#Alistair Shredsteel
the-blazing-light · 10 months
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Alistair Shredsteel, Mirage, Pact Diplomat and additionally my lead for SotO in the future
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evilpol · 2 years
for the guild wars ask game, 2 for all of your ocs and 21 for the oc you like the most :)
jfgdsjhh thank you for asking I have, a lot of characters, about 25 in game right now so for the 1st one I'll just focus on the ones who have somewhat of a more defined elite spec, important for their character A lot of cats incoming, beware 2. What's their class/elite spec? Weapon of choice? Did they purposely train for it or did it just sort of happen?
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Arengar Hopebringer, my main character and Commander is technically a dragonhunter in canon, even though I mostly play him as a firebrand because I just enjoy it more. The dragonhunter is... Pretty obvious as to why, he's the commander, the dragon-killer, that just felt appropriate. Also adds a bit of more of an identity crisis to him once turns out killing dragons is no longer the solution and instead he's gotta work with one.
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Arren Sharpclaw is my former, quote on quote 'retired' Commander and a daredevil. He's an expert in hand-to-hand melee combat and makes up what he lacks in magical prowess or size in agility and physical strength, Ash Legion training involves much more than just sneaking around and he shows that.
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Alistair Shredsteel is a mirage and currently a pact diplomat, alongside being Arren's best and one of the oldest friends. He's an incredibly talented mesmer, focusing on deception and treats the battlefield like a game a lot of the time, he can't take a hit a lot of the time but sure can avoid it via clones and constant teleportation.
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Aela Sharpblade is Arren's former bandmate and currently an Ash Legion centurion. She's a willbender, taking down enemies before the threat can fester with, fast, brutal movements and unwavering determination. Willbender guardian seemed perfect for a dedicated Ash soldier.
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Avitus Thunderjaw is an Iron tribune and a Bladesworn. Given Iron legion ingenuity combined with his warrior training, it's not a far stretch for him to use a gunsaber. He's not as much of, a patient warrior waiting for the right moment to strike like bladesworn is in game, but more like... He's a strong, heavy-armored charr with a giant gunblade. Things go boom around him. Guy's been over the moon to get out of his office when Drizzlewood happened and go into the thick of action again.
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Teo Sawtooth is Thunderjaw's son. He's inherited his father's... Let's call it passion for violence and exploding things, so combine an Iron Legion engineer prodigy with some warrior training from his dad and an adrenaline-seeking personality and you get... A holosmith with extremely explosive fighting style that likely causes damage to everyone around, friend or foe. There's a reason he's mostly detained to commanding his own airship nowadays. He's always ready to provide his steady supply of explosives whenever Commander's squad needs something blown up though.
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Tavlas Sandflare is a young but gifted Flame Legion scourge, who despite his age already climbed quite high up in the ranks of his legion. Does he have an ulterior motive? A thirst for ambition and willingness to do anything to make Flame Legion better in his eyes? Who knows he absolutely does, but one thing is certain: necromancer magic fueled by flame legion fire magic yields some horrifying results. Burning people alive from inside out, creating waves of necrotic flames and using his enemies' own life force to fuel his spells, it's all up his sleeve and nothing is "too dangerous" in his eyes to use in a fight.
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Leon Brightglory is another Flame Legion charr and a Firebrand. An older shaman, he's been a part of Gaheron's inner circle for a long time before joining in with Efram. Leon's an interesting case since he's never had much of an ability in his own magic, however learning spells, creating them and studying ancient tomes was his specialty. One of the people responsible for Gaheron's spell to ascend to "godhood", helping Smodur create the searing bomb in Drizzlewood, Leon's done a lot of things he's justified as "for the greater good", yet always managed to stay afloat when waves came crashing down due to being just a sidekick a lot of the time. Most of his magic is fueled by ancient tomes he's been learning all of his life, hence the firebrand specialization. Also because it has fire. A lot of fire. Flame Legion after all.
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Tayro's... An interesting case. An Inquest Operative and a Tempest, he uses purified and liquified ley-line magic to overcharge his elementalist abilities and use tempest's overloads. For which he literally has to inject ley-line liquid into his body. Is this a good idea? Likely not. Is he a little off the rails mentally as a result? Absolutely. However he has still not gotten full-on ley-line crazy and no one exactly knows why or how.
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Vekell Ivarson is one of the characters I've only gotten to making recently. He's a Son of Svanir Reaper, and an opposite of Tavlas in some ways, instead using Jormag's ice magic to combine with his necromancer abilities and fuel his spells. There isn't too much to it since I haven't gotten to doing anything properly with him yet but. Ice necro that is reaper seems very fitting for him.
21. What song or songs do you associate with them?
I'll just pick Arengar for that one since he's my main but djshfghjg I love associating songs with my characters and creating playlists for them so Saint Mesa - Lion Shayfer James - Battle Cry
Skillet - Finish Line Grandson - Blood//Water That one's a little bit different because I mostly associate it with Bangar and his relationship with Arengar, rather than just Arengar himself. Bangar is Arengar's grandsire (with Arengar's dame being Bangar's cub) and Imperator of his legion, along with being a reason Arengar chose the name Hopebringer for himself, making Bangar manipulate Arengar throughout Icebrood Saga quite efficiently and leaving Arengar with a lot of doubts and anger. "The price of your greed is your son and your daughter What you gonna do when there's blood in the water?"
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the-blazing-light · 10 months
How about, rank characters from dexterity to strength as in what they use for combat maybe note a specific trait of dexterity/strength for some characters
I ain't gonna do all characters cuz that's dfhjgjh a lot of 'em to get down to but I'll throw in some that I think deserve a shoutout in that sense but dfjghjh that's gonna be a long one anyway
To no one's surprise, Arengar is extremely physically strong, and being Blood Legion born and raised, yeah he prefers to approach fights with brute force of muscle and magic rather than in any dexterous or stealthy way, and being a heavy-armored, 8 feet tall charr makes trying to be agile or sneaky hard to begin with, him preferring to block hits with aegis and other guardian spells or just straight-up take 'em as opposed to dodging them. All that to say, not that he can't fight with strategy and intelligence put into it, but he certainly prefers just a plain, head-on approach 90% of the time, as for a charr of his particular skillset the alternatives are usually a waste of time
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Kaia is yet another meat wall of a charr. She's extremely strong and durable, as expected of a warrior, and is even more hard-headed and straightforward than Arengar is. Being a warrior, she can't really protect her friends with any sorta spells, instead using her own body as a shield, able to take the punishment and give it back to the enemy twice as hard. Additionally, she's a spellbreaker, with her approach to it involving literally throwing whatever magic her enemies tossed at her right back in their face, so a lot of the time getting hit is her battle tactic. Get hit, shrug it off, toss it back and pummel your opponent with a hammer until it's done.
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Alistair on the other hand really isn't physically strong nor durable. He's an agile, quick mesmer, who can't really take hits but if he plays his cards right, he doesn't in the first place. Confusing his enemies, teleporting around constantly, staying away from the opponent and cloaking himself with mesmer magic is core of his fighting style, with the way he fights it's almost a dance: graceful, fast and quite deadly.
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Now Arren's a perfect combination of the two. He's very short, but stocky, quick and unexpectedly strong. His hits pack a punch but also being a thief he's extremely hard to catch and pin down, which he uses to his advantage.
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Now Aela is on the other side where she's surprisingly agile. She's a heavy-armored soldier, and yet she's extremely lean and fast, dashing and teleporting around, delivering quick, deadly strikes, cutting down the enemy before they can even strike back. Her and Arren actually share a very similar fighting style, being trained together in Ash Legion, but both adapted it to suit better their professions, thief and guardian respectively.
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Lani's just another massive, bulky brick wall that swings around a hammer that's twice as big as some humans. Not much to say here, he's not known for being good at strategy or... Some would say thinking in general, but he sure can handle himself in a fight, be it an all-out war effort or just another bar brawl.
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Zemzus is interesting, because he's your typical run of the mill scholar with athleticism of a wet noodle, but he's also an extremely powerful reaper necromancer. While he's not powerful physically per say, he more than makes up for it with his magic, which allows him to just rely on sheer brute force of it.
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the-blazing-light · 11 months
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With SotO upcoming, thought it would be fun to make a little post about the cast of characters I'm planning to give the leading roles in the new expansion, as given the end of the Elder Dragons storyline and the new story seeming to be heavily focused on the arcane magics and demons the things are gonna be shaken up a bit with my characters! So here we have, as follows: Alistair Shredsteel, Flame Legion runaway, pact diplomat, spy, and a mesmer of considerable talent. Charming, street-smart and... Creative in finding solutions to whatever problems arise.
Fenrar, a Priory researcher interested in all things Mists related. The living definition of the phrase "curiosity killed the cat" he's got an insatiable interest in obscure magic, one that brought him many a problem in the past.
Razorsong, a mysterious Whispers Preceptor with a hobby in collecting all sorts of dangerous magical artifacts and researching demons and other mists beings. An enigma even for his fellow whispers, he is regardless respected for his high status and knowledge, be it no one could quite tell what his goals are.
And Axel Mindcrusher, Whispers Assassin and Razorsong's protege. An incredibly skilled chronomancer with a destructive power to rend time and space itself, seemingly only ever trusting and listening to Razorsong who's been his mentor and benefactor for many years.
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evilpol · 4 years
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So raven's mantle dropped into the gemstore, and my dumb ass who wanted it for ages had to sell all my material storage to get gold for gems. No regrets though, Alistair deserves it
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evilpol · 4 years
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Some more screens of Alistair with his fluffy new mantle. Mirage skills are still really pretty, a shame I don't play him as much as I used to.
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evilpol · 4 years
Ready for Pride Month \o/
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evilpol · 4 years
"You won't be missed"
That'll be a rather short one, but this song really suits Alistair's relationship with his former legionnaire back in Flame. Maybe one day I'll make animatic for this, but for now just a sketch will do
And thanks for asking! :D
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evilpol · 4 years
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Since I live for Alistair, guess I'll post some info about this mirage disaster... Again
Al was born and raised in the Flame Legion, Shred Warband, legionnaire of which strongly disliked the mesmer personally, resulting in constant conflicts and fights, which never turned out in Alistair's favor. He hated his warband and Flame in general with passion, so when he got an opportunity, turned on his people, slitting legionnaire's throat and leaving the rest of warband dying in Ash ambush.
While having a rather dark and unhappy past, Alistair is actually very optimistic, easygoing charr, very loyal to his beliefs. He sees no sence in crying and watching at your misery while you can just get up and keep going, sooner or later after a few punches from the world, you'll punch it back.
He is really happy and proud of the way Flame tries to go right now. Al fully supports and respects Efram Greetsglory, in his opinion, people of Flame have suffered enough and they need a leader like Efram to lead them to peace.
Aaand just some trivia
Talks a lot and talks loud, can be extremly annoying
Will flirt with anyone and at any given time
Still very charismatic
Loves giving people nicknames
Has british accent for whatever reason
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evilpol · 4 years
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Alistair Shredsteel, Mirage, Flame Legion "fugitive", compulsive liar and in general a very charrming individual.
Not gonna lie, I really, really love Alistair. He's my second most played character after Fenrar, mesmer is very fun, and mirage suits him so well I wouldn't ever run anything else on him. And moreover, mirage skills are awesome for taking screenshots!
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evilpol · 5 years
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So, uh, this happened to me after a strike mission recently
Alistair, are you sure there's nothing wrong in here?...
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evilpol · 4 years
🖊 another one for Alistair pls! :3
Surprisingly, Alistair's the calmest member of the group, despite how he may look like. When everything is falling apart and everyone's yelling at each other, it's always Alistair who stays calm and manages to put this chaos down. Sure, he's not a natural born leader like Arren or Arengar, nor does he wants to lead, yet without him the whole group would fall apart after the first argument. He's the heart of the group. Al's often overlooked and not taken seriously, yet he's always there when they need him.
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evilpol · 5 years
Nobody tagged me this time, but I just want to do this with Alistair too, because I love him.
— Your muse's name: Alistair Shredsteel
— A favorite picture/face claim of your muse:
I just love Aurene's Grace
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— Two headcanons you have for your muse:
Alistair's time in Flame Legion was bad, mainly due to his legionnaire, who strongly disliked Alistair personally, often ending up just beating mesmer up as a punishment for any mistake, or worse. Al, on the other hand, never was really physically strong to fight back. Instead, this was the time when he developped his worldview: bad things happen. That's just how life works. No sence crying, giving up and watching at your misery. Better pick yourself up, smile and just keep going. He keeps up this attitude up to the present day, preferring to shrug off bad things with a joke, and that works for him.
He never properly learned mesmer magic, and despite being indeed talented, compared to some professional mesmers his techniques are very rough. His fighting style is very 'spiky', fast and ungraceful, while most mesmers almost dance on the battlefield. Still, he does can easily summon illusions and nobody would say that he's bad at what he's doing.
— Three things that your muse likes doing in their free time:
Drinking, especially with Keleus and Gallus
Card games. Alistair's really good at them, partially because he uses his mesmer abilities to cheat. Everyone knows that, but everyone still plays with him.
Cooking, and he's actually good at it.
— Seven people your muse loves/likes:
Fenrar. A good friend, and he often believes Alistair's lies
Gallus Blackdust, drinking buddy #1
Keleus Darkstone, drinking buddy #2
Efram Greetsglory. Alistair thinks he leads Flame Legion in the right way, and that Flame people deserve leader like him.
I'm kinda cheating on this one, but pretty much everyone from their team of gladia and one sylvari (seriously though, I need to find a name for my group of characters already), he's a rather friendly one. It's hard to make Alistair hate you.
— A phobia your muse has:
Alistair was almost eaten by pocket raptors in the Maguuma. Up to this day, he is still scared of those saurians, and can't get comfortable with riding a raptor, preferring jackal over it every time.
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evilpol · 5 years
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Yes, I did bought Flashpoint lws episode only for houndskin mantle. And I have absolutely no regrets
Now I just need strength not to use it on every character... Or is it too late?
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evilpol · 5 years
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Charr and clocktowers don't much well, that I can say for sure
Finally completed this goddamn tower, which took me about 6 hours and endless patience. It's actually fun, once you get the pace of it. About Alistair... I doubt he wants to return there ever again
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evilpol · 5 years
What? No, I totally didn't forgot about inktober, I just, ehh, wanted to post all those together, they all are simple and even sketchier than I intended. Well, anyway.
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I really enjoy those wacky books, especially the one found in the Blood Keep, and Alistair seems to enjoy it too. When will we get a full version, anet?
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The best part about discipline is ignoring it, am I getting it right? So yeah, it had to be Alistair again. With weird pink purple-ish mess. Yeah.
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And, uh, an apple. I couldn't think about anything for this prompt, so just enjoy this glorious fruit. Things gonna get more serious and less simplified later, I promise xD
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