softichill · 9 months
The Sounds of Nightmares unofficial transcript
Chapter 4 - Two of a Kind
(As always, made with the help of @queen0fm0nsterz!!!)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
[Something is booted up] 
OTTO: Duality. A notion essential to psychology. We all contain a multitude of personas and change proverbial masks to match our present situations. [Shifting] The body is the container for this legion within, allowing us to maintain the important illusion of a singular self, the very basis of human experience. In Noone, there lies both the innocent child and the disturbed traveler. Both fight for control. But what happens when the duality is not only in the mind?
Recording of NOONE: “T…Two breaths. Why could I hear him breathing? Why could I feel them breathing? My body was sh–”
[Tape is cut off with a click]
OTTO: Given her vanishings, I fear it is not only her inner self which has become subject to division, but her body as well. One child, torn between two worlds… Either I have lost my marbles, or we tread ever deeper into territories beyond the boundaries of rational thought. 
[Click, tape rewinds]
[Intro plays]
[Click can be heard twice. Young voices scream joyfully in the background, muffled through a wall] 
NOONE: Otto? What is this place?
OTTO: The reunion room. 
NOONE: Is that cake they’re eating? May I have some? Can I go in there?
OTTO: I’m sorry, you may only watch. My colleagues don’t allow inpatients to mingle with outpatients. …Those who are ready to go home to their families, I mean. Sit tight, and I’ll get you some cake. 
[Otto walks away] 
OTTO, distant, fading: Get me a piece of cake. Piece of cake? Get me a piece of cake… [Door closes]
[Otto walks back in]
OTTO: There! A fine chocolatey slice.
NOONE: They’re not waving back…
OTTO: Ah, it’s a two-way mirror. We can observe them but they can’t observe us. …(inhales) I’d – like to ask about last night. 
NOONE, eating: Mh? Last night?
OTTO: You were in bed with the brain activity monitor on. One moment you were there, and the next – gone! Where… did you go?
NOONE: I don’t understand… 
OTTO: (inhales) I watched you myself so I know you didn’t get up and leave the room. 
NOONE: Wasn’t I asleep? I don’t recall any of this. 
OTTO: ...You vanished, Noone. 
NOONE: Huh? 
OTTO: I – I thought I might have been mistaken at first, but the E.E.G. readings persisted, as if you were still there. Several minutes lapsed, then you reappeared. 
NOONE, distressed: That makes no sense!
OTTO: This wasn’t an isolated event.
NOONE, even more distressed: What do you mean, I can’t just — [raising her voice] people just don’t disappear! [breathing heavily] You’re supposed to help me! You’re supposed to understand… 
[Noone breathes hard in the background, on the verge of a panic attack] 
OTTO: And yet neither of us do! It’s a major event, a bonafide anomaly. That’s why you must be sure that –
NOONE, interrupting: Is there some kind of trick?!
OTTO: It’s alright. [Noone is still breathing hard] Look at me. Focus on my eyes. Breathe. Noone, slowly. 
[Noone’s breaths slow down slightly] 
OTTO, under his breath: Breathe, two, three… Hold, two, three… Out, two, three…
[Noone follows his instructions, breathes slower] 
OTTO: That’s it. That’s a girl. 
[Noone stops breathing hard]
OTTO: Better?
NOONE: … Why did you take me here, Otto? 
OTTO: I know solitude can be hard, and visualization is essential to developing beliefs that will –
NOONE: It’s being alone I hate. It’s being lonely.
OTTO: And I’m showing that, one day, you’ll be in the reunion room too! Just as relieved as those children, sharing cake rather than eating it by yourself. But you have to trust my process, even when it’s difficult for you to grasp. 
NOONE: (Sigh) I understand more than you think.
OTTO: … Yes. I suspect so too. Hidden somewhere in your head. Come along! We’ve got preparations to make before tonight’s session.
NOONE: …Can we stay here? A minute longer?
OTTO: (Sigh) Alright. Just until you finish that slice. 
[The recording stops momentarily and picks up mid sentence] 
NOONE: – o many wires! T-They’re everywhere!
[Strapping, Otto preparing the machine] 
OTTO: It’s the same E.E.G. machine I use to monitor your sleeping brain, only now I’d like to acquire readings during wakefulness, during your retelling to compare results.
NOONE: My last doctor made me do things like this all the time. [Otto prepping] Tubes into my stomach… I– I don’t much like being awake for tests and proddings. 
OTTO: [hums] These electrodes may feel strange on your scalp, but there’s no pain. Nothing to worry about. If anxiety rears its head, take deep breaths. Same as earlier, yes?
NOONE: I– I’m not sure –
OTTO, interrupting: (slightly strained) Trust, remember? 
[Shifting. The machine boots up, activates and Noone winces] 
OTTO: Not so bad, is it? 
NOONE: Can we get this over with?
OTTO: Of course! Begin as you like. 
NOONE, narrating: I spun out of a dark place, and brilliant lights sparkled around. Then, far off laughter, and screams. But… screams of joy. Gathering my head, I… I saw other kids sitting on wooden crates nearby. As I approached, they were surprised to see me, but introduced themselves one by one. 
[Quiet music begins, machine can still be heard]
NOONE, narrating: They were performers, they said. Each with different skills and talents. Juggling, fire breathing, trapy-something… 
OTTO, correcting her: Trapeze?
NOONE: Trapeze! That’s what he said. (narrating) The boy called Rusty, he – he walked tightrope too. There were caravans all around: wooden ones, big yellow wheels, and all these colorful fabrics. I noticed the lights again. Fairy lights, shining down into the puddles from the rain that cleared before I’d arrived. Their reflection, swirling in the murky water, like a ballet. It was… beautiful.
NOONE: (sighs) As I lost focus, the others went on talking, fast and loud as teenagers do.
OTTO, interrupting again: Teenagers? And how long have they been there, performing in this place?
NOONE: Please, Otto! Let me get through it.
[Shifting. The carnival grows louder and distorted speech can be heard]
NOONE, narrating: From the way they looked, they’d been there a long time. But they were confident, or tried to be, and kind. As the clouds parted, Rusty asked if I wanted to go on a ride.
RUSTY, in the background, ov. with Noone: “Wanna go on a ride?”
NOONE: He said,
RUSTY, bg., ov. with Noone: “It’s the best one, because it lets you see clearly.”
NOONE: So, I said yes, feeling… a part of their gang. I’ve never had that before.
[Carnival games and music, steps]
NOONE: We passed by games and silly booths until we came to… the giant wheel. [The ferris wheel creaks] We climbed into the seats in pairs, me and Rusty taking the last cart. 
[Sitting, the wheel creaks again]
NOONE: It went so high up that… I could see the whole carnival. It was… unnaturally high, like – like we were in the sky itself. [Wind blows, music quiets] Rusty pointed to these tall wooden polls, like- masts on a ship, as if that answered where we were, but… how could a ship be in the air? Rusty saw my face full of questions and said,
RUSTY, ov. with NOONE: “Look down, not out. You won’t feel sick that way, and we haven't much time.”
[Wind blows]
NOONE: I… I remember feeling, for a moment, things were OK. On the giant wheel, for the first time in such a long time I… I felt… happy. But, Rusty… he suddenly seemed so sad. His voice shifted and he continued, 
RUSTY, ov. with NOONE: “That massive tent there, that’s the Big Top.”
NOONE: He said we’d be going there soon because him and his friends had a show to put on. I already knew the answer, but I asked anyway: “You don’t like performing, do you.” He looked glum for a moment before replying: “I hate it.” When I asked why he does it, Rusty mumbled to himself, 
RUSTY, bg.: I…
NOONE: … But I couldn’t hear with the wind so loud. Finally Rusty turned and said, 
RUSTY, ov. with Noone: “They force us. And whatever they say, goes.”
NOONE: I didn’t know who “they” were, but a bad feeling came over me and… I understood why we were really on that wheel. Because, all the way up there, he could say what was in his heart without worrying about being heard. 
[Creaking wood] 
NOONE: As the wheel came around, he began explaining very fast how him and his friends had been planning. Rusty wanted me to be part of a special show, where they would try something they’d never done before. He told me that my job was to be lookout. That if… I saw a man in a purple suit, I needed to give him the sign while he walked the tightrope. I asked, “Is this the man who makes you put on shows?” Without really answering, Rusty kept talking. 
RUSTY, ov. with Noone: “In the spotlight, some glow, while others shrivel into shadows. We glow, and do as told, or…”
NOONE: He didn’t finish the thought, but, I understood. The times I was on TV, I’d have done anything to avoid all those lights. So I said, “A simple sign won’t do. I’ll have to shout. A code only we’ll understand. How about… Big Top?” He agreed it was a good idea and I realized he didn’t tell me what they were planning, but… when I saw him staring out at the clouds, I asked, “You mean to escape, don’t you? The carnival?” And he quickly said, 
RUSTY, ov. with NOONE: “This entire… rotten world.” 
[Silence. Narration stops.] 
[Machine whirring]
OTTO: Was the boy expressing knowledge of a world beyond this carnival?
NOONE: I hadn’t thought about it until now, but… I guess so. And, I felt that too. 
OTTO: Then – All the places you’ve been are one and the same?
NOONE: Sort of. It’s like how this basement is connected to the upper floors, but don’t work- together.
OTTO: Why didn’t you ever express this before?!
NOONE: What’s so impo– 
OTTO, interrupting: You’ve sensed that the dreams you visit hold a tangible, sustained existence?! That these spaces are objective!? Physically… there?!
NOONE: I — uh, I think so? I don’t know how it works, but… it feels that way, yes. …Do you finally believe me?
OTTO: Giving the mere thought validity would have my license revoked! Yet I admit there’s potential that what you say is true. It offers some explanation of your… spiriting away, last night. 
[Pause, machine running in the background]
OTTO: …I’d need to see it for myself. 
NOONE: See it yourself?! You’re supposed to help me avoid going there!
OTTO: I need to reach it with you! To find that… quidity of consciousness we spoke of!
NOONE: Why would you want that?
NOONE: How can I trust you if you don’t answer my questions sometimes?! It isn’t fair!
OTTO: (Sigh) …I… I lost someone dear to me, you understand? A long time ago. …Part of me believes that they may be there. 
NOONE: (Upset) So that’s the reason you’re so fascinated by me, isn’t it?! [Starting to breathe hard again] That’s why you have me do- all these tests and experiments, to find them!
OTTO: Now you’re the one being unfair. 
NOONE: Well, you can’t even get there!
OTTO: Why not?!
[Noone’s breathing quiets, still upset]
NOONE: …it’s Nowhere. 
OTTO: Nowhere? What do you mean??
NOONE: It’s a place… that Is… and Isn’t. 
OTTO: Did the boy, [stuttering] Rusty, say that? The Candleman??
NOONE: Neither. 
OTTO: I can’t help you if you hide things from me. 
NOONE: I tell you everything! You know what’s in my brain- more than I do!
NOONE: [breathing harder] There’s things on my head. 
OTTO: Breathe, Noone… breathe…breathe. Deep. Follow my rhythm. 
[Noone and Otto take deep breaths, pulsing notes rise in the background]
OTTO: Alright, okay. If the theatrics are done, we must press on. 
NOONE: I want to stop. 
OTTO: The sooner you finish, the sooner we’ll be free. 
[Noone pauses, takes a few more deep breaths]
NOONE, narrating: We went to the Big Top. Rusty, and the others got all dressed up. In- amazing costumes. Black and white with sparkles. And another in… a fancy red coat. 
NOONE: Rusty lead me round to the towering stage, placing me in the front, saying,
RUSTY, ov. with NOONE: “Best seats in the house.”
NOONE: I felt… so special. [distant music starts] Until, Rusty looked around, with that worried face again. Without another word, he went backstage, as the crowd started pouring in. 
[Distorted speech]
NOONE: These… “people”... were the wrong shape. Faces like… bad drawings come alive. [thunk] One sat down in the seat to my left, eating… [crunching] a candy apple. It… it stank horribly [Dream!Noone gags] and, the center was mushy and raw.
NOONE: These… plump bodies filled the seats, too big for them, crushing and… spilling into one another. [Crunching and chewing] At the same time stuffing their faces with- rancid snacks, all grisly and chewy. I thought to throw up, but, as the lights dropped, [lights shutting off] everything went still. 
[Pause, light turns on]
NOONE: Then… [drumroll, faint trumpet] a spotlight [cheering] illuminated the stage, and the kid in a red coat walked to the middle. He put on amazing magic tricks, [whoosh] that almost made me forget where I was. For his final trick, he waved around the swirling cloak, smoke spilling out, and topped off with a bang! [sparkles pop, cheering] 
NOONE: When cloak dropped, he had disappeared, [whooshing] and in his place, were two different kids. They had sticks near their mouths, blowing fire. That did it for the crowd. [Distorted cheering gets louder] Then I remembered– I was playing lookout! But I saw no man in a purple suit, and I was distracted as the firebreathers finished and, jugglers came on. 
[More cheering]
NOONE: They took the flaming sticks from their friends, and threw them so high in the air, [Dream!Noone cheering] I… I found myself cheering with the crowd! [Dream!Noone clapping and cheering] And then the lights went down again, [click, drumroll] marking the final act. 
NOONE: (Quiet) The spotlight blared again, shining at the top of the tent. Way up… standing at one end of a rope between two ladders… was Rusty. The others stopped, staring in complete quiet. He started walking… slowly… then with more confidence. The silent went on too long, like we were all under a spell. And… that’s when I noticed… [quiet breathing] something beside me, in the seat that had been empty a moment ago. 
OTTO: (incredibly distant) The man in the purple suit?
NOONE: I heard him before I saw him. [breathing] T…Two breaths. Why could I hear him breathing? Why could I feel them breathing? My was shaking but, his attention was on Rusty. 
[Cheering, Dream!Noone gasps]
NOONE: Noticing that I wasn’t cheering, the man turned. He had no eyes. But I felt him look at me. How can someone with no eyes look at you?
[More breathing, cheering picks up again]
NOONE: Then, I saw a smaller man in his lap. [A smaller, faster set of breathing starts] A- dummy, only… he wasn’t made of wood or plastic, and had hair atop a lumpy face where… a wider mouth had been carved out. Unlike the man, the puppet had eyes, staring at the spotlight above. 
NOONE: Suddenly the crowd burst into a cheer, [cheering] as Rusty reached the middle of the rope, but, the dummy’s face crinkled, full of hate- wanting those cheers for himself. I was the only one not clapping, and he turned to face me. I’m not sure if they spoke, or- if it was in my head, but with a smile, they invited me to be part of the show. 
NOONE: [Cheering gets louder] That’s when I shouted “Big Top! Big Top!” But the crowd was booming! Rusty made it across the rope, but… but instead of climbing down the ladder he began climbing towards a small cut in the fabric at the top of the tent. I turn back… and the man was still there, limp, but his dummy… his dummy was… [Noone’s breathing picks up] gone, right near- Rusty–
NOONE: [Breathing heavily now] “BIG TOP!” I tried to scream– tearing my throat, but– I had no breath!– And then– [Attempts a deep breath] I saw the dummy– It’s lumpy face peering out from the shadows– at the top of the tent– Waiting for Rusty. 
[Ambience become more intense]
NOONE: The man beside me grew shy– both loving the praise, and– regretting the attention. [Noone’s breathing gets faster, ambience picks up] I can hear him breathing again– between breaths– (unintelligible)*– I tried and tried to shout but– it was too late!– Rusty was finally out of the spotlight!– And the tiny doll man lunged!– And– Rusty!– Rusty–
OTTO: [Dream ambience suddenly stops, loud machinery] Did he escape, did he manage?
NOONE, not narrating: Get this thing!– off my head!!
OTTO: Was Rusty able to get away?!
NOONE: [Hyperventilating] NO I DON’T LIKE IT! Rusty!!–
[Noone continues hyperventilating, machinery gets louder]
OTTO: Okay- okay okay- alright, alright, deeep breaths. Deeeep breaths, follow me. Like this now, one-
[Otto attempting to get Noone to breathe, Noone having a panic attack]
OTTO: Slow down, slow down, slow down- breathe. 
OTTO: Just breathe-
OTTO: Two… three… One… two… 
NOONE: Deep breaths– One– One body**–
[machinery suddenly shuts down]
OTTO: Noone? [suddenly standing up] Noone! Noone!
[Shifting, moving furniture, crashing. Audio cuts]
[Click, audio starts] 
OTTO: Mercifully, the only irreparable damage this evening was the wound cut in Noone’s confidence towards me. (Inhale) What concerns me more is the lack of detail in her retelling. A step backwards, which may be the result of her preoccupation with the testing equipment. 
OTTO: Her body dysmorphia was exacerbated. That celebrity doctor’s to blame, whatever he put her through. And all those poor children… but it’s causing her to become furtive. 
[pen clicks, paper rustling]
OTTO: I’ve exhumed the journals published by my outer circle of colleagues, with whom I’ve lost touch. [pages turning] While I previously entertained the possibility of a multitude of realms, a singular space seems more probable, and in line with their transcendental musings. 
[Closes paper]
OTTO: While their studies are conjecture, I can no longer deny the empirical signs pointing towards such peripheral existence! Why then, are my senses unable to perceive it whatsoever? There’s a veil up. Ha! Yes, like a two-way mirror. Only I’m the one stuck on the side of blind, deaf, and dumb ignorance. 
OTTO: (sigh) And the lurking presence of the Ferryman. While he may be a master of dream manipulation, he’s no denizen here. Noone said it many sessions ago: He does not belong in our world. And yet, he’s the connective tissue. I am determined to find his arcane hinterland- to cross into the place she calls… “Nowhere.”
[Outro plays]
*It's really hard for me to hear what she says here, sorry!
**Take this with a grain of salt, I'm not entirely sure I heard right
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bonefall · 1 year
my nomination for brackenfur’s killer: applefur, dark forest trainee & bitterly jealous of the sibling that brackenfur’s heroics directly saved. i don’t feel like it’d be hard for the dark forest’s manipulations to convince someone to do something like that
Oooh, that's a super good suggestion. I'll jot that down.
It would make overlap with Breezepelt killing Firestar, though... maybe I'll end up leaning into it as a Dark Forest plot completely. Tigerstar probably had a paw in it; it makes sense he would still want Bramblestar to have power. Even if it's just to force it on him.
I definitely would like to involve Dark Forest trainees in more legitimately villainous things in the living world, instead of it being sprung on them at the last minute that "Btw we're going to kill your families," so in any case I will definitely be making sure Applefur is able to do SOMETHING nasty
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cloventinethesequel · 11 months
Rebuilding a blog is. So much harder than I thought
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thesuperiorrobin · 11 months
I love ur writing so muuuch!??!?!
Anyways, I was wondering if u could kinda do like hc (or short story) between Damian and a friend who's kinda like a popular girl???
Ok, so ur not actually mean like all those stereotypical movies— your actually quite nice
But other than that, you're still super girly and ur family's kinda rich
Like think Regina George minus the mean
Anyways, everyday since the beginning of the school year, Damian walked down the halls and out the school alone
Nobody really thought abt it until you— the popular girl— began walking out with him
You'd ramble on about the latest drama while he silently listened, nodding or gasping at anything you said
You gasped, "oh my gosh! Have I told you about what happened between Jackson and Audrey!?"
He shook his head, interest piqued
You placed a dramatic hand over you chest and gasped
"Im SO glad you asked!!"
"But i-"
"Oh, hush!" You paused and took a second to think of were you should even start
He had a plain childhood, so you were the one who introduced him to many trends
You two sat at the curb, waiting for his cab to arrive when you perked up
He turned to you, sensing your fast movements and asked what was wrong
He blinked at you, clearly confused
You began digging through your pastel pink pocket purse,"My mom bought the both of us Taylor swift tickets!!" You squeeled as you pulled out two tickets
You mostly ignored it and went to put the tickets back
"... who's Taylor swift?"
You gasped and slowly— in the most dramatic way possible— turned to look at him, eyes and mouth wide open
You brought your hands up and squealed "Oh my God!! Am I about to introduce you to Taylor Swift!?"
Sometimes his brothers make fun of the two of you when you come over with face masks, nail polish, and various other accessories
He was about to tell them off when you bea him to it with a single glare strong enough to freeze the Sun lol
That was and abrupt ending but I hope u like this ask and write it soon!!!
For a second I thought Regina was from white chick for some reason and I confused myself 💀
I had really fun writing this one tho so I hope you like it 😌
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t4tails · 18 days
I FINISHED TEEN TITANS GO SEASON 2. you know my thoughts at this point RAAAGH
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best episodes: the mask, thanksgiving, the best robin, lets get serious, two bumble bees and a wasp, cool school, yearbook madness, and campfire stories
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"TRANSITION FITS SILVER’S STORY SO WELL. Everything about her is her journey to become stronger, greater, and shedding the person she started as, and accepting the mistakes she’s made. She displays an inferiority complex from being abandoned and takes out her frustrations on everyone around her. She leaves her past self behind and yet drags the ghost of her sins behind her. Think of the angst. Think of her realizing she can leave it all behind with her identity as a boy, being her true and new self with her happiness at the forefront. I LOVE TFEM RIVAL SILVER RAAAGH" - @mywifemybeloved
Reminder: Submissions are always open! Submit here!
Did you make your daily click today?
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snekjoy · 11 months
Fremika hcs because I'm obsessed and there is NO CONTENT ABOUT THEM EVER RAAAGH
Mika's love language is acts of service, he always goes out of his way to ask if Freminet has anything he needs help with at all + he cooks quite a bit and always makes sure to make enough for Freminet to take some with him in a tupperware when he next goes out diving (usually every day)
They r both quite awkward when it comes to pda but if they haven't seen each other in a while they'll find a little corner to hide in and make sure nobody can see before they kiss each other
Also, behind closed doors they're very affectionate, they just both get embarrassed by the attention that gets brought with kissing and stuff in public
They write letters rlly often when they're not in the same country, and both get teased by their respective nuisances (fremi has the twins, mika has bennys adventure team)
Mika talks a lot about this mysterious Fontaine boy he met on the expedition and always has this dreamy look in his eyes when he does. Whenever he realises he was rambling he gets rlly embarrassed and Bennett thinks its the cutest love story he's ever seen
Lyney gives Freminet stupid over the top advice that nobody but Lyney would do. He has tried to teach fremi how to pull a bouquet from his sleeve for when mika next visits but fremi keeps just ignoring him
They love sitting together in a quiet room and whispering a conversation, interrupting themselves to kiss for a moment every so often. It's very soft and very cute
They're both autistic (and t4t) so they love love LOVE infodumping to each other abt their special interests (cartography and diving/automatons respectively)
Mika always pushes Fremi's fringe out of the way when they kiss. Fremi always puts it right back when they're done tho
Transmasc t4t realness ‼️ fremi (they/he) has had top surgery and is on t, mika (he/him) is pre everything and wears a binder. He struggles to remember to take it off tho, not bc he's purposefully pushing himself he just. Forgets he has it on sometimes
Fremi is rlly proud of their little automaton penguin and has had it since they were a kid. Mika thinks it's adorable and if he finds fremi talking to it, he basically melts bc it's so cute
Lyney won't let them sleep in the same room together, he's too overprotective. When he's not in Lynette lets them do whatever they want tho
They both have cold hands, cryo vision things 😋 neither of them mind, but sometimes they use it as an excuse for holding hands
Freminet has resting annoyed face. He always looked pissed, or at least mildly angry at something. Mika used to be intimated but now he knows its just his face
Also mika is constantly anxious about something and frequently gets anxiety attacks, freminet knows all the ways to calm him down and if he can, he always sits with him to make sure he's okay. A good method of comfort is hand holding while they sit on the floor against a wall, Mika can feel the wall against his back and squeeze fremi's hand to ground himself without being overwhelmed by a hug.
Fremi wears such clunky boots because it makes them as tall as Mika's hair tuft. Also they like clunking around it's fun
Gah they're so cute
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turbonicflaws · 11 months
Don’t mind me being horrendously cringe for a moment here but I’ve been watching MHA again and the interest reignited RAAAGH So !! I did what any person with a special interest would do and I made an Astro Boy x MHA crossover !!
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For this AU, I’m basically just taking the premise of MHA and inserting Atom into the story by making him a student at UA (in class 1A of course). The plot would for the AU would be similar to the main story of MHA at the beginning but then shift when the story starts to get rolling in order to make the events of the story more Astro Boy-centred rather than stick to the MHA canon.
Atom’s hero name is “Astro” and got into the School through recommendation. He skipped the entrance exams because in this AU, Professor Ochanomizu and the Ministry of Science sponsors a lot of courses at UA, especially business and robotics courses.
This interpretation of Atom is a bit of a mashup between various aspects of both the 2009 Movie (like making his age closer to Astro’s from the film as he’s around 14 there) and the 2003 Anime (taking pieces like Ochanomizu being Atom and Uran’s sole carer, Atlas from the 03 show will also be a fairly big character in this AU)
I have so many thoughts so if you have any questions please absolutely send me some asks about the AU, or even reblog this post with questions I would be so so happy to answer !!!
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colfy-wolfy · 2 months
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and I have so many questions!!!!!!!
when are they on the timeline? will they have any influence on any of the iterators? what's their story? what's the lore behind the regions their in? WHAT NEW CREATURES!?
I'm going feral.
previously nightcat was going to be apart of my headcanon that they were like a "deputy" of the slug colony, leading alongside gourmand. but now!? I can't wait for what's in store for this new DLC
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telemna-hyelle · 4 months
We got to read Chapter 7 today aaaa!!!!! :D
Ok, first of all, do you know how hard that was to read aloud????? 😭😭 STILL PERFECTION
When I finished reading , we sat in silence for a moment before I told them that was the end and my sister's head pops up with a wHAAT????? XD
Here's what they have to say:
Cherry On Top says:
That was unexpected 😯
Four is my favorite Link
So to me this is really cool
Blue is my favorite color
Also I didn't know that he was so violent
And that's a very big CLIFFHANGER
But that is a very good cliffhanger
Also Whaaaaaat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But I do really like the story
(I guess I kept explaining Blue to her as just the grumpy one lol)
Shy-guy says:
Who knew SKY was COMPETITIVE (I guess he's just asleep all the time 😜)
I kinda knew Hyrule was a little mischievous but here he's ONLY mischievous!!!😮😵‍💫
Blue:RAAAGH!!!!!!!!!!!!! Red:(grabs him) ZELDA'S OKAY!!!!!!!!!! Blue: ...... ok ...... RAAAGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And The Astronomer says:
The only questions I want to ask are the big spoilers.... So keep writing!! I Love this story!!
She also said it was nice to see them all having fun :)
Thanks again for writing WYLAYC it's so cool!
And thanks for talking with my sniblings too :)
Tell them their comments made my day!!! They're amazing and I kept grinning and laughing. I'm glad they enjoyed it!
Sorry it was hard to read aloud, but also, feels like a compliment too, i'm glad my writing has an effect <3
I'm glad at least it's a good cliffhanger XD
Of course! I'm planning out the next chapter, and I don't know when it'll be ready, but I hope you'll enjoy it!!! And let me tell you--
nobody's gonna expect what the final boss will be like :3
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theboarsbride · 5 months
Tbh when I saw your post I almost thought you were deleting the story and never working on it again but when I actually read what was happening I became so proud and happy for you!!!! 😭😍
Your story's gonna do amazing I know it!!!! 🥰👍👍
I am both so nervous and also so excited because I've never done anything like this before BUT IM READY FOR THE CHALLENGE RAAAGH!!!!
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c0rpseductor · 5 months
thinking a bit about vauthry in terms of his inclusion in morningstar since i’ll have to write him soon, bc part of me wants to redesign vauthry for a few reasons
i think like. first of all, i don’t want to make him NOT fat. i didn’t do that with dulia and i won’t do it with him. but the WAY his fatness is depicted in ffxiv is like….bizarre? it’s unrealistic and uncomfortable and i so deeply don’t like it. a little part of this story is sort of like, reflection about being fat/interfacing with the fatphobia of the original story, bc pfeil is fat, so i don’t want to remove it, but also like. it’s stupid
there’s also the fact that like…i don’t know, i don’t really like how clearly it’s telegraphed that there’s something wrong with vauthry. and yes, obviously the reader will know anyway because it’s a fanfiction adaptation and they know how the original story happened, but i still don’t like it!!! it feels silly!!! i don’t think vauthry should have been HOT but i think his being passably hyuran would have made a little more narrative sense than his being like, 9 feet tall or more and shaped like a balloon. and also with a boob face? what the fuck was that for
on the other hand, it’s like…he’s such a nothing character. is it really worth trying to hash out when he barely appears in the story? on top of that, even though i’m making some moderate changes to the way things play out for the sake of efficacy of my own adaption, i also don’t like tampering with canon TOO much, and redesigning vauthry feels like this to me. plus, i think even if i describe whatever new appearance i gave him (probably just same as canon but with a more realistic height and weight distribution), it’s likely the reader will still be imagining canon vauthry anyway, especially with how distinctive his appearance is. raaagh
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kitwing-moving · 10 months
11 and 14 :]
11. Gush about your favorite chapter/book/episode/scene etc. your F/O is in!
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i couldnt choose between spy story and the one story for his one 4*(? i think) theres something going on there. Wat is wrong with him. i say that but honestly some of it makes me giggle and i have to make such an effort to try and not but he's so funny sometimes
14. Gush about how your F/O treats you (Are they protective? Loving? Are you the only person who gets to see their soft side?)!
RAAAGH UM... sniffles. he's very nice to me even if he does like to tease me at times he just likes how much i react to everything and how nothing seems to get old for me. gonna be honest with you chief i probably enable him a little bit since im always eager to rush in and be by his side so he tends to be a little clingy with me and i like to think he'd rely on me a little. sniffles. he does spoil and pamper me and while it does make me a little jumpy i do appreciate it i do but id really rather have more of his time and attention than extravagant gifts and stuff Unfortunately i cant tell him that because im embarrassed and also just the idea of having all his attention makes me so super flustered (<- i get a lot of it already)
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530862 · 1 year
am I imagining this fucking. Thing I’m thinking of did I actually see a story like that before or did I just imagine I read about it somewhere what the fucking hell raaagh
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brooklynislandgirl · 4 years
For both of you: Epilogue, Author, Addendum, Epeolatry
Book-Dragon || Accepting
~Beth~ EPILOGUE: What is a book that made you cry?
The rain patters at the window, ticking against it with sharp nails. But inside of her apartment there’s warmth from both the heater and the fireplace and mulled cider and cozy throw blankets ~knitted by her hand~ aplenty. It makes for a drowsy afternoon and she likes that Eric’s thoughts turn to books. It isn’t often that someone indulges her passions like he does.
“Book dat make me cry, eh? Following da Rabbit Proof Fence, by Doris Pilkington. Is based onna true story, personal account of sisters from Australia’s aboriginal Stolen Generation. See back while ago... da government would take away mix-race children from dey families, an’ da story is told about t’ree Aboriginal girls who were taken from Jigalong to Moore River Settlement, an’ like da res’ were force to be more white. But dey escape, right? An’ dey trek ovah one an a half t’ousand kilometres back home, followin’ a fence put up to keep rabbits..a invasive species...from travellin’ from Nor’ t’ Sout’ in Western Australia. It made me cry because... dat’s da story of colonisation for so many peoples. Worse part is...when ya welcome strangers as friends an’ dey come as conquerors.”
She bites back what she could say about that, where the conversation could lead. 
AUTHOR: What is a book you really regret buying?
“Uhm.” She ponders. This one is hard because she’s yet to read anything that didn’t have merit in some shape or form. “I mean... if I gotta pick... probably Twilight. See I got dis rule, call it da one hundred page rule, in which I will give any kine, no matter how dull an’ borin’, one hundred pages in fairness before I give up. I don’t t’ink I made it dat far an’ I mean I tried, Eric, I tried. It’s jus’ garbage.”
ADDENDUM: What is a book trope you can’t stand?
She takes a sip and then holds up a hand, making little “MMM!” noises. Oh this one is easy. Maybe too easy in some ways, and maybe speaks to her more about herself than the genres in which it crops up, usually YA books or romances that belong on specially marked shelves. She swallows hard and hits the proverbial ground running. “Absolutely da one where two character fall in love instantly, no build up, no realistic progression. Like it make no sense! Ya look’a someone first time, I promise it no gonna be love a’ firs’ sight. An’ it happen a lot in books for teens an’ young adults, an’ only contributes to bad healt’ choices. Teen pregnancy, venereal disease, mental health issue, negative body image... an’ I guess it like... only points out dat dere some kine wrong...wi’ people like me.”
EPEOLATRY: What is your favorite book quote?
“Easy. Conversation between Death an’ his granddaughter Susan, in da book Hogfaddah by Terry Pratchett.
She switches back into pure English, so best he can understand her though the going is slow and difficult for her to recite verbatim.
EPILOGUE: What is a book that made you cry? 
The Shepherd’s Crown, by Terry Pratchett. It is the last book he wrote before succumbing to his death. It is the fifth Tiffany Aching book. To this day I haven’t so much as cracked the cover open, and yet when I look at it, my chest gets tight and I cry. It’s losing a favourite uncle all over again.   AUTHOR: What is a book you really regret buying?
4th Edition D&D Player’s Handbook. 
ADDENDUM: What is a book trope you can’t stand?
The whole “I’ve forgotten how to communicate!” trope that is common in tv and movies a lot too. The one where a problem can be easily solved with the characters talking to each other, but instead decide to keep things to themselves, causing more drama and misunderstanding. {Yes, I AM looking at you, Supernatural}.
Like it makes me foam-at-the-mouth rage when it happens in books and shows and real life.
Raaagh. Turtle-smash.
EPEOLATRY: What is your favorite book quote?
“And what do you really do? asked Tiffany. The thin witch hesitated for a moment, and then: We look to ... the edges, said Mistress Weatherwax. There's a lot of edges, more than people know. Between life and death, this world and the next, night and day, right and wrong ... an' they need watchin'. We watch 'em, we guard the sum of things. And we never ask for any reward. That's important.”
Terry Pratchett, The Wee Free Men
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cutepresea · 4 years
XD0-3 Gjallarhorn Prologue: Fighting Alongside the Adults
Sorry again for the spam.
If you want to blacklist these, you can use either the tag #gjallarhorn prologue or #xdu scripts
Reminder that these are copied straight from XD Unlimited itself, so any grammatical weirdness, mistranslations, and/or mischaracterizations are not my doing.
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Genjuro Kazanari: "Hmph!"
Genjuro Kazanari: "Haah... Haah... Haah..."
Genjuro Kazanari: (This has been the longest five minutes of my life.)
Genjuro Kazanari: "Have the civilians been evacuated yet?!"
Ver Squad Member A: "Not yet!"
Ver Squad Member B: "The civilians who came into contact with the miasma are going berserk! We need more time!"
Genjuro Kazanari: "Agh! So they got covered in the stuff before we got here..."
Genjuro Kazanari: (Average people won't last a minute in that miasma...)
Genjuro Kazanari: "The battlefront being so close to the evac route is a problem too... I need to get this thing out of here."
Genjuro Kazanari: "Dr. Ver, help me out!"
Dr. Ver: "That's easier said than done. Don't forget, I can't get near it, either."
Dr. Ver: "Unlike full-body relics, only my arm is protected. Touching that stuff wouldn't end well for me."
Genjuro Kazanari: "Yeah, that's right. If you were to touch the miasma--"
Dr. Ver: "Exactly! They say the miasma robs you of your sanity! That would be devastating for a noble hero like me!"
Ver Squad Member A: "Was he ever sane in the first place?"
Ver Squad Member B: "Now that you mention it, maybe the miasma would turn him back to normal."
Dr. Ver: "What was that?!"
Ver Squad Member A: "N-Nothing!"
Ver Squad Member B: "We didn't say a thing!"
Dr. Ver: "In any case, a hero isn't a hero without a weak spot. Achilles had his heel, and Siegfried had his back."
Genjuro Kazanari: (It'll be a pain if the miasma turns him against me, but there's not much else I can do.)
Dr. Ver: "Well, be that as it may, a hero must help out when needed. I shall do what I can."
Genjuro Kazanari: "Thanks!"
Dr. Ver: "Hyaaah!"
Dr. Ver: "Hey, hey, hey! How hard are you going to fight back?! Stop trying to steal the show!"
Genjuro Kazanari: (Hm. It's totally focused on Dr. Ver...)
Genjuro Kazanari: (This is my chance to do some real damage!)
Genjuro Kazanari: "Raaaaagh!"
Genjuro Kazanari: "You like that?!"
Genjuro Kazanari: "Damn! Even that wasn't enough?!"
Finé: "The power of your attack was impressive, but it appears it wasn't enough to suppress its regeneration."
Finé: "You targeted such a small area that the surrounding undamaged tissue immediately took care of it."
Genjuro Kazanari: "So we don't just need to hit it hard, we need to hit a larger portion of its body?"
Finé: "You seem to need a little help. Shall I assist you?"
Genjuro Kazanari: "No, don't bother. This is a job for men."
Finé: "Oh, Genjuro-kun. Always so uncouth."
Dr. Ver: "He's right, we don't need you! With you here, everything I do will be far less impressive!"
Ver Squad Member A: "Shouldn't he do something impressive before saying things like that?"
Ver Squad Member B: "Give it a rest, Doc..."
Finé: "Act tough all you want, but don't come crying to me when you lose. Your Gear's time limit is running out."
Genjuro Kazanari: "Rrraaaaaaah!"
Genjuro Kazanari: (Guh... She's right. My RN Tactical Advantage Gear is running out of steam.)
Genjuro Kazanari: (Can I last until the civilians have been evacuated at least?) Genjuro Kazanari: "No, I have to hold out, no matter what!"
???: "Need some help, old man?"
Genjuro Kazanari: "That's--!"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "We came to save the day!"
Chris Yukine: "Looks like you're having a pretty rough go of it."
Genjuro Kazanari: "It's you two!"
Dr. Ver: "Ah, to receive aid at the most dire moment! What a gift! This must be thanks to my virtuous heart!"
Chris Yukine: "Err, you're welcome, I guess..."
Genjuro Kazanari: "Thanks for the help, you two."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Don't mention it. Now, what are our orders?"
Genjuro Kazanari: "Well, we need to kill the Karma Noise, or at least engage it so the civilians can evacuate. Can you do that?"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Of course."
Chris Yukine: "Leave the firepower to me!"
Dr. Ver: "It's all yours! Now, give it hell!"
Chris Yukine: "Why do I have to take orders from you, huh?! Dammit, just stay out of my way!"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "As a guardian, I'm sworn to wield this blade in defense of the innocent..."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Now it's my turn to fight!"
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Chris Yukine: "Get lost!"
Dr. Ver: "Take that, and that!"
Genjuro Kazanari: "Hmph!"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Hyaaah!"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Yes! It's working!"
Chris Yukine: "All together, now!"
Genjuro Kazanari: "Yeah!"
Genjuro Kazanari: "Raaagh!"
Genjuro Kazanari: "Wha--?! What's happening?!"
Finé: "Time's up! Get out of there!"
Genjuro Kazanari: "Ngh. But I was so close..."
Chris Yukine: "You heard her! Beat it, old man!"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Facing Karma Noise without protection is suicide!"
Genjuro Kazanari: "Sorry, girls!"
Dr. Ver: "Hahaha! Is he done already? Of course, the end of every story requires a hero to--"
Dr. Ver: "Agh?!"
Ver Squad Member A: "Oh no! Doctor?!"
Ver Squad Member B: "Doc, pull yourself together!"
Ver Squad Member A: "We at least need you to survive until pay day!"
Chris Yukine: "What are you doing?!"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "We have no choice. We're going to have to finish this ourselves!"
Chris Yukine: "Yeah!"
Finé: "No, it looks like you've run out of time."
Chris Yukine: "What?"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "What? The Karma Noise--!"
Chris Yukine: "Crap. It got away."
Chris Yukine: "We were so close to finishing it off!"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Yes, but this is Karma Noise we're dealing with. Keeping it under control with just us two is a victory."
Genjuro Kazanari: "Sorry. If I had been able to keep fighting..."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "No, if we had come a little earlier, we could have taken it down as a team."
Finé: "Why don't you save the performance review for later, and make your return for now?"
Genjuro Kazanari: "She's right. Can you two come back to Section 2 HQ with me?"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Okay. While we're there, it might be useful to discuss what's been going on recently."
Genjuro Kazanari: "Of course."
Chris Yukine: "So, what should we do with this guy?"
Ver Squad Member A: "Oh, don't trouble yourselves with him."
Ver Squad Member B: "We'll take him back to base with us once he comes to."
Genjuro Kazanari: "I see. We'll leave him to you, then."
Ver Squad Member A: "If he doesn't wake up, we can just drag him there, I guess."
Ver Squad Member B: "That sounds like way less trouble to be honest."
Chris Yukine: "I can't actually tell if he's the master, or the puppet..."
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Genjuro Kazanari: "So, there were multiple Gjallarhorn alerts..."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Yes. As far as we know, there are abnormalities in three worlds, including this one."
Chris Yukine: "That means this world, our own world, and one more?"
Finé: "Hmm... And the third world? What sort of situation are we looking at?"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "F.I.S. runs things there rather than Section 2, with only one wielder. We sent Maria's group to investigate."
Finé: "F.I.S. huh? So brash, those Americans. Still, that world sounds oddly specific."
Genjuro Kazanari: "Well, I suppose there are lots of different worlds out there..."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Anyway, what about this world? Have there been any abnormalities other than that Karma Noise?"
Genjuro Kazanari: "None as far as we know. That's the first time we've seen that thing."
Finé: "It seems that was the only specimen responsible for the Karma Noise signal."
Chris Yukine: "Then all we have to do is kill it?"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Yes, that should bring things back under control."
Genjuro Kazanari: "Sorry girls, but we're actually going to need your help agan."
Finé: "Their help? Ugh..."
Chris Yukine: "What? Why are you mad at us?"
Genjuro Kazanari: "What's wrong?"
Finé: "What do we need them for? Don't you have faith in my abilities?"
Genjuro Kazanari: "It's not that I don't have faith in your abilities. I trust your abilties more than anyone else's."
Genjuro Kazanari: "But..."
Finé: "But what, exactly?"
Genjuro Kazanari: "N-No, it's nothing... Anyway, of course I have faith in you."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "What's going on here?"
Chris Yukine: "He's totally getting bossed around..."
Dr. Ver: "It's now time for the main event... Me!"
Chris Yukine: "Ugh, not this crackpot again."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "At least this time it feels like we've got a whole army to back us up if needs be."
Chris Yukine: "I guess you're right there."
Genjuro Kazanari: "Ahem! Anyway, on to our strategy for dealing with the Karma Noise..."
Genjuro Kazanari: "I think the fight earlier actually went pretty smooth once you two showed up."
Chris Yukine: "That's for sure."
Genjuro Kazanari: "This time, Chris-kun and Dr. Ver should take the rear, drawing its attention using mid-range cover fire."
Genjuro Kazanari: "Me and Tsubasa will then close in from the front to deal serious damage with our most powerful attacks."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Okay."
Genjuro Kazanari: "Once weakened, the rear will continue to deal damage while we all go in together to finish it."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "That sounds like it should work."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "If we're working together from the start, the RN Tactical Advantage Gear's time limit won't be an issue."
Finé: "I see I don't play a part in this plan of yours."
Genjuro Kazanari: "Well, that's not quite true. We'll need your strategic eye overlooking the battle from afar."
Finé: "All right, whatever you say."
Chris Yukine: "That sounds like a good plan, but did you really have to stick me with him?"
Dr. Ver: "I am as strong as one hundred--no, one thousand men! I will be a stone foundation to your pillar of strength!"
Chris Yukine: "You sure that foundation isn't made of sand?"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "You have to admit, though, it's a solid plan."
Genjuro Kazanari: "I understand your reservations, but we'll need you to cooperate if this is going to work."
Chris Yukine: "Fine."
Finé: "Well, then. It's getting late. You should all get some rest."
Genjuro Kazanari: "Oh yeah. We have rooms prepared. They're yours for the night."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Thank you for your consideration."
Chris Yukine: "All right then, shall we?"
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Chris Yukine: "I just don't get why he won't let Finé fight."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "You must consider Finé's history of erratic behavior. He's right to worry about her fighting Karma Noise."
Chris Yukine: "Then why doesn't he just say that?"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Well, I would imagine he probably doesn't want to wound her pride."
Chris Yukine: "I guess..."
Chris Yukine: "Hm? Speak of the devil..."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Yes? This is Tsubasa Kazanari."
Finé: "Are you both together?"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Of course. What can we do for you?"
Finé: "The Karma Noise has suddenly materialized. Genjuro-kun and Dr. Ver are already en route."
Finé: "I've arranged helicopter transport for you. Can you rendezvous with them at the agreed location?"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "We can. Once we get to them, we're to carry out the plan discussed last night, yes?"
Finé: "Yes. And please... bring him back in one piece."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "We'll do all we can."
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Genjuro Kazanari: "Looks like they made it."
Dr. Ver: "Late! You two are so, so late! The nerve of you, keeping me, a HERO, waiting like this!"
Dr. Ver: "A late entrance is reserved for heroes! Sidekicks like you are supposed to wait desperately for my arrival!"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Why don't you just show up later next time, then..."
Chris Yukine: "Personally, I'd rather he just not show up at all."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Where is the Karma Noise?"
Genjuro Kazanari: "Over there."
Chris Yukine: "All right. We'll finish it off before it can get away this time!"
Dr. Ver: "Hehe... We're off, then, are we? Time to make me and my loyal sidekicks' heroic deeds famous the world over!"
Chris Yukine: "...You don't suppose he means us when he says sidekicks?"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "I'm not sure I want to give it that much thought."
Genjuro Kazanari: "Now, let's commence the strategy!"
Chris Yukine: "All right, let's get this party started!"
Dr. Ver: "Allow me to take the stage!"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Haaah!"
Genjuro Kazanari: "Hmph!"
Finé: "You've wounded it deep in its core! Now's your chance!"
Chris Yukine: "Yeah! It's time to bring out the big guns!"
Dr. Ver: "Bwahahaha! A hero never passes up an opportunity like this!"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Now!"
Genjuro Kazanari: "This is it!"
Chris Yukine: "Did we get it?!"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "I think so."
Chris Yukine: "Thank goodness for that... That thing was starting to become a real pain."
Genjuro Kazanari: "We couldn't have taken down that Karma Noise without your help. You have my sincerest gratitude."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "No, we were simply doing our duty."
Chris Yukine: "I doubt we'd have made it without you guys, either."
Genjuro Kazanari: "I didn't have the chance to watch you in action yesterday, but you two have really improved."
Genjuro Kazanari: "As they say, a girl unmet three days grows in surprising ways."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "You're too kind. We still have an awfully long way to go."
Finé: "Now that you mention it, do I notice a difference in your Gear? My readings show increased power levels."
Chris Yukine: "Well, we've kind of been through a lot lately."
Dr. Ver: "I see, you've gotten stronger, have you? Well, I think that's just wonderful..."
Dr. Ver: "How about putting that power to use in my Hero Unit? I could throw in some photos of myself as a gift."
Chris Yukine: "Can it, the answer is no!"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "I'm afraid we must decline."
Dr. Ver: "Hmm... Perhaps it is not yet the time. Then I shall wait until the time is right."
Chris Yukine: (Not in your lifetime, Doc...)
Finé: "Anyway, the Karma Noise signal is gone now. We are truly grateful for your aid."
Genjuro Kazanari: "All right, shall we make our way back to HQ?"
Genjuro Kazanari: "We don't have much, but how about a little celebration dinner?"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "We are grateful for the offer, but I'm afraid we must return."
Chris Yukine: "Yeah, we've got problems to solve in other worlds."
Genjuro Kazanari: "That's right, I forgot about that."
Chris Yukine: "We'll have to take a rain check on that dinner."
Genjuro Kazanari: "Sure. Anyway, thanks for your help."
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Finé: "Phew... It looks like everything worked out in the end."
Finé: "Things could have been much worse if those two wielders hadn't showed up..."
Finé: "But even so..."
Finé: "Abnormalities in parallel worlds, simultaneous outbreaks, Gjallarhorn..."
Finé: "All are events that occur in this world of possibility..."
Finé: "But why am I being treated as a bystander when I should be involved? This is extremely troubling."
Finé: "......"
Finé: "No, perhaps that's not it."
Finé: "What is truly the extent of possibility in this world of possibility?"
Finé: "If it includes all of recorded history, then these changes could reach as far back as prehistoric times."
Finé: "Which means I'm not simply a bystander--"
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