#ts4 toyl
dorytoss · 5 months
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i feel completely betrayed. like i didn't even plan for this to happen but anyway, the sims decided to mess up a beautiful friendship so i guess i'll follow the storyline
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flocy-sims · 4 months
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🏵️ Official end of gen 1.. I'm gonna miss Lola so much, i have such a deep connection for this family😭
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skopecaries · 22 days
Anastasia Fierro
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Hello! I decided I wanted to start a Simblr for this challenge. Although I've made my way a little bit through our founder's young adult stage I'll try and catch you up on what has happened. Because of this this first stage of her life may be a bit brief!
Generation 1 - Young Adult
She's a restless explorer with nothing to lose and everything to gain! The life in Selvadorada is so colorful and rich, it’s completely different to her dull life in Windenburg. She never wants to go home, but she keeps running out of money. She wants to learn the secrets of the jungle, and she considers herself a lone wolf… until an unplanned child comes along and changes everything.
Traits: Adventurous, Foodie, Music Lover
Aspiration: Jungle Explorer
Skills: Selvadoradian Culture
Satisfaction Reward Traits (SRT): Heatproof
Collections: Omiscan Treasures
Start out in Windenburg.
Give your home lot the Creepy Crawlies lot challenge. (You probably brought those critters with you from your travels…)
Work part-time jobs as a Lifeguard and a Retail employee to fund your adventures. (Do not have other jobs or careers as a YA.)
Have 1 of your children with a Selvadoradian local. (You can have a steady relationship, but don’t marry at this point. The child needs to live with you.)
Display your collection of Omiscan Treasures in your home.
Acquire and activate every type of relic. Use them on yourself or other sims.
For this challenge you also roll the amount of children you're having, then which child is the next heir. For Anastasia I rolled a 5 (so we'll have 5 kids, oh boy), and a 1 (so our first baby is our heir).
Thanks to @dorytoss @flocy-sims and @elysiantrait for the inspiration of creating this simblr!
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gaeulssims · 17 days
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New area: unlocked Prev | Next
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sims-sumine · 14 days
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Time of Your Life Legacy - Founder Generation #1
Ayumu Horikoshi. Curiosity trapped within the confines of living the dull life in Winderburg, her mind and body travelled within the mysteries of the Jungle in Selvadorada. Despite the consistent want to never return to her humble beginnings, she had no choice but pause her adventurous lifestyle to slave away as a part time lifeguard that did nothing but fund her dangerous escapades. She always wonders when this hectic cycle will end; as she dreams of finally discovering what no other has yet to find.
"What more wonders does this adventure has to offer?"
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Thedas and Nysa Quetzl!
(This gen's naming theme is imaginary/legendary places. Thedas is the world from Dragon Age, on of my fav franchises, and Nysa is the place in Greek myth where the rain nymphys raised Dionysus.)
The heir role for this gen selected kid #3 so neither Thedas or Nysa will inherit the legacy :( )
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kruxton · 10 months
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while noah gives ezra all his love and attention, piper still can't seem to connect with her own child.
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wlwsims4 · 7 months
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Been playing a bit with my rotational save, so I can finally finish the 67 legacies I have running there. Almost at ToyL Gen 8, Clove is going to age up soon.
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woefulalien · 13 days
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cyazurai · 11 months
Beginning to think about bringing back the Huerta legacy.
That one has just been on hiatus because writing story posts is exhausting, but that's still one of my favorite families, and every time I see the save file in my list of saves in the game I go "I wanna play them..."
It'll be a bit before I do resume, but just letting you all know that I'm still thinking about them. The TOYL legacy is still one of my favorites.
Plus, the gen 3 heir is a toddler and they aged up when the toddlers were still glitched so I don't even know what they look like yet!
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dorytoss · 3 months
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After their night together, Javier finally asks Szia out for their first date.
"It isn’t really the order I wanted things to go but, I’d like to take you out on a date." - says Javier. "Our first date... I like the sound of that." - she responds "And I love that sound coming from your mouth” - he says with a smirk.
It's really the start of their love story. Are you all as excited as I am?
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flocy-sims · 3 months
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🌴 Festival of Arts and Music
Treasure and Bruce went to another local festival, Treasure tried to show off his guitar skills which we know never even existed
Not Bruce spying on Treasure😂 but ngl i would do it too, just look at him🤤🤤
While Treasure was dancing by the fire an annoying woman came over and yelled at him, but Bruce came to the rescue and after they both broke it down on the dancefloor
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skopecaries · 22 days
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Anastasia and Santiago had a baby boy! His name is Leonardo Fierro, and is our heir for generation 2.
side note: I didn't get any photos from her birth, but we're all caught up now!
All that's left is:
Complete the jungle explorer aspiration.
Complete the Omiscan Treasures collection and display it in your home.
Acquire and activate every type of relic. Use them on yourself or other sims.
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gaeulssims · 7 hours
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After the wedding, Eva invited Journey to an after party but seeing that Abril was not in the mood to stay out longer, she decided to decline the offer and go home.
Journey: Their pasta was amazing
Abril: Uhh, it wasn’t something I would serve at my wedding
Journey: I’m glad you came though!
Abril: I wouldn’t wanna miss seeing you in that dress
Abril: Are you okay? Should we sit down somewhere?
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sims-sumine · 7 days
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Time of Your Life Legacy - Founder Generation #3
When Ayumu thought that everything was as good as it can be, another news shattered the perfect days she has been spending. How could she be this careless? A night shouldn't cost her whole life but here she was, forced to face the consequences of her unrestrained actions.
Calling the last person she wanted to see, she knew she needed to at the very least let him know what their simple night turned into.
"We need to talk.."
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She was aware that Austin knew he was just a past time for her, hearing the stories of another man while they celebrated her accomplishments were enough for him to take the hint. They didn't really mean the night they spent together but what were they to do? It was already done. No one can turn back time to fix their mistakes.
Upon hearing the news, of course Austin won't receive this as good news. They both had their life ahead of them and a child will hold them back.
Taking his anger, that's all she could do for him. Breaking into tears as she watched his silhouette disappear behind her front door.
"I never wanted this too"
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Alone to face the fear of becoming a parent, Ayumu broke down; a scene she never once faced before. A lot of questions ran through her head, a lot of what ifs questioned her ability to become a mother. A moment that made her realize how alone she had always been.
"What do I do now?"
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In this house we love dogs and trash
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