mike-milkyway · 5 months
In my head the Zosan babies came to be in a very quirky way, mostly because I wanted them to be biological children of Zoro and Sanji and at the same time I couldn't decide who would get the mpreg treatment.
Finally, I decided how it would go with the help of Ivankov, Law and specially Nami.
Ivankov swapped either Sanji or Zoro (that's up to you to decide) and Law came after some time and used his devil fruit to pass the baby (???) to Nami, as she volunteered to be the kinda sorta surrogate mother.
During the first months she powered through the exaggerated over-protection of Zoro and Sanji as well as their insistence to be around her all the time to check on her and "hang out with the kid".
Then OH? Surprise surprise, it wasn't just a kid. They were having triplets.
Nami was shocked, Zoro almost has a heart attack and Sanji had a nervous meltdown. As for Law and Chopper they actually expected it.
Either way, the next months Nami guilt-tripped everyone in the ship into treating her like royalty with the excuse that doing stuff with triplets was hard. When the day came Vivi, Zoro and Sanji where in the room. It went smoothly, well, at least medically.
Zoro and Sanji were very stressed from the start but when the girls came out with green hair and a curly brow Nami had to scold them, so they would stop bickering (Secretly they were smitten by this traits).
Anyways, this is why Nami and Vivi will never have kids.
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