#ALSO I really wanted to add a link to the music video for ’imma live forever’ by xavier (from the afterparty)
comradekatara · 3 months
like the sexism from the fire nation is so overt ozai hated zuko but he still wanted him on the throne because he’d rather have his lackluster son rule than his far more capable daughter because he’s a boy and she’s a girl
lmfao yeah 😭 he literally only let azula be firelord after the title didn’t even matter anymore. like it almost felt like he was trying to humiliate and punish her by saying that she can be firelord only NOW that the position has been rendered meaningless, because she has sunk so low in his eyes that he doesn’t even give a shit. and yet azula still clings to this tiny piece of validation because it is the only shred of evidence she has left that her father even values her, let alone loves her. but deep down she clearly knows that it’s a hollow signifier of empty power, hence her paranoia and urge to exert any semblance of authority she possibly can by banishing literally all the palace staff. I definitely don’t think ozai ever wanted zuko on the throne (not a good look to let the kid who committed treason against you at the age of 13 be your heir), but he clearly also didn’t want azula on the throne either. although I think that ozai genuinely thought that he would live forever and never ever die because that’s how much of a ridiculous egomaniac he is, so he probably didn’t even have a contingency in place, he was probably just like “well both my kids suck and i have no viable heirs but that’s okay because i am the supreme ruler of all totality and basically god." i know i've emphasized before that ozai isnt stupid, just wrong about everything, and that theres a crucial difference there, but i do think that in terms of self-knowledge, ozai is just straight up stupid. anyway
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santiagostyle · 6 years
U kno what plot twist ill only ask u for all the even numbers this time!!! Unless any of the odd ones involve music bc i know those are the ones u rly wanna answer so
anyway this is a hella long post lmao s o r r y
2. name your favourite books; why are they your favourite books and do they affect your writing?
my all time favourite is To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee which like,, I feel like it doesn’t really affect my writing but it definitely reignited my love for literature which I guess consequently led to me getting back into writing??
also the A to Z of You and Me by James Hannah literally ripped out my heart and stomped on it and I’m seriously pretty sure I finished it within a few hours of starting it. That one probably does affect my writing because it’s very angsty but also in terms of style it’s pretty fragmented which is kinda the direction I tend to go in so!!!
I’m yet to make it past the first chapter but the style of Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy is,,, everything 
not technically a book but I’m a theatre major so ofc i’m gonna include a play!!! 4.48 Psychosis by Sarah Kane ripped my heart out, tore it to pieces, threw it on the ground and stomped on it (also side note it took me a solid week and a half to recover from watching it performed live). the style is so abstract and disjointed and strange and fragmented but it’s so so perfect and absolutely heartbreaking (also big ass trigger warning if you’re thinking about looking it up)
ALSO i got about halfway through before life got in the way so I didn’t get the chance to finish it but I absolutely adore the style of Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury and like,,, fun fact I’m actually related to him so ???? i guess writing runs in the family ????? and yeah there are some small parts of that book that I read and thought ‘this sounds like something i would write’ just because i feel like we have pretty similar styles4. why do you like writing? what inspired you to put paper to pen?
I guess I haven’t ever really been happy just living one life or doing one thing at a time so,,,, I write 6. tag any writers that you want to collab with!
hoooooo boy um ?? literally ?? everyone??? but specifically @elsaclack @startofamoment @kasuchi @peraltiagoisland and my girl @johnnydora but for real i wanna write with EVERYONE 8. how many wip do you currently have? which one is your favourite as of the moment?
HA HA HA HA HA for real I literally have like,,, 4 Big Major Fics in the works and then like 11-12 little drabble things also in progress (and by in progress I mean I’ve thought about them and done absolutely nothing else)10. describe your writing in five sentences or less.
sentences suck imma do dot points
- I can’t write chronologically and the beginning of a story is usually the last thing I do
- I have a tendency to write ‘moments’ as opposed to actual full fledged stories if that makes sense? like I find it so much easier to write little ‘scenes’ or slices of life so i often use quite a few time jumps because i find it so difficult to write the stuff that occurs in between big moments
- i always spend so much time and so many words describing the littlest details because those are what i think are most important 
- literally everything i write has a song associated with it and i can’t write without music 
- i either use really long super flowery descriptive sentences, or sentences with like 3 words in them. there is no in between 
12. what do you associate with each of your stories? with your writing in general?
I mean I’ve only published two (2) things on here/ao3 so far but like I mentioned before the music thing so I suppose i associate particular songs with each of my stories?
but also like in general all of my writing comes from a really intense emotional place and like, even if I’m unsure of how my?? mental state?? is doing at a particular time, it comes through in my writing. so if i suddenly only wanna write fluff i know i’m doing okay, whereas i kinda have to be sad to write something angsty like the hellfic14. write a personal history/mini autobiography/author description that you don’t mind sharing.
smol anxious tina fey wannabe spends too much time crying in her room thinking about so many stories while putting off actually writing 16. three pieces of other’s writing that people need to read to understand your inspirations and you?
alright i know like everyone and their dog has already read it but foR REAL @elsaclack‘s sleepwalking changed my goddamn life alright it was literally everything i had ever wanted in a fic and i am still Shooktd to this day okay frick
Veronika Decides to Die by Paulo Coelho is also a book that is very important to me and I think everyone should read it 
Neighbourhood Watch by Lally Katz is the first play that actually made me cry just by reading it (like, I didn’t see it live, I cried reading the actual text) because god there’s so much emotion and so many issues that it deals with that are very close to my heart and it reminded me a lot of some people I’m very close to so!!!!18. make a playlist for people to listen to if they want to understand you.
America - XYLØ
Young Blood - The Naked and Famous
Go Bang - PNAU
Sucker - Peaches
Raspberry Beret - Prince
Salvation - The Cranberries
Hero - Regina Spektor
Caught - Florence + The Machine
Time (Video Version) - Stray Dogg & Devendra Banhart
Leaving the City - Joanna Newsom
September 22nd - Brock Berrigan
Havana - Camila Cabello
Queen of Peace - Florence + The Machine
Regular Touch - Vera Blue
Here I Lie - Marika Hackman
Maneater - Nelly Furtado 
Kiwi - Harry Styles
Shut Up and Dance - WALK THE MOON
Baby I Call Hell - Deap Vally
Motel - Meg Myers20. describe your writing life in one sentence. 
I have been writing since I could hold a pen, and telling stories since before then22. your favourite characters to write and why.
oBVIOUSLY JAKE AND AMY but like I think I find Jake just a tiiiiiny bit easier to write because I’m always talking about Amy, like, externally??24. name one fact about yourself that you want your readers to know about you.
for real i’ve literally been writing since i could hold a pen. my mum still has ‘books’ i wrote when i was 3 about the adventures of my teddy bear lmfao26. what are your writing goals for the week? for the month? for the year? how many words/poems do you write per week?
HAHAHAHH WELLLLLL i was meant to be doing nanowrimo this month but then some Things happened so it hasn’t really gotten done. my biggest writing goal at the moment is to make some soliddddd progress on the hellfic (it’s all planned and a lot of the next chapter is written i just,,, can’t make the words work atm) so!!!
also i pretty much write when i have ideas?? which is,,, not often unfortunately
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demirin · 7 years
@korrinbelle​ done taggedt me in this ages ago but I Forgot
Rules: Answer all the questions, then add one of your own, and tag as many people as there are questions
1) Coke or Pepsi?: Coke
2) Disney or Dreamworks?: Meeeeeehh???? neither i guess
3) Coffee or Tea?: I drink over 2 liters of tea a day what do u think
4) Books or Movies?: Books!!!!
5) Windows or Mac?: Windows..... id rather break a leg than use a mac
6) D.C. or Marvel?: They’re both garbage
7) Xbox or PlayStation?: Playstation??? I guess??? I’ve never seen an xbox irl
8) Dragon age or mass effect?: Eeeeehh neither
9) Night Owl or Early Riser?: Neither....... catch me sleepin at 1am & wakin up at 10 am
10) Cards or Chess?: Cards!!!
11) Chocolate or Vanilla?: Vanilla is my fav flavor of all
12) Vans or Converse? Converse
13) Lavellan, Trevelyan, Cadash, or Adaar?: What kind of white people ritual is this
14) Fluff or Angst?: Both....... i have a tendency to turn angst into fluff n fluff into angst so like what can u do yknow
15) Beach or Forest?: Forest!!!
16) Dogs or Cats? Both....... Theyre both so fuckening amazing and good....
17) Clear Skies or Rain? Rain!!!!
18) Cooking or Eating Out? Eating out bc id rather die than make any effort
19) Spicy or Mild Food?  im turkish bruv if it’s not spicy enough to make my nose and eyes run like a waterfall what even is the point......
20) Halloween/Samhain or Solstice/Yule/Christmas? i like the christmas atmosphere
21) Would You Rather Forever Be A Little Too Cold Or A Little Too Hot?: id rather be a little cold bc i hate nothing more than being so much as mildly too hot
22) If You Could Have A Superpower What Would It Be?:  either seeing the future or reading minds solely for my own gain and convenience. though now that i think about it, being able to mass control & instill thoughts in people’s minds would be pretty good too.
23) Animation or Live Action?: Animation
24) Paragon or Renegade?: neither, but i think i’m closer to being a paragon in some areas.
25) Bath or Shower?: showers, since i don’t really enjoy taking baths.
26) Team Cap or Team Iron-Man?: i had to google this but prolly team cap since i do not trust any government in any way shape or form in any capacity
27) Fantasy or Sci-Fi?: fantasy
28) Do You Have Three or Four Favorite Quotes If So What Are They?: " I’ll burn that bridge when I get to it. ” would be a personal favorite of mine
29) YouTube or Netflix?: Youtube
30) Harry Potter or Percy Jackson?: Percy Jackson 300% lmao i don’t care for hp
31) When Do You Feel Accomplished?: when i’m Right™
32) Star Wars or Star Trek?: i haven’t watched either
33) Paperback Books or Hardcover Books?: don’t care
34) Fantastic Beasts or Cursed Child?: cursed child is garbage and the fantastic beasts BOOK is nice so fantastic beasts.
35) Rock or Pop Music? both
36) What Is The Most Important Thing In Your Life?: my sister
37) Mountains or Sea/Ocean?: i don’t like either tbh
38) How Do You Express Yourself?: generally, by screaming.
39) What’s The First Book/Film That Really Counted To You?: 'wisdom of psychopaths’ is the book that made me want to study psychology and get into clinical psychology, so that one.
40) What’s Your Element (Air, Water, etc.)?: air
41) If You Could Travel Anywhere, Where Would You Go?: fuck dude idk prolly somewhere in asia since i wanna see vietnam, thailand, korea & japan but plane tickets are super expensive
42) If you had any job in the world, what would it be?: something closely linked with psychology but also writing? i’d love to write scripts/plots for video games.
43) If you were granted three wishes, what would they be?
1. infinite wealth with no repercussions.
2. the capacity to see the future, read & control minds and materialize anything i wish to out of nothing.
3. for the human race to stop being a bunch of entitled, selfish, stupid and closed minded pieces of shit, and by extension of this; poverty, discrimination, war, and all other stupid human bullshit to end.
44) If You Had To Eat One Food For The Rest Of Your Life, What Would It Be?: chicken
45) What’s Your Patronus?: cats  
46) Would You Kill Yourself And Save Your Friends or Kill Your Friends and Save Yourself?: depends on the friend.
47) If You Had To Become A Mythical Creature Which Would You Be?: fuck dude who knows????? imma be a siren and get me some mad money by enticing people to give me their money and credit card info and put me in their wills.
48) What can you make with origami?: fuckshit aside from paper planes
49) Have you ever invented a food or drink style? (or at least thought you did?): nope
50) What would you say is your berserk button?: being disrespected.
tagging: anyone who wants to do this but like @demondick, @lesbianpidge & @inuyoshie in particular i love nyall u3u
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