#AND….. the alien guy…….. who was in love w ichigo…………
omg poor baby ari.... Love Hina would definitely be traumatizing.... though I think the particular volume I got had keitaro chasing naru all over Japan and.... I think that might have solidified the love of a good chase in me LMAOOOOOO
NIKU ….. it was 😞😞 little baby ari didn’t know what they were in for . I GENUINELY THINK I REMEMBER THAT PLOTPOINT that’s very real of you….. the estranged friends to lovers trope will always be my most beloved (ESPECIALLY when it involves an old promise lmao) but . keitaro was…. such a loser wasn’t he …….. he gets bonus points for being a megane but that’s aLL. he didn’t deserve all those pretty women fawning over him!!!!! that should’ve been me!!!!!!!! 😔
…. i do remember liking kitsune the most tho and that. probably changed my taste in fictional women forever . men too actually…. she was so sly…. and cool…… and pretty………..
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johnny-boy-17 · 6 years
WTF Darling in the Franxx was actually good, like WTF (again)?
So as most of you know, I have been posting non-stop about a recent anime called Darling in the Franxx.
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And let me tell ya, it started out rough. I mean, I think this image speaks for itself.
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But as I let it play on, it actually had a plan, and became good after about 5 or 6 episodes. and then it got REALLY GOOD. Example being episode 13 (The Beast and the Prince). You could play that episode on mute, without subtitles, anything that would help you understand what their saying, and you’d still follow it. That’s the mark of good storytelling.
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However, it still had flaws, mainly not knowing pacing very well, and the choices the writes made sometimes were pretty dumb... like really? Aliens? You’re just gonna jump the shark like that?
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So yeah, it had problems, for sure, I will never denny that, but when it get’s stuff right, IT GETS IT RIGHT.
Prime example, the character of Zero Two.
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She had a way of keeping her grey-area morality out in the open, stating her mind at any time, and you could never really tell if what she was up to was good or bad. She was a perfect wild-card chaotic neutral.
On the other side of that, there was Hiro.
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Hiro was another one of the show’s biggest surprises. He started off so bland and uninteresting as the MC. You could have told me that was Kirito from SAO and I probably would have believed you. But no, he actually pulls off some believable stunts, makes decisions any human would make, he’s level headed about most things, he’s a surprisingly endearing MC. And he doesn’t just do it all by himself, he relies on others like Zero Two for assistance and support.
And that brings me into the segment I am most excited about, which I will most certainly do an entire post about soon, Zero Two and Hiro’s relationship..... GOOD CHRIST IT WAS AMAZING!!
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Any time these two shared the screen, my eyes were always on them. They had absolute GOD-LIKE chemistry with each other. And it only made sense they be the focus of the show. Look, before DitF, for me there was Star vs the Forces of Evil. And that has Starco. I shipped that like mad crazy, and then THESE TWO CAME IN AND FUCKING WRECKED ME. THEY ARE THAT PERFECT. Like I said, I’ll make an entire post about that later, but for now, review the show.
And the rest of the crew was cool too. They made decisions and went back and forth on those things and emotions like actual human beings. I think a prime example of this is Ichigo.
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She’s constantly trying to put business before pleasure, and constantly fighting those pesky little things called emotions for the majority of the show. She just wants to be a good leader, but nobody told her life was gonna be this way. (clap clap clap clap clap) Plus, I mean, we all remember that shit-show we put on after ep. 14, in which she get’s Zero Two kicked out of the squad so she can try and win Hiro over, and how we... acted out of line with what we did. I guess the creators saw this as an opportunity to try and bring closure to a character, and let the corners fill in through the rest of the show.
Plus, Mitsuru and Kokoro, ask anyone who watched, and they’ll tell you they were great. Mitsuru started out as this cold-hearted summabitch in the beginning, while Kokoro sorta just bottled up how she felt. Then they decide to partner up w/ one another, and then they fix a lot of things w/ each other and become each other’s moral-support centers (kinda like Zero Two and Hiro). 
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Now, they did go through some memory-wipe angst, and we all thought they would get their memories back soon, but the coolest part of the show is that THEY DIDN’T NEED ‘EM. God, that is refreshing to see. And it kept the threat of Papa/Virm/the... *sigh* Aliens as a threat, but still gave the fans what they wanted. 
Final example of the crew being cool, Ikuno. If you remember from the beginning, it’s not exactly a welcoming sight for tumblr when the mechs are controled through BoyGirl anal sex (god that is so stupid). So when you here’s theres a lesbin thrown in there, you are more than welcome to sweat bullets.
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But I dunno if this is the straight guy in me, but I think they handled her really well. She makse a confession to Ichigo, and you think this’ll go poorly. But Ichigo takes it pretty well, hugs her, and leaves a “maybe I might” in the air, all while being supportive about it. So, that was neat.
All in all, this series had NO FUCKING RIGHT to be anywhere near as good as it was, but it did it. Yes there were things I wished they would fix, and I did roll my eyes a couple of times or scratch my head. But for what I got as opposed to what I thought I was going to get, this is far from a train wreck... at least in my opinion. In fact, it actually reminds me a lot of Eureka Seven, with the main two leads piloting a giant robot and falling in love was the center of the story (plus plot holes).
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But here’s the thing: Eureka Seven could get away with it’s flaws, as it was part of the theme in that show, “learning to love, despite it’s flaws.” Darling in the Franxx’s theme is more about how “communication will save all.” A good theme to have, it just couldn’t save itself from...
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...bride-zilla Zero Two (that was kinda ridiculous).
That’s sorta my thoughts: when it was stupid it was pretty fuckin’ stupid. But when it was good, it was really fuckin’ good.
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So I am glad I saw it, and I encourage others to go see it as well. The animations good, the characters are good, their dynamics are good, the sound is good. It really is dependent on how you can stomach the first few episodes. If nothing else, just watch the 13th episode, as that is the best one, and I will fight anyone who says otherwise.
With all it’s flaws and good moments, I’m gonna give Darling in the Franxx a 8.2/10. It’s shortcomings are noticble, and certainly turn-offs, but for the love of god, it hits home when it get’s it right. The good outweighs the bad, for me at least, so just watch it. You can thank me later.
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universal-kitty · 6 years
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   So! Today’s the positivity day and... Well, I was almost content with kinda keeping up my hide-y nature right now and sticking to my RP blogs, but then I saw that some people were already tagging me, so-!! I can’t just not pay back!!! That ain’t me!! So... Let’s do some positivity today.
   I would first like to start with a general, big thank you to the entire community. As soon as I could figure out what a crush was and romantic feelings, I’ve been self-shipping and doing self-insert. It’s a natural sort of thing for me, someone who’s felt very outcasted from other people and needed another place to mentally go to feel better. Fandom and self-insert was my perfect spot.
   And it’s fun! But what’s made it even better is the community at large. I started this blog for myself and my love of fictional guys, gals, nb pals, and monsters/aliens/robots of all kinds. It was never meant to be anything more than that, but now I’ve been making friends. I’ve had people who’ve supported me and who I’ve supported back the best I can.
   My F/Os can only do so much, but with the little positive imagines people post and the assurances from my fellow self-shippers, it’s really put me into an unrivaled, comforting spot that feels a bit like home. You guys have made an online community a home and there’s no way to thank you guys enough for that.
   ...With all this out of the way, here’s a few shout-outs to the people I’ve talked to/seen around enough that I want to send them a little positivity~ Beneath the cut!
@robotarmjokes- D, you were my very first follower when I learned about the community. I didn’t know why you followed at first or who your F/O was, but I enjoyed the energy you put out there. And now lookit us! I know Rhys like he’s a longtime friend, you’re my buddy too, and just-!! It’s such a blast knowing you.
@selfinsertheaven- YOU!! First of all, an icon. So many great self-ships?? Probably will be me in a few more years, if I keep getting into fandoms like I’ve been doing. (And stop being in denial about liking said chara in the first place, but I digress.) But everything you do is just? So lovely?? I admire your dedication to draw your self-inserts and how adorable they turn out to be~! Plus, I’m just....really glad about you dating Ryuu~ He deserves all the love and I’m glad he gets that with you. U v U <3
@maggotships- I know you said you were likely going to ditch your blog, but I wanted to give you a shoutout anyways, because I love your art. I love seeing your enthusiasm with your self-ships and the art you put out for them!! Seeing someone ship with Eduardo is really sweet, too, imo.... We didn’t really talk a lot, but I enjoyed the mutual support thing we had going on a lot~
@selfshippiez- YOU TAG ME, I TAG YOU BACK!!! Also, uuhhhhhh Sans’ Lovers Unite? No matter which Sans we datin’??? Hell. Yis. You two are cute as heck, I love the art that comes out for this ship and generally, just... I hope we talk a lot more; you seem super cool~!
@queenieships- I can never gush over your art and ships enough. I adore your art and defo wanna get a comm from you someday! We also haven’t talked a whole bunch, but just... You’re really cool and I like the stuff you do aaaaannnndd am always guaranteed to be quietly supporting you cause I’m awkward!!!! You keep being your awesome self, Queenie~
@tearofaeons- Also a super cool person I don’t talk with enough!!! It was SO COOL to see another self-shipper for OFF and Batter definitely deserves the love, so like... Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhh~ I like your art a lot, hope to see more of it in the future, and-! Thank you sm for asking about my OFF SI!
@iselfshipnerd- I’ve seen you on my dash a lot, but I don’t think we’ve like...ever actually talked? But I love the art you do and how you dabble in all sorts of things (like AUs of other media) for your art! And seeing that same-ship positivity on my dash was so heartwarming!!!
@violets-self-shipping-blog- My awesome cousin!! Stellar art, wonderful self-ships...an all around, cool person. Wish I could’ve seen you more during the summer trip..... ; w ;  Maybe some other time, hopefully...!
@madames-sweethearts- AKA my best buddy ever?? I would live for you??? Bless?? You give me confidence, gurl. Your art is wonderful, the stuff you come up with? Amazing. Fantastic. You are just so damn relatable and I’m so glad we met. <3
@shippin-in-the-rain- We don’t talk a lot, but I love your art. Your platonic ships? Super valid. We should talk more sometime, yee.
@limey-blue-arty-do- YOU!!!! Another super cool person!! With absolutely fantastic art and just-?? We should talk more???? Cause I’m still debating Obi-Wan thanks to you and also I’m p sure my F/Os are your BFFs and I also nudged Heimdall at you so-????? Yes, super cool, knowing you is awesome, and just. Wow...
@atmospheric-light- You’re like...a little ray of sunshine in this community, you know that? You post wonderful stuff, I love your presence on my dash, and just.... Gosh, I don’t know. You’re just really great and I hope you know that. Also, you’re ships cute af.
@empressdrega27- YOU’RE SO VALID!!!! I never thought I’d see someone ship with Ahk, but first you! And then I got to learn more and it’s amazing how you’ve worked everything into this wonderful, connecting realm of worlds??? It’s so amazing and reminds me of my Anime Worlds days, so it brings a little bit of past nostalgia into my present day life... I’m really glad to have met you and I also think your voice is super cool, tbh.
@insomniasqueen- We don’t talk a lot anymore, but to my memory, you were one of the first people to come charging up like, “Tell me...about you and Alphonse. I must know,” and it’s a little thing like that which sticks out in my memory, you know? I hope you and Ichigo are having a blast today~!
@gamzeeismyboyfriend- I mean... C’mon. An icon of the community, cause you know where your boundaries are and stand by ‘em. Someone tells you shit? LMAO, wow, sucks for them; now you’ll just draw MORE of whatever they said to not do. You’re a sort of inspiration in that way, you know? (Also, your art is super pretty and Goals.)
@myrainydayloves- You and Sho are adorable as heck and I cackle as you drag people into loving Sho with you. Another icon for those that share F/Os in the most delightful way...and can never hail you enough for the Takeovers!! It’s such a simple little thing that brings happiness to us all and just... Wow, thank you.
@hardcoresshippingmyself- ANOTHER CUTE ARTIST!!! I love your art! So much!! And also seeing your self-ships and just... Ooph, if I wasn’t such a nervous bean, I’d talk your ear off, but I’ll just be sittin’ in my corner here. [finger guns] You stay awesome, though!!! I love seeing the content you make!!!!!
@meldaciohq- YOU ARE WONDERFUL, YOUR SELF-SHIPS ARE WONDERFUL, YOU MAKE GLORIOUS ART, AND I LIKE TALKING TO YOU!!! THAT’S THE TEA, BUDDY!!!!! You can tell I consider you a friend cause you’re getting this nonsense, slfghjfdks.
   There’s probably more, but my memory is not bueno and also this is a lot of people already, so!!! Heck!
   Thank you to everyone I’ve met so far and I look forward to seeing what next year will be like... What I’ve created, how this community has grown and strengthened themselves, and all the new friends we’ll make...!! It’s already been a wonderful time here, so I look forward to what else could happen~!
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