katnissmellarkkk · 1 year
it’s always really funny when people say the books portray Peeta as too kind or too wonderful or that he shouldn’t be the representation of hope and rebirth and renewal and all things good in the world. i always wanna ask if the person saying this is aware that the narrator of the story is literally in love with him.
like of course she’s biased. that’s her husband of over twenty years.
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hoolyelina · 2 months
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s9 zed because hes my favourite he really just did all that
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boyobjectifier · 1 year
they should invent a long distance relationship that is…. not….. long distance
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front-facing-pokemon · 3 months
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wayemd · 19 days
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*papers scattering across the floor* Oh shit uhh … *stuffing hands in pockets* these aren’t mine I swear.
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ramonag-if · 2 months
While writing Chapter 9 and the side stories for my Patrons, I realised how much I miss writing some smut. Then I thought, how much smut is too much smut. And then I thought, hey, I still have a thank-you story for my lovely followers on Tumblr and then I realised, it's time for a poll.
Regarding this story...
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You have a day to make your voice heard. Let me hear you. I really want to write smut, no pressure or anything.
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damnfandomproblems · 5 months
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Fandom Problem #4500:
(TW for ableism.) I'm tired of fans making headcannons that are straight-up ableist. Like, "this character is a violent mass murderer so I headcannon them with narcissistic personality disorder," or "this character is a cute babyish uwu bean so I headcannon them with autism," or "this character acts weird and creeps me out so I headcannon them with schizophrenia." Even if fans mean well, headcannons based solely off of stereotypes and stigma can harm people who actually have those conditions. It's cool if you have that condition yourself and headcannon a character that you relate to because of it, but if you don't have that condition and are just going off of stereotypes than... Idk, maybe don't? Please?
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dingostrash · 8 months
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I've been playing Skyrim again. Miraak means the whole wide world to me still to this day.
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diezmil10000 · 3 months
a lot of people have followed me for dungeon meshi so.... first of all, hi!! i'm not much of a fandom person, i just like to draw the lesbians i'm interested in and reblog cool art of said lesbians. i also reblog some other stuff, and if you only follow me for my art feel free to follow my art-only blog @10000art :)
i've been on tumblr long enough to know about basic etiquette but i literally only post for myself, i kinda use my blog as an archive to find stuff i've reblogged. this is the only platform in which i properly tag my works, because tags are functional and i get happy when people find the stuff they're looking for, but i genuinely don't care about likes or reblogs. in fact, i get easily overwhelmed by social interactions and i've disabled comments almost everywhere + don't usually look at my notifs tab.
i'm at a point where even if i only look at my reblogs, i can't read all of the possitive tags i get from people. i appreciate the effort though, and sometimes i go through my own art to see people's reactions from it ♡ but i don't keep track of any of my followers. i'm just saying this so that all of you know that there is no pressure to support me or even to keep following me!! i literally won't notice.
i'm not some kind of mysterious artist who doesn't interact with their followers, i'm just very introverted and i've had Bad Fandom Experiences so i just want to chill. yuri is the only thing i care about. i have a FAQ pinned in my profile and my askbox is always open even for violent anon questions which i still get for some fucking reason and are always extremely funny.
hope you have a nice day everyone, it's 3am here in spain so goodnight!
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posallys · 5 months
i will NEVER not be pissed that most colleges cost about 40k A YEAR on average and that if YOUR PARENTS make over 120k AS A GROSS INCOME you're practically immediately disqualified for need-based aid???? like do you really believe anybody can afford to throw an entire third of their annual income to their kid's schooling, when they probably have several thousands of dollars in loan debt themselves??? in THIS economy??? eggs are fucking $7 a dozen where i am right now but GOD FUCKING FORBID i get any financial aid because "well your upper class" NEWS FLASH 120K IS THE NEW MIDDLE CLASS AND JUST BECAUSE MY PARENTS MAKE OKAY MONEY NOW DOESN'T MEAN FUCK ALL WHEN I CAN REMEMBER ALL THE NIGHTS THEY DIDN'T EAT WHEN I WAS GROWING UP BECAUSE THEY ONLY HAD ENOUGH FOOD TO FEED ME AND MY SISTERS I need to hold everyone involved at gunpoint because i really don't think a single fucking one of them understands "oh but you have money :/" there's literally a reason i work FULL FUCKING TIME while double majoring and it's because my parents can't even send me money for fucking groceries, let alone fork out FORTY FUCKING THOUSAND DOLLARS GOD DAMN YEAR for a degree that'll be FUCKING WORTHLESS in three years anyway i worked my ASS off and graduated with a 4.7 to get scholarships because i knew that's the only way i'd realistically be able to afford school. and then the fucking fafsa goes "oh but you have money in your savings! you can pay for your own school" bitch i have 4k and it's for my fucking rent!!!! my parents have like $600 in savings do YOU SEE THE ISSUE that's what being forced into credit card debt for 20 years fucking does it puts you in an unescapable hole so even when you're making good money YOU DON'T GET SHIT!!!!!! NOT TO MENTION THE ABYSMAL CREDIT SCORES MY PARENTS HAVE SO GOOD FUCKING LUCK TRYING TO GET LOANS FOR ME!!! COSIGNER? I'VE NEVER HEARD OF HER IM GOING TO KILL PEOPLE!!!!!!
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blueiskewl · 8 months
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The corpulent figure with her arms crossed below her breasts, the bulging midrift offset from the flattened waist by an incised groove, standing with her feet apart, her legs divided by a deep cleft. 5 in. (14.6 cm) high
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nahoney22 · 2 months
Okay I didn’t expect you all to blow up my inbox like you have but I do have 53 requests
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So will I get to yours straight away? No.
Will I do my best? Yes.
Will i inevitably get writers block? Yes.
BUT I WILL DO MY BEST. Some requests are quite samey so do forgive me if I delete because I can’t do the same prompt all the time for the same character 😭 (forgive me)
I’ll probably close my requests soooon as they are piling up and will I get them all done before the finale? Most likely not. But, I guess it’s something to look forward to after 😅?
Anyway, glad to see some of you like my writing enough to ask for a request.
All I ask is for a reblog in return and maybe a wee comment so I feel like I’ve done okay? 😭🥹? THANKS 😊 🩵🩵🩵🩵
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not-poignant · 3 months
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Daily excerpt from today's writing, chapter 9 of Constellations:
'It's... I've been struggling with trying to understand why you chose Crielle over me. I know that sounds- I know you were very upset and you'd just been badly hurt by my partner, so I can see a lot of really logical reasons why, but you've also been badly hurt by Crielle, and I'm just trying to understand... I suppose I want to know if that was all me. Just you hating me.'  Efnisien was silent for a long time, so long that Gwyn thought he had an answer. Finally Efnisien inhaled sharply.  'I don't remember all the details about that night very well,' Efnisien said, looking down at his legs. 'But I remember at some point you said something like...I'd changed. Or like it was obvious I'd changed from who I used to be. But that night, I hated myself for everything that happened so much. To me, everything was my fault. Me being punched in the face was my fault. Me being attacked and hurt by Kitson was my fault. Me being at a kink club I never should have been at in the first place was my fault. All I saw was this cascading thing of how bad I was for everyone around me, and so you said I'd changed, and I knew I hadn't changed at all. It was like... I knew I'd ruined everything. My relationship with Arden. My friendship with Kadek. I knew I deserved that. And there you were telling me you could see that I'd changed, and I couldn't stand the idea of you believing that. So I couldn't... So I shut you out.'  Efnisien looked up towards a bookcase, and he smiled to himself.  'You know it wasn't a choice, in a way. I didn't choose her over you. I knew I couldn't risk you believing I'd changed when I knew I was the worst person I'd ever met. And then I just wanted someone who could tell me what to do, maybe. Someone who also believed I was the worst person, and who could fix everything. To me it didn't feel like I picked her over you. It felt like I was...removing you from getting hurt more. Even you being at the door, I just felt like I kept hurting everyone around me. You sounded so upset, and that was also because of me, something I'd done, some reaction I'd had.'  Gwyn couldn't think of what to say for a long time. 
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OMG I finally know what kind of bike Hattoris riding
(beside you know… >:) )
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Anyways the model is a Kawasaki KLX250
For everyone that already knew, good for you! BUT I HAVE BEEN SEARCHING AN ETERNITY FOR THAT! I always wanted to have that bike, hell Heijis the reason I got into biking in the first place
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acowardinmordor · 1 year
Flip the Board - pt 3
Part One - Part Two
This is going to have to migrate to Ao3. I'm incapable of keeping things short. I'll try to catch everyone in tags when I post part four, which will flip this to posting by chapter, rather than by scene.
Eddie didn’t skip as he rushed out the side door of the school, headed for the parking lot, but it was close to it. Dustin was standing with his back to the school, next to the van, imitating Harrington’s frustrated mom pose, with a lunchbox hanging from his left hand, and his backpack over his shoulders. Max was leaning against the van, while Lucas argued, and Mike glowered. 
Good progress, but they needed to get moving and were two party members shy of a successful departure.
Eddie hurried over, clapping to bleed off the excess energy, then flung open the door. Ignoring the random stuttered confusion, he snagged his supply and shoved it under the driver’s seat, then reached for bags and whatever else they had on them. 
“What the hell?” Max asked as he yanked the skateboard out of her hands.
“Chill, Red, I’m not stealing your board, you’re coming too.”
“No, really, what the hell?” Lucas added. 
“Shh, Sinclair. Hold your questions til the end of class. Dustin, you’re three for five. Did they not want to skip out? I don’t care. They have to. Do I need to go back for them? Come on. Chop chop. Where’s Robin and Wheeler?”
“I’m right here?”
“Wheeler the Elder,” Eddie amended with a flap of his hand, “You, Sir Michaelmas, are already accounted for.”
“Okay, Dustin, what shit is this?!” Mike snapped. He turned to face off with Dustin, and Lucas turned with him. “You said this was Code Red.”
Dustin was his favorite. 
Kid didn’t blink, didn’t hesitate, didn’t even glance at Eddie for confirmation. Which was one hell of a thing since it was Dustin, who can, did, and would question everything he encountered -- all at the top of his lungs. It wasn’t like Eddie took the time to explain a damn thing after telling him to get the others. Yeah, Dustin tried to ask something after Eddie told him to get the others, but lunch was ending and step one had to start immediately, so Eddie sprinted out of the theater and trusted that Dustin would listen. 
“It IS a Code Red.”
“How the hell would he even know to say that? He probably just overheard you talking about something and thought it would be a good joke.”
“It isn’t a joke,” Dustin insisted. “This is real. He knows something, and it’s serious.”
“Nancy graduated last year, but we’re supposed to think this is real?” Lucas said.
Oh shit. 
“Just because he doesn’t know everything doesn’t mean it isn’t real. Steve gets things wrong all the time and we still listen to him!”
Maybe this meant that the vision thing wasn’t real. Eddie scrambled backwards in his head, trying to figure out if he knew that or not. He saw her around all the time. Around the school all the time. She was in Hawkins during spring break. 
Apocalypse canceled?
Oh wait. 
No. Dammit. 
He remembered this. He already knew this. Wheeler mentioned it after a couple campaign sessions. Damn. So much for hope. For a second he thought he hadn’t received some insane prophetic revelation.
“She’s working for the paper right?” Eddie interrupted before Mike could yell. “I knew that, sort of. A bit. I knew she was in Hawkins. That counts. It isn’t relevant to this. Got confused. Don’t complain, Wheeler junior, would you rather I know everything your sister does? I know you hate it when Steve talks to her, would you rather it was me?”
Mike’s eyeroll was the most ridiculous, but Lucas and Max joined in. 
Dustin was officially Eddie’s only child now; steadfast little shithead.
Eddie clapped again. 
“Right! Dustin! Where are the other two?”
“Okay. I told the others.” Dustin scowled a promise that all this good behavior was going to be repaid with the mother of all favors, but he answered, “Robin wasn’t sure when Steve finished his shift. She only knew it was before class ended today. She went to call him and see if Nancy was in the newspaper office. She’s either gonna show up with Nancy in a minute, or she’s going to be out here to let us know where Steve and Nancy are.
“And,” he continued, “The rest of Hellfire is pissed at you. Gareth said he was going to plan a coup for Hellfire and for Corroded Coffin. I am being very patient right now. It is taking everything I have to sound This Calm, but, Eddie, Dude, you need to start answering questions before I think you’re a Russian spy.”
Eddie blinked. 
“Uh.” Blinked again. “What do Russian spies have to do with demo-monsters and the Upside Down?” The kids all jumped when he said that name. He waved his hand, clearing it like a bad smell. “Dammit. Okay. Never mind, gotta learn about the communist infiltration later. Mayfield?”
“What now, Munson?”
“Don’t with that tone, Red. You have your walkman with you? Put it on. Kate Bush. Running Up that Hill. It’s your favorite song. Keep rewinding and listening until we can make you a loop tape.”
“What the hell?”
“Just put the headphones on.”
“Why should I listen to some dipshit who didn’t even know about the Russians?”
“Because you’re in trouble. The life-in-danger kind of trouble. Not the ‘you’re grounded’ kind.”
She snorted. For a second, Eddie saw how the others hadn’t noticed. She was good at fronting, if he hadn’t seen her before, he would believe it. 
“Have you been having headaches? Have you been having awful nightmares and thinking you’re hearing things and been thinking about how maybe it would be easier if--” He stopped before he outed any secrets. She heard what he didn’t say, and the suddenly serious look on her face was confirmation. “Just do it. It’ll keep you safe.”
Lucas had her walkman out already, skipping past the need to understand and lunging for her bag the second Eddie persuaded him. Good. That was good. Lucas would be good at this, and if he stuck with her, that was better odds on saving a second one. Their plan, using her, using a kid as bait for the interdimensional hell wizard was bullshit, and he wasn’t doing that again. No fucking way.
He knew the bats dropped, but he also knew the ground shook and there was a noise like the world tore apart right at the end. 
That was the last shot of the movie that arrived in his brain half an hour ago. A sound like the world screaming, louder than Dustin’s yelling, and then; a cafeteria. 
Maybe Max and the others pulled it off. Maybe they didn’t. He wasn’t gambling on this stuff.
“Are you going to explain stuff? Cause I’m trusting you right now, but even if I was okay not knowing what the hell, and I’m not, and you know that, even if I was going to be okay with it, no one else is going to be.”
“Yeah. You don’t know about this stuff,” Mike added. 
“I didn’t,” Eddie tossed back, stressing the past tense.
“And you learned about all of this while standing on a table in the middle of the cafeteria?”
For once, Nancy Wheeler’s ability to instantly override any conversation she entered was a blessing. Eddie didn’t know how to answer Mike’s question except with a plain ‘yes’ which would do exactly nothing to clarify any of this.
“Munson, if this is some kind of a joke, I will personally ensure that you do not graduate,” she announced as she joined them, deadly serious. “You have no idea how serious this is, and you can’t decide to use it as a prank the day before Spring Break because you think it’ll be funny.”
Eddie turned and smiled, “Ms Nancy Wheeler, you’re looking as delightfully felonious as ever.”
“Not a joke,” he cut her off. “Robin, where’s Steve right now?”
“Well he was at Family Video, but I called and told him Dustin called Code Red, and I think he tried to spontaneously teleport to the school to help before I finished the sentence. Luckily he smacked into the edge of the counter, so he stopped to listen for a sec, so I told him to go home and we’d meet him there. But that was a couple minutes ago, so he’s probably breaking driving laws and freaking out right now. By the time we get there, he’s going to be at least half as freaked out as I am right now.”
“What is going on?” Nancy hissed.
“Normal Hawkins shit, apparently,” Eddie said, “It’s the end of the world and I know what’s coming.”
“Bullshit. This isn’t a joke. I don’t know how you found out about any of this, but this isn’t one of your games!” 
The fizz of victorious energy he floated on tempered by a few points. Eddie heard the sharp edge of Nancy’s voice, and held it up against the fear as she described Vecna’s plan. There were similarities. She didn’t believe him yet, but she believed it was possible. 
The others continued bickering while he and Nancy squared off. 
“He isn’t joking,” Dustin repeated stubbornly.
“Oh, so our DM suddenly knows about the Upside Down and we’re just supposed to trust he isn’t making it a story?” Mike yelled.
“It’s Eddie! Of course we trust him!”
“Well,” Robin dragged out the word, “some proof would be nice.” 
“You want proof that I’m not joking, Nancy?” Eddie hummed a little, and kept his focus on her. Goddamn, at least this bullshit was giving him some top shelf opportunities for dramatics. He waited until the quiet got a tiny bit tense, then quietly, simply, said, “In 1983, your shoe boxes were full of shoes. Now they’re full of guns. Pick them up on the way to Harrington’s, would you? All of them.”
“What.” Her face froze, blank.
He had more things he could say, but if he could convince Nancy, he figured the kids would shut up until they got everyone in one place. She was scary enough to buy him a little more time.
“Am I wrong?”
“How do you know that?”
“Told you. End of the world and I know what’s coming.” 
She nodded once, cautious and serious.
Eddie clapped his hands loudly to break the mood, and turned back to the gremlins. “Max, Lucas, Robin, you’re with me. Dustin, Mike, go with Nancy. ”
“No, get back here, Munson, how do you know that? How do you know any of this?”
“Yeah, sorry, I would, but we’re on the clock. I’m not gonna waste time doing this song and dance twice aaaaaaaand, tragically, for me, but excellent news for Henderson; I need Harrington.”
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ramonag-if · 3 months
Poll - Thank You Side Story
Hello everyone! While I've been really silent here on Tumblr, I've been pleasantly surprised by the continuous support you have all offered and as a thank you for reaching 4500K followers, I'm going to share a story set in an alternate universe featuring the MC from Crown of Exile and our wonderful main cast.
If Ahlf and Erlan remained friends and the war was won or ended before the MC reached adolescence, the MC and Irus would have had a very different history together. This poll is to determine what type of history you want for the MC in this universe.
Whatever option with the most votes will eventually be shared with you. I'll be leaving the poll open for a week so make sure to vote on what you'd like to read the most 💖
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