#(why is he plagued by rasputins? is there a curse on his family he doesn't know about? WHY?)
tathrin · 1 year
💋not about any particular fic but what got you into writing X-Men stuff? That was a pleasant surprise in the last ask answer
Oh! Well, I haven't actually written X-Men in SO MANY YEARS but: the old 90s cartoon was my introduction. Then when I was ten I was in Toys-R-Us and I saw a comic book next to the action figures??? I didn't even know they MADE THOSE!??? MOM MOM MOM LOOK I NEED THIS MOM!!!!
And that was uhhh. the beginning of the end, really. One of those "and my whole life changed" moments, second only to watching the first Star Wars at the age of six and seeing Leia come out with her blaster not set for stun and shoot that stormtrooper. BAM. And just like that, I was a different person forever.
Same with discovering comic books. The ability to put art and words together to tell a story??? SHEER PERFECTION.
I got my first AU Creation Training when I was a kid and my little brother and I would play action figures (almost always X-Men or Star Wars) because we'd spend like an hour pre-play determining what scenario we were going to do that day. "Canon or AU?" "AU." "Existing or New?" "New!" "Okay, what's the Point of Divergence...?" and then we'd map-out how everything in the continuity would change based around that pivot point up until the place where we wanted to start playing...and then we'd start to play.
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