#*toyl: szia everhart
dorytoss · 6 months
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Start out in Windenburg ✔ Work part-time jobs as a Retail employee to fund your adventures ✔
she's steadily settling in the new town by doing some hobbies (she loves music on the side and since she doesn't have much money and she's saving for her future trips, she's trying to learn how to knit and make some clothes).
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dorytoss · 2 months
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Javier and Szia finally brought Amara to meet Javier's relative! The joy on the faces of Javier's parents was indescribable, as they saw their grandchild for the first time. As for the lovely parents, this meeting was the first time that they could ever take a break for themselves, and just chill. They could've stopped at that, but Javier had the great idea to do a last time exploration of his childhood bed, and he wasn't alone as he brought Szia with him, to the lovely sight of his mom.
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dorytoss · 2 months
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With each passing day, Javier and Szia have been finding a way to do their exploring activities, and still take care of their precious ángelito. They've been alternating: Sometimes Szia takes care of Amara, other times Javier, and other times they both do.
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dorytoss · 3 months
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first outdoor outing!
Javier and Szia brought Amara to see the jungle of Selvadorada. They came together but they each took turn with Amara to spend time with her. Amara, being a cheery infant, was enjoying the attention of her parents and enjoyed the day out!
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dorytoss · 3 months
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After their night together, Javier finally asks Szia out for their first date.
"It isn’t really the order I wanted things to go but, I’d like to take you out on a date." - says Javier. "Our first date... I like the sound of that." - she responds "And I love that sound coming from your mouth” - he says with a smirk.
It's really the start of their love story. Are you all as excited as I am?
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dorytoss · 3 months
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Finally… They kissed.
During their nightly exploration, Javier went away to relieve himself (to pee). However, after 8 long minutes, he still wasn’t back. Szia started to worry, thinking about the time that she went missing. She tried to call him, but Javier still wasn’t answering his phone. Szia then decided to venture farther into the jungle to find him. To her big surprise, she did find Javier. But he wasn’t alone. He was playing with a big dog, that could easily pass for a wild animal. But the animal was friendly, and Szia was shocked at the fact that while she was worrying, all this time Javier was playing with this big dog, whose smile strangely enough resembled Javier’s. She released a smile through this realization.
However coming back to her senses, Szia let Javier know how worried she was.
- “God I thought I’d lost you. You took like forever. And all this time you were playing with a dog?” - she says with an annoyed face, mixed with worries. - “You were worried about me? That’s sweet but remember last time?  I told you I would never lose you right” 
At the echo of that sentence, Szia’s heart came with a shocking revelation. She remembered the time that she was lost in the jungle, and Javier had come to find her. Because of that simple sentence, the lie that he told to her about his engagement, the reasons why she was mad at him, to begin with, all of that faded away. The only thing echoing in her heart was: “I think I’m in love with this man”. Because of that, she couldn’t wait any longer. The kiss they’d finally wanted since the moment they met. She’d initiated it. She took his face in her hands, suddenly. She could see he was surprised, but she couldn’t care less. She needed to kiss him. She needed to show him that she was in love with him too. She pressed her lips against his, and everything felt right. It didn’t take long for him to reciprocate the kiss, and everything felt in place. Like his lips were meant for hers. He pressed his body against hers, to kiss her even better. He’d be waiting for this, as much as she is. And god they both know that this first kiss would be the first of a long series of kisses. And they liked that thought.
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dorytoss · 3 months
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THE first date...
Szia and Javier finally had that long-awaited first date. And things got steamy at the end. it's like they just can't stop. But then again, who could? 💕🍾
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dorytoss · 2 months
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A bit of family time. Amara has been an angel during her infant years. Some may think that she would be capricious, but she seems to have taken Javier's calmness as she just cries whenever she needs something, and is very calm. The little family has decided to go to the pool to show it to Amara and just spend some time together, outside of the walls of their house.
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dorytoss · 3 months
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szia and javier are still not exactly on speaking terms right now so she has been exploring the jungle without him, as he was his explorer buddy. She managed to improve her archaeology skills to the max so she's very proud of it. However, it's always lonely to go exploring alone when you've been accompanied all the time by your friends.
Max the Archaeology Skill ✔
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dorytoss · 4 months
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It’s nights like these that make Szia appreciate being back in Selvadorada: being one with nature and more importantly, being able to talk like this with Javier, whom she considers one of her best friends, and even more in her heart. Javier asked to meet with her so that he could tell her the truth about his engagement… well the lie. (see below for more context about their talk)
“You couldn't resist but show up a few days after my visit – I guess my presence left quite an impression on you.” - he says jokingly. “Javier Perez! Since when have you been so cocky. I like this new you.”
Javier and Szia enjoyed a beer during this hot night. They both exchanged stories about their respective life, though they already did that when Javier came to visit her after Christmas (see here). Javier told Szia he actually took a freelance job as an archaeologist, and he started to think more about his future. He’s telling her that her last visit to Selvadorada actually inspired him to do more about his life, than what he was doing. Szia noticed that Javier had changed but in a good way.  The night was filled with laughter, banter, and joy but one thing didn’t come out: Javier still hadn’t told Szia about the “breakup” with Selva. Though he called her to uncover the truth, his heart was heavy and the words didn't come out. He couldn’t say it. Not yet. He didn’t want to ruin this night.
nights like these pose pack by @siimplysims
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dorytoss · 3 months
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welcome little angel...
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dorytoss · 3 months
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Last stops for this pregnancy. Javier and Szia have been savoring those little moments, before all their attention go toward their bundle of joy.
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dorytoss · 3 months
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getting into a routine...
szia is currently in the third semester, and can't do much except watch TV and just survive. She misses the time when she could spend time outside and explore the jungle, but someone has to keep the baby safe. Javier is the one doing some archaeology in the hope of finding treasures that could fund the little new life that they've created together...
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dorytoss · 4 months
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javier's last day!
javier's stay was very short, so szia has been enjoying every minute she can get with him. she brought him to her favorite place: the karaoke. szia's a battery pill of activity. she loves music and so she wants to share a karaoke moment with javier. however, he is a pretty lowkey person and doesn't do this kind of stuff. but that's only because he actually never tries to do new stuff, always stuck to his old routine. however, seeing szia being so brave and so lively, he was actually very impressed because that's a quality missing from him. that's why he actually tried it to please szia and he liked it a lot!
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dorytoss · 3 months
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Szia and Javier went to announce to Rosita that they were going to have a baby! She was so excited at the idea of becoming an aunt + the fact that she was the one who made the two meet for the first time, she just can't believe how life has come to this point. They also went along to inform Javier's parents about it!
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dorytoss · 3 months
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