#(ty abyssalcunters for coming through)
civilight-eterna · 27 days
OOOOOH.. any of the hunters + irene breeding kink for request
(because you're a goated polyshipper like me...you get laurentina/irene/skadi sandwich. love and kisses)
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Perhaps Irene's time with the Abyssal Hunters had neutered her fears in a way that others had not experienced. She has always been one to speak her mind in the first place, and when she observes-on multiple occasions!-Skadi dismissing herself from a talk with Laurentina the moment Irene arrives, she begins to wonder at it. Laurentina's musical giggles and the barely-masked scowl it incurs from Skadi sit Irene with the all-too-familiar sense of having things unsaid about oneself in thinly-veiled secret.
She's been singled out before, during her studies. She should be used to it.
But perhaps, she expected a little better of her newer peers.
So she steels her resolve and confronts her directly, on a whim, in the corridor.
"Skadi. You have been avoiding me, and I would very much like to know why."
"I've been avoiding you because I want to get you pregnant."
A beat.
"E-Excuse me!?"
This time, Laurentina is the one to excuse herself. She grins and hoists the hem of her skirt with a sweeping curtsy and a mirthful smile, dipping around from Skadi as she exits the conversation-
Or at least, she tries.
"Y-You! You stay put-you're, you owe me some explanations too-" Irene fumes, her face burning hot, still reeling from Skadi's blunt remark.
"Oh my, such an aggressive little birdie today. But I don't think staying would be very wise of me-"
Irene did not think it possible for Skadi's face to ever entertain an expression that could plead for mercy. And yet, that is exactly how she looked as she turned her gaze to Laurentina with haste.
It takes Irene aback to see her ask so plainly, even though saying things plainly is what she knows her for.
Laurentina smiles and acquiesces, much to Skadi's visible relief.
"Then let's take this conversation somewhere more private, shall we?"
"-It's something of a leftover gene with our less-Aegir side. It's quite troublesome, especially for a certain Orca that says things as she thinks of them." Laurentina finishes the explanation, mercifully succinct, and without too much teasing.
"It's frustrating," Skadi's voice is tense, cutting in sharply, "I don't even have the anatomy to make it happen. But it aches all the same."
"...I see." Irene wonders whether it was the best idea to have this conversation in Skadi's room, in full view of the bed.
Not out of any concern that something would-happen. She just thinks-
How awful it is, to be without control over one's body. How painful, to have to resist those urges, to constantly expend energy in such a way.
How flattering, that all this time, what she'd mistaken for being made fun of in secret had turned out to be admiration, even if it were only because of some physiological response.
What should she even suggest?
"Is there nothing I can do to help?..."
Irene doesn't realize she's wondered it out loud until she glances up and sees Laurentina hide a smile behind her hand.
"Or-I mean!" Irene's face warms instantly as Skadi regards her, "It-doesn't need to be me, if you don't want-"
"I do."
"Excuse me?"
"I am attracted to you. You bled two weeks ago. You're fertile-"
"H-H-How do you-?!"
"Sharks can tell." Skadi answers her outburst calmly. Laurentina's smile is wider, if a little guiltier for it. "And-"
"I-I'm-" Irene's mind reels, feeling like she's reacting to each point in halved time. She doesn't even have the chance to be outraged or indignant-it's all just shock.
Skadi closes in, her presence slow and calm, like she's come to some determinations about her in the last few minutes on her own.
"-Willing. Aren't you?"
Skadi's hand closes around one of Irene's, and she brings the back of it against her mouth.
Irene has been aware of her shorter stature for some time. In general, but especially compared to her new colleagues. She beholds Skadi with quietened awe, the sleek angles of her cheekbones, the texture of her lips against her fingers, the velvet-steel look in her eyes.
"But I would break you apart." Skadi says seriously, "Even without something to put inside of your-"
"Aa-ah-! I get-I get the jist!"
I'll die if I hear another word of this!
Laurentina, her fingers curled beneath her chin, tilts her head and shares her musings.
"Suppose you just...went through the motions until you were satisfied? I could help."
"Help how?" Skadi's brow furrows.
"Relax, no need to be so territorial! You said as much yourself-you'd break her apart. If I were beneath her, to counterbalance you, you should be able to really cut loose."
"I wasn't being-"
"I know. But it's cute when you get flustered. Right, little birdie?"
"I-It's no laughing matter. Skadi is in considerable pain, no? And this is-"
-Sacrilege, if the church ever caught wind of this arrangement-
"-fine with me. I just want you..."
Irene trails off, glances up into Skadi's eyes. Back down again.
"...to feel better."
It's not wrong to help someone who is hurting. Surely, there were-contingencies, for this sort of thing.
Irene knows very well there are not.
But there should be. It's not the church's fault they had no way to conceive of all of the ways in which her people might suffer, when the scriptures were written.
She rapidly realizes that there is absolutely no justification she could offer, to herself or any higher power, for as to why she agreed to be held down against Laurentina's supine form as Skadi doubles over her and grinds, hard, between her legs.
But she soon becomes more concerned with more mortal matters.
All of Skadi's weight is anchored into her hips, and she ruts into Irene through their clothes like she's chasing her very bones. Laurentina writhes beneath her, rolling her between them, easing the worst of the pressure, but the sensation is suffocating.
Her hands scramble for Skadi's shoulders, and she can feel Laurentina's thighs pressing into her backside as she cocoons her with her body.
"Hhhah, you're close?" Laurentina coos, and Skadi groans into Irene's neck, closing her between them like a vise-
My...ribs are going to crack, Irene thinks numbly, and her head dips back over Laurentina's shoulder as a strangled cry rumbles out of her chest, She's going to break every bone in my body, if this keeps up-
Skadi's hand clutches her suddenly beneath the knee, hiking it up as she grinds closer, harder than before.
"S-Skadi, you're, g-going to kill me-!"
Those must have been the magic words, because Skadi's voice pitches and her entire body shudders, rolling with the aftershocks as she slumps over Irene, breathing hard. Something in her was sated, Irene can tell that much.
She's breathing hard too. There's a little too much humidity between her legs to all be sweat, and she pants, desperately-
"-It's, it's hot-"
"Take these off next time then." Skadi's voice is slightly muffled over her shoulder. She doesn't move a muscle.
"N-Next time?!"
Laurentina's hands are drifting, silky-soft, beneath her skirt, pressing and poking at her thighs.
"Oh, see." She hums as Irene winces, "I don't even have to see here to know that she's all bruised up."
Irene whimpers, and Skadi nuzzles her, just below her ear.
"...Sorry. Really."
"D-Don't worry. Just save your strength."
It's funny. Irene thinks. Anyone else, I would expect to say something about the obvious divide in our abilities, would point out how strange it is for someone like me to tell her what to do. But she doesn't sound disingenuous at all.
"You too, brave little birdie." Laurentina's legs tremble beneath hers, and she takes a shivering breath that makes Irene wonder how she managed to take on everything at once. "Not even my finest clay can withstand such pressure-you're truly a resilient medium of your own right." Laurentina's dexterous fingers slide up around Irene's shoulders, gently kneading them, releasing tension, "That being said, you'd probably appreciate a slightly...softer touch? I promise I'll be careful with you while Skadi sleeps it off."
Irene sighs, tilting her neck into the touch.
She has nothing to say for Skadi having fallen asleep already-she'll be joining her soon.
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