#2dkaps proseka
2dkapsddr · 2 months
March 31st, 2024 - ProSeka, Arcaea, TAKUMI, maimai, DDR A20 PLUS
alas, as they all say, all good things must come to an end. as much as i've enjoyed the con so much and all my time here, it was almost time to go. what i enjoyed here would be the last i enjoyed, as we all prepared to bid our farewells to the event by its end time at 5 PM PDT. but first, a word from my arcaea and proseka scores from yesterday that i couldn't fit into this post due to hitting the 30 image limit in tumblr posts!! they're nothing special, really, but i wouldn't be keeping in spirit of the account if i didn't include them. so here, a quick expert 26 AP and a Rise of the World FTR-10 EX!
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alright, now back to the con. i mostly stuck with my friends as we got there before the artist valley opened somehow, and we hung around that area until they had to go get some things signed by their favorite VAs. while we were waiting for the doors to open, i checked out takumi cubic for their april fools joke of the year and got my friend to hold my phone while i played one of the chart lab charts (the one for freedom dive where it's just the insanity chart but all trace notes). sadly though, his holding SUCKED and i ended up getting two misses even though i should've gotten NONE!!!
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meanwhile, being abandoned and left to roam the arch building on my own, i got the thought: since all the rhythm game tourneys were over now, wouldn't maimai finally be free from that huge crowd? sure enough, once i got up to the right level and up to the cabs, the next spot in line was free! (save for one single person waiting, who i could partner up with to get an extra song anyways). i logged in to the cab for the second time ever, nodded to my play partner (who was logging in for the first time and suffering all the new content notifications) and got warmed up for the maimai experience:tm: which was INSANELY FUN!!! god i wish i had maimai access anywhere near me . alas, we can't have good things (or at least Every good thing)
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finished with that, i try and track down my friends who finally got their autographs and wanted to play DDR in the moment. i was down to play DDR EXTREME PRO, which i haven't even experienced properly before, but they wanted to play DDR A20 PLUS there which was fine anyways. i let them play first since i was moreso interested in playing at round 1 by myself, but i gave in to the temptation and played some sets with each one (except my friend's sister) and fucking DESTROYED them oh my GOD . here's a snapshot of some of the scores, i have a video of me playing tiger rampage CSP-17 (in cosplay of course) but i still have to get it from my friend who recorded . nevertheless, here's the goodies! (there's some other scores i took pictures of that were sweet accomplishments from my friends, but i won't share them here for obvious reasons. anything AA or above is my side)
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after that, we transferred over to the summit building and walked around some of the stalls before we bid farewell to the con, as it was closing 45 minutes after a reservation we had at the cheesecake factory. it was bittersweet, even if i wasn't at my most hype at first, and i'll very dearly miss it. but while we were waiting for our food at the cheesecake factory, i played last year's april fools chart for renda joceky for shits and giggles!! (it went horribly)
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after eating, we went back home via the link trains and said our farewells at each house as this unforgettable experience came to a close. i'll miss it... but now that i was home, i could enjoy the all-new april fools charts guilt-free!!! (just arcaea's prank) (i didn't have enough progress in any other rhythm games on this phone)
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and so, the extra-long post saga comes to an end. unless i attend some other event with a lot to talk about, i'll keep the rest of these posts short as i want to conserve both my time and sanity for actual important stuff like homework instead of writing summaries of my rhythm game scores that no one really reads. man . 'til next time though!
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2dkapsddr · 5 months
January 5th, 2024 - vivid/stasis, ProSeka
Day... 4... of tourney training...
Too... busy... preparing for winter quarter...
Want... to... kill myself...
It feels like I'm doing too little, yet it feels like too much to handle. Today's kind of a slower day in terms of rhythm gaming, as most of my time was dedicated to scavenging all my college prep records to apply for all the scholarships and financial aid and boring stuff that I really want to avoid, but really can't.
But alas, this is a rhythm game account and not a vent account, so I'll keep most of it in my journal away from prying eyes. Instead, take this insane MAX-3 AC on BADSECRET ENC-13 (the tournament qualifier this time) that I got at night on my normal keyboard (fun fact: i've been playing on a sdvx minicon from hong kong this whole time and it's been working amazingly), and scram!
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(BONUS: To apply for a charting position for vivid/stasis (I did not get accepted, unfortunately), I uploaded this chart I made for ProSeka and finished back in August 22, 2023, but couldn't upload because of the broken hitsounds on Android... but now that I had an iPhone, I figured out how to sideload, got Sonolus working on it, logged back into my account and recorded this auto gameplay of my very first ProSeka chart for your viewing pleasure! Check it out, I had a ton of fun charting it and am still proud of how it turned out!)
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2dkapsddr · 5 months
December 31st, 2023 - IIDX 31, DDR A3, Arcaea, PIU Phoenix, ProSeka
NOW IT'S THE REAL GRAND FINALE!!! And what better way to celebrate than getting permission to pay Round 1 a lil visit?? (Granted at the cost of paying breakfast at my workplace for my whole family during one of their busiest days, i still feel so bad...)
since i had just eaten a chocolate croissant and 1 (one) pancake, i started off slow and warmed up with my favorite game to play on a full stomach (not really): IIDX EPOLIIIIIIIIIIIIIISS (dan dan dada daan dan dada daan dan dada daan dan dan dan)
stiiiill doing the usual of practicing with RANDOM, but getting more comfortable with using hard gauge! only problem? i forgot premium time (and lost two credits to it)
meh, i'll do better next year (i think)
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now, this part was the biggest part and the greatest change of plans i've probably had. originally, since the cab was empty, i was gonna go play sdvx to continue warming up and since i didn't wanna throw up my breakfast still. but then i decided, "yea, i feel fine enough. to the ddr cabs! (also i have sumidagawa karenka stuck in my head please help)"
and what i found at the cabs as a result was... a new year's eve tourney i had no idea about!! hosted by the one and only hambones!!! and (almost) EVERYONE was there to game!!!! sign ups were still open, and a friend from there was Really pushing me to sign up, so i signed up and did a warm up set at first before moving on to the qualifiers!
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set A of the qualifiers consisted of Dancer in the flare ESP-13 (DDR A, banger), Like A Star ESP-14 (DDR A3, way harder than i thought it'd be), and Electronic Dance System Music (DDR A, i set my scroll speed too low). Once I did it, it was... very dissatisfying. I could've had better MA, but I struggled finding the timing window and had poor EX score overall.
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set B though? KILLED IT. it consisted of Going Hypersonic ESP-15 (DDR A20, very technical rhythms), Black Jackal ESP-15 (DDR A20, more of an MA challenge), and Firestorm CSP-16 (DDR A20, chart added in A20 PLUS, hope you like shocks!), and since I'm a huge fan of uppers charts, I had a blast putting on a show for everyone waiting to get the tourney on (since i was the last one to arrive and last one to finish my qualifiers). Got an AAA on Going Hypersonic and 2g on Black Jackal, and also a really neat upscore on Firestorm!!!
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when all was said and done and the tourney scores were tallied, i ended up 5th place overall; barely falling short of the top 4 that would play a new set of two 16s and a 17 that were all really fun... but i was pretty satisfied with my score regardless!!! while i waited for the tourney to end and the results to be announced, i remembered arcaea was having their new year's 100 memories promotions, i finally claimed it for the first since since i downloaded the app 5 years ago!!! ...only to find out that the memories expired 2 days after claiming them (literally Why)
as soon as i got them, though, i Instantly knew what i wanted to buy. that's right. OVERDRIVE!!!! played it three times while everyone else was playing: first attempt was a 69% gauge fail, second attempt was an almost-AA 9.49M, and third attempt was a sick 9.63M jump!!! def worth the impulse purchase
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anyways, back to the tournament: after everyone played the three songs, the scores were tallied once more and the victors were called up one by one to claim their prizes. after the top 4 were announced (ambones obvs being 1st), the Hambones Award for Rising Star of the Tournament was announced; pulling ahead by 1 singular vote, it was... ME!!!! 2DKAPS DDR RISING STAR!!!! i was so happy to receive it, and even happier (sorry) when i saw the prizes, which were INSANELY COOL!!! a MAX 300 badge, a Valkyrie Bloom sticker, and some sick shades!!! (and $6 too somehow LOL)
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as much as you'd wanna think this post is over now with everything i had written before, NOPE!!! the tournament may have ended already, but i STILL had time to play some extra sets before leaving!! (gotta make up for missing that banger tourney set)
also holy shit tumblr is lagging because of the sheer length of this post LMFAO so we gotta be QUICK!! ROLL IN THE BANGERS!!!
Roppongi A 996k GFC!!!
Death by Glamour ESP-14 AAA!!!
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decided that wasn't enough and wanted to close out the session with an extra set, which i Immensely regretted (i was in no shape and no fullness to play sadly)
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after all this, i went home to take my Last Shower of 2023:tm: and take it easy for the rest of the year over at my sister's house... but i still had my phone to play on and some proseka to wrap up the year with!!!
so, with all of that writing and all of this buildup, i finally present to you: my last two scores (one append score and my very last AP) of the year! a really wonky and kinda lame year overall, but there was def a lot i wanted to talk about and def a lot more i'll write in the soon-to-come year recap document (along with a 2024 goals post tomorrow!!!), but i'll end it off with these scores and come with more in the next year! thanks for everything in 2023, everyone!!!
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2dkapsddr · 7 months
October 25th, 2023 - ProSeka, Groove Coaster
catching up on proseka songs that i haven't played in ages, and i come across this... absolutely Incredible tune. like this is SUCH an amazing song with a super unique sound that i've never heard anywhere else in proseka (aside from maybe amara), and yet it works SO WELL!!! hope this gets an append in the future so i can grind the Shit out of it
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in funny switch news however; i tried playing mario wonder after finally having time to unwind and grind, but when i opened the game and went to the title screen... Oops! My left joycon's L button is broken! And ZL + ZR don't work either!!! which means... i'm completely blocked from the game until i get a new joycon... so to make up for it, i opened groove coaster and got a song in on the BIG TV SCREEN (it's actually very nice regarding input delay!)
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2dkapsddr · 9 months
December 16th, 2021 - Arcaea, ProSeka
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also more proseka scores ig (tho a new AP on roki hard is neat !!)
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2dkapsddr · 15 hours
June 2nd, 2024 - Arcaea, ProSeka, IIDX 31
continuing to do some PM cleanup/grinding: Jingle (ETR-9, MAX-15), HELLOHELL (ETR-9, MAX-27) and Shades of Light in a Transcendent Realm (FTR-8, MAX-12) as FTR/ETR PMs #66, #67, and #68 respectively!!!!
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during a quick break at work, re-AP'ed Non-breath oblige (MASTER 30) on EN in honor of its 3rd anniversary being today!!! hooray!!!
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and then after work, i knew Immediately what my plans were. remember yesterday when i failed all those attempts on 7th dan and went home all dejected? well, now with all my weekend homework complete for real this time and all the stress gone from my body (besides the exhaustion from my shift), i felt like i was ready to give it another go. i went to round 1 again, played my warm-up set, and damn RIGHT i was!!! AA-6 on Show (SPA-9), AA-ONE on winkle 2 winkle (SPH-9), a sightread AA-57 on Matt Silver (SPH-9), and then to prepare for the struggle i'd encounter in 7th dan, i tried and got a really good mirror score on Rowdy (SPA-10!!!
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hands were warmed up. safari mirror chart had been memorized. rowdy had been practiced. i had just eaten an entire bag of expired brownie bites from work. yup, it was Time. with a leap of faith... epolis 7th dan attempt... number FIVE!!!!!
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wait... what...? it... wasn't enough? i still couldn't clear it? no... but i could've sworn everything was in place to clear it... man . well, in all fairness, i didn't even try the safari once before clearing the dan where it'd be the last and hardest stage. surely i could at least do a little bit better than that... but again, i wasn't gonna get anywhere by throwing myself at 7th dan repeatedly and just praying for a clear. i needed to get stronger... with practice. back in i went to standard play, trying to A-clear THE SAFARI with mirror, and i guess i did...! wasn't a satisfying score by any means, but i had a slightly better idea of what the chart wanted me to do now. hey, i even A-cleared era (nostalmix) (SPA-9) while i was at it!
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with that practice now and a little bit of hope that the earlier practice on Rowdy would carry over to this next attempt too (i didn't try it in the second standard play lol), i dove in one last time to see if my practice would pay off and just hoped for the best... whether i'd clear it or not is up to fate and me staying awake, but i believed in myself. i believed i could do this. epolis 7th dan attempt... number 6......
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i cannot summarize in simple terms how much this completion means to me. to do it by itself is amazing and insane, both because this is one of the harder 7th dan courses thanks to rowdy and because so many people end up skipping 7th and jumping to 8th just because of this safari. but more important to me is the fact that i just... never believed i'd get anywhere near this level when i first started this game. i read all the safari memes, laughed along with them, and always imagined the safari as some unclearable beast that not even the best of the best could ever get past. not once did i stop and think i'd actually reach the level of these people... no, SURPASS the level of these people by proving it's possible and clearing it myself. safari is eternal, but entirely possible. i prove it now with this achievement, and i hope to only get better at it from here on out.
okay, back to scoreposting. while waiting for the bus and soaking in the significance of my clear, i tried 8th dan for shits and giggles and... actually got kinda far! even got past DENIM SPA-10 of all things... evil ass pattern
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after that though, it was back home for reals this time. still so happy i got itttttt.... here's to some more gaming in the future!!!
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2dkapsddr · 2 days
May 31st, 2024 - Arcaea, ProSeka
FTR PMs #63 and #64 on Dialnote (FTR-8+, MAX-10) and Jingle (FTR-7+, MAX-8) respectively, i guess...
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also this attempt on a funny silly gimmick chart made by a friend too ig :]
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2dkapsddr · 4 days
May 30th, 2024 - Arcaea, ProSeka
continuing to grind out PMs for world mode progress by getting FTR PMs #61 and #62 on Gekka (Short Version) (FTR-8, MAX-33) and One Last Drive (FTR-8, MAX-10) respectively :]
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and also, after so much suffering and so many attempts... STARDUST/HOSHIKUZU UTOPIA (MASTER LV.30) ALL PERFECT!!! FINALLYYYYY
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2dkapsddr · 4 days
May 29th, 2024 - Arcaea, ProSeka
continuing the PM streak by getting FTR/ETR PMs #58, #59, and #60 on Quon (FTR-8+, MAX-8), Hidden Rainbows of Epicurus (FTR-7, MAX-19) and (ETR-8+, MAX-11) respectively... as well as a shoddy proseka attempt as Opera! Space Opera! (APPEND Lv.30)!!!
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2dkapsddr · 12 days
May 22nd, 2024 - ProSeka, Arcaea
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also, a sweet MAX-22 PM on Snow White (FTR-8)! ...yeah, i'm just trying to PM as many charts as possible to get character levels up. don't mind me...
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2dkapsddr · 12 days
May 18th & 21st, 2024 - DanEvo, Arcaea, ProSeka
...well. seems like i was far too busy on monday as well. that's fine, it's just school troubles... it'll be over soon... but like i promised last post, here's the two danevo scores from anime impulse that didn't make the cut!!
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now, for the actual scores that took place on this day!! looks like it was just a few PMs on arcaea, including Innocence (FTR-8) MAX-9 PM and a Barbaroque (also FTR-8) MAX-23 PM.
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additionally: an AP on Beat Eater (APPEND Lv.28) within 10 minutes of the chart releasing!!! Append AP #12!!! (i think? i'll have to check once i finish writing these)
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2dkapsddr · 12 days
May 18th, 2024 - Arcaea, ProSeka, ONGEKI, CHUNITHM, DanEvo, DDR A20 PLUS
as it turns out, we may or may not have arrived 2 hours before opening time, so we may or may not have had to wait in line for 2 hours until the gates opened and we were free to wreak havoc. but in the meantime, i tried to grind out some of my arcaea stamina and finally tried out Party Vinyl BYD-10, which - to my surprise - was actually a really fun and good chart??? ik this one is really widely hated so i was surprised by how good it actually was, no idea where the hate comes from now. loved it so much that i ended up getting an EX after a few tries!!! (same with Quon BYD-10, which i also played for the first time and ALSO really liked!!
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here's me briefly using my friend's hands as a phone stand and clearing the funny hold note song while i was at it LOL
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but eventually, after waiting a full 2 hours in line and being hyped up by the staff there, the floodgates opened and we were allowed to dive right into the chaos... of ANIME IMPULSE!!!! while my friend wanted to go straight to the VA signings, i had my eyes set on playing one game in particular for the first time...
you may have noticed the title of a unique game that hasn't appeared on this account so far. why's that? originally i meant to play it at sakuracon earlier this year, but i was drawn too much to chunithm and other games to pay it any mind (and also the lines for the cab were too long). but finally, being one of the first to see the cabs, i was able to jump right on it and, for the very first time in 2dkaps ddr history... play O.N.G.E.K.I.!!!!! ...of course, i kinda sucked at it, but that didn't stop little ol' me!!! (this GP system is so confusing though)
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aaaaand that's all!!! (for ongeki, that is)
afterwards, i hopped on chunithm to experience it again in all its beautiful 120hz glory... but i then came to the realization that i was proooobably gonna be stunted by this Hellish glare being casted onto the screens (from all the skybridge windows). yes, what you see on the screen in each score is exactly what i saw while playing. yes, i had to set my field wall to 6 to make it even a slight bit readable, no, it didn't stop me from getting some fucking INSANE scores today like holy SHIT HOW DID I DO ALL THIS
first was just a 990 on a 14, nothing special, cool cool, but then i tried shukusei shinpan on my card for the first time (previously only got to play it in guest mode) and got a really good 995 at first??? followed it up with a 998 or something like that (not pictured) before... at long last... after so many grueling attempts and so much trouble posed by the evil screen glare... it actually happened...
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I ACTUALLY GOT IT!!! AFTER SO LONG!!!! SHUKUSEI SHINPAN (MASTER 15) 1,000,155 SS!!!!!!! 15 SS #1!!!! MY FIRST 15 SS EVER!!!! AND IN AOYAGI TOYA COSPLAY!!!! (the score is somehow actually more visible in the selfie because of the glare being lower LMFAO)
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BUT THAT'S NOT THE END OF MY SESSION!!! NOT EVEN *CLOSE*!!! THERE'S *WAY* MORE WHERE THAT CAME FROM!!!! examples? why, of course!! 8-EM (Master 14+) 999k into 1.001M SS, followed by a sightread SSS on Inpaqq (Master 13+), and then an almost-SSS+ Full Combo on BlythE (Master 14)!!!
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went to the artist alley for a little while with my friend, trying to find stuff to buy but almost coming back empty-handed (though with a few exceptions of purchases since . yaknow .) but once i got back from my spree and went to the arcade with my friend again, we hopped back on danevo and i IMMEDIATELY took the opportunity to sightread and get this really funny AA on Memeshikute Master (pictured)
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back to chunithm, where i got the really funny thought of "what if i hit rainbow while i was at this con?" looking through my options and really having nothing better to do (other than spend More money at the artist alley), i gave it a go, intense cloudy glare and all. this gave way to... a lot of really damn good scores, actually! SS on a lot of 14+s that turned out to be 14.9s when i looked them up... it was really surprising to see myself perform at this caliber honestly LOL
oh also, an almost S+ on World Vanquisher (Master 15), a 995k on Contrapasso -inferno- followed by a 999k on it somehow LMFAO (Formerly Master 14+, now Master 15 as of Chunithm New Plus (please get me updated aghh)), a first try 992k S+ on POTENTIAL (Master 15), a sightread 997k S+ on We Gonna Journey (Ultima 14+), a clean SS first try on Viyella's Tears (Master 14+), and then a 985k S on ANU (Master 15)!!!
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...whew! that was a lot of grinding and a lot of really good scores. but i'm still not quite at rainbow... ah well, let's take a break anyways with some really glare-filled DDR A20 PLUS!!! ...oh, how i missed you... (but also how i hate this glare of yours)
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a brief return to chunithm in a desperate attempt to get as much rating before the end of the day... which was surprisingly soon!!! everything closed at 7 PM, and it wasn't until it was almost too late that i realized... but as i bid farewell to the cabs and went to the artist alley to get one more thing, i got in a few more scores that were just. Insane beyond belief. so there's the SS on Apocalypse ni hangyaku (Master 14+) of course, pretty cool pretty nice upscore, but then.... out of absolutely nowhere and completely unexpected... i got a FULL COMBO ON ELEMENTAL CREATION ULTIMA 14+??? A 14.9??? AND I GOT A FULL COMBO??? HOW??????????? I WAS IN SHOCK WHAT THE HELL
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but alas, of course, it was closing time, so i had to head home and give up on my dream to jump from 15.74 to rainbow in a single day... but from all this work, i managed to get up from a measly 15.74 rating from last con to a massive 15.94 that's in the top 100 of the server's rankings??? i'm really excited to see what i can do if given another opportunity, and it looks like i'll have one soon... but for now, i'd like to appreciate this session well done! i'll say it now while i'm writing this in the future, but due to homework and general business i wasn't able to make it to the second day of the con and thus i actually didn't have another chance to get rainbow. but it was far better for my future tbh, and i'll always have another chance for this. thanks for reading!
note: there's a few scores that didn't make it into this post due to the 30 image limit (just two danevo scores) that will instead be included in the post for monday. sorry for the inconvenience!
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2dkapsddr · 13 days
May 17th, 2024 - Arcaea, ProSeka
who up doing nothing !!!! (well, i guess i'm doing a Little bit, probably not enough though) (either way, Heavensdoor BYD-10+ EX+ after a few tries!!!) (plus some upscores on Antithese BYD-9)
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2dkapsddr · 18 days
May 14th, 2024 - Arcaea, ProSeka
early morning 8 AM gaming... starting strong with an EX+ on Singularity VVVIP BYD-10!!! (somehow harder than the FTR-10+...)
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slightly later but still fairly early morning 10 AM gaming... where i just felt like playing Living Millennium on the bus to class (i am absolutely HOOKED on this song) and somehow AP'ed the Master chart on sightread!!! (sorta) (i played the first 100 combo before restarting and then got it on That attempt)
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then at my college's campus, while waiting for my class to actually start, i goofed off with some friends and got this... Tragic 1-0-0-2 followed by a flag on KING Append Lv.28... god... it hurts...
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banger goodtek BYD-9+ upscore while world moding :D
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...then interrupted by a sudden enseka score for week 4 of the weekly combo showdown being hosted over there!!! doubt i'll win anything since so many people AP there, but ehhh still pretty fun to do
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and now, all arcaea for the rest of the day!!! mostly just while i try to get as much world mode progress as possible to make sure i don't lose it to the event ending, getting a few cool sightreads and upscores as a result!
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2dkapsddr · 19 days
May 13th, 2024 - Arcaea, ProSeka
back in class and out of work hell!! arcaea time!!!
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then, now that i was wide awake and conscious, i gave Tokyo Teddy Bear a few more tries on the bus back home and got a 6 great FC!!! 32 FC #6!!! i also tried playing the Append in handheld form, but that didn't go all too well...
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some more of a random arcaea grind to complete a server event... though as a result, i got a sweet upscore on my Heavensdoor FTR-9+ PM and also a PM on Particle Arts FTR-8+!!!
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BONUS: testing, testing, 1 2 3... (it gave me an easy clear for this)
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2dkapsddr · 19 days
May 12th, 2024 - Arcaea, ProSeka
too much work to do... too much homework to do... not enough time to do anything except grind out my morning arcaea stamina and show off my BYD results......
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later that night, though, once everyone went to sleep and i gave up on my homework... i found that Tokyo Teddy Bear had just released on ProSeka!!! first try time!!!
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