#*❈ ‣ queue — returns more radiantly as ever.
devictoire · 27 days
tag drop.
*❈ ‣ study — her soul trembled on her lips.
*❈ ‣ wishlist — just a whisper away‚ waiting for me.
*❈ ‣ headcanon — like a drop of dew on a flower.
*❈ ‣ ooc — i'm a silly little ninnynoodle.
*❈ ‣ aesthetic — condensation of auroral light.
*❈ ‣ queue — returns more radiantly as ever.
*❈ ‣ interaction — more of a lark than a dove.
*❈ ‣ call — made her sword into a doll.
*❈ ‣ psa — and yet with you my world has started.
*❈ ‣ promotion — this is a chain we'll never break.
*❈ ‣ meme — the blood of the bohemian and the adventuress.
*❈ ‣ visage — sensation of april and of dawn.
*❈ ‣ rel: valjean — much better thing than the master‚ the father.
*❈ ‣ rel: fantine — i'll see her when i wake.
*❈ ‣ rel: marius — two phantoms in the shadow of the moon.
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woodrokiro · 3 years
Do It For the Band, Part Five (fic)
Fandom: Bleach
Pairing: IchiRuki: 
Summary: When Tatsuki said she wanted their sophomore album to be the next Rumours, this is NOT what she meant. Band AU. Read Part One, Two, Three, and Four.
Against her better judgement, Tatsuki takes an early flight home the next morning, so she really doesn’t know what went down. 
Frankly, between battling her colossal hangover and focusing on not puking on the plane when it hits turbulence: she doesn’t even think about it until later in the week. 
Since the tour ended, the band has a week off to just chill and take some time for themselves before regrouping and planning their next move. Tatsuki goes straight home to smoke weed and binge dumb movies on her to-watch queue. Chad and Orihime had plans to stay in their last tour city for a while since they had friends and family there. 
And as for Ichigo and Rukia…
Who knows. They’re both such dorks that they’re probably that gross couple who serenade each other in bed, naked, making weird metaphorical lyrics about the sex they just had.
Gross. But kind of sweet.
She makes a point to not think about or reach out to any of them (besides Orihime, of course) the entire week - not that she doesn’t love her team fiercely, but they all need the break away from each other... Especially after they spent all their time together making the album and going on tour, and especially if Ichigo decides to show one of his new Rukia-love ballads to the band upon their return. 
Still, she attempts to check in with Ichigo on the fifth day over text. 
How ya doin’, tiger?
He doesn’t respond for a few hours, but she doesn’t think much of it. He’s always been sort of a shitty texter, and there’s a strong chance all the raucous love-making isn’t reminding him to check his phone. 
She’s on the fourth episode of Terrace House’ newest season, debating whether one of the cast members is a chaotic queen or absolute garbage when she hears the familiar ping of a text message on her phone. She picks it up and reads:
Not exactly the sunshine-y answer she expected, but then again: it’s Ichigo. He’s not exactly a sunshine-y person, even when - apparently - he’s radiantly happy. 
She shrugs, deciding not to push it. She’ll find out soon enough how everything’s going when they have practice in a couple days. 
Practice is in Chad’s garage, and Ichigo, Chad, and Orihime are already there.
She mostly chats with Orihime, who has so much to update her on about her newest recipes, like natto ice cream and sriracha orange juice, and hey, Tatsuki, what are your thoughts on this newest article I found about robots dominating the planet within the next five years?
Tatsuki glows in the babble, chuckling when she can’t help herself. Says the first sounds… Interesting, the second sounds like maybe she can keep revising it a little, and that last article sounds like it might be from a not so trust-worthy news source. 
Her friend tries to argue the source’s credibility when she looks over at Ichigo. He’s silently tuning his guitar, head bent and posture weirdly… Slumped when she catches his eye.
She raises her eyebrows at him without interrupting Orihime’s chatter. You good?
He shrugs, gives a weak smile and thumbs up before returning his attention back to his instrument.
Uh oh. 
Ichigo Kurosaki does not do weak smiles… Or thumbs ups, for that matter.
It’s another few minutes before Rukia swings the door open, a bit of a sweaty mess and running out of breath. 
“Hi all, I’m so sorry I--”
“You’re late.”
Everyone swings their attention to Ichigo, who observes their keyboardist stone-faced. The shocked silence that follows is short, but suffocating. 
Rukia flushes before she blinks, raising her chin. “Yes. As I was saying… I’m sorry I’m running late, everyone. I had a lunch meetup with an old friend that went longer than expected. Please forgive me.”
“Chill, Rukia - you’re fine. You’re only five minutes over.” Tatsuki shoots a look at Ichigo, who’s still ruthlessly eye-ing daggers into Rukia. 
What the hell…? 
“... Whatever. Let’s just get started. Go over everything to catch back up to speed, and all that.” Ichigo plugs his guitar into the speaker, and Rukia nods as she quickly sets up her keyboard. 
Practice from there is…
Like. It’s good. It is. Despite the long break, everyone is still on top of their shit: Tatsuki’s beats are muscle memory by now, and Chad is as on it as he ever was. Ichigo and Rukia are in perfect sync, per usual.
The energy, however, is another story. While there was always some sort of joy and excitement when they all played together, now it’s like the air is stiff, heavy. From behind, Tatsuki can see Rukia keeps trying to look at Ichigo during all the parts they usually harmonize together, to get some sort of connection. 
Ichigo doesn’t even remotely glance her way the entire time. 
They’re near done with the entire set when Ichigo clears his throat, turning to the rest of them. Urahara has joined them by this point, watching with an unreadable smile as ever.  
“So… I think we should scrap Sun and Moon from our main set.”
Orihime lets out a soft gasp. Chad’s fingers accidentally let loose a note on the live bass. Tatsuki chokes on her spit. 
“Sun and Moon? You mean our crowd pleaser? The one we always end shows with a bang on?”
“It’s not our only crowd pleaser, we’ve also got some other great ones. I’m just afraid it’s gonna be a one-hit wonder, ya know? And with that note…” He turns to Urahara. “What do you think about us going ahead and starting to write for our sophomore album?”
They gape at him. 
Even Urahara raises his eyebrows. “That’s… Well. That was fast.”
“Is it? Our album is more like EP, anyway - just a little longer. Like a warm-up. And it’s good, of course I’m proud of it - everyone worked so hard on it - but, just… Why not start now? Why not take advantage of the momentum we’ve got going on?”
Rukia clears her throat. “Ichigo, that’s… We’ve got such a good grip on what we have -”
“I just think Soul Vibes is static for us. Outdated.” He quickly looks back at her before returning his attention to Urahara.
 Rukia looks like she’s been slapped. 
“I think we’re more dynamic now, even just in these few short months. And yeah it’s fast, but - we have time, right? To get started on writing?”
“I suppose so.” Urahara looks at Tatsuki and Chad, who both shrug. Something’s really off here, but Tatsuki sort of sees his point. It’s clear Ichigo’s raring to write something new… Why not? 
“Sure, if you’d like, I can make some arrangements with the music studio. You and Rukia can go in there and--”
“Actually, I was thinking we can work on some stuff alone before presenting it to the group.” He stops Tatsuki when she begins to sputter.  “Look, I know the whole reason for pairing Rukia and I for songwriting was to get us working as a team. But we’re fine now…”
Ichigo looks back at Rukia, and they share a look that’s so… Tatsuki doesn’t know what it is, but she sees Rukia swallow heavily in response.
“We’re fine now.” He repeats grittily. He starts again, stronger: “We collaborated on some cool shit, now I think it’s time to make it a little more diverse like I mentioned earlier. Have my songs, have her songs, have Chad’s songs if he still wants - all threaded together with Tatsuki’s beats. Why not?”
The room is quiet as they contemplate it. It’s not a bad idea, but…
Tatsuki glances over at Rukia, who’s looking down at her hands.
Urahara clicks his tongue. 
“Well, Kurosaki, you raise a good argument. I don’t see why not, and I’m not hearing any objections… Just one thing: you’re not striking Sun and Moon quite yet. No arguments! Hear me out.” He stops Ichigo with a hand. “You’re not striking it until any of you come up with a song just as good, if not better. There’s power in that one, you can’t deny it. Make something as rock n’ roll as that and the team will talk. Let’s just… Keep each other in the know, all right?” 
The band - Rukia included, albeit softly - agrees, and they start to pack up. 
Tatsuki doesn’t know what’s going on; she’s always down for making more jams, she knows Ichigo and Rukia have got more up their sleeves, that Chad definitely deserves to put more of his stuff forward - but that… Look the two vocalists shared…
What happened that night after she left the bar? 
She doesn’t have much time to wonder, however, because suddenly she’s shaken out of her thoughts when she hears Ichigo approaching Orihime about whether she wants to go out and get a couple of drinks. 
Tatsuki’s heart is too busy falling to see Rukia’s stricken face.
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