#(ie favorite muses or plots theyre into or what)
futurefind · 3 months
//idt i'll make a giant formal announcement but i think its safe to say its hiatus/semi-hiatus season (as you may have noticed from my activity atm anyway) — Not wrt Rp, just Tumblr
My primary motivation on returning to tumblr was for sake of, tldr, 'networking' and making new rp peeps and friends, but my preferred rp method has always been (multipara theads) via discord. while tumblr is still very useful for consolidating muse info and headcanons (and inbox memes!! chefs kiss abt those tbh), I just... don't have the energy to blindly yell and run around and hope it gets people interested :')
I'll still be around (probably), but I'll probably stick even moreso than usual to just... vibing in my corner and answering any threads/asks/prompts rather than working on 'outreach', so to speak. With my brain's two speeds being 'vibrate silently and anxiously wish for a sign to babble at them at all' and 'gush freely and have periodic anxiety you're overwhelming them/Doing It Wrong' it's Not Great to try and juggle. (Edit:) Everyone's more than welcome to poke in and ask for babbling/overtly give permission to gush about muses or thread ideas or what have you but I won't be initiating much idt.
Maybe it's a phase and I'll be clawing at the walls within a week, maybe I won't feel the urge 'til 2-3 months from now when my dad's recovered from his leg surgery. who knows!
Either way, for those interested (for multi-platform rp chatter, non-rp chatter, or even discord rp): have a discord drop:
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mythwords · 5 years
anatomy of a raven seems to have a very cool, established aesthetic and i am living for it! what stage in writing it are you at? what does the development look like for each main character (assuming you can say it without spoiling!)? what's your favorite part about writing each character? and finally, say/have images for three "spoilers" but out of context so none of us know what they actually mean (if you can :D)
these are incredible questions! thank you so much
1. im still at plotting while writing scenes and trying to get a feel for everything! the murder mystery element is incredibly new to me so im trying to figure out subtle hints, as well as what stage of the story to start at. 
2. juliet goes from stubborn, brash, yet unsure to a more careful person. instead of stepping over others to get answers, acting impulsively, and being blunt for the sake of being blunt she will (hopefully) learn that sometimes thinking things out is the best option, and you don’t always need to be a hero to be successful. she’ll also learn to let go of some of her anxiety and find some better coping mechanisms!
karina learns to open up. she spills her secrets and becomes stronger for it. it is the only way to effectively save lives and end the entire drawn out mystery. she’ll also learn that sometimes first impressions dont actually matter that much, and theres more to a person than what you think you can see in them. the rest is kinda spoiler-y so i wont go into it ;)
3. juliet and karina’s soft moments, ie juliet thinks carefully about what she will say to make karina happy and karina giving her affection in return, acting out of their normal character to please the other and enjoying it, are So Good. juliet’s musings about small details and the way she takes in the world is interesting. karina has a special presence,, an Aura if you will, that is incredible to write.
4. black birds of various shapes and sizes on skeletal trees, mist and rain so intense you can barely see through it to the misshapen lumps on the ground. rocks? leaves? an animal? its so hard to tell.
a smudge of maroon lipstick, down down down the chin and fading out down the neck, accompanied by what looks like blood.
what seems like a million people in the town square, darkness lit up by candles of all shapes and sizes, faces blurred by motion. some of the shops are open in the background, offering drinks or food to the group, but nobody stops. nobody stops.
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