#Alec has tentacles
lurafita · 1 month
Number 6!
So, there is this thing to be found on the internet, about how biblically accurate angels look like Lovecraftian, eldritch monstrosities. Now I don't know if this is true, and I frankly don't care enough to go onto a research binge to find out, but as with anything and everything, my brain went: What can I do for Malec with this information? So now Alec has (semi-sentient) tentacles as a secondary feature. Much like a warlock's glamour, a nephilim mark can be hidden.
And most of his tentacles behave themselves, and they usually aren't out unless he wills them to (like with other shadowhunters). But that f-ing number 6! Number 6 just does whatever it (or rather Alec's subconcious) wants! Be that swatting Jace over the head when he is saying something dumb, or tripping Clary, or playfully pulling Izzy's hair, or sneakily wrapping around Magnus,... (okay, he might not be as opposed to that last one.)
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Betsy DeVos has been trying to break public education for decades so her “for profit charter schools” can rake in the dough from school districts across the nation.
Most charter schools are non-union, pay slave wages, don’t require qualified teachers, are exempt from the standards public schools are held to. They are failing miserably, offer little to no special needs or bilingual education, and produce poorly educated MAGAs that can not survive in today’s complex job market. It’s a scam that was pushed into the mainstream by Bush/Cheney with their No Child Left Behind. Another tricky Republikkkan misnomer.
NCLB brought us standardized testing to punish public schools, particularly those in inner cities that catered mainly to children of marginalized people. A school superintendent in Texas, that was a crony of Bush, expelled all the failing children (mostly minorities and poor whites) issued standardized tests and proclaimed his district proficient based on the scores. State legislatures across the country started punishing inner city districts by pulling funding from underperforming schools and giving it to charter schools. The charter schools were owned by DeVos and other billionaire Republikkkan donors.
Even blue states were pressured into adopting the standardized tests and the curriculums and texts that came with them. These materials that costs millions per district mostly came out of Texas and other red states. Ironic that Texas supplies the majority of our textbooks and has since before this scam. The Red States control our history and education in general, or at least have a profound impact on it. Many local level Dems on school committees and state boards of education also invested in this get rich scam.
Betsy DeVos runs a propaganda policy agency, the Mackinaw Center, that purports to be a grass roots movement for better education. It sends out emails, to everyone in education, that praise charter schools while denouncing public schools. Mackinaw created an artificial crisis of faith in public schools and largely blamed teachers’ unions-because organized labor is always the enemy of billionaires. DeVos’s agenda has seeped into the consciousness of Americaand even some public school employees have unwittingly bought into her propaganda. Southern Red States was where, and still mostly is, where the underperforming schools are-and that’s by Republikkkan design. Late stage capitalism, when the people have been bled dry the oligarchs begin plundering the government.
Oligarchs have been attacking our society on every level for decades. They have so many policy institutions, propaganda outlets, and political operatives working 24/7/365 that is almost inconceivable. While the main attack ramped up in the 1960’s it’s actually been going on here since the start of the Industrial Revolution.
Hilary Clinton was mocked viciously by Fox, talk radio, and Republikkkan politicos for comments about the “vast right-wing conspiracy” in the 90’s. Today there are college courses about it, books, articles, and documentaries. High ranking Dem party leaders are given briefings about it. RI Dem Senator Sheldon Whitehouse exposes it on the floor of the Senate daily. We’ve all seen charts of the Koch-topus with its tentacles stretching from right-wing billionaires to think tanks that openly write legislation for Republikkkan politicos to introduce. From the John Birch Society to ALEC and the Federalist Society they shape and control our laws and destiny.
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eddathegreat · 3 months
Worm and Ward and Familiarity
I saw a really great analysis of Worm working with tropes while Ward works against them by @greatwyrmgold, and it reminded me of a more general contrast that I noted:
Worm is coming from a very familiar place and being pulled out of that. The Undersiders have fairly relatable experiences (on average). Poverty, bullying, neglect and abuse by guardians. I'd argue that, as extreme as Alec's experience is, it would resonate with many who have dealt with indoctrination in their youth (like me). Brockton Bay is a city on economic decline, struggling to stay afloat, and afflicted with violent crime. There's superpowers thrown in, sure, but it's fundamentally very familiar human shittiness and problems that drive a lot of the story.
The powers are definitely weird and creative, but it's still unmistakably a superhero story. Bugs, darkness, flight and strength and durability, contact biokinesis. Superheroes and supervillains in costumes fighting each other, hijinks and blood loss.
Except that there's Endbringers, and Echidna, and Cauldron, and Scion. The culmination of the story is peeling back the mask of a familiar superhero setting to reveal a cosmic horror story.
Ward is set in the aftermath of that.
There's a massive megacity that still doesn't have a name. It's basically a country, but it's led by a mayor. Infrastructure is just barely there, lots of people are still living in tents, the internet is just barely running and not everywhere. People with superpowers are no longer just superheroes and supervillains, they're... what, exactly? So many threats that were once contained are now running free, the ratio of normal territory to gonzo hellscapes has been turned on its head. The skyline is torn apart by portals to other worlds, and it's fucking with the weather. There's a political movement against people with superpowers, and there are people affected by superpowers with their own identity, and both of those groups are very conspicuous in how hard it is to treat them as an analogy for any other groups. People are estranged from their own environment, and it's a brave, terrible new world in the shadow of a slain god.
The superpowers are less straightforward. Being unable to be pointed at, impregnation tentacles that fuck with the effectiveness of other powers, lots of cluster triggers and grab-bags, etc. The powers are more obviously reflective of the cosmic horror story people have had to wake up to, unfamiliar, weird, and deeply upsetting.
The characters are also pretty dang weird. Rain is a lot like Alec, and I think he might actually be the most normal of the bunch. Body dysphoria+, sharing a body with a sibling, attachment issues, living as a clone or as a sort-of clone. Not totally unrelatable, to be sure, there are parallels with real life experiences, but these are more their own thing, not so recognizable.
This makes Victoria kind of the perfect protagonist, matching the themes: she's estranged from who she was and her old connections; her home city is gone; she's gone through something absolutely mind-bendingly terrible that is among the worst that people can experience IRL and then some; her power has changed; she was raised into the weirdness of superheroics and is pioneering how it looks in this new world; she's knowledgeable about the weirdness surrounding powers, giving her a good eye for understanding the new world.
I think a decent fraction of Ward's relative unpopularity sadly comes from this: estrangement from the once familiar. The characters can't be related to as easily, the powers aren't so iconic, and the setting feels undefined. I don't think Ward is inherently worse for it, it's just a bit of a tougher sell.
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It's Mermay babe. Merfolk au.
i love you so much but sometimes, sometimes babe it's like you want me to have a pile of wips a mile long (i'm not complaining. to be clear. because they will take every opportunity to make me regret my words)
for clarities sake, they can see underwater and have vision that works as if there is light and thats why they can see red (because magic)
Alec ducks beneath the current, cursing as the nets he’s pulling snag on some coral. It’s been several years since he’s set out on his own, unwilling — and unable — to mate with any of the mer in his pod.
Isolation is rare for his kind, but Alec finds he likes living alone better than in the pod. It’s certainly less hazardous for his sanity, since he was frequently called on to wrangle the more idiotic mer away from predators and traps. It’s also free of persistent female mer, determined to land him as a mating partner, or even as a mate period.
So, Alec left and even when he’s hauling the nets humans drop away from his new territory and clearing out the traps they create with their ignorance and negligence, he doesn’t regret it.
The territory he’s slowly carved out for himself is small but well defensible and with a ripe hunting ground all around. The only predators Alec needs to worry about are the giant squid and jellyfish that sometimes wander over. The sharks are easy enough to deal with, but tentacles are a tricky business and Alec has more than one scar from fighting them over the ebbing of the tides.
Magnus watches with interest as his darling little mate slowly expands his comfort zone. At first, Magnus was undecided between killing the mer intruding on his domain, or merely driving them out.
And then he’d seen him.
A lovely, gorgeous mer with a long, broad tail that Magnus has seen strike a shark unconscious with one blow. He’s fierce, his scars gleaming when the lantern fish get close to him.
His coloring is of the deepest caves in the coldest parts of the ocean, a black so dark that it blends in with the night and hides how deadly his mer is.
And he is Magnus’.
The minute Magnus saw his tail flash little silver hints of color as his tail flexed and the scales rippled as if with magic. His mer is a rare breed, one who can handle the deep pressure and cold and also survive in the warmer waters dappled with sunlight.
Perhaps he doesn’t realize it yet.
Doesn’t understand how inviting himself into Magnus’ territory and then slowly defending it himself — showing off how skilled he is for Magnus — is also a display, an offer of courtship Magnus will happily take.
However, the nets his boy is currently dragging are just practically begging to be used and Magnus is impatient to see him closer. To finally touch him and hear his voice beyond the soft humming and clicks he makes when he relaxes or hunts.
It’s a small work of magic to twist the current in a sudden swirl and Magnus hears an irritated, pained snarl. His lips twitch, delighted by the show of spirit and he waits until his boy is good and tangled and trapped before he slowly advances.
His mer’s sides are heaving and his gills fluttering as he struggles to free himself from the tangles of ropes and Magnus hums, letting his voice get louder as he gets closer. His mer stills immediately, a stiffness to his form and only the tremors of his fins give away that he’s alert and watchful.
— Alec isn’t sure what is approaching him, but he is sure of one thing, it’s a predator. A deadly one that Alec isn’t sure he can match, even if he wasn’t tangled down with nets and pinned to the floor of the valley. Sand shifts under him and he tries to flatten himself, making himself a smaller threat, a less attractive meal.
Alec feels it first, the heavy curl of a tentacle around his tail and he forces himself to remain still, knowing from experience that if he struggles now, it will only tighten sooner.
Except, it’s not like the squids he’s fought, and he shudders as three more tentacles wrap around him in an almost teasing embrace. They squirm under the ropes and when they can’t — when they ropes are too tight and pressing against his scales — they rip through the fiber like kelp.
It’s humbling and terrifying and Alec is slowly dragged towards the rest of its body, and he tries to grip his knife without moving too much.
But it’s as if they can tell his intent.
His wrists are dragged behind him, tiny suckers hooking onto his skin with little teeth that threaten to bite in if he moves. Alec swallows and is about to try and fight, even knowing that he’ll lose, when he sees the predator hunting him.
Without even knowing why, he stops fighting, an instinct forcing him to relax at the sight of something closer to a mer than a squid.
His tentacles are a dark maroon, the color of blood in the deep waters when the sharks gather to dance, and each sucker is wreathed in a gold that matches his eyes. It reminds Alec of one of the glimpses he’s had of the sun. Then a tentacle wraps around his neck, the suckers attaching to his skin with a greedy fervor and he’s sure his throat is about to be shredded except these ones don’t have teeth. They merely bruise and mark his skin with how tightly they cling to him, and he whimpers, even as he’s deposited in thick, strong arms that wrap around him just as tightly as the tentacles do.
“Oh, little mer,” is whispered to him and he shudders, because whatever took him is intelligent and that’s more dangerous than anything. “As pretty as your dances for me are, I think rescuing you in my territory proves my intent.”
Alec swallows because he suddenly knows exactly what his captor means and what Alec has accidentally done. He shudders as fingers reach out and trace his lips and his eyes slide closed, his gills fluttering.
“Your tail flashes so prettily when you hunt, it makes me wants to hunt you in turn.” Tentacles wrap even more tightly around him and Alec shivers, tail and torso flexing against his bonds. The mate he’s accidentally wooed croons, as if delighted by his accidental struggles and his grip tightens. Alec can’t help his whimper when little serrated teeth dig into his scales, harsh enough to leave little marks and a few drops of his blood to slip free.
“Don’t you taste divine. If I’d known how lovely you’d be this close, I wouldn’t have waited.” His chin is grasped by a tentacle and it gently lifts his head up in a mockery of tenderness. The one around his neck curls tighter, making it hard to swallow and pressing under the tender skin of his gills.
He meets eyes with dark gold and Alec shudders as the claim in those eyes.
“Tell me your name darling, and I’ll tell you mine.”
“Alexander—” he murmurs because he doesn’t think his mate would accept learning that Alec only gave him a nickname.
— “Alexander.” Magnus purrs and his tentacles pull his mate even closer to him. Alexander’s massive tail is caught tightly in his embrace, ensuring his mer can’t fight free of him or struggle until Magnus tucks him away, deeper in the lair of his territory. There isn’t really any worry of his boy actually running, but Magnus is too greedy to risk it, especially not with how sweet his mate is turning out to be.
“I’m Magnus, little pearl.” Magnus tells him, because for all that Alexander is large for his species, his mass is small compared to Magnus’ many and magical tentacles. There’s a reason that most mer who remember his species fear his kind and it isn’t just because mer are easy, delicious prey.
It’s because of how little defenses they have against beings of equal intelligence, who have the limbs of their most dangerous foes.
Magnus licks his lips because his Alexander is going to be a delicacy that Magnus is going to savor in a way he never has before.
“Magnus,” is whispered back and there’s a little shiver as his pearl tastes Magnus’ name on his tongue for the first time.
Magnus has to taste it too and he leans forward, licking into his boy’s mouth and crooning as he feels Alexander’s gills flutter and his scales flex involuntarily. Magnus groans into the kiss, tasting brine and the sweetness of a predator made prey and Magnus lets his teeth scrape across Alexander’s tongue, so he can get a taste of his blood.
“My little mate.” Magnus says voice dark with want as he lets his own tongue catch on sharp teeth and Alexander trills in response to Magnus’ blood being shed. His body going lax as he submits in a way that will sate both of their instincts. Magnus takes the long way, not caring how much time it takes because there is no time wasted when he’s carrying his mate in his arms.
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Long Haired Boy Bracket All Contestants
The polls will start this tuesday the 2nd
Bracket A
1 - Ling Yao Fullmetal Alchemist vs Will Turner Pirates of the Caribbean
2 - Chigiri Hyoma Blue Lock vs Kasanoda Ritsu OHSHC
3 - Squidward Tentacles Sponge Bob Square Pants vs Link Legend of Zelda
4 - Heimdall Mcu vs Enoch Drebber Ace Attorney
5 - Izuru Kamukura Danganronpa vs Silver Pokémon
6 - Wei Wuxian Mo Dao Zu Shi vs Hua Cheng Heaven's Official Blessing
7 - Wataru Hibiki Ensemble Stars vs Akoya Gero Binan Koukou Chikyuu Bouei-Bu Love
8 - Su Honkai Impact 3rd vs Reyson Fire Emblem
9 - Vanitas Vanitas no Carte vs Athos 3 musketeers
10 - Destruction The Sandman vs Eliot Stardew Valley
11 - Neightan Rot Monster High vs Haruka Hashida Blue Period
12 - Kian Stone Just Roll With It, Show vs Aion Show By Rock
13 - Shulk Xenoblade vs Antonio Identity V
14 - Beelzebub Granblue Fantasy vs Kiun Noragami
15 - Alex Harvey-Iniguez Magical Warrior Diamond Heart vs Fabian Blush Blush
16 - Lord Cedric W.I.T.C.H vs Eithan Aurelius Cradle Series
Bracket B
1 - Korekiyo Shinguji Danganronpa vs Hong Lu Limbus Company
2 - Alucard Castlevania vs Finn The Human Adventure Time
3 - Sakurayashiki Kaoru "Cherry" Sk8 Infinity vs Rosado Fire Emblem
4 - Geralt Of Rivia The Witcher vs Elrond Lord Of The Rings
5 - Inigo Montoya The Princess Bride vs Fire Lord Zuko Avatar The Last Airbender/Avatar The Legend Of Korra
6 - Natural Harmonia Gropius "N" Pokémon vs Loki Mcu
7 - Samsom The Old Testament vs Aramis 3 musketeers
8 - Interdimensional Prince Monster Prom vs Furanui Binan Koukou Chikyuu Bouei-Bu Happy Kiss
9 - Ichirota Kazemaru Inazuma Eleven vs Lucas Rune Factory 5
10 - Helia Winx Club vs Gunpowder Tim The Mechanisms
11 - Shinjiro Nozomi Entropic Float vs Dia Akedia Court of Darkness
12 - Jareth The Goblin King Labyrinth vs Br'aad Vengolor Just Roll With It
13 - Little Creek Spirit vs Bigby Wolf Fables
14 - Terry Bogard Fatal Fury vs Prince Phobos W.I.T.C.H
15 - Dyuradyura Show By Rock vs Noah Kawaii Mansion
16 - Howell Wizard Bee and Puppycat vs Zero Megaman
Bracket C
1 - Inuyasha Inuyasha vs Lucius Fire Emblem
2 - Legolas Lord of the Rings vs Greg Universe Steven Universe
3 - Melli Pokémon vs Shatterstar Marvel
4 - Klavier Gavin Ace Attorney vs Lan Wangji Mo Dao Zu Shi
5 - Chewbacca Star Wars vs Cousin it The Addams Family
6 - Captain Hook Peter Pan vs Edward Elric Fullmetal Alchemist
7 - Tarzan Tarzan vs Razor Genshin Impact
8 - Gerard Keay The Magnus Archives vs Deidara Naruto
9 - Yan Qing Fate Grand Order vs Porthos 3 musketeers
10 - Yue Cardcaptor Sakura vs Headmaster Precure
11 - Kurama Yu Yu Hakusho vs Gillion Tidestrider Just Roll With It
12 - Sitka Brother Bear vs Lord Cob Tales Of Earthsea
13 - Kidou Yuuto Inazuma Eleven Go vs Takumi Ichinose Nana
14 - Peter Cook W.I.T.C.H vs Alec Swordspoint
15 - Peking Duck Food Fantasy vs Karurusu Binan Koukou Chikyuu Bouei-Bu Happy Kiss
16 - Blue Knight Tokyo Mew Mew vs Yakari Yakari
Bracket D
1 - Asakura Hao Shaman King vs Soren Fire Emblem
2 - Sesshomaru Inuyasha vs Christopher Yugioh Zexal
3 - Lord Farquaad Shrek vs Katsura Kotaro Gintama
4 - Jesus The Bible vs Sephiroth Final Fantasy VII
5 - Aoba Seragaki Dramatical Murder vs Basil Hawkins One Piece
6 - Kamui Gakupo Vocaloid vs Nahyuta Sahdmadhi Ace Attorney
7 - Jon Snow Game of Thrones vs Grusha Pokémon
8 - Terumi Furo "Aphorodi" Inazuma Eleven vs Joseph Identity V
9 - Nahobino Shin Megami Tensei vs Kite Hunter x Hunter
10 - Ogron Winx Club vs Niklaus Just Roll With It
11 - D'artagnian 3 musketeers vs Monmon Show by Rock
12 - Xie Lian Heaven's Official Blessing vs Olivier Vanitas no Carte
13 - Xiao Yin Dislyte vs Thane Bauer Watashi no Oshi Wa Akuyaku Reijou
14 - Toki Wartooth Metalocalypse vs Madmartigan Willow
15 - DJ Grooves A Hat In Time vs Jae-ha Akatsuki no Yona
16 - Nezumi No.6 vs Ashe Bradley Witch's Heart
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arialerendeair · 7 months
20 questions for fic writers!
Both @teejaystumbles and @spockandthings tagged me in this, so let's get it done!!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
I just recently posted up my 668 work on Ao3.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
5,129,415 words!!
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Right now, Sandman!! But I also dabble in other fandoms, including Shadowhunters, Supernatural, and a few others!
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
In general- 1. Never Judge A Shadowhunter By Their Scent - 4,712 2. The New York Shadow Market (Featuring Protective Alec Lightwood) - 3,262 3. Magnus Bane: Certified BAMF - 3,252 4. A Curse, A Choice, A Claim - 3,031 5. A Mutually Beneficial Arrangement - 2,887 In Sandman- 1. Hopes & Dreams - 2,482 2. The Art of Seduction Via Longbow - 1,657 3. The Price - 1,220 4. A Husband, A Consort, A Nightmare - 1,089 5. Dreams Make Living Worthwhile - 1,022
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Indeed I do - sometimes months later (as a whole hell of a lot of people know right now from my comment reply spree, lol), but yes! I love taking the time to say thank you - even if you left an emoji - it made me smile and I feel like I should thank you for that!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
With the angstiest ENDING? (I'm a HEA stan, so hold on, this'll take a second.) Probably Learning to Say Goodbye - which has an open/hopeful ending.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
HAPPIEST ending? All of them. Oh man. I don't even know. What do you consider the happiest ending? The Titanic AU - Make It Count (which has the happiest possible ending)? Hopefully - My Hope of the Endless series? (And that's just in the Sandman fandom!)
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I have, yup! I tend not to as a whole, but it has definitely happened!
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Oh yes. What kind? Uh. Well. Everything from the schmoopiest first time possible to all-orifices fucking with magical tentacles, sooo? All of it?
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I HAVE WRITTEN SO MANY AND WILL WRITE SO MANY MORE. The craziest crossover I ever wrote is a 5-fandom crossover - set in the Sandman universe. I pulled in characters from the Hades Game, Supernatural, Shadowhunters, and Good Omens in and had all of them face off against Hell! The War for the Dreaming
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Unfortunately, yes, multiple times. I wish that on no person.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
A great many, in multiple fandoms!! Shout out to awesome co-authors who keep me sane!!
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
Omg I can't pick a FAVORITE. I've had so many over the years, I don't know if I ever could truly pick a favorite. Malec probably comes pretty damn close though, all things considered.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Candy Coated Nightmare. I want to finish it from the perspective of wanting to finish the story - but when the original creator of the gif story quit the fandom due to their work being stolen and stopped the project - finishing the story without them didn't seem right. So while I want to finish it to finish the story - I never will.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I've learned how to hack my ADHD brain and trigger hyperfocus whenever I want using a writing software. Which means I can write very obscene amounts of words, very quickly. (Also experience - I've been doing this for 23+ years now.)
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Editing and research. I hate editing, so none of my fics receive more than a cursory read-through at best. And having to heavily research a fic is what kills my enthusiasm for it faster than anything else, so I avoid it at all costs and make up things as I go along whenever that is an option.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Love the idea - but i think you gotta use the AO3 feature that allows you to put the translation when you click/hover over it!
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Wheeew, we're going back to 2004, okay. Gundam Wing was my first ever fandom I wrote for.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
How the hell am I supposed to pick? I love Make It Count because that fic (all 120k) wrote itself. I love Together We Soar because it was the first long fic I wrote myself. (Long for me, anyways.) I love Alexander is Endlessly Surprising because I wrote 2 full sets of the Oldest Game and I thought I did an AWESOME job. I love The War for the Dreaming because it was an insane undertaking and I managed it. I love Magnus Bane: Certified BAMF because it introduced my favorite OC of all time - Oberon Onyx. So many more I could name, but I'll leave it there, at least for now!
Tagging @moorishflower, @cuubism, @blueberrymffn, @seiya-starsniper and anyone else who wants to participate!!
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Thank you so much for sharing some snippets and ideas of your fanfic (folders)!! 🥺💕 it’s awesome!! I wanna ask you about so many things but that would probably a bit too much 😂😅
I saw your Arrow folders and Rimni and Alec and got really excited!! 🥺💕 I’ll never stop loving this story of yours! Screaming at you on discord about every new chapter was a great time 🥺 :D
Or your Kitsune folder!!! Also one of my favourites!! As well as all your dragon ones!! 🥺💕
Daredevil and Blinded Revenge!! 👀👀 I am so curious!! Sentinel/Guide!!! 💕
Can I ask you about „Dragon Whisperer“ and „Lost Voice“? 👀🥺
Hold Still, Tentacle and Sibling Allergies are also like 👀👀👀👀
Tbh I would ask you about everything (sorry I can’t make decisions 😂💀) sorry for rambling and you don’t have to answer to all of course!!
Thank you for your stories!!! 🥺💕💕💕💕
You are always welcome to ramble lol I enjoy it so much! (I am definitely not a rambler at all, oh no, not *me*) I love hearing from people and I'm so happy to sit and talk fics!!
Now, let's start from the top. I won't give details on all of them, but I can say that I'm still working on the Arrow sequel, I promise - and the Rimni and Alec folder is actually *not* part of the Arrow Through Time universe ;) It's a separate, dragon story I couldn't quite resist, but have never wrapped up the last chapter on and published. Cause, it's not a story with Magnus - Alec isn't old enough for him yet. :D
The kitsune folder was really just the one that houses the kitsune!Magnus and ideas I'd had for more but never did more than look at, say hm, and move on.
Daredevil is a fuuuuuuuuun (well, for me) fic where, you guessed it, I used the idea of enhanced senses for the blind like Daredevil, and proceed to play around for a while.
Now, Dragon Whisperer is literally a story where Alec is the dragon whisperer, said in a joking way the same way people write stories about him being a baby whisperer. It's where someone discovers a dragon egg after Valentine is dead and gone, the first dragon born in ages, and when it comes out the little thing tries to go after everyone, but it adores Alec. And as they encounter more, as the dragons start to hesitantly return to the world, he manages to make a peace with them when they swore never to talk to shadowhunters again, mostly because he has proven so kind to their young.
Lost Voice is exactly what it sounds like and then some - someone decides that they want to stop Alec and the politics he's pushing, they want to take down this too progressive shadowhunter, only they *know* they can't kill him. Because then he'd, A) become a martyr and B) not only would Magnus save him, if they *did* succeed he'd rip them all apart, and a guy with the power of Edom at his fingertips is not someone they want to go against. So instead, they plot to take away the thing that's helping him push forward, the thing convincing everyone to follow his lead - his voice. How can he politic and argue with the Clave or even *lead an Institute* if he can't even speak? That's their mindset, at least (they have no idea just how determined Alec is, and how far he'll go to fight for what's right, voice or no voice)
I don't have any snips to share, I'm sorry! But I hope that answered you well enough :D
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lynne-monstr · 1 year
One line any fic! Rules: pick ten of your fics, scroll to somewhere midpoint, pick a line chunk and share it, and then tag ten people.
I was tagged a while back by @glorious-spoon. Thanks!! I feel like I’ve talked about my 2022 fic a lot so I’m going to make an effort to include some much older fic too!
1.  Solicited Noods (Leverage, 2017)
Beneath her, Quinn was opening the suitcase and showing its contents to the gang leader. Even from this high up Parker recognized the stack of papers as being identical to the labels on Peggy’s contraband jams. She was begrudgingly impressed. Drugs hidden in the adhesive. Easy to transport. Easy to hide in plain sight.
Peggy’s voice broke into her reverie. “I know, but at least yesterday I could pretend he wasn’t working with the people who tried to kill me. My cats and I are going to die single and alone,” she lamented.
2. your name whispered on the wind (The King’s Avatar, 2020)
Huang Shaotian gives up on the notebooks and stands. He’s paler than usual, a smudge of dark circles bruising the thin skin under his eyes. Or perhaps it’s just the overhead light, projecting Yu Wenzhou’s concerns onto the canvas of his face. Even his shirt is muted, a dark blue instead of his usual bright yellows and greens.
3. The Man in That One Suit (Person of Interest/What Not To Wear, 2013)
“Now he, on the other hand.” The co-host, Stacy, chimed in, walking over to Finch and appraising him from head to toe.
“A study in perfection,” Clinton agreed, a finger lightly tapping his lip in appreciation.
4. the shifting shapes of clouds (Shadowhunters, 2020)
Lorenzo’s gasp is poorly hidden and Magnus amuses himself in the growing silence by imagining the scandalized look that must be scrawled across Lorenzo’s face. He keeps his back turned and his magic ready. It’s both a test and a challenge.
Surprisingly enough, Lorenzo passes on both counts. “It’s probably for the best that I did not know that about you when I first came to New York.” Try as he might, Lorenzo can’t entirely hide the shake in his voice.
5. #work hard nap hard (The King’s Avatar, 2021)
Jokes aside, the napping pics have been heating up and we’re here to round up what’s fact and what’s fiction about Blue Rain’s afternoon delights.
Fact: The team really does keep a collection of “napping blankets” on hand. Their blanket cherry was popped by their very own Zheng Xuan. Bonus fact: Team Captain Yu Wenzhou is most frequently seen napping with the very same blue blanket that took his team’s innocence.
Yeah, we all wish we were that blanket
Fiction: Blue Rain team orgies. Sorry tanks, healers, and DPS dealers, but that rumor is Busted! Our correspondent onsite confirms only good wholesome fun is to be found with these boys.
6. strange partnership (Shadowhunters, 2019)
“I suppose it wouldn’t be fair to keep you here, but I can’t take you back either.” A sense of dread settles over Alec. If this man takes him captive, there’s not much he can do. Hodge had taken Alec’s cutlass and his pistol before pushing him overboard. He doesn’t even have the set of thin metal rods that have gotten him out locked rooms before.
He swallows around the tentacle in his mouth, his throat suddenly dry.
7. flicker (The King’s Avatar, 2022)
Yu Wenzhou tries not to think about how many versions of himself have fallen to this creature. “I can say no.” He’s figured this much out already. If he has to guess, he’d say it needs his permission to cross over into his stream. “You waited too long. You’ll die if I do.”
The lights flicker, faster this time. Yu Wenzhou doubles over, the taste of blood in his mouth.
‘I’ll take you with me.’ The voice sears into his head, splitting his brain apart.
8. Condiment War (Hetalia/Highlander, 2013)
Eyes narrowing in suspicion, Prussia cocked his head in thought. Back in the days when he led armies into battle, he would have traded entire divisions for a mind like Pierson's. "You're damn good at this, for a linguistics nerd."
Pierson gave an abashed smile. "A lot of the documents saved for posterity are old military correspondence. Guess I picked up a few additional talents in the translation process. Oh, also receipts. I can discuss archaic trading practices at length, if you'd prefer." His brow furrowed in mock contemplation. "There were a suspicious amount of goats changing hands."
9. Means of Transportation (The King’s Avatar, 2021-2022)
“I’m fine, why wouldn’t I be fine. It’s Wenzhou who has the problem, not me. Nothing bad happened to me, which you would have known if you came to our conference.” The phone suddenly feels red hot in his hand and he’s tempted to end the call.
“You’ve always been a shitty liar.”
“Your face is shitty.”
“You’ll be lucky to look this good when you’re my age.”
The laugh dies in Huang Shaotian’s throat, leaving behind a tight ache. “I miss him.” The words slip out in a whisper. What did he do wrong that all his captains keep leaving him?
10. This is not a ghost story (The King’s Avatar, 2022)
"Have you ever heard of a kid named Huang Shaotian?"
Wei Chen’s face, normally etched in a perpetual scowl, falls. He pivots in his chair to give Yu Wenzhou his full attention. "Where'd you hear that name?"
tagging: @faejilly, @shadaras, @forerussake, @saxifactumterritum, @prince-of-elsinore, @gingersnapwolves, @geniuskaktus, @humanformdragon, @carmenlire, @bytheangell
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dayscrazed · 4 years
The Lost Book of the White, page 202:
Elyaas: "Hey, is that Alec? So you two crazy kids made it work! Congratulations, guys, really."
Magnus: "Elyaas. You're Elyaas, aren't you?"
Alec: "Magnus, how are you and this demon acquainted?"
Elyaas: "You know- Elyaas! Magnus must have told you about me. We were roommates!"
Magnus: "We weren't roommates. I summoned him to my apartment. Once."
Elyaas: "But I was there all day! What did you end up getting Alec for his birthday?"
Magnus: "I summoned Elyaas as part of a job, a few years ago. Just standard business stuff, nothing exciting."
Elyaas: "He was trying to figure out what to get you for your birthday. I always knew you two would end up together...So, are you guys married? Got any kids?"
Alec: "We have a kid now."
Elyaas: "That's wonderful. I do love children."
Jace: "I assume you mean to eat."
Elyaas: "You stepped on my line."
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malecftmaxrafe · 2 years
“Thanks for coming by,” Elyaas said cheerfully. As Alec passed him, he added, “So you’re the famous Alec. Hmm.”
“What?” Alec snapped.
“Nothing,” said Elyaas. “I just thought you’d be better-looking, that’s all.”
Alec blinked at him. Behind him, Jace stifled a laugh.
“When I heard how he talked about you, I thought, this guy has to have a ton of tentacles. Hundreds of tentacles! But look at you.” He shook his head sadly. “None at all.”
Alec walked on without further comment.
―The Lost Book of the White, The Eldest Curses 2.
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plus-size-reader · 3 years
Angel Blood
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Clary Fray x Plus size!reader
Word Count: 2113 words
Warnings: none
Summary: The reader has been protecting Clary all her life, and hiding a huge secret. 
Clary was almost positive that she was out of her mind. 
After everything she’d seen at the club tonight, she had to be going crazy. 
Of course she was because there was no other explanation for what was going on. Everything that she had seen, everything that was going on, it wasn’t real. 
There was no way any of this was real. 
People didn’t just vanish out of thin air ever, and that thing in the club had tentacles in its face, not to mention the fact that she was ninety-nine percent sure that she had killed a guy. It was hardly what she’d expected from her eighteenth birthday when she woke up this morning.
Still, she knew what she saw.
There was no way to explain it, and she was sure that she was going insane, but at least she knew what she had seen. 
If there was anything she had, it was that, and thankfully, it was more than enough for you to help her. When she told you what had happened, you believed her completely and totally, which did make her feel a little better. 
Though, to be fair, you knew a lot more about this than she did. 
This was in her blood.
Clary was a shadowhunter, she was born for this, and while it didn’t make sense now, you were sure that she would adjust. All she needed was time, and a little guidance, which you and the others would be able to give her. 
Not that you wanted Jace to be involved at all. 
After all, it was his idea to bring her back to the institute, which was a terrible idea from the start. Mundanes couldn’t be here, ever, and there wasn’t supposed to be any exceptions to that, even where Clary was concerned. 
She couldn’t just be here. 
You told Jace that as soon as he got back, holding her tight to his chest all full of demon venom, but were immediately ignored by the male. He had already made up his mind, and when he did that, there was nothing you could do to stop him. 
Logic didn’t have a place in Jace’s mind. 
In general, this wasn’t something that you tended to deal in because mundane business wasn’t for you to worry about but for some reason, he had this idea that he had to save her. 
He wanted to keep her safe. 
You understood that this mattered to him, for whatever reason, but this was a bit much.
Alec made the argument that bringing her here was dangerous for not only her but also everyone else in the building, and this was one of those rare instances where you found yourself inclined to agree with him.
Jace had gone too far and now, he’d managed to rope you all in with him. 
It was insane. 
You had been watching over her and Jocelyn all your life, but now, Jace had just swooped in to save the day. It was something that there was no going back from and you just had to hope that when Clary woke up, she’d be able to handle it. 
“How could you be so reckless?” you huffed, protecting Clary was your job. 
You had been her best friend forever and you were someone she was familiar with. If anyone was going to take care of her in Jocelyn’s absence, it should have been you. 
It was literally all you were here for, but in typically Jace Wayland fashion, he had found a way to take that out from under you as well. 
Now, you were going to have to get past him to do anything, like you always had to, as if the other shadowhunters needed another reason to doubt your abilities.  
“I saved her life, shouldn’t you be thanking me?” he grinned, that telling smirk on his face that remained there indefinitely. Normally, you would have just shrugged him off but today you could have knocked off if you felt so inclined. 
He could be so frustrating sometimes, so sure of himself that no one else mattered. 
It was nearly enough to drive you out of your mind. 
In all the years that you had known Clary, you had kept a close relationship with all of the shadowhunters as well. You were one of them, and though this life was a difficult one, hiding it from Clary and all, it was just what you had to do. 
You had to protect her, more than anything else, and as difficult as it was, that was all that mattered at the end of the day. 
Jocelyn loved you like a child of her own, she trusted you with her secrets and most importantly, she trusted you to protect Clary when she couldn’t. That was the whole reason you were here, the whole reason you had been by her side for so many years. 
At this point, you loved her more than anyone and you certainly didn’t want her getting involved with Jace Wayland.
Not because you were jealous, of course, but because you wanted what was best for her. 
That was all.  
“I’ll thank you when I’m sure she’s safe” you countered, gingerly brushing a lock of her hair from her face, where it had fallen in the entire tussle. She was in a lot of pain, with the venom taking its toll on her, but her body was taking the healing rune well. 
She was going to be fine. 
However, until she was awake and calmed down, you weren’t going to be able to relax. 
For whatever reason, this was the most stressful thing you’d ever gone through. You’d had years to go run through this in your mind, but now that it was happening, you were lost. 
This wasn’t supposed to happen like this. 
Jocelyn had been careful, crazy even, so that Clary wouldn’t find out about who and what she was before you were ready to deal with it, but now, you were on your own. She wasn’t here to help you figure this out. 
For now, Jocelyn was gone and you just had to do your best to explain this whole thing to her. 
“She’s going to be fine, she’s one of us. She’s strong” Jace shrugged, looking down at her from where he was at your side, still doing his best to figure out what it was about her that was so special. 
Clearly, she had made an imprint on the both of you and he wasn’t even sure why yet. To be fair though, he didn’t know her like you did. 
He never could. 
“Yeah, that’s one thing we can agree on” you allowed, gingerly giving him a shrug. You weren’t sure what it was you were going to do when she woke up, or how blending your two worlds into one would work, but before you could worry about it, she shot up in bed. 
The action was quick and startled you slightly but you didn’t pay that any mind. Instead, you sat down beside her and did the only thing you knew to do, the thing you were best at. 
You tried to calm her down. 
Even now, that was all you could think about. 
“Good Morning sleepyhead” you tried, doing your best to stay calm, but it was a sad attempt at best. You were clearly shaken, startled over her abrupt awakening, but thankfully, Clary was still a little out of it.
To her, this whole thing must have felt like a dream, so she only smiled at you at first. What had happened today was the last thing on her mind as she looked at you, at least, for a few seconds. 
However, as soon as she reached up and grazed the portal shard hanging around her neck, she panicked. The object brought back everything she’d gone through in the past few hours and the recollection she had was distressing to her. 
No one in their right mind would handle it well, you knew that without a shadow of a doubt. 
While you weren’t surprised by the world you’d grown up in, you weren’t under any illusions as to how jarring it must have been to her. Waking up in this place was more than enough to freak her out, and Jace certainly wasn’t helping either. 
“What is going on? Where are we? Where is my mother?” she asked, immediately bringing all the current issues to the forefront. 
They were swirling around in her head, looming over her, and not one of them made sense. It was too much and you definitely couldn’t blame her for being overwhelmed. 
“We will explain everything Clary, trust me” you hummed, taking her hand in your own in one final attempt at comforting her. You had no idea how this would go, but if nothing else, at least she was at the institute now. 
As difficult as Jace could be to deal with, you knew that she would be safe as long as he was looking out for her. 
At the very least, you could give him that.
Jace wasn’t exactly thrilled when you asked her for a moment alone with Clary to explain but eventually, he decided that it would just be best to do as you asked. The two of you had an understanding, that it would be much better to just try to find common ground. 
Besides, Jace wasn’t exactly the best one to tell her everything, not when there was so much technical history to bring her up to speed on. 
She needed you. 
“What is going on?” she repeated, not speaking again until you returned to her bedside, having stepped away for a moment to ask Jace for some privacy. She had no idea what was going on yet, and unfortunately, you weren’t sure your explanation would help. 
There was just too much happening in your world to sum up in one conversation. 
Still, you knew that you had to try. 
“I’ll fill you in more as it comes up, but there are some things I need to tell you before then” you started, hoping that the more you filled her in, the easier this would get for her to digest, but that wasn’t going to happen. 
Mundanes couldn’t handle the world outside that they were used to, and while Clary wasn’t necessarily mundane, she had been raised that way. Until you figured out what Jocelyn wanted for her, you had to just fly by the seat of your pants through this whole thing. 
“We’re Shadowhunters, Clar” you hummed, giving her a soft smile as you often did while looking at her. Even now, as disoriented and lost as she was, she was the most beautiful girl you’d ever seen. 
Hopefully as this whole thing came into the light, you would actually see the benefits of bringing her fully into your world. 
At least she would understand you completely now. 
“We have angel blood, and that makes it our responsibility to protect the human world from demons and other downworlders” you tried, finding it much more difficult to sum up everything that being a shadowhunter intold than you would have thought. 
It was really complicated.
Still, Clary didn’t seem completely lost as you assumed she would. She was bewildered of course, but she was silent by the time you’d finished, startling you that much more. For whatever reason, it was more alarming than if she would have freaked out. 
It just made you worry that much more that she was losing it. 
“I know it’s a lot, but I’m going to be here the whole time to help you figure it out. You’re going to be okay” 
The words came out forced but you really meant them. It wasn’t going to be easy, but you knew that no matter what came your way, the two of you would be able to deal with it. 
You always had, and now that the rest of the shadowhunters were involved, it would be even easier. 
You could do this. 
“Please don’t leave, there’s no way I can manage all this without you” she hummed, after a few seconds of silence as she thought over what you were suggesting. She had lost way too much already and if she had to do this without you, she’d be completely lost. 
She couldn’t do this without you. 
“Clar, I’m not going anywhere” you promised, this time fully confident in the words leaving your lips. You loved Clary, and whether or not she knew it, there was nothing you wouldn’t do for her. 
No matter what happened, nothing was going to happen to her. 
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facialteeth · 3 years
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This is my masterpost for @shadowhunterbingo​. Thank you so much to everyone who ran this event! This was my first year joining and it was so fun.
Mundane AU | Magnus is a very recently single father. Alec is Magnus' new bodyguard | Malec, gen | Ao3, tumblr. 
Single Parent | That was one good thing about having a difficult teenage son. Magnus knew that Raphael would put any of his romantic partners right to the test, even if Magnus wished he wouldn't | Malec, Magnus & Raphael, gen | Ao3, tumblr. 
Fake Relationship | Simon had only been a shadowhunter for a few weeks when he asked Jace to sneak out and help him break into a police station to steal something for his friend | Jimon, gen | Ao3, tumblr. 
New Years Eve | Jonathan was not meant to be loved. Sebastian was not meant to be dead. Both could be true. If something that was not meant to occur had to happen, Jonathan would choose the one in which Sebastian had not died for no reason | Jonathan/Sebastian, MCD, Dead dove: Do not eat | Ao3, tumblr. 
Spy AU | When Alec adopted a warlock, he expected that people would be watching him closely. He didn't expect the High Warlock to follow him while he was running errands | Magnus & Alec, Alec & Baby Max, gen | Ao3, tumblr. 
Mates | Alec thinks about the people he loves and he thinks about how differently he loves them | Magic (Meliorn/Alec/Magnus), gen | Ao3, tumblr. 
Summoning | Jonathan summoned Raziel to beg for help but when the angel finally arrived, Jonathan found that he could not speak at all. Still, the angel heard him and Jonathan heard the angel, kind of | Jonathan Shadowhunter/Angel Raziel, NSFW, Consent Issues | Ao3, tumblr. 
Rivals | The rivalry between Magnus and Ragnor was the gossip of the downworld and really, who were they to deny the downworld a show? | Ragnor & Magnus, Side Malec, gen | Ao3, tumblr. 
Christmas Fic | Magnus wasn't quite sure how he was going to spend his Christmas but struggling to close a rift in the middle of an icy hellscape as a sweet surprising shadowhunter offered him assistance wasn't quite what Magnus expected | Malec, gen | Ao3, tumblr. 
Reverse Verse | When Valentine decided to take his children and leave, he'd done so because he knew that Jocelyn was far beyond saving | Valentine/Luke, gen | Ao3, tumblr. 
Halloween Fic | There was something in Alec's apartment and he was pretty sure it was trying to seal him inside | Malec, Demon Magnus | Ao3, tumblr. 
Royalty AU | Being an orc, Magnus knew that the primarily nordic people of his village did not like him but Magnus didn't realize just how deep that hatred went | Malec, mature for violence | Ao3, tumblr. 
Free Space | Jace didn't go to the bar to watch Simon sing but when he realized Simon was on stage, he could think of nothing else. Afterwards, Jace knew he needed a distraction and he needed it now. Thankfully, Maia was more than willing to shove every thought right out of his head | Onesided Jimon, Jace/Maia | Ao3, tumblr.
Omega/Omega | When Alec presented as an omega instead of the alpha he knew he was supposed to be, he knew his life was over. Magnus was an omega and two omegas could never be together | Malec, gen | Ao3, tumblr.
Tentacles | Magnus finds out that Ragnor has another warlock mark, despite Ragnor's best efforts to hide it | Magnus & Ragnor, gen | Ao3, tumblr. 
Fairies Made Them Do It | The Clave was offering Alec a chance at a life he'd never had but choosing that life would mean leaving everything Alec had ever known behind - including Meliorn | Meliorn/Alec, gen | Ao3, tumblr.
Vampire!Alec | With Magnus busy on a plane, Alec knew that it was up to him to plan he and Magnus' costumes for the party later. Thankfully, he had twitter to help him come up with ideas | Malec, gen | Ao3, tumblr. 
Fairytale AU | There was one simple fact about Jace’s life. He could not live without Alec. So, when Alec was taken out into the ocean never to break the surface again, Jace knew that he had to follow him, no matter what it took to do so | Jace/Alec/Magnus, teen | Ao3, tumblr.
Sex Club | Sex clubs weren't exactly Raphael's thing but Simon liked them, so Raphael tended to go to make sure he was okay.On one of these occasions, Raphael happens to get lucky... for Simon | Simon/Raphael, implied Simon/Raphael/Izzy, mature for sexual location | Ao3, tumblr. 
Warlock!Izzy | When Isabelle Lightwood first realized she had magic, she'd gone to Magnus Bane for help. She didn't expect to meet a girl there, a girl who regardless of how many times they met, did not remember her | Izzy/Clary, gen | Ao3, tumblr. 
Soulmate AU | When everyone heard that Andrew and Lorenzo were soulmates, the entire school had assumed that it was a joke. They show everyone fairly quickly that it is not a joke | Reyhill, gen | Ao3, tumblr. 
Hurt/comfort | For a long time, Jonathan thought that Sebastian was just being nice to him to get something from him but at some point, Sebastian managed to convince him otherwise | Jonathan/Sebastian, gen | Ao3, tumblr. 
Truth Serum | Alec would have complimented Magnus if they were in any other situations - if Magnus hadn't been about to rip the words from Alec's throat that would mean the end for his people | Malec, teen | Ao3, tumblr. 
Ragnor Ships It | When Magnus woke Ragnor up in the middle of the night to give him the horrible suit he'd found, Magnus had truly expected that to be the end of it. He assumed he'd never see Ragnor actually wear the suit - until Ragnor showed up at Magnus' wedding, wearing it | Ragnor & Magnus, side malec, gen | Ao3, tumblr. 
Accidental Marriage | In which Alec and Magnus got married when Alec marched down the aisle and kissed Magnus, unbeknown to them both | Malec, gen | Ao3, tumblr. 
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poemsfromthealley · 3 years
first lines meme
Rules: List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20, just list them all!). See if there are any patterns. Choose your favorite opening line. Then tag 10 of your favorite authors!
I was tagged by @lynne-monstr. and @ladymatt, so here goes! I'm just gonna pick the last 20 fics I posted to ao3, regardless of completion status.
1. Talking With Strangers (Shadowhunters, malec, university AU w/ marriage of convenience and an approximate fuckton of pining)
On the day that is going to define the rest of his life, Alec jerks awake to the gentle chiming of his phone and proceeds to fall off the couch.
2. The Stair Into the Sea (SH, malec, The Lighthouse Fic, i.e. the magnum opus, a magical realism au with a haunted seaside village and a fraught summer romance) [NSFW in chapter 10]
Magnus stepped off the coach onto the grizzled asphalt of the tiny bus station and thought, not for the first time, You're out of your head, Bane. And the next bus service out of this place is the day after tomorrow.
3. The Underwater Heart (SH, malec, fairytale AU w/ a soulbond twist)
Far across the ocean, in a kingdom whose name is lost to time, there lived a young prince.
4. Bramble (SH, clizzy, canon-divergence getting-together fic, on semi-hiatus until I figure out a kink in the plot)
Isabelle has a problem. Like a not insignificant number of her problems, it starts with a kiss.
5. From the Green Shadows (SH, malec, The Witcher fusion, Alec & Magnus as fellow monster hunters — this is the PWP coda to the main fic) [NSFW link]
Magnus weaves through the crowd, a tin mug held high in each hand. Alec watches his progress as he ducks around a server with a flourish of apology, a quick, glittering smile.
6. is it bright where you are (SH, malec, post-canon, fluff w/ (im)mortality talk)
Magnus collapses into the pillows with sticky, boneless satisfaction, limbs going every which way. Alec presses a damp kiss on his brow. "Be right back."
7. The Birthday of the Sea (SH, Alec & Maia, lighthouse fic prequel about their friendship)
On his thirtieth day as a lightkeeper, Alec woke to find a girl in the parking lot.
8. Walkers of the Winding Path (SH, malec, The Witcher fusion, the main fic in the verse, a fantasy road trip romance w/ a helping of family feelings) [last two chapters are NSFW]
The first frost of autumn surprises Alec on the road. The forest pond near which he camped is covered in glittering rime so fine that it melts at a brush of his fingers. Horse stamps and snorts on her tether, her breath forming clouds in the dagger-sharp dawn air.
9. ring the bells that still can ring (Star Wars sequel trilogy, jedistormpilot, The Return of Skywalker coda)
The night after they win the war, only the wounded sleep.
10. you who have come from my old country (SH, malec, Magnus after Alec, post-canon, a take on the future of the New York Institute)
On a crisp, cloud-strewn day in September, Magnus goes up the steps of the New York Institute for the first time.
11. the wine of your dreams (SH, malec, canon-verse PWP w/ friendly tentacles) [NSFW link]
Here's a thing about dating Magnus Bane: just when Alec thinks he has the hang of it, something new comes up.
12. to make the saints attend them long (SH, malec, canon-verse future fic, implied main character death)
When Alec falls, Magnus doesn't sense it.
13. as if I have eaten fire (SH, malec, canon-verse PWP w/ light D/s) [NSFW link]
Fingers dip into the hollow of Alec's spine with idle curiosity, followed by the mark of a kiss between his shoulder blades. He gasps through the last of his dream. His back curves into the touch before his waking mind catches up.
14. Will They Sing of Us (SH, malec, canon-divergence from 3.10, mid-danger wedding fic during a hypothetical siege of Alicante)
The streets of Alicante burn.
15. an act of faith against the night (SH, malec, canon-divergent 3.18 coda where Alec can’t go through with the breakup)
Alec turns away, and all Magnus knows is the white flare of panic eating up the air in his lungs.
16. a hazy shade of winter (SH, malec, another canon divergence from 3.18 w/ Magnus dealing with his magic loss)
First of all, Alec comes to Magnus and says, What if we contact your father.
17. Rosemary For the Soul (SH, malec, 3.12 coda, a domestic evening w/ stories from Magnus’s past and emotionally fraught sex) [NSFW link]
The front door sounds just as Alec is staring, with semi-religious fervor, at the final stages of his baking experiment in the oven.
18. Book of Days (SH, malec, 3.11 coda feat. Magnus carrying the memory of everyone he’s loved)
Magnus breaks gently from Alec's grip, muttering about the time and feeling drowsy.
19. love has drawn red from my hands (SH, malec, 3.10 coda feat. bad coping via sex and eventual emotional catharsis) [NSFW link]
There is a sense of wrongness in Magnus's mind like a splinter dug into flesh.
20. bodies full of untold stories (SH, malec, canon-verse case fic w/ accidental soul bond set in early season 3, Magnus & Alec (& Izzy) solve the mystery of a potion gone wrong) [last chapter is NSFW]
It happened on an ordinary Thursday.
So. I cheated slightly by quoting the whole opening paragraph for each story. In most cases, that is a single sentence. This tells me I like to find a short and distinctive opening line (and sometimes I can spend days looking for the right one; the rest of the fic is basically there but if I don’t know where to start I cannot get to it).
I like to start with an emotion or a specific image. Usually I’ll use the opening line to showcase that emotion/image and then start on the wider context in the next paragraph. #20 is a good example of that: the “ordinary Thursday” stands lonesome as its own paragraph, and the next sentence expands on Magnus at his potion experiment. #12 and #14 also fall into this category.
Also, I should never again start a fic with Alec waking up. That is clearly a thing I do too much. xD
I can’t pick one favourite, but right now I really like opening lines #1, #4 and #11. They’re snappy and evocative and also set the tone of the fic nicely.
Here are no-pressure tags for @lightwormsiblings, @faejilly, @electricshoebox, @firstaudrina, @ohfreckle, @la-muerta, @bytheangell — and whoever else wants this. Feel free to blame me, as usual!
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Wednesday prompt: Alec and Magnus having a series of near-misses before actually meeting, ie: being at the same rift but on separate sides, arriving after the other departs, etc.
i hope you enjoy where i ended up going with this! thank you for the prompt!
Alec curses as he falls, the tentacle of a demon curling around his ankle and yanking him from the roof. He didn’t sense it, so focused on protecting his siblings’ back but here, there is no one to have his back.
Alec focuses on what weapons he’ll need, because he’ll survive the fall, but he might not survive the demon dragging him down.
The fight that follows when he half-crashes into a demon’s maw is brutal and bloody and Alec rips out several of its teeth before he can finally find an opening in softness of its gums and shove an adamas tipped arrow in its brain.
It’s the first time he’s killed in close combat with arrows instead of a sword and he stares at his hands, the stinging pain of them and in front of him, he can see an explosion of magic.
It’s beautiful and brilliant and something in him yearns to step forward, to move closer… but Alec’s legs give out and he grits his teeth, resetting the broken femur he’s been ignoring. It snaps into place with an echo of magic and Alec activates his iratze and wonders if maybe he hit his head harder than he thought.
Magnus sidesteps a wad of venom and sighs as it disintegrates the asphalt. It’s always so tedious to fight in an urban setting, but Magnus enjoys Brooklyn and Brooklyn enjoys him.
It’s with a sigh that he whips fiery magic around the demon and brings it to heel, caging its massive head in with more and more bands until it can only screech and rattle.
Magnus is done milking its venom in minutes and as soon as he’s finished, he snaps his fingers, the magical bonds searing through it until there is nothing left but ash.
There’s another demon, sluggish and slow and it thinks it’s tracking Magnus. He turns, ready to trap it and instead watches as a ray of moonlight cuts through the air, fletched with red as it sinks into the demon’s skull. The shot of the archer was beautiful, especially when Magnus follows the trajectory and sees a tall, dark silhouette on a roof. The archer is already turning away, arrows flying as he culls the demons from above.
There’s a sense of poetry, to seeing a nephilim so high, as if he’s one of Raziel’s truly beloved. For a moment, Magnus imagines that the nephilim will sprout wings and soar… but instead the shadowhunter takes three steps backwards and then takes off, running across the roof until they jump, gliding through the air until they land on another roof.
It’s crude yet elegant and Magnus idly collects divinely scattered demon ash into a jar and wonders.
Alec groans as he stares across the observation deck. Jace is looking worse and worse and while Alec wants to be there when the High Warlock arrives, it’s not a necessity.  Which, Alec is thankful for seeing as it seems he’ll be hauling about half of his shadowhunters to the infirmary.
Alec never notices the tall, well-dressed man who walks into the Institute with a smirk on his face and magic in his step. He doesn’t see a curious gaze lingering on him.
Instead, he focuses on carrying the five shadowhunters who all seem to have come down with the same illness to the infirmary.
Alec is sure that his shadowhunters will find a more than suitable cure for their hangovers, and then he’ll cure them of their stupidity in drinking before an important event as well.
Magnus stares, transfixed at the vision in his club.
There’s something about him that’s familiar and while Magnus can tell he’s a nephilim, he’s not one that Magnus has had the pleasure of meeting. It only makes Magnus more curious, more enticed and he’s distracted as he watches his shadowhunter linger on the edges of the crowd.
Magnus watches him constantly, keeping a careful eye on his boy as he brusquely sends his client away.
He’s gone.
Vanished as if he were never here and it’s only the thrumming of his wards, intoxicated by a nephilim presence that prevent Magnus from thinking he dreamt it.
Alec struggles to keep his eyes open as he trudges through the shadows of new York. It’s dawn and while he’d like nothing more than to already be back at the Institute and asleep, he can’t risk using another rune.
Instead, his pace is slow and lumbering and it’s hard to remember the path, even though Alec’s memorized every single route possible. There’s a moment where he feels the same heady thrill of magic and he sighs, something wistful as it passes him by.
For a moment, he’d almost thought it was real and then he’s tripping, reaching out to catch himself and instead, being caught.
“Hello,” Magnus croons softly from where he managed to turn and catch his boy. “Were you just dropping by?”
It’s terrible and awful and his shadowhunter snorts, a startled sound that surprises him by the way he freezes.
“No energy for runes—” his boy tells him, carefully honest and with tired, swollen eyes that flutter shut, entranced by a taste of rest.
“Oh no, not yet pretty boy.” Magnus tells him, hooking an arm around his waist. “You’re in no condition to be going anywhere.”
Anywhere that isn’t with Magnus, that is.
There’s a confused blink, like a particularly tired cat being made to move and then his boy is buckling, going limp into Magnus’ hold. It’s as if his body is letting out a giant sigh of relief, safe in the knowledge that Magnus will catch him.
“Sleep well, darling.” Magnus murmurs as he lifts his shadowhunter up with magic and carefully picks him up.
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into-the-daniverse · 3 years
The Strait of Sirens
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When the game map doesn’t give you the waterways you want, just carve them out yourself, am I right?
In this case, I’ve carved a strait from the Sea of Persephia to the Salty Sea, purely so my pirates can cross paths more. And it wouldn’t be a fantasy location in my canon if it didn't have something supernatural—so there’s also sirens.
This would come up in my canon specifically in Muriel’s route, where he and MC (Alec or Viviane depending) need to travel south. But before the events of the game, this gets used a lot by the band traveling back and forth over years, and obviously, by the pirates.
Gonna put most of this under the cut to save your dash!
Let’s start with the name of the strait.
The Strait of Sirens is inhabited and guarded by fairly neutral aligned sirens. Neutral as in they hate all humans equally. They’ve been there for a very long time, and they don’t plan on leaving anytime soon.
The strait itself is fairly big. Traveling through the strait takes about a week to cross from one end to the other on an average sized ship, so there are a number of small towns scattered across on both sides with at least one substantial inn for travelers to rest at along the way. The towns all have enchantments on them, so once a ship is docked, it is considered safe, and the sirens can’t affect it or any of the crew members.
Both entrances to the strait are guarded by sirens from two different clans. One clan guards the entrance to the Sea of Persephia, and the other the entrance to the Salty Seas. The entrances look like this; large jagged rocks meant to discourage ships from entering.
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For this reason, only experienced sailors usually attempt to enter. Though, once past the entrance, it’s pretty smooth sailing. Because the sirens themselves are enough of a threat. 
Onto the sirens themselves; they don't look human. 
Well, they kind of do, in the same way that Valdemar does. 
Their skin is translucent, and their fins glow in the dead of night. Their teeth are too sharp to offer a comforting smile, and their eyes are too much like fish eyes to give any warmth as they peek over the waves. They all have long hair, but hair is a loose term, as it’s more like another appendage, laced with seaweed and rope from wrecked ships. 
Not all of them have fish tails, some have tentacles, some beaks like squids. Some of them look more human than others, and they act as lures, sometimes pretending to be drowning so a naive sailor will jump in to “save” them.
They are not considered attractive (conventionally) and they don’t lure travelers into the depths by appealing to their sexual appetite. Instead, they use illusion magic in their songs to show their victims either their wildest fantasy, most horrible fear, or best kept secret. Whatever is the strongest pull is what will be shown to them.
They sing in a style similar to Kulning, an ancient Swedish herding call, except they’re herding the travelers off their ships, instead of calling cows home. This is an excellent example of what they would sound like.
They don’t speak in any known language, those who have heard it say it sounds more like clicking. They are not easily reasoned with, highly temperamental, and prone to feeding frenzies. If some poor unfortunate slips over the railing, they are to be considered dead the moment they hit the water.
And here’s a little siren moodboard for the aesthetics.
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Generally, all ships that pass through the strait have to do the old “plug your ears and hope for the best” routine as they sail through, but the closer you get to the towns, the safer you are. 
Some ships employ magicians for the purpose of counteracting the sirens, as a seven day journey is a long time for most vessels to go without hearing. When the band travels on supply ships Alec is usually sought after, as her vocal magic works directly against them.
She can use her magic to sing over them, and to cancel out their illusions. This takes a lot of concentration, and she can’t sing for seven days straight, so it’s only used when absolutely necessary.
For my pirates, they each have their own way to cross the strait safely.
For Meredith, she has Saoirse. They are the only thing the sirens fear, as all seas feed into each other, and the water from the Frozen Sea has a lot of stories to tell about the Pirate Queen’s quartermaster. The crew is still encouraged to keep quiet, and to keep away from the railings, as the sirens will try to snatch any distracted crew member. She usually stops at a few towns on their way to let the crew rest.
Rodrigo doesn’t know the extent of his magic, but he knows how to use it well enough to challenge the illusions that the sirens cast. It takes a ridiculous amount of energy, and he hates doing it, but in the case that the crew can’t just plug their ears, he can redirect the sirens illusions. He can even cast illusions on the sirens, though not for very long. His crew is the only one who’s been able to retrieve members after they fell into the water, as he can make the sirens think the crew member fell in a different spot just long enough for Jacqui or someone else to fish them out. He’ll stop at villages frequently just to get away from the sirens as much as possible.
The sirens hate Syd, and seeing Inuwashi on the horizon will send them into a frenzy. But he has agreements with both clan leaders (agreements, thinly veiled threats, hostages—the Sea Palace has a few sirens hidden in the catacombs) so they let him and his crew pass. Because his ship is much smaller and faster, it takes him closer to four days to cross the strait, so usually he’ll only stop at one town to rest up, or he’ll just push through for the four days straight.
Now as mentioned above, there are a handful of towns across both sides of the strait for travelers to stop at. There’s at least one town within a day’s range of each other on the North side, around seven total, and on the South side they are spread further apart, around four total.
On the North side, the biggest town (and the only one with a ferry to take you South) is called Hinode. This is where the Koizumi Inn is located, run by Manolo and Manuela Koizumi.
Hinode, and a few more villages that are closer to Venterre, would look similar to this picture of the fishing village Ine in Japan.
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Hinode is simultaneously the safest and most dangerous village, as it is directly between both clans territories, and the only thing the sirens hate as much as humans is their rival clan. 90% of the time, this means that you are unlikely to see either clan in the waters, as they will just avoid each other, but the other 10% of the time will see bloodshed. 
Once every 2 years or so, during a blue moon, the clans will fight, and Hinode is in the “splash zone” for lack of a better term. All ships will need to be properly secured and enchanted for protection, or they will be turned to splinters as the sirens fight, and people living directly on the water will often move inland for the duration of the fight. Or, the day before, they will take the day travel across the strait to the South side.
On the South side, the biggest town is called Sólsetur, and it would look more like Portloe, Cornwall, shown below. 
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There are a few more towns on the South side, but Sólsetur is the only one that will ferry you across to the North side, and the only one directly on the water. It’s not as centralized as Hinode, and because it’s hidden in a cove it is safer to be here during the blue moon.
All the villages along the strait have protections on them, especially the closer they are to the water, that keeps the sirens from attacking them. But, travel too far outside the barriers of the spells, and you are on your own. 
Both Hinode and Sólsetur are very welcoming of travelers, sailors and pirates alike, and though the people on the South side are generally colder, it’s not hard to find a warm place to sleep and a good meal to eat. 
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arialerendeair · 6 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
I was tagged by @dsudis!! Thank you for the tag! I'm gonna tag... @cuubism, @gabessquishytum, @blueberrymffn, @delta-pavonis, @teejaystumbles, @seiya-starsniper, aaaaand anyone else who wants to play!!
Blank questions for your convenience under the cut! My answers are below!
1. How many works do you have on ao3?
As of today - 668!
2. What’s your total ao3 word count?
A lot. 5,188,608 currently!
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Sandman and Shadowhunters actively, have written for Avengers, Sherlock, Supernatural, and many others!
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Never Judge A Shadowhunter By Their Scent
The New York Shadow Market (Featuring Protective Alec Lightwood)
Magnus Bane: Certified BAMF
A Curse, A Choice, A Claim
A Mutually Beneficial Arrangement
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yes, I answer all of my comments - even if they are a year late, I answer all of them!! (As anyone who sent me a comment in the past 7 months can attest with my spam of responses in October, lol.)
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I tend to be a 'happily ever after or ELSE' type of gal, so I'm gonna skip this one!
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Oh jeeze I need to pick one. Recently? Probably Make It Count, my Titanic AU for the Sandman fandom. STUPID proud of that one.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I definitely have, yup!
9. Do you write smut? if so, what kind?
Everything that could make you blush, and then a few more kinds for fun. Everything from clothes-on frottage to tentacles.
10. Do you write crossovers? what’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I do write crossovers!! Craziest one I've ever done is the 5-fandom crossover battle of the five fandoms fic I did!
The War for The Dreaming
Has Hades (the game), Good Omens, Supernatural, and Shadowhunters, all set in the Sandman universe. WILDLY fun fic to write.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Sadly, I've had almost a dozen fics stolen over the past decade. 0/10 do not recommend.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Oh yes, a bunch of them!!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
The two longest fics I've ever written -
A Tale of Two Dragons, Two Riders, and How They Saved the World (More Than Once) with @to-the-stars-writing!
Colour Forecasting with @blueberrymffn
Are 510k (with a 535k sequel, plus another 60k in other side fics), and 626k (with 2 more epilogues that are both not SHORT) respectively.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
I don't... have one? I sail an armada, y'all.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
*sighs* Oh yes. Candy Coated Nightmare. I am not finishing it on principle. It was originally inspired by a gif fic. That gif fic was taken down when the creator left the fandom due to their art and gifs being stolen over and over again.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Speedy writing, ADHD hacking my brain, and BAMF characters.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
FUCKING. RESEARCH. (Also writing in any dialogue type that is not modern-time.)
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I like it when used sparringly - can be hard to follow the fic when it's used a lot!
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Back in 2004, Gundam Wing. (Though, if we're being technical - that's the first fandom I published fic for. The first ever fandom I WROTE for was Sailor Moon and it was back in 2000/2001.) o
20. Favorite fic you’ve ever written?
*stares at pile of fics* I... I don't think I can pick one. I don't... there's no possible way I can pick one.
1. How many works do you have on ao3?
2. What’s your total ao3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
5. Do you respond to comments?
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
8. Do you get hate on fics?
9. Do you write smut? if so, what kind?
10. Do you write crossovers? what’s the craziest one you’ve written?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will? T
16. What are your writing strengths?
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
19. First fandom you wrote for?
20. Favorite fic you’ve ever written?
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