escadaman · 1 month
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Jum'maha Mubaraka‼️
'Ibn al-Qayyim رحمه الله said: "O you who are patient! Bear a little more, just a little more remains."
Cry on that day when you realize that life has passed you by and you have not done any good deeds.
- Sāyyidunã Ābu Bakr āl-Siddiq رضي الله عنه
➖️ The Favorite of Heaven ♥️🕋♥️ 🐫 🐫 🐫
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teleduas · 2 years
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pattimuramuda25 · 4 months
Agama & Negara
Setelah pernyataan pemerintahan transisi sudan yang menekankan pemisahan antara agama & negara beberapa hari lalu membuat terjadinya protes di beberapa daerah. Tidak terkecuali para dai & ulama di sudan.
Jum’at ini di beberapa masjid di sudan, para khotib menyampaikan ceramah tentang pentingnya islam dalam bernegara dan kesyumuliahannya. Misalnya Khotib di salah satu masjid di daerah ma’muroh kota khartoum yg dengan membara-bara mengingatkan kembali kaum muslimin akan pentingnya peran agama dalam negara.
Pemerintahan sebelumnya yg dikudeta memang sangat kental dengan ke islaman. Perundang-undangan sudan mengikuti undang-undang islam. Kalo mencuri potong tangan, murtad di eksekusi dan sebagainya.
Sampai-sampai ada peraturan yg membahas tentang pakaian wanita ketika keluar dari rumah & ini juga sedang terjadi polemik di sudan beberapa hari ini sebagaimana yg dilansir oleh Aljazeera dalam laman resminya.
Berbicara tentang pemisahan agama dari negara saya teringat dengan sebuah kisah yg dikutib syekh yusuf Al-qaradhwy dalam kitab beliau “Assiyasah Assyar’iyah fi dhau’i nusus Assyariah wa maqosiduha”. Dalam kitab itu syekh Alqardhawy menceritakan pada tahun 1925 ada seorang qadhi di mesir bernama Ali abdul rozaq menulis sebuah buku berjudul “Al’islam wa Ushul Alhukum” yg dimana dlm buku tersebut sang qodhi memasukan sebuah pembahasan terkait pemisahan antara agama & negara.
Dari buku tersebut kemudian memancing kegaduhan dalam publik mesir & kaum muslimin secara umum. Para muftih mesir & ulama-ulama azhar turut berkumpul untuk membahas buku ini. Akhinya dari beberapa ulama menulis beberapa kitab bantahan terkait karangan sang qodhi.
Seperti kitab “Haqiqotul islam wa ushul Alhukum” karya Al’alamah Muhammad Bukhaity Almuti’i ( mufti mesir ), kemudian Syekhul Azhar Muhammad Khadir Huseini dengan judul “Naqdhi Kitab Alislam wa ushul Alhukum”, dan bukan hanya dari mesir tapi kemudian ulama dari luar mesir seperti syekh Muhammad Tohir ibn Assyur juga turut membuat bantahan terkait kitab sang qadhi.
Agama & negara adalah hal yang tidak bisa dipisahkan, Rasulullah SAW membangun kekuatan ummat & islam dengan mendirikan sebuah negara yaitu madinah. Oleh karenanya agama menjadi sebuah Variabel penting dalam mengatur & menguatkan negara, dan kedua variabel tersebut saling menguatkan satu dengan yang lain.
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rivaltimes · 2 years
Nine Syrian refugees, including eight children, die in a fire at their home in Turkey
Nine Syrian refugees, including eight children, die in a fire at their home in Turkey
Archive – Archive image of an ambulance in Turkey – AHMAD ALISLAM / ZUMA PRESS / CONTACTOPHOTO At least nine Syrian refugees, including eight children, died late on Tuesday due to a fire in a building in the Turkish town of Yildirim, in the province of Bursa (northwest), as confirmed by the Turkish authorities. The victims have been identified as a woman, her six children and two of her nephews,…
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ahlulbaytnetworks · 2 years
𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐓𝐨 𝐋𝐚𝐝𝐲 𝐎𝐟 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐌𝐨𝐯𝐢𝐞
The film “Lady of Heaven” is an epic historical drama on the life of Lady Fatima Zahra (peace be upon her), the daughter of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) pursuant to Shia Islam.
It's recent U.K release has courted a considerable amount of controversy, with opponents of the film organising protests outside cinemas screening it. Despite the film being previously released in the U.S and Ireland, it did not cause any public outrage from any Muslim community.
However, clerics from the Barelvi community, who have historically excommunicated Deobandis from Islam and vice versa, are now rallying together in opposition to the film. Despite historically having accused each other of being blasphemers against Allah (swt), the Prophet (saw) and his Companions.
Among those who have orchestrated these protests, are two clerics who are teachers from Dewsbury namely Maulana Abdul Haleem and Maulana Uthman Iqbal. These individuals have a YouTube Channel called AlIslam Production, which is replete with materials attacking Shias and other Muslim factions.
This film’s release is being exploited by them to further initiate a campaign of hatred towards Shias, by tapping into the sentiments of other Muslim factions. They sought to incite their crowd with allegations that the films depiction of Prophet and certain personalities they revere as companions as blasphemous. Slogans declaring Shias as non Muslim and calling for their death of the script writer are been chanted in their presence without any condemnation.
It's quite ironic the said individuals who have attended Speaker Corner in Hyde Park wherein the Prophet of Islam is regularly blasphemed by ex-Muslims, atheists and Christians as a charlatan and a paedophile – and yet it falls on deaf ears. But their sensibilities are offended by negative portrayal of certain figures around the Prophet. Where is the outrage here?
This extremist behaviour has only further increased the popularity of the Film. That highlights the exact type of behaviour which the movie highlights. Those who were not aware of this production are now taking great interest due to the free publicity that has been given.
The desire to ban this film is simply to hinder the opportunity to understand the Shia narrative. Why is there an attempt to ban this movie?
There is a two-fold objective:
As per Ahlul Sunnah beliefs they deem ALL the companions of Prophet Muhammad (saw) as upright and truthful, anything that suggests otherwise casts doubt about the validity of their belief, which they have built their entire religion upon. They are therefore seeking to protect the status quo by any means necessary. Despite the historical evidence that some of these individuals included hypocrites, liars, murders, rapists, misogynistic individuals!
Whilst we note that Abdul Haleem offered a moderate tone when interviewed by the journalist Robert Carter when he said, 'Not all Shia Muslims support the film', his tone was markedly different when he was riling up his audience, he happily stood by when slogans “Shia Kafir” chants were being shouted by the crowd. His accomplice Usman Iqbal openly said Shias are infidels.
This is the same rhetoric used by extremist banned terrorist groups from Pakistan such as Sipah Sahabah, that have been responsible for the killing of Shia Muslims in Pakistan. They are adhering to this same modus operandi.
Finally, as for the suggestion that this is a hate film why would the depiction of historical narrative from Shia sources constitute hate? When the Passion of Christ came out, Mel Gibson faced the same type of backlash from the Jewish community who accused him of Anti Semitism. His response was he was presenting the Christian narrative. Using this logic should films like “14 years a Slave” and “Django Unchained” that touches on black slavery in the USA be deemed hate films - as both depict white people as racist, murderous, rapists?
Interestingly, there was no protests against the 'Omar' series for its depictions of Holy personalities from the same community, which adds more weight to the idea that this call to ban the movie is to stifle the challenging of their narrative.
We would encourage you to decide for yourselves after watching the Lady of Heaven Movie!
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m99y · 3 years
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alexcc95 · 3 years
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Buenas noches, me gustaría mucho que vean la Luna, asi se puso hace pocos minutos y ahora está brillando más, creo que Dios nos quiere decir algo muy importante 🙂✝️☪️🇪🇨 #dios #jesucristo #alislam #guayaquil #ecuador #luna #moon (at Guayaquil, Ecuador) https://www.instagram.com/p/CWHmNI4LaHZ/?utm_medium=tumblr
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weweekly · 4 years
السلام علیکم ورحمۃ اللہ
اردو ترجمہ خطبہ حرم مکی شریف مؤرخہ 16 اکتوبر 2020ء
امام الحرم المکی الشیخ ڈاکٹر فیصل بن جمیل الغزاوی حفظہ اللہ موضوع: نیکی کے کاموں میں سبقت لے جانیوالوں کا تذکرہ اردو ��رجمہ: ڈاکٹر ظل الرحمن تیمی
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*INVESTASI Di Property itu akan menjadi anda kaya bahkan akan semakin kaya raya* Baturaden Techno Regency Rumah READY STOCK HARGA hanya Mulai dari 500JUTA-AN, lokasi bagus banget di kota Bandung, 17 menitan dari TOL BUAHBATU, Cocok banget buat investasi atau buat tempat tinggal. Hanya 100 m2 dari jl.Raya Ciwastra Fasilitas sudah kumplit Dapatkan segera penawaran Diskon Terbaiknya untuk harga Cashnya. Survai Hubungi: Elis_pro Wa : 087825528688 Atau klik link di bawah ini👇👇👇 http://bit.ly/Elispro_bdgjabar Jangan lupa !!! Ketik >> Baturaden bdg #rumahbarureadystok #kodyabandung #rumahbaruminimalis #rumahstrategisbandung #rumahready #infoperumahanbandung #perumahankotabandung #perumahandibandung #gubernurjabar2018 #walikotabandung2018 #bandungjuarakuliner #metrô #metromargahayu #margahayurayabdg #alislam https://www.instagram.com/p/CF0zuNSF2Nv/?igshid=9r698elzcd1d
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Ustadz/ah masih bingung kemana mencari buku ISMUBA? Kesini Aja, Toko Muhammadiyah menyediakan semua buku ISMUBA lengkap, mulai dari tingkat SD/MI, SMP/MTs, MA/SMA/SMK. Mencakup Mata pelajaran : Al Islam, Kemuhammadiyahan, Bahasa Arab, Fiqih, Tarikh, Akidah Akhlaq, Panduan Praktek Ibadah dan Al Qur'an Hadits, tunggu apalagi beli sekarang juga!! Info dan pemesanan klik nomor 👇👇 wa.me/6285727620196 Cek harga di Shopee klik 👇👇 Shopee.co.id/TokoMuhammadiyah #buku #ismuba #bukuismuba #alislam #fiqih #bahasaarab #sdmimuhammadiyah #bukusdmuhammadiyah #bukusdmimuhammadiyah #sdmuhammadiyah #mimuhammadiyah #bukusekolahmuhammadiyah #sekolahmuhammadiyah #sekolahdasarmuhammadiyah #bukupaketalislammuhammadiyah #bukupaketpendidikanalislam #paketpendidikanalislam #pendidikanalislammuhammadiyah #pendidikanalislamsdmuhammadiyah #sdkemuhammadiyahan #kemuhammadiyahan #kemuhammadiyahansd #muhammadiyah #muhammadiyah #tokomuhammadiyah https://www.instagram.com/p/CDdZvffjyKg/?igshid=14umwjwucyfln
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reshiasnoor-blog · 5 years
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Ahmadiyyat. Zindabad #jalsauk2019 #Ahmadiyya #alislam #JalsaUK (at P.b.06) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0uw1rInOBAEQRvqgn1hF_xtmmHlf3PTdklML00/?igshid=xe7my89incpi
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escadaman · 1 month
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Umar ibn al-Khattāb رضي الله عنه said: “Nothing benefits a man,after faith in Allāh,as much as a wife endowed with virtue, affection, and fertility.”
[Musannaf ibn Abi Shaybah, 17427]
➖️ Fātíāh 🕋
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fivefeet6inches · 5 years
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• Eid Mubarak ١٤٤٠ • #all_shots #alislam #islamiccalendar2019 #1shawwal1440h #5june2019 #eidmubarak #salamaidilfitri #selamathariraya #singapore #instasg #instaraya #green #gf_sg #gang_family #gf_daily #sg_daily #instadaily #gf_raya #gf_muslim #instamuslim (at Corporation Tiara) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByU_GDVhMJ2_CQoiaHl4VLD_Vr66P4yQkoAm9s0/?igshid=1ooe21jw6izk3
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tawbahnassoh08-blog · 3 years
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rivaltimes · 2 years
At least 16 dead and 29 injured in the second mass traffic accident in Turkey in less than 24 hours
At least 16 dead and 29 injured in the second mass traffic accident in Turkey in less than 24 hours
File image of an ambulance in Turkey – AHMAD ALISLAM / ZUMA PRESS / CONTACTOPHOTO At least 16 people have died and 29 have been injured, eight of them seriously, in a new mass traffic accident in Turkey, less than 24 hours after the chain collision that occurred in the Gaziantep region, and which leaves for now the same number of deaths. The accident on this occasion took place in the city of…
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ahlulbaytnetworks · 2 years
𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐓𝐨 𝐋𝐚𝐝𝐲 𝐎𝐟 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐌𝐨𝐯𝐢𝐞
The film “Lady of Heaven” is an epic historical drama on the life of Lady Fatima Zahra (peace be upon her), the daughter of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) pursuant to Shia Islam.
It's recent U.K release has courted a considerable amount of controversy, with opponents of the film organising protests outside cinemas screening it. Despite the film being previously released in the U.S and Ireland, it did not cause any public outrage from any Muslim community.
However, clerics from the Barelvi community, who have historically excommunicated Deobandis from Islam and vice versa, are now rallying together in opposition to the film. Despite historically having accused each other of being blasphemers against Allah (swt), the Prophet (saw) and his Companions.
Among those who have orchestrated these protests, are two clerics who are teachers from Dewsbury namely Maulana Abdul Haleem and Maulana Uthman Iqbal. These individuals have a YouTube Channel called AlIslam Production, which is replete with materials attacking Shias and other Muslim factions.
This film’s release is being exploited by them to further initiate a campaign of hatred towards Shias, by tapping into the sentiments of other Muslim factions. They sought to incite their crowd with allegations that the films depiction of Prophet and certain personalities they revere as companions as blasphemous. Slogans declaring Shias as non Muslim and calling for their death of the script writer are been chanted in their presence without any condemnation.
It's quite ironic the said individuals who have attended Speaker Corner in Hyde Park wherein the Prophet of Islam is regularly blasphemed by ex-Muslims, atheists and Christians as a charlatan and a paedophile – and yet it falls on deaf ears. But their sensibilities are offended by negative portrayal of certain figures around the Prophet. Where is the outrage here?
This extremist behaviour has only further increased the popularity of the Film. That highlights the exact type of behaviour which the movie highlights. Those who were not aware of this production are now taking great interest due to the free publicity that has been given.
The desire to ban this film is simply to hinder the opportunity to understand the Shia narrative. Why is there an attempt to ban this movie?
There is a two-fold objective:
As per Ahlul Sunnah beliefs they deem ALL the companions of Prophet Muhammad (saw) as upright and truthful, anything that suggests otherwise casts doubt about the validity of their belief, which they have built their entire religion upon. They are therefore seeking to protect the status quo by any means necessary. Despite the historical evidence that some of these individuals included hypocrites, liars, murders, rapists, misogynistic individuals!
Whilst we note that Abdul Haleem offered a moderate tone when interviewed by the journalist Robert Carter when he said, 'Not all Shia Muslims support the film', his tone was markedly different when he was riling up his audience, he happily stood by when slogans “Shia Kafir” chants were being shouted by the crowd. His accomplice Usman Iqbal openly said Shias are infidels.
This is the same rhetoric used by extremist banned terrorist groups from Pakistan such as Sipah Sahabah, that have been responsible for the killing of Shia Muslims in Pakistan. They are adhering to this same modus operandi.
Finally, as for the suggestion that this is a hate film why would the depiction of historical narrative from Shia sources constitute hate? When the Passion of Christ came out, Mel Gibson faced the same type of backlash from the Jewish community who accused him of Anti Semitism. His response was he was presenting the Christian narrative. Using this logic should films like “14 years a Slave” and “Django Unchained” that touches on black slavery in the USA be deemed hate films - as both depict white people as racist, murderous, rapists?
Interestingly, there was no protests against the 'Omar' series for its depictions of Holy personalities from the same community, which adds more weight to the idea that this call to ban the movie is to stifle the challenging of their narrative.
We would encourage you to decide for yourselves after watching the Lady of Heaven Movie!
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