#Afton family meetings have always been awkward
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The Afton family gatherings are always wild in FNAF,,
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ntls-24722 · 7 months
I have actually two things to ask you 😅😊
1-may I use your art in an edit(for DJ)😊??
2-and I’ve actually always wondered about comet and Fritz How did they met? and was Fritz scared or was it amazed or curious? AND how did comet felt about Fritz when he first laid his eyes(10)on him and did frtiz had any family member back then ??were their relationship like the movie “shape of the water” !!!!the beautiful for bidden love between a robot(that happens to work as a flesheater???!) and human
(I don’t really know exactly the backstory or a lot of of the basis of their stories together, but this is what I managed to find out so please fill those gaps 😭✨)
That’s all 😁⚠️✨😁
(I have no idea how people feel if I keep saying that their art is amazing but bro every time I’m gonna ask you I’m gonna say that you can’t stop me. I’m sorry I just need to show it’s OK I know it’s annoying but please you have to know YOU.HAVE.TO)
OKAY in short: Fritz actually used to be an asshole and their relationship only got romantic after a LOT of development on both parts
In Long: Okay so Fritz and Comet met because Fritz began working as a tech for the Pizzaplex, but not because he needed work - Fritz is a failed attempt at bringing back someone from the dead. He is now a soul in the wrong body, and has lost all memeories of his past life, and this has led him down a new life. He's lost his old family and friends and any chance of living a regular human life and has been adopted by the monster community, but still seeks a way to find his old self.
Necromancy and the like are just alternative uses of Remnant in their universe, so Fritz looks to researching Remnant, and one of the first guys who were openly Remnant users/researchers was William Afton, so he went right to the plex to find answers in the animatronics, since they had historically always been the place where Remnant fuckery was done.
That being said, when Fritz first met Comet, they didn't have that good of a relationship. Fritz straight up didn't like Comet since he found Comet to be uncanny compared to the monsters he was used to, AND considering Comet's size and casual strength, he was the most dangerous. He could totally win against the Planetarium Attendant (the DCA) and he MIGHT have a chance against the Galaxy Cast (The Glamrocks) But with Comet, if Comet wanted Fritz dead, Fritz would be dead.
Fritz and Comet's relationship at the beginning was mainly just Fritz reluctantly interrogating a very uncomfortable Comet, but Comet would go along with it because he considered Fritz the closest thing to a friend. (Comet ALSO found Fritz kind of creepy just due to the weird way he moves and his big, bug-eyed appearance). Their first impressions of eachother were not good and neither was their relationship, being awkward at best and being genuinely uncomfortable at worst.
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And in the romance department, they were actually rivals - Neither of them were interested in eachother, but the both of them were actually interested in Monty! (However, that obviously didn't work out for either of them; Monty friendzoned Comet, and Monty actually went "ew" out loud in response to Fritz confessing to him. L)
Fritz and Comet's relationship actually was very romanceless for YEARS - originally they dated after 5 years of meeting eachother but now that I think of it, with everything they've been through, I think they would've only gotten together after 8
Fritz was childish, quick to violence, and didn't have a very good moral compass because of a lack of emotional development as a "child". And Comet was a lot similar, with a lack of emotional regulation but also a lack of self-preservation and a lack of self. He didn't know who or what he was when he got out of the Plex - his life began crumbling before his eyes and Fritz originally would throw him under the bus in pursuit of finding out who he was instead, but as he realized that not only was finding out who he originally was becoming more and more of a useless cause, he also wanted to actually be there for Comet and his friends as the situation grew worse and it was only then did he begin to improve as a person and be there for Comet when he was at his most vulnerable. And even THAT didn't score him a relationship. He scored a friendship. But it was a close one. And it was way afterwards did they finally start falling in love and being the sappy lovebirds they are now.
Comet craving human flesh was indeed a problem at one point, but weirdly enough it brought them closer? Both due to a compromise they made, and that even though there is an emotionally detrimental and outright traumatic aspect to Comet's craving of human flesh, Fritz also likes human flesh, so he relates.
Fritz did have "biological family members", but he's estranged from most of them on account of killing someone. He's still in touch with his mom, though, since she did eventually find out why he became the person he is now and actually somewhat forgives him.
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sundrop-tetsu · 2 years
hay u said you were doing matchups for michael afton? u can ignore this if you want:)
i like to think i have a good sense of humour, i’m always laughing at something. i can be extremely stubborn at times and it takes me a while to forgive. my friends would describe me as loyal and laidback. i can be sarcastic, im quick witted my family says lol. im protective over my close friends even though i don’t really like admitting it out loud. i get attached to animals quickly ? i can be awkward at times with people i don’t know but i try my best not to be. i dance over 4 times a week so im always busy, i like sketching and im always listening to music. i tend to zone out a lot, ive a real bad attendance at school so my grades are bad. im irish and have a pale skin tone, i have blue eyes and dark brown slightly wavy hair, im 5 foot 4. i have a septum piercing. my love language is physical touch, i just love when people touch my shoulder or hug me etc. i get angry easily and can be selfish sometimes, i tend to ghost people a lot without realising . my zodiac sign is taurus sun scorpio moon aquarius rising, my MTBI is esfp or estp (still tryna figure it out)
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“we don’t have to be perfect, I just want you here” - michael
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first meeting
you were introduced to michael by henry
henry was your biological uncle and you came to visit him for a while while you were on break; leading to being introduced to mike
your meeting was after his family and charlie had died so it was only you three in the house
michael really liked you, you were kind and made him laugh, it was something he needed after being depressed for so long
while you both knew each other, you didn’t know know each other, you know?
don’t get him wrong! he wanted to get to know you but.. after losing charlie, mike feels as if henry will be very protective of you; which he is-
it was during times when henry was getting ready for some unknown case that you had the opportunity to meet michael entirely
it seemed your uncle had been mike’s father’s best friend, making mike and his siblings consider henry their uncle
side note: when you two first met, henry wouldn’t let you shake his hand 😬
“uncle henry..? I’m just trying to-” *proceeds to smack your hand away from michael again*
asking you out
he didn’t-
hear me out 😅 it’s not that michael didn’t want to ask you out it’s just that.. he wasn’t sure if he deserved to have that privilege
he was beginning to seem so nervous around you, at some point you thought that maybe he decided you didn’t like you very much
due to your boldness, you decided right there and then that he would know your feelings no matter how much he avoided you if he didn’t feel the same
it was during nighttime- you don’t know yourself why you did it during nighttime-
oh wait no you do, haha, it’s cause henry had left for the night to work on his special case, leaving you~ alone with vulnerable mike
(I don’t like the way that sounded-)
you invited him to watch a movie with you in the living room which he accepted thankfully
midway into the movie, he unintentionally laid his head on your shoulder and you were falling love all over again as you softly ran your fingers in his hair
there was a pretty scene in the movie where one of the characters blurt out that they wanted to date the other. it was simple but romantic
‘.. yea! dating mike doesn’t have to be complicated. I’ve got this, I’m awesome.’ you told yourself
so eventually-
“I don’t like the thought of what-if’s,” you started
mike raised an eyebrow at you, “what are you talking about?” he got up and faced you, grabbing some popcorn
“michael…” you paused before determination crashed into your expression, “please go out with me! I’ll be a good partner, I promise!”
yea michael began choking on his popcorn-
“oh my god, are you okay?!”
“I’ll be fine! Don’t panic!”
but he did accept your feelings, telling you that he felt the same way
sadly henry walked in as michael was about to kiss your forehead, making mike get chased around the house as you watched while laughing-
things he loves about you
mike often shuts himself in his room because he doesn’t like bothering you guys when it comes to his depression, but you always end up cheering him up after finding him; he loves your humor, you make him laugh easily
you can be really stubborn, henry can get disappointed by it at times but mike thinks it’s cute sometimes, especially when you pour; he loves your stubbornness
talking isn’t a problem for you, which is great because michael is a very talkative person himself. when he needs a distraction for.. something, he often asks you for help. you don’t question anything (which is weird-) and just start a never ending conversation with the person mike needs to distract; he loves how you never run out of things to say
growing up, mike didn’t have much attention on him as a child. his mother wasn’t present most of the time and his father was a huge dick to him and his siblings. someone actually listening to his rants is very rare so when you’re around, he can’t help but want to keep you to himself for the rest of the day; he loves the attention you give him
when both michael and henry are out working on their special case, you dance around the living room. it’s not mostly due to embarrassment that you do it in private, it’s just because it’s more easier that way since henry’s usually in the living room and there’s a bunch of space for you to get creative. you’ve been caught before, it was a very adorable scene; he loves watching you dance, you look so peaceful and relaxed
he can’t draw for the life of him so he’s easily fascinated by your drawings whenever you do show him. he often asks you if you could draw him since he likes seeing your perspective on his appearance; he loves watching you sketch, they’re beautiful
there’s time when michael just wants to watch you. you’re very pretty and he likes admiring those pretty features. he finds it interesting that your blue eyes, though identical to his in color, tell a different story from his. and your septum piercing suits you, makes you look even prettier in his opinion; he loves admiring your appearance
meeting his family
michael’s family is dead, they aren’t coming back
due to this issue, he instead brings you to their graves that he had made for them
whenever he visits their graves, he gets emotional but he managed to introduce you as his beautiful partner. his family ghosts often visit the graves made for them when mike visits but they never go all at once. this was a special occasion though since they were meeting the person who stole mike’s heart
mrs. afton thinks you’re very pretty. she wasn’t around much for her children’s lives and she deeply regrets it everyday in her afterlife. seeing her eldest son happy is all she needs to relax, she hopes you take good care of him
william. he wasn’t originally going to show up. he only did because clara forced him. honestly, william doesn’t have a determined opinion on you. he’s sort of grateful that his eldest finally found someone but of all people, did it have to be a relative of henry’s?
evan was a bit confused until his mother explained what you were to michael. while evan still remained resentful to his older brother, he thought you were good for mike. after all, his brother was trying to be better and you provided support to that. the kid likes you, thinks your music is cool since you randomly decided to play it for the family
elizabeth was just happy to see mike visiting again. it had been a while since she last saw her older brother. she’s very young so no matter how much explanation she’s given, she won’t understand who you are. she just knows your a new friend to her now, whether you know it or not. she loves your septum piercing, started telling her mom how she wanted one, haha
after his disappearance
michael left for work the day that he was going to resign
henry was acting really weird that day, you wondered what was going on, thinking it was just a normal day
until.. michael didn’t come home for a few days
you panicked on the fifth day of his disappearance and begged your uncle to tell you what happened
but honestly, henry wasn’t sure what happened to mike either (it wasn’t what the plan was)
you soon processed that mike was gone. he was missing
henry would often catch you silently crying in your room, staring at your wall that was covered in pictures of you and mike
“y/n,” henry called your name before taking a seat next to you
he didn’t know what to say for a while before pointing out some of the boxes in your room, “what are those for?”
soft tears ran down your precious face again, “..mike.. we were going to buy a bigger house for the three of us and future family” your voice was small but henry heard you
he sighed before wrapped his arms around you. mike had talked to him about the house before. it was much bigger than the house the three of you currently lived in. mike often talked about how you guys deserve it
“we don’t have to be perfect.. I just want you here” you whispered to yourself, repeating the same words mike had told you as you cried into your uncle’s chest
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☀︎ 𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫´𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: I like this one :) feel as if it was a bit more realistic when it comes to being in a relationship with michael hope u like it anon <33
wanna know how I see a relationship with vou and a specific character? :) detailed matchups are now available 😌✨
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sistercalder · 6 years
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July 23, 2018
Prophetess and Miracles!
This was a fun week. There are times when we give our number to people or ask if we can come back and we can usually predict that they will never call us or say no... That happens a lot.   This week had a lot of people who said "yes"!!  Miracles!
1. Last Sunday, we had dinner with the Baum family.  They have like 8 children and 5 dogs. Great family. Their daughter, Afton, had commented in relief society that one of her classmates asked her out on a date and she just felt like she should share a bit about her standards.  This got her date, Eli, asking a lot of questions about the church.  So we had her send him a picture of us and ask if he wanted to meet with us and have us teach him about the church.  He said, YES!  So during the week we started chatting with him on messenger.  He has done A LOT of research and probably most of it is anti-Mormon resources.  He asked about the temple and we started to teach a bit about baptisms for the dead and then he went off about how you just have to say you believe in Christ to be saved and  "No where in the bible does it say that you have to be baptized!"  ooooohhhhh, I got so fired.  I'm not good at Bible Bashing because I get too heated about it. BUT I have memorized amazing scriptures to prove my point:)  Anyway, we had a lesson with Eli last night at the Baums home and it was sooooooo great to have Brother and Sister Baum there.  We taught the restoration and Eli had super random questions that I wouldn't have been able to answer but Brother Baum was just so conversational about it and did so well at answering them.  
2. We have stopped by Brittney's home a few times.  She is less-active and stopped going to church in college.  She is married now and has the most beautiful twins. Its always a bit awkward when we go over but she is super nice.  Last night, we had a free 30 minutes, so we stopped by.  We got a text from her afterward and she said that we could come back this week!  MIRACLES.  No one ever invites us over without us asking first and she took the initiative.  So we will see what happens.  
3. Abby.  Abby has come to church like 4 times now.  We found her initially because she had requested to have someone help her hang her curtains.  Everytime she came to church, I would ask if we could come by and teach her and she kept saying "no".   Since then, the members in her neighborhood have done so good at fellowshipping her! This past week she finally invited us over to come talk to her!! MIRACLES.  We convinced her to let us start teaching her the lessons too!   Last one.  We went to teach Cynethia this past week.  It went good, I think, except that she talked the WHOLE time.  I learned a lot though.  She was the house prophetess at her church. On a side note, One of the biggest struggles we have about teaching the restoration is helping people to understand a prophet.  We had a guy in Lake Jackson say, "Do you mean a prophet or like a holy prophet."  I’ve learned that there is a prophet on every corner here.  Cynethia said that some of her prophet friends were "propheLYNG that she would get 3 Million dollars by the end of the year" Well, that didn't end up happening.  She also said that services would get interrupted for offerings and they would have a thousand dollar line, a hundred dollar line, and a "whatever you can do" line.  Since they didn't have much time, the prophet would only bless the ones in the thousand dollar line and leave ministers to bless the people in the "whatever you can do" line.  So, we will see if we can actually do some teaching the next time we see Cynethia. 
There are really amazing members here.  I've decided that when I come back home and find myself back in a daily routine that is exhaustingly repetitive and boring that I need to find purpose and joy in serving and doing missionary work.  The Baums are an amazing example with Samira and now Eli.   Its just so fun to be apart of seeing how the gospel can change someone's life!
I am predicting right now that Ill be transferred this next Monday so hold off on sending me mail or packages! Love y'all,Court
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