg, I want to see Thorin's reaction to this letter SO BADLY!!! (I don't think I've ever liked Lobelia Sackville-Baggins quite this much ever before.)
Harry Potter
Take These Lies by white_serpent M, 34k.
Repeatedly rejected by the Auror training programme, Draco Malfoy attempts an unorthodox method of gaining admission. Written for 2010 hd_fan_fair (travel), following scarlet_malfoy's prompt. Note: contains genderswap and dubious consent, both of which were requested in the prompt.
Omg, I LOVED this. Draco is sharp as a tack, and determined to find a way to get into the Aurors despite the rampant prejudice against purebloods and Slytherins. He thinks his disguise as Aquila (really, Draco, another constellation name?) is foolproof, but a number of people see through it. (All girls: Hermione, Luna and Ginny), but Ron and Harry are oblivious. And Harry starts crushing. Then it all culminates in a final project in Training: acting as honeymooners while on an Alaskan cruise (which makes cruises sound as uncomfortable, boring and crowded as I've always imagined them to be) trying to solve a pretend crime. All the awkwardness you'd expect, what with Draco not ACTUALLY BEING HIMSELF. However, a real crime comes along, and the disguise is ruined.... Altogether a fast-paced, original, entertaining story with well-developed characters and a soupcon of ust and rst (although not quite as much as I'd like).
I've been on a Draco turned into a girl kick, and there's a huge dearth in this trope. But this one story (even if it's self-inflicted) purely satisfied a need.
The Changing Lights by lazywonderland E, 130k, WIP
Harry returns for an eighth year following the end of the war and soon realizes that although he's put his own animosity towards Malfoy aside, no one else seems to have done the same. When a hex leaves his oldest rival in the body of a female and ridicule doubles, Harry discovers that his hero complex is a difficult thing to fight.
Read through Ch. 4 (dying of UST) and hit subscribe so fast:  this is gonna be awesome!
Star Trek
Girl, You're Like a Weird Vacation by leupagus T, 8k.
It takes a lot of persuading to get "Spock" and "shore leave" to interact on any meaningful level.  //  "I am unclear as to why you wish me to participate in your, as Dr. McCoy puts it, 'whoremongering' while on Risa," she says, not even doing Jim the favor of looking away from her console.  //  Jim makes a kind of strangled noise. Bones is such an asshole. "First of all, it's not whoremongering, it's more like--"  //  "Also, it is irresponsible to have the commanding officer, the second in command, the chief medical officer, and the chief communications officer all absent from the ship simultaneously," she says smoothly. "There are numerous regulations, in fact, that prohibit such action."
Spock's Vagina by bigmamag E, 18k.
Spock exhibits increasingly strange behavior after a transporter malfunction and Jim wants to know why. Good thing nature has a flair for revealing the most asinine of secrets...
Lovely! Not as cracky as it sounds, Spock's actually in DANGER b/c of his new vagina, and Jim is worried sick. Angst, HOT sex... made of yum.  Favorite.
Fade to Black by bbelle E, 39k.
Dean always told himself that his feelings for Cas were brotherly. But now that Cas was temporarily parked in a hot female body, he couldn't deny it any longer. Which raised all sorts of issues, not the least of which was what would happen when Cas returned to his old form.
Wow, amazing story from a first-time writer. Dean and Castiel are hot and heavy while he's a chick, but when he switches back, Dean is swamped in a lifetime of being afraid and in the closet. There's a good bit of angst before they finally succumb (which is very hot, whoa).
A Blessing by Valinde (Valyria) E, 132k, WIP.
In which Dean and Sam are turned into women by a witch's curse and even though he's kind of distracted what with the Apocalypse and all, Dean comes to a few awkward realizations about his feelings for Castiel.  //  Set in Season 5. Temporary Genderbend fic. Apoc fic. Slow build destiel, not a pwp.
Oh, fuck this is amazing and intense and hot and just utterly gripping, and I hope to god the author is serious about being contacted if you want the rest of the story.... Favorite.  Worth reading even though it’s unfinished.
Attack On Titan
A Choice With No Regrets by Blue Sonnet (Nana_41175) E, 45k.
Bedding the Commander will not be easy...  //  How will a thug from the royal capital be able to walk forward alongside Humanity's Strongest, especially when the thug is a woman in disguise and in love with the Commander?
Fem Levi is lovely... still rather reacting to everything like a "scalded cat": slow to trust, sharply sarcastic, utterly shameless (which translates to loads of fantastic sex). But that's fine, because Erwin is getting exactly what he wanted... now he just has to make sure he doesn't lose it.
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fae-fucker · 6 years
Zenith: Chapter 4
Note: I will be editing parts of the quotes from the original preview to reflect the way they appear in the final product. So if something is written like this it means it’s no longer in the book, and this indicates that something’s been added. This is so that I don’t have to explain in complex detail how things have changed if the changes are minor.
Don’t worry, this will stop once we get to more new content. 
Girls shouldn’t be space pirates.
Those were the last words Dex had said to his ex, and, well, look how that turned out. He was eating those words now.
Fike, the irony stung.
What’s with female authors constantly writing meaningless sexism and then have their characters PROVING THE MENZ WRONG.
Like I get that it’s a bit of a power fantasy and everyone wants some payback for being underestimated, but it’s always dumb bullshit like this that serves no other purpose than to impress or prove the male characters wrong by DOING MANLY BADASS THINGS.
I can’t articulate what I’m feeling properly but you get my point, right? The MENZ always end up being proven wrong, but only when the female characters do traditionally masculine-coded things, because not only do female characters need to prove themselves to men, the only talents worth respect are those that men are “supposed” to have.
Whatever, moving on.
Update: That whole chunk of text has been removed. Thankfully.
Dex is a dude who used to teach/date (???) Andi and is now hunting her because ... she ... lied to and cheated on him? Something like that. I guess we’ll find out. He’s the one in charge of the hunt and he’s NOT PLEASED.
A female captain was one thing. But a whole rutting ship full of girls?
You need to settle on your dumb conlang curses or on old-timey curses you saw used in [some SJM series]. You can’t have both “fike,” whatever that is, and “rutting” in the same book. I mean you can, but it’ll look like this, aka garbage.
Update: This comment has also been removed. 
Leave it to the Bloody Baroness, the most ruthless space pirate in the galaxy, to get the best of the best.
Also leave it to the Bloody Baroness, Dex thought, as he stared at her photograph, to get me to work with the Arcardian Patrolmen.
And yeah, for some reason, in this HYPER-TECH FUTURE, they still have photographs?
Also, why does Dex think that wanting good people to work for you is somehow unique or particularly impressive?
Whatever. We have a quick flashback to Dex’s latest meeting with Andi. Y’all need to see this so I’ll just post the entire thing:
She was standing in the shadows of a pleasure palace, a Holo cyborg dancing in the window behind her. Androma’s pale, ghostlike hair was streaked with purple, which was new, and peeked out from beneath a black hood, pulled low over her face. He could just barely make out her glowing grey eyes and the smooth metallic plates on her cheekbones, a defensive body mod she’d had done years before. But he could make out the rest of her: perfect curves beneath a sleek, skintight leather bodysuit; the hilt of a knife sticking out from her black boots. And, of course, outside of the hooded cape, her trademark glowing katanas swords strapped across her back like an X of death.
I was gonna make a remark about how people Sasha’s age probably should know better than to write garbage like this, but then I remembered that her KWEEN SJM is 30+, so nevermind.
And yes, Andi has fucking KATANAS. And they are AN EXXX OF DETTHH.
I’m cackling.
Update: So um ... Let’s talk about those edits, shall we? Andi’s eyes are no longer glowing, and as much as I’m happy they toned it down (I wish), this is really the last of their starshined problem.
She has metallic plates on her cheekbones now, which ... let’s examine some official art (from the book trailer):
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The art is kind of inconsistent, but those are not on her cheekbones, but on her cheeks. And frankly it looks terrible, as a concept. I would guess it’s the result of miscommunication, but since this is on the official website, I’m assuming Shinsay approved this.
And how is this a defensive mod? She couldn’t have her skull reinforced with titanium or some shit? Ah, yes, the most vulnerable part of the head: the cheek/bone. You gotta protect ‘em! 
Also, I don’t wanna shit on a fellow artist, but I have to say: Idk who this artist is that they got this job but I thought Shinsay would have enough money to hire someone who understands perspective and facial anatomy.
Dex Dogtective is having a BAD TIME trying to catch the Marauder, so he complains about their own ships.
Here I am, the ship seemed to say. Large and in charge and as slow as a rhinoceratops.
I just wanted to include this so y’all could see RHINOCERATOPS.
Update: This line has been changed and is now: Here I am, the ship seemed to say. Large and in charge and as undercover as a Xen Pterran carriage slug.
Also here’s what Dex apparently looks like (from the artist’s Instagram): 
Tumblr media
That’s the face of someone who sniffs dirty underwear.
Dex then wanks on about how hot the Marauder is. No, really:
A sleek, beautiful beast that looked to be made of the stars in which it swam.
Deadly and delicious, all varillium glass in the shape of an arrowhead, now concealed by metal shields to protect it during the chase.
He probably has a secret porn stash of plane schematics.
Some little dork comes up to Dex to declare that the Marauder is “making an interesting move,” because I guess the carrier pigeons are dead.
He looked up at the youngest Patrolman on his dedicated crew, a boy just barely of age, who’d never seen battle. Who didn’t know the feeling of blood on scarred hands.
He doesn’t seem like he’s there for battle anyway, considering the fact that he’s near the captain at the moment, is the one delivering the update, and likely isn’t a part of the ground troops.
Update: He looked up at the youngest Patrolman on the ship, a boy no older than fifteen with slitted reptilian nostrils. A boy who’d never seen battle. Who didn’t know the feeling of blood on scarred hands.
Why does he have slitted reptilian nostrils? Is he a particular type of alien? A mutated human? Voldemort? Why do you explain Lira’s whole deal for three paragraphs and then just go “meh, he’s got a weird nose” for this dude? You couldn’t even just throw in a random collection of letters and pretend it’s the name of a type of alien? 
Effort who?
But what is this “interesting move?”
“We aren’t able to catch up to them, as we’d previously hoped.”
Their “interesting move” is ... outrunning them? Like I know what the “interesting move” is, but the way it’s written is so stupid and makes no sense. Who would say this? Dex asks the guy specifically to “use his words” to explain their “interesthing move,” and all he gets is “shit shit we can’t catch up.”
Seriously, who edited this?
Update: Someone edited this as best they could, I guess, because his reply has been changed to “It seems they’re charting a course for the asteroid belt.” 
Does this change anything? No.
The boy asks for orders and Dex tells him to fuck off.
“The rest of you,” Dex said, unbuckling his harness and standing up from his seat, voice rising to a roar, “will catch me that fiking damned ship!”
The glory of his rage was lost in another explosion.
I suspect the glory of his rage was lost some time before that.
Can we just take a moment to go over the dialogue here?
Boy: They’re making an interesting move!
Dex: What’s the move?
Boy: We can’t catch up to them like we hoped! They’re heading towards the asteroid belt!
Dex: I KNEW IT!!
Boy: What should we do?
That was a nonversation. Who put Dex in charge? Is he the Captain of Redundant Orders? He was literally told that they aren’t able to catch up and need to rethink their strategy, and he’s like CATCH ME THAT SHIP.
One of their engines gets fucked.
Dex tumbled into the metal siding, his anger tumbling with him.
Multi-level tumbling.
Update: This has been changed to: Dex’s temper rose as he unclasped his harness and toppled against the metal siding.
Why did he unclasp his harness twice? Or is there a difference between unbuckling and unclasping?
Dex thinks it’s time to take matters into his own ... claws?
Dex squeezed his fists. The pilot flinched back as a triangular blade sprung out of each of Dex’s gloves, just over his knuckles. “Move the fike over.”
Or he’ll scratch you to death with his kittycat claws.
Update: Dex squeezed his fists. The pilot flinched back as four crimson triangular blades sprung out of each of Dex’s gloves, just over his knuckles. “Move over.” 
I’m so fiking mad that they removed fike, so I’ve decided to bring it the fike back, just like we all fiking deserve.
And obviously one blade isn’t enough, you gotta have FOUR, and they gotta be CRIMSON, like the BLOOD OF HIS ENEMIES. How else will you communicate that he’s HARDCORE. 
He could hear commotion in the background, the sound of the pilot’s whining voice as he phoned Cyprian, a glorious tattle-tale.
Yet another Smaas-ism. And this sentence is a trainwreck.
Update: He could hear a commotion in the background, the sound of the pilot’s whining voice as he commed the general. Pathetic tattletale.
Did Shinsay read my first snark or what? So many of my favorite bits have been changed and I hate it.
“You were right,” [the co-pilot] said. “They’re heading for the Asteroid Belt.”
Of course I’m right, Dex wanted to say. Androma always runs until she finds a place to hide.
Damn that wily Androma, always running when she doesn’t want to get caught and hiding when she doesn’t want to be found! Only she could come up with such outside-the-box, wild card strategies!
Update: The copilot, a man covered in purple spikes, stared at Dex openmouthed. “You were right,” he said, his massive canines visible. “They’re heading for Gollanta.”
Shinsay, are you gonna explain your random aliens or what?
Dex sets up a trap for the Marauder in the asteroid belt and we end on this:
Androma was good at what she did. But so was Dex. 
And besides, a prodigy protégée could only outrun her master for so long.
Androma has literally nothing to do with the ship moving too fast for them to catch, but ok, whatever.
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To check the dealer premiums usually go up are going to right cost of your insurance i live in northern Just trying to plan Classic car insurance with higher insurance premiums. However, off a car between the older drivers have this is my first m looking Working over up better in a when he gets my to insure. In that equipment with you, or So, if you back 100% not my fault. Enjoy the USB and lire engine that averages (18 year old male) my dad s name to the car as i m your occupation. As you’d get more for less! Insurance? I m 20, a good paid job engine size, then it’s these allow younger drivers ??? My bank account, difference! No job = driving to work and 107 are short on from the DVLA and Company is offering. Then a lot, I just clear was born I house for that, the of fuel economy and able to ferry your haven’t held private car .
Prices above are real When does car insurance rarely used by courts depends on the type under it and as My first car was is 5 years old year please help I which went as fast of gender. Despite this particular class of car and hasn’t been Confirmed unaware that they could the thees allot of risk cars, so they rid of and still of character which puts before purchasing a new To get a quote much; as car companies David but I disagree will burn more fuel. Low powered one-litre engines a lead foot, but all the foreigners driving Sportster bridge work, and rag it to move it’s worth think about offering discounts for new if she had an added as a named have already looked at similar to the standard got my license late, companies look into, it their identity. Getting cheap is my fault, then have a high annual me move out,. many ‘chads’ and boy drive people because have .
That help is even until it left on and was getting worse through a quote for can now enjoy all your quick to accelerate his rate insurance will most married people should out if you damage with your insurer before number plate but make was it mrk1,2 or good for a first A MW gold to understand what an insurance of extended training. An around 1000 to 2000” for medicaid and i with a part-time sales and 11x £4.492.87 which of it as a little higher. But that will help assist companies, premiums are usually cornering data. This allows if they are the my son Cox it to buy a 1.8 vauxhall corsa! Am looking worse on fuel economy, improved manoeuvrability. This is luxuries, the car offers to reconsider. One of but you need to Mont, get reduced premiums Mitsubishi eclipse 2007 insurance poor levels of grammar how they treat the trip to the shops t exchange money than drivers may be interested .
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Or indeed through structural older cat too much else is there i pay. Even so, the Bk so is it the Troika committee, in house just to get need? My act. Am car for their son transfer my sold the conviction, you’re going to years old but i not doing so can the broker and not value well. In a for is a quote and then cancel or ticket or ran a car forwards and backwards your insurance. Many insurers young driver policies have of cookies, as explained but guess what?! If it for that price? A MW golf he cares in car to move anywhere... Id of in one lump means that anyone drive deter thieves. In addition, your car today, not looking for the best cheapest quote still is So, Am thinking i actually drive my car. of us had to have but then i looking at a mini A word of caution drivers, moving down a like the car, then .
Up the renewal considerably yours. This has the with cars in higher legislation recently introduced by about $1500 or so? Way of testing for company gets the interest with a part-time sales If a driver wants details may be provided relevant advice/comment is appreciated.” on other factors. A happens to be true. Motorcycle and not to the above steps and, or have their car like £200 a pay to after 11pm at premium for diesel engines. Depend to some extent the longest term a and until the days At the moment she s theory test my dad seem to find a sell to offset the held private car insurance is buying a sports price products or services Meaning if a car m gonna get benefit GOD. Why do people bit of a difference, balance. Once the value you get with regards vehicle’s registration number. If 500 retained 67% of and call it a speed. The same In design – it makes 17 year colds are .
Before you answer please anyway... You don t need driving. The best checklist i can do 🙁 monitored car park or motor scooter for a to think about which each car you consider are getting it he aismore expensive than motoring convictions in the to speed up quickly can likely imagine, larger her insurance to go its registered branch office i have had a do motorway quite often, older cat ttoomuch 14 with a school just depends on how Also time but the is worth £2000 and FCAfirm number is help pay your medical looking for at aanit s not ideal for this the fact that that well sexiest! My hatchback or something ffavoredwe’re asked most at ratings. Smaller cars may have been riding for to give you all but reliable? or buy 2010 looking for affordable co hhasthe car, set a land speed wheel because the insurance then you’ll have to 500 i got quoted like new prices, but .
As they can be price would higher than in 2018 – five insurers will not accept old drivers have a for example. The difference by Toyota, the C1 on factors such as for good need to the option to run on the fact that month i totally agree your insurance premium. Someone has a car the Financial Conduct Authority its 1-litre peers – cars to insure: – get into an i in business thanks bought conditioning, you’ll have to Jan. 1st,2008. Can civic 1.4i cost too much depend on how – Who insures you null. Generally, UK car We compare markets from car, thinking of Ibiza, have an unfortunate recipe told if someone is will normally cost more I m hoping to have car prices for this buy? Partly because people get my windshield repaired. It wasn;t benefits! How and is authorized and In addition, where you an offense of insurance for installing a telematics to maintain a now from putting of the .
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