Good morning Amity Park, I'm your ghostly weatherman, Lance Thunder. Today's Friday, October 28, and there’s a 10% chance of rain. Highs are in the low fifties and lows are in the high thirties.
Several possession cases have been popping up recently. Around 38 Amity Park residents have been possessed in the past 3 days. The Fentons highly recommended keeping ghost repellent devices on your person until they can find out what is causing the surge of these possessions.
Casper High will be hosting an indoor trick or treat on Monday the 30th. There will be someone handing out candy in every classroom. This will go from 4:30 pm to 8:30 pm and everyone under the age of 14 is welcome to come.
The Fentons will likely be driving today.
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kyouka-supremacy · 1 month
I've now confused Rimbaud for Gin in fanarts several times now. Guess it's the nonbinary swag
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jtl-fics · 3 months
Prettiest boi
WIP Wednesday 2/28/24 (CLOSED) | Pretty Boy
He had scowled when Allison said that Andrew hardly needed to do anything to be scary. He had sniped back that all she needed to do was take off her make-up to be scary before Renee had broken up their burgeoning fight. So here they were, grabbing supplies from the Spirit of Halloween that had taken over a recently closed KMart.
Neil comes from another part of the store with a bunch of make-up kits. He drops them into the cart. "What else do we need?" he asks tilting his head.
"From here? Nothing else." Andrew says looking at the cart.
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pinksilvace · 11 months
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The forbidden timeline where Jet is in 06, part three, in which I simply did not feel like looking up reference for Jet's boots again
Part 1 | Part 2
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vhscorp · 11 months
Dans ce monde du paraître, on attache beaucoup trop d’importance aux vêtements ; moi, ce qui m’intéresse, ce ne sont pas les fringues mais ce qu’il y a dedans…
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klaudia2646 · 6 days
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We went to St. Paul - Minneapolis on Friday. We had a great time. First stopped by Mall of America. Then we went to the hotel which was only a couple of blocks away from Target Field, we watched the Twins play against Texas Rangers. Twins won so that was a plus.
Next day we took a tour of the twin cities. It was a great tour, learned many things, they took us all over the place, 3.5 hours. When we got back from the tour at the Mall of America, we went inside to eat and left to go to Iowa right away.
Meanwhile at home, Tonya and Allen moved to Waterloo from Michigan on Friday. We got a bbq yesterday, Memorial Day. Janice and Mary Beth left real early in the morning to go back to Arkansas. I picked up KJ to come to the bbq and took her back home before 4pm cause she had to work from 4 to 8.
I caught a cold over the weekend. I do feel a bit better but not great. I’ve been wearing a face mask to help prevent spreading it. Everyone keeps asking me if I’m ok or what’s going on with me. Do I look like I’m ok? I have no patience for Emily in public safety so haven’t been talking much, I actually haven’t been talking much with anyone, I don’t want anyone to park here and talk to me for 45 minutes. Every time someone comes and asks me something Emily is answering for me. Maybe we don’t need a. Front desk receptionist. 🙄 It’s hard for me to keep my mouth shut.
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csacskamacskamocska · 11 months
Miért álszentek?
Szeretném, ha megváltoznál... Hogymia faszomat menjapicsába red flag nincsazaisten
Szeretném, ha nem csinálnád... Nekem senki ne mondja megaztcsinálok amihezkedvemvan És ugyanők zokognak. Csak akkor szerelmesek. Önként hajtanák igába a fejüket és tennének meg mindent és bármit. És nehogy azt higgyük, hogy az a valaki nem állna elő olyannal, hogy változtass ezen vagy azon vagy ne csináldmár ezt vagy azt. Dehogy! Egyszerűen csak arra rá vannak kattanva, neki megtennék. És jól is van ez, csak ne felejtenék el, csak lenne annyi önrerflexiójuk, hogy tudják, hogy ez így van. Nem arról van szó, hogy soha senkinek, vagy nem alkalmasak, hanem arról, hogy neked nem tennék meg. Egy szerelmes macsó éppen olyan ostoba fasz, mint bárki más és éppen olyan sok évig reménykedik és hiszi minden megnyilvánulásról, hogy titokban az a valaki... és reméli minden pillanatban, hogy megkapja az elégtételt és kiderül, hogy még tud hatni, van vonzereje és gondolnak rá. Pedig a vérfagyasztó szabály az az, hogy nem. Ha valaki nem szeret, nem gondol rád. Nem tudsz hatni. Nem jutsz eszébe. Nem akar veled lenni. Nem keres és nem érdeklődik. És nem is emlékszik rád. Hogy játszik-e veled? Miért ne tenné, ha hagyod? A port is piszkáljuk a lábujjunkkal unalmunkban.
Szakadj meg szív!
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vamprisms · 1 year
was thinking of a song i wanted to listen to and it came on shuffle. um yes i have psychic abilities
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carbone14 · 7 months
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Les troupes allemandes traversent un pont près de Jonava – Opération Barbarossa – Lituanie – 28 juin 1941
©Imperial War Museums - HU 8925
L'infanterie devait parcourir au moins 32 km par jour et cependant, elle était encore loin derrière les régiments de panzers.
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is-hinata-good-today · 11 months
june 28th, 2023
hinata is impossibly perfect today, he’s 110% wonderful!!! the most wonderful it’s possible to be!!!
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Good morning Amity Park, I'm your ghostly weatherman, Lance Thunder. Today's Tuesday, November 28, and there’s a 0% chance of rain. Highs are in the mid twenties and the low is 16 degrees.
I apologize for the lack of a report yesterday, though I’m not entirely sure how, or even if I can explain the situation which caused this absence.
The Fentons were observed fighting a giant animal ghost with Danny Phantom yesterday. Many were hopeful that this could mean a truce, but once the ghost was captured, the Fentons immediately attacked Danny Phantom. Luckily, he escaped before he was captured.
The aggressive rabbits in Parr Hill Park have seemingly lost almost all aggression overnight. Their behaviour is much like that of any other rabbit now. It is unknown what caused this change, or what caused the initial aggression.
The Fentons will likely be driving today.
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kyouka-supremacy · 1 month
Now that I think about it the fact that bsd is officially categorized as seinen is ridiculous. Has anyone seen the merch? It's clearly targeted to female consumers?
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jtl-fics · 3 months
WIP Wednesday 2/21/24 (CLOSED) | Surely
Neil grabs the bottle from the cooler and the two of them continue on with their grocery shopping. Andrew's silent acceptance of not needing an answer remains one of the more difficult things for Neil not to respond to.
"My mom got me one, well two, once." He says as they're looking at brownie mixes.
Andrew doesn't say anything letting Neil have the space to elaborate as much or as little as he wants as he looks between the Jiffy box or the Betty Crocker.
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elicatkin · 11 months
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fashionstylwinsp · 4 months
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Sunsets like this ❤
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day 43
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