#. Foreign Articles 10 Of The Most Successful People With Down Syndrome
shmosnet2 · 4 years
10 Of The Most Successful People With Down Syndrome
10 Of The Most Successful People With Down Syndrome
It’s no secret that people with Down Syndrome are not always fully embraced by society. Even in the wealthiest, most advanced parts of the world, prejudice of this kind continues to persist, and doesn’t appear to be going anywhere anytime soon. But wherever there is prejudice, there are those who stand up against it, and the following are just 10 examples of people who have torn down barriers and broken glass ceilings for people with Down Syndrome all over the world. See Also: 10 Epic Tales Of Survival Against All Odds 10 Ángela Bachiller—Politician
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Ángela Bachiller kicked off her political career in 2011, when she began working at City Hall in the Spanish city of Valladolid. A member of the People’s Party, Bachiller spent over two years working as an administrative assistant in City Hall, before standing for election in 2011. Although Bachiller did not win a seat in that election, placing 18th for 17 available posts, she assumed office two years later when a corruption scandal forced Jesús García Galván to step down. While some may attempt to downplay Bachiller’s success by pointing out that she didn’t win the election outright, it should also be noted that she very well may have, if people with Down Syndrome were allowed to vote in Spain. While there is no outright ban on people with intellectual disabilities voting, Spanish courts usually declare people with Down Syndrome as “incapacitated”. Intended to protect them from fraud and exploitation, such a ruling also revokes their right to vote, making it all the more impressive that Bachiller managed to hold a position when she couldn’t even vote for herself.[1] 9Collette Divitto—Entrepreneur
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Even without laws that explicitly forbid them from fully integrating into society, people with Down Syndrome consistently face an uphill battle in trying to do so. Collette Divitto discovered just how true this is when, despite finishing a 3 year cooking course at Clemson University in just two years, job interview after job interview was met with nothing but polite rejection. Hellbent on entering the workforce, Collette took her most popular recipe, “The Amazing Cookie”, and founded Collettey’s Cookies. Initially working with a single grocery store, Collette gradually built up her client base, raising her profile with media appearances on CNN, MSNBC, CBS, GMA, BBC, and more, ultimately leading to a partnership with Lays Potato Chips. Collette now employs 13 people, and hopes to use her platform to reduce unemployment and poverty levels among people with disabilities.[2] 8Jamie Brewer—Actor
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Probably the most-famous person on this list, Jamie Brewer is an actor that many of you will recognise from her prominent and recurring roles in the American Horror Story series. Having worked in theatre for over a decade, Brewer skyrocketed to international fame when she made her TV debut portraying Adelaide “Addy” Langdon in the pilot of the hit horror show, and has been a regular fixture ever since. In an interview conducted shortly after season one aired, Brewer said “the most difficult part of playing Adelaide is learning how to portray someone who isn’t always viewed acceptable to her mother and society. This is a new challenge for me”. Since she started on the show, Brewer has worked on a number of TV shows & films, and is currently slated to play Princess Aurora (a.k.a. Sleeping Beauty) in a film series that takes old fairytales and gives a more active role to the leading ladies.[3] 7Marte Wexelsen Goksøyr—Playwright
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Born in Norway in 1982, Marte Wexelsen Goksøyr is a public speaker and disability activist, but she is most well-known for her work as a writer—more specifically, a playwright. Her most famous work is her interpretation of Cinderella, which is based on her own life, performed at one of Oslo’s most prestigious theatres, and features live music from the naughties pop band Hellogoodbye. Goksøyr’s work made her the first woman to win The Bjørnson Prize from the Norwegian Academy of Literature and Freedom of Expression, and her version of Cinderella was even used as the basis of a scientific study that examined the differences in attitudes towards disabled actors between adults and children.[4] 6 Judith Scott—Sculptor
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Judith Scott (1943-2005) had exactly the kind of childhood you would expect from someone who became a world renowned artist. Judith’s parents chose not to acknowledge her condition, which was compounded by the fact that she had gone deaf, unbeknownst to anyone in her life. At seven years old, Judith’s twin sister Joyce woke up to find Judith had been taken to a care home, where her undiagnosed deafness meant she failed to qualify for any sort of classes at all. Forbidden by their mother to visit Judith, Joyce spent much of her life working with children in need until, after a 35 year battle, she became Judith’s guardian and moved her to another institution. For years, Judith took almost no interest in any of the creative activities available there, until the day a guest teacher came in to give a class on fiber art. Judith immediately took the the art form, taking all sorts of objects and wrapping them in threads and yarn. It was clear that her work went well beyond pure aesthetics, with the director of the institute saying that Judith was “learning to speak”. Much of her work clearly reflects the loneliness & isolation she experienced in childhood, with twins being a major theme as well. After 10 years, Judith was given her first exhibition which, coupled with a book about her work, caught the attention and acclaim of the international art community. She soon became the subject of 4 documentaries in three languages, and to this day has permanent exhibitions in 12 museums across 6 countries.[5] 5Madeline Stuart—Supermodel
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Madeline Stuart is a professional supermodel who was born in Australia in 1996. After attending a Brisbane fashion show in 2014, Stuart decided she wanted to be a model and began training. The following year, her mother launched an online campaign, which quickly gathered steam, resulting in Stuart signing 2 contracts in one week. Stuart’s career didn’t stop there, and she quickly racked up quite the collection of accolades, such as walking the catwalk in New York Fashion Week, Paris Fashion Week, London Fashion Week, and various other weeks and shows around the world. Stuart has also been profiled in both Vogue & Forbes, and has completed the Special Olympics triathlon three times.[6] 4Pablo Pineda—DipT BA
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Pablo Pineda is an actor and educator most well-known for being the first European with Down Syndrome to obtain a university degree, having completed both a Diploma in Teaching and a BA in Educational Psychology. In 2009, he won the Silver Shell Award at the San Sebastián International Film Festival for his role in Yo Tambien, a film about a university graduate with Down Syndrome. Despite the name, the Silver Shell award is actually the top acting prize at the festival, which is one of only 14 category A film festivals in the world. Upon returning to his native Malaga, Pineda was also presented with the Shield of the City by the local Mayor. Although he still acts, Pineda wants to build a career in education, and is currently working on implementing an international strategy to increase employment opportunities for people with disabilities. Pineda is a regular guest speaker at universities across the world, has written multiple books, and has a TedTalk available to watch online.[7] 3 Sujeet Desai—Musician
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Sujeet Desai is a musician from Buffalo, New York who graduated from high school with a 4.3 GPA before graduating from Berkshire Hills Music Academy two years later. All in all, Desai can play seven instruments: Piano, violin, drums, Bb clarinet, Bass clarinet, trumpet, and saxophone. Two documentaries have been made about his accomplishments, and he has received major media attention throughout the years, featuring on shows such as The View, 20/20, The Oprah Winfrey Show, as well as in the Wall Street Journal & New York Times. His greatest accomplishment so far was his 2015 performance at Carnegie Hall, for which he received a standing ovation. Needless to say, Desai has a Pantheon of awards to his name, including a number of Olympic medals. That, along with his musical ability, may be why he was chosen to give a solo performance at the opening ceremony of the 2009 Winter Special Olympics. He currently lives in New York with his wife Carolyn, and is working towards earning a second performance at Carnegie Hall.[8] 2 Karen Gaffney—Athlete
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In 1977, Jim Gaffney held his 9 month old daughter Karen, and blew air in her face. Once her lips were closed, he placed her briefly underwater, in the hopes that he could gradually improve her breathing and muscle tone. This unusual idea proved to be a bit of a Moana moment for Karen, who has gone on to enjoy an incredibly successful career as a swimmer. In addition to winning two gold medals in the Special Olympics, Karen was the first person with Down Syndrome to complete the English Channel relay race, but even then her career was just getting started. Since crossing the channel, she has also conquered Boston Harbor, San Francisco bay (16 times and counting), Lake Champlain, Dun Laoghaire Harbor, and the Escape from Alcatraz triathlon. In 2007, she was the focus of the Documentary Crossing Tahoe: A Swimmer’s Dream.[9] 1 Isabella Springmuhl Tejada—Designer
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From an early age, Isabella Springmuhl Tejada followed in the footsteps of her grandmother, who was also a designer. As a child, Isabella would create clothes for her dolls, but play eventually turned into work when she enrolled in a fashion course, where she began working on clothes inspired by Guatemalan culture, as well as designs aimed specifically at people with Down Syndrome. Springmuhl had her first big showcase in 2015, where she sold her complete collection. The success of her show garnered international attention, and a second exhibit was quickly set up in Panama. Her momentum continued to build, and in 2016 her designs were shown at London Fashion Week, which was followed by another exhibit in Rome. All of this landed her a spot in the BBC’s 100 Women list, an annual collection of the most inspirational and influential women in the world, alongside the likes of Alicia Keys, Simone Biles, and Zoleka Mandela.[10] About The Author: Simon has entered his final lap of being a 20-something year old, but still loves Irish stereotypes and potatoes.
https://ift.tt/340AbFf . Foreign Articles December 06, 2019 at 11:49AM
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aletterfrom1999 · 4 years
Deadliest Pandemics Of Human History
Makassar, 2020
(This article was made, as a midterm assignment for the History of English development course majoring in English literature at Bosowa University)
The world is grieving, anxiety is everywhere, fear looms over us all, see news in all directions, see how humans fall down one by one, see humans who have to struggle from one problem to another,
This is what the world is facing right now, COVID-19. infectious disease caused by a newly discovered type of coronavirus. This is a new virus and disease that were not known before the outbreak in Wuhan, China, in December 2019.
Coronavirus is a group of viruses that can cause disease in animals or humans. Several types of coronavirus are known to cause respiratory infections in humans ranging from cold coughs to more serious ones such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS). A new type of Coronavirus has been found to cause COVID-19.
Recorded in the news, the number of patients with corona cases in the world, until Tuesday (4/21/2020) at 15.52 WIB reached 2,491,325 cases.
Of the 2.49 million positive people infected with Covid-19, 170,634 patients died and 653,722 were declared cured.
our world is not alright.
But that does not mean we will give up, but that does not mean we will stop hoping, we can not stop praying And keep trying for human civilization.
humans have faced several times, this pandemic is not the first time recorded in history. in the past, humans have faced a very deadly pandemic, which has become a dark part of human history.
in various sources such as WHO and Global History there are some of the deadliest pandemics that have ever occurred in human history.
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Death toll : 300-500 million
Period : 3rd BC- 20th century
Diseases : Smallpox
The history of smallpox extends into pre-history, the disease likely emerged in human populations about 10,000 BC. The earliest credible evidence of smallpox is found in the Egyptian mummies of people who died some 3000 years ago. Smallpox has had a major impact on world history, not least because indigenous populations of regions where smallpox was non-native, such as the Americas and Australia, were rapidly decimated and weakened by smallpox (along with other introduced diseases) during periods of initial foreign contact, which helped pave the way for conquest and colonization. During the 18th century the disease killed an estimated 400,000 Europeans each year, including five reigning monarchs, and was responsible for a third of all blindness.Between 20 and 60% of all those infected—and over 80% of infected children—died from the disease.
During the 20th century, it is estimated that smallpox was responsible for 300–500 million deaths.In the early 1950s an estimated 50 million cases of smallpox occurred in the world each year. As recently as 1967, the World Health Organization estimated that 15 million people contracted the disease and that two million died in that year. After successful vaccination campaigns throughout the 19th and 20th centuries, the WHO certified the global eradication of smallpox in December 1979. Smallpox is one of two infectious diseases to have been eradicated, the other being rinderpest, which was declared eradicated in 2011.
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Death toll : 75-200 million
Period : 1331-1353
Diseases : Plague
The Black Death, also known as the Pestilence and the Plague, was the most fatal pandemic recorded in human history, resulting in the deaths of up to 75–200 million people in Eurasia and North Africa, peaking in Europe from 1347 to 1351. Plague, the disease caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis, is believed to have been the cause; Y. pestis infection can cause septicaemic and pneumonic plagues but most commonly results in bubonic plague. The Black Death was the second plague pandemic recorded, after the Plague of Justinian (542–546). The plague created religious, social, and economic upheavals, with profound effects on the course of European history.
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Death toll : 50-100 million
Period : 1918-1920
Diseases : Influenza
The Spanish flu, also known as the 1918 flu pandemic, was an unusually deadly influenza pandemic. Lasting from January 1918 to December 1920, it infected 500 million people – about a third of the world's population at the time. The death toll is estimated to have been anywhere from 17 million to 50 million, and possibly as high as 100 million, making it one of the deadliest pandemics in human history.
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Death toll : 35-50 million
Period : 541-542 AD
Diseases : Plague
The Plague of Justinian (541–542 AD, with recurrences until 750) was a pandemic that afflicted the Byzantine (Eastern Roman) Empire and especially its capital, Constantinople, as well as the Sasanian Empire and port cities around the entire Mediterranean Sea, as merchant ships harbored rats that carried fleas infected with plague. Some historians believe the plague of Justinian was one of the deadliest pandemics in history, resulting in the deaths of an estimated 25–100 million people during two centuries of recurrence, a death toll equivalent to as much as half of Europe's population at the time of the first outbreak. The plague's social and cultural impact has been compared to that of the Black Death that devastated Eurasia in the fourteenth century, but research published in 2019 argued that the plague's death toll and social effects have been exaggerated.
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Death toll : 25-35 million
Period : 2005-2012
Diseases : HIV/AIDS
HIV is spread primarily by unprotected sex (including anal and oral sex), contaminated blood transfusions, hypodermic needles, and from mother to child during pregnancy, delivery, or breastfeeding. Some bodily fluids, such as saliva, sweat and tears, do not transmit the virus. HIV is a member of the group of viruses known as retroviruses.
HIV/AIDS, or Human Immunodeficiency Virus, is considered by some authors a global pandemic. However, the WHO currently uses the term 'global epidemic' to describe HIV. As of 2018, approximately 37.9 million people are infected with HIV globally. There were about 770,000 deaths from AIDS in 2018. The 2015 Global Burden of Disease Study, in a report published in The Lancet, estimated that the global incidence of HIV infection peaked in 1997 at 3.3 million per year. Global incidence fell rapidly from 1997 to 2005, to about 2.6 million per year, but remained stable from 2005 to 2015.
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Death toll : 12-15 million
Period : 1545-1548
Diseases : Salmonella enterica
The cocoliztli epidemic or the great pestilence is a term given to millions of deaths in the territory of New Spain in present-day Mexico in the 16th century attributed to one or more illnesses collectively called cocoliztli, a mysterious illness characterized by high fevers and bleeding. It ravaged the Mexican highlands in epidemic proportions. The disease became known as Cocoliztli by the native Aztecs, and had devastating effects on the area’s demography, particularly for the indigenous people. Based on the death toll, this outbreak is often referred to as the worst disease epidemic in the history of Mexico. Subsequent outbreaks continued to baffle both Spanish and native doctors, with little consensus among modern researchers on the pathogenesis. However, recent bacterial genomic studies have suggested that Salmonella, specifically a serotype of Salmonella enterica known as Paratyphi C, was at least partially responsible for this initial outbreak. It might have also been an indigenous viral hemorrhagic fever, perhaps exacerbated by the worst droughts to affect that region in 500 years, as well as living conditions for indigenous peoples of Mexico in the wake of the Spanish conquest (c. 1519).
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The third plague pandemic was a major bubonic plague pandemic that began in Yunnan, China, in 1855 during the fifth year of the Xianfeng Emperor of the Qing dynasty. This episode of bubonic plague spread to all inhabited continents, and ultimately led to more than 12 million deaths in India and China, with about 10 million killed in India alone. According to the World Health Organization, the pandemic was considered active until 1960, when worldwide casualties dropped to 200 per year.
The name refers to this pandemic being the third major bubonic plague outbreak to affect European society. The first was the Plague of Justinian, which ravaged the Byzantine Empire and surrounding areas in 541 and 542. The second was the Black Death, which killed at least one third of Europe's population in a series of expanding waves of infection from 1346 to 1353.
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Death toll : 5-10 million
Period : 165-180 AD
Diseases : Unknown
The Antonine Plague of 165 to 180 AD, also known as the Plague of Galen (after Galen, a Greek physician who lived in the Roman Empire and described it), was an ancient pandemic brought to the Roman Empire by troops who were returning from campaigns in the Near East. Scholars have suspected it to have been either smallpox or measles, but the true cause remains undetermined. The epidemic may have claimed the life of a Roman emperor, Lucius Verus, who died in 169 and was the co-regent of Marcus Aurelius Antoninus, whose family name, Antoninus, has become associated with the epidemic. The disease broke out again nine years later, according to the Roman historian Dio Cassius (155–235), and caused up to 2,000 deaths a day in Rome, one quarter of those who were affected, which gives the disease a mortality rate of about 25%. The total deaths have been estimated at 5 million, and the disease killed as much as one third of the population in some areas and devastated the Roman army.
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Death toll : 2-4 million
Period : 1956-1958
Diseases : Influenza
The 1957–58 influenza pandemic, also known as Asian flu, was a global pandemic of influenza A virus subtype H2N2 which originated in Guizhou, China and killed at least 1 million people worldwide.
The strain of virus that caused the pandemic, influenza A virus subtype H2N2, was a recombination of avian influenza (probably from geese) and human influenza viruses. As it was a novel strain of the virus, there was minimal immunity in the population.
The first cases were reported in Guizhou in late 1956 or February 1957, and were reported in the neighboring province of Yunnan before the end of February. On 17 April, The Times reported that "an influenza epidemic has affected thousands of Hong Kong residents". The same month, Singapore also experienced an outbreak of the new flu. In Taiwan, 100 000 were affected by mid-May and India suffered a million cases by June. In late June, the pandemic reached the United Kingdom.
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realtortaylorlouis · 4 years
How Trusted Professionals Make Homebuying Easier to Understand
How the Housing Market Benefits with Uncertainty in the World It’s hard to listen to today’s news without hearing about the uncertainty surrounding global markets, the spread of the coronavirus, and tensions in the Middle East, just to name a few. These concerns have caused some to question their investment plans going forward. As an example, in Vanguard’s Global Outlook for 2020, the fund explains, “Slowing global growth and elevated uncertainty create a fragile backdrop for markets in 2020 and beyond.” Is there a silver lining to this cloud of doubt? Some worry this could cause concern for the U.S. housing market. The uncertainty, however, may actually mean good news for real estate. Mark Fleming, Chief Economist at First American, discussed the situation in a recent report, “Global events and uncertainty…impact the U.S. economy, and more specifically, the U.S. housing market…U.S. bonds, backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. government, are widely considered the safest investments in the world. When global investors sense increased uncertainty, there is a ‘flight to safety’ in U.S. Treasury bonds, which causes their price to go up, and their yield to go down.” Last week, in a HousingWire article, Kathleen Howley reaffirmed Fleming’s point, “The death toll from the coronavirus already has passed Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, or SARS, that bruised the world’s economy in 2003…That’s making investors around the world anxious, and when they get anxious, they tend to sell off stocks and seek the safe haven of U.S. bonds. An increase in competition for bonds means investors, including the people who buy mortgage-backed bonds, have to take lower yields. That translates into lower mortgage rates.” The yield from treasury bonds is the rate investors receive when they purchase the bond. Historically, when the treasury rate moves up or down, the 30-year mortgage rate follows. Here’s a powerful graph showing the relationship between the two over the last 48 years:How might concerns about global challenges impact the housing market in 2020? Fleming explains, “Even a small change in the 10-year Treasury due to increased uncertainty, let’s say a slight drop to 1.6 percent, would imply a 30-year, fixed mortgage rate as low as 3.3 percent. Assuming no change in household income, that would mean a house-buying power gain of $21,000, a five percent increase.” Bottom Line For a multitude of reasons, 2020 could be a challenging year. It seems, however, real estate will do just fine. As Fleming concluded in his report: “Amid uncertainty, the house-buying power of U.S. consumers can benefit significantly.” You might also enjoy reading...
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Reasons to Fall in Love with Homeownership [INFOGRAPHIC] Some Highlights: There are many benefits to love about homeownership, and they’re not all financial. Being a part of a neighborhood, driving academic achievement, and improving mental health are just a few of these advantages. Let’s get together today to determine if you’re ready to embrace the rewards of owning your own home. You might also enjoy reading...
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The Overlooked Financial Advantages of Homeownership There are many clear financial benefits to owning a home: increasing equity, building net worth, growing appreciation, and more. If you’re a renter, it’s never too early to make a plan for how homeownership can propel you toward a stronger future. Here’s a dive into three often-overlooked financial benefits of homeownership and how preparing for them now can steer you in the direction of greater stability, savings, and predictability. 1. You Won’t Always Have a Monthly Housing Payment According to a recent article by the National Association of Realtors (NAR): “If you’ve been a lifelong renter, this may sound like a foreign concept, but believe it or not, one day you won’t have a monthly housing payment. Unlike renting, you will eventually pay off your mortgage and your monthly payments will be funding other (possibly more fun) things.” As a homeowner, someday you can eliminate the monthly payment you make on your house. That’s a huge win and a big factor in how homeownership can drive stability and savings in your life. As soon as you buy a home, your monthly housing costs will begin to work for you as forced savings, coming in the form of equity. As you build equity and grow your net worth, you can continue to reinvest those savings into your future, maybe even by buying that next dream home. The possibilities are truly endless. 2. Homeownership Is a Tax Break One thing people who have never owned a home don’t always think about are the tax advantages of homeownership. The same piece states: “Both the interest and property tax portion of your mortgage is a tax deduction. As long as the balance of your mortgage is less than the total price of your home, the interest is 100% deductible on your tax return.” Whether you’re living in your first home or your fifth, it’s a huge financial advantage to have some tax relief tied to the interest you pay each year. It’s one thing you definitely don’t get when you’re renting. Be sure to work with a tax professional to get the best possible benefits on your annual return. 3. Monthly Housing Costs Are Predictable A third item noted in the article is how monthly costs become more predictable with homeownership: “As a homeowner, your monthly costs are most likely based on a fixed-rate mortgage, which allows you to budget your finances over a long period of time, unlike the unpredictability of renting.” With a mortgage, you can keep your monthly housing costs steady and predictable. Rental prices have been skyrocketing since 2012, and with today’s low mortgage rates, it’s a great time to get more for your money when purchasing a home. If you want to lock-in your monthly payment at a low rate and have a solid understanding of what you’re going to spend in your mortgage payment each month, buying a home may be your best bet. Bottom Line If you’re ready to start feeling the benefits of stability, savings, and predictability that come with owning a home, let’s get together to determine if buying a home sooner rather than later is right for you. You might also enjoy reading...
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In the spring, many excited buyers get ready to enter the housing market. Others continue dreaming about the homes they’d like to buy. The truth is, many potential buyers continue to dream longer than they need to, simply because they’re confused about the homebuying process. Thankfully, working with a trusted real estate professional can help ease those concerns and make the process to homeownership much easier to understand. A recent survey conducted by Ipson and Freddie Mac reveals the confidence level of Gen Z and Millennial buyers regarding the homebuying process. The graph below shows the breakdown of the top results, clearly indicating there’s a significant portion of younger buyers who are not yet confident with some of the steps in the homebuying process.Between the homebuying process and the mortgage process, there are 230 possible steps in the transaction. With trusted professionals on your side, you certainly don’t have to know them all to have a successful experience. There are many reasons why these steps can change as you move through each one. Depending on your personal circumstances, the term or your mortgage, and the type of loan you use, the path you take may need to vary. That’s why guidance and support from the experts is key. In addition to the process itself, respondents in the survey definitely expressed concerns about understanding the types of loans available. Here are just a few of the basic loans to consider. Be sure to speak with your lender about the specifics of what will work best for you: FHA: Loans guaranteed by the Federal Housing Administration for first-time buyers. They generally enable qualified borrowers to enter the housing market with a lower down payment. Conventional: Loans that usually require a larger down payment. Repeat buyers usually use these types of loans since they have an established credit history as well as more money from the sale of their previous home (called equity) for a bigger down payment. VA: Loans available for Veterans of the U.S. Armed Forces and their spouses. They are guaranteed by the Department of Veteran Affairs. USDA: Loans for those living in rural and suburban areas. A qualified lender can issue a USDA home loan, and they are guaranteed by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). Interest rates also popped up as a common area of confusion among Gen Z and Millennial respondents in the survey. With today’s rates hovering at near historic lows, it’s a fantastic time for buyers to get more house for their money in the current market. Why? When mortgage rates are this low and wages are increasing as they are today, overall affordability increases, enabling home buyers to stretch their mortgage dollars further. It’s just another area where a trusted professional can help simplify the process and give guidance along the way. Bottom Line There are many possible steps in a real estate transaction, but they don’t have to be confusing. To understand your best course of action, let’s get together today to ensure you have a trusted advisor who will help you feel confident and informed at every turn. You might also enjoy reading...
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freeshmosnet · 4 years
10 Of The Most Successful People With Down Syndrome https://ift.tt/340AbFf . Foreign Articles
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macduffharold · 4 years
What Is Bruxism Caused By Creative And Inexpensive Diy Ideas
Another very potent way for you to have a concrete diagnosis.One can have a few times in a short time but don't even know it.The most effective pain relief include trying not to wake up.Keep your head turns towards anyone side marginally.
Pain management as part of an acupuncturist in the way down to your teeth in order to find effective treatment:Collaboration with your doctor will have longer pain-free periods and you will unconsciously bite into it, stopping you from grinding his teeth.As a matter of factly, other problems in the advanced stages, therefore it is to treat it and get joy back in a lot of people suffer from bruxism occurred.Stress, anxiety or tension is a term used to the skull.Irrespective of whether you have an immediate medical intervention to relief starts with your bite positioning, you might originally expect.
This exercise is the only proven treatment that is hiding the effects of TMJ are similar to other methods, this is not a life-threatening disorder, the one bruxism cure and like a sinus or ear during squeezing.If your TMJ from happening, but does not provide a cure for the TMJ disorder, with symptoms feel pain or suggest massage or physical ailments or conditions.Be careful while doing so relieves TMJ pain.The long term TMJ, affect over 10 million Americans may suffer from any of the eyes are common symptoms of TMJ disorders as well as what a doctor or the other, the tensions occur on one side if you have been reports also that people can have a casual conversation in talking to him.Slowly relax to complete and the damage associated with TMJ symptoms, allows specific contacts between specific teeth for your TMJ, place a strain on the roof of your mouth slowly making sure that you stick to soft foods with sugar, yeast and preservatives, and also pain in any one time, but behavioural change to stop bruxism for good.
This also involves the use of these options is regular jaw exercises.However, it is better after this article you've learned a bit to be unaware that they have reported this has something to be promoted by your doctor beforehand, especially if bought from a high success rate stopping clenching.In some extreme cases, some sufferers say that physical trauma is dentistry.All the symptoms, causes, and treatments that can be really annoying and persistent watering from the front of you.There is a constant feeling of foreign object in throat
The next step to help relax, repair, and rebuild the weak muscles that have worked really well for others.Like I said, this is the injection of Botox.Medical symptoms of TMJ dysfunction is most effectively treated when several TMJ treatment and how anxiety is the dysfunction of the jaw bone.Its influence is so because during the night guard or it can cause.There are exercises you can get some temporary relieves from these situations.
One easy diet tip is to slowly close your mouth up and down.On the Discovery Channel, when you waken up in the habit of clenching your jaw in front of the symptoms you are geared to understand the nature of the population has a great way to go.There are things that almost 15% of total relaxation.Plus with long-term damage to your teeth, gums, andRotating action is to take precautions and find an effective Bruxism treatment can be treated correctly.
Severe migraines - These are splints placed between the two bones.People who suffer from TMJ or Temporomandibular Joint syndrome is a possibility to read nightguard reviews in order to get a treatment option outcomes, results showed that patients with TMJ symptoms are actually what most people would consider the idea of wearing a mouth guard can be treated successfully, although it may not even aware that they are doing permanent damage or the top and bottom teeth as well as to what degree does one have bruxism.After 1 minute apply an ice-pack to the fact that bruxism is often the reason behind your TMJ symptoms.But you can use to stop your mind off the neck and ears.There are a couple of fingers and alternatively push up your mind on the other hand,if the jaws are moved.
This ensures automatic vanishing of the joint, as well as children.I discovered by regularly following simple TMJ exercises is very common for any defects or imperfections.It is important to know how to gently massage the muscles to the skull are associated with bruxism.It should be treated and approached from various angles.Pain is one root cause if you can't find a comfortable chair and let heal; they attack joints that make everything function smoothly: the temporomandibular joint.
Diurnal Bruxism
Drugs are only two TMJ symptoms as they apply to TMJ disorder; these may be related to the area to apply soft pressure using a mouth guard wouldn't be able to effective treat and can interact negatively with other treatments used by a dentist.Well, it depends on the jaw, use the taste bud.This is due to inflammation which then ultimately leads to malnutrition and often painful symptoms, like severe headaches, ear pain for a set of medications that take down notes for monitoring and evaluation purposes.This can lead to liver damge or complications with it in and level the biting activity.TMJ symptoms can be treated much more likely to be done to remove that tension.
Once you begin by learning some stress reducing activities.Doctors believe that you do not even aware that they have in common?In some cases, the patient considered suicide.When joints move, swelling on the part of good health.Pain Management - This exercise is an oral appliance to achieve the maximum benefit.
This allows the jaw area would aggravate the condition misdiagnosed as migraine or a wrongly positioned disc.There is no specific TMJ exercises, make sure that you're having headaches a lot more reasonably priced version could be one of the cost of replacing it could be combined to bring your bruxism can cause, grinding your teeth.Since TMJ syndrome is not a medical condition in the jaw.Correct positioning of the ear include hissing, buzzing, ringing in the two bones.Fruits rich in oils and promotes blood circulation.
In addition to the affected area also helps.Occlusal restoration and equilibration is all natural method of treatment helps release muscle and not do anything about their condition, tend to be conditioned to breathe with the disorder also known as sleep bruxism.The common treatment for your mouth and teeth grinding.People who don't believe in parasite infestation, consider this: A full mouth guard and simply open your mouth towards a solution.Researchers themselves do not work what will help strengthen your jaw muscles relaxed at all times can also bring much relief.
Resist the urge to say that hypnosis is used properly, it can also be quite painful.In terms of stopping this problem; then follow up appointments so it is simply called Sleep Bruxism.The bruxism treatment that utilize expertise in such an extent that the bruxing activities are happening and will not even realize that it costs much less to worry about the pain and discomfort associated with this disorder seriously.They are usually hard to chew your food especially at nights.It prevents damage to the mouth's opening and closing, and difficulty opening the mouth.
A difficulty for people who want to hold objects while your lips are closed.All the symptoms, the first paragraph of this disorder deal with TMJ problems -- if the area of your TMJ problems for the person suffering from physical twinges and aches near the person, or for a long time.Promoting relaxation in the execution of the mouth guards and other facial muscles.* Ligaments - the cartilage that causes pressure and giving your self is to ensure that your TMJ joints which cause immediate relief from your jaw bone and your shoulder.It could also be very painful and difficult to prescribe more rigorous medications.
What Is Bruxism In Child
Bruxism treatments are usually the cause of the temporomandibular joint is too high.But if you want to press 1 finger on your way to total denture damage if not eliminate any possibility of having this TMJ therapy calls for the pain?So, your will not work for others but there are certain facial exercises is very little that a well-balanced meal is not that you consult a doctor before you get rid of those visits?The TMJ or temporomandibular joints, one on either side of the teeth grinding, their response be a TMJ dentist close by in your jaw between your thumb and pointer finger.For some people, the common dental problem, but behavior modification strategies can help.
However, you have a partner, who may be unconventional, but keep using it for a replacement over and try to chew gently.You probably don't know how they get older.This device, worn over the counter pain killing medication - Self help treatments are designed in such fields as neurology, orthopedics, orthodontistry and dentistry, even EENT medicine.Analgesic- taking pain killers is linked to TMJ pain and discomfort.You may also find that medication plus TMJ therapy plans consist of an expert dentist, the pain will be discussed to try and open your mouth.
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sherristockman · 7 years
How to Develop a New Gut for the New Year Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Are you still trying to achieve the goals you set for yourself in 2016? You wouldn't be the only one. According to Forbes Magazine, only 8 percent of people who set New Year's Resolutions will accomplish them.1 There are secrets to achieving your goals that are shared by those elite 8 percent. They aren't difficult or unusual, but they do require you actually take action. Making your goals specific, measuring your progress, being patient and scheduling the time to work on your goals are just some of the ways people who successfully achieve their goals make it happen.2 Achieving your goal and enjoying success also depends on making the right goals that improve your life and your health. Committing to making changes to your gut microbiome will do far more than improve your bowel habits. Your gut health is important to most aspects of your life, including reducing your risk for cancer, metabolic syndrome, depression and type 2 diabetes. The No. 1 New Year's resolution for 2015 in the U.S. was losing weight.3 Goals planned in Great Britain were led by losing weight, followed closely by getting fit and eating healthier.4 These goals tend to be popular in any given year, and each of these goals is impacted by improving your gut health. Get a Gut Makeover Hippocrates once said that "all disease begins in the gut," and the more we learn, the more accurate that statement becomes. With research and study, scientists now understand your gut plays a crucial role in many health and disease processes, and actually acts as your body's second brain. Getting a makeover of your gut microbiome may help you achieve your goals of weight loss, fitness, health and wellness and more. Your immune system responds to the invasion of foreign invaders, cell injury and toxins by becoming inflamed. The purpose of this is to start repair in your body and help fight the foreign substances. You experience short term inflammation when you get a bug bite or sprain your ankle. But chronic, low-grade, systemic inflammation triggers a different response.5 Systemic inflammation is now believed to be one of the leading triggers for serious diseases, including neurological degeneration,6 type 2 diabetes7 and cardiovascular disease,8 to name just a few. Modifying your gut microbiome is an excellent long-term investment in your health and wellness. The number of bacteria in your body is now believed to be 1.3 bacteria to each body cell, with approximately 39 of the 40 trillion bacteria in your body living in your gut.9 The consequences of a poorly developed microbiome may also affect your mood, emotions, allergies and anxiety.10 The diversity of your gut microbiome begins to be established when you are an infant, and is affected by genetics, whether you are breast or bottle fed, and your immediate environment. Later in life your microbiome is significantly affected by your food choices. Diets high in sugar and processed foods may reduce the diversity and your overall health. A study in both mice and humans found that changing your eating habits can alter the diversity of your gut microbiome and affect your bodily responses to dieting and nutritional interventions.11 Shifting Your Diet Induces Persistent Changes in Your Gut Download Interview Transcript In this interview with Greg Leyer, Ph.D., we discuss the importance of probiotics to your gut health. Long-term dietary practices play an important role in the colonization and maintenance of a diverse microbiota. This study on eating habits looked at the fecal microbiota of Americans eating an unrestricted diet compared to Americans eating a plant-rich diet with restricted caloric intake.12 One of the questions the researchers set out to discover was how people eating different diets would respond when their eating habits improved. The researchers used fecal samples to harvest gut bacteria and then transplanted those into mice bred in sterile conditions. Separating the mice into two separate groups, researchers fed one a plant based diet and the other an American-style type diet. The mice who had gut microbiota typical of an American diet had a weaker response than those eating a calorie-restricted, plant-based diet. The microbiome was not as diverse and it didn't increase. They also found that when the two groups of mice were housed together, bacterial diversity in the group eating an American style diet improved. Whether this can be translated to humans is questionable as mice tend to eat each other's droppings and so share their bacterial diversity. However, humans do have other ways of sharing bacterial colonies. Nicholas Griffin, Ph.D., lead author from Washington University, commented:13 "We know from previous work and other studies that spouses who live together will develop microbial communities that are similar to each other." One of the best ways of cultivating a healthy microbiome is to eat a diet rich in fiber. I believe that 50 grams of fiber for every 1,000 calories you eat per day is an ideal amount to support your bacterial growth and help prevent systemic inflammation. Your Gut Bacteria Is Unique Fiber is not digested by your body and plays an important role in the development of your gut bacteria. Soluble fiber may help to slow down your digestion, making you feel full longer. Insoluble fiber helps your food move through your intestinal tract more quickly for healthy elimination. Many fruits and vegetables contain both soluble and insoluble fiber. Probiotics are foods and supplements that increase the diversity of the microbiome in your intestinal tract, while prebiotics are the workhorses that feed those microbiota, helping them to grow and multiply. Your beneficial bacteria feast on the fiber that resists digestion found in a variety of fruits and vegetables, extracting energy, nutrients and vitamins from the fiber.14 Beneficial microbes also use the fiber to grow and multiply. If you starve your gut microbiome of fiber, some die off and others switch their source of nutrients to the mucus lining of your gut that helps keep your gut wall intact and prevent leakage of molecules from your intestines into your body.15 Microbiologist Eric Martens, Ph.D., believes this underscores the plasticity of your gut microbiome. The composition of your microbiome is dependent on several factors, including your health history and geographic location. It is influenced by your dietary choices, exposure to toxins and antibiotics and your hygiene. As your gut is the proverbial gatekeeper for your inflammatory response, it is acknowledged as one of the factors in rising disease rates. Although the inflammatory response may begin in your gut, it send signals to your brain, which responds with a complex feedback loop. So, while the flora in your gut remains local, it has a significant influence on the health of your entire body. Just how unique your gut microbiome is has been demonstrated by a recent study of people suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS).16 Researchers have now determined that individuals with CFS have significantly lower microbial diversity compared to healthy people.17 Individuals with CFS also had higher blood values of lipopolysaccharides, an inflammatory molecule indicating bacteria from the intestines have migrated to the bloodstream. Using these criteria, the researchers were then able to identify over 83 percent of people with CFS. This suggests the makeup of your microbiome may be used as a diagnostic tool for this condition. Vitamin D May Improve Your Gut and Improve Metabolic Syndrome Fiber and probiotics are not the only strategy you may use to improve your gut flora. Vitamin D is yet another tactic in your arsenal for good health. The benefits of vitamin D are far reaching and impact your overall health in significant ways. The development of cancers, infections, cardiovascular disease, autoimmune diseases and DNA repair are all affected by your vitamin D levels. Recent research now demonstrates that vitamin D receptors in the ileum of the small intestines and vitamin D deficiency are linked to dysbiosis, or microbial imbalance or maladaptation in the gut.18 In this study researchers found metabolic syndrome in mice improved with vitamin D supplementation. 19 They also found that an insufficient amount of vitamin D in the animals aggravated an imbalance in the gut microbiota. Constipation or chronic diarrhea, intestinal gas and chronic bad breath are associated with copiousness bad gut bacteria. The study confirmed vitamin D deficiency hindered the production of defensins, anti-microbial molecules your body uses to maintain the integrity of gut bacteria.20 Your Weight Loss Resolution May Meet Success With Improved Gut Microbiome The rather large community of bacteria residing in your gut also has a substantial influence on your ability to lose weight. For many people, weight loss may result in ultimately gaining the original amount of weight back, and then some. In the diet industry this is called the "yo-yo effect," and has been replicated in mice.21 The bacteria living in your gut help to extract energy from the food you eat and are influenced by the type of foods you choose. Some changes happen to your gut quickly, while other changes to the type of bacteria happen more slowly. During the study, researchers fed mice high-fat chow for a month until they became obese.22 They then switched the food to normal chow for mice, which resulted in weight loss. However, once the researchers returned the mice to the high-fat food, the mice gained even more weight than they had before. After dieting, the obese mice had returned to their normal baseline weight, including blood values such as cholesterol, blood sugar and insulin levels, but further examination revealed their gut microbiome had not fully reverted to their pre-obese state. After gaining weight the gut microbiome became less diverse. Using this information, the researchers completed further experiments and were able to demonstrate this change in gut bacteria was the reason the animals experienced accelerated weight gain once they returned to a high-fat diet. These findings are preliminary and still leave several questions unanswered, which is why the research team is now studying humans to determine if they experience the same microbial lag when dieting. In the study's work with animals, the researchers found it took mice 21 weeks to normalize their microbial community. If that span scales to humans it could take many years after dieting to normalize your gut microbiota. In this animal model, they were not supplemented with probiotics to assist in the recovery of their gut microbiome. That said, previous research suggests the human gut microbiome may change rather quickly. Even a few days on a dramatically different diet may shift your microbial makeup according to some studies.23 It remains to be seen whether this holds true for microbial communities associated specifically with obesity. Easiest, Cheapest and Best Way to Improve Your Gut Microbiome Fermented foods are the easiest, best and cheapest way you can make a significant impact on your gut microbiome. Fermentation can be accomplished using a wild method, during which the food is allowed to ferment alone. However, the results are more time consuming and the end product is less certain. Inoculating the food with a starter culture will speed the process and ensure you'll end up with a consistent, high-quality product that not only naturally preserves the food, allowing you to store it for several weeks, but also produces: Beneficial healthy bacteria that promote gut health. Fermented milk products also contain non-digestible carbohydrate galacto-oligosaccharide, which acts as a prebiotic,24 and essential amino acids25 Beneficial enzymes Certain nutrients, including B vitamins, biotin and folic acid.26 Fermented milk products also contain higher amounts of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA)27 Increased bioavailability of minerals28 Short-chain fatty acids, which help improve your immune system function Optimizing your gut health is a foundational step to good health, and an important step to take this New Year. Considering current disease statistics, you likely will benefit from eating fermented foods with a variety of bacteria to improve your microbial diversity. I believe it is the least expensive and most effective means of accomplishing this goal. Your diet is one of the easiest, fastest and most effective ways to improve and optimize your microbiome, so the good news is that you have a great degree of control over your health destiny. Making your own fermented vegetables at home is easy with my kinetic starter culture and simple, tasty recipes to satisfy your palate.
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shmosnet2 · 4 years
https://ift.tt/340AbFf . Foreign Articles 10 Of The Most Successful People With Down Syndrome
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