#2dkaps 2023
realrakib111 · 7 months
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I will do YouTube video SEO and organic promotion for your channel
Hi Dear! I'm Rakib YouTube Video SEO Expert. YouTube video SEO enhances visibility, rankings, and organic traffic, broadening your audience and growing Subscribers. Effective S.E.O Ensures long-term success by making content easily discoverable. Organic promotion fosters genuine engagement, building a loyal audience and contributing to sustained channel growth.
My included services for you:
Best title optimize
Best quality S.E.O with vidiq and Tubebuddy
High-volume tag and keyword research
Playlists optimization
End screens, Adding cards, Subtitle add
Social Media Share
High-quality thumbnail design
Video intro & Outro
All video S.E.O scores 80+
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Note: Please get in touch with me before placing an Order.
Now it's time to place an ORDER!
Contact me:
What's apps: +8801793571987
Website: www.freelancerbyrakib.xyz
Twitter: md_rakib830
Instagram: md_rakib830
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2dkapsddr · 5 months
December 6th, 2023 - Arcaea
exploring my songlist a little more and finding some neat scores out of it!! AI[UE]OON 1-2, qualia BYD AA, and SUPERNOVA EX+ are especially of note this day!
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i also completely forgot to show this last post so while he's in the screenshots here, LOOK AT MY BABY I JUST GOT!!! LUIIIIIIIIN
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artandmusic21 · 7 months
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Don't play with himmmmmm!!!!!!
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realrakib111 · 7 months
I will do YouTube video SEO and organic promotion for your channel
Hi Dear! I'm Rakib YouTube Video SEO Expert. YouTube video SEO enhances visibility, rankings, and organic traffic, broadening your audience and growing Subscribers. Effective S.E.O Ensures long-term success by making content easily discoverable. Organic promotion fosters genuine engagement, building a loyal audience and contributing to sustained channel growth.
My included services for you:
Best title optimize
Best quality S.E.O with vidiq and Tubebuddy
High-volume tag and keyword research
Playlists optimization
End screens, Adding cards, Subtitle add
Social Media Share
High-quality thumbnail design
Video intro & Outro
All video S.E.O scores 80+
Why choose me?
100% organic work
High-Quality Service
Friendly + Professional Communication
Note: Please get in touch with me before placing an Order.
Now it's time to place an ORDER!
Contact me:
What's apps: +8801793571987
Website: www.freelancerbyrakib.xyz
Twitter: md_rakib830
Instagram: md_rakib830
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2dkapsddr · 5 months
December 31st, 2023 - IIDX 31, DDR A3, Arcaea, PIU Phoenix, ProSeka
NOW IT'S THE REAL GRAND FINALE!!! And what better way to celebrate than getting permission to pay Round 1 a lil visit?? (Granted at the cost of paying breakfast at my workplace for my whole family during one of their busiest days, i still feel so bad...)
since i had just eaten a chocolate croissant and 1 (one) pancake, i started off slow and warmed up with my favorite game to play on a full stomach (not really): IIDX EPOLIIIIIIIIIIIIIISS (dan dan dada daan dan dada daan dan dada daan dan dan dan)
stiiiill doing the usual of practicing with RANDOM, but getting more comfortable with using hard gauge! only problem? i forgot premium time (and lost two credits to it)
meh, i'll do better next year (i think)
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now, this part was the biggest part and the greatest change of plans i've probably had. originally, since the cab was empty, i was gonna go play sdvx to continue warming up and since i didn't wanna throw up my breakfast still. but then i decided, "yea, i feel fine enough. to the ddr cabs! (also i have sumidagawa karenka stuck in my head please help)"
and what i found at the cabs as a result was... a new year's eve tourney i had no idea about!! hosted by the one and only hambones!!! and (almost) EVERYONE was there to game!!!! sign ups were still open, and a friend from there was Really pushing me to sign up, so i signed up and did a warm up set at first before moving on to the qualifiers!
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set A of the qualifiers consisted of Dancer in the flare ESP-13 (DDR A, banger), Like A Star ESP-14 (DDR A3, way harder than i thought it'd be), and Electronic Dance System Music (DDR A, i set my scroll speed too low). Once I did it, it was... very dissatisfying. I could've had better MA, but I struggled finding the timing window and had poor EX score overall.
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set B though? KILLED IT. it consisted of Going Hypersonic ESP-15 (DDR A20, very technical rhythms), Black Jackal ESP-15 (DDR A20, more of an MA challenge), and Firestorm CSP-16 (DDR A20, chart added in A20 PLUS, hope you like shocks!), and since I'm a huge fan of uppers charts, I had a blast putting on a show for everyone waiting to get the tourney on (since i was the last one to arrive and last one to finish my qualifiers). Got an AAA on Going Hypersonic and 2g on Black Jackal, and also a really neat upscore on Firestorm!!!
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when all was said and done and the tourney scores were tallied, i ended up 5th place overall; barely falling short of the top 4 that would play a new set of two 16s and a 17 that were all really fun... but i was pretty satisfied with my score regardless!!! while i waited for the tourney to end and the results to be announced, i remembered arcaea was having their new year's 100 memories promotions, i finally claimed it for the first since since i downloaded the app 5 years ago!!! ...only to find out that the memories expired 2 days after claiming them (literally Why)
as soon as i got them, though, i Instantly knew what i wanted to buy. that's right. OVERDRIVE!!!! played it three times while everyone else was playing: first attempt was a 69% gauge fail, second attempt was an almost-AA 9.49M, and third attempt was a sick 9.63M jump!!! def worth the impulse purchase
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anyways, back to the tournament: after everyone played the three songs, the scores were tallied once more and the victors were called up one by one to claim their prizes. after the top 4 were announced (ambones obvs being 1st), the Hambones Award for Rising Star of the Tournament was announced; pulling ahead by 1 singular vote, it was... ME!!!! 2DKAPS DDR RISING STAR!!!! i was so happy to receive it, and even happier (sorry) when i saw the prizes, which were INSANELY COOL!!! a MAX 300 badge, a Valkyrie Bloom sticker, and some sick shades!!! (and $6 too somehow LOL)
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as much as you'd wanna think this post is over now with everything i had written before, NOPE!!! the tournament may have ended already, but i STILL had time to play some extra sets before leaving!! (gotta make up for missing that banger tourney set)
also holy shit tumblr is lagging because of the sheer length of this post LMFAO so we gotta be QUICK!! ROLL IN THE BANGERS!!!
Roppongi A 996k GFC!!!
Death by Glamour ESP-14 AAA!!!
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decided that wasn't enough and wanted to close out the session with an extra set, which i Immensely regretted (i was in no shape and no fullness to play sadly)
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after all this, i went home to take my Last Shower of 2023:tm: and take it easy for the rest of the year over at my sister's house... but i still had my phone to play on and some proseka to wrap up the year with!!!
so, with all of that writing and all of this buildup, i finally present to you: my last two scores (one append score and my very last AP) of the year! a really wonky and kinda lame year overall, but there was def a lot i wanted to talk about and def a lot more i'll write in the soon-to-come year recap document (along with a 2024 goals post tomorrow!!!), but i'll end it off with these scores and come with more in the next year! thanks for everything in 2023, everyone!!!
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2dkapsddr · 7 months
November 15th, 2023 - DDR A3
good news this week: after stress over last week and this week (which was the reason for the major rhythm game score drought), i FINALLY finished and submitted my dream college application!!! the answer to whether i get in or not is still 4 months away, soooo i'm still a little worried. alas...
bad news: i had a Really Shitty series of unfortunate events that got in the way of having a nice fun enjoyable time the following day, including but not limited to: waking up at 4 am to finish and submit the application, having classes including my total fitness class (yucky), not having showered for 4 days straight (i'm sorry i'm sorry i took a shower afterwards), stepping in dog shit with my dance game shoes while taking the dog out and having to clean them, then stepping in gum on the bus after i had ALREADY cleaned the same shoe. aaaand that all culminated into, well, this singular score i got before losing my sense of timing and leaving early. i'll get them next time, just... really unfortunate set of circumstances.
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2dkapsddr · 7 months
October 25th, 2023 - ProSeka, Groove Coaster
catching up on proseka songs that i haven't played in ages, and i come across this... absolutely Incredible tune. like this is SUCH an amazing song with a super unique sound that i've never heard anywhere else in proseka (aside from maybe amara), and yet it works SO WELL!!! hope this gets an append in the future so i can grind the Shit out of it
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in funny switch news however; i tried playing mario wonder after finally having time to unwind and grind, but when i opened the game and went to the title screen... Oops! My left joycon's L button is broken! And ZL + ZR don't work either!!! which means... i'm completely blocked from the game until i get a new joycon... so to make up for it, i opened groove coaster and got a song in on the BIG TV SCREEN (it's actually very nice regarding input delay!)
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2dkapsddr · 7 months
October 20th, 2023 - SDVX EG, Groove Coaster, Project DIVA, DaR, PIU PHOENIX, DDR A3
THE TRUE DAY OF RECKONING HAS ARRIVED, NOW IT'S REALLY TIME FOR MOTL5 GAMING!!! but first, isn't this card the absolute coolest??? i got it while checking into the event, slapped a crude drawing of my fursona onto it, and now i'm geared up n ready to destroy!!!
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so i went to waffle house for the very first time with my family to eat breakfast (very good experience btw, i already miss the chocolate waffles), then we set off to spend the whole day at the mall and GUESS WHO I FOUND FIRST THING IN THE MORNING
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IT'S BOMBER IN REAL!!! IN THE FLESH!!! WITH HIS ICONIC LACH TOWEL!!! AND HE KICKED MY ASS AT SDVX!!! (but he gave me haruka e-amuse pass to compensate :])
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always wanted to meet him in person and the dream had become REAL, SUPER COOL EXPERIENCE!!!
also random tangent but while we were playing sdvx, it turned out the PIU Phoenix kit was installed overnight and was being played while we were playing?? just last night it was XX... but i guess now i'd finally get a taste of the new system for the first time!
since all the dance game cabs (except DaR) were occupied for tourneys, i decided to warm up with the alternative... the busted old unused cabs! gc is so broken whyyy
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bonus: HAPPY FAMILY feat. moca and uli!!! (the tiny kohammy is mine)
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but now, after all those exhilarating meetings and fun times, it's time for the real deal, my personal action moment of the event... it was TOURNEY TIME!! STARTING WITH PIU PHOENIX!!! warmups were simple, trying out the new songs and getting used to the pads,
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but then, it was the real deal vs MajinnTy in a waterfall-style bracket... and after almost getting wrecked with the top-right arrow dropping continuously... i managed to beat him 2-1 and took 2nd place in the pool!!! but since it's waterfall format (i didn't realize this until later), i got thrown into the redemption pool with everyone else and wouldn't get to play until later... but in retrospect that was STILL such an impressive victory.
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so once the redemption pool started, i got put up against EMCAT, who had been slowly upgrading from level 2 up to here. it was a weird match, but i hypothetically managed to 2-0 in my set, getting this sick 985k on beat of the war! but once again, it wasn't enough to beat the acc gods in the pool, PacRob and Ty, and i ended up 3rd out of 6 in the bracket, which left me a little dejected to see i wouldn't have my dark horse moment in my first tourney... but in retrospect i worked against the odds and managed to do really well!!! such a nice showing personally, and i'm excited to train some more and try again some other time! (also the 2nd image is from the commentary that my friend watched when i was up which is why i mentioned the dark horse moment, forever alone...)
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but NOW!!! IT WAS TIME FOR THE 2ND AND LAST TOURNEY OF MINE FOR THE NIGHT, THE ONE THAT WOULD SEAL MY POTENTIAL OVERALL LEGACY, THE DDR A3 TOURNAMENT!!! unlike the previous PIU tourney, this was a round robin format where all 4 players got to play against each other once in a best-of-three set. and after a set between two others in my pool, i was up for some back-to-back sets, starting with LUBANAHHHH
having warmed up already with pump, i decided to pick long train runnin' challenge for my warmup to confuse the commentators, but then the REAL action began. our first song was lubanah's pick, New York Evolved (Type A) DSP-13 (fucked up), which i dominated solely thanks to MA! and then when it was my pick, i PFC'ed Yoidore Shirazu ESP-13 on-stream once again, taking the set 2-0!!
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next up was against KINDLADY/Zaphine, where we both went in without warmup and played Xepher CSP-15 (Zaphine's pick) and Mess With My Emotions ESP-12 (my pick), and i took the set 2-0 again!! except with such a close call on Mess With My Emotions...
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and finally in my pool, i played against MisterGuy in both Step Machine ESP-14 (my pick) and Healing Vision (Angelic Mix) ESP-13 (MisterGuy's pick), where i would just barely win Step Machine by 2 points (even got clipped on the Ohio DDR channel), and then PFC Healing Vision to claim my 2nd in-tourney PFC, taking the set once again 2-0 and advancing to level 9 with a perfect performance!!!
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level 9 came and i was put up against SnowStorm/SIM, thejurok, and gabbyjay, which would be where my demise would come... only before a bunch of cab crashes! no scores for most of these unfortunately, but i was bested 0-2 by SnowStorm on Revolutionary Addict ESP-13 and PARANOiA Revolution DSP-14 (my MA wasn't quite up to par on either songs, probably exhaustion from only eating before my pump tourney...)
for my set against jurok though, i won my first pick; roppongi EVOLVED Ver.D ESP-15, even despite forgetting to disable my sudden+ before the speedup!!! i forgot what his pick was, but i lost it and lost the tiebreaker too, MAX 300 DSP-12, in order to lose the set 1-2...
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then lastly, the final and most ultimate set... the one against longtime Black Flag Academy admin and potential rival, GABBYJAY!!! this set was super funny because we both won each other's picks (he won Bang Pad(Werk Mix) ESP-13, i won osaka EVOLVED (TYPE1) DSP-13), and for the tiebreaker we got New Gravity CSP-14...
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and after such an intense battle not shown on stream due to the sheer intensity and vulgarity (actually the stream was what was causing the cab to crash repeatedly), we finished the song and looked at each others' scores to see the results, and...
...by two points. i got a PFC up from a 988k, on-stream, not having seen the chart before, and yet i fell short by such a tight margin, losing the set once again 1-2...
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but overall, super satisfying performance from both ends (and super funny reaction)!!! i loved this experience even if i didn't advance twice (which is fine, level 9 was more of a victory lap anyways LOL i was just a silly little teen playing against intimidating adults). but that did indeed conclude my tournament run at the mistaketh on the laketh, so until next time! thanks all who tuned in and cheered me on in chat, the support was so nice to read back at the hotel! but there's still 2 more days of the event to enjoy, so let's enjoy 'em!
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2dkapsddr · 7 months
August 29th, 2023 - Rotaeno
all bolts challenges perfected!! time to move onto chapter 2!
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2dkapsddr · 8 months
March 24th, 2023 - Cytus II, ITG
no proseka today, because it's a VERY SPECIAL DAY in ANOTHER GAME
here's a quick cytus score to get it out of the way first
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AND THIS IS THE BIG NEWS!!! ITL ONLINE 2023 HAS STARTED!!!! AND I'M HERE TO FINALLY GRIND IT AFTER BEING STOPPED BY HOMEWORK LAST YEAR (spoiler: i was stopped by depression instead this time around)
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(un)coincidentally during the session today, i happened to get my FIRST ITG 13 PASS THANKS TO THE EVENT!!! and thanks to this banger chart of this banger song by The BestieTM
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2dkapsddr · 5 months
December 30th, 2023 - SDVX EG
LAST SET OF THE YEAR...? well, for sdvx it was! but i still went to round 1 the following day, so it wasn't exactly the last session of the year, still it was a neat way of closing out the year, and i'd be satisfied with these scores either way! glad i had an even Better close-out on new year's eve
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2dkapsddr · 5 months
December 29th, 2023 - Arcaea
a slight PM upscore since i didn't have this one backed up in the cloud, but still not enough to overtake my friends on the leaderboard... acc is so hard in this game wtf how does everyone else do it
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2dkapsddr · 5 months
December 28th, 2023 - Rotaeno
oops! got really sick today and was pretty much immobilized the whole day . i probably shouldn't have gotten any rhythm game scores today, but i did anyways near the end when i felt healthy enough! between then and vomiting thrice in one night, i started watching soul eater on the tv yayay!!! but, as promised, here's the two cool rhythm game scores i snuck in (they're both rotaeno 13s) (yes even angel dust) (12.9 is basically the same as 13)
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2dkapsddr · 5 months
December 27th, 2023 - Arcaea, Rotaeno
revisiting charts like dropdead PRS (so weird seeing the green diff with a 9 in it... maybe it's not the level that's weird, but just the green feeling so out of place given arcaea's color scheme. i think this is a common complaint amongst many people over arcaea's new UI? it looks shiny and cool, but maybe doesn't fit the story theming? though arcaea songs are kinda just Whatever They Want nowadays so it still fits with the game in general
also: two BYD-9+ EXs!!! qualia and dement ~after legend~!!!
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lastly tonight: finally came back to rotaeno after i realized they unlocked angel dust for pickup whenever you reopened the game, and i LOVE THIS even if i suck at it!!! woooo yeah baby!!!!!
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2dkapsddr · 5 months
December 26th, 2023 - ProSeka, Arcaea, FN Festival
kusare re-AP on EN yayay
did y'all hear about the master bug where they accidentally included the championship chart as the master chart and that fucked up pretty much everything until they fixed it in a major update the following day? funy
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also finally tried lost civilization byd... pretty fun? but hard
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and finally, my last two fortnite festival scores of the year: getting 7th place on i (Kendrick Lamar) on drums, and closing it out with a top 10 (i think?) placement on mr. brightside drums
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2dkapsddr · 5 months
December 25th, 2023 - Arcaea, ProSeka
i'm finally getting used to the 80 fps from this iphone, now given this RETTOU JOUTOU FIRST TRY AP WOOOOOO (also valhalla EX and kanagawa byd clear)
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