#(besides fluency being super subjective in general)
german-enthusiast · 3 months
I think, broken down to its essence, learning a language can have three stages/goals, which can but needn't all be reached:
- Goal 1: have enough vocab and grammar to say stuff and have your message be understood
- Goal 2: have the grammar and vocab to say grammatically correct sentences
- Goal 3: be able to do creative/academic writing (meaning: have the skill+vocab to vary writing style according to the text type)
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fukikoichinomiya · 8 months
heya! here's that list of french learning resources + shows i promised :^) sorry this took so long, midterms came out of nowhere for me LOL
wordref is a great language-to-language dictionary (it's got a ton of others besides eng/fr) - it gives you multiple context-dependent translations and conjugations for different verbs and nouns, which can be super helpful with all the semantics that come up in french
this is a pretty good collection of practice tests for the DELF, which is a FDL/French as a Second Language proficiency test conducted by the french national ministry of education. there's several levels (A1-C2, with the As being more or less high school-level and C focusing on business and industry terminology). passing the B2 version is generally considered the benchmark for fluency; i took and passed the B2 in 2017 so if you have any specific questions abt that lmk!
tv5monde has some great video-based learning exercises designed for non-native speakers as well. typically an exercise will consist of a video (subtitled in french) and a graded comprehension quiz, which i always found really helpful since you can both hear, read, and apply the vocab all in one place
conjuguemos still strikes fear into my heart even five years out of high school but it is a good quick study tool. it's kind of like quizlet in that it'll give you a subject, verb infinitive, and tense for you to conjugate (hence conjuguemos) and it'll grade your answers
this is a really awesome list of other resources for all kinds of skill levels; it mentions some of the ones i've listed above along with many others that i haven't had a chance to check out.
in terms of films/tv/youtube/tiktok/etc., i'd definitely recommend starting out by watching content with french audio and english subtitles so you can kinda get the hang of listening for certain vocabulary, and then once you're comfortable with that i personally think watching with french subtitles is really helpful, because the range of accents is so wide (i still can't understand québecois accents) and it's nice to be able to follow along. i also think watching french news programs (like tv5, france24, and le monde) can be super helpful!
finally, here's a list of my favorite francophone films and shows, in no particular order: le fabuleux destin d'amélie poulain, les intouchables, l'auberge espagnole, cléo de cinq à sept, fatima, persepolis, lupin
and please feel free let me know if you have any questions, want any advice on where to start, or need any conversation practice! bonne chance :D
THANK YOU SO SO MUCH ILL BE SURE TO CHECK ALL OF THESE OUT!!! ill definitely reach out if i have any questions or need help or practice!! this was so nice of you to put together for me i really really appreciate it<333
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purplesurveys · 4 years
What is your least favourite thing about your full name? I don’t know if it’s right to say I have a least favorite thing about it. At this point in my life I’ve gotten over complaining about anything about my name and I’ve ended up liking it, actually.
How good is your grammar? My fluency in both English and Filipino is pretty much perfect. Kinda called for when it comes to communications graduates, haha. But yeah I grew up speaking Filipino and then learned English through media, school, and my English-speaking friends, so my exposure has always been balanced.
Do you like the age you are? Idk I feel like age loses its significance when you’re like 20. < Yeah, same. The last age I got excited about was 20, but turning 22 this year felt a little boring and not just because I had to celebrate at home. I’m imagining it would be the same for 23, 24, 26, 27, etc and that I’ll only look forward to milestone years now, like those that end in 5 or 0.
Music. It’s amazing. Do you agree? It’s great, but I’m not as attached to music as most people are. It’s hard for me to get into new acts and I mostly stick to the artists and albums I’ve listened for years. Music can also sometimes be too emotional for me, so most of the time I prefer flocking to content that will entertain me when I’m sad, like sitcoms or YouTube videos.
What’s your favourite kind of poptart? I’ve mentioned this before but only like, five flavors ever get shipped to the Philippines. My favorite is chocolate fudge, but I’m sure I would have other favorites if we were able to have their whole flavor roster.
Do you like sunglasses? I don’t really care for them. They look nice and there are certainly a lot of cute and classy sunglasses designs out there, but ultimately I don’t like how it impairs my vision. No matter how bright it is where I am, I tend to not feel comfortable when everything I see has a black or brown tint to them. 
Do you think dreams can give us insight to things? I don’t know if it can give insights, but I believe that your general emotions and life experiences can have a hand in what dreams you end up having. In my case, whenever something is currently heavily troubling me I always, always end up dreaming about them.
Have any cheesy kids songs memorized? Depends on what you mean by cheesy kid’s songs. I don’t actually know what that refers to.
Besides your computer, what else is cluttering your desk? A Tupperware with peanut brittle, another Tupperware with a half-eaten brookie, two notebooks, my copy of Midnight Sun, my phone charger, a nearly-empty glass of water, and my night light.
Why is your worst enemy your worst? I don’t have an enemy...haven’t had one since, like, grade school.
What does your dad do? He’s an executive sous chef at a luxury liner. But his company and the nature of his work is obviously one of the most affected by Covid, so he hasn’t been in his workplace since February and it’s impossible to tell when he’ll be needed again.
How late do you usually stay up? During weekdays, I’m in bed by 9 or 10 PM. Work is exhausting most days. But on the weekends, I’m able to stay up til midnight or even a few hours beyond that.
The political spectrum. Where do you fall? The more radical side of the left.
Do those commercials from the ASPCA make you cry? They’re a US-based org so no I haven’t, but their ads probably do have the ability to make me cry.
When was the last time you visited a nail salon? I remember going inside a nail salon with Gabie in like 2017? 2018? because she had been trying to get me interested in pampering sessions for myself haha. I never saw the appeal though and if I remember correctly that was the only time I ever found myself inside of a nail salon.
What was the last thing you used sliced bread to make? My breakfast yesterday. I just used the bread to wrap a hotdog. 
If you had to eat one type (Chinese, etc.) of food which would it be? I would have absolutely no problem eating Indian food for the rest of my life. Their spices, the curries, breads, chutney, samosas, paneer? *chef’s kiss*
Enough about food. Have you used Wikipedia for a school report? I used Wikipedia all the time but use the sources on the bottom of the page. It was so easy to go around the whole “don’t use Wikipedia for research” when the sources cited in Wikipedia articles are always subject to strict review by the site’s moderators to ensure their credibility lol.
What is your favourite glass to drink from? I love my mom’s Starbucks mug. I use it all the time when she isn’t home.
When did your family immigrate to wherever you live now? We’ve never migrated, even though my mom had always wanted us to. If we pushed through with it, we most likely would have landed in either the US or Canada.
What does your room look like when you sleep? Completely dark. I also like keeping my windows open and my blinds partially open, because the cold air at night feels nice.
What tabs are open on your computer? The window I’m currently on is pretty loaded actually. There are six Tumblr tabs, 12 Bzoink tabs, two tabs on Google search, and one Wikipedia tab.
Are your fingers long, or short? They’re rather long. 
Reality TV: Love it, or hate it? OMG hahah I like most of them, but I can’t stand dating shows. As a demi, I just could never relate to the idea of casual dating and dating shows have always been super boring to me. I can binge most of the other reality TV shows though, especially cooking ones and KUWTK.
What time is it in the country you get the most of your heritage from? Welp, that’s a creative way to put it. 6:47 PM.
Do you use a top sheet? My current bedsheet doesn’t come with one but I do have other bedsheets with top sheets that I routinely change to.
How often do you engage in illegal behaviour? It comes up every now and then but it’s nothing more than illegally downloading books and movies lol.
Who is your favourite comedian? I’m not big on comedians but I came across Sindhu Vee’s stand-up comedy on Facebook a month ago and she’s sooooooo fucking hilarious. Jokes about extreme Asian parenting will never get old for me. I definitely wish more of her acts were available online.
Do people say you have an accent? Sometimes I’ll get compliments for being able to speak in English well, but idk about accents.
Could you tell me what the capital of Bosnia is without looking it up? Nope. I wouldn’t even be able to point at its general region on a map. Soz.
AOL: Do you use it? No.
Do you find Family Guy’s cutaway scenes funny, or annoying? I generally find cutaway scenes funny. I’m sure I would find Family Guy’s funny as well, considering I’ve enjoyed their humor styles in the past.
What colours are on your current shirt? Brown.
How many children do you want/have? Two.
Would you rather live in this decade, the 1960’s, or the 1910’s? 1910s. The very limited women’s rights and social issues of the time would be sucky to witness, but I’m still interested to see how different life was back then whether in terms of technology, how different my city used to look, or whatever.
Pepsi vs. Coke? Neither.
Do you think you look good with a hat on? Sure, I like hats :)
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