The continuation for that Alcina fic was fucking deliciousssssss skdjfskldfj
It got me thinking, I'm not sure if you've written a fic like this before or if you would even write one like this, but I was wondering what that situation (or one similar to it) would look like from Alcina's POV?
Hello, dears ♥️ In preparation for reaching ✨1,750 followers✨, I've been working on a little fic that was inspired by both this ask 🔺🔺🔺 (thank you 👀 I'm so glad you liked it jdhddjkd) , as well as this incredible piece of fanart!
But first and foremost:
Thank you all for following! 💋
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And as for the request, here you go! Written from Alcina's POV and just under 3k words 👀 I hope some of you will enjoy it! 😁♥️
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The Lady found herself in a foul mood as she made her way back into the castle. Met with nothing but absolute silence as she opened the large doors and walked into the even larger foyer. Of course, she expected no one else to be awake at this hour, save for her daughters who were still out on the hunt. Though, as she made her way slowly up the staircase, a faint sound could be heard traveling its way softly through the corridors. A quiet, subtle melody hummed just barely loud enough to be heard. But, of course, she heard it. She heard everything that happened within those castle walls - even when she cared not to.
“The audacity.. sneaking out at this hour.” She grumbled to herself, following the haunting sound. Her foul mood turning even more sour when she realized that her hopes of getting directly into a hot, soothing bath had been swiftly thwarted. Instead making it so she'd likely have to discipline someone instead. She sighed as the voice grew louder, leading her directly into the library.
A Countess' work is never done, Alcina, she thought to herself tiredly. Of course it wasn't. Why should she be able to enjoy the solitude of a hot bath and a glass of her favorite wine after running through the woods chasing after man-things all night? She huffed at the air, frustrated - irritation riddling her weary bones as she opened the doors to the large room - the soft humming immediately halting as she did.
“There's no use in hiding, dear. I may be tired, but I can still smell you from here.”
A murmured curse in response from a voice she knew all too well. She sighed again.
“Draga.. of all the nights to be breaking curfew..”
The Countess was in no mood and she could feel her patience wearing thinner by the minute. Of all people.
“Come out, pet, now.” She ordered through gritted teeth.
Slowly, the figure of her current paramour came hesitantly out from behind the bookstacks and into view. Skin pale and a look of sheer panic on their face.
“I don't believe now is the time for such informalities.” She responded sternly, cutting them short.
They swallowed nervously. “Right, of course. S-sorry, my lady. I.. I thought you were out for the night?”
Alcina scoffed. “As if that gives you the right to be disobeying my direct orders? Hm? Traipsing around the castle at all hours of the night.”
“N-no… it's just.. I-”
“Save it, pet. I am in no mood for excuses and you're the last person I wanted to have to discipline tonight.”
She rubbed the bridge of her nose and moved further into the room. A profound wave of exhaustion washing over her that forced a slight stumble to her stride.
When was the last time she had even fed? She wondered.
“My lady? Are.. are you alright?”
“It's nothing.” She snarled.
“Countess.. I am.. very sorry for disappointing you. And I know you're angry with me.” The human’s voice softened a little as they moved closer to her, fidgeting anxiously with their fingers. “But, if there is anything I can do? You know, to help.”
“There is.” She growled, “You can start by not being so incompetent!”
This time the words that came out were raw, primal - dipped in venom - the dragon within her inching closer and closer to the surface as her need to feed grew stronger. Albeit, the moment she saw her handservant flinch - coiling back at her words - she couldn't help but soften. Sighing, she turned to face them.
“I am sorry, draga. I seemed to have lost myself. While, yes, I am disappointed that you disobeyed the rules of this castle - you did not.. deserve that.” Alcina sat down in the chair closest to the fireplace and took a deep breath, her body overcome with exhaustion. “I fear it has been too long since I last fed. Which makes being around me at the moment rather.. dangerous. It would be for the best that you return to your quarters for now, pet. I'll deal with your punishment in the morning.”
“Oh. Of course, my lady.”
They bowed and then turned to leave before pausing.
“Uh.. Alcina?” They asked tentatively.
The Countess looked up, eyes heavy. “Hm?”
“Ah, if I may - you could.. use me.. if you wanted?”
Alcina raised an eyebrow. “Use you? How?”
“Ah.. heh.. that is, to feed? From me?”
The Countess stared blankly, shocked for a moment before shaking her head. “That's not necessary, draga. I have everything I need in my room.”
“I'm aware.. but.. you know. You're obviously quite exhausted and I'm.. well, I'm right here.”
They gave her a crooked little smile that she couldn't help but chuckle at.
“If you're trying to get out of your punishment, pet-”
“N-no! I'll fully accept whatever punishment you deem appropriate. I just.. want to help, is all.”
“Mmh..” The lady hummed in thought, mulling their very tempting offer. She was exhausted, this was true. And it'd been longer than she could recall since she’d had the taste of fresh blood in her mouth. Warm and pulsing and straight from the tap.
With the dragon in her so close to the surface, the worries of her losing control were imminent. And the thought of losing yet another partner - one as sweet and caring as they were, again - was almost too much of a thought to handle. Alcina physically shuddered at the thought, the warmth from the fire doing very little to calm her worries. Worries that her handservant must have quickly picked up on. Small fingers sliding into her own and a kind face looking up at her as they kneeled on the castle floor in front of her.
“Hey, I trust you.”
Alcina snorted. “Famous last words, pet.”
They chuckled softly. “How about this then.. is there maybe another part of my body that would be safer to drink from? Than say, my neck?”
The Lady smirked. “Mh, perhaps... your inner thigh would probably work.”
Alcina watched as a soft pink hue began to crawl across the human's cheeks. It was strikingly gorgeous basked in the firelight.
“O-oh.. well, ah.. that seems.. doable.”
A flash of crimson as her smirk widened. Her lover’s heartbeat quickening by the minute, thumping loudly over the soft crackle of the fire.
“Mhm.. are you certain? It may… hurt, quite a bit.”
Oh, how that blush grew even deeper at the Countess’ words. How exquisite it was. Alcina could feel the smugness seeping into the corners of her lips as she watched them fluster.
“I.. oh.. that's okay. I don't mind, my lady. R-really.” They replied, rubbing the back of their neck.
Not that they would've been the first of Alcina's suitors to be into pain. Far from it, in fact - it seemed to be a commonality in many of the lovers she had taken over the years. Whether it was just something that came with the territory - or more the fact that whenever they looked at her they found themselves thinking “big lady, break me” - either way, it was a noticeably recurring occurrence in the Countess’ love life.
“Very well.” Alcina replied, rising from the chair to her full height. “Pull up your skirt, pet, and take a seat.”
As dutiful as ever, her servant quickly obeyed and took their Lady's place on the large chair. A coy smile on their face as they pulled the simple fabric of their uniform past their upper thighs, exposing their supple flesh along with their dampened undergarments.
“Like this?” They asked with a smirk.
“Bold time for you to be acting bratty, pet. Don't you think?”
“Ah.. m-maybe?” They answered sheepishly.
And even though the Countess’ tone remained firm, she could only shake her head and chuckle as she lowered herself down to the fresh, warm meal that waited for her. A deep flush decorating the human’s cheeks as the Lady knelt in front of them, hands spreading their legs a little further apart for her.
“O-oh.. uh.”
The Countess looked at them curiously before leaning back. “If you're having second thoughts, pet-”
“N-no! I just.. ah.. this view is just.. really nice.”
An even smugger smirk grew across the Lady's lips. “Mhm.. is it now?”
“I mean.. yes?”
“Enjoy it while it lasts then, draga.. very rarely does one ever get me on my knees.”
The flushed servant almost choked in response as they quickly nodded, face as red as their employer’s lips.
“I.. mhm.. enjoying it. Yes.”
“Mh.. probably wet at just the sight, aren't you?” Alcina asked teasingly, forcing them to whine.
“A-alcinaa.. that's unfair.”
“And that's not an answer.”
The Countess' words grew a little darker, punctuating them with a firm scratch across the human's inner thigh, immediately pulling droplets of warm crimson to the surface.
They cursed. “Fine.. yes.. I am.”
“Mh.. good.”
A single sweep of her tongue over the fresh gash forced another whine from her lover, a fierce shiver rolling over their body. Alcina knew she was going to enjoy all of this maybe a little too much - but the needy sounds she could will from their lips was something she would never grow tired of. And as she leaned in a little further, with their metallic essence still warm in her mouth, she could smell just how aroused they already were.
Very good.
"Deep breaths now, pet. This is going to sting.”
They nodded softly in response, cheeks a brilliant hue and eyes widening the moment the Countess’ incisors began to lengthen, readying themselves to feed. Another swirl of her tongue over the spot she'd already marked. A rush of blood right below the surface, drawing the vampire directly to the proper vein. And as she gave her meal a final smirk, she took their thigh between two large hands and brought it to her mouth.
Whimpered breaths from her prey’s lips as sharp fangs seeped eagerly into their flesh.
A subtle moan from within her own as she slowly drew their essence into her mouth, savoring the exquisite flavor of them. They tasted even better than she’d imagined - sweeter, more refined - with metallic undertones fueled by a life force that only made her all the more hungry.
“You taste divine, draga.” Alcina murmured, her words reverberating deep into their skin before her fangs were sunk back in again.
The subtle flinch to the muscle that laid just beneath her teeth, the soft moan that fell from their whispered lips - the Countess knew if she didn't keep her control that she could very easily become ravenous for their taste. The pulse of it flowing warmly over her tongue as she swallowed it down, indulging herself in the life that danced throughout it.
They would surely make an excellent wine.
And even though the thought was morbid to most - to Alcina, it was merely a compliment. One of the highest in fact. Though, she found all the best tasting humans tended to be the ones she had no desire of actually killing. Ones that inherently touched her heart and moved her soul. But hell if she didn't appreciate any chance she got at a taste.
Her lover's growing moans were the only thing to bring her back from her thoughts - from giving into the primal force that always sat just under the skin - ready to take over. But gods, could she smell how wet they were for her. How their body squirmed every time she drew a long pull of blood from them. Their flesh heated against her lips, their strong musk enveloping the tiny space between them. And out of the corner of her eye, Alcina could even see that the chair beneath the human was readily growing damper.
”Good”. She thought smugly, a smirk beneath her blood coated lips when she finally pulled away to look up at them.
"Am I to believe you're actually enjoying this, draga? Are you really so needy?”
They whined at her ridicule, squirming even more - her teasing tone and slightly taunting words having the exact effect on them that she wanted.
“You will answer me if you expect something done about it.” She demanded.
Another whine.
“F-fuck.. yes, okay? It's.. it feels good.”
“Mh. Better.”
The Lady placed a gentle kiss to their inner thigh and then brought two fingers to the hem of their underwear, swiftly ripping the fabric from their body. Her patented smirk growing even wider the moment the measure of their arousal was reflected in the firelight - they were absolutely dripping for her.
“Well, well.. all this for me?”
“All for you. A-always.”
“Charming, are we?”
Alcina went to move a little closer but felt them tense, immediately making her stop. A single eyebrow raised at them inquisitively.
“It's just.. you're exhausted, Alcina.. you don't have to-”
“Hush. When have you ever known me to do something I haven't wanted?”
They chuckled, blushing sheepishly. “You have a point.”
“Plus,” she smirked, “I'm not quite finished with my meal yet.”
An even deeper blush. “O-oh. Alright, then.”
The Countess hummed in content when her lover finally relaxed, their head falling softly back. Their sweet scent immediately pulling her back in, lips quickly finding their pulse point while her fingers teased their entrance. With soft folds so wet that she found barely any resistance as she slid two fingers into them, generously stretching their core.
A single curl as the Countess closed her eyes, allowing her fangs to sink deep into the human’s flesh once again.
She couldn't help but to draw her gaze upward, to enjoy the view for just a moment. Her stunning love - flushed, legs spread - eyes closed softly in a mix of want and preparation. It truly were a shame, she thought, how mortal humans could be. To lose such a gorgeous sight was an offense to Alcina’s very being. That the world could ever lose such beauty? It was a thought that made her all the more eager - almost ravenous - to possessively stake her claim upon them.
To which she did..
With the Lady's fangs seeped deep within their flesh and her fingers buried in their core. Thrusting, curling. Matching the controlled pulls from their thigh as she feasted upon them. With each movement willing the most arousing sounds from her lover. Some breathy, some loud - moaning each and every time Alcina drove her fingers in a little harder. But it wasn't enough, not for her. The Countess wanted more. She wanted her name screamed out into the night in ecstasy. She wanted her claim imprinted into the stars themselves.
And she paid no mind to how many orgasms ripped across her lover's body. She cared not for how soaked both her fingers and the fabric below her became. Having now fed to her content, her mouth began moving onto marking the rest of their thighs. Nibbling and sucking over every inch of eager flesh that she could reach. Their essence dripping from the corners of her mouth and painting their skin in a dark crimson. Their body trembling, vibrating with desire until another orgasm ripped through them violently, finally forcing the Countess’ name from their tongue like a pious prayer. Their voice quickly falling to nothing more than a whisper - raw from unhindered pleasure.
“F-fuck, Alcina..”
“Mh, language.”
“Pretty sure.. it's warranted.”
Alcina chuckled before licking the excess blood from her lover's wounds, their thighs sufficiently covered in her claim.
“These should heal in a few days. I'll bring you some balm for them tomorrow.”
“Hm.. I like them, though.” The human pouted.
The Countess snorted. “Of course you do. My sweet little masochist.”
Feeling fully refreshed from her meal, Alcina had no intention of sleeping anytime soon, but she knew her handservant would certainly need rest after all of that. The loss of blood mixed with the intense dopamine boost would be enough to wipe anyone out. Without muttering a word, Alcina rose to her full height and picked up her lover's discarded underwear before lifting them up into her arms and into a full bridal carry.
“My lady-!”
“Hush, draga. You've lost a fair amount of blood, as well as other bodily fluids. You need to rest.” Even with the short walk from the library to the servants quarters, the body in her arms quickly grew heavy with sleep - the human’s breath nearly in a slumbered rhythm by the time they’d arrived.
“I’ll be back with some tea and something sweet for you, pet.” She said as she laid them gently onto their bed. “Please, try to drink and eat at least a little something before falling asleep.”
Her lover nodded tiredly, eyes heavy and cheeks flush with sleep.
“Mhm.. yes.. mistress…”
Alcina smiled and placed a tiny kiss to their cheek before walking towards the door. She was more than certain they'd be fast asleep by the time she returned, but she’d still do her best to make sure they woke up knowing just how much she treasured them.
Warm tea, their favorite pastry, some balm for their wounds and a note reading "Thank you for the exquisite meal, draga. Next time is on me. - xx, Alcina." would be there to greet them as soon as they woke up.
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A/N: If I ever make it to 2k, I might just finally do some bottom!Alcina for you all 👀♥️
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banditywrites · 1 year
Bandity I feel like you’re giving your followers so. Much. Content. I’m super thrilled (but also take your time)! Umm so I have had this idea in mind for a long time, but essentially the team is invited to a planet for a couple days, to forge a potential alliance. The aliens there value intellect and they are super smart. Long story short, they start making jabs at Lance and leaving him out due to him having trouble following along. So that’s my idea and do with it what you wish! All the best✨
This probably didn't go where you thought it would exactly. I did my best to keep it to 1k. I did not succeed. Title is taken from the quote: "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt" Please excuse mistakes, I'm a mess.
Also, I will be working on the other prompts, they will just be slow due to school and work and life.
Words: ~1750
Remove all doubt
Lance could talk fast.
In two languages even.
So it wasn’t that the Crineleans were speaking at too quick a pace. It was the way they said things. If one word ended in a vowel sound and the next one started with a vowel, the two words just merged right into one.
And he was just supposed to know what they meant from the context of the rest of the sentence that wasn’t mashed together.
And. When he didn’t try to emulate their speech, they all looked at him like he was a complete idiot. Or a complediot…. No, ‘complete’ ended with an ‘e,’ but with a ‘t’ sound so that wouldn’t be a word they smashed together…
After the first few raised eyebrows sent his way, he was trying his best not to say anything at all. Or. Sa’nything at all.
The last time he opened his mouth in front of them it was at dinner and he had said something wrong. Again. And the entire table had just stared at him before Pidge broke the silence.
“I’m sure you’ll get it eventually,” she patted his back and did nothing to hide her teasing grin.
And on the castleship, when it was just them, the light teasing would have been fine. But this was in front of a table of snotty aliens who could barely contain their snickering.
Lance’s face had turned red and he didn’t utter a word for the rest of the night. It wasn’t like any of the aliens were attempting to speak with him. In fact, after Pidge’s comment, they all seemed to be giving him looks that ranged from pity to derisive.
After that, negotiations went on with Lance in the background, quiet, doing his best to listen and not make the team look stupid. On the third day, Lance had been trailing behind their group when their hosts announced that they could all take a break before lunch because they knew the paladins must b’exhausted from all the talking. Lance tried to pretend that they didn’t look directly at him when they said it.
Lance was happy for the break from it all. They had at least given the paladins private rooms, which meant he could spend some time alone, away from their snide looks and his teammates not doing anything to help the matter.
He was sure he was making more out of it than he should. After all, the team teased him about his attention span and his intelligence and he never took it to heart.
It was different from strangers though.
Different to know that they wouldn’t defend him in front of others.
Even Hunk was too busy to notice how much it was bothering him. And that was fine. It wasn’t his friend’s job to make sure he was okay.
Lance was stretched out across the bed staring up at the ceiling, not thinking about it, not letting it bother him. He was good at not thinking too much, right? That’s what everyone thought anyway.
There was a soft knock at his door.
He jumped to his feet, startled at the noise. It had only been a few minutes, perhaps some of the others wanted to hang out? That would be okay. Maybe things would be better once the aliens weren’t around.
Lance swung the door open to find a young Crinelean girl looking up at him with wide eyes. She shifted nervously, before smiling gently up at him.
“They told me to tell you that they’re meeting at the courtyard in ten dobashes.” She spoke way too slowly. As if Lance was a moron.
“Fine,” Lance forced out as quickly as he could. The girl smiled and then skipped down the hallway. He tried to ignore the way she giggled as she went. He was going to ignore the fact that literal children were laughing at him now.
Ten dobashes.
Lance had a pretty good grasp on alien time measurements. He could meet the others at the courtyard at the right time and then he would sit and not embarrass himself or anyone else further. Maybe, if Hunk showed up a little early, he could actually have a conversation where he didn’t have to worry about sounding like an idiot.
Lance quickly grabbed his shoes and jacket. Yeah, earlier would probably be better.
Lance was sitting on the edge of a fountain doing his best not to fidget. The fountain was right in the middle of the courtyard, so he would be sure to see anyone who arrived first. Hopefully it would be one of his team members and not one of their hosts.
Lance took several deep breaths and waited.
And waited.
And waited.
This had certainly been more than ten dobashes.
Oh God.
Was there another courtyard? Had he really just messed up probably the most basic instruction he had even been given while out in space? Meet over here in ten minutes. How could he mess that up?
Lance’s eyes darted around as he tried to think. Think. What did they say during the tour? Did they mention another courtyard?
Lance felt his heart plummet. He had messed up. And he didn’t even know what he had done to mess up. What had he gotten wrong?
He stood up slowly, ignoring the shame he felt heating up his face. There was a stinging in the corner of his eyes and he blinked rapidly. Definitely not. He was definitely not going to be crying about this. Just because everyone on this planet thought he was stupid and his team believed that too.
There were voices coming from down the corridor and Lance walked towards them, realizing he knew at least one of them.
Hunk appeared, walking with a group of Crineleans, talking excitedly about some science thing that Lance was too stupid to follow. His friend stopped when he saw Lance, standing there, looking misty eyed and probably quite pathetic. Concern passed over Hunk’s face before he smiled and approached Lance at a bit of a jog.
“You okay?” Hunk asked lowly. Lance bit his lip and found he couldn’t force a lie out, so he ignored the question.
“She told me we were supposed to meet up at the courtyard in ten dobashes. Is this the wrong one? Did I miss the meeting?” Lance stared at the ground, trying his best to not sound so damn upset over something so small.
“We’re not meeting until dinner,” Hunk tapped Lance’s shoulder. “Who said we were meeting now?”
“Perhaps,” a nearby Crinelean spoke up, “Perhaps the blue paladin misunderstood.” There was a barely concealed snickering that ran through the small group. Hunk frowned. Lance really wanted the ground to open and swallow him up. He knew he hadn’t misunderstood. He definitely hadn’t. So they were messing with him on purpose now and it looked like pretty much all the aliens were in on it.
“We have to go,” Hunk announced and he grabbed Lance by the elbow and led him away to an unoccupied corridor. The group of aliens looked startled at being brushed off so quickly, but they moved along in the other direction.
“What’s going on?” Hunk whispered once they were out of earshot. Lance couldn’t stop it, he had been trying so hard for days now and this was the first time someone had noticed that something might be wrong. Tears sprung to his eyes.
“Lance,” his friend sounded alarmed. “What happened?”
For several moments, Lance made vague gestures and choked out noises, unable to form the right words. Hunk started rubbing his back and telling him it would be alright. Lance finally took in one large shuddering breath.
“Everyone thinks I’m so st-stupid.” It was more than that, but that was all Lance could get out before tears started streaming down his face.
“Oh, Lance.” Hunk pulled him into a hug without hesitation. “Is that why you haven’t been saying anything?”
Lance nodded into his friend’s shoulder.
“I thought you maybe just weren’t feeling well. I’m sorry, I didn’t realize you were feeling bad about that. I mess up talking to them all the time…” Hunk trailed off and he suddenly pushed Lance away so he could look him in the eyes. “They laughed at you. I thought they were laughing at all of us and I didn’t think about it. I didn’t think they were singling you out.” Hunk looked angry now. “I’m stupid. I didn’t even realize what was going on. Lance, I’m so sorry.”
Lance was shaking his head. “You’re not stupid,” he choked out.
“Neither are you,” Hunk was quick to defend him. Lance wiped his face and shook his head, but he couldn’t find the energy to argue with his friend. He just wanted this whole trip to be over.
“Do you remember being at the Garrison and some of the older students were being jerks to me?”
Lance nodded.
“Do you remember what you told me?”
Lance blinked. “Those assholes don’t know how awesome you are?” Lance was pretty sure he had said something along those lines. Hunk grinned.
“Exactly. Those assholes,” Hunk gestured to their surroundings and the not present assholes, “don’t know how awesome you are.” Hunk gripped his shoulders. “You are a Paladin of Voltron. You think the Blue Lion would fly with any of these people on this planet? You think we would want anyone else on our team?”
Lance grimaced. “No?” he tried.
“Of course not, Lance!” Hunk slung his arm around his friend’s shoulder. “Come on. We’ll talk to Shiro and see if we can go back to the castleship while the others finish up here.”
“You think he’ll let us leave?” Lance frowned. They were all supposed to be making an effort here for the sake of the alliance.
“We’ll talk to him together. Shiro will understand if we explain it to him.” Hunk tilted his head to the side. “And if he doesn’t, let’s pretend to be sick and contagious and then we’ll have to go, for the good of everyone.”
Lance breathed out a quiet laugh.
“Thanks, Hunk. For everything.”
His friend tightened his grip around his shoulder.
“You don’t need to thank me. I’ve got your back.”
Lance smiled and felt some of the anxiety and weight he had been carrying around fall away. He couldn’t prove himself to everyone in the galaxy, but at least he still had a friend that supported him no matter what.
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makeshiftraven · 1 year
I have PLENTY of thoughts about Lumière's origins and background and I will make art of it but I have to provide context before anything else. So here! Revel in the anguish. ˖⁺‧₊˚ ˚₊‧⁺˖-------------------˖⁺‧₊˚ ˚₊‧⁺˖
A backstory waffle. OKAY, let’s establish a few dates. Let’s assume BATB takes place in the year 1750. Let’s also assume Lumiere, or Lucien, was 38 years old when he was cursed, and remained 38 for a decade following up to the events of the film. This means that his birth year is 1712. His mother, who started having children very early, had three sets of twins totaling six children in total. His fraternal twin sister was also born in 1712, the two middle children were born in 1732 (18 years old in 1750) and the two youngest were born in 1734. This lands Lumiere being 22 years old when his youngest sister is born. Now that that’s out of the way…✨TRAUMA✨ The fact that Lumiere’s transformed into a candlestick is symbolic. When thinking about personalities as elements, you would associate someone with a fiery personality as quite charismatic, energetic, expressive, and excel at commanding others to action. “They may love talking and socializing. They don't like to be alone and they seek out the admiration and attention of others.” So this is pretty much a good overview of Lumiere’s personality. The negative qualities associated with an excess of fire in the personality include mood swings, restlessness, and manipulative behavior.
Furthermore, candles and candlelight carry HEAPS of symbolism. Candles radiate messages of romance, passion, security, warmth, hope, spirituality, mystery. “Candles indeed are a burning example that the whole is more than sum of its parts – be they just a little wax and wick as they are. No matter how thick the darkness, the light of one candle conquers it. No matter how solitary one flame is, it is never alone or lonely for its light knows no boundaries and touches eternity.” It’s also worth noting that the candle is often associated with sacrifice, since a candle’s flame grows brighter to light the path, burning itself in turn. I think I just want fire to be more present in Lum’s life because I’m gay. So he’s from a noble family, but aren’t all that wealthy. They’re nobles in title only, but he had a rather comfortable childhood with his mother and sister. 
And then…crossfire. Their tiny home was caught in the wave of an attack (of which I don’t know so I won’t specify) and the entire area was essentially burned down to nothing. His mother was tending to some financial stuff away from home and was unaware of the whole..shitshow. Much to her luck, her children survived (after having witnessed dead bodies under rubble but that’s fine) Lumiere lives up to his nickname and tries to hold it together, clenching his twin Laverne’s hand. No child should have to witness any of this. It’s not fair to either of them. They go from a nice and comfortable cottage to a small humble home in the north of France, and then the pressures of holding the family together as “man of the house” overwhelms Lucien and robs him of his childhood. It’s only natural that he has such severe amnesia of his the years following the burning, and exacerbated by a period of abuse of his person. His brain is only processing a linear progression to adulthood where he receives the royal invitation to serve His Highness in Versailles. “I was a young boy, and then we moved, and then I was a young man, and now I’m in the castle. Details don’t matter.”
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Netgear 1750 routers are known for their exceptional performance and advanced features, including VPN compatibility. A Virtual Private Network (VPN) allows users to create a secure connection to another network over the internet, providing enhanced privacy and security for data transmission. This feature is particularly important for remote workers, businesses, and individuals who prioritize online privacy.
The Netgear 1750 routers are compatible with a wide range of VPN services, making it easy for users to set up and configure their VPN connections. Whether you prefer using a VPN for accessing geo-restricted content, securing your online communications, or maintaining anonymity while browsing the web, the Netgear 1750 routers offer seamless integration with various VPN providers.
Setting up a VPN on a Netgear 1750 router is straightforward and can usually be done through the router's web-based administration interface. Users can choose from different VPN protocols such as OpenVPN, PPTP, or L2TP to establish a secure connection based on their specific needs and preferences.
By utilizing the VPN compatibility of the Netgear 1750 routers, users can safeguard their online activities, protect sensitive data from potential threats, and enjoy greater online freedom. Whether you are working from home, accessing public Wi-Fi networks, or simply browsing the internet, having VPN compatibility on your Netgear 1750 router ensures a secure and private online experience.
In conclusion, the Netgear 1750 routers' VPN compatibility adds an extra layer of security and privacy to your network, making them a reliable choice for users looking to enhance their online security measures.
VPN setup on Netgear 1750
Setting up a VPN on your Netgear 1750 router is a smart way to secure your internet connection and protect your online privacy. Follow these simple steps to get your VPN up and running in no time.
First, make sure your Netgear 1750 router is connected to the internet and powered on. Open a web browser on a device connected to the router and enter the router's IP address in the address bar. Log in to your router using the administrator username and password.
Navigate to the VPN section in your router's settings menu. Look for options related to VPN setup or configuration. Choose the type of VPN protocol you want to use, such as OpenVPN or PPTP, and enter the necessary details provided by your VPN service provider.
Next, configure the VPN connection settings, including the server address, username, and password. You may also need to enter additional details such as encryption settings or DNS servers.
Once you have entered all the required information, save your settings and test the VPN connection. Connect a device to the VPN network and ensure you can access the internet securely.
In conclusion, setting up a VPN on your Netgear 1750 router is a straightforward process that can help protect your online activities and data. By following these steps, you can enjoy a secure and private internet connection at home or in your small business.
VPN installation guide for Netgear 1750
Title: Step-by-Step VPN Installation Guide for Netgear 1750
In today's digital landscape, safeguarding your online privacy and security is paramount. One effective way to achieve this is by setting up a VPN (Virtual Private Network) on your Netgear 1750 router. By encrypting your internet connection, a VPN ensures that your data remains private and protected from prying eyes. Here's a comprehensive guide on how to install a VPN on your Netgear 1750 router:
Choose a VPN Provider: Start by selecting a reputable VPN provider that offers compatibility with Netgear routers. Look for one that supports OpenVPN, as it's the most widely used protocol for routers.
Subscription and Configuration: Sign up for a subscription plan with your chosen VPN provider. Once subscribed, log in to your VPN account and navigate to the settings or configuration section.
Download Configuration Files: Download the OpenVPN configuration files provided by your VPN service. These files contain the necessary settings for your Netgear router to connect to the VPN server.
Access Router Settings: Open a web browser on a device connected to your Netgear 1750 router. Enter the router's IP address in the address bar and log in using your admin credentials.
Install VPN Firmware (Optional): Some VPN providers offer custom firmware for certain router models, including Netgear. If available, follow the instructions provided by your VPN service to install the custom firmware on your router.
Upload Configuration Files: In the router settings interface, locate the VPN or OpenVPN section. Upload the configuration files you downloaded earlier to the appropriate fields.
Connect to VPN Server: Save the settings and initiate a connection to the VPN server. Once connected, all internet traffic passing through your Netgear 1750 router will be encrypted and routed through the VPN server.
Verification: To ensure that the VPN is functioning correctly, visit a website that displays your public IP address. It should now reflect the IP address of the VPN server rather than your actual IP.
By following these steps, you can successfully install a VPN on your Netgear 1750 router, enhancing your online privacy and security with ease. Remember to periodically update your VPN configuration and firmware for optimal performance and security.
Netgear 1750 VPN configuration
Title: Configuring VPN on Netgear 1750 Router: A Comprehensive Guide
In today's interconnected world, ensuring the security and privacy of your internet connection is paramount. Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) offer a robust solution by encrypting your data and providing anonymity online. If you own a Netgear 1750 router and wish to enhance your online security with a VPN, you're in the right place. Here's a step-by-step guide to configuring VPN on your Netgear 1750 router:
Choose a VPN Service: Begin by selecting a reputable VPN service provider that supports router configurations. Ensure they offer compatible protocols such as OpenVPN, PPTP, or L2TP/IPsec.
Access Router Settings: Open your web browser and enter the router's IP address in the address bar. Log in using your administrator credentials.
Navigate to VPN Settings: Once logged in, locate the VPN settings within the router's dashboard. This may be found under the "Advanced" or "VPN" section, depending on your router's firmware.
Configure VPN Connection: Enter the details provided by your VPN service, including the server address, VPN type, username, and password. Select the desired VPN protocol.
Apply Settings and Reboot: After entering the VPN configuration details, save the settings and reboot your router to apply the changes.
Verify Connection: Once the router has restarted, log in again and navigate to the VPN settings to ensure the configuration was successful. You may also check your internet connection to confirm the VPN is active.
Additional Settings (Optional): Depending on your VPN provider and preferences, you may have options to customize settings such as DNS configuration, split tunneling, or port forwarding.
By following these steps, you can successfully configure VPN on your Netgear 1750 router, bolstering your online security and privacy. Remember to choose a reliable VPN provider and periodically check your VPN connection for optimal performance. With a secure VPN in place, you can browse the internet with peace of mind, knowing your data is encrypted and your identity protected.
Secure your Netgear 1750 with VPN
Securing your Netgear 1750 router with a VPN (Virtual Private Network) is a prudent step towards safeguarding your online privacy and enhancing your network security. VPNs encrypt your internet connection, making it extremely difficult for cybercriminals, ISPs (Internet Service Providers), or any other prying eyes to intercept or monitor your online activities.
To begin securing your Netgear 1750 with a VPN, you'll first need to choose a reputable VPN service provider. Look for one that offers robust encryption protocols, a wide server network, and user-friendly apps compatible with your router.
Once you've selected a VPN provider, follow these steps to set up VPN on your Netgear 1750:
Access your router's admin panel by entering its IP address into your web browser.
Log in using your admin credentials.
Navigate to the VPN section of your router's settings.
Enter the VPN configuration details provided by your VPN service provider. This typically includes the VPN server address, username, and password.
Select the desired encryption protocol (e.g., OpenVPN, PPTP, L2TP/IPSec).
Save your settings and restart your router if necessary.
After configuring your Netgear 1750 with the VPN, all the devices connected to your network will benefit from the added security and privacy. Whether you're browsing the web, streaming content, or accessing sensitive information, your data will be encrypted and your online identity masked.
Keep in mind that while VPNs offer enhanced security, it's still essential to practice good cybersecurity hygiene. This includes regularly updating your router's firmware, using strong and unique passwords, and being cautious of suspicious links or downloads.
By securing your Netgear 1750 with a VPN, you're taking proactive steps to protect your digital presence and ensure a safer online experience for yourself and your family.
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mirandamckenni1 · 11 months
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I posted 218 times in 2022
92 posts created (42%)
126 posts reblogged (58%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 159 of my posts in 2022
Only 27% of my posts had no tags
#chan answers - 62 posts
#jensen ackles - 19 posts
#chan talks - 12 posts
#tag games - 7 posts
#the boys - 6 posts
#chans1kspinthewheel - 6 posts
#swifties unite - 5 posts
#soldier boy - 5 posts
#dean x y/n - 5 posts
#dean winchester x y/n - 5 posts
Longest Tag: 84 characters
#i mean my major is chemistry that's going to be turned to pharmacology in my masters
My Top Posts in 2022:
Point of No Return
Summary - Y/N makes a confession to her soon to be ex-husband, Dean and realises that sometimes, some break ups can end amicably.
Pairing - Dean Winchester x Y/N
Warnings - Angst, Divorce. Let's just this is positive angst
WC - 1750
A/N - This is my submission from @mariekoukie6661's Happy or Sad Challenge. My prompt was the song Epiphany by BTS. I combined it with another song that is Happiness by Taylor Swift.
This is an AU.
Thank you to @awkward-and-indecisive who helped me with the story idea which wasn't at all angsty. This is all my fault. And thank you to @bccky to beta'ing this story <33 Dividers by @firefly-graphics
For fic updates, please follow @msmarvelouswinchester-library
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106 notes - Posted January 13, 2022
Someone To Stay
Summary - Y/N realises she finally found her person who would stay with her, no matter what happens.
Pairing - Dean Winchester x Reader
WC - 1130
Warnings - Angst but with a fluffy end
A/N - Hey guys! It has been a long time! This fic is a little personal to me. It's just about things I have been going through recently and yeah, so I wrote a little something instead of studying. I hope y'all like it! I feel a bit rusty but I hope it's really something more than just word vomit lol
Unbeta'd. All mistakes are my own. Dividers by @firefly-graphics.
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178 notes - Posted June 9, 2022
A Million Reasons Why
Summary - Dean wonders why you chose to be with him so you decide to show him.
Pairing - Dean Winchester x You
Warning - Fluff, smut (18+, p in v) oral sex (fem receiving), unprotected sex
WC - 2.2k
A/N - Happy birthday, Dean Winchester!
This is set in post-s15 times where Dean is alive and happy.
Unbeta'd. All mistakes are mine. Divider by @firefly-graphics
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211 notes - Posted January 25, 2022
Happy Birthday, Sweetheart
Summary - Long distance relationships suck, especially if you can't be with Jensen on your birthday but Jensen has a few tricks up his sleeves to make your birthday better.
Pairing - Jensen Ackles x You
WC - 2150
Warning - Slight Angst, Fluff, Birthday, swearing SMUT (18+, MINORS DNI), p in v sex, almost getting caught and a little fluffy surprise.
A/N - Holy shit! It's been so long since I posted something. Feelin' kinda rusty here lol. I reached 1.1k followers today so this is also a thank you gift to you guys for following me!
And Happy Birthday, Abby (super late but please accept this gift, yours truly, Chan)
Also Abby is a Swiftie, just like me. So purposely, I have put in some Taylor Swift song references. Have fun finding them!
Unbeta'd. All mistakes are mine.
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314 notes - Posted March 19, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I made the beautiful mistake of reading the bonus chapter of The Love Hypothesis (chapter 16, Adam's POV) and now I can't breath akjsgdbd
Like the line -
Is there something you need? Name it. It’s yours. If I have it, it’s yours.
Adam Carlsen, my man, you have my whole heart
482 notes - Posted January 16, 2022
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