#(it's fine to theorise as long as we don't think that our theories are 100% true and 100% what happened)
skylarbee · 3 months
miles about the possibility of tlsp3 coming out in 2024: "fat chance of that" "it's a while off that, if it happens you know, it's... yeah, unfortunately, but one day maybe"
massive thanks to @mileskanex for sharing this, full interview linked🥰
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chirpsythismorning · 1 year
The one thing I struggle with about the online ST fandom is how certain groups come down so hard on others. If people wanna theorise or speculate let them. If people just want to watch it as it's given to them without deep diving that is absolutely fine too! There is no wrong way to watch and enjoy a show and guess what? The talented writers have created in such a way that you can do either! You don't like what someone's posted, you don't need to go at them for it. Scroll on. It's gonna be a long hiatus! Let's just enjoy the ride
There will always be people like that, it is what it is. In fact, everyone will find themselves doing that at some point if they are indeed confident enough based on all the evidence they've compiled and choose to believe. Because we are all choosing to believe things bc of evidence and other factors out of our control.
Right now both bylers and milkvans are 100% certain about endgame. But they can't both be right can they?... It's just a matter of perspective and being able to think about it beyond wanting to stick to a conclusion and leave it at that.
We don't have to stoop down to other peoples' levels either. We don't have to discredit whole theories and ideas bc one person who subscribed to that same idea said something that we didn't like and some people agreed with them. They do not make up the majority.
Also, it’s possible to agree with people sometimes and not agree with them other times. That's the beauty of free thought and complex thinking.
Not only that but I also think a lot of the times, people aren't even disagreeing. It's like we're arguing about semantics because we reached different conclusions and so we're trying to break each others arguments as being flawed when really at the end of the day we agree about a lot of parts, there’s just very specific aspects we feel differently about. And more often than not, people aren’t going to be able to change their minds if they feel confident in those interpretations, until it’s all said and done at least.
But like you said, if you see something you don't like and you saying something won’t contribute to anything, then leave it be.
Or even just give it a few days, think on it. Maybe you can make a post about it of your own with the evidence to back it up. Often I find giving it some time makes me realize it’s not that deep and I can just continue to think what I think and not always resort to calling out without directly calling out basically.
Bc again it’s often that we’re not even really disagreeing about things, it’s just the wording of it doesn’t match up and we have to find a way to meet somewhere in the middle, if that’s even something either side wants to do. That won’t always be the case for everyone and that’s life. You can’t make people think something just bc you do, and vise versa.
I also suggest if you’re getting hate anons with people being hostile, block. Like always block.
When I get asks, if I have something to say and reasoning to why I feel how I feel, I will try to put it into words. But if it’s obvious the person is just trying to like genuinely troll or be disrespectful, it’s not worth my time. Sometimes people come off sort of snippy and condescending, but it’s not like in every case they’re intending to be outright offensive, they probably just want to show confidence. But still, you can choose to not engage with that if you don’t want to.
We are all responsible for our own experience on here. But also each others in the sense that you are posting stuff other people will see. They might react. If you don’t want people to react then always try to keep that in mind before making posts.
There is a possibility there will be assholes out there. But there will also be fellow fans genuinely just trying to have discourse with you and that can be a good thing, arguably the best thing! Disagreements don’t always have to be bad. Some of the best byler evidence has come from all sides of the spectrum. If we all agreed on everything we probably wouldn’t have gotten that far.
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