#(so is hst really
saxifactumterritum · 2 years
I can't sleep so I thought I'd say about the au I discovered in my brain:
Hst is captain of blue rain, he has to go to the emergency room for whatever reason; the nurse walks in, and it ywz who dropped out of the blue rain training camp. Hst is like YWZ!!!
Other things:
Ywz is unimpressed and hst has to chase him out into the hall. Zx is like 'captain?' as hst goes rushing off half dressed after ywz. Ywz has to escort him back and gets zx into the room and is like 'make sure he doesn't leave'. Hst all through is trying to apologise for the name calling in the training camp.
Ywz explains that he decided to leave the training camp for other reasons completely unrelated to hst. But he is glad of the apology. Apologies. So many apologies.
When the Dr comes they are surprised to find Ywz there and hst works out ywz is way too important to just be getting details from a random patient. 'he runs the emergency room doesn't he? He's so competent and efficient'. Ywz does not, but he's well on his way.
Ywz and zx get coffee and renew their friendship.
Hst is very extra happy that he knows where ywz works and can send a thank-you gift. He sends flowrs, ywz sends a note back explaining he's alergic to those ones, and thus starts the short notes epistolary. Hst sends a gift, 'dear nurse Yu, this time I'm sure I've found something perfect for you' /'dear captain Huang, this is hilarious, but no'.
Hst tries to send ywz the cup when blue rain win the championship. Zx has to come collect it. Ywz asks if hst is in trouble and zx is like 'he just won the cup. He walks of water, according to our managers'. Ywz asks if zx has time for coffee and zx just like 'we won a championship. I can p much do what I want for a few days'.
Ywz's colleague in pediatrics is complaining cus one of her teenagers is obsessed with yx/oal, but ee won't let them request a visit, so ywz asks hst. Hst is like 'no, I won't ask yx. Anyone else, but I won't ask espec if he's already said no'. So they ask smc instead, and hst and smc visit and play games with the teenagers.
Smc doesn't mind hospitals, she says yx dealt with much more of it than she did, when smq died. Also ppl have different experiences so.
Smc brings dancing rain badges, hst akss her for one and pins it to his jacket, and then he sees ywz and has pockets full of rip off dancing rain badges to gift to ywz and smc is like 'omg worst fan' and tries to confiscate his official badge.
Hst and zx are the cap/vice cap team who low key both wish they weren't. Hst enjoys playing games with teenagers just for sheer fun, so he and zx keep doing that.
Ywz recognised hst name that first time and was curious, he didn't expect to get wooed via many gifts and short notes, he doesn't know what to do with himself.
Someone asks hst about his influences one time and hst says wc and the usual but also says 'as they all know' blue rain ethos comes from someone in the training camp. And ywz hears it and goes to find old interviews and sure enough hst always says some variation of that, cus ywz quit after he beat wc.
Oh! When hst was staying overnight for whatever thing, he kept telling all colleagues abt ywz genius gamer and they all have videos and clips and ywz is like "pleas stop. It's not a secret but please stop it" so hst does. One of ywz colleagues reports to ywz that now hst is going around telling everyone how clever and kind and awesome and impressive and competent ywz was when he was a teenager. She's like 'is this better?' and ywz is like 'no. No it is not' and goes to tell hst off again.
There was more things I've been lying here trying to sleep for AGES but I can't remember them right now. I know nothing abt emergency rooms of nursing. Oh,
One time hst is there bringing ywz a gift ('you keep sending my thank you gifts back with such polite little notes. if I bring it in person it will be harder for you to return it') and a big emergency happens and hst is like 'can I... Help? Or get out the way', and ywz looks around and points him over to the kids waiting for news and hst spends the evening distracting them.
Afterwards they are outside and ywz is smoking (for the aesthetic. He can smoke once in a while when he is stressed) and hst is like 'I can't know can I? The outcome. Confidentiality and all' and ywz is like 'correct' and hst is like 'I had a whole thing planned. About it not mattering, being in your hands, it was a good speech. But it does matter, right?' and ywz is like 'yeah' and they just stand there until hst taxi arrives. Then ywz is like 'captain Huang? This isn't my favourite either' and remembers to return the gift and hst like 'damn you so focussed' and is really impressed.
Anyway ywz is very competent and great nurse and they fall in love slowly and there's some pining and zx takes ywz to dinner to make sure that ywz is okay forgiving hst for the names and it's all very wholesome. And ywz wears crocs. That is key. Hst can buy those little crocs decorations you can get.
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poppy-ghost · 7 months
don't mind my messy as fuck counter & walmart brand pringles but the first is more liberty (betsy print) that I'm gonna make a quilt coat from and the second (also liberty) using the scraps from my dress to make a tote for my mom for xmas (⁠◡⁠ ⁠ω⁠ ⁠◡⁠)
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honey-sunsets · 2 years
HST!Techno <3
Senior, usually tech (haha) but has done a couple of smaller acting roles.
He doesn’t really specialize in anything, but that’s what makes him so great. You give him a job, he’ll do it as best as he possibly can. Sometimes his best isn’t always wonderful (looking at you, door he “fixed” that fell off its hinges during a performance) but damnit he’ll do it, and 93% of the time he gets it perfect.
The whole program would fall apart without this man. He’s well known for just finding something that needs doing and doing it. And if he’s already doing something else, he’ll grab the nearest person not doing something and get them to do it. Some people find this annoying (sucks for them, they should be doing something), but this is especially helpful for new and/or shy folks who aren’t yet sure of their own importance or skill. Nobody gets left out when Techno’s around.
He’s a black belt in three different forms of martial arts and does choreography for fight scenes (some dances too!)
Tech people are required to be actors at least once just to give it a try, so for Techno’s legally obligated first audition, he straight up sang a Minecraft parody. And I’ll be damned, he didn’t get a half bad role for it.
Whenever cast lists are posted, he always feigns offense that he didn’t get a role. He did not audition, nor did he want a role.
He’s been Wilbur’s best friend since they were tiny, as he lives right down the street from the Muertes. They looked a bit similar when they were younger and they carpooled often, so people frequently assumed they were brothers.
People still think Wilbur and Techno are brothers, actually. It doesn’t help that they both frequently proclaim they are twins. Even Tommy calls Techno his big brother, though Techno and Wilbur both (lovingly) tease him over it.
You know that whole bit with cc!Wilbur calling Techno brotherly, and Tommy starts angrily playing the Able Sisters? Yeah, that happens often.
Techno’s older than Wilbur by a month. This is very important to me specifically. Also to Wilbur.
On several April Fools days they have switched places and taken each other’s classes. They’ve been caught every time but they keep doing it.
Techno got diagnosed with ADHD when he was in seventh grade. Him learning about neurodiversity caused him to evaluate not only himself but his best friend too, leading to Wilbur realizing he’s autistic.
Techno stuck by Wilbur even as he went downhill and as he struggled to climb back up, much to Wilbur’s confusion. Three years later, they’re both very grateful he did.
Techno has been growing his hair out for quite some time, so it now reaches a bit below his shoulders. It’s “naturally” pink, totally. Ignore the brown roots showing through.
Techno ends up pretty close with Phil and Kristin. Not quite a parental relationship, but a close one nonetheless. They’re under the same roof so often for so much time, plus some family stuff is going on over at Techno’s house (that I’ll get into in a different post), so they end up becoming his trusted adults.
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leo-fie · 5 months
Progress Pride Flag Quilt Block Pattern & Tutorial
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Don't you just love the flag of our people? Do you have an inner grandma that years to make stuff? Do you want to combine these two things and make a queer quilt?
Well, I've got you.
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Behold the pattern! And my lack of graphic skills, so I drew it on paper!
Basically it's a bunch of rectangles, one half square triangle and a fuzzy cut circle. I don't know shit about quilting and I was able to come up with it. Why centimeter, you ask? Because I'm German and that's what I'm familiar with. Why weird measurements and not jelly rolls and layer cakes and stuff? Because I'm German and quilting is not really a thing here.
Onto the tutorial!
You'll need:
A scrap of fabric of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, black, brown, light blue, pink, white each
additional fabric for the border
Cutting mat, quilting ruler, roll cutter
sewing machine
double sided interfacing
iron and ironing board
fabric sheers
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Step 1: Cut everything. Duh. We'll take care of the circle later, don't worry about that now. The half square triangle is exactly what it sounds like. A square and then you cut it diagonally. That's why I didn't give the length of the hypotenuse.
(Note: I'm making two blocks at the same time, that's why there's so much fabric. Also this is a middle of the night project, hence the lighting.)
I'm using all kinds of different fabrics, different weights and drapes, some stretchy, some transparent, so I needed to interface some of them.
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Step 2: Sew the rainbow together. 0,5cm seam allowance on everything, that's exactly the edge of the foot on your machine. Double and triple check that everything is facing the right direction before sewing. The seam of yellow and green does not get sewn fully, only 21,5 cm! That's important later! Also backtack there. Don't forget to iron.
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Step 3: Sew the strips to the half square triangle. For this you have to switch between the sewing machine and the ironing board constantly. Attach the shorter strip diretly to one side of the HST, iron it open. The second strip of the same colour gets attatched to the other side of the HST and the first strip. Look at the pictures closely if you're unsure how that works. Also the strips are longer than the triangle. We'll square that up later.
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All strips attatched will look like this. See how the two strips meet at the tip!
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Step 4: Cut the rainbow part to size. The length between yellow and green is 22cm long. The shorter seam from before plus some seam allowance. The outsides of red and purple are 44,5cm long. These two points are the beginning and end of your cutting line. You will cut a little triangle from every single colour. Do this slowly and carefully. Maybe your fabrics have stretched a bit (mine did). Don't worry, it will be ok.
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Step 5: The Y seam, part one. Y seams are tricky, but there's only one for this block. So put your strips part on your rainbow part and line them up so that the tip of the strip part overhangs the seam between yellow and green by about half a centimeter. Remember that it's not about the edges of the fabric, but where the seam will be. But don't sew all the way! Leave 0,5cm at the tip!
You can also mark on your strip piece two lines 0,5cm from the edges of the black. They should form a little square at the tip. There they meet is where the actual tip on the finished block will be. So place this spot directly on the seem between yellow and green and only sew right up to it. Not beyond.
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Step 6: The Y seam, part two. Now, fold both the rainbow part and the strips part in half and if you've done the last step correctly, the remaining two edges will allign. Pin and sew.
I can't explain it better than I've done here, I'm sure there are tutorias out there. Good luck!
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Step 7: Square up. Iron your block to that everything is nice and straight and flat. Then use the fabric edges of the red and purple to cut the remaining ends of the strips. Use the HST to cut the white. Be careful, the long side of the triangle is on the bias and likely stretched a bit.
I already added borders here. I'm making a pillow case.
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Step 8: Fuzzy cut and raw edge applique. Double sided iron on interfacing is essentially double sided tape. It has two types of glue, one gets activated by 2 seconds of heat, the other by 5 or so (depends on the product). The second side is also covered with a paper that needs to be removed before the second gluing. Read the instructions of the product you are using!
Use your compasses to draw a circle on the protective paper side of the interfacing. It's actually two circles from the same middle point, see pattern. Cut it out roughly. Then place it with the rougher side on the backside of your purple fabric and iron for 2 seconds on middle heat. If you've just ironed your fabric before and the ironing board is still hot, wait for it to cool down. Also let the fabric cool down after applying. Then cut out your circle. The interfacing will have stiffened the fabric, so that shouldn't be a problem. Then remove the protective paper, place the circle on the yellow triangle where you want it and iron for 5 seconds. Let cool.
And you're done! The applique at this point is only secured with the interfacing, but it should hold fairly well. The quilting will secure it further.
And that's it. BTW, did you know that this design was made by Valentino Vecchietti for Intersex Equality Rights UK in 2021? Now you do. Happy quilting!
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greenhorn-art · 9 months
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Prince of Shadows, Lord of Thieves by alkat
Fandom: The King's Avatar | 全职高手
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Category: Gen
Words: 1 929
Once upon a time, their exploits were immortalized by artists and writers across the tapestry of history. Once upon a time, they were worshipped as gods and reviled as demons. None of that stopped the Met from stealing all their shit.
About the Book
FONTS: Alegreya [Google Fonts], Lato [Google Fonts]
IMAGES: all art made by myself @greenhorn-art for this fic
MATERIALS: regular ol' printer paper (8.5"x11", 20lb, 96 bright); ~2-2.5mm binder's board; Neenah cardstock (8.5"x11", 65lb, bright white); Cialux bookcloth (black); waxed linen thread (30/3 size, white); wheat paste (1:4 flour:water); paste wax (from a friend, unknown ingredients&quantities, some kind of wax and turpentine/mineral spirits)
PROGRAMS USED: Affinity Publisher 2; Affinity Designer 2; Bookbinder JS | Renegade's Community Imposer (settings: Quarto, snug against binding edge, custom signatures of 2, 1, 2 sheets).
Text & QR codes printed with colour laser printer (duplex, flip long edge), images printed with inkjet printer. QR codes generated with LibreOffice Writer, snipped, saved, and inserted where needed.
BINDING: quarto (quarter-letter) size, sewn board binding with french link stitch and breakaway spine.
So this one all started because the visual of HST's outfit was so fun that I was possessed by a visceral need to draw it. Inspiration slapped me across my mind's eye, and much like a medieval knight being slapped in the face by a glove (which didn't actually happen, that's a myth that sprung from the throwing down of a gauntlet. but that's beside the point), I felt bound to take up the challenge. Which lead me to draw a few more, and then I ended up binding the whole thing.
(Also, I find it really amusing that the famous Terracotta Warriors were just storage for YXs stuff. And the gang going 'shopping' at various exhibits for gifts for friends/family,, like that sure is SOME window shopping! I can hear it now: 'Oooh I'll take one one those SMASH, and that SHATTER, and throw in some of those CRASH, they're going to love these! 😇'. All in all, it was a fun little read, and fun little project! :D)
About the Art
Because this was initially a one-off drawing I tried a new art style (and struggled to at least not stray too far for the rest). It was fun and helped me think more about shape and visual focus, instead of being caught up in the details.
The crow (based off of image ID: 4039963 from Rawpixel) and the red umbrella on the front cover were filled curves made with the pen tool. The illustrations' poses were based off of a combination of images found on Google and photos taken by myself.
Pinterest is awful for sources, but it would have been handy to pin the references I'd googled. Only remembered to save the one of a man sitting at a desk. (I deliberately searched for someone sitting with bad posture because YX is described as being "slumped" over the desk. I figure that since "the laws of physics held no meaning to ["cursed souls eschewed by the natural order"]", they'd also be immune to mundane things like discomfort from sitting hunched over for too long. Back pain images were a gold mine! All I had to do was choose one with lighting that would give me a silhouette.)
The Myriad Manifestations Umbrellas and illustrations were drawn in Procreate.
I opted for a more plain umbrella design because it's not (presumably) a fantastical weapon in this story. Though the initial version did have YX cradling the donghua!MMU.
For the scene breaks I inserted the images, pinned them inline as character, and adjusted height and baseline in the pinning menu to fit.
The author wrote one scene break differently than the others, using multiple empty paragraphs instead of just one. Following suit, I used a different image for that particular break. I wanted to reference vampires somewhere, so for that break I made two bloody spots resembling bite marks. The blood spots were made with a group of shapes in Designer.
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On cover design:
Because the MMU is what sparks the whole heist, I wanted it on the front cover.
Earlier iterations involved a full cover spread with a man's shadow standing before a shattered glass case, with a plaque mounted on the wall to the left providing information. The plaque was formatted like a museum label and had the author, date published, title, event collection, and story description. I'd also added a QR code to it. Ultimately, I abandoned the concept because it was difficult to decipher what is was when only looking a one cover at a time.
My second idea for the cover would have been a bookcloth-only cover with a cut-out of the MMU on the front, acting like a window showing off an image of the MMU on paper below it. (Inspired by the work of a number of folks over on Renegade's Discord. Here's a few examples gleaned from a quick search: szynkaaa's lung cutouts, some of EHyde's books, and the front cover of Spock's massive all-in-one TGCF). As fun as that would have been to try out, I felt it didn't quite suit the style of the art so I nixed that too.
Eventually I landed on the back cover design with the Met exhibition webpage. At last, I felt that the back & white and simple-shapes-background went with the artwork. The webpage viewed on the phone is based off of the Met's actual website. I took a snip/screenshot of the Met's logo from the banner at the top, then looked at their exhibitions' pages and eyeballed it to create my own. (Threw in the QR because I wanted the easy access to the fic online on the back cover). I chose to use a phone screen rather than I computer monitor because it worked better composition-wise. And besides, while YX may be allergic to owning a phone, SMC is not. I imagine that she saw the news while on her phone then messaged him.
The front cover came together after that. An umbrella for the MMU, and a pop of red. One of YX's messenger crows. A black shape in the background similar to the back cover's, sort of creating a spotlight over the umbrella and placing the rest of the cover in shadow.
Trying New Things: Applying a protective finish to printed covers
Over on the Renegade Bindery Discord, folks have spoken about using a beeswax & turpentine/mineral spirits 50-50 mix to seal printed covers (thank you Kate). According to my dad that's just a paste wax, so he threw 3 different ones at me and said 'have at it'.
I tested them out using the same paper and inkjet I'll use for the cover. I was looking at 1) whether the paste wax affected the paper colour or print quality, and 2) the finish. After applying one coat each and buffing them out I had my winner. Then I applied & buffed two more coats to it and tested 3) water resistance by dripping tea on it. The liquid beaded up and wiped away without staining -- good, three coats will work nicely.
(Test results: Mystery paste wax from a friend wins.
The commercial SC Johnson Paste Wax Original formula (intended for woodworking) has a nice dry shiny finish, but coloured the paper slightly brown -> disqualified
My dad's homemade stuff has a nice shiny/satin finish and didn't change paper's colour, but it felt slightly tacky even after buffing it -- maybe I didn't buff it enough?
The gifted paste wax has a matte finish, didn't change paper's colour (in the image below this one has 3 coats. The paper is now slightly off-white, but still acceptable), and while not as dry-to-touch as the Johnson it was not as tacky as the other homemade stuff.)
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When I print out my quarto covers, I print front and back covers side-by-side on the same page*, with some guides to ensure I'm cutting and gluing in the correct place. (The guides mark the boundaries of the covers and start of the turn-ins, and stop at the edge of where I cut. Before cutting I flip it over to mark the guides [see marks indicated in image below] on the wrong side and connect them so I can see where to glue/place book. Then flip it back over to cut, right side up.)
*I'm being economical here at the cost of possible warping damage. This layout means that I'm only using one sheet of paper, but the grain is running in the wrong direction (across the book instead of preferred head-to-tail/top-bottom). This could cause warping issues, but I'm OK with that. I'm hoping that by just gluing at the edges, instead of pasting down the whole thing, warping will be minimized. (I use wrong-grain endpapers most of the time with larger books anyways).
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I applied the paste wax before cutting out the covers, working carefully to avoid accidentally creasing/bending the paper (which happened twice, but it was minimal and I hardly notice it). Doing so before cutting ensured that the cover material was completely covered. Even the turn-ins -- something I later came to regret. After all, wax is used specifically so that things don't stick to it. It made it rather difficult to drum on the endpapers because I was trying to glue something down onto a waxy surface. It all worked out in the end -- perhaps due to the fact that there were multiple layers of wheat paste which could adhere to each other, followed by being squashed in a press.
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tj-crochets · 4 months
I cannot focus because I just want to work on a puzzle so I am outsourcing this decision lol *when I made the stingray pattern I realized as I was cutting out the fabric the tail was too short and too narrow so I just cut the tail by eyeballing it but I really should fix the paper pattern before I share it **I made a great orange and black halloween-y dress to fit 18" dolls, intending to make a black cat to wear it and give it to my friend. But I messed up a little making the black cat and changed the shape of its face and then put it in a poofy white pirate shirt and space bell bottoms and somehow, despite looking nothing like Howl Moving Castle, it feels exactly like Howl Moving Castle and I cannot bring myself to put it back in the dress ***an experiment in using scrap fabric and scrap batting for plushie filling! He is Very Dense and very cuddly but currently faceless because I originally intended to make him a mothman but I am considering making him a Creature so I can use another pair of embroidered eyes. Probably the green ones.
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redditreceipts · 5 months
thoughts on r/ask_AGP?
So I've been on there a lot, and a lot of the knowledge I have about AGP comes from that subreddit. I think it's the best way to understand how an AGP man thinks and what motivates him.
But I have a few criticisms of the guys I generally see on there:
they genuinely don't seem to understand why many people are against them exercising their ETII* in public. I mean, you should not involve people in your fetish. And if you have a fetish for being seen female and you demand everyone call you a woman, you are forcing them to participate in that.
They also don't seem to care about why women don't want them in their spaces. I have not once seen a discussion about how a woman may feel if a man whose fetish it is to come into a woman's changing room comes into her changing room. It kinda makes sense, because how would men know why women are afraid of men? but well, I think that they could at least try to listen to our experiences.
There is so little reflection on how misogyny and homophobia interact in creating a fetish for being a woman or having a female body. Like, why would you find it arousing and humiliating to dress femininely if you didn't view femininity as less than? Idk. But sometimes, I do see these discussions.
I actually think that there are gynephilic mtfs who are not agp. This could be - straight or bisexual males who transition because of gender dysphoria that has nothing to do with sexuality, but maybe more with trauma or self-hatred - mtfs who fit more in the hsts category, but have some marginal attraction to women. As in being bisexual, but overwhelmingly attracted to men. I would think that Gigi Gorgeous could fall under that category, for example. But r/ask_AGP seems to want to press everyone in these boxes, but I don't think that everyone really fits.
I really like that there are some people who seem to be genuinely aligned with radical feminism (if you frequent the sub, you know whom I mean lmao)
*ETII is short for "erotic target identity inversion". It describes a person who, instead of pursuing their sexual interest, wants to become their sexual interest themselves. For example, instead of wanting to sleep with a pretty woman, they want to become that pretty woman they sleep with themselves.
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flintandpyrite · 2 months
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Back to working on my quilt. I was really worried that my hsts were so squeegee I couldn’t possibly put them together square but so far my corners are not actually that bad!!
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sapphsorrows · 8 months
I'm not a psychologist, so take this with a massive grain of salt, but... I do not think it's a coincidence that trans people absolutely demand to be included everywhere no matter how socially unacceptable it is and have meltdowns when they aren't included in something + a huge percentage of trans people are autistic + rejection sensitive dysphoria is a trait/symptom of autism. I just do not think those three things are coincidences.
I believe the founder of kiwi farms once called the trans movement a "rat king" because there are SO many different parts of it that all come together in very bizarre ways, and I'm not sure if it's a coincidence or on purpose.
Like you said, you have the autistic people trying to fit in with this new group they've been indoctrinated and lovebombed into (can we stop pretending lovebombing isn't a MASSIVE part of the trans community I mean the whole reason people even come out nowadays is so they can be showered in praise and attention), then you have the autogynophiles and crossdressers, then you have the HSTS dudes, then the fandom fujoshi girls who could also be lumped in with the autistic people (many self ID as autistic), then you've got moms who trans their kids either for attention or some other reason (munchausen by proxy), then you have actual predators who take advantage of the whole system (could also be agp but I consider jeffrey marsh part of this too, idk what he is i just assumed he's hsts but he could be agp). Then you've got the porn addiction aspect.
Then you've got big pharma handing out hormones to all of them! Then there's the issue of, like, is this all on purpose? Is this some kind of bizarre MKULTRA experiment or soft warfare by another country being used to destroy us from the inside? Is this just the tide receding before the tsunami of authoritarianism comes and claims us all?
Even just saying all of this sounds SO. FUCKING. INSANE. Being involved in this trans stuff, and being openly against it in general is so fucking hard because it's like a black hole of insanity that just consumes everything.
Honestly when I first peaked I seriously thought I was going through some kind of psychosis because surely all these people can't be wrong, surely there are men out there who really are women "on the inside", and vice versa.
But no.
It's all a lie.
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pebblethief · 7 months
idk why but ive been really bad at posting photos of stuff so have a dump of my machine quilting progress over the past few weeks
teeny "ok lets get some idea of what im doing here" thing. decided to let it be wonky instead of going back to fix stuff, so i can look back and see my progress. notably wonky is the binding, turns out the binding foot that came w my machine is very fussy lol
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2. tiny thing just to conceptualise how a thing i read works. its like 5" across or something
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3. test block using stuff I already had, to make sure I wasnt biting off more than I could chew before I bought fabric. Discovered that the instructions I was using wasnt giving me big enough HSTs so good thing I checked! bound it off and am using it as a little pillow
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4. first block of my first actual quilt! got my HSTs the right size this time ^^ yes this is as obnoxiously patterned as I hoped for, luv Noise. now I know it works and I like it, i have to make 15 more! (I have noticed and fixed the mistake in this one, left hand row is upside down here!!)
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harlowcomehome · 2 years
imagine jade being sick and hazel just being her big sister and keeping her companty while reader and jack make her food and take care of things
“Sick and sleepy”
A/N: I don’t usually like to use photos of kids because I want to leave them open to your interpretation but it’s getting harder for me to find photos of Jack that I feel like “sort of” match with my writing. Let me know what you guys think.
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It was the second night in a row that your youngest daughter woke both you and Jack up crying.
Jade was two years old now, so this was a rare occurrence. “Poor baby” you sighed and Jack was already getting up too. “You can sleep” you whispered and he shook his head as he followed you into Jades room.
Hazel was already sitting on Jades bed with her. Jades head was leaned against Hazels chest as she continued to sniffle, holding one of her ears. Hazel was rocking hst back and forth.The two of you surprised to see her out of her own bed.
“Hazey baby? You can go back to bed” Jack nodded. Hazel turned to you both “Jade needed me, she was crying.” You smiled, you looked over at Jack the both of you extremely proud of your eldest and the big heart she has. Jade noticed the two of you in the room now and climbed off her bed to walk over to you. She reached up to be held and you picked her up, Hazel bringing over a stuffed animal for her. “Thank you baby” you hummed and Hazel nodded “goodnight mama, I love you” you responded “goodnight, I love you very much.” Jack walked Hazel back to her room and you walked Jade into yours.
When you sat in your bed with your very emotional two year old, you realized that she was holding her ear. “I know baby bug, your ear still hurts?” She sniffled and nodded, holding her stuffed animal tight and scooting closer to you. You could feel her small body radiating heat almost instantly.
“We have an appointment later today” you said as you looked at your phone showing the time being two in the morning.
When Jack entered the room, you asked him to bring you the medicine from your bathroom cabinet. You wiped Jades nose and took the medicine from your husband who was standing there concerned “does she have a fever?” 
“Mhm” you sighed as you sang a song to get your toddler to take her medicine. She eventually took it between sobs.
Jack climbed into bed beside the two of you. “Do you think it’s another ear infection?” “I think so, her ear is really hot and she keeps holding it.”
“My ear is not hot” Jade argued, obviously just exhausted and sick. “Okay baby, mommy is sorry. It’s not hot” you looked at Jack with a pout and he scooted closer to Jade. “Do you wanna sleep with me baby bug?” Jack extended his arm and she tearfully scooted inside his arm.
Later in the morning getting Jade ready for her appointment was pure hell. Jade didn’t want to do anything, you thought giving her a bath would soothe her but instead she screamed and cried. Hazel was helpful, following you and Jack around to see what she could do.
You decided to take Jade to her appointment by yourself and sure enough she had an ear infection. The doctor prescribed a liquid antibiotic you knew was going to be a challenge but you couldn’t wait for your little baby to feel better. You called Jack as soon as the appointment was over “hey babe” you sighed, putting him on speakerphone as you buckled Jade in.  “Hey pretty lady, ear infection?” “Yupp” you sighed, “going to pick up her medicine and something to eat, any suggestions?”
“Chimken strips” Jade said and Jack heard her “yeah what Jade said!” You laughed “Hazel have any requests?” You heard her running to the phone “can we eat cake after dinner?”“Yeah I’ll get some cake too” you laughed telling them both you loved them before hanging up.
When you got home from the store it was time to give Jade her first dose of antibiotics, you knew it was going to be a struggle. “It’s bubblegum flavor” you told Jade who was watching you intensely as you put the dosage in the syringe. She made a face at you, scrunching her nose. She was always picky so you knew this would be a challenge.
Hazel saw your frustration and walked over to you. “Mommy said you can’t have cake for dessert if you don’t take your medicine” Hazel said with a hand on her hip. You looked over and Jack who was holding back a laugh. Jade looked over at you and you nodded, causing her to close her eyes and open her mouth. You gave her the medicine and gave Hazel a wink.
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molsno · 9 months
In case you're interested in Transandro Truther transmisogyny receipts (+ cryptozionism bc we tma jewish love that in our community /s)
"Zionist it's just a word for jewish ppl tumblr doesn't like" and then his literally most "colder" take on the subject you can see on his about page it's "Guys of course the oppression and hate/human crimes agaisnt Israel and it's citizens are bad and such BUT zio- I mean orthodox jews deverve a home land too 🥺" also it is not a coincidence that most people calling his ass out are jewish TMAs (mmnh wonder why 🤔)
Also lmao at "4channer Transfemmes" babes we know y'all see us as nothing more than trannies and manish pedo freak there's no need to sugarcoat it 🥴 For shit's sake y'all literally compare us and straight up call us TERFs, you know, people who Literally want us Exterminated??
I mean I'm not really interested in "receipts" because ultimately I'm just a girlblogger but I took a look anyway and yep, I still don't like this asshole. I have him added to my filtered words so that I never have to see his shitty posts but I have heard people say he's a zionist. since you brought it up, I decided to check the post you mentioned in his about page and I-
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just. wow. I'll admit I'm not super educated on the israel-palestine situation but this is like. fuck. I'm curious how he thinks that settler colonialism can be done WITHOUT forcibly removing indigenous peoples from their land, because that seems to be what he's advocating for.
also, is that anon seriously calling lena a 4channer? I KNOW 4channer transfems and she doesn't even come close. I mean for fuck's sake, her username is a play on autogynephilia. 4channer transfems are predominantly hsts doomers doing everything in their power to appeal to male chasers. not that tme people know what any of that means, they just think any trans woman that isn't a doormat must be a racist nazi 4channer with a raceplay kink because their conception of trans women comes from transmisogynistic caricatures, chrischan documentaries, sissy porn, and twitter accounts that show screenshots from tttt. leave it to spazelazarwolf's followers to be the worst kinds of transmisogynists lmao
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rovingwren · 2 months
hi hello! in case u couldnt tell me finding ur blog led to having the time of my life this place is amazing
i tried to visit ur store via ur carrd and it turns out my isp (telstra in aussie) fkn blocked it??? i had to use a vpn to even look.
my browser said its either HSTS or SL_ERROR_BAD_CERT_DOMAIN ._. interchangeably...
tbqh i have no idea what this means but i thought you ought to know? maybe it's a non-issue and my setup just sucks, idk.
anyway hope you have a great day <3!
Hi there!!
First off, I am so thrilled you've been enjoying it here! I saw your tags on that reblog yesterday and they made me so happy! 😁
Secondly, I really appreciate the heads up about my store link. My ISP hasn't had an issue, so I would have never known something was afoot if you hadn't said anything! I may have found the problem, so if you don't mind trying to use that link on my carrd again and see if you run into the same issue, I'd appreciate it!! Thank you again!! 🙏
I hope you have a wonderful day too!
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mishikawacapstone · 2 months
Progress Update - 4/15
Hi, everyone! I have another progress update today! I'm very happy to say that I have gathered the remaining interviews and am currently in the process of editing and publishing them!
In my last post, I mentioned how I tried to focus more on the careers that didn't revolve around creative media films. And most of them are more STEM or human service related. It's been really cool hearing some of their stories, and I hope it inspires some of you too!
I've been posting every other day, and you can expect to see a new video later today at 6:00 HST! Then another on the 17th, 19th, 21st, and 23rd.
Since my last post, I have uploaded three new videos. And if you're seeing this past 6:00 HST, then four will be posted. I'm very happy with the progress I've made! The finish line is right there, so I'm going to keep at it. I'll see you all later!
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transmascpetewentz · 9 months
Syscourse jumpscare
While I normally don't post syscourse on this account, I felt the need to add to a conversation that's been happening recently (and one that's been ongoing for a while) regarding the term "sysmed" and its usage.
So, a little bit about my system that I rarely talk about on here: we're a polyfragmented DID system. I have been the host since about April, and I don't know most of the other system members very well. We have varying views on endogenic systems, leaning towards pro. I still haven't really decided what I think about this whole debate. Either way, we all can agree on the fact that the term "sysmed" is transphobic.
Transmedicalism isn't just "when people think you can't be trans without dysphoria." Transmedicalism, more than being a belief or a set of beliefs, is a societal attitude about transness and about gender as a whole. Modern transmedicalism is an intracommunity issue, but it is rooted in "science" such as the debunked theories of Blanchard. The difference, however, between Blanchard's "science" and the science around systems, is that Blanchard's "science" is complete bullshit. The gap between FTM "HSTS transsexuals" and "autohomoerotic transsexuals" is almost nonexistent because this "science" is based entirely on the stereotype that transness exists for sexual reasons.
Modern transmedicalism, while it harms everyone in the trans community, is mainly straight gender conforming transmascs trying to weaponize heterosexuality and gender conformity against femmes, gay transmascs, and other non-straight transmascs. Being feminine or attracted to men is seen as a sign of "trending," just like the debunked homophobic idea that being attracted to men made you a fetishist of male homosexuality before it. The history of transmedicalism cannot be divorced from this "science," which is something I've spoken about previously.
To compare this history to anti-endos being mean online is transphobic on so many levels. Anti-endos being mean online aren't what cause young gay trans men to hate themselves for not being attracted to women. Anti-endos being mean online don't spread an ideology that gets you denied T if you show any interest in men. Anti-endos being mean online are not in any way comparable to the severe, irreversible harm that the idea of autohomoeroticism has done to the gay trans male community.
Before the 1980s, there were not even words to describe us, because people didn't know we even existed. Those of us that lived before then just called themselves faggots. So many of our brothers lived their whole lives never realizing there was anyone else like them. The simple truth of the matter is that we live in a world that tries to erase our existence at every point it can, and this erasure is something that shapes how each and every one of us views and interacts with society.
Anti-endos being mean online, while I do not want to minimize the harm they can cause, did not do this. Anti-endos being mean online are traumatized people taking it out on the wrong demographic. They are not continuously silencing a group of people who have been subject to invisible violence for hundreds of years only to be written off as fetishists when people realized that we exist.
Obviously, transmedicalists are not the cause of gay trans men's oppression, and we have more in common with straight trans men than we are different. But transmedicalists are people who have fallen for some of these dangerous ideas, among others, that are rooted in gay trans men's oppression. Anti-endos being mean online are not directly contributing to oppression that is in any way comparable to this.
When I see systems who are cis or not planning to transition bodily use "sysmed" to describe anti-endos being mean, I can't help but be hurt. However valid your argument may be, if you do not experience transphobia, our suffering is not your gotcha. Our oppression is not a hypothetical "[x] is bad so everything that's bad is [x]." We are real people and our voices matter. Allow us to do the talking when it comes to our issues.
Anti-endos aren't off the hook either. If you are cis and you call a trans system transphobic for usage of "sysmed," that is not okay, and you are transphobic. If a trans system is using sysmed, I will still disagree with their usage of the word, but that is for trans people to discuss and sort out amongst ourselves. No matter how good your intentions may be, that is simply not your place.
If you're a trans system (traumagenic or otherwise) and disagree with anything I've said, feel free to reply to this post so we can discuss! This post is directed at cis systems and systems who do not experience transphobia in their daily lives. A system that does experience transphobia regularly who uses "sysmed" is very different from a system who does not who uses the term, and I guess that's the main point here.
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hazelnutbuttr · 2 months
so i joined twitter since thats what my gf uses. been on there maybe a month or something, idk. but omg you guys its bad there. like, beyond the nazi and terf problem that we have here as well
maybe its just the side of twitter i found myself on, but there's so many queer people arguing over "agp" and "hsts" and how "bi lesbians will destroy us all" or something. like, y'all are still litigating this shit? are you really still stuck on the thoroughly disproven autogynophelia shit? on whether its ok if a trans girl calls herself transexual? maybe its also the corner of tumblr i landed on, but i feel like we have been past this shit for a while now. who the fuck cares?
but then again there's plenty of queer people making extremely graphic art with highly specific kinks so you know I won't be leaving ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
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