vhscorp · 7 months
Vivez, donnez, aimez, et puis surtout, jamais, ne cessez de rêver…
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caranoirs · 5 months
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nathandiary · 7 months
Action plan
Project 1: Magazine Art(ish)
A magazine about art containing comics about artists, relatable art student situations, art related jokes and references, fake ads, articles related to art practice and a featured article about my current work outside of comics. The magazine has a very colourful style, inspired by late 90s/early 2000s graphic design and website design. It will have approximately 20 pages, including covers.
Project 2: poetry book Pocket Notes, poésie du quotidien
An A6 hardback poetry book. The text itself is taken from my ‘notes’ app on my phone. The notes were written over 3 years with no intention of being published. It ranges from lists, to anxious rants, to small poems I wrote. The 10 poems and illustrations form a loose narrative following my time in university. Each poem is typed using lead type and the illustrations accompanying them are linocuts. Close attention is paid to the way the writing is laid out, with spaces to create rhythm in the text. The linocuts are white line prints with a black background. The style is more formal than the magazine, with a poetic and conceptual vibe. The illustrations are simpler and more up to interpretation, with loose expressive lines inspired by blind drawings.
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elicatkin · 7 months
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glimmerofawesome · 10 months
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Zećira Mušović saves versus the United States during the round of 16 at the FIFA Women's World Cup 2023 - August 6 2023
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white-tulip323 · 7 months
أنا أُمثل نفسي وكل عراقي غيور على الاسلام والعروبة والاخوة في الدين.لا امثل حكومتي ولا حكومتي تمثلني إن خذلت إخوتي ولاعلاقة لي بها،، اللهم فأشهد ✋🏻
إلى وطني الثّاني وَقضيتنا الأولى إلى عاصمةُ السَّلام والحُريّة إلى بِلاد الزَيتون وا��صّفصاف إلى القدس وَأقصّاها حُبي وَصّلواتي ودُعائي وَسَلامي،،،
لا أهتم بالاعجابات ولا التفاعل على المنشورات ولا بمدونتي قدر ما أهتم بغزة الحبيبة لكن أرتجي منكم اخوتي لنستمر بالدفاع عنها حتى لو بالكلمات ،،،أنا اقوم بتنزيل المشنورات لفلسطين و غزة الحبيبة  لأنني كعراقية أحس و أشعر بهم و اتعاطف معهم  أكثر من غيري من أخوتي في الدول الاخرى وهذا نابع من كوني تعايشت أكثر الحروب والمعارك الكثيرة التي تعرض لها العراق ليس إلا ولستُ بأحسنكم ،،، حبي لفلسطين منذ طفولتي وليس من اسبوع او اسبوعين ،، وأنا على يقين إني سأحاسب عن كل لحظة أهملت شعب فلسطين وأهلي في غزة وتقاعست عن نصرتهم ،،
كيف سأعيش أيام حياتي المتبقية من عمري وانا خذلت اخوتي وسكتُ عن الحق لم أبدي رأي ولا دعوتُ لهم وهم يموتون في كل دقيقة ،،أخوتي بدون أكل وشرب وكهرباء ولا علاج وقُطعت عنهم وسائل الاتصال ،،الحياة عندهم ماتت رغم إنهم الحياة للحياة ....لذا لن أتوانى عن دفاعي لهم ماحييت .
اللهُم فَلسطين وأهلهّا يَا الله اللّٰهُمَّ بَردًا وسلامًا علىٰ غَزّة اللهم إني أستودعتك أهل غزّة وڪل فلسطين اللّه ڪن لأهل فلسطين عونًا ونصيرا🤲🏻
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mothbeasts-art · 7 months
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alt under cut ^ ^
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aewmoves · 7 months
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fhear · 7 months
"Hell You Call A Dream (HYCAD)" by The Warning live at Pepsi Center WTC ...
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justformula1 · 7 months
The top 10
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Don’t know if there will be penalty’s otherwise this is the top 10
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caranoirs · 5 months
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nathandiary · 7 months
Week 4 breakdown
Over the weekend I did research on solarpunk, eco anxiety, new urbanism. I am interested in exploring the idea of new urbanism, self sufficence and community through community gardens in my illustration (maybe not the magazine)
Did some fox studies and fixed the head of the fox, illustration is ready for inking
Did artist studies of Catherine Meurisse’s drawings
Book binding workshop -> need to explore that with prints
Made a small hardback sketchbook
Went to the careers fair
Went to the library and borrowed books on illustration and comic books to do some studies
Did research into MAs so I can start thinking about applying and considering my options
Did some writing and drawing in the new sketchbook I made
Did studies of Catherine Meurisse, Zerocalcare and Lisa Mandel’s art
Thumbnails for the Day in the Life of an Art Student comic
Drew people in a ‘comic’ style by looking at reference pictures and using the style of the artist I studied
Had a group crit with the critique club, it made me think of how I was going to do for the binding of the poetry book
The use of letterpress embosses the letters on the paper so we can see them on the back. I need to try papers and see if I use folios or something else
Think about what the hand made version’s cover is gonna look like
Painted the fox and the rodents illustrations
Did a draft of the day in the life comics, I need to refine it on Monday morning to show it for the group crit
Printmaking day
I made a new lino cut
I set the type for the colours list poem
I tried a million different papers to determine which one I should use for the book
I decided to go with the Sommerset in tan because it is smooth enough that I get a nice black without texture on it. The letters print in a clean way. It is sturdy enough to be bound (I liked the Japanese paper as well but it wouldn’t have been strong enough)
Had the tutorial with Flora, she helped decide which paper to get and was very supportive of the project. She suggested to look into poetry.
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elicatkin · 7 months
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I saw a question about a vampire, so I thought, why not the skeleton boys' reactions to a s/what is the queen (or princess) of vampires?
Like her being the first vampire and giving rise to all the others (in case she is the queen)
Sure! Thank you for the ask :D
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Sans: Honestly? He thinks that it's interesting. Vampires were kind of like monsters to humans! To monsters, vampires aren't that dangerous as they didn't have any blood! Just magic. Since she was the very first vampire, she was the start of it… Sans has a lot of questions. How old is she? How did she turn someone? What 'rules' of vampires are real and what was created by humans? Expect a lot of puns, too.
Papyrus: He doesn't really know much about vampires, so he would have to learn a lot about them! Sort of like how if stuff falls, she would have to pick it up! That's something that he learned. He finds it funny, as he does the same thing! Learning that she has to drink blood makes him sad because he doesn't have any blood that he can share with her :( he's just bones and magic.
Blueberry: Exciting! He now starts to carry around an umbrella at all times, just in case! Since she was the first, how powerful is she? What can she do? He has a lot of questions about her powers, and wants to have a play fight! More or less just to see what she can do. He's more powerful than he admits or shows.
Stretch: Huh, that's pretty fang-tastic, Y/n. I mean, at first he thought it was weird, but he learned how to suck it up. Did it at break NECK speed. Heh… eh, whatever, he'd suck-cumb to his stupid puns. Okay, for real though, he thinks it's strange that she's a vampire, and he has a lot of questions, but he wanted to make the jokes first.
Red: Heh… hot. I mean, what? No, he didn't say that! He thinks it's cool that she's so powerful, and wants to learn more about what she can and can't do… could she go out into the sun? If so, sweet, if not, then he might have to think about some date ideas. And, you know, he kind of wants to know where she gets the blood that she drinks.
Edge: Ah, yes, together they would be so strong! He loves the fact that she's a vampire and so powerful. He doesn't even care that she's probably stronger than him because that's a big deal for him. If anything, he kind of likes the fact that she's stronger than him. It helps him learn how to be even stronger himself. If she turns into a bat, he'll carry her around.
Lord: He would start to read up on vampires and learn their pros and cons. They're very powerful, it seems, but also weak with their weaknesses. If she's powerful enough to ignore the weaknesses, then he'll be happy, but he'll still keep them in mind just in case. He likes feeling useful and taking care of people! Though the blood stuff is… strange to him. He can ignore it easily.
Mutt: Hehe sharp teeth buddies! >w< I bet they would love how sharp her teeth are and will sometimes playfully bite her. They make sure to not bite too hard or anything! And they like it whenever she turns into a bat cause of how soft she is… the blood would be kind of gross to them, tbh.
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domas-sabonis · 7 months
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klaudia2646 · 7 months
Halloween boxes are down.
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